Please cite this article in press as: Sharma et al., Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit for regenerative medicine, Stem Cell Reports (2021),
Stem Cell Reports
Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit for regenerative medicine
Arun Sharma,1,2,3,22,* Rachel A. Clemens,4 Orquidea Garcia,5 D. Lansing Taylor,6 Nicole L. Wagner,7
Kelly A. Shepard,8 Anjali Gupta,4 Siobhan Malany,9 Alan J. Grodzinsky,10 Mary Kearns-Jonker,11
Devin B. Mair,12 Deok-Ho Kim,12,13 Michael S. Roberts,14 Jeanne F. Loring,15 Jianying Hu,16 Lara E. Warren,14
Sven Eenmaa,14 Joe Bozada,17 Eric Paljug,17 Mark Roth,18 Donald P. Taylor,19 Gary Rodrigue,14
Patrick Cantini,20 Amelia W. Smith,14 Marc A. Giulianotti,14,* and William R. Wagner20,21,*
of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Heart Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
3Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
4Axiom Space, Inc., Houston, TX, USA
5Johnson & Johnson 3D Printing Innovation & Customer Solutions, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA
6University of Pittsburgh Drug Discovery Institute and Department of Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
7LambdaVision Inc., Farmington, CT, USA
8California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Oakland, CA, USA
9Department of Pharmacodynamics, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
10Departments of Biological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
11Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA, USA
12Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
13Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
14Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc, Melbourne, FL, USA
15Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA, USA
16Center for Computational Health IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York, NY, USA
17Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
18Pittsburgh, PA, USA
19The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
20McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
21Departments of Surgery, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
22Twitter: @ArunSharmaPhD
*Correspondence: (A.S.), (M.A.G.), (W.R.W.)
Research in low Earth orbit (LEO) has become more accessible. The
2020 Biomanufacturing in Space Symposium reviewed spacebased regenerative medicine research and discussed leveraging
LEO to advance biomanufacturing for regenerative medicine applications. The symposium identified areas where financial investments could stimulate advancements overcoming technical
barriers. Opportunities in disease modeling, stem-cell-derived
products, and biofabrication were highlighted. The symposium
will initiate a roadmap to a sustainable market for regenerative
medicine biomanufacturing in space. This perspective summarizes
the 2020 Biomanufacturing in Space Symposium, highlights key
biomanufacturing opportunities in LEO, and lays the framework
for a roadmap to regenerative medicine biomanufacturing in
Over the last decade, the International Space Station
National Laboratory (ISS National Lab) has supported
space-based studies in the areas of tissue engineering and
regenerative medicine (Figure 1). This initial research and
development have provided important insights into how
microgravity can be leveraged to advance biomanufacturing
in space to benefit human life and commercial enterprise on
Earth. Microgravity induces changes in bodily systems that
result in effects including cardiovascular deconditioning,
skeletal muscle atrophy, bone loss, and immune dysfunction, among others (Patel, 2020; Shelhamer et al., 2020;
Smith, 2020; Vernikos and Schneider, 2010). These effects
mimic the onset of health-related outcomes associated
with aging and chronic human disease but at an accelerated
rate. Such effects that could take years to manifest on Earth
may develop in weeks in microgravity. While these changes
are a concern for keeping astronauts safe on long-duration
spaceflight, they also present an opportunity to study aging,
disease progression, and test therapeutics on an accelerated
timescale (Low and Giulianotti, 2019).
Utilizing microgravity has contributed to the collective
fundamental knowledge of cellular behavior, cell-cell interactions, tissue development and regeneration, and
aggregate interactions in the context of a whole organism
(Bradbury et al., 2020; da Silveira et al., 2020; Garrett-Bakelman et al., 2019; Giulianotti and Low, 2019; Grimm
et al., 2014; Herrmann et al., 2020). Pioneering bioengineering experiments on the ISS coupled with groundbased studies have demonstrated that microgravity
enables the study of novel features not attainable under
normal gravity conditions, including changes to stem
cell proliferation rates and differentiation (Baio et al.,
2018; Blaber et al., 2015; Imura et al., 2019; Jha et al.,
2016; Yuge et al., 2006).
Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022 j ª 2021 The Authors. 1
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Figure 1. Examples of stem cell research
aboard the ISS
Top left: NASA astronaut Kate Rubins examines stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes onboard the ISS. Top right: NASA astronaut
Jessica Meir onboard the ISS working with
engineered heart tissues. Bottom left: NASA
astronaut Kate Rubins evaluates threedimensional engineered heart tissue exposed
to sustained microgravity conditions. Bottom
Right: NASA astronaut Christina Koch examines a tissue chip system to study kidney
function. Credit: NASA.
Additionally, bioprinting tissues in microgravity provides potential advantages for the use of lower viscosity
biomaterials or bioinks and the ability to fabricate diaphanous biological structures. The processes involved in biofabrication are heavily reliant on biomechanical cues that
are affected by gravity, and microgravity conditions should
enable full control over these cues in ways not possible on
Earth (Cubo-Mateo et al., 2020; Cubo-Mateo and Gelinsky,
2021; Moroni et al., 2021; Prasad et al., 2020; Swaminathan
et al., 2021). Microgravity can also improve biofabrication
processes that involve thin-layer deposition, through
which thin film layers of biomaterial are deposited onto a
substrate material with atomic-level precision. This could
have significant value in the production of advanced medical devices.
