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Concepts of Classical Optics
Concepts of Classical Optics
Concepts of Classical Optics
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Concepts of Classical Optics

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An intermediate course in optics, this volume explores both experimental and theoretical concepts, offering practical knowledge of geometrical optics that will enhance students' comprehension of any relevant applied science. Its exposition of the concepts of classical optics is presented with a minimum of mathematical detail but presumes some knowledge of calculus, vectors, and complex numbers.
Subjects include light as wave motion; superposition of wave motions; electromagnetic waves; interaction of light and matter; velocities and scattering of light; polarized light and dielectric boundaries; double refraction; and the interference of two sources laterally separated. Additional topics cover Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction; coherent sources separated in depth; applications of physical optics; images of points by single surfaces and by systems of surfaces; magnification, aperture, and field; and image defects.
Illustrative problems appear throughout the text, assuring students of an opportunity to attain a full understanding of the material. The appendixes feature short topics of lively research interest that can be used simply for reference or formally incorporated by the instructor into the course.

Release dateApr 26, 2012
Concepts of Classical Optics

John Strong

John Strong is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Bates College in Maine, USA. He has lectured in countries across the world, including Japan and Sri Lanka, and is the respected author of four books and numerous articles on Buddhism.

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    Concepts of Classical Optics - John Strong





    QUANTUM THEORY, David Bohm. (65969-0)

    ATOMIC PHYSICS (8TH EDITION), Max Born. (65984-4)



    MATHEMATICS OF CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM PHYSICS, Frederick W. Byron, Jr. and Robert W. Fuller. (67164-X)

    MECHANICS, J.P. Den Hartog. (60754-2)


    THE PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY, Albert Einstein, et al. (60081-5)

    THE PHYSICS OF WAVES, William C. Elmore and Mark A. Heald. (64926-1)

    THERMODYNAMICS, Enrico Fermi. (60361-X)

    INTRODUCTION TO MODERN OPTICS, Grant R. Fowles. (65957-7)




    SOLID STATE THEORY, Walter A. Harrison. (63948-7)


    ATOMIC SPECTRA AND ATOMIC STRUCTURE, Gerhard Herzberg. (60115-3)




    THEORETICAL SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOLS. I & II, William Jones and Norman H. March. (65015-4, 65016-2)

    THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Georg Joos, with Ira M. Freeman. (65227-0)



    MATTER AND MOTION, James Clerk Maxwell. (66895-9)

    FUNDAMENTAL FORMULAS OF PHYSICS, VOLS. I & II, Donald H. Menzel (ed.). (60595-7, 60596-5)

    OPTICKS, Sir Isaac Newton. (60205-2)

    THEORY OF RELATIVITY, W. Pauli. (64152-X)


    SURVEY OF PHYSICAL THEORY, Max Planck. (67867-9)

    THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPACE AND TIME, Hans Reichenbach. (60443-8)


    STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS, Erwin Schrodinger. (66101-6)

    PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRODYNAMICS, Melvin Schwartz. (65493-1)

    ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, Albert Shadowitz. (65660-8)



    LIGHT SCATTERING BY SMALL PARTICLES, H.C. van de Hulst. (64228-3)



    STATISTICAL PHYSICS, Gregory H. Wannier. (65401-X)

    X-RAY DIFFRACTION, B.E. Warren. (66317-5)

    SPACE—TIME—MATTER, Hermann Weyl. (60267-2)

    Concepts of Classical Optics

    John Strong

    Bibliographical Note

    This Dover edition, first published in 2004, is an unabridged republication of the work originally published in 1958 by W. H. Freeman and Company, Inc. San Francisco.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Strong, John 1905-

    Concepts of classical optics / John Strong ; illustrations by Roger Hayward.

    p. cm.

    Originally published: San Francisco : W.H. Freeman, 1958.

    Includes index.


    1. Physical optics. I. Title.

    QC355.3.S78 2004



    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Dover Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, N.Y. 11501

    Dedicated to my parents:




    THIS TEXTBOOK is intended for an intermediate course in optics. It can be used for a course running through either one or two terms. Some familiarity with electricity and magnetism, at the intermediate level, and some knowledge of calculus, vectors, and complex numbers are prerequisite.

    In the collection and organization of material for this book certain topics that have been popular in other textbooks have been omitted—mainly topics that the student will encounter in subsequent courses in modern physics and in spectroscopy. And only the very beginning of crystal optics is included.

    On the other hand, various short topics of lively research interest appear later as appendices. These are intended to give the student the flavor of current activities and interests in our field. The appendices may be used informally, simply as reference material, or may be incorporated formally by the instructor.

    The problems have been devised to serve as work incentives for the serious student. The student who works them out will assure himself of a full understanding of the material covered in the text. And furthermore, many items of optics that are not presented in the main body of the text are revealed in the problems.

    The mathematical treatments are largely restricted to the limiting cases where qualitative validity can be retained with little or no quantitative compromise. This restriction facilitates the exposition of the concepts of classical optics with the minimum of concern for mathematical details. The use of complex numbers, and the vector representation of them, further simplify the mathematical expositions.

    Many of the problems are designed to be solved by such methods as are used in the text. By these methods, which we may characterize as the mathematics of modest rigor, transcendental and irrational functions, when their arguments are much less than unity, are reduced to simple algebraic form by series expansions. Any fluency that the student can acquire in the application of these methods will advance his power in physics generally.

    Optics has been a mother of concepts to both experimental and theoretical science. On the side of appreciation, there are many beautiful patterns of color to be seen in optical experiments. On the other side, physical optics has moving mysteries in its theoretical structure. And a practical knowledge of geometrical optics is necessary for effectiveness in any applied science. In short, optics is the most important background science—even if, currently, it appears to have yielded to particle physics in philosophic popularity.

