Integrated Science Assessments (ISAs)
[Notice] EPA announced the availability of the Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Lead (Final Report) (EPA/600/R-23/375). [Federal Register Notice February 7, 2024]
EPA sets National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six criteria air pollutants, which include nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone and lead. EPA’s Integrated Science Assessments form the scientific foundation for the NAAQS reviews by evaluating and synthesizing the latest science.
Calendar of Workshops and Meetings
- None at this time. See CASAC meeting calendar for previous meetings and events.
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), which provides independent advice to EPA on the technical basis for the NAAQS, is the primarily reviewing authority for the ISAs.
The CASAC Calendar includes a complete list of past and future meeting details.

The Preamble to the Integrated Science Assessments, or "Preamble", is an overview document outlining the basic steps and criteria used in developing the Integrated Science Assessments (ISA). Previously included as part of the ISA, it will now be referenced by each ISA as a stand-alone companion document. Learn more about the ISA Preamble.