Current biomanufacturing research and development
on the ISS
In recent years, the ISS has been increasingly more utilized by commercial, academic, and government users
focused on leveraging microgravity for research and product development with Earth-based benefits (Giulianotti
and Low, 2019; Parfenov et al., 2020). A number of government agencies have engaged in multiyear funding initiatives that utilize the ISS National Lab (Giulianotti and
Low, 2019; Low and Giulianotti, 2019). For example,
studies funded by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have
included space-based microphysiological systems (MPS)
research to model kidney proximal and distal tubule
physiology, cartilage-bone-synovium joint interactions,
blood-brain barrier physiology, liver aging and immune
2 Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022
response, and cardiac muscle tissue (Low and Giulianotti,
In addition, an increasing number of biotechnology
companies are using the LEO environment to validate
drug targets and test the efficacy of potential therapeutics
on accelerated models of disease (Cadena et al., 2019; Giulianotti and Low, 2019). NASA and the ISS National Lab are
working with a growing number of Commercial Service
Providers, organizations that actively develop and operate
ISS facilities and equipment that enables space-based
biomedical research and development. In parallel, commercial companies are designing vehicles, satellites, and
other platforms that will enable future opportunities in
space-based biomanufacturing research and development.
It is critical for stakeholders to work collaboratively to identify the best opportunities to utilize the ISS. Targeted
research and development will enable a robust in-space
regenerative medicine biomanufacturing market. Opportunities must be prioritized, such that the economic value of
LEO-based research can be clearly demonstrated to then
allow for further investment and growth based on this
CASIS and the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh hosted a Biomanufacturing in Space Symposium to serve as the first
step in developing a roadmap to a sustainable market for
biomanufacturing in space. The symposium included a series of virtual workshops, presentations, and interactive
discussions with internationally recognized subject-matter
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Stem Cell Reports
Figure 2. Breakdown of symposium participants’ expertise and primary role
For those that identified stem cells as their
primary expertise, 16 individuals’ primary
role was academic (A), 5 were commercial (C),
5 were CASIS/Implementation Partners (CI),
and 6 were government (G). Organoids/MPS
had 12 A, 9 C, 5 CI, and 6 G. Biofabrication
had 5 A, 17 C, 9 CI, and 6 G. AI/Robotics had
12 A, 17 C, 4 CI, and 4 G.
experts in the areas of tissue engineering and regenerative
medicine, as well as pioneers in space-based research and
development. The goal was to identify the most promising
opportunities to advance space-based biomanufacturing.
Specifically, the opportunities identified needed to focus
on the development and translation of commercially relevant biomolecules and biomaterials for use in pre-clinical,
clinical, and therapeutic applications.
The Biomanufacturing in Space Symposium took place
virtually in 2020 and 2021. The symposium’s 138 participants represented a diverse background of expertise, which
significantly increased cross-education and learning (Figure 2). The symposium had three topic areas: stem cells, organoids and MPS, and biofabrication. Working sessions
were divided into three phases: educate, generate, and
The educate phase aimed to prepare symposium participants for interdisciplinary discussions via presentations
by subject matter experts on the aforementioned topic
areas and the stages to commercialization. Through a series
of interactive sessions on each of the topic areas, the
generate phase sought to identify the most promising opportunities to leverage the ISS for advancing space-based biomanufacturing and highlighted current knowledge gaps
and commercial opportunities. In the prioritize phase, the
key opportunities identified in each of the topic areas
were refined and condensed, and the next steps in developing a roadmap for biomanufacturing in space were outlined. A separate symposium session explored methods
for integrating automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and
machine learning (ML) toward an agile iteration of scientific and research and development activities in LEO.
During the generate phase, more than 50 potential commercial opportunities were identified and prioritized based
on the following criteria:
Role of microgravity: The importance of microgravity
in enabling the opportunity.
Impact: The attractiveness of the opportunity for investment, including the magnitude of impact and
concentration of investors.
Risk: The risk associated with the opportunity,
measured by the risk of failure, time to market, and
risk-benefit tradeoffs.
The most promising opportunities identified through
the symposium naturally codified into three areas: (1) disease modeling, (2) stem cells and stem-cell-derived products, and (3) biofabrication.
Disease modeling
Symposium participants extensively discussed the ability
to utilize a sustained microgravity environment for disease
modeling—whether through the use of stem cells, organoids, MPS platforms, or tissues either biofabricated in orbit
or assembled terrestrially and brought to space (Figure 3).
Participants highlighted the unmet need for novel approaches to model disease and aging (Low et al., 2021),
and several researchers have utilized the ISS as a platform
to develop disease models based on the physiological
changes associated with spaceflight (Low and Giulianotti,
2019). Participants agreed that the opportunity to uniquely
Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022 3
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Stem Cell Reports
Figure 3. Examples of tissue engineering
work aboard the ISS
Left: engineered skeletal muscle tissue in a
microfluidic chip in LEO, generated by Siobhan Malany Laboratory at the University of
Florida in collaboration with Space Tango
(credit: Siobhan Malany and Space Tango).
