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Integrating Landscape Assessment and Hydrologic Modeling for Land Cover Change Analysis

2002, Journal of the American Water Resources Association

JOURNAL VOL. 38, NO. OF THE AMERICN WATER INTEGRA Scot N. Miler, Wilam Signfcat watershd land tha Sonra, and a seri and of 190s, southea ben images respon. in The Catskil/Dewr City, the a contras time period. A informat parmetizon has of els. The tol to Basin, subwaterhd dat. a the benfical from the indcate the in flod ment respon, and loading. gratin Thes remot the use impacts GIS of (KEY land on remot to of models hydrolgic inte the runof rate, AGW; landscpe aproch, over time zation.) of Arizona Box 85719; 93478, Godrich), USEPA tal Resarch Nevad Arizona 0168 USDA-R, ORD, Resarch Las Scients 8913-47; 85719 Journal of the Journal Senior Resarch Vegas, Nevad Nationl and (Hegm), Centr of Specialst Ecolgist for Resarch of (E-Mail/S.N the USEPA Water Water (S.N Hydrolgist, Watershd Envirometal NERL, Asitan Miler American American (Kepnr, 8913-47; Southwes the Resourc Miler), Mehafy), Resarch (W.P Resarch, USEPA Resarch Centr, Landscpe Miler), NERL, USDA-R, 120 Ecolgy 20 Pensylvai Specialst, Branch, of predict land as this cover trends change and Envirometal Road, Avenu, Watershd Resarch exist directon among Resarch Ecolgy NW, Tucson, Washingto, Branch, Resarch Sciens watershd pro changes, open Hydraulic spatily and quality are and Alen Southwes used Using linkages water Watershd Landscpe East wer proetis Discuon Southwes peak yield to powerful Stream Asociatn. USDA-R, water volume, directon watershd ces. No. perfomd runof sedimnt used spa hydrolgic respon. and distrbue »Paper was of Envirometal until espcialy Februay Centr, 1,203. 20 Engier Arizona Centr, Divson, DC 85719; due East Project 2046 20 P.O Sciens Alen (Hernadz, East (decas); Road, Tucson, Divson, Box Oficer R.C Alen 93478, Road, Envirome Asociatn 915 P.O Miler, (Devonald), Las Tucson, smiler@tucon.agv) Resourc the the Simulated form and watershd in condit. be KINE of changes watershd can Direct 2Respctivly, the trends chartei cover toal of the (Smith imagery. and indcators relativ and (KINEROS) watershd land the Catskil/ asemnt sateli in on the York, landscpe of Water 198) of contribug A respon one is and al, model a smal clasifed respon. senig; on distrbuon shed on New paer change on Soil et upstae this cover the EROSion Basin. using throug and 195) of and in and Pedro tial sedi usefln condit transio GIS; al., San of due hydrolgic watershd et volumes, quality the the declin runof water distrbue aseing cover TERMS: and evnt demonstra and for to agricult plants and decras result senig of and wody anul basin imagery land aplying Basin Runof hydrosateli (Arnold River matic result urban Pedro Delawr change Simulaton increasg increasd using cover due cover. invaso of resultd simulated respon land tha simultaneo graslnd flashier forest San change objectiv (SWAT) difernt distrbue historc by Tol historcal land watershd to Pedro wer respon Asemnt sig The watershd. at using of may hydrolgic using efcts a ocur study, years. the watershd San using yield on model Uper undergoi watershd, agriculte San and sedimnt Canosvile impact transio Pedro watershd and In San Canosvile Runof models. ares the the the this temporaly, 25 evalut cover of and In of land functio spatily, over to indcator in spatily and acquired mod for vary time. models, integrad and both logic an changes healt ased (AGW) files overal changes (SWAT) Asemnt withn and cover thes Tol is and throug was hydrolgic input Such the Asemnt (KINEROS) parmet changes, land Water Watershd prea a nifcat and the rates compa automes Miler, Miler2 respon afect georaphic tha EROSion the region, a C. Paul condit, New this using a devlop Geospatil used Pedro for Soil and Automaed was had the Runof In tol ben in to over asemnt (GIS) KINEmatic change. improved Hydrolgic watershd basin water cover has landscpe sytem and land condit W. INTRODUC 1980s, the located delivrs and in 1970s, of tha in watershd rable the alterion Ryan Hegm, the River subwaterhd, complex provides Canosvile in the Canosvile watershd York Pedro Hernadz, T. changes, observd taken implcated in San Thes send Marino Daniel ocured uper ANLYSI* Mehafy, Devonald, 20 HYDROLGIC CHANGE H. Kim have the Arizona. remotly have hydrolgic changes to COVER Megan K. runof AUGST AND LAND Kepnr, Godrich, cover contribue Mexico, using G. C. ASOCITN ASOCITN ASEMNT FOR David RESOUC RESOUC LANDSCPE MODELING ABSTRC: WATER AMERICN 4 JAWR Vegas, Miler, to erosin and linked to sedimnt on step cover while can in produce to 90 percnt (Frankli, 192). tha by The have invole changes above of ground thes vegtai (primaly and manifestd anul by speci tres) or and the proces. native stock and fire 198). (Grove Aditonaly, flow be more throug In very thre variblty respon and on are scale teracing, or (for land to cover. ship tilage), in land use, quality at compare habit the watershd, identfy suceptibl to atemps to ces varible hydrolgic models can investgao of ingly have to models Springe, tha at with this difernt scale imagery to the JAWR study: the ares the Arizona and denc Catskil/Dewr wer Uper tha and in this and caried out (Hernadz inferd upon the with use diferng of the land comparble cover dat cover. Pedro northeas watershd 916 Journal of the American Water Resourc core change, rainfl land confi hydrolgic from in 20; lend in directon wel al., studie directon coretly and on et Thes and be seni calibrton sucefly the trends vali study, model 190). both spatil observatin employd ben of calibrton hydrolgic trends predicat lack selctd San and models can spondig of for suficent model Godrich, respon the with and tha conju impacts study this the 19; senig hydrolgic the modeling, is watershd Syed, conjuti southearn Mexico, in the quality rainfl-uo basin, runof instrumed change. difernt in in Sonra, cover distncly incluso used al., of hig adequt have and remot investga land Basin, wer clasifed For validton models in et tha suficently corespndig anlyse 193; hydrolgic a of for dation. tivy Pular of this runof indcate ungaed and the Feldman, for (Arnold observatin alow increas 20; in asemnt shortcming coverag input to chosen imagery rainfl would for models Acuray wer major long-term in 195). are respondig Staes senig in space dat two multi-dae decal-s Two study, al., dat The pro tols al., et changes is United are study. explict and et this or and spatil (deVantir In operat tion prea Smith dat validte the to input model extnsivly land (1) observd the direc to senitv the tha tha in particuly as usefl Bhaduri 20). risk Studies to 196; at spatily relationshp. GIS hydrolgic for serv such