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Atef S. Said Office: 312-413-3761/Cell: 734-657-5234/Email: atefsaid@uic.edu Department of Sociology/University of Illinois at Chicago/4112 Behavioral Sciences Bldg 1007 West Harrison Street (MC 312)/Chicago, Illinois 60607-7140 ACADEMIC POSITIONS Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago (2023-Present) Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago (2017-2023) Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago (2014-2017) Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago (2013-2014) EDUCATION University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Ph.D. Sociology, 2014 Dissertation: “The Tahrir Effect: Space, History and Protest in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.” Committee: George Steinmetz (Chair), Howard Kimeldorf, Fatma Müge Göçek, Sandra Levitsky (Members), and Juan Cole (Cognate) Received the 2014 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award Masters of Arts, Sociology, 2013 The American University in Cairo Masters of Arts, Anthropology and Sociology, 2004 Cairo University Post-Graduate Diploma, Political Sciences, Institute for African Research and Studies, 1996 Ain Chams University, Cairo Bachelor of Arts, L.L.B. School of Law, 1991 PUBLICATIONS Books 2024. Revolution Squared: Tahrir, Political Possibilities and Counter-Revolution in Egypt. Duke University Press. 2008. Torture is a Crime Against Humanity: Study on the Applicability of International Criminal Court on the Practices of Torture in Egypt, Hisham Mubarak Law Center, Cairo (in Arabic) 2001. Torture in Egypt: A Judicial Reality: An Analysis of 1124 Lawsuits of Civil Compensations for Victims of Torture in Egypt. The Human Rights Center for the Assistance of Prisoners, Cairo (in Arabic) Published Articles (peer-reviewed journals) 2022. “The Rise and the Fall of the Tahrir Repertoire: Theorizing Temporality, Trajectory, and Failure.” Social Problems 69, no 1: 222-240 Honorable Mention As the 2023 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Article Award (Best Published Article Award) by the Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association 2021. “A Sociology of Counter-Revolution in Egypt.” Sociology Compass. 15, no 9: e12916 2016. “The Cry for Human Rights: Violence, Transition, and the Egyptian Revolution.” With Nadine Naber. Humanity Journal, vol 7, no 1, Spring: 71-90 Re-published in Daulatzai, Sohail, and Junaid Rana (eds.). With Stones in Our Hands: Writings on Muslims, Racism, and Empire. University of Minnesota Press, 2018. pp. 219- 243 2015. “We Ought to Be Here: Historicizing Space and Mobilization in Tahrir Square and the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.” International Sociology, vol 30, no 4: 348-366 A short and modified version republished in The I.B.Tauris Handbook of Sociology and the Middle East, edited by Fatma Muge Gocek and Gamze Evcimen, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022. 2012. “ The Paradox of Transition to “Democracy” Under Military Rule,” Social Research, vol 79, no 2, Summer: 397-434 Chapters in edited volumes, handbooks and special collections (peer-reviewed) 2022. “ History and State Coercion in the Arab Spring: Against presentism and methodological nationalism in the study of the Arab state.” in Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East, Armando Salvatore, Sari Hanafi and Kieko Obuse (Eds.). Oxford University Press, 2022. 163-178 2020.” Tahrir, and The Many Faces of Violence in the Egyptian Revolution,” In Cultural Violence and Destruction of Communities: New Theoretical Perspectives, edited by Fiona Greenland and Fatma Müge Göçek. Routledge 2018. “Doing Research during Times of Revolution and Counterrevolution,” in Political Science Research in the Middle East and North Africa: Methodological and Ethical Challenges, Oxford University Press, edited by Janine A Clark and Francesco Cavatorta. 2017 “Arab Spring, Mobilization, and Contentious Politics in the Middle East.” Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology. Oxford University Press. 