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CO-KR-3 Shape optimization of acoustic lens beamformers

2012, The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan

The Japan The Japan Society Soclety of Mechamcal Mechanical Englneers Engineers of 日 本機 械学 会 . 9. 9− 2012 年 度 年 次 大 会 [2012 一般 社 団 法 人 Cepyright◎ 2012 12] 日本 機 械学 会 KSME −JSME JointSymposium on CM & CAE 2012 CO − KR −3 Shape optimiZation TranQua皿 g Dat ,Gang −Wbn Jang ,Hyu Sang Kwon Seo * lens beamformers 索 of acoustic * Seung Hyun Cho * * , Yb −Han Cho ** , Hee −Seon and * * * ** 「Depar 博 nt MechanicalErlgineerlng SejongUniversity , dong, Gwan 創ingu , Seou1, Korea σ「 98Gunla E −mail :9呵 ang @ sejong lnst 吐ute aGkr Standardand Scienoe ・ ro , Yuseong −gu, Daejon305 −340 , Korea Research ttKorea σ「 267G 司eong 轍Agency fbr Defense Development Gyungnam 10−62Chungjang−ro , Ji冂haegu , Changwon , 6450t6 Korea , Abstrac ¢ , Sbape. op ispresentedby 曲 g the hybhd approa h 止 at acoustics as well as wave acoustics , Geometricacoustics isused to obtain the 晦 loys geometric er the fhlallens. 盟 ys ofacous 匠c wave 丘om the wave source to the exit planethatisp】 aced right af 世 ’ to calcu 正 ate pa吐 hs ofrays and t nsmited pressuresthroughlenses are calculated Snells law iStised by mu 耽ipb洫g 重he 血 cident wave with transmissioncoe 伍 cients .Dif量action of the wave 量s not ’め nsider6d in the geometricacous 恒cs ,TWo me 耄hods are used to obtain the acoustic pressure distrib 血iOna しthe pressue 且e 且d. The 丘rst and second method uses theKit℃hhoffintegral theo爬 m ,、 ド ’ヨ’ the disnibution from {the 囲 dthe Bounda1yElementMethod ( EM to ca1 】 ate acoustic β ) pressure . e 燼 p正 ane to thgimage p豆 ane re $pectively at the fbcalpojllt as well as ;the pressure magnitude design is formulated as the optirniZation th6se at side lobes can be calculated . A 1eris ; problcm 鹽 顱 m 鋤 【im 僞 血e pr鰯 u e magnitUde at the focalpOint .The effectiveness of the pmbl pmposed appma6h isvcrified by showing a design example fbra spherical lenssystem . 伽 on of an acou ic lens野 st 航 (; 瓰 厂 【 , Kay wordS : Acousticslenssystem ; Shape ho跏 egr 舳 θo ;BEM 』K opt ization ; Geometric acoustics Wave ; acoustics ; 1.Introduction Due to 血 e 1imit(Ul range to obtain underwater available a帥 very 1]isused gdevice[ , of in underwater environment ] ight is supplied .An ifartificial vlsibility imageseven as an altemative to produceunderwater lmage , theuse acoustic of an optical camera camera , a highr rsolution 〔 .Itcan be mounted sequences systern on isnot ultrasound autonomous an by a diverto observe potentially harmfU1objectS . Two types of acoustic cameras are widelyused an acoustic camera array and an acoustic le【ts camera .The acoustic .The signals from an arTay of microphones are c em amy ates an i皿 age l y using a set of phased microphones c 血 ed and surnmed to form a single signal fromtheentire array . An image of 岫 tensityof 出e sound source ph 鄲 ofthe camera ismapped out [ 2】 , Thiscamera can be used to create an ult asonic image dist 曲 ution throughouta 丘eld ofview field .However the main disadvantage of using an acoustic came a ar y is that data fh m with a sound source inthe 伽 」 underwater vehicle or carried ・ : ) お 【 【 , 旧 ) of 山 e electronics and it is1imited ina 丘equen 〔ッ ge [ 3亅. must be collect 〔,d, in(嬲 ゆ lemicrophones g 血 e complexity [lhe acoustic lenscameras havetheadvantage ofusing no power forbeamformingand ease to transmitand receive from血 e mul same beam [ 4]. In 面 s invesdgatio 叫 an acoustic lenscamera No . 12 −1] 日 本 機 械 学 会 2012 年 度 年 次 大 会 講 演 論 文 集 [ system 〔2012 isoptimized to obtain acoustic p 爬 ssure with higherintensi 妙 . 