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From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back Athanassios Economou and Sotirios Kotsopoulos Abstract Shape rules and rule schemata are compared in terms of their expressive and productive features in design inquiry. Two kinds of formal processes are discussed to facilitate the comparison. The first proceeds from shape rule instances and infers rule schemata that the shape rules can be defined in. The second proceeds from rule schemata and postulates shape rule instances that can be defined within the schemata. These two parallel processes mirror our intuition in design: the conceptual need to frame explicit actions within general frameworks of principles, and the productive need to supply general principles with an explicit system of actions. Introduction Shape rules and rule schemata have always been at the center of shape computation discourse [1, 2]. The algebraic foundations, mechanisms and conventions underlying both constructs have been carefully crafted over time and have provided a formidable framework for the study of visual calculation with shapes and design at large. Recently shape rules, parametric shape rules and the rule schemata within which these are defined have all been generously recast to provide a more comprehensive approach to design formalism [3, 4]. Perhaps the most significant new idea is the reformulation of the schema as an abstract symbolic expression that takes on shapes in its variables. In prior discourse the schema was shape-specific (parametric shape); all the shapes that were defined in this schema were determined by an assignment of real values to the variables of the schema. The new extended formulation of a shape schema allows for the representation of any parametric shape as an assignment to the variables of the schema. Clearly the power of A. Economou (*) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA e-mail: economou@coa.gatech.edu S. Kotsopoulos Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 J.S. Gero, S. Hanna (eds.), Design Computing and Cognition '14, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14956-1_22 383 384 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos Table 1 Shape rules and rule schemata Shape rules Rule schemata x x x x p(x) x b(x) x d(x) x x+t(x) x x x x ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! x x t(x) t*(x) p(x) x b(x) x d(x) x x+t(x) x d(t(x)) x+t*(x) b(b(x)) X xþ tð x Þ b(b(x)) x þ tR ð x Þ ! ! x x þ tðxÞ þ tR ðx þ tðxÞÞ x symbolic expressions in either side of a rule to function as variables that can instantiate shapes suggests an entirely new way at looking at shape rules that nicely complements the existing visual approach in shape grammars. A list of shape rules and a list of rule schemata are juxtaposed in Table 1. Note that the list of shape rules and the list of rule schemata are independent. The juxtaposition of these two representations of rules – and the possibilities they suggest when they are set one against the other is quite telling. The key characteristics they foreground – one emphasizing shapes, geometry and visual representation, the other emphasizing abstraction, and symbolic/discursive perspective, – together indeed suggest a rich structure to be explored and contrasted. Intuitively the contrast between pictorial rules and symbolic rules given in shape rules and rule schemata suggests the useful dichotomy between visual and discursive symbols [5]. The analogy is clear. Shape rules are given in terms of visual means including specific shapes and other visual tokens as needed. Rule schemata are given in terms of symbolic means including symbols, operations, and other indexical tokens as needed. Shape rules come as visual devices devoid of any From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back 385 structure; shapes fuse and split in any way desired. Rule schemata appear as conceptual devices devoid of any shape; schemata combine by sums and products and are visualized by predicates and assignments (more on this later in the paper). Furthermore, the symbolic forms that the recursive definitions of schemata assume appear all as atomic units that can combine in specific and well-constrained ways – a seemingly very different world from the world of shapes and the constant fusion that shapes invite. But there are more ways that we can look at these sets of rules. Perhaps we could look at their usage and fit in creative design settings and in particular at their adaptation in studio, see for example [6–10]. Clearly some designers do things (that is, draw or make three-dimensional models) without being able to exactly describe what they are doing, i.e., whether a specific action they do is a particular transformation or operation. Still other designers opt for a more systematic approach (that is, they outline general principles of action) without knowing in advance how exactly they will use them to resolve the problem at hand. In that sense the usefulness of shape rules and rule schemata to capture specific actions that designers do (formal composition as visual process) or general principles that designers discuss of (formal composition as conceptual process) may be quite rewarding to pursue. And