used Wilknso, both imet and 195), ben cover to Watershd in Sivapln, drinkg and is The remot manget impacts. higly and in and (3) ares land used are aid undesir be tha and limt are (Blosch those change, seri asumption: tha coretly. have and can its due thre (2) cover clasifed runof, scale the a trends model acurte semi-ard relation change, landscpe study is the on and in water the of respon landscpe; and distrbuon of for on most hydrolgic artifcl; 19; and wel relis for predicat the adequt not time the type agricul bodes whic of chosen changes in understaig are in be implent variton remaind from watershd the and throug changes Improved among water by and Catskil/ has stabily estimaon change rainfl can respon due of cover cover, exampl, contur hydrolgic primaly land hand, transio region hydrolgic changes of charteis smal shed-cal of tha form soil, topgrahic a the this and tion flow proetis in erosin While modife tha watershd other This in Modeling or stream respon are, resvoi vegtaion The some metroplian the the water. agricult into primay hydrolgic topgrahy. of other stream afectd as increasd. the cover. York ares. the governi to than vegtad genral, runof close easily wel and into on with forest New pesticd, or land to 190; Betancour, agricult rainfl-uo has region, veg with an and basin, the San native have puming stable, ture Musick, urban the alterd relativy the along of withn water Delawr live in theoricaly have ground both as and transpoed throug urban and readily changes harvesting, Swetnam fertilzs, can to such timber 194; and the transfom ocured, amounts regim erosin linked drought, Olem, polutans tha ben the a hydrolg. imagery) Transito transio hydrolgic their signfcat have in the ofer earlist cover. Thes tha to undergo land increas exotic wind streo supreion and ing, have naturl short-em Novtny and its clasi indcate respct asemblg are. shrub water thes grazin, of xerophytic of and in introduc wody Historcaly, decras result (our has in ares wer watershd mid-1970s taion study images the with Basin diversty the acelrtion human-idce i.e, compsitnal Thes and send two Catskil/Dewr contras the tions rangelds cover; biomas Since Remotly the years. cover, and Pedro York. over 25 land Pedro in than proces Westrn New past into San practies degration in fied Miler acquired the study runof human princal ocured covering and and southearn was vegtaion more unalterd in imagery (Wischmer in Hegm, region is alterions up watershd Devonald, exampl, agriculte slope sevr Godrich, directly For when relativy 1978), Miler, ben a watershd. increas practied Hernadz, have withn suceptibly Smith, Mehafy, discharge, land use erosin Kepnr, Asociatn in Integrai landscpe DESCRIPTON OF Asemnt THE and STUDY Hydrolgic Modeling ARES for change Land in San Pedro The Basin San Pedro Mexico the of exampl hydrolgic, of desrt study scientf and in isue. econmy and zone urban and has a aproximtely 3,150 pine km2 and forest. basin ripan corid habit more than 40 change and Curve et and on The was is a of large for becoms 19). cover any at ilustrae the to regional be withn the semi-ard regions. rainfl-uo noise The to for to watershd enough KINEROS (runof) large enough smal chaleng signal acurte (Syed, land yet semirunof on evnts changi range ratio Auto Asemnt 20) of rela in decrasing obtain flod scale, the from are, is impacts This land the 1. large subwaterhd efctiv throug Figure the runof to size KINEROS resach due to very its change. watershd manget migraton hydrolg in al., the the of Watershd (Miler of for the difcult but size higest world distrbuon presntd Geospatil (AGW) al model chosen recnt tha, invest evnt cover increasg becom for profundly was predictng indcate result speci. spatil impact is mated the its Number the the and bird of desrt for land but with elvations, nestig examinto cover in provides for An higer tol regions tha was watershd, ratios oak among speci arid cover This are of efctiv Vista, rainfl degr smal is by suport mal an land subwaterhd and tively agriculte, at is with dominate and The of is km2) of Siera Subwatershd," distrbue This (92 Son- watershd is the watershd city regim. using the smal Vista its ilus withn a "Siera hydrolgic KINEROS. are climate tesd graslnd, gated ir and varible wodlans, number to The higly ripan, mesquit shiftng Chiuan The shrub-tep, a previously devlopmnt. the biodversty. also to change tha in the at presntd devloping changes afectd staion are as model (uncertaiy in as rainfl) smal. tol used to Charleston deriv the USG Stream Siera Gauge Vista N Subwatershd 20 km I Change in i i Curve Number <0 1973 (decras in - 197 runof) 2-3 3-4 >4 Figure SWAT and "Siera Locatins drains of to Vista as Journal 1. the the Two Charleston subwaterhd," Study predict tha of using the American AGW was shown Water is Areas USG Withn gauin model in Resourc runof the using San Pedro Basin Asociatn the Uper San staion. KINEROS. Pedro This The to River basin spatil ilustrae The variblty why 917 Basin. encompas the of Siera Vista (increas large the the change Subwatershd in basin smaler in runof) (3,160 watershd km2) Curve (92 was km2), labed Number was a and of 1 underwt range is the is betwn desrt signfcat and It as ranchig agriculte ran a transio, transio South adresing manget rual gated semi-ard for Figure as basin gauin show the in 197 entir subwaterhd, variblty throug noted USG Numbers anlysi runig excptional the into spatil This and an the are socienm dominat a in uniqe the basin. and The subdive Curve trae a cultra, is biodversty a With 1973 transio. to was are-wightd 1). the basin and region (Figure topgrahic, charteis, cover runof Charleston Sonra, betwn land contribug from Arizona variety of north Analysi Number of Gauge flows southearn politca west Charleston River into wide to Change Curve functio Uper Cover from chosen for model using her as 1973 to intesv 192 JAWR study. Miler, Canosvile Kepnr, Mehafy, Hernadz, Miler, Godrich, are more lons of anuly than drinkg a and chosen for (Figure ing et an are water dominate it human New from strong lower rainfl portin of the water sifed as withn by large are. San than but on is usefl of typifed a the to of of of the hydro- was resach to dat into SWAT Catskil/Dewr Watershd LEGND -'" model elmnt stream O chanel other basin water 2. JAWR Water Locatin of to the City the Canosvile of Study New York. Upland Area and (120 chanel km2) the 918 are Catskil/Dewr region Catskil/Dewr shown Journal (SWAT) in the suply Withn elmnts boundary Watershd as of they the wer American used Used in Water the to SWAT Suply runs. Resourc auto and files. Subwatershd ^ rel and AGW this GIS input creat models. some AGW. of in thes cover by transfomi aid by course parmet GIS land