    I wish to acknowledge Mrs. Elsa Clark’s indispensable help in preparation of the manuscript. I am indebted to Henry Fisk Carlton for teaching me much about writing. And finally, I need especially to acknowledge the generous understanding and vigorous cooperation of my publisher during all the ordeal of getting this manuscript ready and in press.


    October 1957

    Table of Contents


    Title Page

    Copyright Page




    Chapter I - Light as Wave Motion

    Chapter II - Superposition of Wave Motions

    Chapter III - Electromagnetic Waves

    Chapter IV - Interaction of Light and Matter

    Chapter V - Velocities and Scattering of Light

    Chapter VI - Polarized Light and Dielectric Boundaries

    Chapter VII - Double Refraction—Calcite and Quartz

    Chapter VIII - Interference of Two Sources Laterally Separated

    Chapter IX - Fresnel Diffraction

    Chapter X - Fraunhofer Diffraction

    Chapter XI - Coherent Sources Separated in Depth

    Chapter XII - Applications of Physical Optics

    Chapter XIII - Images of Points by Single Surfaces

    Chapter XIV - Images of Points by Systems of Surfaces

    Chapter XV - Magnification, Aperture, and Field

    Chapter XVI - Image Defects

    Appendix A - Applications of Interferometry

    Appendix B - Interferometers

    Appendix C - The Kösters Double-image Prism

    Appendix D - Interferometry with Savart’s Plate

    Appendix E - Apodization

    Appendix F - Application of Fourier Transformations in Optics: Interferometric Spectroscopy

    Appendix G - Some Modern Concepts of Light

    Appendix H - The Speed of Light

    Appendix I - Radiation Detectors and Measuring Devices

    Appendix J - Microwave Experiments and Their Optical Analogues

    Appendix K - The Wave Theory of Microscopic Image Formation

    Appendix L - Modern Trends in Methods of Lens Design

    Appendix M - Graphical Ray Tracing

    Appendix N - Fiber Optics

    Appendix O - Optical Filters

    Appendix P - Diffraction Gratings

    Appendix Q - Mathematical Review





    THE MORE I dive into this matter of [optics] and push my researches up to the very spring head of it, so much the more am I impressed with its great honorableness and antiquity; and especially when I find so many great demigods and heroes, prophets of all sorts, who one way or another have shed distinction upon it, I am transported with the reflection that I myself belong, though but subordinately, to so emblazoned a fraternity. (From Chap. LXXXII of Melville’s Moby-Dick.)

    Thus goes Ishmael’s testimony of enthusiasm for whaling, paraphrased to apply to our science.

    A short history of optics appears below to afford us at least a minimum setting for subsequent expositions. Here the names of our heroes, and the incidents by which they gave our science its honorableness, can only briefly be mentioned.

    1. Optics in Ancient Times

    If the ancients failed to reach the heights in optics, the most sophisticated of their sciences, that they reached in art, in literature, and in law, it was not because of any lack of talent of the type that is effective in science today; rather it was because then man did not have the scientific method. The scientific method did not exist until much later, notably after Bacon and Galileo had lived. By virtue of our inheritance of it and of the experimental revelations that that method accredits, we now enjoy transcendent appreciations of light and color. Because of the scientific method we ourselves may be able to embellish the present structure of optical science with contributions that can last throughout all time to come, even though we may not have the intellectual power of those great Greeks, and even if we live in an age too late to participate in the establishment of basic concepts.

    In its ancient beginnings, optics as a science consisted mainly of the law of reflection, enunciated by Euclid (300 B.C.), and a first approximation to the law of refraction, as expressed by Ptolemy of Alexandria (70–147 A.D.). Ptolemy measured the angles of incidence and refraction of light rays at air-water, air-glass, and water-glass boundaries. From his measurements (unusual at that time of experimental sterility) Ptolemy stated that, for a given boundary, the ratio of his measured angles was a constant. We know now that his statement is only an approximation, and that it is rather the ratio of the sines of his angles which is constant.

    Although ancient science was weak, from the lack of experiments, the ancients knew empirical optical properties of crystal spheres, such as were used as magnifiers by engravers to facilitate their art, as well as properties of plane and curved metal mirrors. Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) recognized that rainbow colors were due to droplets of water. Also, Seneca of Rome (from 4 B.C. to 65 A.D.) recorded the colors that are produced from white light when it penetrates a glass prism, leaving it for Newton to show that a second prism can be used to recombine those colors and thus reconstruct white light from them.

    In ancient times the Platonists (Plato, 427–347 B.C.) speculated that vision was due to a divine fire, a stream of particles emitted by the eye, and that the particles, after combination with solar rays at the object seen, returned to the eye to give it its perceptions. There is, indeed, in a very real intuitive sense, something projected out and away from the eye; that something, however, is not a stream of particles but a projection of geometry. No doubt the ancient divine fire or tactile theory of vision satisfied a compulsive need to believe that in some way the eye must touch the objects around us that it helps the mind to perceive so nicely. This feeler-emission explanation retained some repute through many centuries—until the Arabian physicist Alhazen (965–1020) finally effectively banished it.

    Aristotle’s contrasting proposal was that light was an activity in a medium.

    Various forms of these opposing views have oscillated. The pure or modified idea of Platonic particles dominated over Aristotle’s proposed activity until Hooke (1635–1703) as well as Huygens (1629–1695) brought forth activity ideas anew. However, Newton’s (1642–1727) influence brought the particle theory to dominance soon thereafter. It was sustained until Young (1773–1829) and Fresnel (1788–1827) established the wave theory, confirmed by Foucault (1819–1868). Now, finally, in our present century, it has become necessary again to ascribe to light emanations some of the properties of particles as well as waves.

