Meat & Potatoes of Plastic Injection Moulding
About this ebook
The Plastics Injection Moulding arena is a worldwide arena where different cultures use different methods, however the base set of instructions or how we do things in this arena stick true. As we progress through the different levels of advancement, ie: operator, operator-setter, material handler, diesetter, troubleshooter, die-trialer. we get asked or instructed to do things, we may even get told why, but this why is typically 'because that's how it's done'. This book and others in the series go a lot more in depth explaining the Why we do things in this arena. I describe in depth the reason we do what we do including side effects in Plastics Injection Moulding.
Danny Kerridge
I have worked in plastics since August of 1984. Recently Retired.Covered all aspects of the Industry from Operating and 'what the operators have to put up with' through material handling prior to computers and calculators, which for some of you 'old salts' included the use and mix of dry powders as colouring. On to Die setting, which (for information) was where I felt the most comfortable. The reason for this is that I found when you put a tool into the machine from scratch, set it up run and troubleshot initial parameters you get to know how that tool ticks.As opposed to being a Technician and walking behind the Diesetters correcting any faults. Yes it is true, with the knowledge already onboard by the Techs it doesn't take long to come to grips with the tool, I just found it more appealing to start on the front line and be a part of fixing issues at the ground level.Moving on...I spent a lot of time in the Technicians role including senior technician for a number of years, as a Team Leader (supervisor)position. This position left me training and guiding technicians and diesetters more than dealing with the every day activities on the floor. For those in this position, there is always pressure to get "the hardest" jobs in and running, it always seems to be these jobs where guidance was required, which is where I came into my own. I have worked with multitudes of machines, multitudes of materials and experienced many different workplaces. I hope the following guides assist those requiring a little extra explanation.
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Meat & Potatoes of Plastic Injection Moulding - Danny Kerridge
Meat & Potatoes of Plastic Injection Moulding Series
Introduction to Basic Elements & Why we use them
Danny Kerridge
Smashwords Edition
Copyright © 2014 Danny Kerridge
License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
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Table of Contents
For The Diesetter
For The Troubleshooter
About the Author
This Book is aimed at the people finding themselves in and around Plastic Injection Moulding machines, which would include primarily die setters and/or technicians.
For further insights into Die setting practices and the Why's, also Troubleshooting and Die Trialling Practices including the Why's, keep a lookout for these books coming soon, by Dankerr Enterprises.
A Basic Understanding of the environment and machinery surrounding these few elements is expected and will assist in your time in and around Plastics.
Now...This is a MUST to understand.
There are times at work when time constraints, pressure from above etc are going to take it's toll on how you conduct yourself. It is Important to understand that when taking a shortcut