tread KINEROS past Water creatd detailng the the impacts requid schemati during mate anul was files varibles devlop of Geospatil among logic study (ESRI, 198a) (AGW) is two trends ArcView interlaoshp to to the cover Automaed input 3 vant by the An complex for consequt caled Asemnt soil land runof. the was relating Canosvile Figure in functio study anlyze the packge Figure char of of overal simulated ing in this and the software study are be a informat and shed compnets much to as used topgrahy, ase Clas are zones precitaon, adequtly are geospatil cover, from Catskil/Dewr semi-ard anul land from chanels. in the they aproch suitable a runof study extrms cyle Specifaly, rive genral ares, and to Pedro relativ hydrolgic lower and the acterizd the stream semi-ard, a storage, deriv made Hydrolgic must respon quarte-cny, evnts, runof are The the higer anul erosin. veg change. acquire precitaon flashy if of METHODS In variblty, les Contribus ground cover sig region. intes, with to factors and lack ares land difers higer prone the in seaonl runof snowmelt. to are by anul signfcat land evnts, and due Pedro runof hydrolgic of rate, relativ semi-ard thes aridty (19) transio San charteizd but higer a for investga region study semi-ard with are volumes of Catskil the climate Catskil this flashier region in the evaportin This this acount con al. but aplied los to potenial vegtaion. makes models drain et site York the humid agriculte; etaion transmio Due higer runof spare presu. Hydrolgica, nifcatly watershd size, a erosin. predominatly Basin, evnts. has anul relativy the Pedro runof it lower was evntualy resach on from City crital impacts cover and of a and of in during and are San rainfl runof chanels the region, intes for stream ocur the locaized, potenial in es man watershd Mehafy charteis as stae The forest York quality City subain km2 River. the identf a the Miler higly hig ephmral gal and 1,20 New Delawr sumarized city Since York in with Stae bilon New study, investgao. to the in Canosvile by routed to potenial this aproximtely 1.4 Water to the York the 19). coner caled intesv is not tribues consumed In are 2) of al., major planers. Catskil New percnt water are southearn 90 (Mehafy quantiy agers of and ocurs evnts Catskil suplie Hegm, rainfl Watershd The Devonald, Asociatn Integrai landscpe Asemnt and Hydrolgic Modeling for Land varibles Nilun Land cover J. change -M tha Condit Otgradlion Decrasd Wody plait quality invaso of uptake , infltrao L intercpo ' L . ' | Increasd Runof T flod evapotrni ' | hazrd w J»a *\ lurfact roughnta P Increasd Velocity «io»*rt,—vgundwa the sat Water cloud tured cover in early June 3. Schemati Altering Ilustraing the the Hydrolgic Atenio Respon to directon Role Runof of of and of Land Cover a Watershd Erosin. change of With Dashed the Change indcate flux, or MS the The rapid shed and into repatbl subdivon hydrolgic AGW, of respon units therby sparing the preaing user input files far-eching by hand change. and Input are the of by the soil, indvual tables relating and land cover reviw Hernadz of SWAT used bilty et input of the In San and Hernadz tivy et anlysi to crital for and resach, in great are As SWAT the defin of Historcal provide retun input period rainfl to land evnts 20, used ero Change use/covr is the American Water it Resourc helps of crital cies. Thes detrmin Asociatn model betwn 91 fal betwn al., 19; of overal show and points strai Cohen's clasifed 90 an used Kap to and quantify the clasifton asemnt and et was (19), wer and and ben Skirvn 527 and staic 60 192 have Congalt asembld, observd the Pedro sample user', time videography Folwing Tau-b importance San et random was produce's, modeling, as of a Kendal's informat the Airbone matrix Analyse hydrolgic Journal in Land for clas. each 1. (Maing map and for of maps to isolate by for water, type Table respctivly). fied clase: graslnd, cover in previously al., 10 asemnt cover published the model. Landscpe describ acury 197 have urban, land acur tha the land percnt. dis The wodlan, agriculte, are Detaild by image. maps by sequnc wer boundaries sateli cover maps maps to mesquit Proptins with dat. to land scale and clasifed over the ripan, baren. charte historcal The wodlan, desrtcub, their basin hydrolgic used and KINEROS extnsio large using model for an distnc wer most topgrahic 1:24,0 dat, atenio digtal using GAP; scale, vist. clase oak Instiue (INEG), (USG) field the est, Nationl 1:50, particul resulting seni parmets paer, investgad recods a modeling presnt and rainfl out the SWAT. the variblty istc caried hydrolgic from playing simulat a maps includg Informati Survey with cover the detrmin Geolgica revisd vegtaion Interio at a separtd scale, Mexico's the INEG deriv land (20) U.S watershd aplying of from the into wer and Departmn maps feasi from with asigned and Geography, map over other source maps Staisc, U.S changi smal examing al. acurte KINEROS a by scenario result. to on Basin the the scale of and paer, of a clase using variety produce wer categoris a 1:250, describ respon Pedro difernt 1 (gren), displaye Mixed GIS by bands then clase category. from calibr KINEROS their demonstra transfomi ed (20) hydrolgic was and for aproch. modeling cover withn al. parmets in this into sat roughnes) literau exrcis. derivaton rel cover a acomplished to and in software. the was wer IMAGNE first infraed) clas image, land to (near maps) 198b) using 4 and comparisn. anlyzed (ESRI, Each false-cor Number, surface throug and reso ERDAS and was clase. Lok-up Curve condutivy, defin (red), 60-metr cover using clasifton 60 asocitn (e.g, hydraulic wer 2 functio units. parmets urated SWAT a set clasifton charteis of respon soil hydrolgic land cover watershd vant tion and as land image unspervid to resampld for ARC/INFO Image at ben 198) software using land by AGW the (ERDAS, sytem more of requid estimad topgrahic, a impacts dat, has (digtal for 8.3 of for the parmets KINEROS task alowing into devlop projectd cordinates, resolutin products by the GIS 60-metr the The and other cap reduc ground TM at Derivat water perfomd from and investgao cover is a remapd 30-metr maped to changes. Mercato with lution; 30 wer year phenolgy ben a than images recod Transve comensurat varible. les atmosphericly Al plant has Universal the stae anul imagery in Particul arows parmet, of using had ben the georcti- elvation 198). of earth are efort have al., Land- (197) images this and the TM for et influec Figure and the the imagery from coretd (Luneta by by Remot 192) in only also deriv Thes ben coretd Quality presnt. was include percnt Erosin Decrasd have from not but flora and and runof influecd senor. Images rechag Increasd the 1986, and DEM. timng, expctd proetis sateli fied is Basin (1973, observing | types Pedro MS volume, of physical of San the amount use soil capity for _ for The and I. Analysi acount land surface Vegtaion Change runof. vegtad Urbanizto Cover comparisn Thes cover genraly dat JAWR may be Miler, Kepnr, Mehafy, TABLE 1. Hernadz, Proptinal Miler, Land Uper San Cover Pedro Oak Desrtcub 39.1 Water TABLE 2. Proptinal Land Cover Canosvile Exten Watershd Cover charteizd as (Skirvn et labed having al., "god 20), "mesquit racy. using the the set, same it cy 1973 and tha charteis, enough wer tha consider TM land whic is MS shown imagery land ben in for phenolgy. the of The conjuti images JAWR wer with High spectraly simlar images ares. Ancilary land the the land in with one the used Landst the Journal of the Sam coret photgras wer the of ero acquiston dates years of the of due the Resourc to ref acquiston of ilustrang Water used acury minze matrices American dates. the detrmin two Ero al imagery To dat. pro withn Aerial to withn the are for resticon. "truh wer (FitzBecaus the indept change, enc dat chosen 20). randomly clasifton. landscpe cover wer smal, wer avilbe Landst region perfomd techniqu al, very 190s or the Catskil was et selctd refnc used 920 the detail points was early other as the sample Skirvn are type and dat of asemnt wer cover Aerial asign of are random points cloudAltiude to for ple plant relativy maps agricul each watershd straifed in tions was Nationl change taken the cover urban, for 198; geo- for to land sequnc acury a for wer final forest, asemnt whic 198. acount clasifton (NHAP) to years to The clase: Canosvile patrick-Lns, and identf of Proptins acury using used and wer charteis each time the in and other Unsupervid Photgrapy wer elvation various each selctd haze-fr. dat for for month An to clas 1984, 190, coretd Images one clase TM used wer 2. stable was survey clasifton, use clase. four for includg send land baren. type clasi remotly while scen to relativy imagery 1973, wer rectifd. used whic MS cover and cover cover the spectral into ture, wer land subwaterhd, for coletd. images in dat wer have period aditonl and the know cover clasifed site of defin land are acur in imagery to was withn of Canosvile the thre various 197 dat changes withn the throug Thes and simlar quality the Table and cover sify the improve and acury of 0.3 384 elvation, the site creatd 19.2 2,75 0.27 improve 0.63 731 20.6 poulatin, to traing coret. Landst fy 192 shared clasifed as used acu wer the they and hig lowest maps as asumed the 1986 aproch was such 79.5 92,07 314 clas Percnt 0.62 23,7 acury" having 198 Hectars 715 0.3 hetrognus wodlans" Since exclnt the the 78.51 24.09 352 to with for Percnt 0.6 0.28 2.17 16,38 Percnt 90,613 697 27,83 320 0.9 19 75.0 23.9 0.5 415 6.79 198). Hectars 86,34 0.48 27,651 Baren and Percnt 75.31 59 Agriculte Hectars 1985 87,03 Urban Total and Hectars Percnt Hectars Forest as 2.18 1.4 (1975,8 1975 Land 1.6 16.49 10,85 0. 0 0. 0 Clouds 14.530 1.92 1.97 0.9 6,792 0.9 1.2 9.218 0.4 37 6,79 0.5 4,17 Baren 12,574 1.32 0.4 294 30.41 29.53 1.8 14,859 1.52 0.3 264 34.8 263,4 31.4 1.7 10,2 0.42 3,205 Urban 13.4 10,62 13.9 8.9 1,507 1.94 90,27 35.08 235,480 8,52 0.94 7,01 1.76 265,31 32.0 Percnt 0.93 105,92 14.5 1.6 8,75 Agriculte 197 8,94 35. 1.5 the Hectars 7,045 12.36 243,50 8,65 for Percnt 0.98 267,31 41.37 296,30 Riparn Percnt 192 106,98 2.75 Miler 197). Hectars 93,46 12.38 312,850 Graslnd and and 7,43 20,81 Mesquit Hectars Percnt 0.98 93,612 Wodlan Total and 1986 7,46 Forest as Hegm, (1973,862 Hectars Percnt Hectars Cover Devonald, Exten Watershd 1973 Land Godrich, Asociatn eros of Integrai omisn and comisn Kendal's tes produce's and result near for investgao of modeling at the The thus land scale of the The Procesing and The AGW tol and logic in two ways. thes for out model such as the set wer for as model are, and tables tained in ondary the orignal tion and of and proces tha take interfac). ces at landscpe, the condits. digtze an and such of Model as drainge dives, 19; chanel tures for from the San Pedro a compsite m for in dat. River DEM dat DEM U.S A portin 10 m DEM servd Canosvile the basin 30 as m and to the a match basi for anlysi runs. best and dat tion soil wer storage used layers with of runof for more suitable resouc is for planig, rive tha and physical the American monitrg. It presnt Water based Resourc modeling Asociatn due to 921 in calibrton period toal variton the withn San Pedro. anul runof result, howevr, 10 percnt ero. to exrcis. of Nash-Sutclife Uper model avilbe anu Minmzg averg with could 14-year on a 0.4 is the a sytemaic compared wer for yield long-term detr calibr outles. of gaues for run throug perfomanc to this optimzed varibles caluted are used tha watershd coefint SWAT its the sta SWAT In was SWAT subeqnt was was model at the rainfl in for perfomanc. functio model is limtaons vali gauin parmets model input values regional outle model yield eficny When et and for anlysi the SWAT maping and the the objectiv the the genralizd stae, STAGO smaler-c, a relativy basin, manget, recognizd of With STAGO the as Arnold undertak model and water Stae servd parmets. 1:250, al plan by USG senitvy the recod, soil The datbse soil-derv of uper proces. (STAGO) basi the A exrcis, of infltrao proetis interac Geographic scale charteiz capity tha Soil to over routine used Charleston aproite improve watershd. Soils dat in repotd was as the in realistcy input used As the servd mine yet extnsivly exrcis to tha m U.S comp simply runof. model 50 the atemp hydrolgic be making. runof tion 7.5-minute routing, An major ben parti evapotrnsi- moisture. can has calibrton modeling detrmin USG of to for A soil model SWAT as avilbe the on then chanel as decison date et fea wer from resampld and (19), aproch such readily so prima is flow, interacos time SWAT excs the their quali long Number rainfl and with nig Landscpe Basin formed the Mexico 195). Curve simulate ares al. by proces posible large ares, (Tarbotn Martz, and featurs networks and modife to nets as detrmin be char water over retun made a contribug is hydrolgic to is manget, simulaton lose, to landscpe land infltrao, model basin and The into be be used on straegic The alows a contius transmio caled can focus a was values length, and Garbecht Can a 198). step, excs ration, pro can whic its as al., subwaterhd, subwaterhd. of elvation flow show the SWAT. primaly naturl throug each contrlig detrmin aspect, ily used time and tioned sevral (DEM), reliaby slope, 2 for et daily Rainfl runof, topgrahy ary Elevation rapidly of a by span. thes is into hydrolgic of one by elmnts. Figure for (Arnold on naturl ground-atmsphe Landscpe into Digtal Journal operats configurat is