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This is an examination of humor, broken into two sections concerned respectively with what we find funny, and why we find things funny at all. I look at various competing theories, comparing them with each other and testing them against a... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindHumor (Psychology)Humor
The benefits of humor as preventative, curative, and therapeutic medicine has been cherished universally throughout civilized man’s history. A sense of humor is instinctual and innate, suggesting a high priority in human development. The... more
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      Health PsychologyHumor (Psychology)Mental HealthHumor
The paper intends to track the naming criteria for dogs among the chané. Links between onomastics and diverse cultural contexts are thus analysed - such as the daily treatment and attitudes towards dogs, mythic symbolism, etymology, human... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural History
Launched in 2013, Vine is a popular microblogging service that allows users to record, edit, and share six-second videos that loop ad libitum, until another video is selected. At this time, the communicative, expressive, and semiotic... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaSocial SciencesInternet Studies
For many years, Israeli culture recoiled from dealing with the Holocaust from a humorous or satirical perspective. The perception was that a humorous approach might threaten the sanctity of its memory, or evoke feelings of disrespect... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesHumor psychologyHumor (Psychology)
"The word paternoster has been applied in a variety of senses. In the Middle Ages paternoster became a synonym for lovemaking. An early instance of this usage appears in the anonymous medieval Latin Prisciano regula. Later it occurs in... more
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      Comparative ReligionIntellectual HistoryComparative LiteratureLiturgical Studies
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      Humor (Psychology)Assessment Of HumorCultural PsychologyAfghanistan
With a few remaining Yaminahua and Pacaguara, the Chacobo are currently the only Pano-speaking group of Bolivian Amazonia. Through ethnographic description the paper analyses practical, symbolic and discourse contexts such as hunting,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyCultural StudiesSociology of Culture
This article examines the uses and functions of humour in an online community of gamers and nonprofessional game designers who present and critique user-generated artefacts created with the popular game series LittleBigPlanet. Findings... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationInternet StudiesHumor psychology
This paper reports on an exploratory study examining joke identification, appreciation and comprehension by Spanish intermediate ESL learners. The study is based on a relevance-theoretic classification of jokes, which assumes that... more
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      PragmaticsHumor psychologyHumor (Psychology)Humor
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      HumorAssessment Of HumorHumor/SatireAutobiography and Humor
Class clowns traditionally were studied as a type concept and identified via sociometric procedures. In the present study a variable-centered approach was favored and class clown behaviors were studied in the context of character... more
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      LeadershipHumorStudent Motivation And EngagementAssessment Of Humor
Happiness, psychological hardiness, and humor ("the 3Hs") are useful ways of assessing resilience to stress in positive psychology. The literature analyzing their confluence regarding sports is scarce. This study aims to analyze... more
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      Positive PsychologyBehavioral SciencesAssessment Of HumorGender and Sport
Happiness, psychological hardiness, and humor ("the 3Hs") are useful ways of assessing resilience to stress in positive psychology. The literature analyzing their confluence regarding sports is scarce. This study aims to analyze the... more
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      Positive PsychologyAssessment Of HumorGender and SportHumor and laughter in education
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryHumor psychologyHumor
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      Humor psychologyHumor (Psychology)HumorAssessment Of Humor
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      Criminal ProcedureComparative LawEnglish LiteratureHumor psychology
"La risa salvará al mundo"
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      Humor psychologyHumor (Psychology)HumorAssessment Of Humor
The article presents an empirical study of sense of humor disorders in patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders. Several parameters of analysis are distinguished: humor recognition, humor preferences and the level of laughing... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryHumor (Psychology)Humor
The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al. 2003) was developed using a construct-based scale construction approach to measure four humor styles, namely affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating. The present study... more
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      Humor (Psychology)HumorAssessment Of HumorConstruct Validity
Der Beitrag fragt nach den Qualitäten populären Humors, genauer: populären Lachens. Mit Mary Douglas trennt er die humoristischen Texte und Performanzen als Lachanlässe von den Leistungen und Funktionen des Lachens selbst - die sind... more
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      HumorAssessment Of HumorLaughterHumor/Satire
This paper reports on an exploratory study examining joke identification, appreciation and comprehension by Spanish intermediate ESL learners. The study is based on a relevance-theoretic classification of jokes, which assumes that... more
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      PsychologyPragmaticsHumor psychologyHumor
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationInternet StudiesHumor psychology
Happiness, psychological hardiness, and humor ("the 3Hs") are useful ways of assessing resilience to stress in positive psychology. The literature analyzing their confluence regarding sports is scarce. This study aims to analyze... more
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    •   10  
      Positive PsychologyBehavioral SciencesAssessment Of HumorGender and Sport