Right: a NASA astronaut (out of frame) adds
RNAlater reagent to a gas-permeable tissue
chamber to preserve engineered heart tissue
constructs for the Cardinal Heart investigation. Project led by Dr. Joseph Wu at Stanford
University in collaboration with BioServe
Space Technologies (credit: Joseph Wu and
isolate the stresses induced by sustained microgravity could
provide significant insights into the aging process and disease progression. Data from associated space-based studies
indicate that humans experience significant physiological
changes during adaptation to spaceflight and during readaptation upon return to Earth (Akima et al., 2000; Garrett-Bakelman et al., 2019; Luxton and Bailey, 2021; Meck
et al., 2001).
Specific examples
Muscle wasting. Research has shown that during spaceflight, humans lose skeletal muscle at an accelerated rate,
and countermeasures are required to dampen the accelerated loss (Vernikos and Schneider, 2010). Thus, microgravity-induced muscle loss provides an opportunity to
study muscle-wasting progression on a faster timescale
than is possible on Earth. Multiple studies have been conducted using rodents in microgravity as an accelerated
disease model to elucidate mechanisms underlying muscle
atrophy and to test new potential therapeutics (Chakraborty et al., 2020; da Silveira et al., 2020; Lawler et al.,
2021; Semple et al., 2020; Smith et al., 2020). Moving
beyond rodent models, microgravity provides a unique opportunity to study sarcopenia and disuse atrophy in human cellular models. Utilizing a LEO-based platform to
study myocytes from different patient populations could
enable the development of models for drug target identification and therapeutic evaluation. Such research could
reveal druggable pathways that may not otherwise have
been uncovered in terrestrial studies.
Changes in cardiac physiology. In microgravity conditions,
humans experience acute changes in cardiac physiology,
structure, and function. Long-term microgravity exposure leads to cardiac deconditioning. Due to this cardiac
deconditioning, orthostatic intolerance is evident in astronauts upon returning to normal gravity (Lee et al.,
2015). Arrhythmias have also occurred in astronauts during spaceflight, even in those with no prior history of arrhythmias (Delp et al., 2016). However, the acute cardiac
4 Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022
changes associated with spaceflight largely return to baseline after return to normal gravity. Furthermore, studies
indicate that astronauts on missions lasting 6 months
to 1 year do not have an increased rate of developing cardiovascular disease after returning to Earth (Ade et al.,
Thus, a LEO-based platform could enable the modeling
of an acute, microgravity-induced cardiovascular phenotype and the reversal of this phenotype through the use
of two-dimensional stem-cell-based models, three-dimensional tissue-engineered constructs, organoids, or MPS
models. Preliminary work on the ISS (Figure 1) has demonstrated the successful culture and return of viable twodimensional cardiomyocytes derived from induced
pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and found that microgravity
alters cardiac gene expression and function at the
cellular level (Wnorowski et al., 2019). Additional studies
are currently in progress utilizing multilineage, tissueengineered cardiac constructs to study the impact of
microgravity on cardiac physiology and function (Low
and Giulianotti, 2019) (Figure 1). One of these studies
uses an electroconductive decellularized extracellular matrix hydrogel that improves tissue maturation and function
(Tsui et al., 2021).
Osteoarthritis. In microgravity conditions, humans experience accelerated bone loss, and extended spaceflight can
alter bone integrity in a fashion roughly analogous to osteoporosis (Vico et al., 2000). In addition, the effects of altered
loading of joint cartilage in space may affect the extent and
rate of cartilage breakdown leading to osteoarthritis (Fitzgerald, 2017). The use of MPS or other tissue systems on a
LEO-based platform could enable accelerated disease
modeling, and such studies may provide unique insights
into disease progression and uncover novel targets for therapeutic interventions to treat osteoarthritis. Furthermore,
microgravity uniquely enables the study of disuse versus exercise in the management of osteoarthritis and post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Microgravity can enable studies using
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human cells and tissues to examine the effects of not
only disuse but also applied mechanical force. Carefully
controlled mechanical forces could be applied to tissues to
mimic different types of exercise in conjunction with therapeutics. Studies are currently underway on the ISS utilizing
a post-traumatic osteoarthritis MPS model to identify novel
pathways to treat the condition and test therapeutic interventions (Low and Giulianotti, 2019).
Aging. Studies have shown that spaceflight induces several
physiological changes in both astronauts and rodent
models, including skeletal muscle atrophy, bone-density
loss, immune dysfunction, cardiovascular deconditioning,
and arterial stiffening, among others (Shen and Frishman,
2019). These changes, which resemble aging-related maladies on Earth, occur rapidly during spaceflight and are
mostly reversible upon return to Earth. This provides a
compelling case for leveraging microgravity conditions to
improve the understanding of aging and related disease
processes. MPS models, organoids, or biofabricated tissues
exposed to microgravity and then returned to Earth could
provide significant insight into novel biological targets
associated with disease progression and regression as well
as anti-aging.
Several space-based studies have been done on aging.
