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Regional Resilience Trust Funds An Exploratory Analysis for the New York Metropolitan Region A Report by Jesse M. Keenan for The Fourth Regional Plan October 2017 © President and Fellows of Harvard College. Information for reproducing excerpts from this working paper can be directed to the principal investigator at Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, 407 Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA., 02138 or by contacting jkeenan@gsd.harvard.edu. The opinions expressed represent the opinions of the principal investigator and not those of the Regional Plan Association, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University or any of the persons, entities, or organizations providing support to, or affiliated with, these aforementioned entities. The findings and conclusions of this report are solely the responsibility of the principal investigator. The principal investigator acknowledges that he has been involved in a professional and academic capacity in a number of the subject geographies, jurisdictions and projects. Any unacknowledged investigator biases are the sole responsibility of the principal investigator. Regional Resilience Trust Funds: An Exploratory Analysis for the New York Metropolitan Region Jesse M. Keenan Abstract This paper explores the legal and financial viability of a series of state trust funds designed to provide financial products to support interventions advanced in the name of climate change adaptation and resilience in the New York Metropolitan Region. The subject financial model, known as a Regional Resilience Trust Fund (RRTF), would be governed by a Regional Resilience Commission (RRC) made up of political appointees from the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut who would serve as stewards of each state’s respective trust fund. This paper evaluates the proposition that the RRTF could be feasibly capitalized by a surcharge on certain regulated insurance lines (Proposition A). Second, based on the assumed validity of the First Proposition, the paper evaluates the proposition that the RRTF could sustainably support a range of financial products, including grants, low-cost loans, non-recourse loans and market-rate loans that could accommodate 100% of the states’ unmet resilience needs, as defined by existing disaster resilience plans (Proposition B). The findings of this research support an affirmation of the legal and financial feasibility of the RRTF pursuant to Proposition A. Consistent with Proposition B, this paper provides evidence in support of a sustainable portfolio strategy for products supporting a range of potential projects, from short-term community resilience planning to long-term infrastructure finance. With the exception of Connecticut, the modeled assumptions of the RRTF could not support an affirmation of the proposition that a RRTF could fulfill 100% of the unmet resilience needs of the states. However, the findings do support an alternative proposition that the RRTF may be able to accommodate a significant portion of unmet resilience needs. This paper provides a broader strategic understanding of how products and portfolios can be designed to operate in the uncertainties associated with climate change. Keywords Climate Change, Finance, Resilience, Adaptation, Insurance, Trust Funds Peer Review Version Keenan, J.M. (2017). Regional Resilience Trust Funds: An Exploratory Analysis for Leveraging Insurance Surcharges. Environment Systems and Decisions. doi: 10.1007/s10669-017-9656-3 Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Introduction............................................................................ ..............................................1 Resilience and Adaptation Finance........................................ ..............................................1 Research Design and Methodology.....................................................................................4 Governance: Regional Resilience Commission..................... .............................................4 Trust Fund a. Organization.............................................................................................................6 b. Capitalization...........................................................................................................7 c. Operations and Underwriting.................................................................................10 d. Products..................................................................................................................12 e. Example Projects....................................................................................................13 Portfolio Modeling a. Portfolio Model Setup and Results........................................................................17 b. Bond Leverage Analysis........................................................................................18 Conclusions........................................................................................................................19 Bibliography.......................................................................................................................21 List of Tables and Figures..................................................................................................28 Appendix............................................................................................................................29 made up of political appointees from the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut (the “States”), who would serve as stewards of each State’s respective RRTF. The broader intent of the RRTF is to both catalyze and define public and private sector investments in resilience and adaptation. I. Introduction The New York Metropolitan Region (“NYMR”) faces an uncertain future in light of the impacts of climate change (Horton, et al., 2015, 2016). These wide ranging impacts from extreme heat (Knowlton, et al., 2007; Rosenthal, Kinney & Metzger, 2014) to sea level rise (Hallegatte, 2013; Kemp, et al., 2017) challenge the conventional utility of single jurisdiction resources and strategies (Vella, et al., 2016). As such, some policy makers and scholars have called for a regional approach to resilience planning and development that benefits from an aggregation of greater political and economic capital than could otherwise be mustered by individual jurisdictions in isolation (Lebel, et al., 2006; Jacobs, et al., 2016; Peng, et al., 2017). In particular, existing funding mechanisms for resilience and adaptation are highly irregular and are largely reliant on philanthropic and federal post-disaster sources (Adeniyi., Perera & Collins, 2016). Those sources of financing that do exist are often programmatically too rigid to address a variety of processes and co-benefits necessary for effective and comprehensive adaptation planning and administration (LePore, 2016). The central research question of this paper is whether the RRTF could serve as a viable model for financing local and regional projects planned and designed in the advancement of resilience and adaptation. Specifically, this paper evaluates the proposition that the RRTFs could be feasibly capitalized by a surcharge on certain regulated insurance lines as originally proposed under the Bloomberg administration in New York City (City of New York, 2013) (“Proposition A”). Second, based on the assumed validity of the First Proposition, the paper evaluates the proposition that the RRTF could sustainably support a range of financial products, including grants, low-cost loans, non-recourse loans and market-rate loans that could accommodate 100% of the States’ unmet resilience needs, as defined by current resilience planning (“Proposition B”). Propositions A and B are evaluated through a mixed methods research design grounded in initial semi-structured interviews and focus groups that helped shape the underlying research question and subsequent propositions, which are evaluated further through structured interviews, legal and programmatic textual reviews, and portfolio simulation analysis. The relevance of this research is defined by the unchartered waters for designing and evaluating resilience and adaptation financing models in the U.S.. Should Propositions A and B be affirmed, it would represent a potentially significant step forward in a broader discourse as to the viability of advancing innovation in the financing of climate resilience and adaptation. In response to these constraints, the Regional Plan Association proposed the development of a regional governance organization for the NYMR, known as the Regional Resilience Commission (“RRC”). The RRC would serve as regional entity to facilitate the pooling of resources and to coordinate multijurisdictional climate change planning. This paper explores the legal and financial viability of a series of state trust funds designed to provide financial products to support interventions advanced in the name of climate change adaptation and resilience. The subject financial model, known as a Regional Resilience Trust Fund (“RRTF”), would be governed by the RRC, which itself would be 1 outcomes and not necessarily regimented processes for obtaining those outcomes (Long, 2014; Wildlife Conservation Society, 2017b). However, most of these adaptation funds are more or less grant programs, wherein the utilization of debt and equity instruments has been a controversial and unsettled debate largely relegated to a limited number of private and public sector actors, such as sovereign wealth funds (Atteridge, 2009; Stadelmann, Michaelowa, & Roberts, 2013; Fenton, et al., 2014; Pauw, et al., 2016). II. Resilience and Adaptation Finance Financing relating to climate change planning and interventions falls into one of several categories that are defined more by the beneficiary of the resources than they are by the process of underwriting or delivering such resources. First, adaptation trust funds have been utilized to advance adaptation mainstreaming within conventional international development channels as a mechanism for developed countries to offset the impacts of climate change on developing countries (Müller, 2009). The most prominent mechanism is the Adaptation Fund developed pursuant to the 2001 Kyoto Protocol (Adaptation Fund, 2017). For instance, Africa contributes less than 4% to global greenhouse gases, but annual adaptation costs are expected to reach 1.5% to 3% of annual gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030 (Reddy, Zhanje & Taylor, 2011). These funds primarily operate within existing government programs and are highly institutionalized and capital intensive in their modes of delivery (Hortsmann, 2011). Largely for this reason, the Adaptation Fund has been challenged for its ability to efficiently and equitably reach vulnerable populations (Persson & Remling, 2014; Stadelmann, 2014). In addition, as funds like the Green Climate Fund mobilize on a global scale, there are also renewed debates as to the appropriate allocations for investing in mitigation versus adaptation (Fridahl & Linnér, 2016). A third category of trust funds most relevant to evaluating the feasibility of the RRTF model relates to the financing of resilience and risk mitigation measures. This category has perhaps been the most ripe for dual public and private sector engagement given the emerging methodological capacity to measure avoided costs (Vajjhala, 2016). In a domestic context, conventional cost-benefit analyses have consistently shown that the benefits of risk mitigation outweigh the costs on average “by about four times the costs in terms of avoided and reduced losses” (Mechler, 2016, p. 2123; see generally, Multihazard Mitigation Council, 2005). However, avoided cost evaluations are often based on cost benefit analyses (“CBA”) that are methodologically limited in their capacity to accommodate qualitative data that cannot easily or reliably be reduced to a monetary value (Liu, et al., 2016). CBA’s are also limited in their ability to utilize quantitative data from which there is a limited probabilistic basis to draw correlative inferences between mitigation and avoided losses or undefined benefits associated with an indeterminate definition of general system resilience (Knight-Lenihan, 2016). A second category of adaptation trust funds relates to conservation biology and ecology. The most notable of these domestic funds is the Climate Adaptation Fund managed by The Wildlife Conservation Society (Wildlife Conservation Society, 2017a). Despite its limited size, this fund has a broad scope where the evaluation of incoming projects is based on a set of open criteria that speak to measured Therefore, while a CBA may work well in terms of risk mitigation within a welldefined parameters of a closed system (e.g., flood mitigation), it arguably under accounts 2 for costs and benefits associated with the resilience of complex and open systems, such as communities and cities (Mechler, et al., 2014; André, et al., 2016). As such, many have called for CBA-driven underwriting to be augmented by a variety of decision support tools including costs-effectiveness analysis (“CEA”), multi-criteria analysis (“MCA”), real options approaches (ROA”), and robust decision making (“RDM”), which does not focus on economic optimization but instead looks across a wide array of uncertain futures for the most robust, effective and socially and environmentally optimal outcomes (Watkiss, et al., 2015; Ellen, et al., 2016). While probabilistic risk may lend itself to economic analysis within the context of risk mitigation (i.e., avoided losses), resilience investments are much more challenging to evaluate. Given the deep uncertainty or lack of probabilities associated with many impacts of climate change, resilience and adaptation frameworks that focus solely on avoided costs are limited in their expected value functions. 80% of observed activities and investments were motivated by secondary factors (BerrangFord, Ford & Paterson, 2011). Therefore, one could infer that adaptation is often motivated not only by climate change but also by the opportunity to capture co-benefits defined by secondary considerations. A version of this value-add perspective was popularized by the resilience “dividend” advanced by the Rockefeller Foundation (Brown, 2012; Rodin, 2014). Constructive examples of funds or pools of funds within either risk mitigation and/or valueadd driven resilience frameworks are relatively scarce. From an international perspective, the most notable example is the Global Resilience Partnership financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, USAID and Sweden. In addition, there are a very limited number of domestic prototypes for pooling funds. Examples include the State of Washington’s Floodplains by Design (Floodplains by Design, 2016) and natureVest’s D.C. Green Infrastructure Fund (natureVest, 2016). There are also a few notable federally driven programs for resilience oriented retrofitting, including the PropertyAssessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing and Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)(White House, 2016). Overall, according to the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, there are just thirteen (n=13) funds or grant programs available to support resilience and adaptation in the U.S. in both the public and private sectors (USCRT, 2016). Despite the lack of financing resources and conduits, the need for resilience finance programs is more relevant than ever considering the pending Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rule for imposing a disaster deductible on states (FEMA, 2017). Unfortunately, none of the existing programs represent a portfolio approach based on a dedicated revenue source, and only a handful of programs have leveraged While the aforementioned resilience and risk mitigation perspective have focused on the internal risk management and the implications of avoided costs, there is another sub-category of resilience financing that looks to the value-add benefits that are both internal and external to the underlying investment. This perspective builds off a body of work in strategic adaptation that looks at the costs and benefits of a range of strategies including: (i) no regrets; (ii) reversible/flexible; (iii) cheap safety margins; (iv) reduced decision horizon; and, (v) and co-benefits synergies (Hallegatte, 2009; Keenan, 2015). These strategies have expanded the limitations of conventional risk mitigation models wherein benefits only accrue in the event of an extreme event (Tanner, et al., 2016). This value-add perspective is consistent with empirical research in climate adaptation that suggests, in at least one case, that nearly 3 finance products. As such, there are no freestanding funds or programs that represent analog models that can directly speak to the modeled parameters of the RRTF. Finally, existing state trust funds were evaluated to identify critical elements for investment management, asset management, auditing requirements, fiscal oversight and governance. Research was not conducted to evaluate the socio-political preferences that would speak to the viability of passing the laws necessary to authorize the formation and capitalization of the RRTF. In evaluating Proposition B, a quantitative portfolio analysis was utilized to simulate the operational parameters of the RRTF with and without bond leverage (Liesiö, Mild, & Salo, 2008; Liesiö & Salo, 2012). The preliminary results of the portfolio modeling were shared with selected interviewees in order to calibrate, validate and further qualify the results. This underlying methodology will be explained in more detail in the subsequent section dedicated to portfolio modeling. III. Research Design and Methodology The research design for this paper is based on a mixed methods approach developed over the course of approximately twenty-four (24) months (Creswell, 2013). Initial scoping on the broader theme of resilience and adaptation finance occurred over the course of eighteen (18) months by researchers operating under the Climate Change Working Group of the Fourth Regional Plan promulgated by the Regional Plan Association. The central research question and the general parameters of the RRC and the RRTF were developed through a combination of semi-structured interviews (Galletta, 2013), focus groups (Eliasson, 2000), and textual reviews of academic literature (Hart, 1998), gray literature (Gray, 2013), finance programs and applicable laws and regulations (Goldsmith & Vermeule, 2002). The total number of formal semi-structured interviews was twenty-five (n=25). Transcripts of each interview were subsequently produced and shared with interviewees to ensure the accuracy of statements. IV. Governance: Regional Resilience Commission A normative exploration of the potential governance mechanisms of the RRTF model is central to understanding the broader utility of the evaluated Propositions. While the details of the normative development of the RRC are beyond the purview of this paper, it is useful to briefly frame the underlying prospective organizational structure of the entity. The RRC would be a single administrative unit chartered by the legislatures of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Pursuant to the interstate compact clause of the U.S. Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 10), compacts between states require the consent of Congress. While the case of Virginia v. Tennessee, 148 U.S. 503 (1893) qualified this consent requirement to matters where states would increase their power though a compact, the congressional consent of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (1921) likely provides a strong precedent for the necessity of congressional approval in light of the intent In evaluating Propositions A and B, two distinct methodologies were utilized. For Proposition A, legal research was conducted to evaluate the legality of an insurance surcharge that would be hypothetically imposed by each State’s legislature, as well as the lawful incorporation of the investment vehicle as a public benefit corporation. Thereafter, research was conducted to evaluate prior surcharges, as well as the total capitalization necessary to meet documented unmet financial needs relative to existing climate change planning. 