About this ebook
Join me on a journey past a thousand suns and spectacular seas of tranquil waves of serenity. Opening your heart's energy source connecting the vast creation beyond the human mind. Explore the infinite amount of knowledge from the bridge of eternity clearing your sight to the expansive light and love that reaches and is within us all. Love is the answer. The distance from that space creates the void of uncertainty, an exploration from what could be and how your life is now. The void is the relentless choice to stay there, the reality is you don't have to. Our thoughts embark our reality creating the darkness we hold so close wrapping the veil that over shadows our inner light. Dreams, waking life, realities, holograms, matrixes, and dimensions are to be explored and envisioned by the many theories, philosophies and data that is reaching a climax and connecting our souls as one. The many paths individually explored, reaches a new spectrum of the infinite amount of channels to get you from one moment to the next. There is a joyful, tranquil, common flow of neutrality within our core energy source that unifies the cosmos with the source of our true being. Reaching this knowing amplifies the truth in us all crossing the paths of moments of our time. Be astonished that you have a front row seat to the most spectacular movie production ever recorded: life, and you also play a major role in this epic adventure that you create, changing the character you play as each scene unfolds. The stories of yesterday are yours to write today, creating a more magnificent tomorrow. The cosmos are calling, are you listening?
John Steinbauer
John Steinbauer grew up in Metro Detroit and went through some very difficult times growing up, but with each obstacle later in life; each step on his path he opened his heart, mind and soul to what he now calls his own "enlightenment". John moved to Central New York in 2003 and married his best friend, soul mate and love of his life. He has two daughters and is currently an educator with special needs children. He plans on continuing his education in the field of Trans-personal Psychology.
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The Infinite Trilogy - John Steinbauer
Infinite Awakening
John F. Steinbauer
Smashwords Edition
Special thanks to Carrie for the outstanding mastery of delicately editing The Infinite Awakening. Thank you to Kiersten for choosing a title that creates a journey beyond the stars, helping the reader to understand their unique voyage. Thank you to Chelsea for putting your heart into finding art work that truly helps the reader open their consciousness beyond the spectrum of this third dimensional reality.
Edited by Carrie E. Steinbauer & Kiersten Skinner (revision)
Title by Kiersten L. Skinner
Pictures chosen by Chelsea R. Hooper
Copyright © 2011-2013 John F. Steinbauer
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.
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tmp_dc166b2e7dc2d21351077bdd71515ba4_3PY2bB_html_d42b4d0.jpgTable of Contents
The Awakening
The Signs
The Beginning of Your Discovery
Starting with yourself
You are your own creator
You have this moment Now
The Sun Only Rises
Expansiveness is your Uniqueness to yourself
Belief is your ability to Deal with your reality
Love evolves from your Eternal energy…your source
The One
Infinite Creator
You're one thought away from Eternity
Your Creation is a Magnificent Orchestrated Symphony
Can you see your light?
Knowing your truth
Fear of the Unknown
Altered state of Creation
Pause and Reflect
The Infinite Awakening
From Darkness into Light
Words of Importance
Final Words
The Reflection of your Soul
Change is the essence of life, be willing to surrender what you are, for what you could become.
The Infinite Awakening is the second book in a series of three. Each book corresponds with the next, opening the river of knowledge that brings forth the infinite nature of your being and your abilities beyond the spectrum of your limited physical mind.
Walk with me through the door of many moments orchestrated uniquely in time with the energy of your heart, mind and soul. In time what is merely a notion of discovery from the path of less resistance and the becoming of so much more. Come with me on a historic journey written by the highest aspects of our souls, exploring the infinite consciousness of our creation and the connection of the light we all hold.
We will, on this journey, explore in depth where The Infinite Dream left off: the physical you ready to walk through the door to your infinite soul and the limitless opportunities that will follow. We will balance the aspects of your infinite energy, explore the vastness of this reality, open the door to your healing powers, expand your mind to the infinite connection from the higher realms, and take flight through dreams and your waking state while breaking through the fears of our time. There is so much to learn; together finally shedding the many layers of discernment from the constricted mindset of our awakening. By the end of this book, you will lift your consciousness connecting with the highest source of your being and opening your heart chakra to a level that will open the door to any constrictions you may have held on to before. Don't be afraid you have always held this light. Hold it high and within and set yourself free; there is nothing that you cannot dream that won't become your reality when you give yourself this gift. In the second half of this book, we will explore the many theories out there and how we all hold a piece of the puzzle to the answers that elude us from the knowledge we already know and hold locked away from the ego
portion of ourselves and the veil of forgetfulness that traps most in the on-going reincarnation wheel here in the physical third density reality. We will take flight through the cosmos and leave this world behind, shedding our physical selves and reaching the unlimited potential of our soul's epic journey from that spark of creation so long ago.
