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Zeszyty Naukowe KUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) P I O T R G I L* Fraudulent conveyance in Poland – actio Pauliana 1. Selection of the topic he title of the work indicates that the paper presents a narrowing of the scope of research on issues concerning the appeal before the court against actions of a bankrupt. The research does not include a declaratory finding of the court of the relative ineffectiveness of legal actions of the bankrupt by law, neither the appeal before the judge – the commissioner of the legal actions of the bankrupt. Such an approach to the subject is justified by the strong individuality of these institutions in relation to the subject of monograph. This is dictated particularly by the individuality of the basics of sanctions of the relative ineffective1 (by law and by the power of a judicial decision); the conduct of the proceedings on the implementation of different forms of protection of authorities responsible for evidentiary proceedings; the used forms of jurisprudence and diversity of legal remedies, and, above all, of sanctions used in the law (relative ineffectiveness by law and the ineffectiveness by the power of a judicial decision, and further the power of judgment of the judge-commissioner). The work deliberately omits issues concerning the ineffectiveness by law and the appeal before the judge-commissioner against the actions of the bankrupt, because inclusion of these issues within the scope of the research would lead to the creation of excessively elaborate study. T * Dr Piotr Gil – Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Zakład Prawa i Postępowania Cywilnego, radca prawny OIRP w Wałbrzychu; gil.poland@gmail.com. 1 M. Gutowski, Nieważność czynności prawnej, Warszawa 2008, s. 45; A. Wolter, J. Ignatowicz, K. Stefaniuk, Prawo cywilne. Zarys części ogólnej, Warszawa 2000, s. 328. Por. także S. Szer, Prawo cywilne – część ogólna, Warszawa 1967, s. 362–366; B. Lewaszkiewicz-Petrykowska (w:) System prawa cywilnego, t. I, Część ogólna, red. S. Grzybowski, Wrocław 1985, s. 702. A. Wolter, Prawo cywilne – zarys części ogólnej, Warszawa 1970, s. 270. ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 371 PIOTR GIL 2. Right to appeal It is also necessary to explain the use of the term “right to appeal” 2 .in the title of the work. In the legal systems of other countries one can distinguish two directions of legal solutions protecting the creditors against any detriment. First issue, which is indicated, is the protection under the legal protection of creditors in case of insolvency of the debtor, also called actio Pauliana3. Usually those rules are published in the civil codes. Second issue is the isolation of the right to appeal according to the formula resulting from the bankruptcy law4 ,, restructuring law, insolvency law or liquidation law5. Similarly, the Polish system of civil law adopted separate regulations considering the protection provided to the creditors of the insolvent debtor (Art. 527 et seq. of the Civil Code, hereinafter referred to as: CC). The Civil Code uses the terminology: “protection of the creditor in the event of insolvency of the debtor”, but the traditional name to determine the institution, which is used in practice is actio Pauliana or “complaint to set aside fraudulent conveyance” Polish law also distinguishes an institution of the right to appeal in the area of bankruptcy and restructuring law. “The right to appeal” occurring in the context of insolvency proceedings is an important 2 Christopher Seagon v. Deko Marty Belgium NV z dnia 16 października 2008 r., C-339/07, www. curia.europa.eu. 3 Digesta D.22,1,38,4; M. Gutowski, Bezskuteczność czynności prawnej, Warszawa 2013, s. 49; P. Gil, Środki prawne przewidziane w starożytnym prawie na wypadek niewypłacalności dłużnika – geneza instytucji (w:) Aequitas Sequitur Legem. Księga jubileuszowa z okazji 75. urodzin Profesora Andrzeja Zielińskiego, red. K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska, G. Jędrejek,Warszawa 2014; P. Gil (w:) Współczesne problemy postępowania cywilnego. Zbiór studiów, red. K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska, A. Klich, Zaskarżenie ugody mediacyjnej zawartej z pokrzywdzeniem wierzycieli, Toruń 2015, s. 143–145; P. Gil, Zaskarżenie przed sądem czynności upadłego dokonanych z pokrzywdzeniem wierzycieli masy upadłości, Warszawa 2016, s. 21-23; P. Gil, Zaskarżenie przed sędzią komisarzem czynności prawnych upadłego dokonanych z pokrzywdzeniem wierzycieli masy upadłości-część I, Przegląd Prawa Egzekucyjnego 2016, nr 10, s. 38-40; K. Piasecki, Prawo upadłościowe. Prawo o postępowaniu układowym. Komentarz, Bydgoszcz–Warszawa 1999, s. 469; E. Szymoszek, I. Żeber, Rzymskie prawo prywatne, Wrocław 1998, s. 73; W. Wołodkiewicz (w:) Prawo rzymskie. Słownik encyklopedyczny, s. 216; W. Osuchowski, Zarys rzymskiego prawa prywatnego, s. 467 i 468. 