    2. From the Dark Ages to the Renaissance

    In spite of the fact that the first organization of optics in ancient times was an effective start, all scientific progress vanished in Europe with the beginnings of the Dark Ages. This period extended roughly from the sack of Alexandria (389 A.D.) to the thirteenth century—after Arabian political power declined, the European cultural heritage was recovered from the Arabs. The Dark Ages began to end in Europe as men began to give priority to the direct knowledge revealed by experiment, as contrasted to the sophistry of pedants, based on established writing. Precursors of the coming rebirth of science appeared in the writings of Friar Bacon (1214–1294). This was also the time of St. Thomas Aquinas (1227–1274).

    3. The Seventeenth Century

    Although a full history of the revitalization of our science would mention the writings of Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) and Giambattista della Porta (1538–1615), and historical incidents of early times, the events of the rebirth of optics are largely a recapitulation of the works and discoveries of but a few personalities: Kepler (1571–1630), Snell (1591–1626), Grimaldi (1618–1663), Bartholinus (1625–1698), Huygens (1629–1695), Roemer (1644–1710), and, above all, Galileo (1564–1642). Their works and discoveries aroused the wide interest that never thereafter waned. The discoveries in the beginning years of the seventeenth century in astronomy were particularly significant in this regard: the rotation of the sun as revealed by sunspots, the mountains on the moon, the phases of Venus, the satellites of Jupiter, the stars in the Milky Way, the rings of Saturn and satellites of Saturn. Except for Cassini’s (1625–1712) discovery of the satellites of Saturn, and Huygens’ participation in the clarification of observations of Saturn’s rings, all these discoveries were made by Galileo.

    4. The Eighteenth Century

    The eighteenth century was introduced by Newton’s publication of his Optics (in 1704). Nothing can be said about this book that is both brief and adequate. The student should read Einstein’s Foreword, Whittaker’s Introduction, Cohen’s Preface, and Roller’s Analytical Table of Contents, as well as Newton’s own advertisements of the first and subsequent editions of this imagination-moving masterpiece; these writings are available, all together, in a Dover publication.

    The eighteenth century is notable also for an optical discovery born of effort to terminate controversy that had been started by Galileo—the controversy between proponents of the Copernican and of the Ptolemaic concepts of the planetary system. Although the discovery of Jupiter’s satellites and of the gibbous phase of Venus of the previous century had played a large role to effect acceptance of the heliocentric system of Copernicus, an important expectation as a consequence of the theory of Copernicus (1473–1543), not required by the older system of Ptolemy (loc. cit.), and not yet observed, was an annual parallax of the near stars as seen against the backdrop of those farthest away. If the Copernican idea was the true one, it was argued, astronomers should observe an annual parallax produced by the earth’s motion around the sun. Indeed, Bradley (1693–1762) was searching for just this required annual parallax when he made the century’s most fruitful optical discovery. Instead of this parallax, he discovered (in 1728) a parallax-like annular motion, but it was arrayed in the wrong direction. He explained this manifest annular motion (the same for all stars) as the aberration of light. Bradley was thus able to confirm Roemer’s as yet unaccepted velocity, which had been derived from the irregularity in eclipses of Jupiter’s moons, measured a half century earlier. Bradley never found the annular stellar parallax he had sought because of its extreme smallness. That parallax was not a reality until Bessel (1784–1846) found it in 1838. Even the nearest star, Proxima, at 4.3 light-years distance, has an apparent annual movement among the fixed stars of less than one second of arc.

    The most important optical invention of the eighteenth century was the achromatic lens; Hall’s (1703–1771) unpublished realization of it was in 1730, and Dolland’s (1706–1761) patent was in 1757.

    5. The Nineteenth Century

    The unequivocal establishment of the wave nature of light came with the beginning of the next century. The experiments that established it, by Young in Scotland and Fresnel in France, accelerated the development of our science to its liveliest pace yet. And soon afterward the new light waves were established as being transverse in character.

    Before the century was half expended, manifold new experimental results had been consolidated in beautiful theories; and, for example, the science of crystal optics had been established.

    At mid-century Newton’s persistently accepted and long established concept of light as corpuscles was finally contravened by Foucault’s measurements of the velocity of light in both air and water. (It was his doctor’s thesis.) Foucault’s measurements gave final support to the critics of the corpuscular concept—critics that included the mathematician Euler (1707–1783) and our own philosopher-statesman, Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790).

    It was during these mid-century times that Faraday’s (1791–1867) discovery of the connection between light and magnetism became, as Sommerfeld (1868–1951) has put it, an impressively strong hint of the electromagnetic nature of light. And, indeed, Faraday himself sensed the meaning of that hint.

    The nineteenth century saw a continuing development of theory, generally following, but often transcending, the requirements of experiment. Those developments had their culmination in Maxwell’s (1831–1879) equations for electromagnetic radiation and in the Lorentz (1853–1928) electron theory of matter.

    Experimentally, the nineteenth century saw Hertz (1857–1894) generate electromagnetic waves, and discover the photoelectric effect.

    6. Our Own Times

    Hertz’s experimental discoveries of the waves predicted by Maxwell tightened the coherence of our science; however, a by-product of this discovery led to disruptive perplexities—the perplexities that came from further study of the photoelectric effect, which Hertz also discovered.

    In addition, other perplexities arose: for example, the disparity between the predictions of thermodynamics and the measurements of heat radiation. New spectroscopic observations created other mysteries. And, finally, the negative results of the experiments of Michelson (1852–1931) and Morley (1838–1923) created still further theoretical frustrations.