The Infinite Dream was constructed for anyone who was having difficulty with their lives, themselves, or who was battling the past or afraid of the future. The dream
was reaching a higher place of knowing. The book was set up in a way that didn't follow a step-by-step program like others of the same structure. The emphasis on the first book was the ego, darkness, emotions, and drama. It was the physical you understanding that you are a spiritual being and how to open to that aspect of your life. I showed you the door to your spiritual self; I even opened the door for you, while helping you walk through it.
I went through these emotions and one day I took my first step toward knowing myself, life here on Earth, the illusions we succumb to and the emotional walls that slowly suffocate the life from you. It was a hard and painful process walking my path, but it was amazingly
worth each step from where I stand now. I will help you contain the knowledge of your own powerful energy, showing you that you don't have to walk the path of hardship any longer than what you create in your own consciousness.
The Infinite Awakening will be your guide to helping you understand your own unique path here in the physical reality. Helping you see
the power you hold dearly within and show you that you’re simply a creation by the means of your thoughts and emotions here on Earth. We will first touch base in more depth through the doors of the physical ego-minded
self and expand your awareness to your spirit, balancing you to grow and expand your life here now. We are part of a miracle before our eyes here on Earth, how everything balances out the rest. There is no place like here in the cosmos; we are unique as individuals as we are unique to the infinite space we share with the universe.
There are many experts from various fields that believe we're in the midst of a shift consciously, planetary and throughout our solar system and galaxy. Some experts even believe we're closing in on an ascension period which will lead us to the other side. Others believe we are at the end of a period set up by higher dimensional souls. I even know of many, including me, that believe there is no past, future or present, there is just now. Now translates to the moment of each creation you experience that will open your consciousness to all that is and will become through the evolvement and path of your soul. There are even some that believe nothing is real and everything is an illusion; soon this reality will fade and we will awake to the light of our true selves. There are thousands and thousands of theories out there. I will touch on some specific ones later in the book.
I will take you on a journey past this realm to the outer consciousness of your twin soul; one here experiencing life on the physical world and the other in the higher dimensions of eternity. We will experience every aspect of your being and where this all goes in the pages ahead. Are you ready to take a walk on the wild side? If yes, first we need to open the door from the first book and walk through it to a destination unknown by most, experienced by some and lived by fewer. The one thing I ask of you is this: please read the book in its entirety. Take your life (path) and put it in place of the words written and open yourself from that perspective.
"Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light."- Bruce Lee
The Awakening
Poem by John F. Steinbauer
Envisioned in the truth and awareness, we sit still and notice the possibilities of our place and time.
So many truths discovered, so many illusions to pull us away.
The screams of tomorrow are today’s pulse that swallows our consciousness further from our purpose and truth.
One to watch at home, one in another room, one in the palm of our hands, one by the dramas that we believe creates our world.
The possibilities are endless, sweeping across this monumental landscape as we once lived in the past.
The projections of the holograms of the darkness that swallows you whole, only to be replaced by a humorous greeting to keep you tuned.
Weeping, we try to get a hold of what we are, what we have become, to only share the burden with the distant strangers of our past.
Beneath the stars we ask for guidance from our ancestors to brighten our path, only to find we are one of the same, just mirrored a more frail aspect of ourselves, realizing we are trapped by our own continuous pain.
Seek your wisdom from the signs above and from within. Shut your eyes and grasp the darkness with both hands and an open mind.
Let your heart and soul's light be your canvas and create a new tomorrow’s light.
Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see
- Unknown
When you leave your body and move into these higher realms of consciousness, all those earthly things will be meaningless. When you get out of this world without these braces, guess what? Your memory will be your sole companion. And then you will realize that the only thing that ever mattered was how much love you were willing to share while you were incarnated on Earth.
- David Wilcox
The Signs
Now that you have walked through