4 of Directors”). Each appointee would have a staggered term of four years. At any given time, each State must have at least one (1) appointee who serves as a designated representative who is otherwise qualified as a scientist whose expertise relates, in part, to climate change. In addition to a professional staff of public finance professional, actuarists, scientists, ecologists and engineers, the RRC board of directors is supported by an gubernatorial appointed advisory board made up of an equal number of representatives from each of the following categories: (i) community advocacy organizations; (ii) environmental advocacy organizations; (iii) municipal and county officials; and, (iv) private sector commercial enterprise (collectively, the “Advisory Board”). of the each state’s RRTF to have the authority, if necessary, to issue revenue bonds based on the insurance surcharges. However, because the RRC would not be issuing the bonds, it is debatable whether congressional consent would be required. As a technicality, the governance of the RRTF could be shared through a Memorandum of Understanding between a third-party asset or portfolio manager and the RRC. While it is also conceptually possible that a RRTF could operate independent from the RRC, the RRC offers an opportunity to independently define the public benefits associated with resilience and adaptation investments. For instance, the governance of the RRC could be made up up of four (4) gubernatorial appointees from each of the States for a total of twelve (12) members of the board of directors (the “Board Even though each state administers and manages its own RRTF, the RRC is Figure 1: Hypothetical Relationship between Regional Resilience Trust Funds and Regional Resilience Commission Regional Resilience Commission (RRC) Reserve Investments Loan Proceeds Bond Debt Service Loan Proceeds Bond Debt Service Loan Proceeds Bond Debt Service Connecticut Regional Resilience Trust Fund (RRTF) Loan Repayments 5 Asset Manager (Third-Party) Bond Proceeds Bond Grantees Local Investors Borrowers Insurance Surcharge Investment Earnings Loan Repayments Reserve Investments Bond Proceeds Bond Grantees Local Investors Borrowers Asset Manager (Third-Party) New York Regional Resilience Trust Fund (RRTF) Investment Earnings Loan Repayments Reserve Investments Bond Proceeds Investment Earnings Reserve Funds New Jersey Regional Resilience Trust Fund (RRTF) Insurance Surcharge Reserve Funds Asset Manager (Third-Party) Reserve Funds Insurance Surcharge Bond Grantees Local Investors Borrowers a. Organization Life Insurance Guaranty Fund (NY INS § 7501, et seq.) and Property and Casualty Security Funds (NY INS § 7601, et seq.). New Jersey has a similar fund known as the Surplus Lines Guaranty Fund, but the fund has not utilized its statutory authority to impose a surcharge since 1993 (NJ Rev Stat § 17:22-6.73). New York and New Jersey (for workers compensation only) operate under a pre-assessment model wherein a surcharge is only assessed when the net asset value of the fund dips below a certain amount. For property and casualty lines, Connecticut and New Jersey have a similar fund organized as an association that is financed by direct assessments to member insurance companies based on their proportional market share of lines of coverage, which are subject to actual instances of insolvency each year (C.G.S. § 38a-866)1. One critical issue identified in the course of this research related to the equity and practicality of imposing a surcharge on an entire State versus imposing the surcharge on select counties that fall within the NYMR for each of the States. At issue is the extent to which coastal NYMR counties cross-subsidize landlocked non-NYMR counties who are arguably less vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise and storm surge. In addition, while the States do not have a history of utilizing surcharges for the external financing of investments deemed to be in the broader public benefit, other states such as Kentucky (K.R.S. § 136.392) (e.g., law enforcement) and Mississippi (M.S.C. § 83-3437)(e.g., reinsurance / general fund) have had more liberal applications of the surcharge. The States each have a history of extending surcharges for the purposes of capitalizing trust funds or public benefit corporations. In New York, these surcharges capitalize funds whose legislative intent is to protect consumers in the event of an insolvency. These funds include the The organizational structure of each of the RRTFs would be based on the respective laws of incorporation in each of the States. In New York, the RRTF would be a Public Benefit Corporation authorized under the state constitution (NY Const.. art. X, § 5; NY BCL charged with independently underwriting and approving all grants and loans (collectively, the “Product(s)”), including those Products that are expended entirely within any one of the States, as represented in Figure 1. Figure 1 represents just one of multiple potential options for structuring the governance of the RRC. States would be obligated to allocate an equal fixed minimum percentage of each state’s RRTF annual portfolio allocations for Products to be designated for projects that are regional in nature, as defined by those projects whose impacts extend beyond any single State. The investment criteria of the RRC would prioritize the allocation of Products for those projects that have the potential to promote regional resilience and/or adaptation. For example, with the approval of the Advisory Board, the Board of Directors would have to have at least six (6) votes to approve any given Product. Without the approval of the Advisory Board, the Board of Directors would require nine (9) votes to approve any given project. The intent of the RRC is to help guide and incentivize a regional effort to plan and mainstream resilience and adaptation within public and private investments. In so doing, the RRC has the opportunity to set benchmarks for planning, design, operations and performance that inure to a broad array of projects that may or may not benefit from the RRC’s Products. V. Trust Fund Connecticut H.B. 5518 (2016) proposed a surcharge on net direct premium for fund operating budgets for local firefighting services. The bill has since been tabled. 1 6 particularly relevant given the lack of empirical evidence for demonstrating the existence of true win-win, no-regrets strategies (Preston, Mustelin, & Maloney, 2015). §1702(e)). As this legal entity is not considered a state agency and would have its own fiscal obligations separate from the state (Wein v. State, 39 N.Y.2d 136 (1976)), it may or may not require direct state oversight provided by the New York Public Authorities Control Board (NY PBA § 50, et seq.). However, interviewees noted that such direct oversight may add additional compliance costs to operations that may not be necessary in light of the gubernatorial appointees to the RRC, which could theoretically possess a controlling percentage of the RRTF’s shares. New Jersey has a similar entity known as a Benefit Corporation, but with the added requirement for the transparency of the measurement and reporting of the public benefits (NJ Rev Stat § 14A:18-1(2013), as well as requirements for evaluating the effects of any such investments or actions across a wide array of considerations from the global environment to a domestic workforce (NJ Rev Stat § 14A:18-6 (2013). b. Capitalization The question as to what is the optimal size—in terms of capitalization—required to adequately capture unmet resilience and adaptation needs is central to the development of the RRTF model. In particular, the answer to this question is critical to establishing a rational legislative intent likely required to justify a surcharge on particular lines of insurance. This paper makes the assumption that the size of each State’s RRTF would be benchmarked to an amount approximately equal to the unmet financial needs identified in each of the State’s Community Development Block Grant—Disaster Recovery (“CDBGDR”) amended Action Plans (“Action Plans”). Table 1 shows the range of unmet needs based on existing assessments derived following Hurricane Sandy. The CDBG-DR numbers are not an ideal proxy for unmet needs because they include recovery, mitigation and resilience expenditures. As such, the categories identified in Table 1 do not necessarily reflect the underwriting criteria and/or funding priorities of the RRC. While these estimates are not necessarily a precise proxy for the total amount of unmet resilience needs for each local jurisdiction within the NYMR, they represent the only consistent approximation based on the existing capacity of the relevant jurisdictions to engage in climate change and disaster risk mitigation planning. An additional logic for using these numbers as an initial capitalization benchmark is that there is a potential downside politically and economically to overcapitalizing the fund if there are not a sufficient number of projects that would qualify as advancing resilience and/or adaptation. This “absorptive capacity” problem has been observed to be a Finally, Connecticut has a similar Benefit Corporation, but with the additional requirement that the benefits be derived pursuant to a “third-party standard” (C.G.S. § 33-1351(15)). While New Jersey has a similar third-party requirement, Connecticut requires a more formal standard development process to govern the determination of public benefit (Id.). Given the lack of standards development in resilience and adaptation, these requirements may present a potential barrier, as internal underwriting and stewardship requirements promulgated by the RRC may or may not qualify as a third-party standard. In addition, absent a win-win, no-regrets co-benefits strategy, resilience and adaptation investments represent a potential existential challenge to the notion of recognized public benefits because many or most of the benefits may not arise until a point in time where their utility is recognized contemporaneous with the occurrence of climate change or an extreme event. This is 7 later phase of resilience planning can develop the appropriate projects. constraint for adaptation funds across the globe (Müller, 2009). To that end, while interviewees highlighted the opportunity to issue bonds based on the potential revenue from insurance surcharge, an initial survey of potential projects in the NYMR suggested that this bonding capacity might not need to be utilized until a Based on the assumption relating to unmet needs, the question remains as to what is the optimal insurance surcharge for each State. This question should be contextualized with the variable term to which a surcharge does or does not sunset (i.e., expire) based on prevailing legislative preferences. NYC’s Special Initiative for Recovery and Resiliency (SIRR) originally proposed a hypothetical 1.5% surcharge (City of New York, 2013). As the SIRR report noted, “[t]his surcharge would translate to just over a dollar a month for a homeowners’ insurance policy with a $1,000 annual premium” (Id., p. 405). Based on a sample of insurance premiums for the mean household value in the NYMR, this cost burden would be closer to $2 per month. Table 2 provides a sensitivity analysis for a projected annual revenue generated from