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      PhysicsRadiationClimate ChangeWetlands
Рецензия на монографию: Хренов В.Я. Почвы криолитозоны Западной Сибири: морфология, физико-химические свойства, геохимия. Новосибирск: Наука, 2011. 211 с. + 2 с. цв. вклеек.
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    • Cryosphere
La mayor parte de la población de Perú se concentra en ciudades localizadas en la estrecha franja comprendida entre la costa del Océano Pacífico y los Andes Centrales. Se trata de una de las regiones más áridas de la Tierra, donde la... more
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      GeomorphologyGlaciologyClimate ChangeGlacial Geomorphology
The cryosphere provides multiple services to society, but mountain cryosphere is shrinking at an alarming rate worldwide due to climate change, threatening natural and human systems. Adaptation to cryosphere change is essential to avoid... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate ChangeAdaptationClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
This work provides an overview of various methods for estimating snow cover and properties in high mountains using remote sensing techniques involving microwaves. Satellite based remote sensing with its characteristics such as synoptic... more
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      Remote SensingMicrowaveSnow and Avalanche ResearchSatellite remote sensing
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      ForestryRadiationClimate ChangeCarbon
In 2011 four ice cores were extracted from the summit of Alto dell'Ortles (3859 m), the highest glacier of South Tyrol in the Italian Alps. This drilling site is located only 37 km southwest from where the Tyrolean Iceman, ∼ 5.3 kyrs old,... more
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      GlaciologyIce Core PaleoclimatologyCryosphere
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      Spatial AnalysisPeriglacial GeomorphologyCryosphereGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      OceanographyThe cryosphereHeat FlowCryosphere
Quantitative measures of adiabatic lapse rate, equilibrium line altitude (ELA), and accumulation-area ratio (AAR) are important to understand the hydrological processes and conduct hydrological modeling in a highly glaciated watershed. We... more
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      GlaciologyHydrologyWater resourcesClimate Change and impacts on Mountain streams
This paper analyzes the evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, the third largest glacier in the Pyrenees, from 1981 to the present. We assessed the evolution of the glacier's surface area by analysis of aerial photographs from 1981,... more
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      GlaciologyClimate ChangePyrénéesGlaciers
In the context of a general retreat of glaciers in the dry Andes, this study focuses on the state and recent evolution of debris-covered glaciers and permafrost-related landforms, especially rock glaciers, in the semiarid to semihumid... more
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      Climate ChangeRock GlacierDebris-covered glacierCryosphere
Continental slopes north of the East Siberian Sea potentially hold large amounts of methane (CH4) in sediments as gas hydrate and free gas. Although release of this CH4 to the ocean and atmosphere has become a topic of discussion, the... more
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      Climate ChangeArcticMethaneCryosphere
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      PhysicsRadiationClimate ChangeWetlands
In recent years airborne and spaceborne remote sensing have developed into a widely applied tool for archaeologists. In glacial archaeology, it has been employed successfully, but could see a wider application among practitioners. This... more
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      Remote SensingClimate ChangeMountain communitiesRemote Sensing (Archaeology)
This article reviews the COP 21 agreement on climate mitigation, explains why it is doomed to fail without systemic transformation, and proposes a method for accelerating the evolution of a sustainable global system. Despite the... more
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      Future StudiesSocial ChangeClimate ChangeClimate change policy
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      OceanographyFinite ElementHigher Order ThinkingMantle Transition Zone
This paper describes anchor ice formation in the Laramie River, a small river in Wyoming. Anchor ice in the Laramie River forms predominately in riffles at night, although minor amounts also form on sand substrates. Anchor ice crystals... more
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      SedimentologyRiver MorphologySupercoolingCryosphere
Microbial communities have not been studied using molecular approaches at high elevations on the African continent. Here we describe the diversity of microbial communities from ice and periglacial soils from near the summit of Mt.... more
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Archaeologists worldwide know very little about the immense ecosystem changes already underway in the mountains and the threats that anthropogenic climate change poses to high elevation cultural resources. So how do we proceed? What do we... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimateGreater Yellowstone EcosystemIce Patch Archaeology
