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Roy Gibson, Collected Papers on Roman Epistolography On Roman epistolography (2007), (with A. Morrison), ‘What is a Letter? Letters and Literature’ in R. Morello and A. Morrison (eds.), Ancient Letters (Oxford University Press), 1-16 (2012). ‘On the nature of ancient letter collections’, Journal of Roman Studies 102: 56-78 (2012). ‘Letters into Autobiography: The Generic Mobility of the Ancient Letter Collection’, in T.D. Papanghelis, S.J. Harrison, S. Frangoulidis (eds.), Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature (Berlin and Boston), 387-416. (2023) ‘Patterns of Arrangement in Greco-Roman letter collections: 400 BCE – 400 CE’, in S. Facione (ed.), Concatenantur sibi epistulae nostrae. (unpublished). ‘Tardiness, Anarchy, and the Problem of Cicero: Latin Letter Collections from the First Century B.C. to Late Antiquity’ Cicero and Ovid (2010) (with C. Steel), ‘The indistinct literary careers of Cicero and Pliny the Younger’ in P. Hardie and H. Moore (eds.), Classical Literary Careers and their Reception (CUP), 118-37 (2018). ‘The Epistulae Heroidum and the epistolographical tradition’, in P. Fedeli and G.P. Rosati (eds.), Ovidio 2017. Prospettive per il terzo millennio (Teramo), 215-35 (2022). ‘The Pro Marcello without Caesar: grief, exile and death in Cicero, Ad Familiares 4’, Hermathena 101.105-46 Pliny the Younger (2003). ‘Pliny and the art of (in)offensive self-praise’ in R. Morello and R. Gibson (eds.), Re-imagining Pliny the Younger: Arethusa 36.2.235-5 (2011), ‘Elder and Better: Pliny the Elder and the letters of Pliny the Younger’ in R. Gibson and R. Morello (eds.), Pliny the Elder: Themes and Contexts (Brill, Leiden), 187-205 (2014) ‘Suetonius and the uiri illustres of Pliny the Younger’, in T.J. Power and R.K. Gibson (eds.), Suetonius the Biographer: Studies in Roman Lives (Oxford), 199-230 (2014) ‘Starting with the index in Pliny’, in L. Jansen (ed.), The Roman Paratext: Frame, Text, Readers (Cambridge), 33-55 (2015) ‘Not dark yet … Reading to the end of Pliny’s nine book collection’, in I. Marchesi (ed.), Pliny as Bookmaker: Betting on Posterity (Oxford), 185-222 (2016) ‘Readers and readings of Pliny’s Epistles’ (with C.L. Whitton), in Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: the Epistles of Pliny the Younger (Oxford), 1-48 (2018). ‘Pliny and Plutarch’s practical ethics: a newly rediscovered dialogue’, in A. König and C.L. Whitton (eds.), Literary Interactions under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian (CUP), 402-21 (2022). ‘Calpurnia of Comum and the ghost of Umbria: marriage and regional identity in the Epistulae of Pliny’, in L. Galli Milic and A. Stoehr Monjou (eds.), Beyond the Epithalamis: Marriage in Latin Literature (Brepols) (2023) ‘Intertextuality in Pliny, Epistles 6’, in M. Neger and S. Tzounakas (eds.), Absorbing Genres in Letters: Intertextual Studies in Pliny’s Epistles (2023) ‘Fact and fiction in Pliny’s Epistles: the Augustan Poetry Book and its Legacies’, in C.R. Jackson and J. Soldo (eds.), res vera, res ficta: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography Sidonius Apollinaris and Pliny (2011). ‘Clarus confirmed? Pliny, Epistles 1.1 and Sidonius Apollinaris’, Classical Quarterly 61: 655-9 (2013). ‘Pliny and the letters of Sidonius: from Constantius and Clarus to Firminus and Fuscus’ in B.J. Gibson and R.D. Rees (eds.), Pliny in Late Antiquity: Arethusa 46.2.333-335 (2013) ‘Reading the letters of Sidonius and Pliny the Younger by the book’ in J. van Waarden and G. Kelly (eds.), New Approaches to Sidonius Apollinaris (Leuven), 195-219 (2020). ‘Sidonius and epistolography’, in J. van Waarden and G. Kelly (eds.), A Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris (Edinburgh), 373-92