similarly the ability of shape rules and rule schemata to model formal strategies in design including bottom up processes determined within explicit, narrow contexts, or top down processes framed by open-ended principles applicable to wide variety of contexts, could also be rewarding to pursue. Intuitively, both types of formal systems are deployed in design to solve particular kinds of problems in spatial composition: shape rules are mostly deployed because of their visual specificity; rule schemata because of their conceptual generality. And still both shape rules and rule schemata are just alternative ways to describe the very same thing from a different vantage point. The work here provides a tentative comparison between shape rules and rule schemata and attempts to show how these two modes of visual computation inform one another. A brief account of both forms of rules is given and a series of pictorial examples illustrate their similarities and differences. Both types of rules are seen within a general theory of computational design structured around the notion of a design algorithm <a, k> where the input a is information for construction and the output k is the design description [11]. The account is necessarily fleeting and impressionistic and it is used primarily as a scaffold for a brief examination of both forms and the possibilities that each provides in design inquiry. The account is structured around two vectors pointing from shapes to schemata and from schemata to shapes. These two vectors are used here to structure the discourse and to suggest possibilities for merging seeing and reflecting in visual computation. The work concludes with a brief discussion of a computational framework that facilitates both views of design inquiry – the pictorial redescription of existing shape rules as explicit assignments in rule schemata and the modeling of rule schemata from scratch. 386 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos Two Directions The underlying algebraic framework within which the shape rules and the rule schemata are defined, including the algebras of shapes Uij, the algebras of labels Vij, the algebras of weights Wij, their combinations and the ways all facilitate computations of all sorts, has been given in various sources (see for example [1, 3, 12, 13]. The following discussion provides a brief overview of shape representation in shape grammars using shapes in a Euclidean space, but it equally well applies to labeled shapes and weighted shapes as well as parametric labeled shapes and parametric weighted shapes. An extended discussion of the formalism and especially the recent work on rule schemata is given in [3]. Shape Rules A shape rule consists of a pair of shapes. Shapes consist of four basic elements: points, lines, planes and solids and their combinations. The basic elements and the shapes they define are readily described using linear equations and higher degree equations and the resources and conventions of analytic geometry. These descriptive devices are enough to capture all shapes, from the rudimentary polygons and polyhedra described by linear equations, to higher degree equations representing curves, b-splines, NURBS and so forth. The basic elements are related one to another through boundary conditions. A three-dimensional solid is bounded by two-dimensional planes. A two-dimensional plane is bounded by one-dimensional lines. An one-dimensional line is bounded by zero-dimensional points. And the zero-dimensional points have no boundaries (and no parts). Moreover, shapes are always defined in a Euclidean space that has a dimension equal or bigger than the dimension of the basic elements that make the shapes – the shapes are always parts of the Euclidean space they are defined in. The structure is quite elegant: A solid can be a defined only in a three-dimensional Euclidean space. A plane can be defined in a two- and/or three-dimensional Euclidean space. A line can be defined in a one-, two- and/or three-dimensional Euclidean space. And a point can be defined in any dimensional Euclidean space up to three dimensions. These elements combine to produce a generous structure of ten spatial systems Uij, for i ¼ basic elements and j ¼ dimension of space, with specific algebraic attributes [2]. The ten algebras of shape are presented in Table 2. A shape consisting of lines and defined in the two-dimensional Euclidean space in the algebra U12 is given in Fig. 1. Any pair of specific shape instances A and B determines a shape rule. The notation of a shape rule follows the convention of an arrow (!) separating the two shapes, on the left and right hand side of the rule, with the additional convention of registration marks (+) to fix the spatial relation between them. An example of a shape rule is shown in Fig. 2. From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back Table 2 The ten algebras of shape 387 U00 U01 U11 U02 U12 U22 U03 U13 U23 U33 Fig. 1 A two-dimensional shape containing lines Fig. 2 A shape rule Symbolically, for the two shapes A, B the shape rule is expressed as: A!B Shape rules apply in a design process when there is a match of the rule to a part of the design at hand. The left hand side of the rule shows the shape that is matched in