4 K. Hofstetter, Sachgerechte Haftungsregeln fur multinationale Konzerne, Tübingen 1995, s. 146 i n. 5 “In the context of Bankruptcy law, a fraudulent conveyance can be the basis for an objection to discharge (the legal eli-mination of debt). Federal law denies a discharge to a debtor who transfers property with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud within the 12 months immediatelyprior to the filing of the bankruptcy petition or after the filing of bankruptcy petition. – West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1, s. 468; E. Suess, Fraudulent Conveyance not Discharged When Debtor Files a Bankruptcy Action Daily Record (St. Louis, MO/St. Louis Countian) (May 8 2002); F. Wait, A Treatise on Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors’ Bills, New York 2000; P.A. Alces, The Law of Fraudulent Transactions, Minn 2002; R.E. Coulson, Fraudulent Transfers: History, Overview, and Developments, State Law, Consumer Finance Law QuarterlyReport 50/1996 : 300–11; P.I. Blumberg, The Law of Corporate Groups, Bankruptcy Law, Boston–Toronto 1985. 372 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE IN POLAND – ACTIO PAULIANA modification of the statutory regulations, contained in Art. 527 at seq. of CC. However, the dissimilarity of these regulations does not preclude the correlation of the regulations contained in the Civil Code and the Bankruptcy Law (hereinafter referred to as: BL). The provision of Art. 131 of BL in fact refers to the subsidiary6 application of the provisions of the Code (Art. 527 et seq. of CC) on the protection of creditors in case of insolvency of the debtor in matters not covered by the provisions of Art. 127-130 of BL. That adequate, subsidiary application of statutory regulations, allows formulating a number of practical and theoretical questions concerning this institution. The report includes clear answers to many of them. In terms of unanswered questions, appropriate proposals have been made in order to proceed with further legislative process leading to the removal of spotted interpretation doubts. The monograph considers issues related to defining the essence of the protection of creditors with the use of an institution called the right to appeal, which is the term used by the legislator. In the substantive plane the subject of analysis covered the following issues: determination of the nature of the subject of protection and the subject of the appeal. The role of the parties involved in the proceedings leading to the recognition of the action of the bankrupt as ineffective against the creditors was also discussed. The monograph also presents the base of the appeal against the actions of the bankrupt and proceedings conducted by the court on the initiative of the bankruptcy trustee. The main objective of the analyzes carried out in the work is to present the research issues concerning the assessment of whether existing regulations provide effective protection of creditors against unfair actions of the debtor. The paper evaluates primarily the issue of the quality of legislation in this area and completeness of the system of protection. 3. The structure (layout of the work) and the substantial content of the WORK The separation by the legislator of the institution of the right to appeal has been conducted in relation to the regulations contained in the first part of title III, chapter III of the Bankruptcy Law “Ineffectiveness of, and appeal against the actions of the bankrupt”. In the paper presents the institution of the appeal against the legal actions of the bankrupt detrimental to the creditors in the EU law and other selected jurisdictions. W The introduction to the chapter presents the issue of the jurisdiction over the right to appeal against legal actions of the bankrupt in the EU 6 Wyrok SN z 03.10.2007 r., IV CSK 184/07, OSNC 2008, nr 12, poz. 142, LEX nr 1606707. ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 373 PIOTR GIL law and the problem of the relation of the procedure for appealing against legal actions of the bankrupt and the bankruptcy law. 4. The subject of the appeal It was assumed that, contrary to the title of the first part of title III of section III of the Bankruptcy Law, the subject of the appeal is the “legal” action of the bankrupt, not the action of a different nature, e.g. physical act7. An analysis of the legal action of the bankrupt as a subject of the appeal, in terms of its potential deception has been done. The chapter includes an analysis of the chargeable and non chargeable legal actions as a subject of the appeal, and legal proceedings as a subject of the appeal, including the court settlement, recognition of the claim and inheritance. Legal actions of the bankrupt which cannot be appealed against have also been isolated, i.e. legal actions, which does not involve any detriment of the creditors, legal events and actual actions, an agreement of the return transfer of properties to the granter following the recall of the donation, a renunciation by the debtor of exercising his plea of limitation of the claim, repayment