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EMIS/ELibM Electronic Journals

Outdated Archival Version

These pages are not updated anymore. They reflect the state of 2 Oct 2005. For the current production of this journal, please refer to http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uexm20.

Experimental Mathematics: Submission Guidelines

For subscription or editorial inquiries, please contact us by email, telephone, or mail.

A K Peters, Ltd.
5 Commonwealth Road
Suite 2C
Natick, MA 01760-1526
Tel: 508.651.0887
Fax: 508.651.0889

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Experimental Mathematics

Submission Guidelines

To submit a contribution, you may log on to our journal management tool and follow the prompts (the preferred method), send email with a PDF or DVI attachment or an address from which the paper can be downloaded, or send two printed copies of the material to:

Experimental Mathematics

A K Peters, Ltd.
5 Commonwealth Road
Suite 2C
Natick, MA 01760-1526

Since most of the refereeing process is carried out by electronic means, paper submissions will be scanned. Therefore, please make sure that the figures are of high enough quality that they can be scanned. If they are not, please submit electronically.

All submissions are acknowledged upon receipt (please contact the editorial office if you do not receive the acknowledgment within two weeks). Submissions will not be returned.

Submission of a paper implies that the work has not been published before, except perhaps in the form of an abstract or as part of a lecture, review, or thesis; that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all authors and (if appropriate) by the institution at which the work was carried out; and that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree that the article will not be published elsewhere.


There are no page charges for publications, but authors are expected to contribute to the cost of color illustrations in their articles, if applicable. Rates will take into account available funding and editorial necessity.


We no longer provide complimentary offprints of papers.

Manuscript Requirements

Manuscripts must be in English, French, or German. They should be written clearly and concisely. We reserve the right to edit contributions for style and format, with changes subject to the authors' approval.

All submissions must include the following elements:

  • Title
  • Postal address, affiliation (if appropriate), and electronic address (if available) for each author
  • An abstract of at most 150 words, in the same language as the article, and an English translation if the article is not in English.


References should include full information: author or institution, full title, publisher, city and year (for books, manuals, etc.); or full journal name, volume, year, and page range (for papers). References to software should contain complete manufacturer's or distributor's names and addresses. All references in the bibliography should be cited in the text. Reference tags in the text should include author's last name and year of publication, in brackets [Poincaré 1901]. Use a comma to separate a tag from a subsequent page or section number, and semicolons to separate several tags in the same brackets. Make sure to include references to software documentation.


The following types of figures are acceptable:

  • Electronically generated figures;
  • Traditional hand-drawn figures, in india ink on glossy paper or vellum
  • Black-and-white and color photographs, of reproduction quality

For hand-drawn figures and photographs, the original and two clear copies should accompany the two copies of the text.

For electronically generated figures, you can use photographs or printouts for the submission, but you must supply the electronic source files if your article is accepted for publication. Under no circumstances will we reproduce low-resolution hard copy or screen photographs.

Figure source files should be in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) or in a form that can be converted to EPS, such as GnuPlot or Mathematica input. Many drawing tools such as Adobe Illustrator and Aldus FreeHand can produce EPS output. If your figure contains bitmaps, please generate them at the highest possible resolution: Before taking a screen dump, for example, resize the window, if possible, to occupy the whole screen. When in doubt as to whether your figure source is in an acceptable format, contact us.

For each figure, please supply a caption and a number by which the figure is referred to in the text. If possible, integrate the figures with the text; otherwise, indicate their optimal placement by means of a comment such as "Place Figure 1 here." In referring to the figure, avoid constructions ("the curve looks like this:") that require the exact placement to be known in advance.

Note that there may be charges for color.

Supplemental Material

EM encourages authors to post supplemental materials (e.g., tables, programs, data sets) on an author-maintained web page. Please provide the URL for such a page with the final files. It will be printed in the journal and included in the electronic version of the paper. All responsibility for the correctness, accessibility, and maintenance of the page rests with the author.


Experimental Mathematics does not publish programs in printed form. However, in the discussion of algorithms, the use of small snippets of pseudo code or code might be advisable. Since detailed code can be submitted as a computer supplement, or posted on a website with a link in the paper (see above for policy on supplemental material), only the most salient points should be included in the description. Short illustrative excerpts from your programs can be included either within the text itself or as a separate display. Please supply a caption and a number for each displayed listing. Keep in mind that many readers will not be familiar with the programming language in which your program is written; it is almost always better to explain what a program does in words than to let the program speak for itself.

Similar considerations apply to program output and interactive sessions.

Electronic Text

If your article is accepted, we will need your file in electronic form. You can send it by FTP or by email; you will be contacted with details. If you have no access to FTP or email, you can send a CD-ROM.

To allow reformatting in the Experimental Mathematics style, please follow these criteria. If any of these instructions are not followed, we will return the paper to you.

  1. Please be sure to use LaTex article style.
  2. DO NOT hard code any elements that are handled automatically by Tex such as theorems, lemmas, figures, tables, references, etc.
  3. If you need macros that are not available on your system, or if you have any questions, please contact us before completing the final version of your paper.
  4. Be sure to include any auxiliary files necessary for running the paper (style files, even if you consider them standard; nonstandard macro packages; .bib or .bbl files if using bibtex; .eps figures; and so on). Please note that some style files contain references to other style files, so include everything we could need.
  5. Be as consistent as possible in using your own macros. Put them into a file that is input at the top the document, after all style files. Do not embed any new definitions in your text. Avoid redefining existing LaTeX commands.
  6. Again, figure source files should be in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS). Please do not use .psfrag or .pstricks. When in doubt as to whether your figure source is in an acceptable format, contact us.
  7. Don't use two-column format.
  8. Avoid using explicit vertical spacing commands such as \vskip, \medskip, \bigbreak. Default spacing is provided by \begin{theorem}, \section, etc., in LaTeX. To set off a paragraph or a portion of your text other than proofs, theorems, exercises, etc., you may add extra space, but please provide the compositor with a comment line (a line preceded by %) to make sure this space will not be eliminated in reformatting.
  9. Likewise, avoid using explicit horizontal spacing commands. If you must use extra spacing, do it consistently, by means of a macro that can be adjusted globally by the compositor if necessary. Please add a comment if a specific spacing convention is to be retained.
  10. DO NOT, under any circumstances, insert forced line breaks or page breaks in your document. There is no point in your trying to optimize line breaks and page breaks in the original manuscript, since they will not be preserved in the journal's two-column format. Forced breaks just confuse the compositor.
  11. Set off displayed equations with $$ on a line by itself.
  12. In general, if you want certain elements to be kept together, or displayed in a particular fashion, add a comment line for the compositor in your electronic files or indicate it in your hard copy.
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