a range of surcharges for each state based on recent historical rates of growth for property and casualty lines found in Appendix Table 2. Based on this information, it would take a number of years to reach a capitalization roughly equal to the present value unmet needs of the States. Table 1: Estimates of State Unmet Resilience Needs New Jersey Unmet / CDBG-DR Flood Hazard $4,955,329,131 $5,607,534,587 Energy $2,639,620,426 Water/ Wastewater $3,708,313,761 Transportation $236,548,191 Community Facilities $225,406,264 Debris Removal and Dredging $17,372,752,360 Total Source: New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (2016) New York City Unmet / CDBG-DR Housing Business Infrastructure Other City Services Coastal Resiliency Total Source: City of New York (2016) $2,381,944,000 $2,309,000,000 $2,409,070,000 $571,467,000 $1,952,463,000 $9,623,944,000 Connecticut Unmet / CDBG-DR Infrastructure Housing Economic Revitalization Mitigation Planning Total Source: Connecticut Department of Housing (2016). $151,600,000 $259,407,500 $10,797,888 $27,758,056 $25,000,000 $474,563,444 Table 2: Sensitivity Analysis for Projected Revenue from State Insurance Surcharges ($ in thousands) Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) New York New Jersey Connecticut 2018 $72,255 $31,190 $15,594 2019 $75,771 $32,918 $16,353 2020 $79,458 $34,519 $17,149 2021 $83,324 $36,199 $17,984 2022 $87,379 $37,961 $18,859 2023 $91,631 $39,808 $19,776 2024 2025 $96,090 $100,766 $41,745 $43,776 $20,739 $21,748 2026 $105,669 $45,907 $22,806 2027 10 Yr Total Proj. CAGR $110,811 $903,154 4.87% $48,140 $392,363 4.87% $23,916 $194,924 4.87% 2022 2023 $174,758 $183,262 $75,921 $79,616 $37,717 $39,553 2024 2025 $192,180 $201,532 $83,490 $87,553 $41,477 $43,496 2026 $211,338 $91,813 $45,612 2027 10 Yr Total Proj. CAGR $221,622 $1,806,309 4.87% $96,281 $784,726 4.87% $47,832 $389,847 4.87% 2022 2023 $262,137 $274,893 $113,882 $119,424 $56,576 $59,329 2024 2025 $288,270 $302,298 $125,235 $131,329 $62,216 $65,243 2026 $317,008 $137,720 $68,418 2027 10 Yr Total Proj. CAGR 4.87% $332,434 $2,709,463 $144,421 $1,177,089 4.87% $71,748 $584,771 4.87% ($ in thousands) Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) New York New Jersey Connecticut 2018 $144,510 $62,780 $31,189 2019 2020 2021 $151,542 $158,916 $166,649 $65,835 $69,039 $72,398 $32,707 $34,298 $35,967 ($ in thousands) Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) New York New Jersey Connecticut 2018 $216,764 $94,170 $46,783 2019 2020 2021 $227,312 $238,374 $249,973 $98,753 $103,558 $108,597 $49,060 $51,447 $53,951 Source: Adapted from data from, Insurance Information Institute (2007-2015). *2018 Figures based on 2015 property and casualty insurance premium projection based on a 9 year historical average adjusted for inflation. 8 financial transaction taxes, etc...). With this in mind, future analysis of alternative sources of capitalization would need to consider the extent to which such sources would be considered stable and consistent enough to float revenue bonds. For instance, assuming a 1.5% surcharge, an unlevered RRTF operating over the course of ten years would only accommodate 21.9% of New York’s and 7.8% of New Jersey’s unmet needs adjusted for inflation over the same period. However, it would cover 96.3% of Connecticut’s unmet needs. Pursuant to Table 3, the surcharge necessary to meet the unmet needs within one decade are equal to 5.33% in New York, 14.67% in New Jersey, and 1.16% in Connecticut. Under this scenario, a New Jersey homeowner could see a cost burden of a little under $20 a month. Given the relatively large surcharges or lengthy surcharge sunset periods for New York and New Jersey, leverage from revenue bonds offers an alternative scenario. By contrast, Connecticut could arguable proceed with no bond leverage. Of course, insurance surcharges are just one of many different options for funding an RRTF (e.g., impact fees, Table 4 represents possible revenue streams with bond leverage based on three different surcharge rates. These gross figures do not represent the operations and returns of the RRTF, which will be discussed in the following section. As such, assuming a 1.5% surcharge, a levered (1x) RRTF operating over the course of 20 years would accommodate 25.9% of New York’s, 9.6% of New Jersey’s and 116.3% of Connecticut’s unmet needs adjusted for inflation over the same period. Therefore, with the exception of Connecticut, leverage only marginal fills Table 3: Revenue Scenarios to Fulfill CDBG-DR Unmet Needs with 10-Year Sunset Surcharge Rate New York New Jersey Connecticut ($ in thousands) Unmet Needs (CDBG-DR) New York New Jersey Connecticut 5.33% 14.67% 1.16% $9,623,944 $11,765,218 $474,563 Surcharge Revenue ($ in thousands) 2018 $769,942 $928,537 $36,757 New York New Jersey Connecticut 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 10 Yr Total 2019 $931,105 $976,414 $1,023,927 $1,073,753 $1,126,003 $1,180,796 $9,623,944 $846,697 $887,899 $807,408 $976,425 $1,026,784 $1,079,740 $1,135,427 $1,193,986 $1,255,565 $1,320,320 $1,388,414 $1,460,021 $11,765,218 $474,563 $53,679 $56,663 $59,813 $50,852 $40,957 $43,234 $45,637 $48,174 $38,800 Source: Connecticut Department of Housing (2015); New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (2016); City of New York (2016). *2018 Figures based on 2015 property and casualty insurance premium projection based on a 9 year historical average adjusted for inflation. **New Jersey's CDBG-DR unmet needs do not include energy projects (n= $5,607,534,587), as they would prospectively fall under the mandate of the New Jersey Energy Resilience Bank. Table 4: Sensitivity Analysis for Projected Capitalized with Bond Leverage by State Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) ($ in thousands) 2017 Bond Revenue (PV) $1,361,917 2018 $69,309 2019 $69,719 2020 $70,131 2021 $70,537 2022 $70,954 2023 $71,373 2024 $71,795 2025 $72,211 2026 $72,638 2027 $73,067 2028 $68,712 2029 $68,687 2030 $68,671 2031 $68,656 2032 $68,640 2033 $62,153 2034 $61,757 2035 $61,362 2036 $60,970 2037 $60,572 New Jersey $618,053 $29,895 $29,857 $29,819 $29,777 $29,739 $29,701 $29,663 $29,622 $29,584 $29,546 $29,508 $29,467 $29,429 $29,392 $29,354 $34,167 $34,451 $34,738 $35,027 $35,315 Connecticut $301,404 $14,995 $15,120 $15,245 $15,371 $15,499 $15,628 $15,758 $15,888 $16,020 $16,153 $14,660 $14,639 $14,620 $14,602 $14,583 $14,563 $14,544 $14,525 $14,507 $14,486 New York Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) New York New Jersey Connecticut ($ in thousands) 2017 Bond Revenue (PV) $2,723,834 2018 $138,618 2019 $139,438 2020 $140,262 2021 $141,075 2022 $141,908 2023 $142,747 2024 $143,591 2025 $144,423 2026 $145,276 2027 $146,135 2028 $137,423 2029 $137,374 2030 $137,343 2031 $137,312 2032 $137,280 2033 $124,307 2034 $123,513 2035 $122,725 2036 $121,941 2037 $121,144 $1,236,107 $59,791 $59,714 $59,638 $59,554 $59,478 $59,403 $59,327 $59,327 $59,168 $59,092 $59,017 $58,934 $58,859 $58,784 $58,709 $68,333 $68,902 $69,476 $70,055 $70,630 $602,809 $29,989 $30,239 $30,491 $30,741 $30,998 $31,256 $31,516 $31,775 $32,040 $32,306 $29,319 $29,278 $29,241 $29,203 $29,166 $29,125 $29,088 $29,051 $29,014 $28,973 Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) New York New Jersey Connecticut ($ in thousands) 2017 Bond Revenue (PV) $4,085,751 2018 $207,928 2019 $209,156 2020 $210,393 2021 $211,612 2022 $212,862 2023 $214,120 2024 $215,386 2025 $216,634 2026 $217,915 2027 $219,202 2028 $206,135 2029 $206,061 2030 $206,014 2031 $205,967 2032 $205,920 2033 $186,460 2034 $185,270 2035 $184,087 2036 $182,911 2037 $181,717 $1,854,160 $89,686 $89,572 $89,457 $89,331 $89,218 $89,104 $88,990 $88,865 $88,752 $88,638 $88,525 $88,401 $88,288 $88,175 $88,063 $102,500 $103,353 $104,214 $105,082 $105,946 $904,213 $44,984 $45,359 $45,736 $46,112 $46,496 $46,883 $47,274 $47,663 $48,059 $48,460 $43,979 $43,917 $43,861 $43,805 $43,749 $43,688 $43,632 $43,576 $43,521 $43,459 Source: Adapted from data from, Insurance Information Institute. (2007-2015); State of New York (2016); Moodys (2016). *2018 Figures based on 2015 property and casualty insurance premium projection based on a 9 year historical average adjusted for inflation **Based on hypothetical 1x bond leverage. 9 the conduit for identifying, evaluating and underwriting projects and Products. Although the asset manager would have the ultimate fiduciary obligation to ratify projects referred from the RRC, the asset manager would not have the authority to independently originate Products. However, the asset manager would retain the authority to develop new Products; to alter and approve amended terms of existing projects; and, to refrain or discontinue certain types of Products that undermine the sustainability and stability of the RRTF portfolio. For instance, interviewees suggested that a certain fixed percentage of grants is desirable to advance resilience and adaptation planning efforts in a pre-design phase. For instance, as will be discussed in the next section, allocations in favor of grants and non-resource loans may vary year-to-year depending on the broader performance of the portfolio defined in terms of reinvestment roll-over, default rates, interest rates, deployment lag and various other portfolio considerations. the gaps over 20 years—assuming no other investments are made to substantively reduce unmet needs and that the needs themselves would otherwise hold constant. In present value terms, a bond issuance based on a 1.5% surcharge in 2017 would account for 42.4% of New York’s, 15.76% of New Jersey’s and 190.5% of Connecticut’s current unmet needs. Again, CDBG-DR unmet needs may not be representative of the true unmet needs for adaptation to climate change. These numbers may be overestimated based on recovery in certain areas (e.g., housing) and underestimated in other areas (e.g., aging infrastructure). An additional challenge that will be discussed in the portfolio modeling section of this paper is the ability to translate this revenue into products that support projects that may or not be in a pipeline sufficient to rollover the investment capital of each State’s RRTF. Again, the absorptive capacity of the system to supply eligible projects suggests that leverage may not be immediately desirable. In theory, the amount of unmet needs will grow over time. However, the estimated rates of growth above and beyond various rates of capital and project inflation are unknown. The time function for capitalization is based on the previously cited prevailing legislative preference to either sunset a surcharge or only