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Digest on Human Rights and Justice
Digest on Human Rights and Justice
Digest on Human Rights and Justice
Ebook267 pages7 hours

Digest on Human Rights and Justice

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About this ebook

The subject of human rights and its attendant these of access to justice have remained relevant areas to the legal fraternity. This relevance resonates well in the fields of teaching and learning the law, consultancy, legal practice and advocacy, law reform, and judicial decision making. In the East African region, however, the availability of research and reference material for these two areas of learning has remained low. It is against the backdrop of the foregoing that the publishing of the Digest on Human Rights and Access to Justice in East Africa is an important aspect of the development of the law in the region. Bringing together decisions of both municipal courts within the East Africa region beyond, the digest has breathed a totally new lease of life into the practice and comparative legal studies in the area of human rights and access to justice. To a large extent, the digest has robbed practitioners of law of the excuses attendant to poor advocacy in the arena of human rights. It has robbed judicial officer of the excuses attendant to shallow and poorly reasoned judgments. It has robbed students and teachers of law the excuses attendant to poorly researched theses in the area of human rights. Definitely, it has added immense value to the consumers of human rights and access to justice. This Digest is a product of the fruitful on-going collaboration between LawAfrica Publishing Ltd and East Africa Law Society. Both LawAfrica with its East Africa Law Reports, and EALS, with its ever-growing collaboration between East African lawyers, yearn for greater integration of legal practice in the three East African countries. This Digest is a contribution to that desire.
Release dateDec 19, 2007
Digest on Human Rights and Justice

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