the design. The right hand side shows the shape that substitutes the shape that has been matched by the left hand side of the rule. If there is no match, then the rule cannot be applied in the particular design context. More technically, for shapes A, B, C, the shape rule A ! B can apply to a shape C whenever there is a transformation t that makes the shape t(A) part of the shape C. If the shape t(A) is part of the shape C the rule subtracts the shape t(A) away from the shape C and replaces it by the shape t(B). The resulting shape C0 and the corresponding computation are given then as: C0 ¼ ½C tðAފ þ tðBÞ The application of the rule is distinguished from the expression of the rule itself by the convention of a double arrow (¼>) showing to the left the initial shape C and to the right the derived shape C0 , after the application of the rule. The sequence of shapes (designs) generated by the rule A ! B in the manner shown above is symbolically expressed as C ¼> C0 ¼> C00 ¼> . . . ¼> C0 ... 0 . The same sequence of shapes may be taken as a finite set of shapes that all are productions of the rule A ! B. In this sense, the finite sequence (derivation) of the shapes C, C 0 , C 00 , . . ., C 0 . . . 0 has as members shapes that all share as their common property that they are all productions of the same shape rule. All sequences of shape rule applications bring to the foreground the compositional machinery (rules) used to produce the 388 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos Fig. 3 A visual computation with the shape rule of Fig. 2 design. For example, a sequence of applications of the shape rule in Fig. 2 can generate a sequence of designs shown in Fig. 3. Rule Schemata A rule schema consists of a pair of schemata. Schemata are comprised by variables, and/or combinations of sets of variables. Specific parametric shape instances can be determined when values are assigned to these variables by an assignment g restricted in some way by a predicate. The values assigned to the variables are shapes consisting of points, lines, planes and solids and any combination of them (as well as labeled and/or weighted shapes). Different assignments define different shapes and additional conditions can be added at will to define families of shapes with specific attributes. On the other extreme, constant values may be assigned to variables to define a single representation. For example, the shape in Fig. 1 can be defined in a schema that is restricted by the predicate g(S1): S1 is a triangle the set of variables S1 (L1, L2, L3) L1 (V1, V2) L2 (V2, V3) L3 (V3, V1) and the list of values of the assignment g V1 (0, 0) V2 (3.46, 2) V3 (0, 8) Clearly different predicates can change the attributes and the number of assignments on the schema, thus specifying different shapes. And furthermore, different assignments of numeric values to the variables can specify different shape instances. Three shape instances for different assignments are given in Fig. 4. The assignments are: g1: V1 (0, 0); V2 (3.46, 2); V3 (0, 8); g2: V1 (0, 0); V2 (3, 6); V3 (0, 8); and g3: V1 (0, 0); V2 (0, 9.24); V3 (4.62, 8) respectively. The initial one is the one illustrated in Fig. 1. From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back 389 Fig. 4 Three different instances of the schema Any pair of schemata can determine a rule schema. A symbolic expression of a parametric rule schema is given as: x!y Rule schemata are formal generalizations of rules that specify a particular treatment for an entire family of shapes instead of specific shape instances. The variables in the pair of parametric shapes x and y are assigned values by an assignment g, the properties of which are determined by a predicate, specifying a certain class of shapes. When specific shapes are defined by g the schemata x and y become the shapes g(x) and shape g( y) respectively, and the rule schema is recast as a shape rule. Different constraints expressed in the predicate may lead to the formation of more or less constraint parametric shape rules. The constraints determining the instantiation of schemata to shapes do not affect the shape instances themselves, and do not determine how these shapes partake in spatial composition. Hence, visual ambiguity is preserved, shapes remain structure-less, rules unconstrained, and their productions open to interpretation. This makes descriptive (symbolic) precision and spatial (visual) ambiguity simultaneously possible in the same process of calculating. A symbolic expression of the resulting rule is given as: gð x Þ ! gð y Þ For example, the shape rule in Fig. 2 can be defined in a rule schema x ! x þ tðxÞ, whereas x is a parametric triangle and t(x) an isometric copy of the parametric triangle in a specific spatial relation to the initial parametric triangle. Different rule schemata can be formed after spatial relations between any type of triangles, or parallelograms, trapezoids, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and any other shape desired. Rule schemata apply in a design process when there is a match of the assignment of the parametric shape at the left hand side of the rule to a part of the design at hand. If there is a match then the assignment of the parametric shape is substituted with