utilize it to maintain either a minimum floor net asset valuation (NAV) or a minimum level of liquidity for the fund. In the alternative, the legislature could maintain a lower surcharge rate that does not sunset. Under this scenario, the utilization of leverage through revenue bonds could offer the opportunity to amplify a lower surcharge over a longer period of time. Beyond the conventions of portfolio and asset management, there rests a more fundamental question as to how one defines and underwrites investments that advance resilience and adaptation. In particular, resilience knowledge can be divided into categorical variations that include ecological, socioecological, engineering, urban, disaster, and community variants (Brand & Jax, 2007; Matyas & Pelling, 2015; Meerow, Newell & Stults, 2016). To this end, across scales of time and space, as well as actor or object orientation, resilience may be simultaneously viewed as a positive, negative and/or neutral intervention (Carpenter, et al., 2001; Klein, Nicholls, & Thomalla, 2003; Olsson, et al., 2015). Resilience is not an objective good and the benefits of resilience investments may be subjectively evaluated and unevenly distributed. Despite the proliferation of resilience policies in the Obama Administration (Keenan, 2016), c. Operations and Underwriting As previously noted, the RRTF would prospectively have a separate asset manager for each State and the RRC would serve as 10 down model that mainstreams these concepts into existing matters of public administration and service provision (e.g., The Adaptation Fund). This top-down model uses existing metrics modified to account for the marginal costs and returns for mitigating hazards, reducing exposure and reducing vulnerability. Conventional methods such as CBA, CEA and ROA are more appropriate given the existing known parameters of performance, risk and uncertainty. The other model is based on a loose framework generated from bottom-up local actors who are engaged in scalable prototypes and experiments (e.g., Wildlife Conservation Society). The evaluation of these projects are often based on MCA and RDM methods that can capture the qualitative innovation that has little to no historical precedent to support a probabilistic assessment. Both of these delivery models are generally based on a specific type of resilience known as ‘disaster resilience’ (Davidson, et al., 2016). a lack of operationalizable guidelines and metrics has thwarted the development of both public administration (Larkin, et al., 2015) and private sector finance (White House, 2016). As resilience was originally a descriptive and not a normative concept (Holling, 1973; Gunderson, 2000), there have been numerous lines of research advanced by scholars and practitioners in disaster risk reduction who have attempted to use indicators as proxies for measuring the post-disaster resilience of specific communities and jurisdictions (Cutter, 2016). However, much of the empirical research that has attempted to validate these indicators has either come up short or has identified somewhat self-evident indicators for explaining recovery, such as housing income and tenure (Burton, 2015). By contrast, within closed and engineered systems (i.e., infrastructure), resilience is relatively well defined and forms the basis for many practices in process, systems and civil engineering (Gilbert, 2010; Menoni, et al., 2012; Ayyub, 2014). However, what unites finance with various other applications of resilience, including engineering resilience, is the struggle to accommodate either deep uncertainty or ignorance as to the nature or depth of either probabilistic or non-probabilistic events— particularly low probability, high impact events (Hallegatte, et al., 2012). While the occurrence of many physical phenomenon of climate change are probabilistic, many more impacts are not. This presents a short-term biasing in everything from insurance to the pricing of the future values associated with risk mitigation investments. As previously referenced, the uncertainty associated with value-add aspects of resilience and/or adaptation are equally as challenging in methodological terms. There are two perspectives on disaster resilience. The basic definition suggests that multi-hazard resilience is “reactively [oriented] through resistance, relief and recovery approaches” (Id., p. 27). More advanced and integrated definitions of disaster resilience expand reactionary performance characteristics to precautionary capacities developed through interdisciplinary perspectives that cut across environmental, community and infrastructural perspectives (Zhou, et al., 2010). One opportunity to develop performance benchmarks is to build off of the analytical standards developed by the U.S. Commerce Department at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The NIST Community Planning Guides (NIST Guides) have set a benchmark for expanding disaster resilience within both the community and infrastructure domains (NIST, 2015a, 2015b). The analyses found in these standards could be organized by infrastructure systems and could There are two perspectives on how to underwrite and deliver resilience and adaptation investments. One perspective is based on a top11 provide a basis for additional weighting within a MCA model. One weakness in the NIST Guides is that they do not contain metrics for environmental resilience. Recent interviews with EPA researchers confirmed that resilience metrics are woefully underdeveloped. By example, in FEMA’s broad interagency review of resilience metrics, they could identify only one environmental resilience metric (FEMA, 2016). that is often open, unbounded and difficult to measure or observe (Carpenter, et al., 2012). While this perspective may bias material investments over social investments, one is obligated to clearly articulate the costs and benefit to a degrees the narrows the parity between cost burden and beneficiaries. In addition, the broader assumption is that the specific resilience of particular projects will collectively work to advance general resilience. Interviewees highlighted a number of keys aspects for focusing resilience sufficiently enough to evaluate the performance of any given prospective project. First, a prospective project should be specific and precise with regard to who or what will be the beneficiaries of the project, as well as what set of risks or hazards are addressed by the project. In addition, the project should be just as transparent about what the project will not address. By extension, the project should identify conflicts or opportunity costs with other actors or objects that are directly or indirectly engaged or impacted by the project. Interviews consistently reinforced the necessity to understand the trade-offs and path dependencies associated with resilience and/or adaptation. For instance, how will this resilience investment (e.g., risk mitigation) limit my options (e.g., ROA) to adapt in the future? Appendix Table 3 contains a checklist that attempts to capture a range of unweighted criteria for assessing the nature of any given project’s resilience or adaptive capacity (“Checklist”). Whether one utilizes an approach such as a scorecard or an index, the process often distills to a matter of weighting for each criteria. As such, each State will likely have a different weighting depending on not only its unmet needs, but also its local preferences. The Checklist builds off of the work of the National Security Council and the author for distilling disaster resilience within the parameters of capabilities identified with the framework of the National Preparedness Goals developed pursuant to Presidential Homeland Security Directive 8 (HSPD-8)(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2011). This Checklist and the respective capabilities or capacities represent merely a starting point. Additional capacities may include a range of performance criteria relating to the environment, for instance, including water storage, water filtration, toxics remediation or radiant cooling. Based on data from the interviews, the intent should be to use these as inclusive and not exclusive evaluation criteria. It can be argued that the most successful project evaluation process will be one that looks at specific resilience within a top-down mainstreaming that is reinforced by bottom-up local experimentation based on novel and innovative capacities. Second, the range of potential hazards should be extended beyond the conventions of flooding and heat to also include human-caused and technological hazards. This represents an opportunity to capture a variety of co-benefits within other domains such as national security, public safety or public health. Third, the project level performance should be based on specific resilience and not general resilience. Specific resilience is focused on a specific object or a specific system or organization with clear and articulated performance measures, boundaries and metrics (Nelson, 2011). General resilience focuses on the resilience of a broader system 12 grants but are able to accommodate specific requirement relating to federal income tax to which some borrowers may be sensitive. The next class of loans are fixed and variable rate mid-cap, below-market loans with terms ranging from 5 to 25 years. These concession loans are intended to serve a variety of purposes, including gap financing or permanent financing where traditional infrastructure products cannot efficiently scale-down. The final class of loans relates to fixed and index-adjusted variable rate loans with 5 and 10 year terms. This class of loans is primarily intended to help gap finance larger infrastructure projects or finance critical risk mitigation interventions that are difficult to finance with conventional products. A portfolio allocation optimization analysis in the following section will highlight optimal allocations based on a survey of existing loan rates and terms. The immediately following section offers some example projects that might benefit from one of the foregoing Products. d. Products Given the diversity of potential eligible projects, delivery models and underwriting methodologies, it can be argued that that the RRTF’s Products must be flexible enough to accommodate changing financial and fiscal circumstances. However, an infinity array of flexible Product terms is not possible for effective and sustainable portfolio management. This paper assumes several Product types that form the basis for portfolio modeling in the following section. These Products