2008 “The Role of the Judges’ Club in Enhancing the Independence of the Judiciary and Spurring Political Reform”. Ed. Nathalie Bernard-Maugiron. Judges and Political Reform in Egypt, American University in Cairo Press Articles (under review or in progress) Under review. “Masses, And Agency and Contingency in Revolutions Today: A Conversation with Ben Abrams.” Perspectives in Politics Journal. In progress (first draft is complete), “Theorizing Revolutionary Temporalities.” A paper ready for submission for an edited interdisciplinary volume entitled Divergent Temporalities: Capitalism and the Conquest of Space-Time. In progress. “Why the Age of Social Revolution is not Over.” A Critique to the Refolution Thesis." To be submitted to Spectre Journal. In progress. “ Agency and Scale in Revolutionary Events: The Egyptian Revolution as a Case Study.” In progress. “Human Agency Vs. Algorithmic Agency: A Political Sociology Perspective,” paper to be submitted to a conference then a journal. Articles (in online journals, academic newsletters and websites) 2021. “ Dialectics of Hope and Despair in the Arab Spring Uprisings,” Middle East Research and Information Project, MERIP, Winter 2021, issue 21, with Pete Moore https://merip.org/2021/12/dialectics-of-hope-and-despair-in-the-arab-uprisings/ Translated into Arabic and republished in Mada Masr (Egypt Horizon), January 24, 2022 https://bit.ly/3FNxDyN 2017. “Three Lessons For Social Movement Research from the Egyptian Revolution.” March 1. Mobilizing Ideas, an online publication for the Center for the Study of Social Movements at the University of Notre Dame. https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/three-lessons-for-social-movement- research-from-the-egyptian-revolution/ 2014. “ Regimes and Movements: Thoughts on Contentious Politics and the Arab Spring.” December 10. Mobilizing Ideas, an online publication for the Center for the Study of Social Movements at the University of Notre Dame. http://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2014/12/10/regimes-and- movements- thoughts- on-contentious-politics-and-the-arab-spring/ 2014. “ Three Observations on Religion, Politics and the Muslim Brotherhood.” April 1. The Immanent Frame, Social Sciences Research Council Blog. http://blogs.ssrc.org/tif/2014/04/01/three- observations-on-religion-politics-and-the- muslim- brotherhood/ 2011. “The Egyptian Revolution: Ethnographic Notes from Tahrir.” Footnotes, Newsletter of the American Sociological Association, vol 39, no 6, July/August, p4 and 8. 2011. “ America in the Egyptian Revolution.” April 11. The Immanent Frame, Social Sciences Research Council Blog, http://blogs.ssrc.org/tif/2011/04/11/america-in- the- Egyptian-revolution/ 2007. “Global Transformations and ‘Cosmopolitical Social Sciences,” with Michael D. Kennedy, Camilo Leslie, Allison Nau, and Hiro Saito, Journal of International Institute, University of Michigan, vol 14, no 2, Winter. 2002. “Homosexuality and Human Rights in Egypt, Newsletter of the International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World, ISIM, Leiden University, January, issue 9 Book Reviews: 2024. Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian Nakba, by Areej Sabbagh-Khoury,  Stanford University Press, 2023. Reviewed for Spectre. Vol 5, Issue 1, Spring 2024 2022. Bread and Freedom: Egypt's Revolutionary Situation, by Mona El-Ghobashy. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 2021. Reviewed for Mobilization. Vol. 27, Issue 3. September 2022. pp 375-6 2018. Popular Contention, Regime and Transition: The Arab Revolts in Comparative Global Perspective, by Alimi Eitan Y., Avraham Sele, and Mario Sznajder, eds., Oxford University Press. 2016, Reviewed for Mobilization, June, vol 23, no 2: 260-261 2017. Arab Revolutions in the 21st Century?: Lessons from Egypt and Tunisia, by Nader Fergany, Springer, 2016, Reviewed for Contemporary Sociology, vol 46, no 4: 429-432 2017. “Arab Spring: Against Shallow Optimism and Pessimism,” Review of Gilbert Achcar, Morbid symptoms: relapse in the Arab uprising. Stanford University Press, 2016; and Beinin, Joel. "Workers and thieves." In Workers and Thieves. Stanford University Press, 2015. Reviewed for Against the Current, vol 187, March/April 2016. Mobilizing democracy: Globalization and citizen protest, by Paul Almeida. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. Reviewed for Contemporary Democracy, vol 4, no 1: 17-18 2014. Bourdieu and historical analysis, edited by Philip Gorski, Duke University Press, 2013. Reviewed for International Journal of Comparative Sociology, vol 55, no 5: 455-458. 