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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1387III International Symposium on Beverage Crops

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This title is available in ActaHort USB-drive, e-Acta, and print format
Conveners   C. García-Viguera, E. Gómez Plaza, R. Gil Muñoz 
Editors   E. Gómez Plaza, R. Gil Muñoz, C. García-Viguera 
29 February 2024 
ISBN   978-94-62613-86-7 
ISSN   0567-7572 (print)   2406-6168 (electronic) 
Number of articles   46 
Place   Murcia, Spain 
Online articles:
Acta Horticulturae 1387 - cover - colophon - contents - authors
The application of non-thermal technologies for the production of healthier high-quality fruit/vegetable juices and beverages – a revisit (S. Gulzar, O. Martín-Belloso, P. Elez-Martínez, R. Soliva-Fortuny)
The function of source-sink relationships in grapevines on grape and wine production (B.P. Holzapfel, J. Smith, G. Rossouw, S. Field)
Effect of lemon juice enriched with melatonin (Citrus lemon L.) in the treatment of K14HPV16 mice (F. Badiche El Hilali, B. Medeiros-Fonseca, P.A. Oliveira, D. Valero)
The juice of sweet cherries treated with brassinosteroids has enhanced phenolic compounds (J. Puente-Moreno, M.E. García-Pastor, F. Guillén, H.M. Díaz-Mula, D. Valero, M. Serrano)
Spermidine preharvest treatment improves the phenolic content of ‘Sunburst’ sweet cherry juices (F. Garrido-Auñón, M.E. García-Pastor, P.J. Zapata, M. Serrano, D. Valero)
Experience and understanding of concepts surrounding ‘natural wine’ in Vermont (B. Pelletier, T.L. Bradshaw)
Scaling-up of fruit-based winemaking from melon by-products (J.A. Salas-Millán, A. Aznar, A. Conesa-Bueno, E. Aguayo)
Assessing the potential for bushfire smoke exposure of apples (Malus domestica Borkh) to affect the composition and sensory characteristics of cider (K.A. Dodds, B.P. Holzapfel, K.L. Wilkinson)
On-farm trials on fertilizer application based on soil analysis for pineapple production in eastern Thailand (P. Whijitara, P. Poosikhew)
Effect of freeze drying, oven drying and their combinations on energy conservation and quality of carrot slices (Z.P. Mina, T. Kaseke, T. Fadiji, O.A. Fawole)
Sensory and physico-chemical optimization of wild blueberry juice (A. Zarate Carbajal, L. Bazinet, S. Turgeon, A. Duarte Sierra)
Optimizing microencapsulation of raspberry juice powder using blends of gum Arabic and maltodextrin for potential applications in the beverage industry (C.T. Nthimole, T. Kaseke, O.A. Fawole)
Quantification of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds in an infusion made from dried acaí (Euterpe precatoria) pulp (A. Martínez, M.S. Hernández, J.P. Fernandez-Trujillo)
Development of new craft beer enriched with a by-product of orange (A. Dobón-Suárez, M.J. Giménez, M. Gutiérrez-Pozo, P.J. Zapata)
New perspectives for some local grapevines of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy): from the genetic characterization to the wine production in the current scenario of global warming (G. Allegro, C. Pastore, M. Fontana, R. Mazzoleni, G. Valentini, I. Filippetti)
Non-invasive wine authentication method using near-infrared spectroscopy through the bottle (C. Gonzalez Viejo, N. Harris, C. Barnes, E. Tongson, C. Hernandez-Brenes, J. Valiente-Banuet, S. Fuentes)
Impact of foliar application of urea and nano-urea over stilbene synthesis during ‘Monastrell’ ripening (M.J. Giménez-Bañón, J.D. Moreno-Olivares, D.F. Paladines-Quezada, B. Parra-Torrejón, G.B. Ramírez-Rodríguez, J.M. Delgado-López, J.A. Bleda-Sánchez, R. Gil-Muñoz)
Controlled-release nitrogen technology as a sustainable nutrition management in lean-soil vineyards (M. Lucchetta, Y. Pii, A. Cagnin, L. Lovat, A. Romano, F. Correddu, F. Gaiotti)
Evaluation of new disease resistant cultivars in a cool climate region in Australia (B.P. Holzapfel, G. Rossouw, A. Gregson, O. Holzapfel, C. Chopineaux, J. Clark, I. Dry)
Effect of different temperatures on fermentation dynamics in wines of Vitis vinifera ‘País’ from the Itata valley (G. Pascual, H. Hidd, M.D. López, I. Serra)
Assessment of grape pressing environmental performance with device technical sheets (L.J. Ramirez Cando, L. Guerrini)
Healthier soft drinks from horticultural production: consumption increased interest in Colombia (R. Munar, M.S. Hernández)