include grants, which are estimated to account for a minimum of 10% of a portfolio’s allocation. These grants can be utilized to advance everything from project level climate change planning to education and training. The portfolio could also include soft loans that are non-recourse and bear a 0% interest rate or are indexed to inflation or the weighted cost of capital. Soft loans have a similar intent to 13 Project 1: Small Grant Borrower: State of New York, Department of Environmental Conservation Amount: $500,000 Type: Planning Study This project would utilize a small grant of $500,000 for a planning study of the coastline of New York. The state agency could leverage the grant with federal funding through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant. The grant would be disbursed in the first year of operation and would require a 20% funding matching from the state. The study would take upwards of three years and would include: (i) a coastal area typology study; (ii) an inventory of potential adaptation strategies for existing green infrastructure; (iii) adaptive management processes for science informed decision making in local jurisdictions; (iv) case studies of existing resilience and adaptation projects; and, (v) education and outreach materials for engaging coastal communities in the face of extreme events and climate change. Project 2: Large Grant Borrower: New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority Amount: $15,000,000 Type: Brownfield Remediation This project would utilize a large grant of $15,000,000 to offset eligible projects costs for remediating toxic chemicals from land in the Meadowlands that is highly vulnerable to flooding and inundation with sea level rise. In partnership with local jurisdictions and property owners, the authority would leverage funds from the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency’s Brownfield Grant Program and the New Jersey Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund. The term of the project would be 10 years and the grant would be based on allowable expenses in the first 5 years. In addition to cleanup activities, the grant would help support adjacent site assessments, ecological adaptation strategies for local habits, and community planning and training. Project 3: Large Grant Borrower: Norwalk Department of Public Works / Stamford Office of Operations / Fairfield County, Connecticut Amount: $1,000,000 Type: Green Infrastructure Design and Maintenance Training This project would develop programs to train municipal and county public works personnel to design and maintain green infrastructure that serves a dual hazard mitigation purpose. The project team is based on a collaboration with academic institutions, including the University of Connecticut, Yale University, Rutgers University, and the State University of New York, Stony Brook. Project funding could be leveraged from several federal sources, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Green Infrastructure and the Sustainable Communities Initiative and the US EPA’s Clean Water Act Section 319 grant program. With a project term of 3 years, the grant would require a 10 % funding match and would be disbursed in the first year. Project 4: Concession Loan Borrower: Local Town, New Jersey Amount: $30,000,000 Type: Managed Housing Relocation Finance Program This project is based on a program to help finance the relocation of low-to-moderate income households whose properties are in highly vulnerable geographies subject to the risk of subsidence, storm surge and relative sea level rise. The program would help finance the disposition of existing properties and the acquisition of in-land properties that were previously foreclosed (“REO Asset(s)”). Local governments and REO Asset managers would contribute capital allocations to a holding company that would be capitalized in part by the RRTF. This would allow for a lowerassessment on the fair market value of foreclosed homes and would allow risk to be shifted off the balance sheet of banks based on a fixed pre-negotiated return. Highly vulnerable disposed properties would be cleared, cleaned and deeded to a land conservation. The program’s initial term would be limited to 20 years and the concession loan would be disbursed based quarterly in an amount equal to the sum of mortgages provided to cover the acquired homes. The mortgages would be held by the holding company in a REMIC trust whose A tranches are held by the RRTF and whose B pieces are held by the holding company. The net result is that relocated households have a lower barrier to entry to in-land housing markets and neighborhoods with previously foreclosed properties get an injection of social and financial capital. Project 5: Concession Loan Borrower: GRID Alternatives (non-profit) Amount: $5,000,000 Type: Photovoltaic (PV) Installation in Public and Senior Housing This projects supports the assessment, design and installation of PV systems on public and senior housing facilities. The project serves the co-benefits of climate mitigation, as well as the benefits of increasing the passive survivability of facilities supporting highly vulnerable populations. With climate change, extreme heat and power disruptions represent critical hazards for impacting human health. With an aging society, passive survivability is a potentially important part of community resilience. In conjuncture with existing energy efficiency subsidies, this concession loan provides the capital necessary to bring the levelized cost of energy to within the means of financially strapped housing operators. The loan terms would be 15 years with 3.5% interest rate, which would otherwise serve as an effective hedge on increased energy costs. However, in the event of a power outage, the value of lives potentially saved defies monetization. Project 6: Prime Rate Loan Borrower: Nassau County Department of Public Works Amount: $100,000,000 Type: Gap Loan for Bay Park Water Reclamation Facility This project would provide the gap financing necessary to help the borrower accommodate an $830 million renovation to the plant designed to mitigate and manage the risks associated with storm surge, increased deluge events, and relative sea level rise. In particular the loan would support the funding of: (i) the upgrading of power and back-up systems; (ii) the elevating of chemical tanks and electrical controls; (iii) the installing of new pumping systems; and, (iv) the development of dual-purpose public spaces that promote the physical resiliency and environmental sustainability of the adjacent neighborhood. This loan helps finance the increased marginal costs associated with resilience and adaptation measures and operations of the facility. Project 7: Prime Rate Loan Borrower: Lower Manhattan Property Cooperative (non-profit) Amount: $350,000,000 Type: Infrastructure Finance for Multi-Purpose Flood Protection This project would provide supplemental efforts to the ongoing city led effort to fortify Lower Manhattan. The borrower is a public-private non-profit cooperative corporation whose members are property owners, building owners, large tenants, Con Edison and the New York City Economic Development Corporation. The members of the association would contribute additional working capital and resources to the association whose mission is to develop block and district level infrastructure improvements that complement the Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency Project. As aging commercial office buildings are replaced, this source of funding helps finance coordinated lot and block improvements that synchronize with the district level waterfront improvements. Eligible improvements would be limited to those interventions in energy distribution, water management and public space that inure to the resilience of public and private operations in the district. Project 8: Prime Rate Loan Borrower: New Jersey Transit Amount: $100,000,000 Type: NJ TransitGrid This project builds off existing U.S. Department of Transportation and state financial commitments to enhance the energy resilience of NJ Transit operations in the NYMR. The project would provide additional financing for developing an innovative micro-grid that accommodate a variety of extreme events from heat to flooding. With an increasing stressed and aging transit system, the project seeks to increase reliability and reduce down time through the intelligent management of distributed and renewable energy sources. This includes the development of more energy efficiency local generation capacity to support the system. Aside from the core infrastructure improvements, the financing could support consumer communications for re-routing when service is altered, as well as contingent operations planning and operations redundancy for extreme events. 10 year sunset on the surcharge. The result for grant allocations was rounded up to 10%. Thereafter, based on a sample of returns and terms of each product type, mean and standard deviations were normally distributed using a Monte Carlo method to calculated randomized rates of return (Glasserman, 2013). This method is based on an iterative sample rate (n=1,000) to calculate the distribution. Pairs of products, not including grants and nonrecourse soft loans, were then simulated and correlated for a 2-loan portfolio using Sharp regression (Sharpe, 1994; Goetzmann, et al., 2007). The regression simulates different weights of the pair to isolate an optimal weight strength, which is graphically represented in Appendix Figure 1 as the highest Sharpe ratio (Greenwood, Seasholes & Biery, 2015). The Sharpe ratio is understood to equal the required return minus the risk free return over volatility (Dowd, 2000). Again, the transient portfolio of loans is subject to 1,000 sample Monte Carlo simulation. The overall results of this Sharpe analysis provided the basis for the optimal allocations identified in Table 5, which are based on a constructed weighting of each transient portfolio of pairs over the entire product offering. However, it should be noted that each run of the portfolio model would dictate a slightly different output than what is represented in Table 5. Therefore, Table 5 is merely an approximation based on a limited number of model simulation runs. VI. Portfolio Modeling a. Portfolio Model Setup and Results Based on the range of unleveraged capitalization potentially available from the State insurance surcharges identified in the preceding sections, the research design dictated that a secondary step is to develop an optimal allocation of