of debt, a legal action made by the trustee during the process of liquidation of the bankruptcy estate, datio in solutum8, prenuptial agreement terminating the statutory joint ownership, as well as the deduction and the compensation9 made in the context of settlement in payment systems and securities settlement systems and compulsory mortgage and statutory lien. In science formulated a catalogue of these grounds separating the bases in question, which include: the detriment of the creditors, the legal action of the bankrupt, the relation between the performance of the legal action and the detriment and the date of appeal and the subjective basis, which have been catalogued as: awareness of detriment of the creditors, the knowledge and the ability to take knowledge by the a third person of the nature of the actions of the debtor, the so-called bad faith of a third party. Wyrok SN z 08.07.2010 r., II CSK 645/09, LEX nr 852546. Art. 453 of C.C. M.-P. Campana (w:) Droit de l’entreprise, ed. L. Morot, Paris 1997, s. 1233; P. Drapała, Świadczenie w miejsce wykonania (datio in solutum), PiP 2003, z. 12, s. 28; P. Zimmerman, Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze. Komentarz, Warszawa 2012, s. 271; A. Jakubecki (w:) A. Jakubecki, F. Zedler, Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze. Komentarz, Warszawa 2010, s. 289. 9 Art. 498 § 1 of C.C. K. Gandor (w:) System prawa cywilnego, t. III, cz. 1, s. 856; Z. Radwański, A. Olejniczak, Zobowiązania, 2009, s. 351; Z. Gawlik, A. Janiak, A. Kidyba, G. Kozieł, A. Olejniczak, A. Pyrzyńska, T. Sokołowski, Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz, t. III, Zobowiązania – część ogólna, red. A. Kidyba, Lex Prestige on line, dostep 11.11.2016r.; L. Stępniak, Potrącenie w systemie polskiego prawa cywilnego, Ossolineum 1975, s. 19; Z. Radwański, A. Olejniczak, Zobowiązania, Warszawa 2009, s. 355 i n. Wyrok SN z 26.01.2005 r., V CK 404/04, LEX nr 277109; wyrok SN z 20.12.2005 r., V CSK 68/05, LEX nr 171286. 7 8 374 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE IN POLAND – ACTIO PAULIANA 5. Overview of the parties and the entities in the proceeding considering the appeal against the legal action The work presents the legal position of trustee in the proceedings on the appeal against the legal action of the bankrupt and the nature of the locus standi10 owned by him. It also sets out the legal position of a third party as a defendant in the trial concerning the appeal against legal action of the bankrupt. It also draws the attention to the important issue relating to the passive locus standi of the entity that benefited from the actions of a third party, the so-called fourth person and other entities gaining the benefit from fraudulent actions11. Based on the performed studies the concept of admissibility of suing the fourth person by the trustee has been created. The trustee may bring proceedings against the fourth person and subsequent purchasers, without having to conduct the proceedings against a third party, so with its omission as a party in the proceedings, as the property of the third party does not include the object, nor the right derived from the actions of the bankrupt, because the benefit has been disposed of in favour of other entities12. This work also presents the issues relating to the legal situation of the bankrupt and the creditor in the proceedings for recognition of legal action as ineffective13. Proceedings on the appeal against legal actions of the bankrupt”. In the next chapter discusses the domestic jurisdiction in the proceedings on the appeal against fraudulent actions of the bankrupt and the jurisdiction14 (factual, local and functional of the court15) and the composition of the court. 10 R. Bruns, Zivilprozessrecht. Eine systematische Darstellung, Berlin–Frankfurt a.M. 1968, s. 82; A. Schönke, A. Schröder, W. Niese, Lehrbuch des Zivilprozessrechts, Karlsruhe 1956, s. 122; A. Blomeyer, Zivilprozessrecht. Erkenntnisverfahren, Berlin–Göttingen–Heidelberg 1963, s. 204; W. Broniewicz, Legitymacja procesowa, Łódź 1963; idem, Pojęcie legitymacji procesowej (w:) Studia z procesu cywilnego, red. K. Korzan, Katowice 1986, s. 82 i n.; idem, Podstawienie procesowe, ZNUŁ 1963, z. 31(passim); idem, Następstwo procesowe w polskim procesie cywilnym, Warszawa 1971; idem, Zdolność sądowa w postępowaniu cywilnym, NP 1966, nr 5 (passim); W. Berutowicz, Postępowanie cywilne w zarysie, 1978, s. 111–113; J. Jodłowski (w:) J. Jodłowski, Z. Reisich, J. Lapierre, T. Misiuk-Jodłowska, Postępowanie cywilne, Warszawa 1996, s. 173 i n.; P. Feliga, Stanowisko prawne syndyka w procesie dotyczącym masy upadłości, Warszawa 2013, s. 153 i n.; M. Koenner, Syndyk masy upadłości, Sopot 1999, s. 87 i n.; I. Gil, Sytuacja prawna syndyka masy upadłości, Warszawa 2007. 11 Wyrok SN z 08.07.2010 r., II CSK 645/09, LEX nr 852546. 