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Council for Missions of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference

This Council comes under the Episcopal Commission for Social Issues and International Affairs

Contact details

Ms Julieann Moran,
Executive Secretary 
Email: [email protected]

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Ms Julieann Moran, Executive Secretary
Mr Gerard Gallagher, AMRI
Ms Denise Flack, AMRI
Fr Martin Kelly, CSSp, AMRI
Fr Ray Husband, SSC, AMRI
Fr Michael Kelly, SPS, Missio Ireland
Mr Jim Farrell, Missio Ireland
Ms Mary Murphy, Legion of Mary
Mr Robert Duggan, Diocesan Representative
Fr Peter Gallagher, Diocesan Representative
Msgr Colum Curry, Diocesan Representative
Fr George Augustine Diocesan Representative
Br Martin Kenneally, FPM, Presentation Mission Office
Episcopal membership:

Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly (Chair)
Bishop Lawrence Duffy


The role of the National Mission Council is

  • to advise the Episcopal Conference and its Commissions, Agencies and Councils on matters relating to the planning, directing and reviewing the main activities of missionary cooperation at national level;
  • to coordinate the activities of existing national missionary bodies in Ireland;
  • to act as a forum for discussion of matters related to mission;
  • to assist the Bishops in their mission, specifically in relation to the support of initiatives which focus on the Church’s world mission by promoting mission education and working collaboratively with the Pontifical Mission Societies (Missio Ireland) and other mission organisations.


Some of the work of the National Mission Council is to:

  • report to the Commission for Social and International Affairs;
  • maintain contact with the various missionary bodies in Ireland;
  • promote greater unity and working efficiency in the promotion of missionary animation and cooperation in Ireland;
  • facilitate ongoing communication and consultation between all groups and agencies who are involved in mission activity;
  • remain informed by current research into changing patterns of faith, values, and beliefs in both national and international contexts;
  • submit an annual report to the Irish Episcopal Conference on the activity of the Council.

Missio Ireland www.missio.ie

Promoted by the bishops at diocesan and national level, the Pontifical Mission Societies are the official Church institution to promote mission awareness and assist the missionary activity of the Church through prayer and financial support. Missio Ireland is the working title for the Pontifical Mission Societies in Ireland. It rightly has the first place in missionary cooperation and should be recognised as the official organ for missionary cooperation of all the Churches and all Christians (Ad Gentes 38).

Missio Ireland is proud to be the Holy Father’s official charity for overseas mission and part of a global network serving the Church in over 120 countries. Through the kindness and generosity of the Irish faithful, Missio strives to help the Church to share the joy of the Gospel in some of the most remote corners of the world, primarily in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. To help build and maintain vibrant Christian communities, Missio raises spiritual and financial support by highlighting the vital work of missionaries who are living out their faith more fully through their charitable work and projects overseas.

The national office of Missio Ireland is located at 64 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin, D06 N2H1. Email: [email protected]

Association of Leaders of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland  www.amri.ie

The Association of Leaders of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland (AMRI) represents and promotes active collaboration between Religious Institutes, Societies of Apostolic Life and Lay Missionary Organisations.

It seeks to respond to existing and emerging realities both in Ireland and overseas by supporting and energising the life and ministries of its members and of the wider church with a renewed sense of hope and relevance.

By sharing the message and meaning of the Gospel, AMRI seeks to develop and promote religious, apostolic, and missionary life as a vibrant, prophetic, organic and integral feature of the life of the Church.

The AMRI office is located at c/o Missionaries of Africa, Cypress Grove Road, Templeogue, Dublin, D6W YV12. Email: [email protected]

The Legion of Mary www. legionofmary.ie

The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbour on a voluntary basis in about 170 countries.

The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. Every legionary is required to carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary.

Drawing its inspiration from the True Devotion to Mary, as taught by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, and which had a profound influence on the Founder of the Legion, the Servant of God, Frank Duff, the Legion is at the disposal of the Bishops and Priests for use in the mission of the Church.

The main office is located at De Montfort House, Morning Star Avenue, Brunswick Street, Dublin, D07 VA03. Email: [email protected]