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Last Resorts and Grammaticality* Jane Grimshaw Rutgers University A “last resort” is argued to be nothing more than a winning, i.e. grammatical form, once it is understood in terms of competition between alternative candidates. It is a theorem of OT that we find last resort effects, since it follows from the nature of competition and constraint interaction. Economy, Optimality Theory, Competition 1 Introduction Every winning candidate (grammatical output) is a last resort under OT. It is the best one (or within the set of the best ones) left after the impossible have been eliminated: the last one standing. I will refer to the observation that grammatical structures have a last resort appearance as the Last Resort (LR) effect. The LR effect is a theorem of OT. There is no “Last Resort” principle or constraint. There are no stipulations that a particular process or structure is possible only as a last resort. The LR effect follows from the very theory of competition and constraint interaction that determines grammatical well-formedness. At the heart of OT (Prince and Smolensky1993/2002, 2004) is a principle which chooses an optimum among a set of competitors which do not violate the same constraints. Other components of OT, in particular GEN, the set of * Thanks, as always, to Alan Prince, Vieri Samek-Lodovici, Roger Schwarzschild and Sten Vikner. Linguistics in Potsdam 25 (2006): 33–41 Hans Broekhuis and Ralf vogel (eds.): Optimality Theory and Minimalism: A Possible Convergence? ©2006 Jane Grimshaw Jane Grimshaw 34 constraints, and the nature of inputs, are to be studied empirically, under the logical structure imposed by this model of optimization. OT is a theory of constraint interaction. It defines a class of grammatical theories. The following statement of the principle follows that given in Grimshaw (1997): An optimal output form for a given input is selected from among the class of competitors in the following way: a form that, for every pairwise competition involving it, best satisfies the highest-ranking constraint on which the competitors conflict, is optimal. Since the winning candidate is the one that “best satisfies” the constraints in the way just defined, it is not (necessarily) perfect. If all candidates but one are eliminated, the remaining candidate must be grammatical. A number of structures or processes have been declared in the literature to be LRs.1 Collins (2001) reviews some examples. The essence of the hypothesis is that operations or structures are possible only when necessary. 2 Illustrations The analysis of do support in Grimshaw (1997) illustrates the point that the optimum in a grammatical evaluation in OT is the last resort. A skeletal version of the proposal goes as follows. The constraints relevant for do are: FULL-INT OB-HD NO-LEX-MVT A syntactic element has a meaning A projection has a head A lexical head cannot move The English Ranking is: NOLEXMVT, OBHD >> FULLINT 1 “A court of last resort, is one which decides, definitely, without appeal or writ of error, or any other examination whatever, a suit or action, or some other matter, which has been submitted to its judgment, and over which it has jurisdiction.” http://www.new-yorklawyer.ws/law-dictionary/label.htm Last Resorts and Grammaticality 35 (1) a. Which books will they t read t? b. * Which books they will read t? (2) a. Which books did they t read t? b. * Which books read they? (3) a. They read books b. * They did read books The interrogative in (2a), with do support, is optimal because it best satisfies the constraints in their English ranking. It violates FULLINT, but the presence of do makes it possible to satisfy the other two constraints under consideration. Choosing the optimum with do is no different from choosing any other optimum. Importantly, the constraint rankings which select do in this configuration are those of the grammar of English, and must therefore be consistent with every other grammatical property of the language. The only language particular aspect of do support is the ranking which is responsible for it. If both OB-HD and FULL-INT dominate NO-LEX-MVT, the result is a system in which a main verb will raise, and no do-like morpheme will appear. The constraints themselves are the constraints of universal grammar. Nothing more need be said. (4) Matrix Interrogatives with no auxiliary Input: <read(x, y), x=they, y=which books, past> Candidates NOLEX MVT a. [CP which books e [IP DP [VP read t ]]] FULLINT *! ) b. [CP which books doi [IPDP ti [VP read t ]]] c. [CP which books readi [IP DP will [VP ti t ]]] OBHD * *! My point here is that it is not just epenthesis that is a last resort phenomenon. All choice of grammatical forms is, even the order of elements Jane Grimshaw 36 within simple phrases of English. The analysis which follows is from Grimshaw (2001, 2002), and analyzes phrases in terms of the three alignment constraints: SPECLFT, HDLFT and COMPLFT. These constraints are violated when a specifier, head or complement respectively is not aligned with the left edge of a phrase, designated as “HP” in the tableau. The references above contain the definitions of the constraints. Of the six logically possible candidates I consider only those in which the head (H) and the complement form a constituent, and are therefore adjacent.2 (5) English: orders for Specifier, Head and Complement SPECLFT ) a. [ HP Spec H Comp] b. [ HP Spec Comp H] c. [ HP H Comp Spec]] *!