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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryEuropean StudiesHistorical Sociology
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      Iranian StudiesDiscourseMichel FoucaultIran
Fransız İnkilabı tarihin belirli bir safhasında gelişmiş bir kavga değil, belirli süreçler içinde ilerleyen paradigmadır. Belki de Jakoben kanadın sert muhalefeti, hedefine dolayımlı olarak XIV.Louis devlet izleğini koymuştur. Bu sebeple... more
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      French HistoryAncien Regime FranceLouis XIVVoltaire
Leninism and the central role that violence played in it is most commonly presented as a hindrance to democratic development in post-communist Eastern Europe. This paper reconsiders this proposition in light of the classics of comparative... more
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      Political ViolenceNorbert EliasMarxism-LeninismBarrington Moore
Nationalism is back with a renewed force. Hungary is a virulent example of the new nationalist ascendancy. As the country was a former liberal star pupil, Hungary's neo-nationalist turn has been puzzling researchers for years. This study... more
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      Political SociologyDeindustrializationNationalismPostsocialism
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsHistorical Sociology
Moore studied how weakening social interests and political structures played a major role in making the new political order. Capitalist transformation in England caused change in class relations and finally led to democratization in the... more
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      Early Modern EnglandDemocracy and democratizationBarrington Moore
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      Economic HistoryHistoriographyPeasant StudiesWorld History
Celem artykułu jest rekonstrukcja kryjącego się za wybranymi koncepcjami i teoriami rewolucji ideału społeczeństwa, wizji polityki i sposobów jej uprawiania. Punktem wyjścia przeprowadzonej analizy będzie Marksowska koncepcja rewolucji. W... more
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      Social TheoryHistorical SociologyRevolutionsMikhail Bakunin
On the morning of 30 June, BBC reporter Aleem Maqbool reports from Cairo, “what is today going to be remembered for? What is the 30th June going to be remembered for? Is it going to be the turning point in Egyptian politics or is it going... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryPolitical SociologySocial Movements
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      Jurgen HabermasE. P. Thompson and 'The Making of the English Working Class'AutobiographyMaurice Merleau-Ponty
In this text about the work of Historical Sociologist Barrington Moore Jr., his research program is analyzed, especially the way in which he proficiently ...
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsHistorical Sociology
El contexto histórico al que nos hemos referido pone de manifiesto una enorme proximidad –para no decir promiscuidad– entre el campo científico y el campo político, militar y económico. Las principales universidades norteamericanas de la... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsHistorical Sociology
Siyasal yapıların ortaya çıkışını uzun dönemli çözümleme biçi-mi ile ele alan yaklaşımlar arasında Moore'un katkısı oldukça önemli gözükmektedir. Çözümlemesini karşılaştırmalı tarihsel sosyoloji bağ-lamında gerçekleştiren Moore, farklı... more
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      DemokrasiFaşizmBarrington MooreDevrim
This article investigates the governing ideologies of the third and second plan of Development, by using Barrington Moore Jr. (Development program) Theory and also Robert Merton (means and goals) Theory, in order to show the rate of... more
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      LiberalismIranian StudiesSocialismDevelopment planning