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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1383XXVII International EUCARPIA Symposium Section Ornamentals: From Nature to Culture - Breeding Ornamentals for Sustainability

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Conveners   M. Mariotti, M. Beruto 
Editors   M. Beruto, M. Mariotti, J. Van Huylenbroeck 
30 November 2023 
ISBN   978-94-62613-82-9 
ISSN   0567-7572 (print)   2406-6168 (electronic) 
Number of articles   42 
Place   Genoa, Italy 
Online articles:
Acta Horticulturae 1383 - cover - colophon - contents - authors
From wild species to ornamental crops: a never-ending story (R. Barba-González, E. Tapia-Campos, S. Soria Arteaga, H.K. Vargas Merino, J.M. Rodríguez-Domínguez)
Ethical plant access – experiences in New Zealand (K. Funnell, W.T. Blissett)
Iranian Dionysia, domestication for commercialization (S. Alipour, R. Majidi, M. Liden)
Short notes on breeding using botanical species to produce innovative ornamental products (F. Sapia)
Towards understanding the genome complexity of hexaploid chrysanthemum (P. Arens, N. Van Lieshout, M. Van Kaauwen, M. Hooykaas, M. Nakano, R.G.F. Visser, M. Kusaba, R. Finkers, R.M.J.M. Smulders)
Chrysanthemum arcticum L. subsp. polaré is genetically distinct from other taxa in the Chrysanthemum arcticum species complex (L. Bower-Jernigan, N.O. Anderson)
Iris ferdowsii, a threatened and endangered Iranian iris (N. Safari, A. Tehranifar, M. Kharrazi)
Interspecific hybridization of Dahlia (Asteraceae) for the development of cultivars with ornamental value (R. Aguirre, J. Legaria, M. Colinas, M. Juárez-Hernández, J. Mejía-Muñoz, K. Hammett)
Linaria Mill. – a genus with ornamental value and breeding potential (L. Lertsutham, B. Hallmann, T.W. Chen, I. Pinker, K. Olbricht)
Determination of a protocol for the in vitro germination of Tillandsia usneoides (E.F. Valdez-Hernández, R.C. Rodríguez-Valdivia, S.G. Leyva-Mir, J.L. Rodríguez-De la O, M.J. Juárez-Hernández, J.M. Mejía-Muñoz)
Sustainable production of greenhouse ornamentals using plant growth-promoting bacteria (J. Quijia Pillajo, L. Chapin, S. Naik, M.L. Jones)
Breeding opportunities in Geraniaceae: enhancing genetic diversity and ornamental traits (M. Akbarzadeh, S.P.O. Werbrouck, J. Van Huylenbroeck, E. Dhooghe)
A bio-assay to screen Ilex crenata for tolerance to high soil pH and black root rot resistance (E. Geukens, K. Heungens, E. Smolders, L. Leus)
Determining frost tolerance in Lavandula (E. Van Oost, K. Van Laere, P. Lootens, B. De Rybel, L. Leus)
Androgenic plants – a tool for the development of new breeding strategies in Anemone coronaria L. (A. Copetta, A. Alberto, M. Laura, M. Rabaglio, F. Brusco, B. Ruffoni)
Nitrous oxide treatment increases the proportion of viable pollen and pollen size in Limonium perezii (J. Córdoba-Sánchez, K.A. Funnell, D. Hedderley, N. Roskruge, E. Morgan)
Nutritional and antioxidant activity of rosehips (M. Zhou, Y. Sun, C. Yu)
Different tolerance responses against Botrytis cinerea in Hydrangea macrophylla (L. Fazlikhani, S. Krezlewski, J. Schumacher, F. Engel, C. Tränkner)
Evaluation of the effect of nitrous oxide on the ploidy level of Eustoma grandiflorum (S. Soria Arteaga, R. Barba-González, E. Tapia-Campos, J.M. Rodríguez-Dominguez, M. De Donato Capote)
Genetically modified ornamentals developed at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science of Korea (S.Y. Lee, J.Y. Shin, K.Y. Lee, Y.J. Kim, H.R. An, S.J. Kim, O.H. Kwon)