    But with the coming of our own century, these difficulties and frustrations were resolved finally by means of the quantum ideas of Planck (1858–1947), Bohr (1885–), and Einstein (1879–1955), and by Einstein’s concept of relativity.

    7. The Future

    What, then, shall we, or our children, expect with the beginning of the next century? Do we now see all the fundamental structure of our science fully erected, or will Ishmael’s maritime philosophizing, quoted below, again apply?

    "Hardly have we mortals by long toilings extracted from the world’s vast bulk its small but valuable sperm; and then, with weary patience, cleansed ourselves of its defilements, and learned to live here in clean tabernacles of the soul; hardly is this done, when–There she blows!—the ghost is spouted up, and away we sail to fight some other world, and go through young life’s old routine again." (From Chap. XCVIII of Melville’s Moby-Dick.)

    Chapter I

    Light as Wave Motion

    SOME OF THE philosophers of the seventeenth century, in thinking on what must come to the eye from a luminous body to excite the sensation of light and color, pictured light as a wave motion.

    Robert Hooke was a notable proponent of this picture. But it was one thing for him to have the idea that light was a wave motion, and quite another to give that nascent idea sufficient substance to make it a significant contribution to physics.

    It remained for Christian Huygens to come forth with sufficiently specific ideas to establish the wave concept of light as an hypothesis subject to validification. Huygens’ ideas were generalizations of his notions about a mechanism by which a wave motion would propagate or advance on the surface of water; a notion which was inspired, no doubt, as he watched and contemplated expanding ripples as they propagated across the surface of a Dutch canal. Huygens generalized his notions of the explanation of the progress of a two-dimensional wave front on a water surface, to the three-dimensional medium in which he imagined light propagated, which he called ether.

    Huygens pictured a mechanism by which a later form of a wave front could come out of an earlier or preceding form; and with his mechanism he could explain the rectilinear propagation of light. In particular, he advanced an argument to show how light could be a wave motion and at the same time not travel around and behind obstacles, as water waves and sound waves do. And, in addition, Huygens’ mechanism explained the law of reflection of light, as at a mirror surface, and the law of refraction, as at the surface of a lens.

    After these early successes of Huygens, and even after later interference experiments of Young and Fresnel in the beginning 1800’s, a strong case indeed was made for explaining light as wave motion; but it was not clear that the wave motions implied were transverse, not longitudinal. From Huygens’ time until the middle of the nineteenth century, and even after the experiments of Young and Fresnel, the wave concept was not generally accepted. Sir Isaac Newton was the most notable among those who greatly influenced the sustained opposition to it. Newton believed that light was some kind of corpuscular emanation.

    We shall see below how both Newton’s notions of light as corpuscles, as well as Huygens’ concept of light as a wave motion, equally explain the law of reflection, as at a mirror surface, and the law of refraction, as at the surface of a lens. But between these equal explanations there was a great difference. Newton’s notions required the corpuscles to propagate faster in glass or water than in air. In contrast Huygens’ ideas required just the reverse, that the waves propagate less quickly through glass or water than through an equal path in air. It remained in 1850 for Foucault to measure the relative velocities of light both through air and through water; and the result of his experiment was decisively in favor of Huygens’ wave ideas—he got an inferior velocity in water.

    But opinions do not always quickly accommodate themselves to new facts. Such was the case here. This philosophical inertia is apparent in a report on the opinion of 1853 that appeared in the October issue of The Scientific American of that year:

    There are in vogue two theories by which the phenomena of light are explained, the one that of Descartes, Huygens and Euler, commonly called the undulatory theory, the other that of Newton and Brewster, known as the theory of emanations. Both are unsatisfactory in certain respects. The advocates of the undulatory theory maintain that light is in all respects similar to sound, and the colors are compared to the notes of an octave. But, carrying out the parallel with sound, what would be the result if an immense multitude assembled together were each at the same time to shout with a different cry? Would a listener be able to hear distinctly the voice of any one? Most certainly not; yet gazing among the myriad orbs which spangle the starry vault, the eye can readily single out the smallest, whose light is sufficient to affect it, and contemplate it, untroubled by the light of the more powerful luminaries shining in other parts of the heavens.

    1-1. Huygens’ Ideas

    Mach sets forth Huygens’ ideas in an unimprovable manner in his classic, The Principles of Physical Optics. We can do no better than quote him:a

    "The medium in which light is propagated cannot be the air, since light passes through a Torricellian vacuum, which is impermeable to sound. It was more likely to be a medium which can readily permeate all matter, consisting also of elastic particles able to impart their impulse one to another. Their elasticity, according to Huygens, was afforded by their being composed of still smaller elastic particles, and so on, a conception which appeared quite plausible to Huygens. He illustrated the transference of impulse by a row of contiguous elastic spheres, for which a velocity imparted to the first is transferred in a short, but finite, time to the last, all the intermediate spheres remaining at rest. Such impulses may traverse the series in opposite directions simultaneously, and cross one another.

    "The conception of a regular sequence of equidistant waves sent out by the source of luminosity was alien to Huygens; in fact he explicitly refuted the idea of a periodicity analogous to that of sound waves. His conception of light waves was rather of an irregular succession of isolated pulses, whose effects only become noticeable when several of the weak individual impulses coming from different centres add up or unite to form a stronger wave. Impulses such as these are imparted not only in one direction along a straight line, but to all the particles in contact with the pulsating one. Thus in general the spreading out occurs simultaneously on all sides spherically.

    "These conceptions give a method of derivation of the optically effective waves from the ‘elementary waves’; this has been designated the Huygens principle."