* d. [ HP Comp H Spec] *!* HDLFT COMPLFT * ** **! * * * The ranking of these constraints for English is: SPECLFT >> HDLFT >> COMPLFT. (5) illustrates the fact that the winner, candidate a., is the choice which remains after SPECLFT has eliminated all of the specifier-final options, and HDLFT has eliminated the head final option. The winning grammatical candidate, is thus the last resort. What these instances show is that the status of a grammatical structure as a LR is not a matter to be declared as an aside – a statement of grammatical fact 2 If GEN imposes this grouping, then there need be no constraint preferring Head Comp adjacency or constituency. If GEN does not impose this grouping, it must be imposed by a constraint, or perhaps a combination of constraints. If either HDLFT or COMPLFT dominates the grouping constraint(s), the specifier will separate the head from the complement. Last Resorts and Grammaticality 37 that is outside the scope of, or in addition to, the grammatical structure of a particular language, or indeed Universal Grammar as a whole. The set of possible LRs is the set of possible optima, i.e. those that can be selected under rankings of the constraints of UG. The set of LRs found in a given language is the set of optima that are in fact selected under the actual ranking of the universal constraints, as set in the grammar of the language. The fact that the solution (i.e. the LR solution) for the structure of phrases in English is specifierhead-complement is the consequence of the ranking of the relevant markedness constraints. The fact that do support is the solution for filling a complementizer when a sentence contains no meaningful auxiliary is also the consequence of ranking among particular markedness constraints. In sum, LRs do not exist as grammatical structures that have a special status. There are winning candidates and that is it. Even a perfect candidate, should one exist, is an LR. Again, it is the candidate which best satisfies the constraints. If the above is correct, why is it that the notion of a LR has significant appeal? The fundamental reason, I think, is that in a theory which does not work by comparative evaluation of alternative forms, the LR status of all grammatical structures is NOT a theorem. Consider Government-Binding theory, for example. A sentence containing do support violates any principle which requires that elements in syntactic structure have meaning. Hence it must be accommodated by appeal to some further notion, in this case the hypothesis that extra options are available to particular languages, as a last resort (see Chomsky 1991). This notion falls outside the theory proper, and is not connected in any way to properties of the theory, apart from the fact that it fixes mismatches between the predictions of the theory and empirical observation.3 3 The theory-external character of LR is reflected in its frequent positioning between quotation marks. On p.269 Lasnik et al 2005, the term appears 5 times in the penultimate paragraph, in quotes each time. Jane Grimshaw 38 There is another reason why the concept of LR has a credible status. This is the simple observation that some grammatical phenomena seem to be rarer than others, or perhaps limited to languages with particular properties, or in other ways “marked”. In the case of do and perhaps the behavior of much (Corver 1997) this may be accurate, although unrelated languages behave similarly, as we can see in the role of the verb suru in Japanese. The question is whether this motivates treating them as different in some fundamental way from other grammatical devices, and the sentences containing them as different in some fundamental way from other grammatical structures. Epenthesis violates faithfulness, whether it is phonological or syntactic.4 There is a clear difference between phonological and syntactic systems in their tolerance of unfaithful mappings between inputs and outputs. In syntactic optimizations unfaithful candidates are winners only under particular circumstances. It is not impossible for them to be winners, however. Examples of proposals which crucially posit unfaithful optima include Legendre et al (1998), Grimshaw (2000). These cases have in common the fact that they involve lack of faithfulness to grammatical, and not lexical, information in the input. Information such as “+wh” for example, or “+plural”. While this has not been formalized, recoverability evidently prevents mass deletions in order to better satisfy markedness constraints, such as the alignment constraints discussed above. Since unfaithfulness is so limited, it is striking when it is found. In these terms, what is a default? If an LR is a structure which best satisfies the constraints as ranked in a grammar, isn’t a default exactly the same? 4 The precise nature of the faithfulness violation involved in do support depends on some details of the analysis which I will not go into here. In Grimshaw 1997 I suggested that do is the verb of choice for epenthesis because it has the least meaning, hence to strip away its meaning is to minimally violate faithfulness. Since do is not in the input its presence in the output constitutes a faithfulness violation in addition. Last Resorts and Grammaticality 39 Yes. However, in the case of epenthesis discussed above, we can separate the two as follows. The selection of a candidate with epenthesis as the optimum is determined by the ranking of constraints on configurations. The selection of do as the item to epenthesize is a function of markedness constraints evaluating do itself. The first set of constraints mandates the insertion of something, the second set of constraints decides what will be inserted. We call this a “default”. This is comparable to the choice of an epenthetic vowel: constraints on syllable structure require the presence of a vowel, other constraints determine which vowel in fact occurs. 