detr model aproch, pread model ty loadings, surface topgrahic whic the configurat tol distrbu the asemnt on boundary SWAT subdive (i.e, the quantive depns and The only), the erosin place The of this as planig sec dimenso, include and also to thes role ni withn exampls tol Simulatons con (SWAT enrgy infltrao, the Number importan water Clasic evaportin, 30 of chanel an each of the upland requid watershd terizd flux landscpe. al., reviw not condutivy, plays for demonstrai Hydrolgic with roughnes. Topgrahy the Second, Examples Curve hydraulic surface group. literau dat. and into This SWAT watershd hydro- parmets include satured the conjuti watershd varibles and soil in from a secondary to are, parmets resultan nosvile the user charteizons used construed detrmin a the in input soil hydrolgic wer As upland elmnts. and car tol, subdive hydrolgic hydrowas this alowbe chanel other DEMs using automicly the topg When smalet is KINEROS contaied direct and dat lok-up dat used primay soil, cover drainge, and from AGW. the parmets primay topgrahic slope, thes layers of watershd the land surface watershd using and deriv on dives, both watershd dat to First, dat logic GIS cover invest since of drainge dat ried Devlopmnt use land thes was extracion mines raphy, of adequt respon networks, watershd. Datbse purose is automed specif GIS the hydrolgic chanel hydrolgic Canosvile for STAGO on of and Analysi change. aproite change Change nature; four acuries dem cover al Cover howevr, focus for Land gations, the hig percnt. wer for genralizd (Congalt, quite 90 dat Modeling and detrmin eros was Hydrolgic Kap to acuries clasifton and Cohen creatd acury with the the wer user' Overal dates, Asemnt using Tau-B 19). landscpe Given provide Nine input to tha JAWR Osborn Miler, et al. (1980) than found tha in apers the and of KINEROS as is model an surface by and a ascde and of flow, techniqus. and kinematc flow during variblty of erosin and parmets can Calibrton of watershd be has blage resach on whic rainfl to very hig 19), eficns from the 0.98 smal at the watershd tunae gaue the for Dat for Confidec a hig link in cover each cover scen. this changes with in input rainfl parmets the cover input sce files, simulat wer due watershd is model the held are soley and not to for afectd are by due land mesquit evnts cover ground water the decras (due of withn the the increasd agriculte) and and erosin capites the study American an to infltrao with land are Water gras indcates runof asocited Journal in shift large-sc cover was Resourc The agricult in overal and Change 3. increas decras locaized to Table and comensurat roughnes tion). 92 large wodlans, on (due and scen as water consumpti to relativ difernt presntd This for each soley the wer relianc potenial betwn the for is cover Basin ilustrang desrtcub. municpal in consta result and land Pedro clas changes increasg nosta- matrix 197) and lands signfcat San cover 192, comunites to obviated A are, so 4a, the each urbanized land with also Figure signfcat the difernt 197. 1986, most change. JAWR land Change withn and (1973, dat the time in run with volume the Landscpe withn serv rainfl asocited changes evnts, or in change this respon, same throug 1973 of hydrolgic asocited Since run, time interpao on rainfl proces. model the the Problems of reduc input. ocured ben In throug aply set tionary has modeling. transio parmet to was each withn ilustraed change rainfl networks rainfl As extn Traditonly, in to rainfl rainfl of efort of watershd in necsary used model god Asemnt gaue varible was in was rainfl cover het method (1980) runof land spatil Siera as avilbty dat. weak confudig of it the rain variblty impacts alterd toward of KINEROS same peak estima lack over the in diferncs modeling on rainfl a a the serv hydrolgic spare consider as unfor Modeling extn from the to at is using changes and RESULT the large quality study for dat Hydrolgic in to estimad it exist Gulch 0.86 al. aplied estimaon. Preciptaon sive to While not Walnut parmet depns km2). dat do watershd, proxies scale (60 By ed 30- are-duction design dat nario. Core exrcis sub-hectar scale tha Vista scale. calibrton of rainfl calibrt on thes seri the an et 5-, both point to The this of deriv ares tends dat, Osborn simlar to aplying due input wer extnsiv very storm a the storm but large runof on used Pedro Basin Since estima. using design separt acros by rainfl same was depnig in devlop studie KINEROS a input for who San storm in study asem In thes coefints ranged the plant charteis. Syed, lation near same be for of Gulch this extrac creatd (1985), on erognity Walnut is the (Godrich, 190; ed the al. the overpdictn wer was wer 10-year evnts design recod Thes et duration. for a runof for for in rainfl to recods sub- of parmets aproximtely and lack input extracd avilbe of subwaterhd. and Pedro for wer storm withn 10-, San was period Osborn 60-minute Vista the input Watershd, and Siera to Howevr, Experimntal are the due prio Vista watershd and recod requis from acomdte. posible from Spa the dat. design long-term evnt. runof, on not staion. estimad runof infltrao, KINEROS was gauin the rainfl Siera wer efort, watershd; rainfl basi, using dat this dat the Canosvile KINEROS taken routed in gaues 24-year the Since infltrao-excs dynamicl in per-vnt difernc of of six and rep For historcal period complet from erosin, finte as is a ed minu rainfl Likews, case, chanel and by genratd water equations tial and recod dat from recods recods. 14-year long-term equations chanel is flow, agri extracd rainfl a for recods Thes long-term A are. was Servic whic tha dat multi-year ares long-term contai SWAT. this is flow solved Runof overland smal diferntal transpo are to watershd overland in the are input aproch, study model. gaues study infl from partil nie intercpo, the SWAT from 195). rainfl our Weathr periods misng years daily In of the resnt al., Miler use each to based The model Nationl input of erosin the overland sedimnt the of watershd. elmnts, describng number and simulaton. for efctiv et proces urban repsntd a (Smith SWAT multi-year long-term physical runof, and the Hegm, rainfl number SWAT. evnt-orid, the cultra model over tol describng traion, to resach The a acurte on parmets Devonald, more and limtaon evold a KINEROS a input has primaly detail as Godrich, efctivly this higly serv detrminao are Southwes, for Miler, by kilometrs semi-ard insufcet modeling Hernadz, separtd four indept Mehafy, gaues aproximtely and Kepnr, transi not Asociatn steady Integrai landscpe Asemnt and Ilydrogie Modeling for Land Cover Change Analysi Foresi Oak Wodlans Mesquit Wi Graslnd [X'stnhcrub Riparlsn Agriculte Urban □ ] / (il N I) 1973 I) k 197 Figure 4u. Land cover