    We can best understand Huygens’ principle by applying it to a spherical wave front expanding about a source point as it propagates through the ether. At some prescribed instant of time we consider that this parent spherical wave front instantly disappears, and in its stead a myriad of daughter wavelets appear, one from each elementary surface area of the parent wave front surface. These daughter disturbances themselves expand as spherical waves in the ether. According to Huygens’ principle the disturbances that the adjacent daughter wavelets produce are only manifest as a resultant disturbance on their common forward envelope. Elsewhere, not on that envelope, the disturbances produced by isolated daughter wavelets are to be ignored. Thus Huygens imagined two transformations as continuously taking place: A fission transformation of a parent wave front into a myriad of daughter wavelets; and, inversely, a fusion transformation of these wavelet motions along the common envelope, at a later time, back again into a subsequent single wave front.

    The bow of a small boat passing along a canal or pond produces a succession of disturbances, or Huygens’ wavelets, which thus combined produce its V-shaped wake. In the case of this boat the legs of the V on the water surface represent the common surface envelope of the disturbances recently produced. In the case of light Huygens conceived that the individual wavelets which do not lie on such a common envelope, and are not thus reinforced by neighbor wavelets, were too feeble to be seen.

    FIG. 1-1 Huygens’ wavelet envelope, illustrated by waves on a surface of water.

    Fig. 1-1 illustrates an application of Huygens’ common-tangent construction. Here a surface wave front has struck an aperture in an opaque obstruction, and the figure illustrates the conceived daughter wavelets that were then formed. Beyond the aperture their common tangent extends only from D to B. Similarly, in the case of light, an observing screen placed beyond an aperture is predicted to show full light within the silhouette of that aperture, with a sudden transition to darkness at its border. However, when such a silhouette is examined for its fine details it is found to be bordered by Fresnel’s diffraction fringes. Therefore these predictions, based on Huygens’ construction, cannot be closely relied upon. They are correct, however, in first approximation, as everyone knows from seeing the projected pattern of a window when the sunlight falls on an opposite wall through it. Huygens’ common-tangent constructions were matured by the physicist Fresnel; and his theoretical method of summing Huygens’ wavelets gives a more successful description of such a silhouette border, including its fringes. As we shall see, Fresnel’s mathematical methods were further refined by Kirchhoff. In Kirchhoff’s modification we have a theory which gives enormously more detail than Huygens’ simple graphical construction of the common-tangent, or Fresnel’s more sophisticated method of wavelet summation. But even with these refinements the theory is still not completely true, as a determined comparison of its predictions with careful observations will show. We shall concern ourselves later extensively with both the Fresnel and Kirchhoff refinements over Huygens’ common-tangent construction; but for now, let us see how his primitive graphical construction gave substance to the wave concept of light, as first proposed by Hooke.

    Fig. 1-1 illustrated Huygens’ demonstration of straight-line propagation on a water surface by means of a common-line envelope. Fig. 1-2 shows the construction generalized to the case of light, by means of a common surface envelope. The envelope, in each case, extends only so far as adjacent wavelets intersect on a common line or surface. In so far as we take it that the wavelets which are not tangent to this common envelope are too feeble to produce light, this construction predicts darkness beyond the straight-line projections of the aperture; in other words, Huygens’ construction predicts the straight-line propagation of light. Huygens must have regarded this demonstration with some satisfaction. Alone it was a satisfactory result since straight-line propagation does not seem compatible with wave motion as we know it from water waves and sound. But Huygens’ thinking along these lines yielded more.

    FIG. 1-2 Huygens’ wavelet envelope as applied to light waves in an extended medium.

    FIG. 1-3 Reflection of surface waves.

    Fig. 1-3 shows a water wave, reflected by the two-dimensional counterpart of a mirror. Huygens’ principle predicts the law that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence: ∠ i = ∠ r.

    Fig. 1-4, similarly, shows a water wave that is refracted at a boundary where the wave velocity changes. In the case of a water surface this velocity change may be produced by a shelf where the water depth becomes quite shallow. Fig. 1-4 may be taken as a sectional representation of an extended light wave refracted at an air-glass interface. Huygens’ principle, here, predicts Snell’s law of refraction—that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence, sin i, to the sine of the angle of refraction, sin r, is a constant.

    Fig. 1-5 demonstrates how these laws of reflection and refraction are predicted from Huygens’ principle. In Fig. 1-5 we divide an incident plane parent wave front into only a few elements, and instead of taking a myriad of wavelets as being generated simultaneously, we take only these few daughter wavelets. We consider these daughter wavelets generated successively as the elements of the parent wave front successively arrive at the reflecting or refracting surface.

    FIG. 1-4 Refraction of surface waves.

    FIG. 1-5 Huygens’ construction applied to reflection (a) and refraction (b).

    In reflection, Fig. 1-5a, the interval of time from first contact of the wave front on the glass until the final contact of the last element is the same as the interval from generation of the first wavelet until the final wavelet is generated. Because of this equality the reflected wave front is oriented such that AD sin i = AD sin r, and r = ∠ i.

    In refraction, Fig. 1-5b, the interval of time from first contact until final contact of the last element, for the incident wave front, is the same as the interval from generation of the first wavelet until the last wavelet is generated in the glass. Because of this equality the refracted wave front is oriented such that corresponding distances in the figure, AD sin i, and AD sin r, after they are divided by appropriate velocities, v0 and vg, are equal. Thus

    Huygens’ construction requires v0 > v0 since experience shows i > r. The ratio of velocities is the index of refraction, N.

