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Goodreads | Alan Johnson (Bethel Park, PA)'s review of The Complete W... 1 of 2 Home My Books https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/883453077?book_show_actio... Groups Recommendations Explore Alan J ohnson's Reviews > The Com plete Writings of Roger William s - Volum e 7 The Com plete Writings of Roger Williams - Volume 7 by Roger William s, Perry Miller Alan J ohnson 's review Aug 21, 15 · edit bookshelves: roger-williams-primary, history-british-pre-1702, religion-and-government-theology Read in J anuary, 20 14 This is a 20 0 5 reprint by the Baptist Standard Bearer of volum e 7 of the 1963 edition (Russell & Russell) of The Com plete W ritings of Roger W illiam s. It includes the following works authored by William s: Christenings m ake not Christians, or A Briefe Discourse concerning that nam e H eathen, com m only given to the Indians . . . (originally published in 1646); Experim ents of Spiritual Life & Health, And their Preservatives . . . (originally published in 1652); The Fourth Paper, Presented by Major Butler . . . (originally published in 1652); The Hireling Ministry None of Christs. . . (originally published in 1652); and The Exam iner defended . . . (originally published in 1652). Blog This Review Copy/ paste the text below into your blog. The Experim ents of Spiritual Life and Health originated in a letter from William s to his wife, written in about 1650 ; this tract addresses purely religious m atters and does not reach political questions. The other writings in this volum e address the church-state issues that obsessed both England and New England during the tim e they were originally published or William s's com plicated and nuanced views regarding the conversion of Native Am ericans and others. My book The First Am erican Founder: Roger W illiam s and Freedom of Conscience discusses these writings in their historical context as well as their continuing relevance to present-day discourse. Like Be the first of your friends to like this. Share on Facebook Volum e 7 of the 1963 edition was new and was not a reprint of any earlier edition. The writings in this volum e were unavailable when the Narragansett Club first published the ancestor of volum es 1-6 of the 1963 edition during the nineteenth century. Unlike volum es 1-6, this volum e m odernizes orthography and does not contain any references to the pagination of the original seventeenth-century editions. This m odernization m akes it som ewhat easier for the general reader to peruse the contents, but the scholar m ay wish to consult the original seventeenthcentury publications on Early English Books Online (EEBO). The twentieth-century historian Perry Miller prefaced this volum e with an essay entitled "Roger William s: An Essay in Interpretation." Although I have great respect for Perry Miller on m any colonial New England historical m atters, I disagree with his approach to Roger William s. Specifically, I believe that his approach is unduly reductive and does not capture the depth and breadth of Roger William s's vision. My above-referenced book elaborates on som e of these issues. I rate this volum e five stars in view of its reprint of im portant and outstanding essays by Roger William s. (Originally posted 10 / 26/ 20 15; revised 8/ 26/ 20 15) Reading Progress 0 3/ 16/ 20 14 m arked as: read 0 3/ 18/ 20 14 m arked as: roger-william s-prim ary 10 / 26/ 20 14 m arked as: read Com m ents Post a com men t » 8/21/2015 5:27 PM