change withn ile Uper Sun Pedro B;isn N 1 198 1975 Fmure Figure 4. A Land Cover contras in the the tha or The cant Vista land 4), shed and in Figure the 4b urban the American withn and mesquit Water poulatin tinued change tial for in land cover over Resourc tion Asociatn 923 fecal et of the are 30 17 plants, a poten espcialy with and sedimnta Furthemo, constrai con nopit imply quality, 19). often the The runof nutries, al., years, as percnt. treamn colifrms, (Mehafy raphy watershd. only water to a and past and urban dimnshe respct Canosvile by waste with have remaind the increasd from but presu over source, staic, are, agriculte Human eflunt agricult relativy urban decrasing region has 4a. ■Ib. remaind of this mesquit, Figure in trend Images. urban, Figure in has forest. desrtcub sen increas in wodlans. the be land cover slight increasg water Sateli in in can overal (Table this Respctiv increas comunites agriculte large 197 Art.is thuir Note some signf graslnd and of evidnt, overal with mesquit and AsncuUri: desrtcub in indcat withn the period and The not H ' Ski Fores -Membrs is minal 1973 in ilustrae study of betwn declins increas graslnd tha do exprincd transio the sen and End ares rates. dominat being the declin covers urbanizto difernt change the be in Itjnc watershd study comensurat scen, subwaterhd cover with and can betwn at Siera It land toward ocured the declin are Cainosvle From betwn comensurat forestd various decras the trend invaso Journal in [lie Clasifed transio the in v^ilhn as cover period. changes increas ing and change Study Areas land increas evalution percnt alwys of smal cover the trends agriculte A 1-und Withn the and throug 4b. I ^1 the human topg use JAWR to the Miler. TABLE 3. Percnt Kepnr, Relativ Mehafiy. and Land Land 1973 to Hernadz. Cover 197). A Change value 1973 to -4.89 Land to Change A to -36.7 corid, water has of a 1985 to Canosvile 190. A to forest betwn changed increas of Change a a from to agriculte, cover in improvent, the watershd agriculte-ofs is zone. stil the conversi a the San Pedro not Basin to for the the Can 5 more as the percnt awy al stream. time urbanizto and 924 of the American serv presntd the the 1973 runof an is Figure result. increas in anu increasg invaso. Considerabl observd land Water as in with plant in of past change show wody but the scen comensurat variblty Journal 1973 are result over study respon landscpe from runof runof the result change Simulated vol over whic runof do runof this undergo tha cover in hydrolgic has from anul land result in on Given image deriv, of changes basin anul Thes simulated four toal functio 5). efcts the base a periods quarte-cny. the the (Figure the from rain the observd of model contius genral, as basin time transio in tha place increasd for SWAT corespndig In the ilustrave the an dat reflct ume the 14-year scen. necsarily are is with using a input withn spatil JAWR of volume also this taking 56.89 with runof gain indcatg is -4.32 sateli forest percnt than whole, -40.5 -7.09 simulated period change Althoug smaler as -9.01 Basin clasifed watershd from 3.8 197 23.57 Pedro change has the percnt net to -3.09 was San fal 4.7 percnt 7.6 a ripan it nosvile from and in Runof (Table zone 1.4 197. Gauge the and percnt for an forest resulting forest 198, bufer ben to 0. Modeling the from 4. than 1973 197 36.4 resulting by extn has agriculte to cover lesr Ther of agriculte, ripan to whole. percnt and to forest withn the but as forest 192, dates. -12.67 for convertd 1975 from to betwn -1.47 the to was 1986 are the of 9.14 are 1986, 0. Hydrolgic with agriculte toal to in to 192 192 risk throug from watershd agriculte (1973 19.62 watershd, increas 62.05 increas -5.38 consite slight 57.20 an Charleston the Canosvile 6.38 65.8 41.63 -1.7 the -3.57 Subwatershd indcates 197 -2.40 0. increasg fairly in excption therby ben years ocured to quality. Change 5). 1986 302.78 ripan net Vista column 197. -5.04 -0.34 Siera to -15.80 0. -34.65 Desrtcub to 23.15 -5.98 Graslnd 1973 3.70 a difernc 1986 197 31.8 306.25 stream a in 192, dates. -2.35 -0.48 Wodlan Urban in -0.68 0. Mesquit percnt the value Cover Oak from Withn positve Forest est -0.78 -0.1 1973 Land 23 -3.41 14.63 Cover 197). to betwn 387.9 -1.6 62.7 Baren 1986 are 1.5 25.71 1.36 Relativ to 29.13 Water 1986, in -2.1 31. 1973 192 192 to increas 0.42 21.07 and (1973 an -3.29 Agriculte Percnt Watershd Miler 0.37 2.16 4. Hegm, and indcates to -0.16 Riparn past 1986 1986 -17.83 Desrtcub TABLE Pedro column -14.5 Urban Devonald. San 413.75 Graslnd flater Uper -5.27 Wodlan Mesquit to the a iferncd in Godrich, -0.12 Forest Oak for positve Cover Miler. Resourc cover Asociatn change Integrai TABLE 5. landscpe Percnt Relativ and Land Asemnt Land 1975 to Cover 198). A Change positve value 1975 to Cover 1985 0.3 Table 3) and with the 1985 to for As variblty is model in a in strong spatil input 19 land to in to are 19, 198 1975 to 198 4. 0.15 -4.6 -1.3 0.6 0.6 anul runof from increasd model detail. used In to in" spatily. are entd, physical anlysi for Hydrolgic Modeling the ori more rainfl of change evnt provides period locate to (an model) retun con to KINEROS based "zom daily, used strongly while more to (a is respondig periods, in used SWAT model) tha time are is parmet subwaterhd over ongl KINEROS this and subwa- the KINEROS lumped and Vista investga aproch, temporaly tinuos Siera so to this both parmets. the signfcatly, was cover 198, dates. 0.1 tershd to betwn 1.24 1, compnet Analysi 1985, increas Simulated Figure to an 19 hydrolg shown Change (1973 indcates -0.3 implcatons spatil ther in has asemnt. Cover Watershd column -3.49 Baren and changes Canosvile Land 0.2 0.16 4a along for the a iferncd in for 3.51 Agriculte modeling change, Modeling 0.12 Urban ic Hydrolgic -0.31 Forest (Figure and detail evnts. Siera Vista Subwatershd For this Pedro and in a The SWAT Simulaton graph the Result show the 1973 land deviaton cover simulated for in result. to for Uper toal tha each San anul Note increas the runof anul scen Pedro suite Basin. from relativ to base While increasd runof ocured elmnts, ments in canel watershd change for simply by study, loking at sevral wer the watershd ares withn A hig respon watershd than degr was of elmnts runof, the in overal the at American the Water in simulated Asociatn rates size 925 dat wer to with erosin the and enrgy sedi of subeqntly a given detrmin by increas al greatly case, the 1986, 192, signfcatly runof directly Since closey are In with efct. storm, increasd therfo duration. duce 5). and and an (Figure tied by manget design rates they driven exacrbting evnts. are evnt, is and or model yield runof an includg outle Resourc ment the radi the storm