aforereferenced product types. To optimize a portfolio allocation, interest rates and terms for comparable products were researched for each of the States, as well as across the country. Interest rate spreads were developed for each product and were modeled relative to recent and anticipated trends in various interest rate structures. Debt product interest rates were then compared with rates and terms of recent (i.e., 18 months) bond issuances to provide greater sensitivity for how each State’s RRTF may be underwritten by the market. For instance, while various New York revenue and general obligation bonds are relatively stable, the bond market in New Jersey has been comparatively volatile with long-term pension and infrastructure liabilities underscoring a broader financing capacity. An initial step in the portfolio engineering was to model a fixed percentage of grants in order to ascertain what percentage allocation— relative to assumed parameters of the products— would provide a sustainable portfolio with a Table 5: Optimal Portfolio Weighting and Product Allocations Products Term (Yr) Return Type Financial Return σ Financial Return Volatility Loan Weights Total Weight Financial Return MC Grants Soft Loans Concession Loans 5 Market Loans (Fixed) 10 15 20 25 5 Market Loans (CPI Indexed) 10 5 10 Weighted Portfolio Return 5.46% Loan Portfolio Volatility 0.1102 Rg Rs Rc X X 2.18% X X 0.0041 X X 0.1892 X X 2.96% 3.37% 2.75% 3.63% 3.55% Rx 5.00% 7.00% Rxi 6.77% 8.77% Years to Revolve 8.15 0.0108 0.0123 0.0114 0.0050 0.0150 0.0250 0.0280 0.0380 0.3203 0.4460 0.3138 0.1410 0.3000 0.3571 0.4131 0.4329 5.04% 1.53% 5.84% 28.55% 12.39% 14.08% 9.60% 20.00% 18 10.00% 90.00% X X 2.17% 3.41% 2.78% 3.64% 3.64% 5.04% 6.85% 6.64% 8.83% Using the portfolio weights (i.e., product allocations) in Table 5, cash flows for each instrument are weighted and adjusted for projected inflation (CPI-U) over a period of 20 years. For each loan, it is assumed that there is a rollover of the investment capital without any reinvestment risk. This represents a significant methodological limitation for evaluating the performance of any RRTF because of the long lead time for the planning, designing and permitting of infrastructure projects. Therefore, the ability of any given RRTF to rollover investments via larger infrastructure debt products is dependent on the extent to which the RRC and local jurisdictions can develop a pipeline of resilience infrastructure interventions. The answer to this outstanding concern could have significant impact on rates, terms and volatility of the portfolio. However, under the fixed assumptions presented in Table 5, the portfolio could potentially achieve a weighted portfolio return of 5.46% and could be entirely self-sustained in 8.15 years. Therefore, if the surcharge were to sunset in 10 years, the RRTF could continue to operate independently without any additional surcharge revenue. If a RRTF is not able to deploy capital consistently and timely enough to meet the weighted return, then lower returns would mean a longer revolving period that may extend beyond the current estimates. As such, a 10 year sunset may be insufficient to achieve independent operations. In addition, a 10% allocation to grants is merely a modeled assumption. A portfolio could operate with a higher percentage allocation for grants. However, the greater the percentage of grants, the longer it takes for the portfolio to be independently sustainable in its operations relative to its reliance on an insurance surcharge. revenue from the surcharges and the initial operations of the unlevered portfolio suggested that the revenue would be insufficient for New York and New Jersey. As such, the third step of the research design was to model the RRTFs with (1x) and without (0x) leverage. The estimates for leverage and coupon rates were based on a survey of recent issuances (e.g., 18 months) over various bond types in each of the States as reported by Moodys and the States themselves. This survey provided a blended rate (mean) and standard deviation for the bond market assumptions for each of the RRTFs. Again, each of these assumptions varies depending on the underlying relative performance of each State’s bond market. Appendix Table 4 provides gross revenue and Appendix Table 5 provides net revenue from a balanced portfolio after payments to the bold holders. A balanced portfolio is inclusive of both reserve investment returns and portfolio returns. Appendix Table 6 and 7 extend the analysis of a balanced portfolio without and without leverage over the course of 20 years and discount the cash flow to 5%. This discount rate is an approximation on the levered weighted average cost of capital, plus investment and reinvestment risk. Based on the data memorialized in the tables, leverage in a 1.5% surcharge scenario with no sunset would yield an additional $1.8 billion over 20 years for New York; $999 million for New Jersey; and, $455 million for Connecticut. Table 6 highlights some additional sensitivity for surcharges in terms of what would be allocated to loans and grants. Based on a 1.5% surcharge and a straight-line allocation, approximately $20 million in New York, $9 million in New Jersey and $4 million in Connecticut could be allocated for grants every year. Over all, pursuant to Table 7, the impact of leverage is more pronounced as the surcharge rate increases. However, under the existing assumptions for leverage and bond and b. Bond Leverage Analysis Although the existing metric for unmet needs is somewhat problematic, the unlevered 19 Table 6: Sensitivity Analysis for Projected Bond Revenue Allocations Table 7: Sensitivity Analysis for Net Impact of Bond Leverage ($ in thousands) Cash flow invested as grants Cash flow invested as loans ($ in thousands) Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) Loans Grants New York New Jersey Connecticut $1,225,725 $556,248 $271,264 $136,192 $61,805 $30,140 Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) Loans Grants New York New Jersey Connecticut $2,451,451 $1,112,496 $542,528 $272,383 $123,611 $60,281 Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) Loans Grants New York New Jersey Connecticut $3,677,176 $1,668,744 $813,792 $408,575 $185,416 $90,421 10% 90% Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) 1x Leverage 0x Leverage New York New Jersey Connecticut $1,977,440 $923,722 $445,079 $1,359,332 $590,543 $293,378 Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) 1x Leverage 0x Leverage New York New Jersey Connecticut $3,954,879 $1,847,443 $890,158 $2,718,664 $1,181,086 $586,757 Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) 1x Leverage 0x Leverage New York New Jersey Connecticut $5,932,319 $2,771,165 $1,335,237 $4,077,996 $1,771,629 $880,135 *Discounted to 5% over 20 years. portfolio models are useful for deriving optimal allocations based on potentially impactful products, there is a major unknown in the ability of local actors to plan, design and permit projects in a timely manner to take advantage of the RRTF’s opportunity to rollover investment capital. This rollover risk represents a significant uncertainty in the operations of a RRTF. If a RRTF is not able to deploy funds at a higher return rate than the baseline reserve return rate (e.g., federal bonds), then a RRTF may be indefinitely reliant on a surcharge beyond a sunset term. This may or may not be a handicap, as a large capital reserves could be useful for promoting resilience efforts following the probabilistic occurrence of an extreme event. However, the uncertainties associated with extreme events provides little guidance for portfolio management of an RRTF. product rates and terms, the total capitalization of the RRTFs would not be able to address the State’s unmet needs. If the unmet needs hold constant and are adjusted for inflation over twenty years, under a 1.5% surcharge scenario with 1x leverage, New York and New Jersey would only be able to accommodate 37.6% and 14.3% of their respective unmet needs. VII. Conclusions The findings of this paper support an affirmation of the feasibility for the development and operation of an RRTF model pursuant to Proposition A. These findings include references to historical precedents for insurance surcharges; an existing legal and organizational capacity for public benefit funds; and, a portfolio model that could operate independently within a hypothetical and likely politically convenient 10 year sunset of an insurance surcharge. However, significant challenges remain for not only sourcing eligible resilience and adaptation projects but also developing metrics to underwrite and define resilience and adaptation. While this paper offers some constructive evaluation perspectives and methodologies relating to risk mitigation and disaster resilience, other areas such as environmental resilience are much less developed. In addition, while the existing Pursuant to Proposition B, the findings of this paper suggest that under the current assumptions (e.g., 1.5% surcharge, 1x leverage) the RRTFs could not accommodate 100% of the unmet resilience needs in New York and New Jersey. However, under these assumptions, Connecticut could very well accommodate well beyond its current documented resilience needs. The baseline data for unmet resilience needs is based on CDBG-DR reporting that is somewhat problematic as it conflates recovery 20 resilience and adaptation analysis that sets a new benchmark for professional practices. At the same time, this paper highlights the reality of the necessity and the opportunity to finance the marginal costs of resilience within conventional projects. The necessity rests in the practical acknowledgment that free-standing resilience and adaptation projects are limited in number and are challenging to design, finance and permit in a sufficient volume to justify the scale of capital aggregated by an RRTF. and resilience and does not clearly articulate future resilience needs that may arise by virtue of either increased exposure or increased risk—or, both. Existing unmet needs are unlikely to be entirely accommodated through increased leverage. With increased leverage comes increased risk, and bond rates and terms would reflect this dynamic. Future research needs to evaluate not only more precise metrics for unmet and future needs, but also the risks and opportunities associated with increasing premiums and/or decreasing market share by virtue of the manifestation of hazards that result in a lack of insurability. While the current framing of resilience practices are primarily oriented towards disasters and risk mitigation, there is much room for advancement in community resilience, economic adaptation and adaptive environmental management. To this end, the RRTF model is simply a conduit that financially incentivizes more resolute analytical processes that are inclusive of a broader array of considerations from social equity to environmental justice. Without such an incentive, it can be argued that the only other motivation for the pooling of collective resources will be based on the shame and indignity of a post-disaster response. In this light, this paper provides a partial affirmation that the RRTF model represents a potential innovation that dictates that not all commons are predisposed to tragedy. The RRC and the RRTFs reflect an opportunity for process innovation that offers the potential to not only manage risks, but also to capture opportunities associated with climate change. 