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Italian Grammar Practice
Italian Grammar Practice
Italian Grammar Practice
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Italian Grammar Practice

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Italian Grammar Practice is a collection of 45 worksheets which cover the basic areas of Italian grammar.

The book assumes that you have already learned the particular grammar point you intend to practise and for this reason no explanations of the various grammar points are provided. It is therefore recommended that you have to hand the particular Italian grammar or course book you have been using for reference purposes.
Answer keys are provided for all the exercises; you can navigate to these (and back to the exercises) by clicking the exercise or answer key title.

The follow-up volume to Italian Grammar Practice, entitled More Italian Grammar Practice, is also available for most e-readers. It covers those grammar points not dealt with in Italian Grammar Practice.

If you are a teacher or lecturer then you may be interested to know that A4 photocopy master versions of Italian Grammar Practice (entitled Agenda grammatica) and More Italian Grammar Practice (entitled Ancora grammatica) are available on my website www.italiangrammar.com. Another photocopy master pack, Italian Homework Activities is also available for sale on this site but not for e-readers.

If you are learning or teaching French then two further titles, French Grammar Practice and More French Grammar Practice can be purchased for most e-readers. For A4 photocopy master versions of these titles please visit my website www.frenchgrammar.co.uk.

PublisherRemo Nannetti
Release dateMay 26, 2013
Italian Grammar Practice

Remo Nannetti

Dr. Remo L. Nannetti (M.A. (Hons.), Ph.D., A.L.C.M) is the recently retired Principal Teacher of Modern Languages at Notre Dame High School, Glasgow (Scotland). Remo has over thirty years' experience of teaching French and Italian and has been involved in the training of Italian teachers at the University of Glasgow and the production of curricular/training materials for Learning Scotland. Remo lives in the West End of Glasgow with his wife and family. He is a keen classical piano-player and opera fan (but can't sing a note!).

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jul 2, 2015

    amaZing we need to read to 0pen 0ur mind. ,so we can become useful to 0thers !

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Italian Grammar Practice - Remo Nannetti



Remo Nannetti

Published by Remo Nannetti at Smashwords

Copyright 2013 Remo Nannetti


Italian Grammar Practice is a collection of 45 worksheets which cover the basic areas of Italian grammar.

The book assumes that you have already learned the particular grammar point you intend to practise and for this reason no explanations of the various grammar points are provided. It is therefore recommended that you have to hand the particular Italian grammar or course book you have been using for reference purposes.

Answer keys are provided for all the exercises; you can navigate to these (and back to the exercises) by clicking the exercise or answer key title.

The follow-up volume to Italian Grammar Practice, entitled More Italian Grammar Practice, is also available for most e-readers. It covers those grammar points not dealt with in Italian Grammar Practice.

If you are a teacher or lecturer then you may be interested to know that A4 photocopy master versions of Italian Grammar Practice (entitled Agenda grammatica) and More Italian Grammar Practice (entitled Ancora grammatica) are available on my website http://www.italiangrammar.com. Another photocopy master pack, Italian Homework Activities is also available for sale on this site but not for e-readers.

If you are learning or teaching French then two further titles, French Grammar Practice and More French Grammar Practice can be purchased for most e-readers. For A4 photocopy master versions of these titles please visit my website http://www.frenchgrammar.co.uk.


Unit 1: Present Tense: Regular –Are Verbs

Unit 2: Present Tense: Regular –Ere Verbs

Unit 3: Present Tense: Regular –Ire Verbs

Unit 4: Present Tense: Irregular Verbs A

Unit 5: Present Tense: Irregular Verbs B

Unit 6: Perfect Tense: Regular Avere Verbs

Unit 7: Perfect Tense: Irregular Avere Verbs

Unit 8: Perfect Tense: All Avere Verbs

Unit 9: Perfect Tense: Essere Verbs

Unit 10: Perfect Tense: Avere & Essere Verbs

Unit 11: Reflexive Verbs: Present Tense

Unit 12: Reflexive Verbs: Perfect Tense

Unit 13: Future Tense: Regular Verbs

Unit 14: Future Tense: Irregular Verbs

Unit 15: Future Tense: All Verbs

Unit 16: Imperfect Tense A

Unit 17: Imperfect Tense B

Unit 18: Imperfect Tense C

Unit 19: Perfect Tense / Imperfect Tense A

Unit 20: Perfect Tense / Imperfect Tense B

Unit 21: Adjectives A

Unit 22: Adjectives B

Unit 23: Adjectives C

Unit 24: Comparatives

Unit 25: Possessive Adjectives A

Unit 26: Possessive Adjectives B

Unit 27: Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns

Unit 28: Negative Expressions A

Unit 29: Negative Expressions B

Unit 30: Pronouns A

Unit 31: Pronouns B

Unit 32: Pronouns C

Unit 33: Pronouns D

Unit 34: Prepositions A

Unit 35: Prepositions B

Unit 36: Familiar Imperative

Unit 37: Interrogative Expressions

Unit 38: Verb And Infinitive A

Unit 39: Verb And Infinitive B

Unit 40: Verb And Infinitive C

Unit 41: Partitive

Unit 42: Quantities

Unit 43: Plurals

Unit 44: Positional Expressions

Unit 45: Piacere


A. Fill in the blanks by putting the infinitives in brackets into the correct part of the Present Tense.

Example: Oggi Paolo festeggia il suo compleanno. (festeggiare)

1. Io __________ a scuola alle otto e mezza. (arrivare)

2. Riccardo __________ duecento sterline in euro. (cambiare)

3. Noi __________ ai nostri amici. (telefonare)

4. Tu __________ molto nella classe di matematica. (imparare)

5. Loro __________ un programma alla radio. (ascoltare)

6. Anna e Roberto non __________ mai. (studiare)

7. Carlo Luigi, perchè non mi __________ ? (parlare)

8. Io e mia sorella __________ un regalo per Rita. (comprare)

9. A che ora __________ stasera, ragazzi? (mangiare)

10. Lei __________ otto ore al giorno. (lavorare)

11. Dora e lui __________ bene insieme. (cantare)

12. Lui __________ una bella macchina sportiva. (guidare)

B. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct verbs from this list:

raccontano, parcheggia, viaggia, abito, cominciate, mandiamo, torni, chiacchierate, invitiamo, guarda

1. Io __________ a solo cinque minuti da scuola.

2. Maria __________ il suo programma preferito.

3. Noi __________ i nostri cugini a una festa.

4. Loro __________ tutta la storia.

5. Tu __________ a

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