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New subterranean freshwater gastropods of Montenegro (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae)

Research Article ISSN 2336-9744 The journal is available on line at www.ecol-mne.com http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:51D171B5-9914-4790-B8D1-5373D846DA77 New subterranean freshwater gastropods of Montenegro (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) PETER GLÖER1 & VLADIMIR PEŠIĆ2 1 2 Biodiversity Research Laboratory, Schulstraße 3, D-25491 Hetlingen, Germany. E-mail: gloeer@malaco.de Department of Biology, University of Montenegro, Cetinjski put b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro. E-mail: vladopesic@gmail.com Received 1 July 2014 │ Accepted 12 July 2014 │ Published online 14 July 2014. Abstract New stygobiont species of Hydrobiidae were described. Both new species and one new genus, Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp. and Zeteana ljiljanae n. gen. et n. sp., have been collected in a spring from village Pričelje near Pogorica. An updated checklist of hydrobiids snails from Montenegro is given. Key words: Hydrobiidae, new genus, new species, taxonomy, Montenegro. Introduction The family Hydrobiidae Troschel, 1857 is one of the largest gastropod families with more than 500 genera (Kabat and Hershler 1993). Nevertheless Hydrobiids from Montenegro have been studied by several authors (e.g., Schütt 1959, 1960, Bole 1961, Radoman 1973, 1983, Reischütz and Reischütz 2008, Glöer and Pešić 2010, Pešić and Glöer 2012, 2013), our knowledge is far from being complete. To date, 28 hydrobiid species and subspecies belonging to 10 genera have been recorded in Montenegro (Table 1). Worth noting that 92% of these species are endemic for Montenegro. Because of accessing and sampling in hypogean habitats is difficult, subterranean hydrobiids have been collected mainly as empty shells and very few living animals have been ever found. Preferred sampling sites are where the subterranean networks surfaces as springs which flows directly out of the ground (Pešić and Glöer 2012). Thus, as regard most of species, the delimitations and/or ecological status (strict vs. occasional subterranean) are still unclear and subject to various opinions. Recently, the junior author collected in a spring near Podgorica two hydrobiid snails which did not correspond to any already known species. Descriptions of these taxa are given in this paper. Material and Methods The specimens of the new species were collected from April to mid-May, 2014, in a spring (42°30'17.52'' N, 19°13'17.93'' E, Fig. 1) in the Pričelje village, central part of Montenegro. The spring is located roughly 150 m of the Zeta river. In order to collect live specimens, the spring sediments were transported into the laboratory, soaked in tap water and left in the dark for a few days in order to let live animals to reach the Ecol. Mont., 1 (2), 2014, 82-88 GLÖER & PEŠIĆ surface of the sediment. As espected, samples which revealed living hypogean animals were collected immediately after the period of a strong rain. The living specimens were fixed in 95% ethanol. The animals were analyzed both morphometrically and anatomically. Images of the shell, soft body and genitalia were photographed with a Leica digital camera system. The studied material is stored in the Zoological Museum of Hamburg (ZMH). Figure 1. Sampling site: spring in the Pričelje village near Podgorica: A = spring with spring outlet. B = spring source. Photos. V. Pešić Systematics Family Hydrobiidae Troschel, 1857 Genus Zeteana gen. nov. Diagnosis. Shell elongated conical with a large ovoid aperture. The lower edge of the aperture moved forwards and the outer margin is sinuated from lateral view. Surface slightly ribbed, with broad ribs and thin interspaces. The animal is whitish, without eyes. The penis is broad at the base and pointed at the top and the sperm duct takes a lateral course. Anatomy of females is unknown. Type