    1-2. Newton’s Ideas

    The above relations between angles of incidence and reflection and angles of incidence and refraction can be differently arrived at by means of Newton’s concepts. Newton conceived of light as an emanation of corpuscles, rather than as waves, and reflection and refraction as altered straight-line corpuscle trajectories. He conceived the trajectory alterations occurring on refraction at a boundary between different homogeneous media, such as a polished glass-air boundary surface, as due to unbalanced short-range forces of attraction exerted on light corpuscles by the glass near its surface. As these short-range forces were conceived, they were much like van der Waals forces as we now know them. Corpuscle trajectories within such a medium were, of course, straight lines, since the corpuscles were subjected to balanced forces. When the light particles or corpuscles were incident from the outside, and the light was reflected rather than refracted, Newton conceived of an opposite action, namely, unbalanced short-range forces of repulsion. Newton avoided the difficulty inherent in thus explaining simultaneous reflection and refraction, at external incidence, by his proposal that the glass periodically assumed fits of repulsion, and fits of attraction.

    In either case the resultant force acting on one of Newton’s corpuscles was always directed normally to the air-glass surface because, in an isotropic material like glass, there would be no asymmetry to give this force a component parallel to the glass surface. Since a force directed normally to the reflecting or refracting glass surface could not change the parallel component of corpuscle velocity, Newton’s unbalanced forces only altered the perpendicular velocity component.

    In reflection, the perpendicular component of corpuscular velocity is simply reversed. On external incidence, the reversal at reflection required the repulsive forces between glass and corpuscle. On internal incidence this reversal required the attractive forces. Fig. 1-6a shows the y-component of velocity reversed by surface repulsive forces, with the x-component unchanged. Thus, on reflection, the angle of reflection is predicted to be equal to the angle of incidence.

    is the perpendicular component of unbalanced force. This integral is, of course, independent of the angle of incidence. Fig. 1-6b shows the perpendicular y-component of corpuscle velocity increased by Newton’s postulated short-range vertical forces, the x-component of velocity being unchanged. Expressed quantitatively, v0 sin i = vg sin r

    Thus the attraction of the glass surface for Newton’s corpuscles leads also to Snell’s law of refraction. But whereas Huygens’ deduction of Snell’s law requires vg < v0, Newton’s deduction requires vg > v0. As we pointed out before, Foucault’s measurements of the relative velocity in air and water showed vg < v0. Accordingly, here we shall follow Huygens’ rather than Newton’s ideas, and treat light as a transverse wave motion.

    FIG. 1-6 Newton’s corpuscular concept applied to reflection (a) and refraction (b).

    1-3. Complex Numbers


    In our development of the concept of light as a transverse wave motion, our discussions will be greatly facilitated if we use complex numbers. This use of complex mathematics is not intended to make the subject arbitrarily difficult—we use complex numbers because optics is inherently complicated and their use makes substantial simplifications in the mathematical expositions. Once understood, the use of complex variables frees one to think with more facility about the physical concepts of the science, without a distracting concern with mathematical details.

    The reason why the use of complex variables simplifies mathematical exposition in optics is not far to seek. In order to describe a wave motion we have to describe both its amplitude and the phase or timing of its oscillations. It is because complex numbers are double numbers that they are appropriate here. When we write a complex number in exponential form, its scalar coefficient can express the amplitude of wave motion, while its imaginary exponent can express its phase. And in addition to this appropriateness complex numbers obey the laws of ordinary algebra, and in their exponential expressions they are easily integrated and differentiated. This appropriateness and facility combine to endow our quantitative expositions in optics with an awesome beauty, and not a little mystery. We shall first apply the exposition of complex numbers to simple harmonic motion; then to mechanical waves in a string; next to waves in a surface; and finally to mechanical wave motions in an extended medium. In Chapter III we shall recapitulate the theory of electromagnetic waves, applying our complex number exposition.

    Ultimately we shall use complex notation in the addition of the myriads of Huygens wavelets to determine their effect in aggregate; or to determine when the segments of wavelets, in the aggregate, are indeed too feeble to produce light. Such additions take account of both the strength and phase of the added wavelets, as Fresnel did; and furthermore our addition of wavelets will incorporate all the finesse that was introduced by Kirchhoff.

    1-4. Simple Harmonic Motion

    Fig. 1-7 shows a damped oscillating mass. Here the mass is mounted on a spring and constrained so that it can move only in a vertical direction (x cos ωt newtons. Although later we shall use the symbol m for mass, for the present we represent mass, in kilograms, by the symbol λ. The spring restraint is described by a compliance, γ, expressed in meters of displacement of the mass per newton of applied force. The damping coefficient ρ is expressed in newtons per meter per second of velocity. We write down the equation for the equilibrium of forces acting on the mass to get a differential equation whose solutions will describe its motion. The expression (a), below, equates the sum of the inertial force λ cos ωt.


    FIG. 1-7 Model of a damped harmonic oscillator (a), and the electrical analogue, an LRC-series circuit (b).

    Here ω is the angular frequency in radians per second (being 2π times the frequency of oscillation v, in cycles per second) and t is the time.

    Since it is our purpose to use complex numbers, we transform this equation into a complex equation before solving it. We imagine our mass identically constrained along an imaginary but independent direction (y.


    The sum of the two equations above is


    where ῶ is the complex number = x + jya scalar quantity, we call the amplitude of the oscillating force.c

    We are now involved in a mathematical circumlocution. Our real differential equation (a) is buried in the complex equation (c), involving the complex numbers , discussed below. It will develop, as we proceed, that many practical advantages inhere in using this circumlocution.



    The steady state solution of (d) which interests us here is

    = ῦgeiωt


    Here 0 is a complex constant. If this solution, , and its derivatives are substituted in the differential equation (d), we get


    Or, multiplying both sides by ejωtto , which depends on the constants of the motion and the frequency of the driving force.


