Arrest-Proof Yourself
By Dale C. Carson and Wes Denham
Criminal Justice System
Police Encounters
Law Enforcement
Traffic Stops
Police Procedural
Legal Thriller
Criminal Underworld
Crime & Punishment
Crime Drama
Legal Drama
Corrupt Cop
Corrupt System
Police Corruption
Social Issues
Civil Rights
Street Smarts
Police Behavior
About this ebook
This essential “how not to” guide explains how to act and what to say in the presence of police to avoid unnecessary arrests for petty offenses or mistakes in judgment that can lead to permanent disqualification from jobs, financing, and education. From what to do if a cop asks to search the car to dealing with a racial slur or how to handle a roach in the ashtray, this handbook details the nuances of dealing with the police. This revised and expanded edition of Arrest-Proof Yourself includes more than 100 pages of new information to reflect changes in police technique and “proactive policing.” More than 50 pages are dedicated to weaponry—including how to legally own and handle guns and knives and which firearms to use for self-defense—and updates examine topics such as the current surveillance state and the ability of police to track movements and activities using data drawn from cell phones and computers. Sprinkled with not only moral outrage but also the weird humor that permeates law enforcement, this urgent, eye-opening exposé has stories from 30 years of case files, making it the go-to guide to police procedures for all Americans.
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Reviews for Arrest-Proof Yourself
23 ratings3 reviews
What our readers think
Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some reviewers criticize the author's perspective on law enforcement, claiming that the author is ignorant and biased. However, others appreciate the book for its informative content and engaging humor. While some reviewers wish for more information on the court systems, they still consider it a good read overall.
- Rating: 1 out of 5 stars1/5
Dec 31, 2022
What he said. Don't read this book unless you want to go to jail! - Rating: 1 out of 5 stars1/5
Jan 22, 2020
Holy cow this guy is clueless. The police are employed to get convictions by any means necessary. They lie to you, lie on reports, and lie in court. The Court system is perfectly fine with this. NEVER talk to the police .. the author states " tell the truth " NO !!! That just gives them what they want !! Evidence to arrest you !! Courts rely on the money they get from fines to operate and Police get kudos for arrests. I cant believe this author is so ignorant .. oh wait " Dale C. Carson was a FBI field agent for 15 years and a Miami police officer for 8 years, where he SET Florida RECORDS FOR FELONY ARRESTS. He is currently a criminal defense attorney. " Any cop who has morals would not be setting records for arrests. Avoid this book .. he is walking you to jail.3 people found this helpful
- Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5
Dec 19, 2017
Good info, the humor keeps you interested, I would recommend it. More info on the court systems would have been a plus. But overall its a good read.1 person found this helpful
Book preview
Arrest-Proof Yourself - Dale C. Carson
You’ve heard about how-to books? This is a how-not-to book—how not to get arrested and tossed into jail for petty and avoidable offenses of the sort that fill every jail in the United States. The title, Arrest-Proof Yourself, is hype, since no one, not even the president, is arrest proof. What this book does is make you arrest resistant.
This book is for people who are not career criminals. It’s not about how to beat the system, but about how to avoid letting the system roll over you and ruin your life in ways that may not become apparent until years after an arrest. For career criminals, arrest is inevitable. For people with lapses in judgment, bad manners, a taste for marijuana, and no knowledge of how the criminal justice system operates, arrest is not inevitable, it’s optional. That’s right—optional.
Far too many black Americans, Hispanics, and poor whites think that arrest and prison are just going to happen—that resistance, as they say, is futile. They think the system is rigged against them. Get over this attitude. By understanding cops and the criminal justice system, you can make choices and adapt your behavior—especially in the presence of police—to minimize your chances of getting arrested. Even if you’re not the most upstanding citizen, you can take charge and stay out of the system long enough to give yourself a second chance.
Clear your brain of thoughts about victimhood, racism, social ills, poverty, etc. Those things are not going away. This book is not about saving society; it’s about saving you when you’re standing in front of a police officer who is wearing a blue uniform and a gun. It’s about your choices—how you can act, speak, and behave in order not to get arrested. The police officer can choose to arrest you or not arrest you. You can choose to act in ways that will encourage the police to let you go or, better yet, to not stop and question you at all.
This book uses the word you to mean the person most likely to get arrested.
If you’re a parent, you generally means your kids.
Who, me?
you say.
Yes, you! Changes in law enforcement technique and doctrine that have occurred over the last few years mean that police are making more arrests than ever. You are more likely to get busted today than in the past.
