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Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond
Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond
Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond
Ebook327 pages7 hours

Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond

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Broadband Wireless Mobile (3G and 4G) will be the next key developments in wireless communications. Immense interest has been fuelled by large demand for high frequency utilisation as well as a large number of users requiring simultaneous multidimensional high data rate access for the applications of wireless mobile internet and e-commerce. Broadband wireless mobile extends the corporate LAN to common areas such as meeting rooms and enables in-building public wireless hotspots such as airport lounges to provide wireless portable computer connectivity. People will be able to access information as if they were at their desk and will be able to communicate reliably and access securely the information most important to them, such as email, corporate data and the Internet. The 3G/4G systems will use a new network architecture (eg All-IP NET) to deliver broadband services in a more generic configuration to mobile customers and supports multidimensional services and emerging interactive multimedia communications. The world of telecommunications will continue to migrate toward wireless technologies and will ultimately provide users with mobile access to all types of media and information in a variety of forms including media phones and portable computers.
* Provides coverage of 4G mobile - the newest development by ITU (International telecommunication Union)
* Covers range of emerging wireless applications including WAP and iMode
* Provides a world perspective on the topic as the authors are from USA, Europe and Japan
An essential reference for engineers and researchers in the field of wireless communications systems (and electrical engineering), network planners and operators, as well as a valuable reference for students and management, marketing, sales or investor personnel in the area of wireless communications.
Release dateApr 11, 2003
Broadband Wireless Mobile: 3G and Beyond

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    Broadband Wireless Mobile - Willie W. Lu

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