    Now this complex number is quite analogous to the ratio of , is a complex number which depends only on the circuit constants and on ω:


    is a mechanical impedance. Corresponding terms and expressions appear in Table 1-1 to illustrate this analogy. R is the electrical resistance and ρ the corresponding mechanical resistance. λ is the mass, which corresponds to the electrical self-inductance L. And finally, the electrical capacity, C, and γ, play similar roles in these analogous problems.

    At the resonance frequency ω.

    The maximum velocity, and its phase or timing, may be written by the product of a scalar coefficient and a complex exponential. Thus the complex

    TABLE 1-1

    velocity is written

    = υ0ej(ωtϕ)


    The value of ϕ and

    . Then

    , writing υ, we get the expression (i) for . ϕ is the phase angle by which the phase of . The dependence of ϕ on ω is

    ϕ becomes zero and the velocity and driving force are in phase at resonance.

    If we want now to know the mechanical displacement , rather than the velocity , we may integrate just as we would integrate . This is particularly easy in the case of our exponential exposition. Neglecting the constant of integration,

    As mentioned above, our real displacement x, lies buried in the complex displacement , or the complex velocity . To uncover x.

    FIG. 1-8 Maximum displacement (solid) and phase (dashed) of an underdamped and critically damped harmonic oscillator.

    The dependences of the real displacement and ϕ on ω are illustrated in Fig. 1-8.

    The integrity of the real motion of a mass, buried in the complex notation, is uncompromised, while it is thus buried, when we make the regular algebraic manipulations, and integrate or differentiate.

    A special feature of and , which is of great use in optics, is that they may be represented as vectors in the complex plane. This representation has important applications for adding oscillations. As an illustration, we represent two harmonic motions, together with their sum, as vectors in the complex plane in .

    FIG. 1-9 Vector addition of two complex numbers, ῶa and ῶb.

    Thus, we can add the two motions as complex numbers or complex vectors and later extract their real resultant. Thus plotted in the complex plane, as well as the closing vector, their sum. The projections of these two vectors on the real axis of abscissa give the real components of motions, xa and xb; gives the real component of their sum, x. This graphical representation of complex numbers is much employed in optics.

    1-5. Polarized Waves in a Stretched String

    Continuing, we apply complex notation now to wave motions in a stretched string. Such wave motions may be thought of as the coordinated simple harmonic motions of the various elements of the string. We can generalize what we learn of string wave motions to wave motions in a drumhead or on water surfaces, thus introducing the treatment of wave motions in an extended three-dimensional medium.

    The description of the wave motions of a stretched string is inherent in the differential equation expressing the equilibrium of forces acting on an elementary length of it. The solution of this equation represents the coordinated simple harmonic motions of its segments. Fig. 1-10 shows a short segment of a vibrating string and the deflected element of it that lies between z and z + dz. Here z is a coordinate that runs along the length of the undeflected string. This coordinate axis is represented by a dashed abscissa line in the figure. We take the azimuth of the wave motion of the string to be in the xz-plane, with polarized waves in this azimuthal plane running toward larger and smaller z’s; and we neglect friction for the present, to make our treatment simple. The deflection in the xz-plane in Fig. 1-10 is represented by the coordinate x.

    FIG. 1-10 Vertical forces acting on the element dz of a string, due to tension in it.

    , and consider that the deflections are all small, so that ϑ, the inclination of the string to the z-axis, is nowhere large, and so that horizontal forces acting on the segment will be equal and opposite. The horizontal forces are doubly equal, because ϑ is small so that cos ϑ is very nearly unity on the one hand, and because z lies near z + dz, on the other. The vertical force (downward), at z, is

    At z + dz, the vertical force (upward) is

    Using the second derivative of x to express this force at z + dz:

    we subtract the upward and downward forces to get the net force on the element, arising from the string tension:

    Since we have neither a driving force nor a friction force, we get the differential equation for the motion of the string by setting this string tension force equal to the inertial force. The inertial force is, of course, the product of mass of the segment, µ dz, where µ is the mass per unit length for the string. Thus the differential equation becomes

    , and make this equation the real part of the complex differential equation:

    This differential equation has two steady state solutions at frequency ω. Together, these two solutions describe the composite total polarized wave motion of frequency ω :

    Here ω = 2πν is angular frequency, and v , or their real parts, xa and xb, represent two waves, one propagating in one direction along the string, the other propagating in an opposite direction. A and B are the amplitudes of these two waves.

    We shall first discuss only one of these solutions, taking B = 0 for the other.

    , is repeated, or when the phase angle is increased or decreased by , then or there the deflection, as well as the neighboring configuration of the string, is likewise repeated.

    defines a configuration at the place z1, and at the time t1, which is the same as the configuration at a larger value of z represents a wave configuration traveling to the left.

    The maximum deflection at z, or when it is equal to an even integral number of π’s. Then xa = A and A is the amplitude of the wave. The minimum deflection at zis an odd integral number of π’s.

    changes by 2π . This length increment ±Δz is called the wavelength, and it is symbolized by λ. We previously used λ for mass; but we now abandon this for its customary use, symbolizing wavelength. On substitution of λ for ±Δz we have λν = v.

    now changes by ±1, we have νΔt = ±1. If we write τ

    All these considerations apply similarly for A = 0 and B . This equation describes a wave traveling to the right, since an increase of t yields the same configuration at an increased z.

    The kinetic energy of the element of our string, dz, due to such wave motions, is half of the product of the mass, µ dz, we get for this kinetic energy

    The time average of this kinetic energy is

    In contrast, the energy of configuration of the same element of our string is equal to an integral from x = 0 out to x, and dx. On averaging this integral over one period of oscillation we get the same time average that we got before for the kinetic energy. And the sum of these average kinetic and potential energies gives a constant total energy for the element,

    That is, the average linear energy density in the string due to its wave motion is equally divided between the energy of configuration of the string, or potential energy, and the energy of motion of the string, or kinetic energy. These energy densities are each proportional to ω², and also proportional to the square of the amplitude of motion.

