Archives: Teams
BAS Science Management Team
The overall responsibility of SciMT is to advise and support the Director of Science on management issues that affect planning and delivery of science on both short and long timescales. …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab
The British Antarctic Survey’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab is at the forefront of innovative research and innovation, employing AI and machine learning techniques to tackle a broad spectrum of challenges …
BAS-Arctic Working Group
Working Group purpose The Arctic Working Group is a group of more than 60 BAS scientists and operations staff who are currently working in the Arctic or have aspirations to work …
Polar ships engineering team
Our ambition Our ambition is to ensure that RRS Sir David Attenborough, our polar research vessel, is ready to conduct science and logistic missions in the harshest of marine environments. …
Falkland Islands team
The BAS office in Stanley books all accommodation for BAS personnel transiting through Stanley – both South and North bound, and arranges transport to and from ships/aircraft. The Stanley Office …
Polar Operations Support Team
Understanding Earth’s response to a future high CO2 world
To assess the wider impact of global climate changes on the environment we are investigating intervals of deep geological time that provide clues about the evolution and sensitivity of organisms …
Past behaviour of polar oceans and their role as drivers of future climate change
Palaeoceanographers, palaeoclimatologists and geochemists have become increasingly aware that processes occurring in the Southern Ocean play a major role in the Earth’s climate system. The importance of the Southern Ocean …
Patterns and mechanisms of late glacial and Holocene climate change
We aim to detect patterns and mechanisms of late glacial and Holocene climate change and to place recent human impacts on the Earth’s climate system in the context of long …
Glacial history and ice sheet sensitivity to climate change
The biggest uncertainty in predictions of sea-level rise is what the contribution will be from the great ice sheets on Antarctica and Greenland as climate warms. Improving knowledge on the …
Web & Applications team
Developing web-based applications to support scientific, operational and business objectives
Vehicles team
Specialist team for specialist work
BAS Science Strategy Executive Group
Leading science and innovation
Operational Support teams
Our Environment Office ensures that British Antarctic Survey complies with the Antarctic Treaty and its environmental protocols. Devising policies and procedures to keep our teams safe is the responsibility of …
Polar Operations teams
Operational support for UK polar research is managed by our Operations teams. The team covers a wide range of activities from managing Arctic and Antarctic Research stations, operating polar ships …
Meet the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme Team
Delivering the Antarctic infrastructure modernisation programme
BAS Library
Supporting research and coordinating Open Access publishing
BAS IT team
Information and computing technology
Archives Service
Preserving and providing access to records produced by the British Antarctic Survey
Antarctic marine engineering team
The Antarctic Marine Engineering Team is responsible for providing engineering support and expertise in the design, development, manufacture and support of equipment used to conduct BAS research. Disciplines include electronic, mechanical, software and …
Antarctic employment pool team
Space Weather and Atmosphere team
Exploring the unknown, predicting the future
Polar Ship Operations Team
Planning shipborne science and logistics support
Science teams
Research Stations & Field Planning team
Our ambition Is to support the UK’s polar research effort through effective and efficient operation and management of research stations and deep-field locations in the Antarctic, the subantarctic and in …
Research Development and Support team
Providing an integrated support service to science
Geology and Geophysics team
Exploring the unknown
Health and Safety Management team
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is a world class research organisation based in Cambridge UK predominantly operating in the Antarctic and the Arctic. The polar regions present many health and …
HR, EDI and Wellbeing team
Welcome to BAS. Our team of HR, EDI and Wellbeing experts work together to support BAS’s mission and empower its people to achieve their potential in a safe and inclusive …
Ice Dynamics and Palaeoclimate team
Unlocking the past, predicting the future
Information Services team
The Information Services group consists of the Archives Service, the BAS Library, the Polar Data Centre (PDC) and the Web and Applications team. These teams are jointly responsible for the …
Innovation team
Innovation is at the heart of our organisation. Scientific exploration of the polar regions is made possible through the inventive approach we take to our work. We aim to apply …
Leadership teams
Strategic planning and management
Polar Supply Chain Logistics
Supply Chain Logistics Team is responsible for receiving, packing, documenting and shipping cargo for the BAS Science Programme, supporting stations, vessels, aircraft, scientific cruises, field parties and building projects. Everything required …
Mapping and GIS team
Providing geospatial information support to BAS science and operations programmes
Ecosystems team
Understanding the present, predicting the future
Operational Teams
Operational support for UK polar research is managed by our Operations teams. The team covers a wide range of activities from managing Arctic and Antarctic Research stations, operating polar ships …
Palaeo Environments, Ice Sheets and Climate Change team
Understanding past change in ice sheets, oceans and global climate
UK Polar Data Centre team
Supporting the management of data collected by UK-funded scientists in the polar regions
Polar Oceans team
Understanding the present, exploring the unknown
BAS Management team
Business leadership
Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team
Predicting the future
Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation team
Understanding the present
Business teams
Business team
Communications team
Communicating excellence with impact
Engineering and Technology teams
British Antarctic Survey’s Engineering and Technology Teams are a small groups of engineers dedicated to the technical development and support of science in the Antarctic. Our responsibilities are wide ranging, …
Environment Office team
The Environment Office coordinates and monitors environmental activities on BAS stations and ships and at its headquarters in Cambridge to ensure minimum environmental impact. Our responsibilities Developing and implementing BAS …
Estates team
The British Antarctic Survey Estates Team, based in Cambridge, has responsibility for the buildings and facilities management of our Cambridge site as well as out stations in Antarctica. Our ambition …
BAS Executive team
Leadership at British Antarctic Survey
Fellows and associates
Finance team
Demonstrating public accountability
Air Operations team
Our ambition Is to operate and manage an integrated fleet of aircraft for research, survey and polar logistics. We aim to execute a challenging programme of airborne science and logistics …