Putting consumers in control of their own health & care.

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CHF is Australia’s leading advocate on consumer health care issues.

We work to achieve safe, good quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by the best health information and systems the country can afford.

Vision and Mission


Medicare's 40th anniversary

Medicare is the publicly funded universal healthcare insurance scheme in Australia. It is the principal way Australians access their health services. February 1st 2024 marks 40 years since the Hawke government reinstated Medicare as the means to ensure Australians have access to high quality healthcare. 

Medicare is highly valued by Australian health consumers, but as our population ages and the level of chronic disease increases, Medicare must also change.

Join us as we reflect on Medicare’s 40th anniversary and advocate for affordable healthcare.

Join us

Help shape Australia's healthcare for the better — become a member today and be a highly valued partner in the effort to make the consumer perspective a priority.

Learn more Renew your membership


Member benefits

  •   Alerts to free supporter network events, webinars and resources
  •   Health Update — CHF's exclusive members' fortnightly e-newsletter
  •   Alerts to Consumer Representative Vacancies and CHF Consultations
  •   Access to CHF policy submissions, information and project reports
Consumers as leaders in health care


A voice for health consumers
Making sure consumers are part of the health conversation as effective advocates and leaders.
Improving the quality of health services
Working with health and social support systems to implement consumer-centred reforms that make the right kind of difference.
Influencing policy
Advocating consumer-centred health care to governments, health and social support systems.

Upcoming Events

Australia has implemented significant reforms to its vaping regulations to tighten control over the availability and distribution of vaping products to help curb the rise of vaping, particularly amongst young people. Join us for our latest CHF Talks webinar as we break down the pending changes to...

Join Australia's Health Panel

Australia's Health Panel is a CHF project that adds your voice to the national conversation on health policy through timely and high quality surveys.

Learn more Join the Panel See Results 

What we are doing

The latest news, blogs and publications

CHF is aware of the Medical Board of Australia’s proposal to impose mandatory health checks once medical practitioner’s reach 70. “It’s an interesting issue for consumers to deal with because we all obviously want to ensure that every doctor is safe to remain practicing, but we also believe the...
Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) has noted the Australian Government’s response to the Senate Select Committee’s dental report titled: A system in decay: a review into dental services in Australia . The Committee’s report which was handed down in November 2023 made 35 recommendations...