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ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1382VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model-IT 2023

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Conveners   P.V. Mahajan, M. Zude-Sasse, M. Geyer 
Editors   P.V. Mahajan, M. Zude-Sasse, M. Geyer 
28 November 2023 
ISBN   978-94-62613-81-2 
ISSN   0567-7572 (print)   2406-6168 (electronic) 
Number of articles   30 
Place   Potsdam, Germany 
Online articles:
Acta Horticulturae 1382 - cover - colophon - contents - authors
Apple fruit quality characteristics during long-term storage as a function of cool-down regime (F. Büchele, P.V. Mahajan, T.G. Hoffmann, M. Geyer, D.A. Neuwald)
Application of vacuum ultraviolet photolysis reactor and loss of firmness prediction for stored ‘Fuji’ apples (B.P. Mabusela, Z.A. Belay, B. Godongwana, O.J. Caleb)
Artificial intelligence based mobile application – BIPM ON tomato pinworm Phthorimaea absoluta (M. Pratheepa, K. Subaharan, R. Varshney, T. Venkatesan, S.N. Sushil)
Assessment of adulteration of fruit juices by water dilution using NIR spectroscopy (H.X. Mac, N.T.T. Ha, S.M. Dam, T.T. Pham, E. Yakdhane, L.P.L. Nguyen, L. Baranyai)
Carbon dioxide and ethylene production modeling of apricot at three maturity stages (N.T.T. Ha, T.T. Pham, L.P.L. Nguyen, H.X. Mac, M. Gob, Z. Sasvar, G. Szabo, Zs. Horváth-Mezofi, T. Zsom, G. Hitka)
CFD optimization algorithm for a moving boundary problem of isothermal drying and shrinkage (D. Lentzou, A.G. Boudouvis, V. Karathanos, G. Xanthopoulos)
Comparison of different vegetation indices computed from hyperspectral leaf reflectance data in processing tomato (S. Takács, Z. Pék, G. Palotás, E. Czinkoczki, L. Helyes)
Definition of virtual profiles of banana texture as an alternative to feature extraction from XTA curves (E.C. Correa, N. Benito, M. Bustelo, B. Diezma, P. Barreiro)
Detection of fruit juice adulteration by laser backscattering imaging (H.X. Mac, N.T.T. Ha, T.T. Pham, L.P.L. Nguyen, L. Baranyai)
Diagnosis of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma mali’ infection in Malus domestica via in-field spectroscopy and the factors affecting its success (C. Cullinan, C. Malfertheiner, U. Prechsl, M. Tagliavini, K. Janik)
Effect of atmospheric cold plasma pre-treatment on drying kinetics of ‘Tropica’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) (L.A. Yanclo, G. Sigge, Z.A. Belay, O.J. Caleb)
Effect of caseinate based edible coating on quality indices of whole pears during storage time (M. Valentino, S. Volpe, E. Torrieri)
Effect of ultraviolet and far-red LED light added to broad spectrum white LED on lettuce production in vertical farm (Z. Pék, L. Helyes, B. Balázs, S. Takács)
Evaluation of green asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) freshness treated by cassava starch-based coating using near-infrared spectroscopy (T.T. Pham, H.X. Mac, N.T.T. Ha, Z.H. Siyum, L.P.L. Nguyen, N.H.N. Thi, T. Zsom, G. Hitka, L. Baranyai)
Fast sorting of defect apple fruit via X-ray imaging and artificial intelligence (A. Tempelaere, L. Van Doorselaer, J. He, P. Verboven, B. Nicolaď)
Investigating the influence of temperature on ethylene removal kinetics for commercial scavenger (A.D. Sonawane, C. Weltzien, P.V. Mahajan)
Micromechanics of apple and pear tissues for fruit growth modeling (B. Dequeker, H. Van Cauteren, P. Pieczywek, A. Zdunek, P. Verboven, B. Smeets, B. Nicolaď)
Modeling shelf life of strawberry in two layered master packaging system (Dong Sun Lee, Duck Soon An)
Modeling environmental conditions during grapes drying as these affect Ochratoxin A development (C. Templalexis, P. Giorni, D. Lentzou, S. Mesisca, D.I. Tsitsigiannis, P. Battilani, G. Xanthopoulos)
Modelling of stiffness of ‘Irene’ apple during storage and shelf-life (N.T.T. Ha, T.T. Pham, L.P.L. Nguyen, H.X. Mac, M. Gob, Z. Sasvar, G. Szabo, Zs. Horvath-Mezofi, T. Zsom, G. Hitka)
Modelling redox potential curves for identification of selected bacterial strains (E. Yakdhane, D. Tőzsér, K. Szakmár, L. Baranyai, G. Kiskó)
Modelling stomatal responses to high temperatures under a range of different vapor pressure deficits (M. Bisbis, L. Cammarisano, E. Heuvelink, L.F.M. Marcelis, O. Körner)
Monitoring of surface changes of fresh green asparagus during storage using laser light backscattering imaging (Z.H. Siyum, T.P. Thanh, M. Höhn, L. Baranyai, L.P.L. Nguyen)
Monte Carlo analysis of Michaëlis-Menten kinetics regarding the CO2 inhibitive response to O2 consumption (C. Templalexis, G. Xanthopoulos)
Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for predicting superficial scald in ‘Granny Smith’ apple fruit (S. Stürz, N. Sadar, I. Folie, A. Zanella)
Prediction model for calcium content of apples at harvest (F. Büchele, R.M. Wood, M. Blanke, F. Ruess, A.B. Heldwein, A.H. Nied, D.A. Neuwald)
Predictive modelling of the ripening of tomatoes (J. Šalagovič, P. Verboven, M. Hertog, B. Nicolaď)
Relationship between sensory characteristics and optical properties in ‘Conference’ pears (M. Vanoli, F. Lovati, G. Cortellino, M. Buccheri, R. Caramanico, P. Levoni, L. Spinelli, A. Torricelli)
Simulating fruit growth and size analysis (P. Tijskens, R. Schouten, R. McCormick, T. Unuk, A.M. Cavaco)
Study and analysis of the attributes of biodegradable packaging materials (A. Notshweleka, T.S. Workneh, J.B. Hussein)

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ISBN-13: 9789462613812

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