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages – an alternative to conserve wild grapevine in central Mexico (O. Franco-Mora, F.J. Sandoval-Figueroa, J. Salomon-Castaño, J.R. Sánchez-Pale, Á. Castañeda-Vildózola)
New isotonic beverages from Amazonian arazá fruits (Eugenia stipitata McVaugh) (L.N. Cuellar-Álvarez, F.J. Salar, C. García-Viguera, C. Osorio, D.A. Moreno)
An innovative beverage made from revalorized broccoli and carrots by-products (P. Pérez, S. Hashemi, M. Cano-Lamadrid, L. Martínez-Zamora, P.A. Gómez, F. Artés-Hernández)
Emergent Amazonian fruits as a source of beverage ingredients (M.S. Hernández, J.P. Fernandez-Trujillo)
A drying model to study bioactive compounds loss in beverage ingredients based on Chilean fruits (M.D. López, F. Noriega, M.E. Romero-Román)
Effects of pretreatments on quality attributes and antioxidant contents of dried pomegranate arils (O.A. Fawole, F.M. Mokapane, U.L. Opara)
Analysis of phenological, pomological and biochemical characteristics of wild apricot in Kazakhstan (G.S. Mukanova, M.K. Smailova, A.G. Sankaibaeva, L.Sh. Shadmanova)
Evaluation of the germplasm collection according to directions of use in order to identify suitable genotypes for natural tomato juice (B. Mușat, C. Vînătoru, C. Bratu, G. Negoșanu, M. Popescu)
Enhancing statistics and machine learning results from an interventional longitudinal dietary study applying a data imputation system (D. Hernandez-Prieto, C. García-Viguera, J.A. Egea)
Persimmon byproduct extracts as potential antibacterial ingredients against foodborne pathogens (B. Moreno-Chamba, J. Salazar-Bermeo, M.C. Martínez Madrid, D. Saura, V. Lizama, N. Martí, M. Valero)
Stability of upcycled polysaccharides in beverages as source of dietary fibre and antioxidants (J. Salazar-Bermeo, B. Moreno-Chamba, M.C. Martínez-Madrid, D. Saura, V. Lizama, M. Valero, N. Martí)
Quality properties and antioxidant compounds of pomegranate juice as affected by cultivar (H.M. Díaz-Mula, D. Valero, J.M. Lorente-Mento, D. Martínez-Romero, F. Guillén, M. Serrano)
Influence of inoculum on the dynamics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast biomass development (I.D. Barbulescu, R.I. Teodorescu, C. Dumitrache, M. Begea, D. Dragotoiu, M. Frincu, S.I. Marculescu, A.I. Cîrîc, D.C. Banita, V. Tudor, E.M. Boroiu)
Winery by-products are sources of macro- and micronutrients: nutritional identifying new valuable food ingredients (A. Costa-Pérez, S. Medina, P. Sánchez-Bravo, R. Domínguez-Perles, C. García-Viguera)
Biorational pesticide efficacy in northern New England vineyards (B. Pelletier, T.L. Bradshaw)
Coffee production and pest control in pocket areas of Nepal, a brief review (A. Tuladhar, D.R. Khanal)
Phenotypical and biochemical evaluation of the Sideritis scardica, hyssopifolia, syriaca and raeseri genotypes acclimated in Romania (G. Negoșanu, C. Vînătoru, V. Ion, A. Dîcă, A. Asănică)
Evaluation of the phenolic compounds of a beer with inclusion of acaí (Euterpe precatoria) pulp (A. Martínez, C. Mendoza, M.S. Hernández)
Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) and honey: an attempt to innovate mead production (I. Serra, G. Pascual, H. Salazar, J. Campos)
Chemical composition of apple cider: a comparative study of Norwegian and French ciders (I. Øvsthus, M. Martelanc, T. Radovanović Vukajlović, M. Lesica, L. Butinar, B. Mozetič Vodopivec, G. Antalick)
Tiger nut milk enriched with bioactive compounds of Brassica extract – new format for delivering phytochemicals for health (P. Garcia-Ibañez, C. Guijarro-Real, R. Domínguez-Perles, M. Carvajal, D.A. Moreno)
Alcohol removing influences sulforaphane concentration in broccoli sprouts supplemented beers (P. Sánchez-Bravo, M.J. Giménez, R. Domínguez-Perles, P.J. Zapata, C. García-Viguera)
Hibiscus sabdariffa use in the U.S. Virgin Islands beverage industry (D.A. Richards, T.W. Zimmerman)
Perception and acceptability of artificial intelligence applications in viticulture and wine by consumers from Mexico and Australia (S. Fuentes, E. Tongson, C. Hernandez-Brenes, J. Valiente-Banuet, R. Villarreal-Lara, I. De Anda-Lobo, N. Harris, J. Dutton, F. Mattioli, C. Gonzalez Viejo)

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ISBN-13: 9789462613867

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