12 The issues of the proceedings on the appeal against the legal actions of the bankrupt in cases between the trustees of bankruptcy estates raised in this work are not an individual cases occurring in practice. Such situation occurs in the moment of announcing the bankruptcy to further purchasers (third, fourth and further parties to which the bankruptcy is announced). 13 A. Jakubecki, Status wierzyciela pauliańskiego w postępowaniu upadłościowym obejmującym likwidację majątku dłużnika (w:) Aurea praxis, aurea theoria. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Profesora Tadeusza Erecińskiego, red. J. Gudowski, K. Weitz, Warszawa 2011, s. 863–864. 14 E. Marszałkowska-Krześ (w:) Postępowanie cywilne, red. E. Marszałkowska-Krześ, Warszawa 2013, s. 105; J. Jodłowski, Z. Resich, Postępowanie cywilne, Warszawa 1987, s. 176. 15 W. Czajkowska, Właściwość sądu ze względu na wartość przedmiotu sporu w sprawach gospodarczych (wybrane zagadnienia), Pr. Sp. 1999, nr 10, (passim); R. Kulski, Charakter prawny umów ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 375 PIOTR GIL 6. Presentation of the achieved results with a discussion on their possible use The aim of the study is to answer the question whether the existing legal situation concerning the right to appeal as a statutory separated institution is sufficient for the effective protection of creditors: whether the adopted solutions sufficiently contribute to reducing the negative practice of removing assets during the period preceding the bankruptcy? In order to answer this question the analysis of the following specific research questions has been carried out: While searching the purpose of introduction into Polish law the institution of appeal one should take into account that the Polish bankruptcy proceedings primarily aim to satisfy all creditors evenly from the whole, as a rule, of the debtor’s assets. The subject of the protection in this proceeding is the group interest. The implementation of this objective may, however, encounter problems. It happens that the debtor before the announcement of the bankruptcy intentionally or unintentionally takes actions (behaviours) which are detrimental to the creditors, and performs legal actions as a result of which the depletion of his asset occurs16. The components removed in this way could have been used to satisfy the creditors. For this reason, the legislator foresaw the institution of ineffectiveness by the law with respect to the bankruptcy estate of some of the legal actions of the debtor performed some time before the announcement of the bankruptcy, and the right to appeal of procesowych, PiP 2002, z. 1; M. Trzepiński, Sprawdzenie wartości przedmiotu sporu w postępowaniu cywilnym, PS 1999, nr 4; S. Włodyka, Ustrój organów ochrony prawnej, Warszawa 1968; A. Zieliński, Pisma procesowe w sprawach cywilnych z objaśnieniami i płytą CD, Warszawa 2012, s. 281. 16 R. Adamus (w:) R. Adamus, B. Groele, A. Machowska, Z. Miczek, P. Kuglar, J. Płoch, Upadłość deweloperska. Komentarz do wybranych przepisów ustawy o ochronie praw nabywcy lokalu mieszkalnego lub jednorodzinnego, Warszawa 2012, s. 73– 75; M. Koenner, Likwidacja upadłościowa, Kraków 2006, s. 167; F. Zedler (w:) A. Jakubecki, F. Zedler, Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze. Komentarz, Warszawa 2010, s. 138 i n.; S. Gurgul, Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze. Komentarz, Warszawa 2010, s. 190 i n.; D. Zienkiewicz (w:) J. Minkus, A. Świderek, D. Zienkiewicz, Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze. Komentarz, Warszawa 2006, s. 148 i n.; D. Chrapoński, Wyłączenie z masy upadłości, Warszawa 2010, s. 21 i n.; S. Cieślak, Fundusze masy upadłości – postępowanie podziałowe. Komentarz, Warszawa 2004, s. 21 i n.; A. Witosz, Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze. Zwięzły komentarz, Bydgoszcz–Katowice 2003, s. 330 i n.; P. Janda, Sposoby zaspokojenia roszczeń w postępowaniu upadłościowym obejmującym likwidację majątku upadłego, Warszawa 2007, s. 44 i n.; M. Koenner, Likwidacja upadłościowa, Kraków 2006, s. 113 i n.; P. Pogonowski, Mienie wchodzące w skład masy upadłości – wybrane zagadnienia, Pr. Sp. 1999, nr 6, s. 35 i n.; R. Adamus, Przedsiębiorstwo upadłego w upadłości likwidacyjnej, Warszawa 2011, s. 37 i n.; R. Adamus, Upadłość a hipoteka na mieniu upadłego, Warszawa 2010, s. 155 i n.; T. Czech, Hipoteka. Komentarz, Warszawa 2011, s. 277; P. Pogonowski, Mienie wchodzące w skład masy upadłości – wybrane zagadnienia, Pr. Sp. 1999, nr 6, s. 36 i n.; J.S. Petraniuk, Upadłość i jej podstawy w prawie upadłościowym i naprawczym, PPH 2003, nr 12, s. 22 i n. 376 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE IN POLAND – ACTIO PAULIANA the legal actions of the bankrupt17. The implementation of the right to appeal is carried out with the use of the provisions of the bankruptcy law with the subsidiary application of the provisions of the Civil Code ob the protection of creditors in case of insolvency of the debtor. On the basis of the Bankruptcy Law the trustee is released from the obligation to conduct the evidence in case of insolvency of the debtor. The burden of proving the bad faith of the debtor’s counterparty