the corresponding transformation of the assignment of this shape in the right hand side of the rule. More technically, for parametric shapes x, y, and a shape C, the rule schema x ! y applies to the shape C whenever there is a transformation t that makes the shape g(x) – for some assignment g that assigns values to the variables of x – part of the shape C. If the t(g(x)) is in fact part of shape C, then the 390 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos rule subtracts the shape t(g(x)) from C and replaces it by the shape t(g( y)). The corresponding computation is given as: C0 ¼ ½C tðgðxÞފ þ tðgð yÞÞ As before, the application of the rule schema is distinguished from the expression of the rule itself by the convention of a double arrow (¼>) showing to the left the shape C and to the right the derived shape C0 , after the application of the rule. The design process and the productions of the rule schemata share the same conventions that apply in shape rule computation. Back and Forth There is a strong affinity between the two formal devices – and a tension too. The formal structure of both types of rules is identical. They are both determined by a pair of things in a relation: a pair of shape instances in the case of shape rules and a pair of schemata whose constraints and variables instantiate shapes. Intuitively this extra layer of abstraction, involving predicates and variables, suggests and invites a closer look. The pivotal role and significance of predicates and variables become evident when a rule is given in a recursive form. In this form the variables of x and y may be recursively related to produce an indefinite number of symbolic expressions that associate x and y in desired ways. For example, if y and its variables in the right hand of the rule is a transformation t of x and its variables in the left hand side of the rule, then the rule x ! y can be rewritten as x ! t(x). Alternatively, if y and its variables in the right hand of the rule is related through some operation, say a division d, with x and its variables in the left hand side of the rule, then the rule can be rewritten as x ! d(x). In general, if the variables of x and y can be associated through some design operation f, then y becomes a function f(x) and the rule schema can be rewritten in the form: x ! f ðxÞ The question then is what are the possible operators f that can relate the two variables of x and y in meaningful and constructive ways. Clear candidates are: (a) the transformation operation t; (b) the boundary operation b; (c) the part operator p; and the division operation d. More could be envisioned, but more productively, more could be constructed from those through compositions and additions. A nice set of rule schemata to start the discussion is found in [4]. The rule schemata presented there illustrate a set of discrete design processes that can be taken individually, reversed when possible, and combined under addition and composition. A list of basic rule schemata and their inverses is shown in Table 3. From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back 391 Table 3 A list of basic rule schemata Schema Inverse x! !x x!x x ! t(x) t(x) ! x x ! b(x) b(x) ! x x ! p(x) p(x) ! x x ! d(x) d(x) ! x Fig. 5 A shape rule generating spiral patterns The possibilities are bewildering. New combinations and products can be produced to structure shape rules that can be defined within them and to suggest new trajectories in design. For example, a rule schema like x þ tR ðxÞ ! x þ tðxÞ þ tR ðx þ tðxÞÞ could be very useful to account for the generative specification of a bilateral or rotational growth of modular patterns. And any other combination or product of variables might provide a useful structure to model shape rules. Rule schemata appear indeed to have a generative power because of their ability to form compositions and combinations in sequences that are potentially novel and meaningful in terms of the shape rules that these might be defined in. Still shape rules appear to resist the design interpretation that the rule schemata endow them. A constructive comparison between these two formal devices is briefly discussed below, in two sets of exercises. The first looks at an existing shape rule and infers rule schemata that this rule could be defined in. The second looks at an existing rule schema and postulates shape rules that can be defined within the schema. From Shapes Rules to Rule Schemata The trajectory from shape rules to rule schemata is straightforward. In this inquiry shape rules are considered as instances of particular assignments in rule schemata, and in extension as pictorial instances of particular rule schemata. Any shape rule from existing shape grammars and any shape rule constructed from scratch could do to illustrate this inference. A nice set of shape rules to start the discussion is found in [14]. The shape rules presented in this work are divided in two sets. The first intents to produce existing designs (plus some additional designs that potentially belong in the same set). The second intents to produce novel things without paying attention to existing designs. The former types of rules are illustrated using squares and the latter triangles. A shape rule selected from