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Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind
Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind
Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind
Ebook109 pages2 hours

Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Chosen One

  • Prophecy

  • Power Struggle

  • Mentor Figure

  • Divine Intervention

  • Forbidden Knowledge

  • Deception

  • Apocalypse

  • Revelation

  • Curse

About this ebook

Yakub is a Black Scientist introduced to the public by Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad told of his history as being the father of mankind or the maker of the white race. This teaching proved to be one of the most explosive within the Nation of Islam's theological and mathematical doctrine.
Thought to be a myth, especially among those who gravitated more towards Orthodox Islam or Christian Science, which by the way, don't accept Elijah Muhammad as being authentic, but since the cloning of the sheep Dolly and other organic species, the facts that Elijah Muhammad attributed to this man cannot be discounted unless we all suddenly agree that "Dolly" never happened.

This book is very controversial, but so is any information that is denied because of the fear of its impact on society. Professor Mendel's theory of grafting was resisted - until scientist began testing. Once the proof is present, talk became mote.

Regardless of what's said about Elijah Muhammad, the scientist of this world are taking their hats off to him in secret, because the genetic advances they are attempting, Elijah Muhammad was teaching in the 1930 before they even found their "magic bullet" to address polio. This books makes us put our feelings aside and look at the numbers to see if what he is saying adds up.

Release dateAug 8, 2011
Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind

Elijah Muhammad

The Honorable Mr. Elijah Muhammad is the Father of Us all. He taught us to be Muslims. He turned the hearts of our people back to our roots. He taught that the Black man is the Original man. The Maker, Owner and God of the Planet Earth.

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Reviews for Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind

Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars

28 ratings5 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title very informative, profound, amazing, and enlightening. It discloses unheard of information and is filled with symbolism. The book is recommended for those with an open mind.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 5, 2018

    This was a great read in plain english. Quite informative. I highly recommend for anyone that has an open mind.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 3, 2023

    great read! loved it! must spread this message! peace and blessings!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Dec 22, 2022

    Profound, amazing, informative and as far as I have determined, irrefutable. This book discloses information so profound and unheard of before, that it reads like science fiction. If it were not for the many scripture references , particularly from the Bible and also the Holy Koran it would possibly be dismissive. But it isn’t dismissive. I am enlightened, to say the least. I plan to read this book at least once more!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Oct 6, 2022

    Very informative. This is the the starting point. Now the original will take over.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Mar 8, 2021

    Very interesting to say the least most people are unable to understand the symbolism in the teaching of the Hon Elijah Muhammad and the teaching s of Master Farad most of it is self-evident in my opinion by reading this book I now have a better understanding Of Mr. Yacob and his people and nation Isreal I now want to know more of my people from the teaching of Mr. Shabazz

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Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind - Elijah Muhammad



The Father of Mankind


Elijah Muhammad

Messenger of Allah

Compiled & Edited by Nasir Makr Hakim

Minister of Elijah Muhammad

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Published by

Secretarius MEMPS Publications

111 E. Dunlap Ave. l Phoenix, AZ 85020 l secmemps@gmail.com l 602-466-7347 l www.memps.com

Copyright © 2002

MEMPS eBook Edition, License Notes:


This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to memps.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author and publisher.

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~ Sayings of Elijah Muhammad, Vol. 3

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Table of Contents


In The Real Beginning

The Sign of The Moon

Why God Is One

By One Man Sin Entered Into The World

The Curse Of The White Race

How The Blackman Rules

The Science of Numbers

A Change In Rulership

How Time Is Defined

Why was Yakub allowed to rule for six thousand years?

From The Dust of The Earth

The Brother From The East

The Birth of Mr. Yakub

Yakub's Determined Idea

The Science of the Gods

The Origin of Races

Jacob Wrestles With The Angel

Crossing The Burning Sand

And The Serpent Was Lifted Up

Let Us Make Man In Our Image

Murderers From The Beginning

You Will Know Them By Their Work

Prince of Darkness & The God of The World

The Original Overtakes Himself

The Coming of The Son of Man

Legend of Book Citations

* * * * * * *


I have been publishing Elijah Muhammad works for the past twenty years. My initial intent was to publish for children, especially since I had acquired my second degree in Early Childhood Education in California. I did not see many books addressing the special needs of black children. After ascertaining a concrete cause as to why this was so, I began purchasing the necessary computers to develop materials to satisfy this vacuum. Another task I began to undertake was collecting as much documentation of Elijah Muhammad that I could find, and please believe me, at that time, the prices were high. Yet, like the Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad's father, I got what I needed regardless of the price. The price didn't mean a thing, because I wanted to assist in the restoration process of my people, and no price is too high. But little did I realize at this time, that I would eventually pay with all I had.

