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CBD Oil for ADHD? Research Says No, Dangers Exist

Early research suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) may help patients with epilepsy. It is also believed to relieve pain, anxiety, mood disorders, and even acne. However, no research links CBD oil to ADHD symptom relief and the dangers of experimentation are serious. That isn’t stopping some patients from trying it.

12 Comments: CBD Oil for ADHD? Research Says No, Dangers Exist

  1. “I said something to my Psychiatrist yesterday about it and his response was no,no it would make things worse for those with ADD/ADHD.”

    How would he know this? It sounds more like he is either merely expressing his own prejudice or just regurgitating some propaganda he was fed in medical school. Because there simply isn’t enough research to back either benefit or making things worse.

  2. Lack of quality control and standardised doses is indeed an issue. However most of the remaining objections cited in this article amount to rank hypocrisy. All that scaremongering about not knowing how the drug works or the long term effects. What does giving a child methylphenidate for 12 years do to their brain? How about an adult taking it for decades? We don’t know for sure. Only quite recently has there even been research into what is actually different in the brain of someone who has ADHD. Why do stimulants work? I don’t mean vague notions about dopamine and norepinephrine, but the exact mechanism? We don’t exactly know, and we gave these drugs to people for decades without the faintest clue why they work. It is no wonder that doctors and researchers get called shills for the pharmaceutical companies.

  3. I’m not sure when this article was written but CBD is no longer considered an illegal drug at the federal level. With the passing of the Farm Bill in December of 2018, CBD and hemp have been declassified as illegal and they now recognize the difference between the hemp and marijuana plant. The legality is still a little blurry when it comes to state to state laws but it is now federally legal. With all that said, CBD has MANY studies that have proven that it is very beneficial when it comes to treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other mood disorders which is something we all know people with ADHD struggle with. I would rather be taking something natural to assist me with those symptoms than taking something that comes with a long list of side effects and addictions. CBD is essentially side effect free from all the studies we are seeing and there is no known addiction to it. I cannot say the same for THC products but CBD does not contain THC or contains levels so low (0.3% is the legal federal level) that they do not cause the psychotropic effects that we commonly see with THC. Marijuana has anywhere from 15% to 35% THC in it. Definitely always consult your Dr of course but honestly I think CBD is a real contender for folks with ADHD and MANY other health issues. The studies are pouring in, just keep praying the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t try to crush it or drag it through the mud. We will see. Cheers.

  4. “The bottom line,” Evans says, “is that there is a dearth of research on all cannabinoid actions — because of its schedule 1 classification — and no clear scientific evidence I can find to endorse or not endorse CBD use for ADHD.”

    The dearth of research is more due to, as I see it, the pharma industry’s reluctance to invest in R&D of a product they, in all likelihood, won’t be able to patent; much less of a hindrance is the schedule 1 classification as that is likely to be changed. Gov’t funded research could benefit us all if cannabinoid derivatives proved useful, esp in cost terms, however I don’t see this happening soon given the pharma industry’s PAC money influence on congress.

    1. I have been on CBD Oil now for over a year. The results I’ve gotten are nothing short of miraculous. It literally enabled me to eliminate 7 prescribed medications and I haven’t felt this good since I was in high school. I am 36 years old and wish this stuff would’ve been available for me in high school and all thise years I struggled with focus and anxiety. It fills as though a fog has been lifted. I’m happier, no depression, calmer and can FINALLY sleep at night. So many things all just got better or Completely went away for me.

  5. Social anxiety, depression, and many other related symptoms are common among patients with ADHD. And, CBD is the solution to all these symptoms. There are scientific reports and studies which have confirmed its anti-anxiety, depression potential. Now, with the approval of FARM BILL 2018, it is expected that there will be a surge in CBD products for medicinal as well as recreational purposes. However, if you wish to understand its medicinal use, you must consult medical cannabis doctors.

