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Diferente da mídia coorporativa ocidental totalmente pró-Israel, queremos fornecer informações que permitam a vocês compreenderem as raízes e a natureza do conflito. Por isso, a questão que trazemos aqui... more
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      Geopolítica, Geoestratégia e Relações InternacionaisGepolitics
Many scholars had researched the EU-China relations through the prism of international relation theories. Indeed, their works are based on realism, economic liberalism, and constructivist theories offered some visions for the next steps... more
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      EU-China relationsGeoeconomicsGepolitics
Autorxs: Bruno Fornillo (Coordinador), Melisa Argento, Martina Gamba, Martín Kazimierski, Florencia Puente, Gustavo Romeo, Elaine Santos, Ariel Slipak, Santiago Urrutia, Julián Zicari. Este escrito ofrece una mirada integral de la... more
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L. Sykulski (red.), Europa od Atlantyku do Pacyfiku? Europejska myśl integracyjna po 2004 roku, Częstochowa 2013.
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      GlobalizationGeopoliticsEnvironmental SustainabilityTourism
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      ChinaChina studiesAmérica del SurGepolitics
Представлено результати аналізу геостратегічного аспекту зовнішньо- політичної діяльності Російської Федерації. Розкрито методологічні засади російської геостратегії, її планування та ключові вектори реалізації. Викладено зміст... more
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    • Gepolitics
Mountains were always a convenient region, which could be profited from as both a safe refuge protecting from the enemy as well as an opportune starting point of an attack against the enemy's territory. An analysis of works left by... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
El presente escrito se propone elaborar una periodización de la transición histórico-espacial en Suramérica desde fines del siglo pasado hasta la actualidad. En términos metodológicos, esta propuesta de periodización se basa en un... more
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      GeographyEconomicsInternational RelationsSocial Sciences
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    • Gepolitics
Within the context of a new Cold War between the Western powers and Russia, one of the most dangerous hot spots is Ukraine. Since 2014, in fact, the Ukrainian army has been engaged in a civil war against Russian-backed troops of... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEnergyUkraineGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Résumé Depuis 2013 et les révélations d’Edward Snowden, la problématique de la souveraineté numérique est devenue un enjeu central en Russie. Selon ce nouveau paradigme, le gouvernement russe a lancé une politique de promotion du... more
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      GeographyRussian StudiesInternet StudiesDigital Media
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      HistorySociologyGeographyInternational Relations
My Discussion and Interview with Synergia Foundation, INSIGHTS November 2020
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      International RelationsJournalismPoliticsPractical Reasoning
"In recent times a complete lack of attention to migration phenomena, in national and global policies, led to a huge concentration of foreigners in major cities of Europe and USA. This trend has been faced without effective policies and... more
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      GeographySpatial AnalysisGlobalizationForeign Policy Analysis
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsPolitical ScienceEnergyUkraine
El martes 3 de noviembre lxs estadounidenses elegirán quién será su próximo presidente. Trump y Biden expresan dos proyectos estratégicos, dos formas de concebir el futuro de la humanidad y el rol de Estados Unidos en ese proceso.
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      ChinaUnited StatesEstados UnidosGeopolítica
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Статья посвящена изучению общетеоретических и методологических вопросов феномена экспансии с использованием в качестве конкретно-исторической основы материалов экспансии США XIX в. В статье рассматриваются концепции, описывающие... more
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      HistoryGeographyCritical GeopoliticsResearch Methodology
Foreign policy is the set of actions whereby States outline their practices of expansion and approximation in the international scenario, their study is traditional in the field as international relations and other humanities and social... more
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      Cooperación Internacional Para El DesarrolloPolitica Externa brasileira no governo lulaGepoliticsSaúde Internacional ; Cooperação Técnica Internacional em Saúde
RESUMEN En el presente artículo se plantea que existe una importante contradicción política y de poder Norte-Sur respecto de cómo entender y cómo solucionar la crisis ambiental, que se remonta desde la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre... more
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      Latin AmericaEcologia PolíticaGepolitics
In recent decades, critical geopolitics has worked to achieve a proper understanding of the conditions prevailing in the world by common discourse analysis along wit h power relations. One of the areas taken into consideration... more
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    • Gepolitics
O presente artigo questiona quais razões levaram as Forças Armadas à aceitação de comporem o grupo de exercício do poder no governo de Jair Bolsonaro e quais os possíveis efeitos decorrentes deste processo de militarização do Estado. Ao... more
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      TerritorialityForças ArmadasGepoliticsGepolítica Brasileira
Partiendo de un contexto previo a la pandemia del COVID-19; el orden mundial, visto desde diferentes polos, el militar, político y económico, tiene desde los últimos 10 años tres referentes claves en la comunidad internacional, Rusia,... more
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      DiplomacyChinaEstados UnidosSeguridad Y Defensa
Η παγκόσμια πολιτική και οικονομική ζωή διέπεται από το παράδειγμα της μεγέθυνσης της οικονομίας. Η περαιτέρω μεγέθυνση, ωστόσο, είναι στις μέρες μας τόσο ανέφικτη όσο και ανεπιθύμητη. Η λογική της μεγέθυνσης προσκρούει, πρώτα απ’ όλα, σε... more
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      GlobalizationEcological EconomicsEnergy PolicyEnergy Security
L'ensemble des pays situés dans les zones colorées (pages suivantes) oeuvrent conjointement au développement sociétal de celles-ci. Des dynamiques de coopération de masse sont initiées, développées et entretenues par les procédés du... more
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      GeographyGlobal GovernanceGovernanceDiplomacy and international relations