with runof increas watershd, may rainfl, expctd peak of runof indcate runof, watershd runof size size the change, large the to Howevr, ameliortng be and the sevral declin lite would volume cover in elmnts anul increas of of averg land simulaton: a majority the have As Basin variblty the showed while increas spatil in may storm cover very of due charteis in land for size is storm respon. charteis this Pedro to the imply San others reflctd In to in storm converg hydrolgic respon observd SWAT Uper the their diferncs changes due alter hydroand The as those caly 10-year, increasg toward storm, hydrolgic outle. from the more change. is evnt. charteis espcialy the 6 the evnt of smaler the in with trend watershd For senitvy than result respondig Journal great simulaton over at large This and smaler importance es. volume and much runof tha runof variblty therfo sub- the the Figure design disparty decras duration. and endpoit evnt the the increasg changes anul Interal is the 30-minute for 6, two the water result Result Table the Note result using imagery, in from simulated runof runs. given San simulate storm from simlarte improve compensatig in outle. of design simulaton resulting dat. showed Thes changes some regions condit. out to in other 24 5-year, the to sateli are evnt. and watershd of the are the six hydrogaps graphs volumes used clasifed runs 60-minute result runofi" the simulaton storm, 5. for from show Figure withn was yield dat ing 13 subwaterhd KINEROS sedimnt shed I smaler Basin, the large and with pro 197 than storm hydrogaps those clasifton produce JAWR Miler, TABLE 6. Design Runof Kepnr, Simulaton storm are Mehafy, given Hernadz, Result as retun Using Miler, Design period Rainfl evnts Godrich, (5-, 10-, and Devonald, Events and 10-year) 5 60 10 year, 10 21.08 minute 30 year, 10 10 year, 60 Percnt 2.5 34.8 13.2 7.95 7.65 7.8 1.0 10.8 10.7 56.0 1.95 2.79 2.47 197 169.2 1.72 1.64 to 17.2 0.498 7.5 Change 1973 197 0.367 10.2 60-minute). (m) 0.39 38. minute Subwatershd. and 0.185 7.02 31.79 Vista (30- 0.158 2.07 30 minute Siera 0.134 26.4 year, the duration 192 1.25 60 minute for storm Miler 0.14 2.74 minute and 0.57 17.35 30 minute year, and 1986 1973 (m) Event 5 year, KINEROS Runof Rainfl Rainfl Hegm, hyetograp 197 hydrogap 1973 hydrogap l 40 Figure 6. is shown using Runof in the storm the tions Hydrogaphs in 1973 Thes to a sedimnt nuaced respon watershd. tha relatd employs erosin a compnet), ment the percnt ods 1973 in 6). This changes JAWR ed by withn the aprent the same do not watershd. the time by the In be hydrolgic 926 erosin the the land afectd change. indcate tha have Thes American is cover watershd Water locaized land alterd changes Resourc the increasd tha result the of toward simulaton this is protin quality, of withn of and Importan tendcy respon. Journal only water urbanizto, increasg is distrbuon changes limt a result. water genral, cover remain withn toward decras spatil portins mechanis to genral and Howevr, botms, simulaton it avil or stre. transio case; not the erosin urbanizto al is impact operat trend increas, distrbu As overal in sed peri can spatily the reflctd equal dismlarty of ly, are includg erosin fac impervous chanel the a raindop competing a with those unpaved, the in and model shear Thus, reflctd panels. points impervous the on remain scour. respon end les and undergoi its in 7) tha is sedi increas (Table for complexity the the percnt 197 runof in increas, of in increasg increasg shed this percnt erosin to the the throug to are model rates to increas (Table explaind capity runof The from yield and volume transpo increas. yield sedimnt velocity as likews iment and runof betwn protinaely uplands and storm repsnt tread way, ares the ing the Y-axes the due exposd withn erosin to (KINEROS urbanizto evnts surface erosin detachmn reval the is this for 30-minute the In able those Table 7 on reducs ares. les contribue in to Given directly depict scale five-yar, two whic tha of dat in Thes does tor exposing whic changes are, rough and the The storm. paved and (min.) Subwatershd. increas, so gras surface of Note transi rates, al Vista 60-minute erosin. yield more exrcis. and lower splah, and Siera 10-year, wodlans intercpos runof The modeling the the from infltrao raindop increasd the for depicts cover mesquit reducing surface to in land provide therby the used panel wer decras cover, KINEROS right watershd transio values, Using the depth to 80 time dominat smal desrtcub urban. nes The this and while and dat. withn land intesy panel, 40 (min.) Simulated left 120 80 time its Asociatn wer Integrai TABLE 7. landscpe Sedimnt Yield Design Asemnt Simulaton storm and Result are given Hydrolgic Using as retun Modeling Design period for Rainfl evnts Events (5-,10 and and 5 year, 30 5 year, 60 year, 30 10 year, 60 10 minute year, 30 10 year, with vegtaion transio estima cover, of and surface increasd roughnes increasd simulated evnts. runof Sedimnt quality the with cant the the on amount of In watershd hydrolg runof and by sedimnt they sion the and hydrolgic of surface the alterd or changes wer stable for watershd decras from change manget the betr no quality a upland plan the under water or yield por percnt avergin sedimntao water the 5 con large dominate a of a cumlative watershd indcate threa are not than spatil thes since from a persctiv, ticular toal dynamics From signf discharge hydrolgic hydrolg. increasg as forest, respon was the muted and and had Thus, was model have are and simulated Second, het clase (les cover category). nig short, great. watershd any cover large- urbanizto speci the baren in land respon are of increasg vegtai efcts in and probailty ben of water respon yield. tha dominat dominat hydrolgic sedimnt indcate in tion betwn diferncs betwn rainfl Southwes, in and result the in increas erosin of ben have 19.8 309 the vertd in 34.2 240 transio exampl, would conjuti variety semi-ard alterions asocited shift is withn simulated scale a the for 58.7 49 2180 Had resultd from discharge coner thes in surface 39.2 295 2890 197 29.3 26.9 427 veg to 851 248 urbaniz Change 1973 19.2 24.1 250 percnt impervous 15.2 207 and infltrao, Subwatershd. 