One of the projects supported through the National Center
for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Tissue Chips
in Space initiative is leveraging an MPS model for immunological senescence in microgravity to investigate the relationship between immune aging and tissue healing as
well as regenerative capacity (Low and Giulianotti, 2019).
Additionally, NASA’s One-Year Mission on the ISS with
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly found that the average telomere length in Kelly’s white blood cells increased during
the mission and then returned to pre-flight levels after
his return to Earth. However, in the months following his
spaceflight mission, a greater number of his telomeres
were lost or critically shortened (Garrett-Bakelman et al.,
2019). These findings could present a therapeutic target
that could be studied in the context of a LEO-based model,
as telomere shortening and loss are associated with aging
and susceptibility to age-related diseases, including cardiovascular issues and cancer.
Biofouling. Medical devices are prone to surface biofouling,
which results from the nonspecific adhesion of proteins,
cells, and microorganisms. These phenomena are associated with a substantial degree of morbidity and mortality
across several types of implantable medical devices. Biofilms form on wetted surfaces during spaceflight (Zea
et al., 2020), and on the ISS, the formation of microbial
communities in the form of biofilms is often accelerated.
A LEO-based platform could be used to accelerate the timeline for biofouling characterization of biomaterials and
elucidate mechanisms that may be altered in microgravity
in ways that increase or decrease virulence. In fact, studies
have shown that during spaceflight, some bacterial strains
appear to exhibit increased virulence (Simoes and Antunes,
One of the primary current gaps noted during the symposium is the existing need for validation of space-based disease models for terrestrial applications. The question
remains how clinically relevant the models are and how information obtained from the models may be utilized in
therapeutic development (Low et al., 2021). These answers
could be addressed in part by increased data and
throughput, which were also noted as a current gap. The
use of LEO for modeling terrestrial diseases is at a relatively
nascent stage, and the ability to do large-scale experiments
in the LEO environment is limited by the challenges of
launching and conducting experiments in space. Symposium participants agreed that continued advancements in
miniaturization, automation, the implementation of AI
and machine learning (ML), and the standardization of
equipment (hardware), biological materials, and protocols
would increase the opportunity to generate meaningful
data. Of note, these are all key areas where improvements
in technologies for use in space will readily translate to
and benefit terrestrial-based applications. Another key
area for improvement that participants highlighted is the
ability to rapidly iterate on experimental results, which is
currently limited by the inherent logistical challenges of
performing experiments in space. This gap could be addressed by having an inventory of in-orbit supplies such
as banked cells and pre-seeded devices or organoids to provide the ability to manufacture models in space as needed.
Additionally, increased throughput and data acquisition
could be accelerated further as launch frequency continues
to increase.
Commercial opportunities
One commercial opportunity identified during the symposium is in the data surrounding novel targets for therapeutic development. Participants discussed several ways
in which this opportunity could be realized. The formation of a syndicate of pharmaceutical and biotechnology
companies could serve to de-risk early stage common opportunities. This would lower the investment risk for any
individual stakeholder and create the infrastructure for
future single investments, with the tradeoff being the
distributed control of any intellectual property developed
through the syndicate. Another opportunity lies in collaborations with other government agencies and foundations that have interests in specific diseases that could
be modeled in LEO. Participants also expressed enthusiasm about working with space agencies, commercial
space companies, and other government agencies to
find common areas that could inform both risk reduction
Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022 5
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in space exploration and advances in human health on
More effective stem cells and stem-cell-derived
Stem cells and stem-cell-derived products are promising as
both research tools (Sharma et al., 2020) and therapeutic
products (Ntege et al., 2020; Rodriguez-Fuentes et al.,
2021; Sayed et al., 2016; Stern et al., 2018). Symposium participants discussed the potential of leveraging a LEO-based
platform to gain insights into how to control and optimize
stem cell pluripotency and multipotency, proliferation and
expansion, genomic and epigenomic integrity, differentiation, and maturation. This opportunity area is supported
by published work demonstrating that sustained microgravity influences the behaviors of stem cells and their
Specific examples
Cells with increased potency and expansion capabilities. Stem
cells are defined by their potency, or their ability to give
rise to multiple derivative cell lineages. Pluripotent stem
cells are able to transform into all cells of the body except
for placental tissues. Multipotent stem cells can differentiate into cells of a specific lineage. However, a major challenge in the field is variability in stem cell potency from cell
line to cell line, accompanied by an inability to maintain
potency and genetic integrity as cells proliferate. Thus, it
is critical to identify novel methodologies that will either
maintain or enhance the potency, quality, and differentiation capacities of stem cell lines. Such improvements in cell
characteristics would have an impact on the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine industries in both
research and development and therapeutic applications.
The symposium highlighted potential therapeutic
applications that already have preliminary spaceflight
data, including the following:
Creating cells and tissues for cardiac repair:
Following cardiac injury in the human heart, regeneration is limited (Bergmann et al., 2015). Methods to
enable the proliferation of cardiomyocytes and subsequent cardiac regeneration are being actively investigated. Studies have found that cardiac progenitor
cells cultured on the ISS exhibited increased proliferative and migratory potential due to changes in mechanotransduction pathways and, subsequently,
cytoskeletal organization (Baio et al., 2018; Camberos
et al., 2019). This is supported by studies using simulated microgravity on Earth (Jha et al., 2016). This
initial work in sustained microgravity conditions indicates that such an environment can lead to the
identification of novel targets for enhancing the ther-
6 Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022
apeutic benefit of cardiovascular progenitor cells
(Baio et al., 2018; Camberos et al., 2019, 2021).