But I’m a good guy,
you protest. If you’re a parent, you may say, I have nice kids. Why should I worry about them getting arrested?
No matter how upstanding you are, you are likely to have encounters with police that can result in arrest. Here’s why:
Improved technology and training enable police to arrest people for petty crimes that in the past were ignored due to lack of manpower and resources.
A law enforcement doctrine called proactive policing has spread across the land. It calls for zero tolerance of petty offenses, including such things as jaywalking, loitering, and drinking a beer on the street. Proactive policing has reduced crime—no question—but to do so it requires huge numbers of arrests of petty offenders who in years past would never have seen the inside of a jail.
The volume of arrests has caused a boom in jail and court construction and the creation of a criminal justice system that employs hundreds of thousands and requires ever more arrests to justify its existence.
The near universal installation of computers in police cruisers, and their ability to access law enforcement databases instantly, allows police to make more arrests for what I call administrative crimes. These are failure to maintain tags, licenses, and car insurance; outstanding arrest warrants; driving with suspended licenses; failure to appear at court hearings; and violation of probation and parole. None of these crimes involves theft, violence, or injury. They are not offenses against people but against the state. In the past, paper records made arrests for these crimes difficult, especially when the offender moved to another state. With the advent of computers, the jails are stuffed with people guilty of not paying fees, not doing paperwork, not showing up in court, and in general thumbing their noses at the system.
People are shocked to discover that they can be arrested for things they didn’t even know were illegal. For example, millions of parents chauffeuring the kids in the van or SUV don’t realize that the stimulants and antidepressants prescribed for hyperactive children are scheduled narcotics. Kids carry these pills around in their pockets and book bags. The pills scatter inside the vehicle and can get Mom busted if she cannot produce a written prescription during a routine traffic stop.
Let’s talk about dope. Marijuana has been partially decriminalized in 18 states. Each state is different. Some allow medical use only and some medical and recreational use. Some simply reduce penalties to traffic-ticket levels. These laws change constantly and can vary county by county within a state. So before you load your ride with herb, bongs, hubble-bubbles, and rolling papers, make sure you know the law in your state, county, and city. Bone up on this while you’re straight! And remember, even in places where pot has been decriminalized, you can still be arrested for illegal or unlicensed distribution if you carry large quantities. In addition, marijuana is illegal under federal law, so you can get busted by the feds even when the local constabulary give you a pass. In 32 states, the drug remains illegal, including all the states south of the Mason-Dixon Line. So if you drive through Dixie, dump your dope. If you’re caught, you’ll get stuffed into jails already filled to bursting with clueless potheads.
Most important, even in states where the stuff is legal to some degree, you can get busted for driving under the influence of marijuana. If you shoot someone while wasted, you may not be able to assert self-defense in court. This means you’ll get hammered for manslaughter or murder. As you’ll see repeatedly in this book, it’s always wise to keep your dope at home.
People have worse manners than in the past. Whether this is due to less effective parenting, a decline in church attendance, increased use of drugs, disorder at public schools, or the pervasive influence of TV shows where everyone is in your face
is a topic best left to the talk shows. All I know for a fact is that people don’t know how to behave. They act out in front of cops and get busted for being obnoxious.
Ladies, you, yes you, are paying for a major portion of the American criminal justice system. The system is not funded exclusively by that perennially overburdened group, the taxpayers. A big chunk of system funding comes from defendants’ families. By and large this means women are paying thousands of dollars to get the men they love legal representation, reduced sentences, and freedom. Women pay the lawyers, women pay the bail bonds, women pay the drug court costs, and women pay the probation fees. When men get arrested, women get poor.
Every day, at the courts, in attorneys’ offices, and in probation departments, one sees a stream of women clutching money orders funded by mortgaging their homes and liquidating their savings. Often it’s more than one woman. It’s mom, sister, aunt, and cousin who have cleaned themselves out to get their man out of jail. Money that would have funded a new home or car, an education, or a retirement is swallowed up in an instant by the financial black hole that is the criminal justice system.
The system devours the investment capital of poor Americans and is one of the major reasons the poor stay poor. Elected officials love to describe how much money they pour into poor neighborhoods and community services. They never, ever, discuss how much is drained out by the criminal justice system. Ladies, the best way to keep your savings in the bank and your folding money in your purse is to keep your men away from cops and out of jail. So read on and prosper.