2014. The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprisings, by Gilbert Achcar, University of California Press, 2013. Reviewed for Against the Current, v. 170, May/June. Available in this link: http://www.solidarity- us.org/node/4166. 2012. Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Joel Beinin and Frédéric Vairel. Stanford University Press, 2011. Reviewed for Mobilization, vol. 17, no 4: 487-488. Public Scholarship 2024. Egypt Has Betrayed Palestinians in Their Time of Greatest Need. TruthOut. March 31, 2024 https://truthout.org/articles/egypt-has-betrayed-palestinians-in-their-time-of-greatest-need/ 2024. AI in Warfare is a Slippery Slope. Tech Policy Journal. March 5, 2024. https://www.techpolicy.press/ai-in-warfare-is-a-slippery-slope/ 2023. The US Must Stand for Democracy in the Middle East. Common Dreams. October 28, 2023 https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/us-democracy-middle-east 2022. Speaker at “Struggles for Academic Freedom: Experiences from Egypt, Iran, Palestine and Turkey,” organized by the Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association and co-sponsored by the Association for Middle East Anthropology (AMEA) MESA, Insaniyyat the Society of Palestinian Anthropologists, and Tufts Anthropology Department, October 27, 2022. 2021. "The Principled Fine Line in Egypt’s Sociology: Farewell Mona Abaza." Middle East Critique, vol 30, no. 4: 327-331. 2021. “American Racism as a Foundational Idea, Two Parts Article in Arabic: “A Brief History of Racial Capitalism in the U.S.,” and “An Uprising, A Pandemic and an Election,” Mada Masr. Available in these links: https://bit.ly/3r1W2dZ and https://bit.ly/3KLlxbl 2021. “Brief History of Egypt’s Socialist Movements,” An Interview in Farsi by Asoo Magazine. September 1. https://www.aasoo.org/fa/articles/3639 2020. “Seven Lessons the U.S. Left Can Learn from Egypt to Resist Post-Election Fascism,” TruthOut, November 3. With Nadine Naber https://truthout.org/articles/seven-lessons-the-us-left-can-learn-from-egypt-to-resist-post-election-fascism/ 2018-2019. “ Revolutionary Remnants: Arts of Protest from the Green Movement to Occupy,” An Art Exhibit, Curated by Kefie Rafie, Sponsored by Sponsored by the Social Justice Initiative, the Institute for the Humanities, the Arab American Culture Center, Department of Sociology, the Department of Art History, at UIC. 2018. “The Rise and the Decline of the Tahrir Paradigm,” Article published in Arabic, in Maraya Magazine, Cairo, Egypt 2017. “Our Political-Scientific Responsibility Against the Muslim Ban,” Policy Trajectory, American Sociological Association’s Section on Comparative and Historical Sociology. Available in this link: http://policytrajectories.asa-comparative- historical.org/2017/04/our-political-scientific-responsibility-against-the-muslim-ban/ 2013. “Imperialist Liberalism and the Egyptian Revolution,” Jadaliyya, April 13. https://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/28434 2012. “ A New Judicial Moment in Egypt,” Jadaliyya, December 25. https://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/27699/A-New-Judicial-Moment-in-Egypt 2012. “Egypt After the Revolution”. US Amnesty Magazine, June 2012. ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS 2024. (Invited). Book Talk. Comparative Research Workshop. Yale University. April 9, 2024. 2024. (Invited). Book Talk. Cambridge University. March 8, 2024. 2024. (Invited). Book Talk. SOAS. March 6, 2024 2024. (Invited). Book Talk. Oxford University. March 5, 2024 2024. (Invited). Book Talk. Northwestern University. New Directions in the Middle East and North African Studies. January 22, 2024 2023. (Invited). "Revolution as Lived Contingency, and the Two Souls of the Egyptian Revolution," Presentation at the Colloquium of Northwestern University's Sociology Department. April 6, 2023 2023. (Invited). “12 Years Since the Arab Spring Uprisings: Analytical And Political Lessons About Revolution and Counter-Revolution.” Loyola University-Chicago, As Part of Islamic World Studies Series, March 16, 2023 2023.  (Invited). "Revisiting Egypt’s Revolution and Counter-Revolution Said, Atef. "Revolution as Lived Contingency, and the Two Souls of the Egyptian Revolution," Presentation at Georgetown University-The Center of Contemporary Arab Studies, February 9, 2023 2022. (Invited) "A theory of revolutionary temporalities?” Paper presented at the international conference “Divergent Temporalities: Capitalism and the Conquest of Space-Time Divergent Temporalities: Capitalism and the Conquest of Space-Time,” organized by the University of Leicester, England, and The Panteion University of Social and Political Science, Athens, Greece, May 2022. 2022. (Invited). “Contingency, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Egypt,” Virtual Coffee Hour Talk for the ASA Section on Peace, War and Social Conflict, April 15. 2021. (Invited).“Was Not Doomed to Defeat: Contingency and Radical Possibilities in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.” Lecture at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. October 14. 2021. (Invited). “Revolutions & Historical Social Science Research: A Conversation.” Flash Talk, organized by the network of Comparative Historical Analysis and Theory (CHAT), with Colin Beck, Kristin Plys, and Xiaohong Xu, March 26 2021. (Invited). Revolution Squared: Egypt’s Revolution Between Historical Possibilities and Counter-Revolutionary Containments.” Presented at Politics, History and Society Workshop. The University of Chicago, February 11 2020. (Invited). “Revolution Squared: Political Space, Revolutionary Possibilities and Counter- Revolution in Egypt.” Two chapters presented at Politics, Culture, and Society Workshop (PCS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 17 2019. (Invited). “ For a Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Revolutions,” Paper at the Comparative Historical Social Sciences (CHSS) Workshop, Northwestern University, November 15 2019. (Invited). “Towards a Spatio-Temopral Analysis of Revolutions, Paper presented at the Social Theory Workshop. Department of Sociology. The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. January 16, 2019. 2018. “ Spatio-Temporality or Spatio-Temporalities of Revolution?” Fellow Lecture. The Institute for the Humanities at UIC, October 24. 2018. (Invited).“ Studying Spatialities of Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Some Theoretical and Methodological Reflections,” Keynote Address at the 2018 Annual Graduate Conference in Sociology organized by the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) at the Department of Sociology of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 20- 21. 2017. (Invited) “The Rise and the Decline of the Tahrir Paradigm: Revolution and Counter- Revolution in Contemporary Egypt," A lecture at the colloquium of the Sociology- Anthropology Department. Illinois Wesleyan University. November 28 2017. (Invited) Decolonizing Revolutionary Theory: Arab Spring Uprisings and Their Aftermath." Public Lecture. Organized by the Social Justice Institute and The Critical Racial and Anti-Colonial Studies (CRACS) Research Network at the University of British Columbia-- Vancouver, Canada. January 26 2016. (Invited). “Shades of Defeat: Emotions in the Egyptian Revolution,” paper presented at the workshop “After Tahrir: Egyptian Revolutionary Experiences and Future Visions. University of California at Santa Barbara, 22- 26. 2015. (Invited). “Tahrir Square, Cairo and the Making of the Egyptian Revolution of 21011,” Paper Presented at Cities Across the Globe: People and Places Across Boarders, International Conference Organized by the Great Cities Institute, UIC, April 30. 2015. (Accepted Abstract). “Imperial Sovereignty, Imperial Subjecthood and the No Man’s Jurisdiction,” paper presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference Practices of Order: Colonial and Imperial Projects conference. University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-30 January. 2014. (Invited). “ Spatiality of the Arab Spring and its Aftermath,” A Talk at the Seminar Series of the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies (CMENAS), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, September 29. 2012. (Invited). “The Paradox of Transition to “Democracy” Under Military Rule, paper presented at Egypt in Transition Conference, organized by the Center for Public Scholarship, The New School’s 28th Social Research Conference, NYC, April 12. 2010. (Invited). “Imperial Sovereignty, Relationality and the No-Man’s Jurisdiction: Examples from Extraordinary Rendition, public lecture at Symposium on Law, Violence and the State at the University of Southern California. 