This article is a review of the science goals and activities initiated within the framework of the Pollution and its Impacts on the South American Cryosphere (PISAC) initiative. Air pollution associated with biomass burning and urban... more
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      Remote SensingAtmospheric ScienceAir pollutionEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Ancient HistoryClimate ChangePaleoclimatologyCarbon Dioxide
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      OceanographyGround Penetrating RadarDynamic Software AdaptationSteady state
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      OceanographyRemote SensingSpecific surface areaThe cryosphere
Transboundary river basins provide inhabitance and water resources to millions of people around the globe and they are a source of dispute among neighbor countries also. This thesis focuses on the snow melt and runoff modeling of a small... more
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      Remote SensingWatershed HydrologyCryosphereTalas
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      Environmental ScienceEvaluationClimateCarbon Cycle
As the ice of the world melts, heat is made visible. Rapidly rising temperatures draw attention to Earth's cryosphere as it is increasingly measured, its retreats photographed, its depths plumbed and its duration calculated. Lost glaciers... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial Sciences
A warming climate is melting the namesake glaciers of Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. James Dyson's 1948 paper was one of the earliest publications to emphasize climate change impacts to the cryosphere through an examination of... more
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    • Cryosphere
The Little Ice Age maximum extent of glaciers in Iceland was reached about 1890 AD and most glaciers in the country have retreated during the 20th century. A model for the surface mass balance and the flow of glaciers is used to... more
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      OceanographyClimate ChangeEnergy BalanceLittle Ice Age
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      Climate ChangeBiodiversityMultidisciplinaryCryosphere
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Cryogenic mineral formations were studied in the Askinskaya Ice Cave, situated on the Southern Ural within Bashkortostan. Investigation of the morphology and elemental composition of cryogenic mineral formations was carried out using a... more
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      SpeleothemsCave and Karst StudiesCryosphere
We present novel results of pollen analyses performed on a 10m firn core retrieved from Alto dell’Ortles glacier (3840ma.s.l.), Eastern Italian Alps, in 2009. The objective was to identify and quantify pollen grains retained in the ice to... more
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      CryobiologyGlaciologyPalynologyGlacial geology and climate change
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      OceanographyThe cryosphereCryosphere
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      OceanographySeasonalityAerial SurveyDigital Elevation Model
Meltwater from glaciers makes significant contributions to general streamflow and provides water for flora and fauna. Continuous glacier monitoring programs enhance our understanding of the impacts of global warming on glaciers and their... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbonBiomassCoral Reefs
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      Climate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate ChangeAdaptationClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
Maritime Antarctica has shown the highest increase in temperature in the Southern Hemisphere. Under this scenario, biogeochemical cycles may be altered, resulting in rapid environmental change for Antarctic biota. Microbes, that drive... more
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      ExtremophilesAntarctic EcologyOligotrophic BacteriaCryosphere
Antarctic climate changes have been reconstructed from ice and sediment cores and numerical models (which also predict future changes). Major ice sheets first appeared 34 million years ago (Ma) and fluctuated throughout the Oligocene,... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyOceanographyClimate Change
In this paper, we estimate the contribution of snowdrift sublimation (SUds) to the surface mass balance at Neumayer, located on the Ekström ice shelf in Eastern Antarctica. A single column version of the RACMO2-ANT model is used as a... more
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      OceanographyTheRelative HumidityThe cryosphere
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      GlaciologyClimate ChangePaleoclimatologyAntarctica (Glaciology)
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      OceanographyThe cryosphereCryosphere
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      Climate ChangeCryosphere
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      OceanographyThe cryosphereCryosphere
The authors of the article have made an attempt to consider the role of natural cryogenic resources (snow, ice, permafrost, etc.) in traditional subsistence systems of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. The integrating role in the... more
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeCryosphereEthnoecolgy