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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1388XIII International Rubus and Ribes Symposium

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Conveners   L.W. DeVetter, D.R. Bryla 
Editors   D.R. Bryla, L.W. DeVetter 
29 February 2024 
ISBN   978-94-62613-87-4 
ISSN   0567-7572 (print)   2406-6168 (electronic) 
Number of articles   59 
Place   Portland, OR, USA 
Online articles:
Acta Horticulturae 1388 - cover - colophon - contents - authors
Highlights of a career in blackberry breeding: resiliency exemplified! (J.R. Clark)
Exploring the potential of priming agents towards enhanced performance of Rubus species (G.A. Manganaris, N. Valanides, R. Gohari, J. Milivojevic, L.W. DeVetter, V. Fotopoulos)
Future-proofing the pollination services to insect-pollinated crop production (R. Rader, L. Schmidt, M. Rocchetti, D. Wright, K. Bezerra da Silva Santos, A. Dingley, J. Preradovic, J. Jones, B. Dawson, L.W. DeVetter, D.J. Perović, A.E. Davis)
Blackcurrant breeding for high sensory qualities of fruits – new releases from Ukraine (O. Yareshchenko, Y. Tereshchenko, L. Shevchuk, I. Grynyk, I. Babiichuk)
Sant’Orsola’s raspberry breeding program (P. Zucchi, L. Osti, S. Giacomelli, A. del Sorbo, G. Savini)
Recent progress in Polish raspberry and blackberry breeding (A. Orzeł, A. Janik-Wójs, M. Gasparska, K. Król-Dyrek)
Evaluation process of new raspberry and blackberry cultivars for the Belgian market at pcfruit (M. Boonen, C. Spruyt, D. Bylemans)
Four new raspberry cultivars from the Chilean Breeding Program with high productive potential (M. Gambardella, E. Contreras)
Raspberry and blackberry breeding at Cornell University (C. Weber)
The progress of raspberry breeding in Scotland (S.N. Jennings, L. Ferguson)
Assessment of different factors to induce the adventitious regeneration in two blackberry cultivars starting from leaf and petiole explants (A. Ricci, L. Iocoli, D. D’Aloiso, B. Mezzetti, G. Savini, S. Sabbadini)
Advances in molecular breeding of blackberries in the Arkansas fruit breeding program (M. Worthington, T.M. Chizk, C.A. Johns, L.D. Nelson, A. Silva, C. Godwin, J.R. Clark)
A new raspberry cultivar ‘Selina’ released from Shenyang Agricultural University (J. Deng, Z. Liu, H. Dai, S. Li, K. Li, Y. Cai, M. Li, J. Sun)
Application of gene editing technologies in Rubus to introduce beneficial consumer and agronomic traits (A. Fister, B.C.W. Crawford, R.D. Chauhan, E.A. Dean, P.A. Vogel, T.W. Lowry, T.J. Poorten, N.D. Graham, J. Reiner, C. Ochsenfeld, L. Redpath, A. Rivas)
Developing a simple sequence repeat (SSR) fingerprinting set to characterize the NCGR Ribes collection (J.M. Bushakra, A. Alvarez, R. King, J. Green, A. Nyberg, N. Bassil)
A black raspberry fingerprinting set identifies seedlings in two families (N. Bassil, R. King, M. Peterson, M. Dossett, M. Hardigan)
Sulfuric acid treatments and their effect on embryo viability in raspberry seeds (M. Gambardella, B. Mezzetti, V. Pergolotti, R. León, E. Contreras)
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of raspberry and blackberry releases from Niwa Berry Breeding Ltd., Poland (A. Orzeł, J. Jagła, J. Frączek, M. Piotrowski, M. Krośniak, K. Król-Dyrek)
Anecdote of homozygosity in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) (K. Lust-Moore, G. Fernandez, M.R. Hysong, C. Oschenfeld, C. Britton, R. Rapp, M. Worthington, C. Weber, N. Bassil, J.M. Bushakra, M. Dossett, H. Ashrafi)
Blackcurrant breeding at James Hutton Institute – the challenges and prospects (A.M. Moura, S. Gordon, L. Jorgensen, J. Graham)
Pine bark as an alternative to coco coir for substrate production of long-cane raspberry in southeastern USA (L. Rayburn, B.E. Jackson, J. Mays, J. Hewitt, G. Fernandez)
Optimising plant density in long cane cultivation of red raspberries (L. Linnemannstöns, S. Schrey)
Seasonal extension of glasshouse blackberry and raspberry with supplemental assimilation lighting (C. Spruyt, F. De vis, M. Boonen, D. Bylemans)
Influence of high tunnel and shade on blackberry yield and white drupelet disorder (E.L. Vinson, J.D. Spiers)
Life cycle assessment of red raspberry production – a comparative case study of open field and tunnel production in Finland (M. Rantanen, K. Joensuu, K. Räsänen, F. Silvenius, K. Usva, K. Rikala, S. Karhu)
Identifying alternative management practices to promote blackberry lateral branch development (T.M. Kon, G. Fernandez, J.C. Melgar, H. Lepsch)
Chilling requirements for dormancy release in red currants and gooseberries (A. Sřnsteby, M. Sadojevic, O.M. Heide)
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on growth and flowering in red currant cultivars (Ribes sativum Syme) (A. Sřnsteby, M. Sadojevic, O.M. Heide)