2009. (Invited). “Law, Authoritarianism and Legitimacy in Egypt, Paper presented at the International Workshop The Rule of Law, Islam, and Constitutional Politics in Egypt and Iran, The International Institute for Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain 2008 (Invited). “Non-Totalitarian Dictatorship and the Rule of Law: A Conversation on Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law in Egypt and Iran, the Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association, Washington, D.C. 2008. (Invited). “The Paradoxes of Non-Totalitarian Dictatorship,” a paper presented at the Symposium on Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law in Egypt and Iran, The Stony Brook Institute for Global Studies. Stony Brook NYC. GRANTS, AWARDS, AND FELLOWSHIPS 2023-2024 Public Voices Fellow. University of Illinois at Chicago 2023 Honorable Mention- the 2023 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Article Award (Best Published Article Award) by the Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association for the article: Said, Atef. "The rise and fall of the Tahrir repertoire: Theorizing temporality, trajectory, and failure." Social Problems 69, no. 1 (2022): 222-240. 2023. Faculty Fellowship, the UIC Institute of Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP) 2022. Faculty Covid Relief Fund. UIC 2020. Faculty Fellowship, the UIC Institute of Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP) 2018-2019 Faculty Fellowship. The Institute for the Humanities at UIC 2017. The Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Arts and Humanities (ICAH) Award. The University of Illinois at Chicago for the project, “Arts of Dissent: The Fate of Unfinished Revolutions from Green Movement to Occupy Movement.” Collaborative project with Kaveh Mohammad Rafie 2016. Post-Doctoral Seminar in Critical Realism, Critical Realism Network, Yale University, June. 2015. Arab Research Support Program Grant, Research Grant from the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), Paris, France. 2015 The 2014 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award, University of Michigan Ann Arbor 2014. Faculty Fellowship, the UIC Institute of Research on Race and Public Policy, IRRPP 2014. Rackham Graduate School Travel Grant, University of Michigan to participate at the conference “Conceptualizing Cyber-Urban Connections in Asia and the Middle East, National University of Singapore. 2012. Research Fellow, with the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, and Egyptology, The American University in Cairo 2012. Rackham Centennial Spring Summer Fellowship Award, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2012. African Studies Initiative Research Grant, the Department of Afro- Americans and African Studies. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2012. Arts of Citizenship Grant, Public Scholarship Grant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2011. Rackham Graduate School Dissertation Grant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2011. Rackham Graduate School International Research Award, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2011. Dissertation Prospectus Seminar Fellowship, The Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany (Declined due to traveling to participate in the Egyptian Revolution). 2004. Scholarship for the International Master's in The Sociology in Law. Oñati International Institute For The Sociology Of Law, Oñati, Gipuzkoa, Spain (Declined). INTERNATIONAL COLABORATIONS 2021-Present. A member in a research collaboration to produce a volume about Egypt’s politics. The theme of the project is “the “State and Government in Egypt: Nature of the Political System and its Determinants since 2013.” The main organizer is the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha-Qatar. 2024- Present. A member in research a collaboration for a series of workshops on the institutional and ideological legacy of revolutions in their alternatives. The main organizers of the collaboration are professor Maryam Alemzadeh (Oxford University), Professor Tamar Shirinian (Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville), and Professor Juan Wang (Political Science, McGill University). The first meeting will take place in May at McGill University. 