species. Zeteana ljiljanae n. sp. Etymology. Named after Zeta River. Differential diagnosis. Conchologically, snails of the new genus are similar to Paladilhiopsis Pavlović (1913) sensu Radoman, but species of this genus have a rectangular broad penis which is attenuated at the top. However the shell surface of the latter genus is smooth and not ribbed (Radoman 1983). Shells of Plagigeyeria Tomlin, 1930 are ribbed but the new genus clearly differs by the shape of the shell (see under Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp.), as well as by the shape of the ribs, which are broad in Zeteana n. gen. vs. thin and sharp in Plagigeyeria. Moreover, the penis in Plagigeyeria is awl-like (Radoman 1983: fig. 55) and more slender compared with Zeteana n. gen. Species of the genus Lanzaia Brusina, 1906, in addition to awl-like penis, differs in having rare and strong axial and weaker spiral sculptures (Radoman 1983). Ecol. Mont., 1 (2), 2014, 82-88 83 NEW HYDROBIID SNAILS FROM MONTENEGRO Figure 2. Zeteana ljiljanae n. sp. (holotype). A = shell, B = surface sculpture, C = shell from lateral view, D = penis, E = apex. Distribution. The genus is endemic to Central Montenegro and includes the only species: Zeteana ljiljanae n. sp. from its type locality only. The diagnostic characters of the new species coincide with those of the new genus. Zeteana ljiljanae n. sp. (Figs. 2A-E) Type series. Holotype (ZMH 79703): Shell height 2.5 mm, shell width 1.5 mm; Montenegro, Podgorica, spring in village Pričelje, 39 m asl., 20.iv.-25.v. 2014 Pešić. Paratypes: 10 ex. ZMH 79704; 40 ex. coll. Glöer, 2 specimens destroyed by dissection, same data and locality as holotype. Locus typicus. Montenegro, Pogorica, spring in the Pričelje village, 42°30'17.52'' N, 19°13'17.93'' E. Etymology. Named after Dr Ljiljana Tomović (Faculty of Biology, Belgrade), in appreciation of her studies on Montenegrian biodiversity. Description. Shell. Shell elongated conical with a large and broad apex (Figs. 2A, C, E). The regularly growing 5.5 whorls are slightly convex with a deep suture. Shell surface slightly ribbed (Fig. 2B). The aperture is large, the lower edge of the aperture is moved forwards, and the outer margin is sinuated from lateral view (Fig. 2C). The outer margin of the aperture is flanged. The umbilicus is open and deep. The shell height 2.0 – 2.5 mm (σ = ±0.4), shell width 1.1 – 1.3 mm (σ = ±0.3), apertural/shell height ratio 0.4. Body. The animal is whitish, without eyes. Penis is broad at the base and pointed at the top (Fig. 2D). 84 GLÖER & PEŠIĆ Distribution. Montenegro; known only from the type locality. Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp. (Figs. 3A-C) Type series. Holotype (ZMH 79705): Shell height 1.3 mm, shell width 0.9 mm; Montenegro, Podgorica, spring in village Pričelje, 39 m asl., 20.iv.-25.v. 2014 Pešić. Paratypes: 1 ex. (ZMH 79706), same data and locality as holotype. Locus typicus. Montenegro, Pogorica, spring in the Pričelje village, 42°30'17.52'' N, 19°13'17.93'' E. Etymology. The species is named after Luka Pešić, the four-year old son of the author. Description Shell. Shell elongated conical with a large and broad apex (Figs. 3A-B). The regularly growing 4.5 whorls are convex with a deep suture. Shell surface ribbed (Fig. 3C), with thin and sharp ribs with broad interspaces. The aperture is large, the lower edge of the aperture is moved forwards, and the outer margin is sinuated from lateral view. The outer margin of the aperture is flanged. The umbilicus is open and deep. The shell height 1.3 mm, shell width 0.9 mm, apertural/shell height ratio 0.4. Body: unknown. Figure 3. Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp. (holotype). A = shell, B = shell from lateral view, C = shell surface. Differentiating features. Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp. is the smallest species of this genus in Montenegro. The dimensions of other Plagigeyeria species from Montenegro varying in height from 2.0 to 2.8 mm (Schütt 1960). The lower edge of the aperture in the new species from Pričelje is moved forwards stronger than in all other Plagigeyeria spp. known so far. In addition only in Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp. the lower border of the aperture is on the right side attenuated. From P. zetaprotogona Schütt, 1960 and its subspecies known from several springs along Zeta river, the new species differs by the lower apertural/shell height ratio, which is in P. zetaprotogona 0.54 and in P. zetadidyma 0.64. Distribution. Montenegro; known only from the type locality. Ecol. Mont., 1 (2), 2014, 82-88 85 NEW HYDROBIID SNAILS FROM MONTENEGRO Table 1. Checklist of freshwater gastropods of the family Hydrobiidae of Montenegro. Red List Category (after Cuttelod et al. 2011) Hydrobiidae Radomaniola Szarowska, 2006 Radomaniola curta curta (Küster, 1852) Radomaniola lacustris (Radoman, 1983) Radomaniola elongata (Radoman, 1973) Radomaniola montana (Radoman, 1973) Karucia Glöer & Pešić, 2013 Karucia sublacustrina Glöer & Pešić, 2013 Vinodolia Radoman, 1973 Vinodolia gluhodolica (Radoman, 1973) Vinodolia matjasici (Bole, 1961) Vinodolia zetaevalis (Radoman, 1973) Vinodolia scutarica (Radoman, 1973) Vinodolia vidrovani (Radoman, 1973) Bracenica Radoman, 1973 Bracenica spiridoni Radoman, 1973 Antibaria Radoman, 1973 Antibaria notata (Frauenfeld, 1865) Litthabitella Boeters, 1970 Litthabitella chilodia (Westerlund 1886) Saxurinator Schütt 1960 Saxurinator montenegrinus (Schütt, 1959) Saxurinator orthodoxus Schütt, 1960 Montenegrospeum Pešić & Glöer, 2013 Montenegrospeum bogici (Pešić & Glöer, 2013) Zeteana n. gen Zeteana ljiljanae n. sp. Paladilhiopsis Pavlovic 1913 Paladilhiopsis tarae Bole & Velkovrh, 1987 Plagigeyeria Tomlin, 1930 Plagigeyeria montenigrina Bole, 1961 Plagigeyeria lukai n. sp. Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona zetaprotogona Schütt, 1960 Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona vitoja Reischütz & Reischütz, 2008 Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona pageti Schütt, 1961 Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona zetadidyma Schütt, 1960 Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona zetatridyma Schütt, 1960 Bythinella Moquin-Tandon 1856 Bythinella dispersa Radoman, 1973 Bythinella luteola Radoman, 1976 Bythinella taraensis Glöer & Pešić, 2010 Least Concern Critically Endangered Critically Endangered Least Concern Endemic + + + + Endangered Critically Endangered Data Deficient Endangered Least Concern + + + + + Endangered + Least Concern + Least Concern Endangered Critically Endangered + + + + Data Deficient + Critically Endangered + Endangered Endangered Endangered Endangered + + + + + + + + Discussion For Montenegro a total of 28 freshwater hydrobiid gastropods are reported (Table 1). Three species are listed as Extinct by Regnier et al. (2009): Antibaria notata (Frauenfeld, 1865), Bracenica spiridoni Radoman, 1973 and Vinodolia gluhodolica (Radoman, 1973). The two latter species, presumed to be subterranean forms, recently have been re-discovered by Pešić and Glöer (2013) so the statement of Regnier et al. (2009) should be partially rejected. The most diverse genera are Plagigeyeria with 7 taxa (3 species and 5 subspecies), followed by Vinodolia Radoman, 1973 with 6, and Radomaniola Szarowska, 2006 with 4 species. Schütt (1972) made a taxonomic revision of the genus Plagigeyeria based on conchological features and divided Plagigeyeria zetaprotogona into four subspecies (P. z. zetaprotogona, P. z. zetadidyma, P. z. zetatridyma, P. z. pageti). However these subspecies could be found living syntopically in several springs along Zeta river (the spring 86 GLÖER & PEŠIĆ near Straganik and Tunjevo, spring near Studeni near Danilovgrad and spring between Slap and Bog in the upper Zeta valley) suggesting that they represents separate species. However, taxonomic status of these taxa should be clarified by checking additional material. The systematic status of Radomaniola curta and its subspecies