3 Last resorts as winning candidates A fundamental prediction of the claim that LRs are nothing more than winning candidates is that the set of winning candidates across languages is the set of all candidates, minus the set of candidates which are harmonically bounded (Samek-Lodovici and Prince 2005). I will call this the “real winners”. The set of last resorts must be the same. The logic of the argument is that LRs are chosen in exactly the same way as grammatical candidates, since this is what they are. There is no reason, then, to expect to find a universally identifiable set of LR “strategies”. (More accurately, the universally identifiable set will be identical to the real winners). On the contrary, since languages with differently ranked constraints vary in their choice of grammatical structures, the range of possible last resorts must also be variable. Movement may be the choice of one grammar and no movement the choice of another. Insertion of do is the choice in some grammars and not in others. This point lies at the heart of deriving LR effects from constraint interaction. LRs will be entirely determined by the grammar of a given language, and it will not be possible to draw up a list of them which is invariant across languages. “.. the first one now will later be last”. Jane Grimshaw 40 4 Conclusion This paper further develops a line of research which examines the status of economy and related notions in OT. In Grimshaw (2001, 2002) I argued that “Economy of Structure” is a theorem of OT. It follows from the nature of constraints on phrases, including the alignment constraints discussed in Section 2. These constraints conflict with constraints requiring the presence of a specifier and a head (the constraint OBHD from Section 2). Because of the conflict, every phrase is guaranteed to violate at least one constraint: the fewer phrases the better. In Grimshaw (2006) I sketched an argument that “Economy of Movement” is also a theorem of OT. It follows from faithfulness and markedness constraints, which inevitably penalize chains, since they are inevitably unfaithful. The core hypothesis of this work is that these effects are not due to “Principles” which are added to a theory to regulate its effects. Rather they follow from the very factors that determine syntactic well-formedness in the first place. The nature of optimality theoretic competition enforces what we call economy, without any assistance from us. Nothing is possible unless it is necessary. References Chomsky, Noam. 1991. Some notes on economy of derivation and representation. In R. Freidin ed. Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar. 417-54. MIT Press. Corver, Norbert. 1997. Much support as a last resort. Linguistic Inquiry 28. 119164. Grimshaw, Jane. 1997. Projection heads and optimality, Linguistic Inquiry 28. 373-422. Grimshaw, Jane. 2000. Optimal clitic positions and the lexicon in Romance clitic systems”, in Géraldine Legendre, Jane Grimshaw and and Sten Vikner eds. Optimality Theoretic Syntax, MIT Press. Last Resorts and Grammaticality 41 Grimshaw, Jane. 2001. Economy of structure in OT. Rutgers Optimality Archive 434-0601. Grimshaw, Jane. 2002. Economy of Structure in OT, in Papers in Optimality Theory II. University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 26. 81-120. Grimshaw, Jane. 2006. Chains as unfaithful optima. ROA 844.-0606. Note: this is a chapter of ROA-844, Wondering at the Natural Fecundity of Things: Essays in Honor of Alan Prince. Lasnik, Howard, Juan Uriagareka and Cedric Boeckx. 2005. A Course in Minimalist Syntax. Blackwell. Legendre, Géraldine, Paul Smolensky and Colin Wilson. 1998. When is less more? Faithfulness and minimal links in Wh-Chains. In Is the Best Good Enough? Optimality and Competition in Syntax (P. Barbosa, D. Fox, P. Hagstrom, M. McGinnis, and D. Pesetsky, eds). MIT Press. 249-289. Prince, Alan & Paul Smolensky. 1993/2002. Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar. RuCCS TR-2, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science. CU-CS-696-93, University of Colorado Department of Computer Science. ROA 537-0802. Prince, Alan, and Paul Smolensky. 2004. Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar. Blackwell: Malden, MA; Oxford, UK; Carlton,Aus. Samek-Lodovici, Vieri and Alan Prince. 2005. Fundamental Properties of Harmonic Bounding. ROA 785-1205. Jane Grimshaw Department of Linguistics Rutgers University 18 Seminary Place New Brunswick NJ 08901 grimshaw@ruccs.rutgers.edu http://rulinguistics101.org/page/grimshaw.html