60-minute). Percnt 423 1803 Vista and 197 208 2580 38. Reduc with 283 31.79 minute asocited taed 26.4 minute 60 tion. 21 Siera (30- (m) 21.9 2.74 minute the duration 18.0 20.8 21.08 Analysi 192 2.0 17.35 minute 10 storm Runof minute Change for and 1986 1973 (m) Event Cover KINEROS 10-year) Rainfl Rainfl Land par due change to in ero predict ares. watershd. Hydrolgic Modeling of the Canosvile Watershd 1986 land cover \ • « As noted earli, remaind the Canosvile relativy decas, and ed are land has the interacos with some the was lowest ratios the land the mean of to using changi depth land base variblty in study are, land thes nifcat from two not reason. to ic to respon in a SWAT betwn Journal Numbers of the Water transio 3 5 Figure 7. shed. The from wil diferncs in Asociatn are not 7 increas SWAT 9 I I Simulaton graph 13 IS 17 lind cover 19 21 23 year Result the show 1975 the slighty land for deviaton cover from subeqnt covers Resourc the simulated hydrolg the land \ simulaton transio a in since thes American Such change I sig major v^ some particuly the forest. large a withn not First, agriculte transle While wer « v V the observd cover 197 ilustrae result. i land V. 7, as to wer changes for was the cover Figure a unctiof 192 \ of presntd dat in the in are years each as 1975 V V 24 for shown Result the temporal is * s. / V > ^—' 'IV rainfl. of decras cover. from their to SWAT As runof deviaton runof period clasifton. anul changes of runof cover and -1 forest contius simulate § of proetis, a used forest Becaus density, infltrao repsntig the time. rot 1 * * ♦ V sevral tha tha hig soil of Rainfl past show during cover, • the clasifton canopy have over increasd large watershd has stable » t result. 1975 1986 Water anul this but clasifton Canosvile toal In to sateli the in case runof result decras simulated for runof each of scen. Curve vast. 927 JAWR the Miler, Kepnr, Mehafly, Hernadz, Miler, Godrich, Devonald, Becaus CONLUSI The respon cover change using a of models, and difernt parmets tols in and conjuti soil of over in a GIS tol asemnt primay istc study wer the co, has urban regions, in tershd withn sen the for The Uper more land runof decras et al. the who towns withn past 20 ing has land the over over In modeling shed result hydrolgic and has ben anul runof period 1973 for to loca the The hydrogaps and sedimnt yield. condit the averg sateli runof is in decras, god subtanive withou the Resarch of the and Walnut Gulch dilgent of whic throug the would South suport and hig facil quality dat. hydrolgic in tha the potenialy improvng. JAWR 928 Journal of the American Water Resourc both mainte resach of not USDA-R Watershd coletin to study devlopmnt Experimntal long-term contribued provide the thre suge Wade This deicaton Pro to simulated and of under grateful thougfl Tim AGW. Centr, - USEPA and and of scientf the are Ebert, implentao and nace by authors their Don posible finacl period taken, sugetin condit for Watershd ties funde runof the wer use modeling Canosvile during images anul watershd the wer Guertin, ben west evnts volume, Since of the water resach and have the this Philp design at evnts, thes runof improved is withn from in the impacts rainfl resulting increas watershd relatd design impacts throug water-gound reviws D. the it watershd using com anlyse the water The anoymus during and water futre quantifyg DW129376-0. tions. consequtly smal model dramtic whic and quality ecolgy. was showed rate, 197, Pedro No. averg change of ject San increasd cover water Pedro and land to decras the San to Portins water Uper favor ground and by watershd. ACKNOWLEDGMTS tha the to due from risk in alterd of the ground remains indcate respon Basin range lite period undevlop. Hydrolgic large-sc a cyle, work is contras, undergo same coupled work aproch. alter paterns. the a water more importan ignored this of potenial comprehnsiv hydrolgic on change no surface cover the factor in has build land in importan watershd change largey urbanizto and York could ase acros the types naturl demonstra largey of Kepnr watershd an compsitn New cover rapid to more anlysi ponet diferng hydrolg, asemnt This sedimn of Pedro becom cover eastrn land San and conlusi tha the years in with study toward of scientf While smal watershd by erosin the showed implcated acompnied to folw this value multipe vulnerabits. proges has of etc.) regional ned, cho it change rates due result (20), was since and quality Thes Basin cover volumes water taion. Pedro subwa- or anlytic the ecolgy, manget, shed hydrolgica those (landscpe resouc has Vista resach signfcat increasd the York Siera San intesv undergo New and includg exprtis of decison demonstra talens organizts, while southea stable. past aditon aplicbe project the resach with the the devlop. this combing the one be the of With broadly ecolgia compnets, Mexi to could with condits Staes. integra tes envi Southwes stable a tol By in over agricult relativy Basin watershd watershd remaind River Sonra, rual and Canosvile suport lev changi semi-ard exampls, be tol first a rapidly relativy United case This of and includ anlysi makers. arid be num could a decison extrms the to resach into and more charte transio a in widely a ned the decison humid be Howevr, automed northeas and northeas from signfcat land Pedro a profund decas integrad difernt San and undergo sevral an with ronmet mak landscpe can landscpe. would the for water of befor and more mangers Uper Arizona the implent watershd ares used: southearn as for for wer creatd tol Two files models tols improved combinat watershd contras to decison the anlysi planers ing lead modeling tes the usefl enviromtal of and for may variety other in respon, are hydrolgica a combined Procedus parmet runof of ed images ares. with temporal watershd AGW beliv on ber GIS sateli study authors aplied using topgrahic clasifed input KINEROS AGW, scape avilbe the deriv and planers. readily obtained as and The and and and anlysi Input spatil change manget ing. oper scale. complex cover investgao in and spatil wer a seri cover automicly SWAT ed models with and land to and thes dat detailng difer proces the land Miler such shed Thes and technolgis such model signfcatly hydrolgic temporal for wer models. KINEROS, of at to decas of new watershd simulaton repsntaio ate thre sevral hydrolgic SWAT their of over pair of nature hydrolgic land Hegm, Asociatn Integrai landscpe Asemnt LITERAU and Hydrolgic Modeling for Mehafy, M. CITED A Arnold, J. G., R. Srinvas, Contieal R. Scale nal of the S. Mutiah, Simulaton and of American Water the P. M. Alen, Hydrolgic Resourc G., 198. R. Srinvas, Large R. Area Model S. Hydrolgic and Modeling Devlopmnt. and Journal Asociatn Mutiah, of the J. Part B., J. Harbo, B. Watershd-Scl Engel, and Long-Term Change Using a M. Grove, 20. Hydrolgic GIS-NP Impacts Model. of V. G. and M. Modeling: A J. D. In: and New M York, Congalt, G., Scale Remotly Sensd A. and in and Sons, of Aseing the Dat. Acuray Remot of Sensig in A. D. Hydrolgic Feldman, 193. Modeling. and ERDAS Atlan, of of (ASCE) 198. Reviw Journal Mangemt ERDAS, 198a. Water GIS ArcView. Resourc (AGW): A and Quality: User Prevntio, Identif Polutin. Van V. A. Myers, 1980. 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