Comparison of the effect of colchicine and nitrous oxide (N2O) on the ploidy of Tagetes erecta (H.K. Vargas Merino, E. Tapia-Campos, J.M. Rodríguez-Dominguez, R. Barba-González)
Gene editing to support breeding in ornamental species (J.G. Schaart, P. Arens, F.A. Krens, M. Juranić)
Efficient genome editing in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) using the CRISPR/Cas9 system (Xueqing Fu, Kexuan Tang)
Identification of major flower color QTLs in tetraploid roses (Bixuan Cheng, Ceting Feng, C. Yu)
Hormone profiling of chrysanthemum hairy roots after co-cultivation with Rhizobium rhizogenes (E. De Keyser, J. Tyburski, J. Kesy, N. Mucha, T. Eeckhaut, E. Dhooghe)
The first reference genome of Ranunculus asiaticus L. reveals a key region related to anthocyanin pigmentation (M. Martina, E. Portis, A. Acquadro, L. Gaccione, E. Vergnano, M. Bolgher, B. Usadel, L. Barchi, S. Lanteri)
Optimization of Rhizobium rhizogenes-mediated transformation for a diversity set of rose genotypes (P. Rüter, F. Wehrenberg, J. Bartels, T. Debener, T. Winkelmann)
Two mechanisms of remontant flowering in Hydrangea macrophylla (T. Harraß, M. Gundermann, C. Tränkner)
Using transcriptomics to identify gene markers for flower longevity in dahlias (M. Casey, I. Marchioni, B. Lear, A.D. Stead, H.J. Rogers)
Cytogenetic comparison of Hibiscus syriacus with Hibiscus moscheutos by FISH and flow cytometry (D.M. Deepo, Ki Byung Lim)
Microsatellite-based identification of doubled haploid plants by androgenesis in Anemone coronaria L. (M. Martina, L. Barchi, D. Gulino, F. Brusco, M. Rabaglio, A. Acquadro, E. Portis, S. Lanteri)
Ornamental plants in different contexts that favour sustainability and quality of life (R. Porta)
The use of psammophilous flora in Mediterranean low-impact gardens (C. Bonifazio, L. Varaldo, S. Tripi, M. Savona, C. Mascarello, L. Camerini, L. Minuto)
Drying, a sustainable way of bringing diversity in the ornamental sector (M. Malakar, M. Beruto, S. Jayasavitha, S. Sankavi, S. Sivabalan)
Wildflowers valorise sustainable agriculture, local cultural identity, and territorial development (S. Scaramuzzi, F. Bretzel, F. Papini, S. Gabellini)
New insights on management strategies for invasive plant species in urban environment and selection of new sustainable ornamentals (G. Daniele, M. Caser, N. Sebesta, E. Barni, F. Larcher)
Flora & Green are the new must in communicating your sustainable reputation (M. Abbati)
Using selected Habitat European Directive species as garden plants: challenges and opportunities (M. Mariotti, C. Bonomi, S. Magrini, G. Bacchetta, J. Bavcon, V. Casolo, R.M. Ceriani, L. Di Martino, L. Dixon, G. Fabrini, S. Raimondi, C. Salmeri, M. Villani, J. Buhagiar, A. Cristaudo)
Role of botanic gardens for ornamental plant conservation through sustainable management: case studies at Hanbury Botanic Gardens (F. Boero, E. Zappa, S. Ferrari, F. Monroy, M. Mariotti)
Metabolite production from hairy root biomass in Salvia species (P. Devi, V. Iobbi, A. Copetta, M. Laura, B. Ruffoni, A. Bisio)
Morphological characterization of infloresence and trunk in golden-rain trees (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.) (Hanna Shin, Hae-Yun Kwon, Young-Im Choi)
Dahlia parvibracteata for agriculture and floriculture in Mexico (M. Rosales, A. Ramirez, E. Sosa, C. Flores, I. De Luna, J. Mejía-Muñoz, L. Martínez)

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