9. 9 − 12, 金沢 〕 一 NNII-Electronic 工工 Electronlc Llbrary Library Service The JapanSociety The Japan Society of Mechanical Mechanical Engineeis Engineers oE thefocalregion ofthe camera. Tb thisend, theacoustic pressurefieldiscalculated by using thehybrid analysis approach by K. Fink[5, 6]among other existing analysis method [7,8,9 and 1O].Initial desigris ofacoustic lenscan be obtained basedon thegeometrical acoustics (or theray theory). Howeveg itisdifficult to evaluate the convergence gainof the focused beam in thelensusing theray theoryWhi]e thewave thecnyjsmore accurate inpressurefie]dcalculation thantheray theory;very complicated calculation isrequired to deal with transmissionof waves through differentmediums. [[b deal with this,the in [5, 6] isused in this study 1rybridmethod where the geometrical acoustics isapplied from thesource lenses and thewave acoustics isused ffomtheexit p]aneto theimageplane. The geomeniesof spherical lensesforthickand dual-thin-lens systenis are optimized to to theexit planeofthe theeffeodveness show ofthe proposedapproach. 2. Hybrid analysis A hybrid method approach iscombined the geometrical acoustics the wave with acoustics. acoustics Geometrical isapplied from to theinterface of the Iens, and waye acoustics isapplied in the image space. Geornetrical acoustics, realized by ray-tracing, the on the final lens interface. acoustics uses those calculate complex pressures Whve as boundary pressures a source inorder to solve theKirchhoffintegral,which gives theIllessureat points inthefocalregion. Geometricalacoustics orray acousticsis the equivalent principle of geometrical optics applied in acoustics. Geometrical acoustios describes sound thelaws governlng sound's behayiercan be described prqpagation in temis of rays. So that, values using ray theory. geometrically ln thispqpegtheSnell's law isused to describe therelationship betweentheangles refetTing to waves passing througha boundarybetweeri two difflirent medium, sina of incidence and refraction, when c, (i) ,inq=g witheach e meters as theangle persecond measured thedensity ofthe or mls) andpas And the transmission coefficient ffomthenormal, from one medium c as p, e, cosq+p, Acousticwaves waves are longitudinal waves travel with the speedofsound which of acoustic ray intherespective medium (SIunits are respective medium. to theother 2Ac, T= thevelocity medium as [11]: cosq (2) c, cos4 thatexhibit phenomena 1ikedifltaction, reflectiQn depends on themedium theyare passing through. and interference. Acoustic Zl tlsitrg theKirehhoffintegratlon methoth The acoustics waves are applied to calculate thepressure at a pointinthepressure field by using Kirchhoff integraticm method. Figure 1 shows that,at focalregion thecomplex integral at points inthe pressurewas calculated by using Kirchhoff field. pressure =[-'2k.'X i, ;) jTp(s) R:`k ill S p(x,y) ' sdsdip (3) at pointPi whereP(3c;Jl}, Pts),h R and d'k&(R? refer to thecomplex at point17?inimagespace, thecomplex pressure pressure thewave numbeq thedistance betweenthepoint Pi on the exit plane and thepoint P2 inimage space and on theexit plane, thepoint-souroe Green'sfunction, respectively NII-Electronic Library Service The JapanSociety The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers oEMechanicalEngineeis Y y Y・sPl beL Foeal?lme z z A.A theKirchhoffintegral theorem Fig. 1-ConfiguTationfor We can approximate al}ove as equation theintegral p(x, y) in thispapeqwe use = il)) " - i2k}" ' [ ' flp(s) (4) sdsdip R:"", , Method to numerically Romberg lntegration eyaluate thisintegral. Z2 VsingtheBoundai l,ElementMlethod: LerlsSystm Image spaee (GeonrctricalAcoustic9 ptEM) 'V-vp"As -tV i P FocalPoint fortheBoundaryElementMethod Fig.2 - Configuration [hecomplex was pressure calculated by using BEM at pi=#.,l[l,p:gilitl-S- where p,,p g and S refer to thecomplex theimagespace pointinside ari arbitray pressurep at an and thesurf/ace of boundaryele[nents, theGreen'sfunction £ as arbitrary elementJ' follows: (s) .,S,gYop.S the image space, thecomplex pressureon pointinside on all the boundary, respectively. 