    1-6. Velocities of Mechanical Waves

    −the + sign being associated with waves traveling toward z = −∞, and the − sign with waves traveling toward z = +∞. The velocity of propagation in either case was v, and this velocity was determined by the square root of the ratio of a tension (or force term) and a linear density (or mass term):

    The velocity of transverse waves in an extended isotropic solid medium is also the square root of the ratio of a force term and a mass term. But in this case the force term is the shear modulus of elasticity of the solid, n, and the mass term is the density of the solid, ρ. The velocity of transverse waves is

    These transverse waves are polarizable just like waves in our stretched string.

    And further, in an extended isotropic solid medium the velocity of longitudinal waves is the square root of the ratio of a force term and a mass term:

    Here the force term is more complex; it includes both n and the bulk modulus of compressibility of the solid, k. Longitudinal waves are, of course, not polarizable.

    For gases and liquids the shear modulus n is zero; and, therefore, transverse mechanical waves do not occur. For gases the bulk modulus k where P where M is the molecular weight and V where T is the absolute temperature, and get

    for the velocity of the longitudinal waves of sound.

    Ripples and surface waves on water, such as originally inspired Huygens, afford a final category of mechanical waves to interest us. When the length of surface waves on water is large, the dominant restoring force is gravity; but when λ is small, it is surface tension. In case the water is not too shallow, the velocity is given by

    Here g is the acceleration of gravity, and σ is the surface tension of the water or other liquid of density p.

    Chapter II

    Superposition of Wave Motions

    IN THE preceding chapter we saw how the density of kinetic or potential energy along a stretched string, arising from wave motion, was proportional to the square of the amplitude of that wave motion. And, also, when we had the superposition of two transverse waves of the same frequency, expressed as complex functions, we saw how the aggregate wave motion was the sum of the complex functions representing the superimposed components. In this chapter we shall be concerned with the methods of determining such sums by vector addition in the complex plane. We shall see in the next and later chapters that these mathematical methods may be applied to light since it also is a transverse wave motion, being oscillations of electric and magnetic fields. The problems of mathematical expression and summation of such electric and magnetic field oscillations are the same as for the transverse mechanical waves in our stretched string.

    The superposition illumination that we see when two beams of the same frequency are superimposed is proportional to the square of the aggregate amplitude. Thus, two equal light wave amplitudes of opposite sign could cancel each other, and two equal waves of the same sign would add to give an aggregate amplitude twice as great as either component alone. In the first case we have the adding of light to light to get darkness, as Francesco Maria Grimaldi expressed it; and in the second case, with the doubling of amplitude, or quadrupling of the illumination, we have an apparent violation of the principle of conservation of energy. The explanation of these matters is now also our concern.

    . There is, however, no restriction on the phases we may take for our solutions, nor on the amplitudes. And, for that matter, azimuths of polarization along the string also are unrestricted.

    Although waves in the stretched string must run to the right or the left, waves in a drumhead, for which the equations are similar, can propagate in various directions in its plane. Propagation directions for waves in an extended medium are unrestricted. In a drumhead, all wave motions are restricted to lie perpendicular to the membrane, and are thus mutually parallel, irrespective of the direction of propagation. In contrast with these restrictions, transverse waves in an extended medium may have different azimuths of vibration as well as different directions of propagation.

    If, on the one hand, component transverse waves are in phase, we may get their sum from algebraic addition of the geometric vector components. On the other hand, when parallel displacements of geometrically parallel component transverse wave motions are not in phase, we can get the resultant wave motion by a vector summation in the complex plane. This is the vector addition of the graphical representations of the complex numbers that describe the geometrically parallel component wave motions. In the general case, however, when component waves at a point are neither in phase nor parallel in displacement, owing to differing directions of propagation or azimuths of polarization, we must use both types of vector summation to get the resultant wave motion. The summation in geometric space of parallel components takes account of different propagation directions and polarization azimuths; the vector summation in the complex plane takes account of different phases. This general case is treated in § 2-5.

    2-1. Sum of Two Cosine Functions of the Same Frequency

    Let us consider the addition of two cosine functions representing two parallel wave motions with amplitudes A and B and with phases α and β. These two cosine functions may be taken as the real components of two complex functions, and their sum may be written

    The expansion of the double arguments of the cosine functions above, for xa and xb as well as for xc, gives the interrelationships

    Thus the sum of two cosine functions, xa and xb, of the same frequency, is also a cosine function of that frequency, xc. And it is evident that the sum of two, added to a third, and so on, ad infinitum, will give a final sum that is still a cosine function of the same frequency. Thus we have a kind of integrity of frequencies in these summations.

    On the physical side, as we proceed into the following chapters, we shall see demonstrations of this integrity of frequency, that the sum of two or many component light wave motions of the same frequency also has that same frequency. And it is also a fact of experience that the observed composite amplitude that several superimposed known amplitudes of light of the same frequency produce, when made to pass simultaneously through a given point, conforms to the calculated sum of the amplitudes that each component alone would produce. Of course we must take proper account, in the calculated sum, of the component amplitudes, phases, azimuths of polarization, and directions of propagation. The statement of experience, that we have this strict conformance for light between observed and calculated superpositions, is called the principle of superposition.

    Whereas the expressions above, for the superposition of only two waves, easily yielded the lumped phase and a lumped amplitude (α and β yielding γ, A and B yielding C), when many waves are superimposed the finding of the sum becomes a more complicated procedure. And in addition to this complexity for parallel wave motions, we

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