  6. I said something to my Psychiatrist yesterday about it and his response was no,no it would make things worse for those with ADD/ADHD.

  7. From personal experience, No. In my country (NZ) there are no legal means of obtaining or using any form of Cannabis. When you consider that stimulants are a known and effective means for minimizing symptoms of ADHD, it’s hard to imagine anyone would benefit long term from this powerful de-motivator. In my case it could temporarily hit pause on an overactive brain, but thinking clearly and/or holding a conversation is very difficult. Before being diagnosed with inattentive ADHD as an adult I used marijuana regularly in a recreational setting but now realize it was a coping mechanism that offered short-term relief from SOME symptoms, but exacerbated others. Depression and Anxiety are something to be very aware of if trying this form of self-medication and in the case of a friend who was unaware of a pre-existing psychotic disorder, Cannabis was the straw that broke the camels back. I personally wouldn’t recommend it to anyone for ADHD, and certainly not oil! I’m curious to hear from people in the US states where access to Marijuana via dispensaries provides a wide variety of strains of differing strengths and types of high.

    1. Cannabis use and ADHD are both independently associated with impaired attention, inhibition, and functioning. Most research is around ADHD as a risk factor for developing substance use disorder.

    2. And while CBD may potentially benefit some patients with ADHD, “One is doing an experiment on oneself by taking CBD for ADHD,” Evans adds. “CBD is anti-inflammatory and I’m not sure there is good evidence mechanistically that for ADHD it might be helpful.”

      Every time anyone takes any FDA approved medication, they too are “doing and experiment on oneself….”

      My wife has MS and within two minutes of taking 20mg of CBD, she is pain free and spasm free for at least 8 hours. She hasn’t been pain free since she was 13. MS, Four levels fused in her spine, and an artificial hip. “Experiment successful….”

    3. I’ve been on stimulants for adhd for over 15 years. Through puberty, most of my brains development. It can no longer function properly without it. I just thought I’d add that in. To paraphrase, just because doctors prescribe something, doesn’t mean it’s safe 🙂 I’ve been on bezos for anxiety for so long and now was told I’m on too many and have to lower then. That they cause memory loss and that studies show going off all your anxiety medicine lowers your anxiety. After two years of struggling with the addiction it’s caused. Because you become fully addicted you anxiety medicines (benzodiazepines) and stimulant. If you’ve ever developed a tolerance and needed to raise your dosage, welcome to being a legal junkie.
      CBD helps my anxiety tremendously. I’m not sure about my adhd. For the record, cannabis can be whatever you want it to be. I think it’s a preferably coping method to alcohol or self harm and sometimes that’s the only type of options available to people,or at least all they can see. But the medicinal thing isn’t fake. It has to do with the strain. It’s not even legal in my state, but I can generally get some kind of selection. An indica helps my anxiety better than anything else hands down. And during a recent months long depression I scraped my bowl and smoked some resin and was able to get out of bed. It can work miracles for some people similar to how I’m sure lithium helps some people, but to me it’s just a metal that nearly ruined my life.
      When you’re high you tend to zone in on something if you have any kind of head high. Idk how many times I’ve heard of people getting high and cleaning. I’ve been learning how to focus that attention to studying programming. The sativa part of a hybrid keeps you very focused. So yes, yes cannabis can help with add/adhd. I’m not certain about cbd. I’m on far too many medicines to tell all its minute affects. But a reduction in anxiety and pain will help one focus on something else.
      I’m not sure how oil makes this any worse. Of the methods to use cbd, vaping allows is to enter the body quickest but I’m is far too difficult to measure as your only way to use it. Gel caps are the most accurate. It’s the best way to have consistency. Tinctures are a little less accurate, but you aren’t constrained by the gel cap dosage. That leads to multiple advantages including saving money.
      Sorry for the long comment but I don’t think cannabis isn’t experienced quite the same in other countries nor do they have the same experience with prescription medicine (big pharma has such a massive impact on our lives)
      Take care everyone

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