this work is given in Fig. 5. All labels associated with the original shape rules are omitted here or rather are substituted by 392 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos Fig. 6 A description of the shape rule of Fig. 4 in terms of the schema x ! x þ tðxÞ Fig. 7 A description of the shape rule of Fig. 4 in terms of the schema x ! x + y a singular cross to denote the fixing of the application of the rule in the Cartesian plane. Clearly this shape rule can be described in a variety of ways. An intuitive reading could result in a description given by the rule schema x ! x þ tðxÞ. Here x is a right-angle triangle, t a similarity transformation including scales, reflections and rotations about edges and/or vertices of the triangle and t(x), a similar copy of the initial triangle. The context of the original paper clearly suggests that the shape rule above (and the rest of the shape rules in the paper) all illustrate aspects of an additive process in design. For every shape in the left hand side of the rule, an isometric and/or scaled copy of the shape is added in the right hand side in a specific spatial relation to the former one. The shape rule of the example shows a possible way that a triangle x can be combined with a similar copy of itself t(x) so that the short side of the large copy matches the long (hypotenuse) of the original triangle. The description of this shape rule in terms of the schema x ! x þ tðxÞ is given diagrammatically in Fig. 6. The description of the shape rule in terms of a rule schema can easily be cast in alternative ways. For example, the rule can be recast as x ! x þ y, whereas y some other shape arbitrarily related to the initial shape x. A possible interpretation of the added shape y could be a concave quadrilateral carefully chosen to match two of its edges to the small and medium sides of the initial triangle x. The description of the shape rule of Fig. 4 in terms of the schema x ! x þ y is given diagrammatically in Fig. 7. It is interesting to note that the added shape y need not be a gestalt shape, say, the concave quadrilateral above. The two longer lines of this quadrilateral could do it too. In this sense the emphasis seems to shift from the addition of a closed polygonal shape to the addition of an open polygonal shape y that does not share any edges or part of edges with the initial triangle in the left hand side of the rule. A different way of casting this rule could start from the selection of a point outside the initial triangle and its joint with two lines y and t( y) with two of the vertices of the triangle in the left hand side of the rule. The description of the shape rule of Fig. 4 in terms of the schema x ! x þ y þ tð yÞ is given diagrammatically in Fig. 8. From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back 393 Fig. 8 A description of the shape rule of Fig. 4 in terms of the schema x ! x þ y þ tð y Þ Fig. 9 A description of the set of shape rule of Fig. 4 in terms of the schema pðxÞ ! x or alternatively x ! p 1 ð xÞ And this is not all. The rule can also be recast as p(x) ! x, for p(x) a part of a shape x, and x a shape. In this case, the shape p(x) in the left hand side of the rule is the right-angle triangle, and the shape x in the right-hand of the rule is a shape that has the shape illustrated in the left hand side of the rule as it s proper part. This rule schema can be alternatively cast as x ! p 1(x), for p 1(x) the inverse of p(x), meaning that a shape x goes to a shape with x as a part [3]. The algebraic notation of p 1(x) might alienate the visual thinkers but it provides a uniform treatment in the classification of the basic schemata and consistency in notation too. In this case, the shape x is the right-angle triangle and the p 1(x) is the shape that has the right-angle triangle as its proper part. The description of the shape rule of Fig. 5 in terms of the schema x ! p 1(x) is given diagrammatically in Fig. 9. From Rule Schemata to Shape Rules The trajectory from rule schemata to shape rules is straightforward too. In this inquiry rule schemata are considered individually or in various combinations and/or compositions and shape rules are introduced that are restricted in some way by a predicate and a set of assignments to pictorially instantiate the rule schemata. Any rule schema from existing rule schemata classifications could do to illustrate this inference. A nice set of rule schemata to start the discussion is found in [4]. The rule schemata presented there encapsulate a set of discrete processes in design – that can be taken individually, reversed when possible, and combined under addition and composition. In the following example, a schema already encountered in the previous section is selected to help us draw comparisons between the exercise in the previous section and the exercise in this section. x ! x þ tðxÞ This schema is perhaps the most frequent deployed in shape grammar discourse: it specifies to add a transformed copy t(x) of a shape x in a specific way constrained by some predicate contained in the schema. The schema could be intuitively cast as: 394 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos “Look at a design, find a part x that is of interest to you, and repeat it in some