is mitigated by the introduction of legal presumptions. It is also easier to prove the awareness of the debtor concerning the detriment of the creditors. Still, the use of the protection of the right to appeal is not easy. The current model of appeal against the legal action of the debtor (bankrupt) is similar to the Roman prototype18, although the basis of its application, the sanction and the forms of implementation have evolved over time. The Polish legislation increases the effectiveness of the protection implemented with the use of the right to appeal19. The study discusses the question of the application of appropriate procedures for the effective realization of the protection with the use of a claim for recognition of the legal action as ineffective towards the creditors of the bankruptcy estate, and by way of allegation of ineffectiveness of the legal action of the bankrupt. The legislature has devoted much more attention to the regulations concerning the ineffectiveness of the actions of the bankrupt by the power of law and the appeal against the actions of the bankrupt before the judge-commissioner. There are fewer regulations covering the appeal before the court against the actions of the bankrupt detrimental to the creditors. In the latter case, the law is limited to indication of the need for subsidiary application of the statutory provisions on the protection of the creditor in the event of insolvency of the debtor. Wyrok SN z 08.01.2010 r., IV CSK 298/09, OSNC 2010, nr 9, poz. 88; wyrok SApel w Gdańsku z 29.01.2009 r., I ACa 1219/08, POSAG 2010, nr 1, poz. 1; F. Zedler, Czynności prawne upadłego bezskuteczne z mocy prawa, Pr. Bank. 1994, nr 4; . Zedler (w:) F. Zedler, A. Hrycaj, P. Filipiak, Europejskie prawo upadłościowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 104. 18 P. Gil, Środki prawne przewidziane w starożytnym prawie na wypadek niewypłacalności dłużnika – geneza instytucji (w:) Aequitas Sequitur Legem. Księga jubileuszowa z okazji 75. urodzin Profesora Andrzeja Zielińskiego, red. K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska, G. Jędrejek,Warszawa 2014; E. Szymoszek, I. Żeber, Rzymskie prawo prywatne, Wrocław 1998, s. 73; W. Wołodkiewicz (w:) Prawo rzymskie. Słownik encyklopedyczny, s. 216; W. Osuchowski, Zarys rzymskiego prawa prywatnego, s. 467 i 468. 19 A. Stefaniak, Dowód prima facie w procesie cywilnym, NP 1970, nr 10, s. 1445 i n.; T. Ereciński (w:) Kodeks postępowania cywilnego. Komentarz Część pierwsza. Postępowanie rozpoznawcze, t. 1, red. T. Ereciński, Warszawa 2009, s. 671; K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska (w:) Kodeks postępowania cywilnego. Komentarz, t. I, red. A. Zieliński, Warszawa 2005, s. 640; H. Pietrzkowski, Zarys metodyki pracy sędziego w sprawach cywilnych, Warszawa 2006, s. 315; K. Piasecki, Kodeks postępowania cywilnego. Komentarz, t. 1, Warszawa 1996, s. 786; K. Piasecki, System dowodów i postępowanie dowodowe w sprawach cywilnych, Warszawa 2010, s. 98; P. Gil, Znaczenie dowodu prima facie w procesach o błędy w sztuce, (w:) Prawno- ekonomiczne aspekty ochrony zdrowia, Materiały pokonferencyjne Akademii Polonijnej w Częstochowie, Częstochowa 2010, s. 127–134. 17 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 377 PIOTR GIL The discussed institution serves the protection of the interests of the creditors., i.e. the creditors active in the bankruptcy proceedings, whose claims have been entered on the list of claims20 and other creditors participating in the division of the funds from the bankruptcy estate, including those who have not been drawn on the list of claims and benefit from the material collateral and the right of autonomy21. The protection implemented with the use of the right to appeal is a protection of group interests. By carrying out the protective function of the institution, the assets of the bankrupt, which are held by the third party, can be recovered for the benefit of the creditors. The protective function of the right to appeal is essential for the creditors. Basically, however, the protective function of the right to appeal is performed by retrieving what the counterparty (beneficiary) received from the assets of the bankrupt. The purpose of the appeal against the actions of the bankrupt, which were performed with the detriment of creditors, is, in the long term, to recover the lost assets. The recovered components will be used for proportional satisfaction of creditors pursuant to the regulations of the Bankruptcy Law. Complementary to the protective function of the right to appeal are: educational (and preventive) function, technical and legal function and repressive function22. As part of the implementation of the educational function there is a belief spread about the ineffectiveness of the actions of the bankrupt aimed at the depletion of the bankruptcy estate. Indirectly it also carries out the preventive function, as the final resolution of the case concerning the recognition of the actions as ineffective allows to claim the rights