3.0ptimization formu}ation inthispqpegwe proposean optimal designmethod fortheshapes ofthe acoustic lensthatleadsto a prescribedpressure at the desired focuspoint. concentration inthefluiaand especially a pressure distribution NII-Electronic Library Service The JapanSociety The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers oEMechanicalEngineeis The optimization problemisformulated as: Maximize Pressureat focal point RL SRS Ru Subjected to tL StStU where R, t refer to the radius, thickness ofthe lens, respectively. lhe flewchart ofthe optimization isshown inFig. procedure 3 start InitialyatueRork Hybridmpetcb?TtssurtfnidantilysisDesigelvariablelrpdatc NevvKt cmpYes Ne @ Fig.3-Flow chart of the optimization procedure 4. Design example of ABS Thicklensisdesignedforsonar devvice operating at lOO kHz.[Iheshell of thelenswas made ]ensis71% FS5,29% FC72, ithassound theshell is2040 mls [11].The fluid mix isused inthethick to 778.79mls and 1870kglm3,respectively. thesound speedof speed and density refer and K / smismu peedRin Fig.4-The thicklenssystem [[heoptirnized values fordesignvariables fftelisted in[tbbJe1. [fable 1 - Designvarial)les beforeand Designvalue lnitial[mm] after Qptimization Optimized[mm] Rout 132.5 113.5 Rin 107.5 100.15 NII-Electronic Library Service The JapanSociety The Japan Society of Mechanical Mechanical Engineeis Engineers oE asu!=$e-ssoeB.NL"Ee X-coerdi"atetm] Fig.5-Focal depth field(star 1ine:initial along the center 1ineof the acoustic pressure thatthepressure distribution at the focal by the use of the objective, the distribution). As was irrtended pressure distribution, solid 1ine: optimized pressure behavior,which should be resolved in a future shows fluctuating Nonetheless, thepressuredistribution pointisincreased Figure 5 shows research. Figure6 shows field near thefocal point. pressure theacoustics gua.pm. Eos "ne "f tta ats .zata e.ta field Fig.6 -Tlieacoustics pressure 5. Conclusions basedon thehybridanalysis method thatuses both presented to have used as designvariables and aperture sizes were acoustics, The geometries geometrical acoustics and wave of the use of sound waves in 1OO kHz and 1 MHz. The benefits at focalpointswith frequency maximized pressureintensity theacoustic lenssystem are simple structure, low cost, and simple electronics fordataacquisition and processing.Future forclearer formulationsto consider more acoustic responses on optimization works in thisarea involveinvestigations Design optimization underwater imagesand of an acoustic rnore lenscamera was generalparameterizationoflens geometry. References [l]E. O. Belche4B. Matsuyameg and G M. Trimble, "Object with identification acoustic in Proceedings of lenses," Oceans MTSIIEEE, 2001. airbome taigetswith an acoustic camera array" source imagingof low-flying [2] S. Brandes,R. H. Benson, Applied AcousticsXlolume68,Issue7,Pages752-765,July2007. University Noise Analysis", MS thesis, Wind TUrbineAeroacoustic of an Acoustic Amay for E. J.SimleM "Deyelopment [3] 'OI 'Il "Sound ofColorado,2010. 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