The Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians is a federally recognized Tribe located in the heart of Mendocino County, Redwood Valley, California, USA. The reservation is approximately 82.36 acres of trust land.
For the purpose of governing ourselves, under our own laws, customs and traditions, free from state regulation and control, and for the purpose of establishing a legally recognized Tribal government and secure the rights and powers inherent in our sovereign status, guaranteed to us by the laws of the United States, the Tribe adopted the Document Embodying the Laws, Customs and Traditions of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians as its governing document; the Tribe’s Constitution. In accordance with the Tribe’s Constitution, the powers of the Tribe are divided into three distinct branches: the General Council, the Tribal Council, and Tribal Judiciary. The Tribe is comprised of over 300 members. All persons whose name appears on Tribal Base Roll (adopted October 30, 2012) or are lineal descendants of any person whose name appears on the Tribal Base Roll shall be members of the Tribe provided they have first made an application for membership according to the Tribe’s enrollment code. Duly enrolled members 18 years of age and older make up the General Council. Elected from the General Council is a Chief of the General Council and the Tribal Council.