for voluntary fulfilment of the obligation without the need to reach for coercive measures provided in the enforcement proceedings. The implementation of the technical and legal function is manifested in the adoption by the court in civil proceedings of certain activities that may lead to the issuance of substantive or formal judgments. In the end, the establishments made in a law-sharpening judgment of a civil court may give rise to the criminal liability of the debtor, who in that way tried to remove his assets from the bankruptcy estate, making the execution ineffective, and after the announcement of the bankruptcy – to nullify the right of the creditors to satisfy their claims in the bankruptcy proceedings. S. Cieślak, Podział funduszów masy upadłości, Warszawa 2000, s. 15 i n. A. Jakubecki, Zaspokojenie wierzyciela rzeczowego po ogłoszeniu upadłości dłużnika w świetle nowelizacji prawa upadłościowego, PS 1998, nr 1, s. 22; J. Pałys, Wierzyciele rzeczowi w postępowaniu upadłościowym dłużnika, PS 1999, nr 2, s. 87 i n.; D. Kłodnicki, Podział funduszy masy upadłości, Pr. Sp. 1998, nr 10, s. 34 i n.; M. Glabas, Kwalifikowanie i zaspokojenie wierzytelności w postępowaniu upadłościowym, Pr. Sp. 1997, nr 2, s. 24 i n.; P. Janda, Wpływ sprzedaży upadłościowej na prawa i roszczenia ciążące na składnikach masy upadłości, Rejent 2009, nr 1, s. 43 i n. 22 J. Zieleniewski, Organizacja zespołów ludzkich, Warszawa 1964, s. 168; W. Popiołek (w:) Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz do artykułów 450–1088, t. II, red. K. Pietrzykowski, Warszawa 2009, s. 218; M. Bączyk, Roszczenia pauliańskie wierzyciela w stosunku do poręczyciela, RPEiS 1978, z. 3, s. 37. 20 21 378 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE IN POLAND – ACTIO PAULIANA 7. Auxiliary relations existing between the appeal against the legal action and the right concerning the thing, the so-called ius ad rem, confronted with the appeal pursuant to the provisions od art. 59 of c.c. It was assumed that the latter institution is used by the trustee when a special, real protection of the bankruptcy estate is required. The protection of this kind is also provided in the provision of Art. 134 paragraph 1 of BL. This provision sets the duty to release the obtained benefits in natura, and in a case where it is impossible provides the obligation of payment of a sum equal to the benefit. An important issue undertaken in the work is the question of jurisdiction and choice of the appropriate law for the application of the right to appeal. In the work it is assumed that the right to appeal implemented with the use of a claim has a personal nature rather than a material one, because it has its basis in the debt and the personal right of the creditor towards the debtor. As a result the national jurisdiction is not determined by the location of the real estate removed by the bankrupt (in accordance with the principle of locus rei sitae), but by the rule of the jurisdiction of the courts of the State in which the main proceedings on the bankruptcy are performed. The possibility of the use of so-called forum shopping for creating the jurisdiction of the court of the particular State, which would recognize the claim concerning the right to appeal, has been negated. 8. Fraudulent conveyance An in-depth analysis was required regarding the issue taken in the work concerning the correlation of the sanction of the relative ineffectiveness and the sanction of the invalidity of the legal action relating to the deceptive action. It has been noticed that in practice it often happens that activities, which real purpose is harming the creditor, are only deceptive, because they are not taken to induce legal effect. With such action the bankrupt intends to discourage the creditors to take legal proceedings against themselves because he builds a belief among the creditors that the claims cannot be satisfied. These activities are tainted with deception, and thus they are absolutely invalid23. Deceptive M. Gutowski, Nieważność czynności prawnej, 2008, s. 68–69; A. Jarocha, Powództwo o stwierdzenie nieważności uchwały wspólników spółki kapitałowej, Toruń 2010, s. 164 i n.; E. Marszałkowska-Krześ, Uchwały nieistniejące, PPH 1998, nr 7, s. 31; T. Żyznowski (w:) Kodeks postępowania cywilnego, t. I, Art. 1–366, red. H. Dolecki, T. Wiśniewski, Warszawa 2011, s. 693; K. Piasecki, Postępowanie sporne rozpoznawcze, Warszawa 2004, s. 150 i n.; A. Wilczyńska, Interes prawny i jego granice w postępowaniu cywilnym, Palestra 2010, z. 9–10, s. 35 i n.; W. Popiołek, W sprawie częściowej nieważności (uchylenia w części) uchwały wspólników spółki kapitałowej (w:) Proces cywilny. Nauka – Kodyfikacja – Praktyka. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Feliksowi Zedlerowi, s. 1211 i n. 23 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 379 PIOTR GIL actions cannot be the subject of the appeal and recognition as ineffective. The proper way to demonstrate that they were defective by proving their absolute invalidity is to file the claim specified in Art. 189 of the Code of Civil Procedure (hereinafter referred to as: CCP) on the establishment of the invalidity of the action24 . By filing this claim, the plaintiff will demand finding the right or the legal relationship. Then he will obtain legally binding finings that the action is invalid, and therefore will not cause any legal effect. The deceptive actions, because of their absolute invalidity, cannot be the subject of the appeal. The bankruptcy trustee can, with the use of the right to appeal, claim to have the legal action recognized as relatively ineffective to the creditors of the bankruptcy estate, even if the action is valid, existing, and can be appealed against. However, the sanction of ineffectiveness of the legal action constituting the basis of the record in the land register does not result in non-compliance of the legal status disclosed in the land register with the actual legal status according to Art. 10 of the Act on Land Registers and Mortgage. Only the invalidity of the legal action will result in a mismatch between the legal status disclosed in the land register and the actual legal status. In case of insolvency of the debtor, it has been shown that in all cases of the use of sanctions of the relative ineffectiveness on the background of the fraudulent conveyance it is required to place in petitum of the lawsuit25 and the operative part of the judgment the determination of the claim26, which is the subject of the protection, the legal action, which whole or in part shall be declared as ineffective and a statement that it is ineffective against the plaintiff. On the other hand the lawsuit and the judgment concerning the right to appeal do not require the indication of the protected claim, because the purpose of this institution is different. The protection carried out by using the right to appeal relates to a group of creditors, and thus protects the group interests and the claims covered by the bankruptcy proceedings. This protection is implemented also to claims still unreported to the list, as long as they will be included in the future plan of distribution of the funds of the bankruptcy estate. The actions of the trustee protect the creditors, and each of them can have one or more claims. In the case of implementation of the right to appeal in the interest of A.S. Duda, Interes prawny w polskim prawie administracyjnym, Warszawa 2008, s. 10, 13 i 73. Por. także A. Wróbel (w:) M. Jaśkowska, A. Wróbel, Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego. Komentarz, Kraków 2000, s. 515–516; T. Bigo, Ochrona interesu indywidualnego w projekcie kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego, PiP 1960, z. 3, s. 464; S. Włodyka, Interes prawny jako przesłanka dopuszczalności zaskarżenia orzeczeń w procesie cywilnym, NP 1963, nr 9, s. 928 i n.; T. Rowiński, Interes prawny w procesie cywilnym i postępowaniu nieprocesowym, Warszawa 1971, s. 10 i n. 25 Wyrok SApel. w Warszawie z 17.03.2009 r., VI ACa 195/08, LEX nr 530986. 26 Wyrok SN z 13.02.1970 r., III CRN 546/69, OSNCP 1970, nr 10, poz. 192; wyrok SN z 28.12.1976 r., III CRN 302/76, OSNCP 1977, nr 7, poz. 121, oraz wyrok SN z 11.10.1995 r., III CZP 139/95, OSNC 1996, nr 1, poz. 17. 24 380 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE IN POLAND – ACTIO PAULIANA the creditors, meaning the totality of the creditors involved in the bankruptcy proceedings, the court just finds which legal action of the bankrupt has been constitutively declared ineffective to the creditors of the bankruptcy estate. The ruling given in the case declaring the action as ineffective will refer also to the creditors who belatedly filed their claims and were included on additional lists. Consequently, the legislator subjectively differentiates the consequences of the appeal with the use of the regulations contained in the bankruptcy law, protecting the group interests of the creditors. The way to satisfy the claims of the Pauliana and bankruptcy creditors and the principle of priority of satisfaction are recognized differently. The actio Pauliana according to the provisions of Art 527 et seq. of CC serves to protect the thrifty creditor who brought the action (accusation) against a third party and received judicial recognition of the ineffectiveness of the debtor’s actions in relation to himself. Whereas the appeal against the action of the bankrupt in the context of the bankruptcy law results in an ineffectiveness of the action, which applies to all creditors. This feature of the appeal against the actions of the bankrupt is expresses by the general principle of equality of the creditors in the bankruptcy law under the Latin maxim par conditio creditorum. The appeal against the actions of the bankrupt, which purpose is to protect the claims, performs the function in the form of safeguarding the interests of the creditors, as is the case of disloyal conduct by the debtor. Such action is often carried out in the agreement with a third party and in its favour. This