Expansion of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
with improved clinical properties: While
MSCs hold potential for use as therapeutic agents,
their safe and efficient expansion and appropriate
characterization is still a major challenge in the field
(Zhang et al., 2021). Recent spaceflight studies indicated that human MSCs can be grown safely on the
ISS and that they have improved immunosuppressive
capabilities compared with MSCs cultured on Earth
(Huang et al., 2020). Additionally, MSCs cultured under simulated microgravity conditions showed
increased therapeutic potential in a traumatic brain
injury model (Otsuka et al., 2018).
Stem cell differentiation. Symposium participants also discussed the unique stimulus that a sustained microgravity
environment can confer on stem cell differentiation,
including the differentiation of iPSCs. The discussion ultimately centered on two primary themes: (1) what we could
learn from an in-depth characterization of stem cell differentiation conducted in space, and (2) whether microgravity could allow for the generation of cell types not
currently possible from terrestrially based ex vivo differentiation of stem cells, including the differentiation of iPSCs.
Characterizing stem cell differentiation in
microgravity: Terrestrial-based studies have
demonstrated that differences in culturing conditions and cell source can have significant impacts
on stem cell differentiation (Yim and Sheetz, 2012).
While several studies have shown different effects to
stem cells cultured in sustained microgravity, it is
difficult to extrapolate results from these studies due
to the incongruent nature of the conditions, equipment, and cell sources utilized. There is a need to fully
characterize how microgravity as a variable influences
stem cell differentiation into the three primary germ
layers (mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm).
During the symposium, the primary gaps identified for
these opportunities centered around the current lack of
data and standards. These are points in which much can
be learned from terrestrial-based research efforts, where a
lack of data and agreed-upon standards exist. To address
these issues, the International Stem Cell Initiative (ISCI)
has established standards for assessing the pluripotency
of iPSCs (International Stem Cell, 2018), and the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) has published
guidelines to promote best practices (Daley et al., 2016).
The community engaging in LEO-based stem cell research
and development should align with current best practices
in order to ensure space-based results are translatable across
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both spaceflight and terrestrial studies. Similarly, symposium participants discussed the importance of the origin
and source of cells and the subsequent effects on results.
Participants agreed that, in general, more than one donor
source should be utilized, and the donor sources should
be widely available (Mitchell et al., 2020). By adopting standards and applying high-throughput approaches, miniaturization, microfluidics, robotics, machine learning, and
AI, the quality and quantity of data return could be dramatically amplified. Moreover, many of the technology advancements required to enable stem cell research on a
LEO-based platform would readily translate to terrestrial
applications, such as the development of compact, robust,
high-throughput systems capable of working autonomously and remotely.
Commercial opportunities
Stem cells and stem-cell-derived products have two primary customer bases: (1) those who utilize stem cells as
research tools, and (2) those who utilize stem cells in therapeutic applications. Symposium participants generally
agreed that in the near term, the largest value return-on-investment will be derived from the data that can be translated to improve terrestrial processes, products, and tools.
However, the participants felt that, ultimately, the largescale production of certain types of stem cells and stemcell-derived products could benefit from manufacturing
in a LEO-based facility and that the LEO environment
could confer certain advantages that may not be replicated
in a terrestrial setting.
Symposium participants agreed that in the near term,
this area of research would benefit from deliberate interactions with government agencies. The use of the unique
LEO environment could provide key insights that may
have substantial impacts to the larger research community
and thus would be of great public interest. Publicly funded
research and development is necessary to move beyond the
current roadblocks and make commercial opportunities
more attractive. As specific use cases emerge demonstrating
that large-scale, in-space biomanufacturing provides the
potential for a return on investment, increased commercial
engagement will follow. To foster and prepare for these potential opportunities, discussions with cell-based therapeutic manufacturers, commercial space station developers,
the research community, and the United States Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) should begin now. These interactions should focus on the infrastructure needed to
scale from LEO-based research facilities to LEO-based
manufacturing facilities and on identifying the requirements needed to enable FDA approval.
During the symposium, biofabrication discussions covered
a wide variety of opportunities, including fabricating tis-
sues for disease modeling, testing and maturation of biofabricated materials, and improved fabrication processes
for biomaterials and biofabricated constructs. With commercial companies having recently invested in technology
development for terrestrial and in-space biofabrication, discussions at the symposium provided an overview of current
efforts and a glimpse of future opportunities.