way”. More formally, the rule schema could be recast as: “look at a design A and if there is a transformation T such that the shape x is part of A, then replace the occurrence of shape T(x) in A with the shape T ðxÞ þ T ðtðxÞÞ or better, with the shape T ðx þ tðxÞÞ. An indefinite number of shape rules can be defined based on this rule schema. One way to look at the possible classification of shape rules fixed within this rule schema is to look at the spatial relation between the initial shape x and the transformed copy of the shape t(x), and the transformation t under which the copy t(x) was constructed. The possible spatial relations between the shape x and its copy t(x) can be classified in families of spatial relations with respect to the dimensionality of the basic elements that comprise the spatial relation between the two shapes. For example, for a shape x a right triangle and an isometric copy of itself t(x), there are four sub-families of spatial relations that can be defined between the right triangle x and its copy t(x): the two triangles x and t(x) may share the empty shape, a point, a line or a plane. Clearly for each of these conditions there are many more sub-conditions to discern with respect to the spatial transformations that specify the spatial relation; i.e., whether the transformation is, say, a translation, a rotation, a reflection, a glide reflection and so forth [15, 16]. In all cases, these spatial relations provide the blueprints for the specifications of the shape rule in the rule schema. One instance of a shape rule for each of these four families of spatial relations is shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 10 Four shape rules defined with the rule schema x ! x þ tððxÞ that satisfy the predicate x is a 3-gon and t an isometric transformation From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back 395 Fig. 11 Four shape rules defined with the rule schema x ! x þ tððxÞ that satisfy the predicate x is a 3-gon and t a similarity transformation Note that these four families of spatial relations can be nicely expressed as intersections (.) of the basic spatial elements of the shapes, their boundaries and their boundary inverses too. More specifically, in the first spatial relation, the intersection x.t(x) of the shapes x and t(x) is the empty shape. In the second spatial relation the intersection b(x). b(t(x)) of the boundaries of the shapes x and t(x) is a single point (basic element in the algebra U02). In the third spatial relation the intersection x.t(x) of the shapes x and t(x) is a single line (basic element in the algebra U12). And in the fourth spatial relation, the intersection b 1 ðxÞ:b 1 ðtðxÞÞ of the inverses of the boundaries of the shapes x and t(x), is a single plane (basic element in the algebra U22). It should be noted that in the last case the shape b 1(x) is part of b 1(t(x)), a condition that implies the definition of the part relation . The families of shape rules that can be defined within the rule schema x ! x + t (x) can be significantly extended with respect to the transformation t that specified the geometry of the t(x). Figure 11 shows samples of the four families of shape rules defined in this schema for t a similarity transformation, that is, a scale transformation combined with any isometric transformation including any combinations of translations, rotations, and reflections. The next families of transformations that may be added on the similarity transformations of the Euclidean space are the affine, linear, and topological transformations of the so-called non-Euclidean space [17]. Figure 12 shows samples of four families of shape rules defined in this schema for t an affine transformation, that is, a stretch/compress transformation combined with any similarity transformation, and t(x) an affine copy of the shape x. 396 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos Fig. 12 Four shape rules defined with the rule schema x ! x þ tððxÞ that satisfy the predicate x is a 3-gon and t an affine transformation Still the expressive power of the rule schema can go beyond the transformational property of the spatial relations between the shape x and its copy t(x). If for example, the shape x is defined as any n-gon, then a long list of possible families of shapes can be used to define shape rules within this rule schema, all very different from the ones seen so far. Within this framework, spatial relations between say, squares, rectangles, parallelograms, rhombi, kites, trapezoids, quadrilaterals of all sorts, and so forth, are all spatial relations between a shape x and a shape t(x), for a shape x and t(x) any of those and t a Euclidean or parametric transformation. Pentagons and hexagons and heptagons and so forth, all wait to be tried for they provide an inexhaustible really list of visual conditions to explore. Figure 13 shows samples of the four families of shape rules defined in this schema for x a square, t a scale transformation combined with any isometric transformations and t(x) a similar copy of x. Clearly, the predicate can be as elaborate as desired. The quest for provision of tools to facilitate the construction and instantiation of such spatial relations is an ongoing project in the design of software