leads the debtor’s assets to a condition which threatens the possibility of satisfying the creditors or deepens the existing state of insolvency27. The subject of protection implemented with the use of the right to appeal is therefore the claim. It is undesirable to create a separate individual right, the so-called right to satisfy the claim, which would be the subject of protection. The right to appeal against the actions of the debtor is in fact the supporting right of the right to satisfy the claim. The right to appeal and the possibility of using state coercion are granted in order to implement a basic right, which is to get the benefits referred to in Art. 134 paragraph 1 of BL. This protection aims to satisfy as a main entitlement. The right to appeal against the actions of the debtor is an auxiliary privilege to satisfy the claims. In other words, by taking advantage of the auxiliary privilege to appeal against the actions of the debtor, the right to satisfy the claim is protected. A. Klein, Elementy zobowiązaniowego stosunku prawnego, Wrocław 1964, s. 23 i n.; R. Longchamps de Berier, Zobowiązania, wydanie anastatyczne, Poznań 1999, s. 13; W. Czachórski, Zobowiązania. Zarys wykładu, Warszawa 1994, s. 40; J. Mojak, Przelew wierzytelności w polskim prawie cywilnym, Lublin 1990, s. 81; E. Łętowska, Umowa o świadczenie przez osobę trzecią, Warszawa 1970, s. 42; A. Wolter, J. Ignatowicz, K. Stefaniuk, Prawo cywilne. Zarys części ogólnej, Warszawa 2000, s. 135. 27 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 381 PIOTR GIL The final part includes a summary of the analyzes in the form of proposals and collective assessments, e.g. concerning the distinction of the right to appeal in relation to the protection of the creditors in case of insolvency of the debtor. Summary The right to appeal as an independent institution is in comparison with other legal systems a good, consistent, comprehensive legislative solution protecting the group interests of creditors. However, in order to remove the sometimes differing practices in the application of this institution it would be desirable to develop the regulations contained in the Act on Bankruptcy Law. The current existing reference to Art. 131 of BL on the subsidiary application of the provisions on the protection of the creditor in case of insolvency of the debtor could pose a problem of a theoretical and practical nature. 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Paulianowi. Okres pełnienia stanowiska pretora przez L.A. Pauliana przypadał na 191 r. p.n.e., ale samo określenie actio pauliana pojawia się wiele setek lat później w Digestach. ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239) 385 PIOTR GIL Ustawodawca polski zwiększa skuteczność ochrony realizowanej z wykorzystaniem tzw. prawa zaskarżania według art. 131 p.u. w zw. z art. 527 i n. k.c. Skarga pauliańska według przepisów art. 527 i n. k.c. służy ochronie zapobiegliwego wierzyciela, który wystąpił z powództwem (zarzutem) przeciwko osobie trzeciej i uzyskał sądowe uznanie bezskuteczności czynności dłużnika w stosunku do siebie. Natomiast zaskarżanie czynności upadłego w ramach prawa upadłościowego powoduje skutek w postaci bezskuteczności czynności, która dotyczy wszystkich wierzycieli upadłościowych, przez co realizuje ochronę interesu grupowego. Zaskarżanie czynności upadłego służy w dalszej perspektywie odzyskaniu usuniętych składników majątkowych. Odzyskane składniki posłużą do zaspokojenia wierzycieli upadłościowych na zasadach określonych w Prawie upadłościowym. Każda czynność prawna upadłego, niezależnie od formy jej dokonania, rozporządzająca lub zobowiązująco-rozporządzająca zmierzająca do pokrzywdzenia wierzycieli może stać się przedmiotem zaskarżania. Przedmiotem zaskarżania poza typowymi czynnościami w postaci umowy sprzedaży, zamiany, zwolnienia z długu, czy darowizny można uczynić odrzucenie spadku, dział spadku, który pomijałby upadłego w podziale spadku. Dopuszczalne jest także zaskarżanie zgodnego wniosku dłużnika i pozostałych uczestników postępowania o podział majątku wspólnego i zniesienie współwłasności, jeżeli w wyniku uwzględnienia tego wniosku przedmioty majątkowe objęte podziałem zostały nabyte przez uczestników postępowania niebędących dłużnikami. Przedmiotem zaskarżania mogą stać się niektóre czynności procesowe wywołujące skutki materialnoprawne, takie jak uznanie powództwa (art. 213 § 2 k.p.c.), ugoda (art. 223 k.p.c.), albo zrzeczenie się roszczenia towarzyszące cofnięciu pozwu (art. 203 k.p.c.). Prawo zaskarżania albo inaczej skarga pauliańska w upadłości, jako samodzielna instytucja prawna stanowi kompleksowe rozwiązanie legislacyjne chroniące interes grupowy wierzycieli upadłościowych. Jednak dla usunięcia niekiedy odmiennych praktyk w zakresie stosowania tej instytucji pożądane byłoby rozwinięcie uregulowań zamieszczonych w ustawie Prawo upadłościowe. Słowa kluczowe: Skarga pauliańska, prawo zaskarżenia, ogłoszenie upadłości dłużnika, syndyk masy upadłości. 386 ZNKUL 60 (2017), nr 3 (239)