Specific examples
Thin-layer deposition. The process of assembling thin films
through layer-by-layer deposition is of significant interest
for applications such as optics, membranes, sensors, biomedicines, and several energy-related applications (Gentile
et al., 2015; Richardson et al., 2015). In recent years, studies
have focused on scaling up processes for thin-layer deposition to enable real-world applications (Richardson et al.,
2015). Gravity-driven sedimentation of elements with
differing densities can influence the speed at which new
layers can be deposited as well as the ordering of molecular
components into biologically functional assemblies. Sustained microgravity could be beneficial by potentially
enhancing the production quality of products manufactured through thin-layer deposition. Reducing the
influence of gravity-driven forces such as buoyancy and
sedimentation on the surface tension and homogeneity
of the solutions or materials used for deposition could
allow for more uniform layering and a higher-quality
multilayer (Dag et al., 1997). In medical applications, these
benefits could provide improved ductility for alloys in devices such as stents.
Tools for biofabrication. There is an urgent need for tissues,
organs, and other biomaterials for use in transplantation
and regenerative medicine applications (Hunsberger
et al., 2020; Ntege et al., 2020). In the past decades, several
novel biofabrication tools have emerged to enable the assembly of complex structures (Pedde et al., 2017). All of
these tools either integrate or attempt to circumvent the effects of gravity in their biofabrication processes. Given the
broad demand for additional biofabrication tools and techniques, discussions during the symposium centered on potential advantages that biofabrication in space might
confer (Moroni et al., 2021). For example, sustained microgravity could enable the use of less viscous bioinks and
reduce the reliance on chemical and physical cross-linking
strategies for rapid structural stabilization that must be
applied in concert with printing. Microgravity could also
provide the ability to enhance cell-cell interactions for organoid production, the ability to control mechanotransduction effects due to gravity during the maturation/curing
process, and the ability to print simultaneously from any
spatial orientation.
Biofabrication is a relatively recent addition to the ISS
research portfolio. Early identification of gaps will support
Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022 7
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Figure 4. Evolution of therapeutic discovery, testing, and translation pathways
Development pathways integrated with
automation, machine learning, and artificial
intelligence can accelerate the process and
utilize fewer resources
effective guidance toward a more efficient development of
the field. However, the challenge is to do so in a way that
also leaves room for innovation and discovery. Initial discussions regarding gaps centered on the need to gain additional insights on fundamental behaviors of materials
(i.e., cells, liquids, and proteins) in a sustained microgravity environment and to determine how such information could influence the design and utilization of biofabrication approaches (Ahari et al., 1997; Dag et al.,
1997; McPherson and DeLucas, 2015). Additionally, given
that biofabrication processes would occur remotely (on
unmanned platforms in LEO) with communication delays
of many seconds, the need for robust automation linked
to machine learning was also a focal point of discussion.
Commercial opportunities
Symposium participants identified two primary opportunities to enable the further development of space-based
biofabrication applications: public funding and private
investment. The collective need for novel approaches to
produce implants, tissues, and organs is a public concern,
and there are opportunities for government agencies to
put resources into utilizing a unique environment such
as a LEO-based platform to advance the field. For applications where commercial opportunities are identified,
symposium discussions centered on private investments
and the challenges around investors’ desire for short
timelines and a multiplier for a return on investment.
Participants agreed that private investments in specific
applications had potential if the risk-versus-return valua8 Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022
tions could satisfy investors. As more commercial companies become involved in developing spacecraft and
in-orbit platforms, there will likely be a continued reduction in the costs and time associated with LEO-based
The need for more data points to substantiate the identity
and validity of the most valuable scientific and commercial
opportunities that the LEO environment confers was a
common theme that emerged within working groups
throughout the symposium. The current lack of data is
partly due to the challenging nature of accessing LEO and
conducting research in a space-based environment. Symposium participants consistently noted that utilizing
advances in automation, AI, and ML could enable an exponential production of the data needed to make informed
decisions downstream (Figure 4).
Currently, tools are being developed to automate terrestrial cell culture (Cohen-Karlik et al., 2021) and
biofabrication methods (De Pieri et al., 2021). These technologies could be applied to research in LEO, allowing experiments to run autonomously and potentially scale in
progression from research to clinical applications (Vieira
et al., 2021). This approach would enable researchers to
continuously generate data and test conditions in a
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Stem Cell Reports
trial experiments as well as LEO-based experiments (da Silveira et al., 2020), ML approaches could be built into the
automated LEO platforms. As new data are generated,
more advanced AI approaches could be utilized to focus
on the specific applications where LEO confers advantages
over terrestrial-based facilities.
Figure 5. Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit market subsegmentation revenue projection
The LEO biomanufacturing market is broken into five primary subsegments: (1) cell and tissue tools and diagnostics, (2) cell and
tissue therapy, (3) bioprinting, (4) cell therapy biomanufacturing,
and (5) organoids. Projections are for the next 15 years.
manner that reduces the need for astronaut intervention
and associated astronaut training. Automation would also
facilitate intellectual property protection, as closed systems
could be devised to protect confidential or proprietary work
Additionally, research groups are applying ML and AI to
improve cellular products (Cohen-Karlik et al., 2021;
Mota et al., 2021), biomaterial manufacturing (An et al.,
2021; Lee et al., 2020), and disease modeling (Severson
et al., 2021). Utilizing existing datasets, both from terres-
Rapid advancements are being made in space infrastructure
technologies that provide increased frequency and low
costs for accessing space. Thus, there is an increase in business plans from companies aiming to build free fliers and
modular commercial space stations available to a diverse
set of users. Development of such LEO-based platforms
will build on lessons learned from the ISS and will enable
space-based research and development and manufacturing
capabilities that will provide an infrastructure for the
further maturation of future business cases and models.