As I set out to develop the idea of publishing for children, I had amassed more and more of what Elijah Muhammad taught. The materials collected ranged from audio and video tape, articles from early writings and the Muhammad Speaks newspaper. Occasionally, I would be blessed with more intimate writings from the Messenger's own hand as well as letters from persons whom the Messenger had written. Although these documents and media are the base of what I have collected, more important, is my belief in Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, and His Messenger, Elijah Muhammad, because without belief in Them and the power of their spirits, this collection would be like having the best transportation on the planet without the keys to use it.

My initial submission to my first mentor and self-experience through traveling nationally around those of the Nation of Islam, laid the basis for a seed bed, from which to mature in the knowledge I had gained. My interaction with pioneers in the Nation of Islam, who had the pleasure of the Messenger of Allah's presence, added an unparalleled seasoning to what was once a shallow breath. With what I have learned from an abundance of materials and selected interaction, has virtually cut years off of my learning experience; thus, relieving me of needing to reinvent the wheel. These experiences are in and of themselves priceless.

After developing an appreciation of Elijah Muhammad's thinking, this knowledge convinced me to change my focus from publishing for Allah and His Messenger; for I had initially set out to do my will, but the more I learned, the more I began understanding my duty, which took precedence my to His Will (All Praise Is Due To Allah).

One of the many experiences I would like to share with you, the reader, is an instance when we would read over the Messenger's teachings numerous times and would get different bits of knowledge that we somehow missed a previous time. Many of us can relate to this experience; yet, there are so many others who feel reading a book once, not to mention twice, as drudgery. These are the ones who would write the Messenger complaining that he didn't put new articles in the Muhammad Speaks newspaper on a timely basis. The Messenger would respond to the effect that their actions had not changed to signal that they had caught up with the first ones. I have read letters that the Messenger's books seem to have the same materials in them; therefore, buying more is unnecessary.

There are various lessons in different schools of thought that teaches against giving a novice certain knowledge before time. The Holy Qur'an admonishes us to not ask questions until a certain time. What I am getting at is this: Without a certain level or breath of knowledge, we may treat the revelation of knowledge disrespectfully, because he have not developed in knowledge. If we haven't developed a background with which to receive new knowledge, we may treat it carelessly out of ignorance. This has been the case with Elijah Muhammad's teaching. Many have not taken it seriously enough. This is exhibited in the families and lifestyle by many who have amassed his teachings, but they don't know how to apply them. I could have said this more euphemistically, but if they have them and yet will tolerated the awful conditions they are experiencing, then either they're simply ignorant and don't know that they don't know or they are fools who know that they don't know, and proud of it.

This book, Yakub: Father of Mankind, is not the only attempt at this subject; however, I wanted to take the nine sources of the Messenger's own words and compile one book dedicated to this subject; a subject which Wallace Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad's son had banned from being taught when he first took control of the Nation of Islam. This subject was also butchered into a fairy tale by Minister Farrakhan and eventually discontinued.

Elijah Muhammad writes, …You are bearing witness to the people that I am the man from God. You are to show proof that compares with predictions. You have not seen God, but you believe that I have seen Him….We are building a new world. I have to follow close to my Lord [Master Fard Muhammad]. You have to follow close to me to follow Him…You cannot take Yakub's history and defend it as I can. It is best that you teach the people what you heard me teach.

To this end, I ask your patience with this book. It may appear that the Messenger repeats himself in certain instances; however, if you are not careful, you can miss very important bits of information necessary to see into how the Messenger can take current phenomena to substantiate the creditability of Yakub's existence and history, especially in a time and amongst a people who see its revelation as most dangerous.

I am aware that some will say, "I've read this before, but how many pieces of the puzzle were you looking

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