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DAAT – Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah ‫דעת – כתב עת לפילוסופיה יהודית וקבלה‬ ‫כתב עת לפילוסופיה יהודית וקבלה‬ ‫כתב עת לפילוסופיה יהודית וקבלה‬ Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah ‫דעת‬ 91 ‫ חנוך בן־פזי‬,‫ אבי אלקיים‬,‫דב שוורץ‬ ‫תשפ"א‬ Dov Schwartz, Avi Elqayam, Hanoch Ben-Pazi ‫העורכים‬ (2021) EDITORS ‫הוצאת אוניברסיטת בר־אילן‬ Bar-Ilan University Press DAAT A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah 91 (2021) Editors: Dov Schwartz ◆ Avi Elqayam ◆ Hanoch Ben-Pazi Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan 2021 DAAT A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah 91 (2021) Supported by Rabbi Dr. Alexandre Safran Chair for Research into Kabbalah at Bar-Ilan University ISSN: 0334-2336 Secretary: Ms. Zippi Castanovits Tel. +972-3-5318368 • Fax +972-3-7384102 Address: Yackobovitz Building 1002, floor 4, room 403 Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel Email address: daat.philosophy@biu.ac.il Internet address: http://en.daatjournal.com/ Cover art: Ester Schneider Cover design: Avi Elqayam © Copyright 2021 Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of DAAT editors, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles and reviews. Printed in Israel 2021 CONTENTS Hebrew Section ■ Research Ronit Irshai & Miri Rozmarin Jewish Modern-Orthodox Feminism and Foucault's Notion of Critique 7 Ronny Miron Between Theology and Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl, Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein 39 Ilaniya Kor Dealing with Guilt in the Buberian Treatment: A Study of the Essence of Human Suffering from a Buberian Point of View 83 Shmuel Wygoda The Moon and the Goat: Levinas on Kenosis a Hidden Talmudic Reading 101 Haggai Mazuz The Ninth Maqāma of Netībōt ha-Emūnah by R. Yaḥyā b. Abraham Ḥarāzī: Reexamination and Critical Edition 127 Amira Eran Ibn Daud, Ibn Gabirol and the Silent Partner 145 Yair Shiffman Ḥayy Ibn Yaqdhān's Model for Molding a Human Being According to Narboni's Commentary on Ibn Tufail's Ḥayy Ibn Yaqdhān 171 Shalom Tzadiq Natural Law in the Hebrew Translation and Commentaries of Book V Chapter 7 of the Nicomachean Ethics’ 187 Dov Schwartz A Few Comments on Elnatan Kalkish's Philosophy of Nature and Its Relation to the Philosophy of Albert the Great 213 Dror Ehrlich Daniel as a Prophet in Jewish Medieval Thought and Bible Commentary 231 Michal Aziza Ohana The Astrological Worldview in the Sephardic North African Diaspora at the Generation Following the Spanish Expulsion 255 ■ Yishai Deitcher Hidden Rebuke: A Subtle Polemic of Nahmanides in his Sermon on Ecclesiastes 283 Leore Sachs-Shmueli The Crystallization of the Textual Layers of the Zoharic Exegesis on Burial Delay and its Reception in Manuscripts and Print 299 Ayal Hayut-man The Figures of Metatron and Moses in the Tiqqunei Zohar Literature 337 Sara Habshush On the Loss of Ancient Unique Phrases in the Benediction Barukh She'amar Due to Kabbalistic Influence 365 Avishar Har-Shefi ‘At Mortar and Bricks’ – On Slavery and Freedom in the Literature of the Tiqqunim 383 Zeev Harvey Rabbi I.J. Reines, the Mizrahi Movement, and Religious Zionism 397 Assaf Brown "Unifying the Torah": Rabbis Reines and Kook on Halakhah and Haggada 405 Book Reviews Dafna Miller-Wasserman ■ Book Received ■ List of Participants On the Power of Art 445 449 455 English Section ■ Research Ari Ackerman Israeli Scholarly Portraits of Ḥasdai Crescas: A Chapter in the Reception History of Crescas’ Philosophy V Hayyim Rothman Zionism and Anarcho-Pacifism: The Life and Thought of Natan Hofshi XXV