To assess the financial impact that space-based biomanufacturing could have on the utilization of such infrastructure and the evolution of a commercial LEO economy,
we performed a preliminary market size analysis.
It is important to note that most biomanufacturing
technologies discussed here, while potentially addressing
disruptive opportunities, have very significant early stage
innovation and development risks. Thus, we have chosen
to present our estimates as a relatively conservative scenario (Figure 5). If a disruptive technology with positive
economic potential is successfully developed, the product-specific growth rates that could be achieved could far
exceed the compound annual growth rate metrics discussed here. We segmented the LEO biomanufacturing
market into five primary subsegments: (1) cell and tissue
tools and diagnostics, (2) cell and tissue therapy, (3) bioprinting, (4) cell therapy biomanufacturing, and (5)
For the preliminary market sizing analysis, market
research reports were queried using the online University
of Pittsburgh Library System and a general internet search.
Market research databases included BCC Research, IBISWorld, and Transparency Market Research. Market data
from these research reports were grouped by the five primary market subsegments. The cell and tissue tools and diagnostics market were further subsegmented into seven
markets: (1) cell line, (2) cell harvesting, (3) cell expansion,
(4) cell and gene therapy tools and reagents, (5) cancer cell
analysis, (6) cell viability assays, and (7) cell-based assays.
The cell and tissue therapy market was subsegmented
into four markets: (1) tissue engineering and regeneration,
(2) stem cell and regenerative therapy, (3) iPSCs, and (4) cell
therapy processing.
Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022 9
Please cite this article in press as: Sharma et al., Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit for regenerative medicine, Stem Cell Reports (2021),
Stem Cell Reports
Biomanufacturing in space has potential to enable scientific
and technological advancements not achievable on Earth,
leading to products providing both economic value and
Earth-side benefits. However, to develop a sustainable market in LEO, additional targeted research and development
is required to demonstrate the viability and economic value
of space-based biomanufacturing. The Biomanufacturing in
Space Symposium was the first step in identifying and prioritizing the key opportunities to pursue. Symposium participants concluded that establishing a public-private consortium was the best way to advance these opportunities
toward the development of a biomanufacturing marketplace in LEO. Continued public-sector funding is crucial
to further de-risk space-based research and development
and facilitate investment and market growth. Private-sector
involvement is also essential to guide the research and
development to ensure it is focused on key marketplace
needs. A public-private consortium would serve to further
prioritize and de-risk space-based biomanufacturing
research and development and translate results into commercial products for use in pre-clinical, clinical, and therapeutic regenerative medicine applications on Earth.
The next steps of a public-private consortium are: (1)
develop a structure and governance model to expedite
the development and translation of biomanufacturing in
LEO, (2) establish an integrated process outlining the role
of the consortium from discovery to commercialization
of a LEO-based product, and (3) recruit members for the
consortium. The structure for the consortium should
include an oversight board that sets priorities, provides resources, manages knowledge capture, and serves as a single
point of contact for membership and external stakeholders. The board should include advisory committees
of experts in three areas: industry/commercial, scientific/
clinical, and LEO-based operations.
The Consortium should follow a staged commercialization process that begins with a discovery/concept stage
and culminates in a product to market. The project/product must achieve specific activities and critical milestones
as pre-defined for each stage before advancing to the next
stage. The oversight board and advisory committees will
be comprised of representatives from five key groups: (1)
commercial implementers (from pharmaceutical companies, contract development and manufacturing organizations, etc.), (2) technology developers from universities,
institutes, and research and development organizations,
(3) technology enablers with a focus on AI, robotics, and
automation, (4) launch and payload operations experts,
10 Stem Cell Reports j Vol. 17 j 1–13 j January 11, 2022
and (5) public agencies (e.g., science, space, defense, and
regulatory agencies).
Commercialization for any new biomedical platform
will take time, and the Consortium could be defined
by four phases that, taken together, span 10 years: (1) business foundation development, (2) research identification,
prioritization, and development, (3) technology translation, approval, and application, and (4) technology
manufacturing and commercialization. Based on discussions at the symposium, many key opportunities for biomanufacturing in space are in the second phase.
The last two decades have seen remarkable advances in
regenerative medicine and exponential advancement in
space technologies, enabling new opportunities to access
and commercialize space. The Biomanufacturing in Space
Symposium assembled thought leaders and experts to
identify promising opportunities, current gaps, and pathways to realizing the full potential of LEO for biomanufacturing. It is time to leverage LEO to conduct
research and development that demonstrate the value of
space-based biomanufacturing and its benefits to humankind. This will enable the investments required for a robust
biomanufacturing market in space, and this symposium
was a first step towards developing this future.