One of the terms my coauthor and I created is the electronic plantation. This is the lifetime restriction on jobs and opportunities that derives from the instant accessibility of arrest information. Increasing use of background checks and widespread access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the federal government’s database of every arrest made in the United States and its territories, means that the record of your arrest follows you around for life.
Even if your arrest record is expunged or sealed or adjudication is withheld or the charges were dismissed or you were acquitted at trial, the arrest record is permanent. Worse, it’s easily accessible. Because employers tend to regard an arrest as tantamount to a conviction, a single arrest can deny you job opportunities forever.
The word plantation was chosen because it’s a fighting word for black Americans. I want the danger of this new plantation to get attention and be understood. The masses of young black and Hispanic men in jails are too much to bear. The electronic plantation restricts them to a lifetime of low-wage work once they’re free. Their only hope is to avoid the system long enough to grow up, get educated, and get on with their lives. To do so they must not be penalized forever for arrests that took place during their youth.
The electronic plantation has destroyed one of the greatest features of American life: the opportunity to get a second chance. In the age of paper records, once you paid your debt to society, you were done. You could hang out your thumb, jump the train, or hop the ’hound, and go west, east, north, or south to escape your past. You could start over and forget old legal troubles. The records were thousands of miles away. Records of offenses by juveniles and offenses where adjudication was withheld or where charges were dismissed were truly inaccessible. Not so today. An arrest should not be a life sentence, but it is.
Arrest proofing is all about not attracting police scrutiny and about allaying suspicions when you are confronted by police. Throughout this book, my coauthor and I try to avoid hairsplitting legalisms and stick to standard English. Here, however, are some useful definitions of terms you hear all the time but may never have had explained.
JAIL VS. PRISON. Jail is used in this book with its common understanding as a pretrial detention facility. It’s where you go after being arrested. Prison is where you serve your sentence after trial or a plea. Both facilities have cells with bars, but they are quite distinct in the criminal justice system.
REASONABLE SUSPICION. This means that police suspect that you are about to commit a crime. Reasonable suspicion is the standard that allows police to stop you on the street or pull over your car.
PROBABLE CAUSE. This means that it is more likely than not that a crime has already been committed. Police require probable cause to make an arrest.
MISDEMEANOR. Also known as Mr. Meaner
in the trailer park and the ’hood. This refers to an offense for which the penalty is generally one year in prison or less.
FELONY. This refers to crimes punishable by one year or more in prison. Felonies often carry lifetime penalties such as the loss of the rights to vote and to own a weapon. In my state a felony conviction creates a lifetime ban on holding any job that requires a state license, such as health care, law, insurance, real estate, finance, television and radio broadcasting, and barbering and hairstyling.
The path from reasonable suspicion to felony conviction is a slippery slope down which you slide to jail and a ruined life with amazing speed. This book is all about staying off that slope.
This book tells you how to avoid cops and minimize their opportunities to arrest you and your children, but it’s not a criticism of modern police. The problem today is not—repeat not—that police are untrained, incompetent, racist, or corrupt. It’s precisely the opposite. Because police are better educated, better trained, and more tightly disciplined, you’re more likely to get arrested than ever before. Police generally make lawful arrests and are accurate and truthful in their reporting and court testimony. Fewer mistakes mean fewer chances for an attorney to set you free.
The improvement in modern policing is profound. When I was a kid, the police in my city were an organized criminal conspiracy. They ran gambling, prostitution, booze, and loan-sharking, and collected their vig (short for vigorish, the usurious interest charged by loan sharks) like a bunch of redneck Sopranos. Lawyers, politicians, and city hall fixers called the shots. Anything, even a murder rap, could be handled for value received.
Inconvenient people were shot while fleeing arrest.
In 1955 Florida governor Leroy Collins suspended the sheriff and appointed my father, an FBI agent, to head the police department and clean up that rat’s nest, and that’s what he did.
For the past half century, police departments all over America have been modernized, trained, and educated. Crooked cops have been arrested and rogue cops fired. The result is the superbly trained police of the new century. Cops today are generally honest and practically ubiquitous, and they’ll arrest you for tossing a gum wrapper!