2024-Present. A member in a global research collaboration for a workshop on “The Rhythms of Revolt.” The workshop is organized by International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs (ICCTP), at Berkely University. The main organizers of the collaboration are : Natalia Brizuela, UC Berkeley, ICCTP, Leyla Dakhli, French Center for National Research, Samera Esmeir, UC Berkeley, ICCTP, and Nouri Gana, UCLA. It will be convened in collaboration with Tunisian scholars, and will be held at Dar Bach Hamba in Tunis, Tunisia, from the evening of May 23, 2024, through May 25, 2024. SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES 2022-2023. Chair of the Marxist Sociology Teaching and Praxis Award. The Marxist Sociology Section. ASA. 2022. External Member in dissertation committee at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, USA. Title of the dissertation “Between Physical and Virtual Counterpublics: Feminist Consciousness-raising and Knowledge Production in Contemporary Egypt.” Ph.D. Student: Nehal Elmeligy. 2021 Examiner of Viva (Dissertation) at the University of Cambridge, Architecture Department. Dissertation Title “Post-Arab Spring Tunis: Materialising Revolution in the City,” Ph.D. Student: Dena Qaddumi 2021 Discussant of the Panel “Revolutionary Spaces: The Mapping of Resistance on Place.” The Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. October 13, 2021 2021. A Critic at Authors Meet Critic Panel, for the Historical Sociology Research Cluster at the Canadian Sociological Association’s annual conference, for the book: Plys, Kristin Victoria Magistrelli. Brewing Resistance: Indian Coffee House and the Emergency in Postcolonial India. Cambridge University Press, 2020 2021. Chair of the Committee of the Albert Szymanski-T.R. Young/Critical Sociology Marxist Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award 2021. Chair of the Committee of the Global and Transnational Sociology Best Graduate Student Paper Award 2020-2023 Council Member, Section on Global and Transnational Sociology. The American Sociological Association 2020-2023 Council Member, Marxist Sociology Section. The American Sociological Association. 2019-Present. Member. Academic Freedom Committee. Middle Eastern Studies Association. 2019-2020 Member in the Best Scholarly Article Award Committee, Section on Global and Transnational Sociology. The American Sociological Association 2018-2020 Member, Mentoring Committee. Peace, War, and Social Conflict Section at ASA 2018-2022 Editorial Committee-The Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) 2018 Member in the Edward Shils-James Coleman Memorial Award for Best Student Paper in Sociological Theory- Section on Sociological Theory. The American Sociological Association 2015-2017 Member in Geographies of Justice: The Andrew Sawyer Seminar Working Group- UIC. Coordinated by Professor Barbara Ransby and UIC’s Social Justice Initiative 2013-Present Contributing Editor: Mobilizing Ideas Blog, administered by the Center for the Study of Social Movements at Notre Dame University. 2012-Present Occasional Reviewer for the following journals: American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Journal in Comparative Studies in Society and History Contemporary Politics, Social Movement Studies, Contemporary Sociology, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Qualitative Sociology, Political Geography, and Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East and reviewed manuscripts for the following presses: The American University in Cairo Press, I.B.Tauris and Manchester University Press. 2010-Present Member of the Interdisciplinary working group, “Law and Colonialism/ the Anti- Colonial Machine.” with Professors Fred Moten (New York University), Denise da Silva (University of British Columbia) Dylan Rodríguez (University of California at Riverside), Colin Dayan (Vanderbilt University), Sora Han (University of California at Irvine), and David Lloyd (University of California at Riverside), and J. Kameron Carter (Indiana University at Bloomington) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Sociological Association Social Sciences History Association Middle Eastern Studies Association Law and Society Association American Studies Association 2 5