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Darwin Correspondence Project

Cover of volume 30 of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin

The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: the last word

The Darwin Correspondence Project has now disbanded, having completed its work with the publication of volume 30.

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Darwin cordillera beagle expedition interactive in action

Cordillera Beagle expedition

To mark the completion of the Darwin Project and the 214th anniversary of Darwin's birth, use our new interactive to explore 3D images of the rocks Darwin collected on a Beagle voyage inland expedition in the foothills of the Andes in 1834.

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Darwin's experimental notebook
Darwin's experimental notebook
DAR 206
Cambridge University Library

Darwin and the experimental life

Our new website section explores the central role of experimentation in Darwin's work. How did his experimental approach evolve and what were the contemporary meanings and uses of experimentation? What were Darwin's 'fool's experiments'? How did he investigate elusive phenomena like the expression of emotions, and get involved in ethical debates over experiments on animals? You can also have a go at two of Darwin's plant experiments with our new interactive.

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The Darwin family

To celebrate the 163rd birthday of Origin of species, we are launching three new interactives online from our Darwin in Conversation exhibition. They illustrate how Darwin's children contributed to his science as infants and adults, how he did two of his plant experiments, and what it is like to work on the Darwin Correspondence Project.

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Animation captured from Networks interactive

Darwin's Networks

Darwin wrote to around 2000 people all over the world to help him tackle some fundamental questions about life on earth. Discover how Darwin's ideas spread in North America and how he researched artificial selection practised by animal and plant breeders. Explore Darwin's Networks to see how the correspondence he exchanged shaped events in his life and informed his ideas.

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HMS Beagle 3D model animation

Darwin and the Beagle voyage

In 1831, Darwin joined a voyage that he later referred to 'as by far the most important event in my life'. Dive in to our 3D model of the Beagle and find out more about life on board and the adventures that he had.

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Part of letter from Fanny Owen, [late January 1828] (DAR 204: 43)
Part of letter from Fanny Owen, [late January 1828] (DAR 204: 43)
Cambridge University Library

Darwin's first love

Darwin's long marriage to Emma Wedgwood is well documented, but was there an earlier romance in his life? How was his departure on the Beagle entangled with his first love? The answers are revealed in a series of flirtatious letters that Darwin was supposed to destroy.

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Darwin's study, view of his armchair and table

Darwin and working from home

Ever wondered how Darwin worked? As part of our For the Curious series of simple interactives, 'Darwin working from home' lets you explore objects from Darwin's study and garden at Down House to learn how he worked and what he had to say about it. And not all his work days were successful, here are some letters about Darwin's bad days.

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Darwin's works in letters

For the 163rd anniversary of the publication of Origin, we've added a new page to our Works in letters section on Cross and self fertilisation. These complement our existing pages on the 'big book' before Origin, Origin itself, the subsequent editions of Origin, Orchids, Climbing plants, Life of Erasmus Darwin, Journal of researches, Living and fossil cirripedia, Forms of flowers, Movement in Plants, Descent of man, Expression of emotions, and Insectivorous plants (accompanied by this song with lyrics based on Darwin's letters).

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Charles Darwin: A Life in Letters

The Darwin Correspondence Project goes to New York! Until 5 August, New York Public Library is hosting an exhibition about Darwin's life and work to celebrate the completion of the Darwin Correspondence Project.

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Read and search the full texts of more than 15,000 of Charles Darwin's letters. Discover complete transcripts of all known letters Darwin wrote and received.

Darwin for Schools

Discover our new and improved schools resources for 11-14 year olds.

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  • Darwin and religion
    Darwin and religion
    Andrew Corrigan
  • Some of Darwin's geological drawings
    Some of Darwin's geological drawings
    after CUL DAR 44: 13 & 33
    Cambridge University Library
  • Darwin's Tree of Life sketch from his “B” notebook on Transmutation of Species
    Darwin's Tree of Life sketch from his "B" notebook on Transmutation of Species
    CUL DAR 121, page 36
    Cambridge University Library
  • The Adventure and Beagle at Point Punta Arenas and Isla de Cochinos, Chiloé
    The Adventure and Beagle at Point Punta Arenas and Isla de Cochinos, Chiloé, by Conrad Martens
    CUL Add. 7984: 19
    Cambridge University Library
  • 6 editions of 'The Origin of Species' by Charles Darwin
    6 editions of 'The Origin of Species' by Charles Darwin
    Wellcome Library, London
  • Darwin and human nature - Expression photos
    Darwin and human nature - Expression photos
    after CUL DAR 53.1: C38r, C52r, C72r & C74r
    Cambridge University Library
  • Some of the Darwin’s relaxing at Down House
    Some of the Darwin's relaxing at Down House
    CUL DAR 219.12: 9
    Cambridge University Library