Nonetheless, police routinely use tactics, such as inciters, that provoke suspects to run, resist, and fight. Using these tactics is called putting a suspect in the trick box. They allow cops to transform a traffic ticket or misdemeanor into a felony arrest guaranteeing incarceration for suspects and impoverishment for the families who pay the legal fees, bail bonds, court costs, and probation charges. Although generally legal, these tactics are highly unethical. I ought to know. I have seen them for years. This book gives detailed instructions on how to avoid getting suckered by cop tricks. It analyzes the famous heads-cops-win-tails-you-lose questions that cops ask before vehicle searches. The chapter Dirty Cop Tricks
explains many of these tricks, ranging from legal inciters to grossly illegal tactics such as planting drugs and throw-down
guns on innocent suspects. In Emergency Procedures,
you will even receive instruction on what to do in the worst of all circumstances—when you are being beaten or shot by police. If you survive, I’ll tell you what to do in the hospital before the bandages come off.
My father, Dale Carson, being sworn into office as sheriff of Duval County, Florida, by Judge Shields, January 30, 1958. He cleaned out a briar patch of corruption and instituted standards of education and training that produced a modern police force.
The book has five parts. Part I deals with the why
—the reasons you’re more likely to get arrested today than formerly. It discusses the major players in the criminal justice system prior to arrest—cops, bad guys, and the clueless horde. (Judges, prosecutors, attorneys, jailers, and probation officers appear later, after you’re busted.)
Cops are the major players, and understanding them is essential to arrest proofing. Cops are not ordinary people. They are licensed, paid, and trained by the state to hunt the two-legged beast—i.e., you. They enjoy hunting people and making arrests. It’s what they do. They’re evaluated and rewarded by their superiors almost exclusively on the number of arrests they make. This is no disparagement. Controlling bad guys with hunter cops is essential for civilization. Just think of the next police officer you meet as a polite great white shark with a well-pressed uniform. And you? You’re a struggling little fish. This will help you adjust your behavior accordingly. To know them is to avoid them. And that, readers, is the beginning of arrest proofing.
And the bad guys? They’re the second group of players. Understanding them is simple. They’re career criminals and they enjoy what they do. They don’t mind hurting and even killing people who get in their way. They enjoy it. To them, the only thing worse than prison is working a straight job. The worst are the violent offenders. In this book you’ll meet several I helped send to the electric chair or prison for life.
OK, readers, get ready for some secret stuff, never seen on TV and unmentioned in the Daily Fish Wrap tossed to your front door. Are you seated? Do you have a grip? Here it is: The criminal justice system does not spend much time arresting and sentencing real bad guys.
you say. That’s impossible!
No doubt you want to challenge me. Do not I, like you, watch the news and see that every single day some bank robber, carjacker, or child molester has been rounded up? Of course, but I see what you don’t—that for every serious bad guy arrested, hundreds of petty offenders go to jail. What the criminal justice system actually does most of the time is process the third group of players, the clueless horde. Clueless petty offenders are by far the most important players in the system because, without their vast numbers, and the money that is extracted from them and their families, cops and judges would be filing for unemployment and all those brand-new police stations, jails, and administrative offices would have for rent
signs hammered in their immaculate lawns.
Who are these people, the bread and butter—nay, the staff of life—for millions of municipal and state employees? They are people who
possess small quantities of drugs
get an attitude with police
yell at their wives and girlfriends
drive with suspended licenses
do malicious mischief
create disturbances at clubs and parties
ride bikes at night without a light (I’m not kidding!)
get arrested as accessories during police raids
carry medications without the proper labels or prescriptions
i.e., hang out
take pocketknives and nail scissors to school
drink alcohol in public
The criminal justice system often acts like a mindless bureaucracy and prosecutes cases that are absurd. For example, I once represented a 12-year-old boy who was arrested, and jailed, for throwing a pecan at a bus. A pecan! I took the case in part because, decades ago, my coauthor and I, then 10 years old, stood beneath a bridge and threw mud balls into a bus. We beat feet before the cops arrived. We were lucky.
My client, however, was charged with throwing a deadly missile, which is a third-degree felony. Years ago this was not a serious crime. It became so in the 1960s, when anti–Vietnam War demonstrations and race riots exploded around the country. Legislatures made throwing a deadly missile a felony so police could bring serious charges against the students and black Americans who were tossing rocks and bottles. But a pecan? A freaking pecan!
Today people like this nut-throwing kid are being shoved through the legal sausage grinder. Even though I got him off, he will have an arrest record and will get extra scrutiny from police forever. Had my client known how to behave around police officers, he probably would have received a warning and a trip home to his mother in the back of the cruiser. Instead, he got hammered. Little boys throw things. They poke things, stick things, and kick things. It’s what they do. To arrest and prosecute them for doing dopey kid stuff is outrageous.