Conceptualization, M.A.G., G.R., P.C., W.R.W., and A.S.; methodology, M.A.G., G.R., P.C., W.R.W., A.S., J.B., and E.P.; validation,
M.A.G., G.R., P.C., W.R.W., J.B., E.P., and A.S.; formal analysis,
M.A.G., G.R., P.C., W.R.W., J.B., E.P., D.P.T., and A.S.; resources,
M.A.G., R.A.C., O.G., D.L.T., N.L.W., K.A.S., A.J.G., S.M., A.G.,
M.K.-J., D.B.M., D.-H.K., J.F.L., M.S.R., J.H., L.E.W., J.B., E.P., M.R.,
D.P.T., G.R., P.C., A.W.S., W.R.W., and A.S.; writing, M.A.G.,
R.A.C., O.G., D.L.T., N.L.W., K.A.S., A.J.G., S.M., A.G., M.K.-J.,
D.B.M., D.-H.K., J.F.L., M.S.R., J.H., L.E.W., S.E., J.B., E.P., M.R.,
D.P.T., G.R., P.C., A.W.S., W.R.W., and A.S.; visualization, M.A.G.,
E.P., D.P.T., G.R., and A.W.S.; supervision, M.A.G., W.R.W., and
A.S.; project administration, M.A.G., G.R., P.C., W.R.W., and A.S.;
funding acquisition, M.A.G.
R.A.C. and A.G. are employees of Axiom Space, Inc. N.L.W. is an
owner and employee of LambdaVision, Inc.
The Biomanufacturing in Space Symposium and this report are
funded by NSF/CMMI #2028635 (M.A.G.), an American Heart Association Career Development Award 856987 (A.S.), the Translational
Research Institute through NASA #20-20TSRAD-2-0007 (D.-H.K.),
and the NIH UH3TR003519 (D.-H.K.). We thank Lucie Low (NCATS)
Please cite this article in press as: Sharma et al., Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit for regenerative medicine, Stem Cell Reports (2021),
Stem Cell Reports
for helping to lead multiple sessions during the symposium and for
providing a critical review of the manuscript. We thank the
following people (note: affiliations are current as of the symposium)
who gave presentations and participated as panelists during the
symposium: Christopher P. Austin (NCATS); Anthony Atala (Wake
Forest University); Eugene Boland (Techshot, Inc.); Christine M.
Kretz (CASIS); Christian Maender (Axiom Space, Inc.); Erika Wagner
(Blue Origin); Phil McAllister (NASA); Twyman Clements (Space
Tango, Inc.); Howie Choset (Carnegie Mellon University); Jun
Axup (Indie Bio); Edwin D. Trautman (Pfizer); William Proctor (Genentech); Andy Topping (Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies); Teodoro Laino (IBM Research); Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor (NASA);
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic (Columbia University); Shirin Sohrabi
(IBM Research); Alexander Godfrey (NCATS); Ricky Solorzano (Allevi); Binata Joddar (University of Texas, El Paso); Alysson R. Muotri
(University of California, San Diego); Stefanie Countryman (BioServe Space Technologies); Christopher Hinojosa (Emulate, Inc.);
Edward Kelly (University of Washington); Jana Stoudemire (Space
Tango, Inc.); Abba C. Zubair (Mayo Clinic); Ilyas Singec (NCATS);
Stephen Lin (The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine);
Prashant Kumta (University of Pittsburgh); Chad Eckart (Johnson
& Johnson); Adam W. Feinberg (Carnegie Mellon University); Min
Jae Song (NCATS); Bill McLamb (Space Tango, Inc.); Christopher J.
Medberry (Johnson & Johnson); Cynthia Martin-Brennan (Space
Tango, Inc.); Hui Jenny Chen (3DHeals); Themasap Khan (Civilization Ventures); Tony Kulesa (Petri); Hector Martinez (Cellink AB);
Mike Graffeo (FluidForm); Danilo Tagle (NCATS); Kendan JonesIsaac (University of Washington); Peter H. U. Lee (The Ohio State
University); Kristin M. Fabre (Translational Research Institute for
Space Health); Steven M. Zehnder (NSF); Szczepan Baran (Novartis);
Valentina Fossati (New York Stem Cell Foundation); Richard Egland
(Arsenal Capital Partners); Lynn Harper (NASA); Rosemarie
Hunziker (Connexion Life Science Consulting); Chris Scherzer
(Techshot); Joseph Maggiore (University of Pittsburgh); Andrew
Brown (University of Pittsburgh); Matthew P. Wagoner (Takeda
Pharmaceuticals); Thomas Neumann (Nortis, Inc.); Russell Hannigan (Xplore); Elizabeth Blaber (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute);
Jennifer Manning (Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnology); Chunhui
Xu (Emory University); Eugenia Jones (Fujifilm Cellular Dynamics);
Rudranarayan M. Mukherjee (Jet Propulsion Laboratory); Gary
Fedder (Carnegie Mellon University); Gene Yeo (University of
California, San Diego); Govind Kaigala (IBM Research); Sylvain
Costes (NASA); George Muschler (CellX Technologies); Travis Block
(StemBioSys, Inc.); Jonathan Somayajulu (Johnson & Johnson);
and Jordan Greco (LambdaVision). We would like to thank Amy
Elkavich (CASIS) and Madelyn Arzt (Cedars-Sinai) for editorial support and Kathrine Wharton (McGowan Institute for Regenerative
Medicine) for programmatic support.
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