I'm a senior at Georgetown University. Here's what a day in my life is like during my last few weeks of college.

a building on georgetown campus on the left and Emma Ginsberg holding tacos on the right
Emma Ginsberg is a senior at Georgetown. Emma Ginsberg
  • I'm a senior at Georgetown University, and I'm in my last few weeks of college. 
  • Recently, I spent my day working out in the gym, going to class, and studying. 
  • I also went to the Georgetown farmers market and attended a formal event at a friend's house. 

On a Wednesday during one of my last weeks of college, my day started at 6 a.m. with some light reading.

Emma Ginsberg holding a book while laying in bed
I start my day off with a book. Emma Ginsberg

I'm currently reading Ottessa Moshfegh's "My Year of Rest and Relaxation." I'm not always a morning reader, though. Sometimes I turn to TikTok or scroll through other apps before getting out of bed. 


At 6:30 a.m., I made my bed and got dressed in a workout outfit that I set out for myself the night before.

Emma Ginsberg's bed made in her apartment
I like to make my bed each morning. Emma Ginsberg

I live off campus in a townhouse with four other Georgetown students. At Georgetown, we're only required to live on campus for the first three years. But our townhouse is just a block away from campus, so we aren't too far. 

I have my own room in the townhouse, and I like to make my bed each morning. It ensures I won't crawl back into it — even when I really want to sleep the day away. Plus, I'm big on keeping a super-tidy space, so making my bed is really important to me.


Once I made my bed, I did my morning skincare routine to help wake me up and make me look slightly more alive.

Emma Ginsberg's skincare products in a medicine cabinet
I do my skincare before the gym. Emma Ginsberg

I usually use moisturizer, vitamin C, and sunscreen in the mornings before heading out into the world. High-quality skincare is one of my few financial indulgences as a senior in college.

At 6:53 a.m., I headed out the door and started my walk to the on-campus gym. I'm lucky because I get to walk by Georgetown's gorgeous Healy Hall.

exterior of Healy Hall at gerogetown
Healy Hall is gorgeous in the morning. Emma Ginsberg

I loved taking my time on this walk because the campus was so quiet before 7 a.m. I loved the way the sun lit up Healy Hall, which is on the US National Register of Historic Places.


At 7 a.m., I arrived at Yates Field House, the on-campus gym for Georgetown students.

Emma Ginsberg taking a mirror selfie in the gym
It was a leg day. Emma Ginsberg

At the gym, I did a leg workout for an hour.

When I first arrived on campus as a freshman, I was terrified of going to the on-campus gym. I was so scared of seeing my peers when I was working out. Luckily, when I returned to Georgetown after a year of online school, I decided not to waste any more time caring about what other people thought. Now Yates is part of my routine.

After the gym, I headed home to put on the outfit I picked out the night before and did my hair and makeup.

Emma Ginsberg's mirror selfie of her outfit
I got dressed for class. Emma Ginsberg

Compared to students at other colleges, Georgetown students tend to dress casually — but not too casually — for day-to-day life on campus. Wearing leggings or sweatshirts to class is not the norm, so I try to pick out outfits on weekdays that are a balanced combination of comfortable and presentable. You can never go wrong with blue jeans and a black tee.


I then made breakfast so I could eat and sip my coffee at 9 a.m. before starting my work for the day.

Emma Ginsberg's breakfast of a smoothie and coffee
My morning smoothie and coffee. Emma Ginsberg

I'm one of those people who can't survive the day without a good breakfast, so I rotate between different breakfast recipes every week. 

This week my smoothie included frozen mango, banana, yogurt, water, spinach, chia seeds, and agave in it. Since I live off campus, I don't have access to the dining hall, but I don't mind cooking for myself.


At 9:30 a.m., I sat down with what was left of my coffee to get some homework done in my living room.

Emma Ginsberg's living room at georgetown
I do homework in my living room. Emma Ginsberg

I try to work in my living room at least once a day because it's a great way for me to be productive while also still being able to chat with my roommates as they pass in and out of the house.

When it's really nice out, I can often be found reading on our front porch instead.


At 12:30 p.m., I headed to the weekly on-campus farmers market with a couple of friends.

Emma Ginsberg at Georgetown's farmer's market
I love the farmers market. Emma Ginsberg

The farmers market is a highlight of my week and has been since freshman year.

It's run by students and one of my favorite things about going to Georgetown. On nice farmers-market days, the lawn is always crowded with Georgetown students eating amazing food and enjoying the sunshine.


At 2 p.m., I headed to my favorite class, a 2 ½-hour seminar in the Car Barn building.

Emma Ginsberg's classroom at Georgetown
My "Women, Domesticity & American Culture" class. Emma Ginsberg

"Women, Domesticity & American Culture" is hands-down my favorite class I've ever taken at Georgetown.

I'm an American Studies major, and I've specialized in studying domesticity throughout college; I just finished writing my senior thesis about Martha Stewart, so this class is right up my alley.

On this day, we were discussing Nancy Meyers' "Something's Gotta Give."


After class ends at 4:30 p.m., I did more reading in my favorite study spot on campus: the Bioethics Research Library.

Emma Ginsberg's laptop on a table in a georgetown library
This is my favorite study spot. Emma Ginsberg

The soft lighting, tall bookshelves, and windows that look out over Georgetown's front lawn make this my all-time-favorite study spot on campus.

I've been coming here at least a few times a week since my freshman year, and I find that it's the spot on campus where I feel the most cozy and productive.


Once I wrapped up my reading, I headed home and made myself dinner, which I ate around 7 p.m.

Emma Ginsberg's salad and fries for dinner
My dinner was a salad, fries, and a turkey burger. Emma Ginsberg

Tonight's dinner was a turkey burger, salad, and a side of frozen sweet-potato french fries from Trader Joe's.

I love trying out new recipes every week, and I found this one in a cookbook that a friend bought me. If no one else is milling about the house, I tend to scroll on TikTok or call my parents while I'm eating dinner.


At 8 p.m., I got ready for a formal event at a friend's house.

Emma Ginsberg taking a mirror selfie of her outfit
I got dressed up for a party. Emma Ginsberg

There are tons of events and parties to get dressed up for toward the end of the semester at Georgetown. 

Social life as a senior at Georgetown can mean anything from chill game nights to dressing up to go to parties and bars.

I'm not usually one to go out on a weeknight, but since it's my last few weeks of college, I made an exception.


At 11:30 p.m., I got home, took off my makeup, got ready for bed, and watched an episode of 'How I Met Your Mother.'

Emma Ginsberg's laptop in bed with how I met you mother playing
I watch TV before falling asleep. Emma Ginsberg

I always love to wind down for a bit before falling asleep, and the best way for me to do that is by watching my comfort show. 

Here's hoping my postgrad life is as fun as this sitcom makes it out to be!

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