Other clueless types commit offenses that are more serious but are still misdemeanors or low-level felonies. They are people who
drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol
do not pay child support or fail to keep up licenses, tags, and insurance; show up for trial; pay restitution; or perform every jot and tittle of their terms of probation
are rowdy, drunk, obnoxious, and get in fights
buy sex from male and female prostitutes
No. If it were, the title would be different—something like Perfect Murders: A Step-by-Step Guide, or Your Future in Armed Robbery. This book deals exclusively with the plight of clueless petty offenders who comprise the overwhelming majority of people who are arrested, jailed, and tried by a criminal justice system that to an alarming degree is operating mindlessly on autopilot. FBI statistics show that violent crimes are down, way down, from what they were in the 1990s, yet the jails are packed and criminal court calendars are hopelessly jammed. Who are all these people getting busted? Let’s look.
At the top are those we fear most—violent criminals. Police are quite competent in arresting murderers, armed robbers, rapists, and child molesters. The more crafty serial killers and sex criminals may take a long time to catch, but police are dogged, and they spend years hunting these guys.
The other occupants of the top perch in crime land are big crooks who operate traditional criminal enterprises such as drug distribution, illegal gambling, loan-sharking, protection rackets, labor union racketeering, etc. These guys are on the police radars but can go for years without being arrested. The reason is simple. Arresting organized crime figures is easy; prosecuting them is not. It requires interagency task forces, wiretaps, 24/7 surveillance, and gobs of government money. The bad guys have the best attorneys money can buy. Worse, they’re often connected with politicians and judges who can protect them. When it comes to organized crime, the big heat often turns into the big stink.
Here’s an example. In Miami, from 1985 to 1995, the FBI arrested and obtained convictions of
the Miami city manager
the Miami finance director
the Miami chief of police
numerous judges
various city and county commissioners
numerous police officers
These goons were stealing with both hands, running interference for the cartels, escorting drug trucks from the Miami River to warehouses in the city, and selling favorable judgments from the bench. Notice, however, that almost all the investigations and arrests were made by the FBI, not local police. The state’s attorney (prosecutor), an elected official, seemed not to notice, amid a busy schedule of luncheons, speeches, and fundraisers, that the city was being run by a bunch of hoods.
The other group of big crooks, middle-class criminals, are notoriously not on police radars. They run little risk and garner great rewards. FBI statistics show that white-collar crime is booming. Yes, you can steal more with a briefcase than a gun, and insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, identity theft, securities fraud, and confidence rackets such as pigeon drops and bad checks probably gross as much as the trade in illegal drugs. Of course, no one knows for sure, because most of these guys get away with it. I’ll discuss this further in the chapter on how to arrest more white people.
The middle group of crooks are career criminals. You can define these guys easily. They make their living in crime. It’s what they do, but not forever. Police glom on to these guys sooner or later. Most are arrested, tried, and convicted multiple times and serve long stretches in jail. At some point, usually in their 30s, they give it up and decide that flipping burgers or pushing the broom is better than trying to make a career in crime, or else they go to prison and become permanent wards of the state.
Now gaze at the bottom of the pyramid. Notice that it’s huge. It’s the base that holds up the entire criminal justice system. It’s composed of clueless petty offenders. These poor slobs can be distinguished from other criminals by two crucial characteristics.
1. They don’t make their living in criminal enterprise. Rarely do they make any money at all from what they do. They’re rule breakers, not money takers. Their lives are a series of infractions, violations, and failures to comply with ordinances, statutes, and rules. They pay dearly for it. The bail bonds, attorney fees, court costs, and probation costs that the system extracts keep them and their families perpetually impoverished.
2. They are rarely violent. Mostly, they’re just clueless.
Nobody ever thinks about this. You get caught with a joint, and you go to the joint. Right? Let’s consider this for a minute. Why should petty offenders get arrested and jailed at all? Let’s examine the typical reasons.
FLIGHT RISk. Most people think that petty offenders are jailed so they will show up for trial. This is rarely the case. Most misdemeanor offenders are tossed into the can briefly and then released either on their own recognizance* or on a low bail to free up the cells for the next batch of clueless who are rolling downtown 24/7 in a police cruiser near you. Most of these guys have to show up for their hearings of their own volition, so it’s fair to ask why they get arrested in the first place.
In almost all states, police, in lieu of arrest, can issue a notice to appear, also known as a penal citation. This also requires the offenders to show up in front of a judge and get what’s coming to them (fines, anger management therapy, drug rehab, restitution, etc.) without getting busted and receiving a permanent arrest record and a lifetime sentence on the electronic plantation. To get a clueless weed smoker in front of a judge, do we really need to use jailers, bail bondsmen, prosecutors, and public defenders? In many cases, a citation will do just as well.