packages geared for visual composition. A comprehensive treatment of such rules and the taxonomies they will produce as pictorial illustrations of schemata and their products and sums is a welcome project for design inquiry. The goal here was to suggest such an inquiry and illustrate some initial first steps towards this direction. From Shape Rules to Rule Schemata and Back 397 Fig. 13 Four shape rules defined with the rule schema x ! x þ tððxÞ that satisfy the predicate x is a 4-gon and t a similarity transformation Discussion Shape rules and rules schemata are useful to work with because of the compositional relations they foreground and the ways they facilitate distinct views of design inquiry. Both formal devices provide a rich repertory of means to support expressive and productive calculation in design respectively. And both provide powerful insight when they are contrasted one against the other and suggest new ways of interpretation. Intuitively, both types of formal devices are deployed in design to solve particular kinds of problems in spatial composition: shape rules are mostly deployed because of their visual specificity; rule schemata because of their conceptual generality. And still both shape rules and rule schemata are just alternative ways to describe the very same thing from a different vantage point. An exciting aspect of the exercise of looking at existing shape rules and attempting to infer rule schemata that these shape rules could be defined in, is that such redescriptions of an existing rule, or set of rules, as predicates and assignments in rule schemata, provide novel descriptions of the given corpus of shape grammars. They also suggest interpretations of the existing sets of grammatical rules that may be potentially diverse and distinct from those envisioned from the authors of the grammars. In this sense this act of redescription of the pictorial rules of shape grammars as assignments in different schemata facilitates their novel re-appropriation and re-usage in alternative contexts. A possible corollary of this conclusion is that this shift in representation allows for the rules and the grammars to emerge above specific domains such as residential architecture, public 398 A. Economou and S. Kotsopoulos architecture, ecclesiastical architecture, landscape architecture, ornamental design, furniture design, product design, automobile design and any subcategories within these fields. Instead this account focuses on the compositional schemata that can discursively explain what the shape rules do, and the problems they address. An exciting aspect of the exercise of looking at existing rule schemata and attempting to define shape rules within them, is that such illustrations of the schemata in terms of shape rule instances, provide concrete descriptions of the given corpus of schemata. They may also suggest interpretations of these schemata that are potentially diverse, and even non-intuitive, with respect to the schemata. In this sense this act of redescription of the symbolic schemata as pictorial assignments facilitates their novel re-appropriation and re-usage in alternative contexts. The major goal in this work has been to look at the pair of the shape rules and the rules schemata from either side foregrounding each in the relation. This back-andforth between show and tell is what this is all about. In fact it is suggested here that such pictorial redescriptions of shape rules as assignments in rule schemata, and instantiations of schemata in visual symbols is the heart of design inquiry and that it should underlie any computational framework for design. A significant motivation underlying this work has been the systematic inquiry on both aspects of rules so that they can both be implemented in shape rules and/or in assignments in rule schemata and be freely instantiated, edited, used and tested in an automated computer setting. The technical problems associated with the design of a framework to implement shape recognition and shape rules are formidable. A recent model based on an underlying graph theoretical representation of shape has successfully managed to address a great deal of these problems [18, 19]. The next step is the seamless implementation of shape rules in terms of rule schemata in an interactive framework that allows for the free definition of any shape rule none so ever and the immediate testing of its expressive power in the design at hand. References 1. Stiny G (1980) Introduction to shape and shape grammars. Environ Plan B: Plan Des 7 (3):343–351 2. Knight TW (1994) Transformations in design: a formal approach to stylistic change and innovation in the visual arts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 3. Stiny G (2006) Shape, talking about seeing and doing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 4. Stiny G (2011) What rule(s) should I use? Nexus Network Journal 13:15–47 5. Langer SK (1957) Philosophy in a new key: a study in the symbolism of reason, rite, and art. Harvard University Press, Cambridge 6. Knight T (2000) Shape grammars in education and practice: history and prospects. Int J Des Comput 2:67 7. Economou A (2001) Shape grammars in architectural design studio. 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