Healthy Heart Toolkit and Research

Heart Facts
- Heart disease and stroke are the first and fourth leading causes of death in the U.S.
- Air pollution can affect heart health and can trigger heart attacks and strokes that cause disability and death in those predisposed.
- One in three American adults has heart or blood vessel disease and is at higher risk from air pollution.
EPA is raising awareness of heart disease and its link to air pollution and other environmental factors as a partner in Million Hearts, a national initiative to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
On this page:
- Protect Your Heart From Air Pollution
- Resources for Health Professionals
- Other Federal Healthy Heart Activities
- Air Pollution Science
Protect Your Heart From Air Pollution
- Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease Basics
- Steps you can take
- Check pollution forecasts
- Get free air pollution alerts by email
- Fires and your health
- Public education materials
Resources for Health Professionals
- Clinical Outcomes Related to Particulate Matter Exposure and Cardiovascular Disease
- Particle Pollution and Your Patients' Health Online Training
- Online Training for Health Professionals
Other Federal Healthy Heart Activities
- Million Hearts® main webpage
- Million Hearts® for Clinicians
- Million Hearts® -- Particle Pollution and Heart Disease