Even when the bail is lowered, say to $3,000, the bond, which will be 10 percent of the bail, or $300, can be disastrous to clueless offenders living on the edge. For someone working for $10 an hour, $300 is one week’s take-home pay. When this goes to the bondsman, the electricity and water get turned off, the rent goes unpaid, and child support payments get missed. Of course, before the offender can even get the bond lowered, he has to have a private attorney, and in my state this costs two grand and up.
THREAT TO THE COMMUNITY. This is the most important criterion judges use in setting bail or allowing release on recognizance. Petty offenders, however, are generally only a danger to themselves. Once released, what a petty offender is most likely to do is go out and get stoned or drunk to forget all about it. This is stupid but hardly a threat. By arresting clueless petty offenders instead of citing them, police lump them together, in the minds of judges and the public, with career criminals and violent offenders. This justifies arresting them rather than issuing citations.
By this people mean that police should have records and keep tabs on petty offenders, who sometimes go on to commit serious crimes. I agree, but note that this can be accomplished without arresting and jailing clueless offenders and consigning them to the electronic plantation for life. Notice-to-appear citations and police field interrogation (FI) reports place the offender in the local database quite effectively.
CONDIGN PUNISHMENT. Most people think that an arrest and a few days in the sneezer is appropriate punishment for many of these offenses. Don’t forget one thing, however. When petty offenders are arrested and jailed, they have not yet been convicted of a crime in a court of law. They are presumed innocent. For this reason they’re called pretrial detainees. Of course, if it’s you in the freezer, you’ll be happy to know that even though you’re living behind bars; wearing dungarees and flip-flops; eating green baloney sandwiches; and getting handcuffed, ordered about, and yelled at by members of the corrections officers union, you’re not actually a prisoner. You’re just a detainee.
Ever wondered why people get arrested? Years ago arrests were made only for the most heinous crimes against persons, the so-called common-law crimes—night burglary, robbery, rape, assault, battery, mayhem, and murder. The purpose of the arrest was to make time for a thorough investigation. This would include evidence collection and witness interviews. It also included time for prosecutors to decide whether they could get an indictment and prove their case. Historically the arrest was not a matter of public record; only the conviction was.
Nowadays, many misdemeanor arrests are made for crimes for which there is no investigation, and none needed. For example, for possession of small quantities of drugs, what’s there to investigate? You’ve got the dope or you don’t. When it comes to fleeing from cops, either you fled or you didn’t. For the petty crimes we’re talking about in this book, during which there is no investigation and for which you generally get popped loose from jail in a few days, you can reasonably ask why you got arrested in the first place.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Let me give you an example. Out to the west of Jacksonville, the sheriff of Bradford County, Florida, does things differently. When his officers cite someone for a misdemeanor, they write a ticket, take an electronic photo, and get a thumbprint. Then they cut the guy loose. That’s it. Offenders have to show up in front of a judge on their own and get what’s coming to them. Since they have not been jailed and had their funds extracted by attorneys and bondmen, they are more able to pay fines, court costs, and restitution. Bradford County is a conservative and religious place. The sheriff has never been accused of being soft on crime or permissive about drugs. He simply thinks that petty offenders can be punished without raising taxes to build huge courthouses and jails and hiring armies of government employees to process them through these buildings.
Other cities, usually under budgetary pressures, have discovered the same thing. They handle misdemeanors in venues that resemble traffic court. A hundred or so offenders troop in for a session, usually representing themselves, although a few may have attorneys. Judges breeze through the cases at high speed, like this:
You got caught with two joints in your car and driving with a suspended license. How do you plead? Guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere?
Uh, the third one, your honor, the no-low thing.
You got your paperwork in order?
Yes, sir.
See the clerk, pay the fine, and don’t let me see you in here again.
Punishing petty offenders without jailing them beforehand has the advantage to society of speedy justice at low cost and high volume. For offenders, the advantage is that they do not have to suffer unintended, nonjudicial punishments. Alas, it will take years for this enlightened state of affairs to exist widely. In the meantime, cops are arresting everybody for everything everywhere. The only solution is to arrest-proof yourself right now.
Quite a few clueless people think that keeping a joint or an open alcoholic beverage in the car or yelling at their women is no big deal. Other clueless types are disagreeable, uneducated, and barely literate. A few of them are