is still problematic. Falnowski et al. (2012) studied the morphology of the shell, penis, and female reproductive organs, as well as the mitochondrial COI and ribosomal 18S in 17 populations of Radomaniola from Skadar Lake drainage and shows that the molecular differentiation was not reflected in morphology. They postulated morphostatic evolution, as a result of non-adaptive radiation characterized by the rapid proliferation of species without morphological and ecological differentiation (Gittenberger 1991). At the species level, 92 % of the total hydrobiid fauna appears to be endemic for Montenegro. Most of endemic species are found in Adriatic Sea catchment area, and only three species (all of the genus Bythinella) occur in the Black Sea catchment area. Members of the latter genus are absent from Adriatic drainage area, with the exception of one locality in the upper part of Morača river, close to the watershed of the two drainage sea areas (Glöer and Pešić 2010). The Skadar lake basin is the region with the highest number of endemic species, the adjusted rate of gastropod endemicity estimated at 37.5 % (Pešić and Glöer 2013). The endemism occurs also at genera level and Montenegro harbors three endemic and monotypic hydrobiid genera, Karucia Glöer & Pešić, 2013, Montenegrospeum Pešić & Glöer, 2013, and Zeteana n. gen. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Cuttelod et al. 2011) includes 19 hydrobiid species from Montenegro. Five of them are assessed as Critically Endangered, 8 as Endangered, 2 as Data Deficient and 5 as Least Concern in the IUCN Red List of endangered species (see: Table 1). Furthermore, the six species: Vinodolia zetaevalis, V. scutarica, V. matjasici, Radomaniola lacustris, R. elongata and Bracenica spiridoni are protected in Montenegro by national legislation (Službeni list RCG, br. 76/06, 2006). Acknowledgements We are thankful to Dr Willi De Mattia (Trieste) and Dr Dilian Georgiev (Sofia) for their careful referee work and constructive advices. References Bole, J. (1961) Nove Hidrobide (Gastropoda) iz podzemeljskih voda zahodnega Balkana. Biološki vestnik, 9, 59–69. Cuttelod, A., Seddon, M. & Neubert, E. (2011) European red list of non-marine molluscs. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, i-x + 98 pp. Falniowski, A., Szarowska, M., Glöer, P. & Pešić, V. (2012) Molecules vs morphology in the taxonomy of the Radomaniola/Grossuana group of Balkan Rissoiidea (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda). Journal of Conchology, 41 (1), 19–36. Glöer, P. (2002) Die Süsswassergastropoden Nord- und Mitteleuropas. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, 327 pp. Glöer, P. & Pešić, V. (2010) The freshwater snails of the genus Bythinella Moquin-Tandon (Gastropoda: Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae) from Montenegro. Archives of Biological Sciences, 62 (2), 441–447 Gittenberger, E. (1991) What about non-adaptive radiation? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 43, 263–272. Kabat, A.R. & Hershler, R. (1993) The Prosobranch Snail Family Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissooidea): Review of Classification and Supraspecific Taxa. Smithsonian Contributions in Zoology, 547, 1–94. Pešić, V. & Glöer, P. (2012) A new species of Bythiospeum Bourguignat, 1882 (Hydrobiidae, Gastropoda) from Montenegro. Biologica Nyssana, 3 (1), 17–20. 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Schütt, H. (1959) Zur Höhlenschneckenfauna Montenegros. Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 88, 185–190 Schütt, H. (1960) Neue Höhlenschnecken aus Montenegro. Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 89 (4-6), 145–152. Schütt, H. (1972) Ikonographische Darstellung der unterirdisch lebenden Molluskengattung Plagigeyeria Tomlin (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 102, 113–123 Službeni list RCG, br. 76/06 (2006) Rješenje o stavljanju pod zaštitu pojedinih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro, No. 76/06. 88