Patristic Exegesis
Recent papers in Patristic Exegesis
Dopo l'edizione di M. Simonetti 1 , gli studi sul De opere et eleemosynis si sono concentrati per la maggior parte sul contenuto dell'opera e sulle circostanze storiche cui essa accenna, lasciando in secondo piano gli aspetti più... more
St. Luke in the Fields "Exploring the Psalms" series, May 2018. Originally delivered to the Institute for Studies of Eastern Christianity Annual Conference, "Creation, Redemption & Environmental Ethics" 8 December 2017
Origen’s exegesis of the Song of Songs, despite the praise it generally raised both in antiquity and in modern times, still awaits for deeper investigation as far as the literary project of the Alexandrian and its output are concerned. In... more
ta da Dio in Gesù Cristo. In lui culmina e si completa, raggiungendo la sua pienezza, il processo mediante il quale Dio si è fatto conoscere all'uomo. Il suo inizio si trova nella creazione, per passare poi alla manifestazione di Dio... more
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
A provisional parallel-column translation of the Preface and Chapter 1 of Theodoret's Commentary on the Song of Songs.
Der folgende Aufsatz versucht, eine zusammenfassende Darstellung aller orthodoxen Stellungnahmen bezüglich der historisch-kritische Methode sowie aller westlicher Positionen dem kirchenväterlichen Bibelverständnis gegenüber. Zumindest auf... more
The Pelagian controversy has secured an enduring place for Pelagius in the history of Western Christian thought. Few of Pelagius' writings, however, have been preserved, and until recently none was available in English translation. This... more
A gift to my brothers and sisters in posterity...
The first point in Celsus’ argument against the biblical truth is the origin of the Jewish people and Christian faith. Celsus presents Jews and Christians as descendants of the rebellion against ancient peoples, who held and practiced an... more
Anastasius the Sinaite's homily on the Transfiguration discloses the meaning of Tabor by weaving together several theophanic texts. His exegesis exemplifies a specific type of christological interpretation of biblical theophanies that has... more
In his Commentary on John, St. Cyril of Alexandria follows the divine Apostle in understanding Christ’s body – or more specifically, His assumed human nature – as the true Temple, the fulfillment of the Mosaic Tabernacle and Jerusalem... more
In the biblical theophanies of Isaiah 6 and Daniel 3, divine condescension and human ascent constitute reciprocal ecstatic moves towards a divine–human encounter. The christological interpretation, widespread in early Christian reception... more
Cyrille, archevêque d'Alexandrie en Égypte (vers 375-444), est un des plus grands exégètes et théologiens de son temps. Il est également un des plus célèbres représentants de l'école théologique alexandrine. Il nous a légué un immense... more
This chapter examines in detail the Homilia 48 on Matthew delivered by John Chrysostom at Antioch in the year 390. This homily, dealing with the biblical personages of John the Baptist, Herod and his wife Herodias is especially... more
The paper deals with Commentary on the Song of Songs by Theodoret of Cyrus. It presents its structure and exegetical method used by the exegete as well as its dependence on Origen’s commentary and its polemical emphasis directed most... more
In this article, I analyze Irenaeus’s hermeneutical and theological tendencies in the context of second-century Christianity and its interaction with Graeco-Roman culture. I relate my findings in Irenaean theology to contemporary... more
Exegesegeschichtlich ist die Erklärung von Ps 140 (141) 2 ein methodisches Musterbeispiel patristischer Schriftauslegung: Nach der Vergewisserung über den auszulegenden Text einschließlich textkritischer Varianten bietet Chrysostomus eine... more
This study aims to systematize St. Basil the Great's view of the evil and set it into the larger framework covering similar concerns within the field of religious studies. The permanent reference to the broader scope of this research... more
Dans cette conférence, j'ai proposé un parcours transversal dans l’exégèse des premiers siècles (chez Irénée de Lyon, Origène, Eusèbe de Césarée et Hilaire de Poitiers) à propos des "impies", les "pécheurs" et les "pestiférés" nommés dans... more
Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 27 ----- Avendo spaziato in molti campi e trovandosi all'incrocio di tante strade sulle quali ha lasciato la sua originale impronta, Agostino d'Ippona (354-430) occupa un posto centrale e, per certi... more
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly 28:2 (Summer 2005): 36-38.
Fondé sur une double approche iconographique et textuelle, ce livre situe pour la première fois les sirènes antiques et médiévales au sein d'une histoire globale. Cette mise en perspective qui inclut aussi une approche anthropologique,... more
Earlier scholarship faced a number of limitations in classifying catena manuscripts on the Acts of the Apostles. This study makes a comparison of exegetical scholia in selected text passages (Acts 2:1-16, 8:9-25, 28:19-31) in order to... more
Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien († 444) zum 1. Korintherbrief des Apostels Paulus gehörte bisher wohl zu den unbekanntesten Schriften der patristischen Literatur. Die vorliegende Studie stellt die erste umfassende wissenschaftliche... more
La figure du berger est sans doute celle qu'on rencontre le plus fréquemment dans l'art paléochrétien : on a pu en recenser jusqu'à 892 représentations1. Elle a suscité de nombreuses études parvenant aux conclusions les plus opposées.... more
Quali misteri religiosi sono contenuti nella preghiera del Signore! Quanti e quanto grandi! Riuniti nella brevità del discorso, ma spiritualmente abbondanti nella virtù, tanto che niente sia trascurato e ignorato nelle nostre preghiere e... more
The way in which Paul exercises his authority in the Letter to Philemon has been studied from various angles, but as far as could be determined, the reception of this aspect of his letter by its interpreters in the fourth and 5th... more
로마서를 읽고 회심한 아우구스티누스는 일평생 성경을 주석하고 설교했다. 『기독교의 가르침』이라는 작품은 아우구스티누스의 성경해석학과 설교론을 잘 보여준다. 아우구스티누스는 여러 편의 성경주석을 썼으며 주석에 대한 명확한 이해가 있었다. 그는 초기에 신플라톤주의의 영향을 받았지만 점차로 성경적 가르침을 더욱 분명하게 고수했다. 아우구스티누스는 주석의 목적이 하나님 사랑과 이웃 사랑이라는 사랑의 이중계명에 있다고 보았다. 그는... more
Pairis/.ica el Mcdúwvalúi, XXV (2004) BUENAVENTURA: TRASCENDENTALES DEL SER Y CAUSALIDAD DIVINA COMO FUNDAMENTO ONTOLÓGICO GEnALJ, Cm:sTA ' 1 ' l. La idea de Ser como constitutivo metafísico de la esencia divina El modo de concebir la... more
Ambrose of Milan (d. 397) composed his voluminous Commentary on Psalm 118 as a means to provide his audience, the Church of Milan, with a deeper formation, which would be a continuation of previously conferred mystagogical catechesis to... more