Weighing lysimeters for measuring evapotranspiration and developing crop coefficients for trailing blackberry (J. Carroll, S. Orr, A.J. Davis, B.C. Strik, D.R. Bryla)
Pollinator communities in a blackberry cropping system under intense pest management (H.K. Levenson, H.J. Burrack)
The occurrence of blackcurrant-associated rhabdovirus and blackcurrant rhabdovirus 2 (J. Špak, J. Přibylová, I. Koloňuk)
No controls? No problem. A novel approach to develop controls that mimic natural virus infection (S. Singh, D. Stainton, I.E. Tzanetakis)
Disease epidemiology and management of phytophthora root rot and wilt of red raspberry (R.R. Burlakoti, S. Sapkota)
Sustainable Botrytis disease management in Rubus (T. Vanwalleghem, T. Smets, C.I. Mata, W. Van Hemelrijck, M. Holtappels, T. Beliën, A. Geeraerd Ameryckx, V. Ieremia, F. Michiels, N. Demaître, M. Boonen, D. Bylemans)
Impact of trellising on spray coverage and spotted-wing drosophila infestation: comparing the rotating cross-arm trellis to the T-trellis (A.J. Cato, A. McWhirt, E. Henderson, R. Keiffer, L. Herrera)
Impact of trellis system on blackberry crop canopy architecture and microclimate with implications for pest management (M. Duncan, A. Lay-Walters, L. Herrera, A. McWhirt, A.J. Cato, R. Threlfall)
Types of incompatibility used in the process of pollination and fertilization of blackberry flowers (Rubus L. subgen. Rubus) (A. Orzeł, K. Król-Dyrek, M. Bieniasz, W. Lech)
Preliminary study of golden currant (Ribes aureum Pursh.) cultivar pollination, fertility and fruit set patterns (K. Kampuss)
Impact of harvest date on size, composition, and volatiles of Arkansas fresh-market blackberries (J. Chenier, A. Myers, R. Threlfall, L. Howard, C. Brownmiller, J.R. Clark, M. Worthington, S. Lafontaine)
Effects of acclimation prior to storage on marketable attributes for fresh-market blackberries (A. Myers, R. Threlfall, A. McWhirt)
High-throughput color assessment of red raspberry puree (C. Baldassi, Y.Y. Lee, M. Dossett, S.D. Castellarin)
Low-temperature survival of blackberry cultivars grown in the midwestern United States (M.R. Warmund)
A simple temperature-based model for scheduling long-cane blackberry crops (R.W. Dickson, S.W. Doty, L.M. Machesney, E. Henderson)
Recovery from hail damage in primocane raspberry (K. Lepaja, L. Lepaja, E. Kullaj, N. Krasniqi, F. Selimi)
Yield fluctuations in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) (I. Martinussen, E. Uleberg, A.L. Hykkerud)
Study of some characteristics in raspberry breeding: rust resistance, earliness and fruit colour (H. Novo, F.R. Luz, M. Mota, P.B. Oliveira)
A review of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium nutrition in red raspberry and blackberry (B.C. Strik, D.R. Bryla, A.J. Davis)
Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake kinetics by two blackberry genotypes grown in Florida (H. Liu, M. Curtis Gluck, G. Liu)
Calcium accumulation in developing fruits of raspberry and blackberry (A. Dias Da Silva, S. Orr, M. Kraft, M. Hardigan, B. Maupin, R. Pio, D.R. Bryla, L.W. DeVetter)
Status of crop fertility management and plant tissue nutrient concentration of blackberry in the southeastern United States (A. McWhirt, J. Samtani, G. Fernandez, E. Stafne, E. Coneva, D. Lockwood, Z. Rubio Ames, N. Bumgarner, J. Havlin)
Effects of benzylaminopurine and liquid fertilizer application on lateral branch development and the yield of raspberry ‘Heritage’ (H. Imanishi, K. Katagiri, H. Kanda, Y. Yoshida, N. Kitamoto)
Observations on the interaction among sap flow, stem diameter fluctuations, and water intake by ‘Lagorai’ raspberry (D. Raffaelli, G. Savini, S. Curzel, B. Mezzetti)
Successful in vitro germination of Rubus genotypes induced to polyploidy using three different antimitotic agents (M.F. Roque, V. Pergolotti, S. Sabbadini, C.S. Trindade, T. Valdiviesso, P.B. Oliveira, B. Mezzetti)
A step closer in dissecting individual virus attributes in the blackberry yellow vein disease complex (A. Sierra Mejia, D.E.V. Villamor, I.E. Tzanetakis)
Effects of agrotextile mulch on the performance of different blackcurrant cultivars (V. Laugale, J. Lepsis, S. Strautina)
Assessing the performance of blackberry cultivars in central Alabama, southern USA (J.D. Spiers, E.L. Vinson III)
A new raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.) breeding program for selecting new resilient and high-quality cultivars (V. Pergolotti, A. Patella, M. Marcellini, D. Raffaelli, G. Dradi, L. Mazzoni, F. Capocasa, B. Mezzetti)
Anthocyanin profiles in fruit from seminal primocane and floricane-fruiting Rubus cultivars (P. Perkins-Veazie, G. Ma, G. Fernandez, H. Oh, C. Ochsenfeld, A. Fister, L. Redpath, R. Rapp)
Anthocyanin profiles among Rubus species (P. Perkins-Veazie, G. Ma, G. Fernandez, B. Haynes, C. Ochsenfeld, A. Fister, L. Redpath, R. Rapp)

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