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Table 3: Revenue Scenarios to Fulfill CDBG-DR Unmet Needs with 10-Year Sunset 5. Table 4: Sensitivity Analysis for Projected Capitalized with Bond Leverage by State 6. Table 5: Optimal Portfolio Weighting and Product Allocations 7. Table 6: Sensitivity Analysis for Projected Bond Revenue Allocations 8. Table 7: Sensitivity Analysis for Net Impact of Bond Leverage 9. Appendix Figure 1: Sharpe Ratio Portfolio Optimization 10. Appendix Table 1: List of Interviewees 11. Appendix Table 2: Property & Casualty Insurance Premiums Written by State, 2006-2015 12. Appendix Table 3: RRTF Resilience Underwriting Check-List 13. Appendix Table 4: Gross Revenue from Balanced Portfolio from Bond Issue 14. Appendix Table 5: Net Revenue on Balanced Portfolio from Bond Issue 15. Appendix Table 6: Net Investments with 1x Leverage 16. Appendix Table 7: Net Investments with 0x Leverage 30 X. Appendix Appendix Figure 1: Sharpe Ratio Portfolio Optimization 0.40 0.35 R8 0.30 R7 Sharpe Ratio 0.25 R6 0.20 R5 R7-Rxi10 Portfolio Optimal 0.15 R4 R5-Rx10 Portfolio Optimal R3-Rc25 Portfolio Optimal R6-Rxi5 Portfolio Optimal R4-Rx5 Portfolio Optimal 0.10 R3 R1 R2 0.05 R2-Rc20 Portfolio Optimal R1-Rc15 Portfolio Optimal Rc5-Rc10 Portfolio Optimal 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Rc Weight 31 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Appendix Table 1: List of Interviewees Name Affiliation Chen, Chen Civitenga, Peter Clark, Anthony Davies, Craig Firth, John Gimont, Stan Grunwaldt, Alfred Kaniewski, Daniel Kao, Andrew Koh, Jay L. Laven, Chuck Levaggi, Marcia Lindberg, Mark Liu, Tony McFadden, Marion Medlock, Samantha Murdock, Sarah Ollikainen, Mikko Poliquin, Brent Roy, Arghya Sinha Seville, Aleka Shafer, Julie Starkman, Kendall Swann, Stacy Vajjhala, Shalini Wilson, Steven R. University of Notre Dame AIR Worldwide Conneticut Green Bank University of Cambridge Acclimatise U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Inter-American Development Bank AIR Worldwide AIR Worldwide Siguler, Guff & Company Forsyth Street Adaptation Fund Margaret Cargill Foundation Siguler, Guff & Company Enterprise Community Partners U.S. Office of Management and Budget The Natural Conservancy Adaptation Fund AIR Worldwide Asia Development Bank Twenty Four Seven Consulting Bank of the West Twenty Four Seven Consulting Climate Finance Advisors Re:Focus Parnters Inter-American Development Bank 32 Appendix Table 2: Property & Casualty Insurance Premiums Written by State, 2006 -2015 New York Homeowners Multiple Peril Commercial Multiple Peril Farmowners Multiple Peril Fire Allied Lines Inland Marine Ocean Marine Boiler and Machinery Earthquake Private Crop Total, Nominal Total (2015 Dollars)* Growth Rate, Nominal 2006 $3,627,091 $3,180,652 $33,066 $806,746 $468,609 $913,226 $599,118 $82,534 $37,786 $9,748,828 $11,461,498 2011 $4,519,844 $3,119,458 $35,788 $746,028 $459,309 $1,048,911 $454,701 $89,064 $35,965 2012 $4,725,048 $3,310,734 $36,787 $759,213 $501,327 $1,150,991 $447,849 $99,538 $40,883 $10,152,560 $10,133,263 $10,143,943 $10,509,068 $11,176,478 $11,195,065 $11,026,007 $11,073,348 4.14% -0.19% 0.11% 3.60% $11,072,370 $11,430,351 5.36% 2008 $4,096,975 $3,131,076 $34,822 $797,810 $470,253 $987,741 $513,898 $87,213 $32,772 2009 $4,238,743 $3,096,679 $33,935 $767,144 $447,712 $978,460 $450,468 $90,297 $29,825 2010 $4,357,145 $3,035,189 $34,902 $736,578 $432,166 $985,589 $440,482 $87,413 $34,479 2013 $4,925,004 $3,562,364 $38,249 $812,122 $567,790 $1,288,601 $446,304 $103,017 $44,211 2014 $5,110,113 $3,711,941 $39,591 $849,193 $593,643 $1,400,482 $452,773 $106,112 $50,597 $11,787,662 $12,314,445 $11,993,099 $12,329,062 6.46% 4.47% 2015 $5,220,744 $3,706,915 $41,296 $820,460 $653,181 $1,510,929 $406,485 $117,613 $53,503 $28 $12,531,154 $12,531,154 1.76% New Jersey Homeowners Multiple Peril Commercial Multiple Peril Farmowners Multiple Peril Fire Allied Lines Inland Marine Ocean Marine Boiler and Machinery Earthquake Private Crop Total, Nominal Total (2015 Dollars)* Growth Rate, Nominal 2006 $1,696,424 $1,314,336 $2,739 $324,053 $216,633 $410,067 $117,068 $35,347 $15,731 2008 $1,877,038 $1,256,621 $2,882 $320,259 $218,352 $417,190 $129,710 $38,194 $12,062 2009 $1,957,270 $1,204,386 $2,855 $333,534 $219,554 $378,611 $125,855 $38,842 $12,147 2010 $2,007,475 $1,172,881 $2,846 $335,752 $220,117 $385,998 $120,655 $36,938 $12,770 2011 $2,093,434 $1,201,258 $2,322 $349,831 $229,828 $400,398 $121,728 $40,125 $13,969 2012 $2,230,734 $1,284,139 $2,392 $377,147 $256,475 $435,714 $131,395 $41,077 $15,209 2013 $2,391,724 $1,379,336 $2,375 $407,562 $304,375 $471,649 $138,011 $45,331 $16,687 2014 $2,479,828 $1,434,577 $2,544 $387,830 $343,522 $507,068 $133,880 $44,717 $19,339 $4,132,398 $4,858,376 $4,272,308 $4,703,184 3.39% $4,273,054 $4,720,801 0.02% $4,295,432 $4,668,940 0.52% $4,452,893 $4,691,989 3.67% $4,774,282 $4,928,639 7.22% $5,157,050 $5,246,928 8.02% $5,353,305 $5,359,659 3.81% 2015 $2,556,089 $1,424,250 $2,622 $372,581 $334,645 $550,979 $135,249 $47,948 $19,597 $27 $5,443,987 $5,443,987 1.69% 2006 $913,479 $581,031 $3,021 $103,629 $98,349 $209,174 $52,335 $14,584 $5,867 2008 $1,037,569 $548,684 $3,557 $112,028 $91,637 $218,427 $54,115 $14,570 $5,152 2009 $1,065,532 $519,668 $3,795 $121,308 $89,901 $213,434 $48,112 $15,477 $5,140 2010 $1,107,784 $512,310 $4,068 $120,031 $92,696 $193,758 $50,844 $15,115 $5,526 2011 $1,146,334 $532,001 $4,300 $131,540 $102,863 $216,538 $50,301 $16,173 $6,900 2012 $1,221,067 $578,155 $4,680 $132,374 $109,365 $243,015 $49,374 $17,700 $7,089 2013 $1,308,798 $612,146 $5,051 $139,986 $120,763 $249,951 $51,652 $19,370 $6,720 2014 $1,379,750 $635,253 $5,493 $142,656 $124,768 $254,596 $52,181 $18,559 $8,428 2015 $1,408,185 $638,210 $5,894 $130,236 $111,834 $293,180 $87,409 $21,316 $8,277 $1,981,469 $2,329,573 $2,085,739 $2,296,092 5.26% $2,082,367 $2,300,565 -0.16% $2,102,132 $2,284,922 0.95% $2,206,950 $2,325,451 4.99% $2,362,819 $2,439,211 7.06% $2,514,437 $2,558,259 6.42% $2,621,684 $2,624,796 4.27% $2,704,541 $2,704,541 3.16% Connecticut Homeowners Multiple Peril Commercial Multiple Peril Farmowners Multiple Peril Fire Allied Lines Inland Marine Ocean Marine Boiler and Machinery Earthquake Private Crop Total, Nominal Total (2015 Dollars)* Growth Rate, Nominal *Adjusted for inflation using the annual Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U); complete data is not available for 2007. 33 Appendix Table 3: RRTF Resilience Underwriting Check-List Abstract Information Borrower/ Grantee: Agency: Product Type: Borrower: Guarantor: Project Term: Finance Term: Community Partnerships: Government Partnerships: Jurisdictions: Project Type Buildings (new) Buy-out Communications Ecological Conservation/Restoration Green Infrastructure Intelligence Capacity Reference Standards Resilience Planning Social Network Development Vulnerability Assessment Buildings (retrofit) Climate Change Planning Community Planning Energy Hazard Mitigation Planning Infrastructure Research & Development Resilience Personnel Social Service Delivery Training Course Review Questionnaire Proprietary Information Is the submission publicly available? If yes, explain: Was this submission developed with public input? If yes, explain: Is the submission compliant with existing codes and standards? If yes, explain: Does the submission help advance a new reference standard? If yes, explain: Is the submission sponsored by a public authority? If yes, explain: Has the submission been reviewed by a public authority? If yes, explain: Is the submission specific to extreme events? If yes, explain: Does the submission offer potentially generalizable findings/practices? If yes, explain: Does the submission offer potentially scalable findings/practices? If yes, explain: Does the submission address private sector benefits? If yes, explain: Does the submission address public sector benefits? If yes, explain: Has the submission been informed by on-the-ground practice or experience? If yes, explain: 34 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Has the submission been endorsed by resilience or advocacy organizations? If yes, explain: Can the outcomes of this submission be measured with existing capacities? If yes, explain: Yes No Yes No Categorization Geographic Scope (state, county, municipal, district, block, lot) Region Population: Geography: Hazards and Impacts Natural Algal Bloom Collateral Hazards Earthquake: Ground Deform. Glacial Melt Landslide Rapid Sea Level Rise Severe Convection/ Winds Storm Surge Vector Borne Disease Winter/Ice Storm Technological Air Traffic Suspension Dam Failure Hazmat Release (Chemical) Road Failure Underground Fire Water Contamination Human-Caused Active Shooter(s) Biological Attack Cyber Attack Fisheries Depletion Metal Theft Sector Public Defense Emergency Services Energy: Nuclear Mass Transportation Social Services Water Private Agriculture Critical Manufacturing Energy: Nuclear Financial Services Information Technology Urban Coastal Suburban Riverine Exurban Interior(Non-Riverine) Rural Mountainous Animal Disease Drought Extreme Temperatures Hurricane/Typhoon Pandemic (Human) Salt Water Intrusion Sinkholes/Subsidence Tornado Volcanic Eruption Avalanche Earthquake: Shaking Flood Invasive Species Permafrost Melt Sea Level Rise (Mean Proj.) Space Weather Tsunami Wildfire Bridge Failure Fuel Shortage Mine Accident Track Failure Urban Conflagration Communications Failure Hazmat Release (Radiological) Pipeline Failure/ Explosion Transportation Accident Utility Interruption Aircraft as Weapon Chemical Attack Drone as Weapon Food/Water Contamination Nuclear/ Radiological Attack Arson Civilian Disturbance Explosive Devices Mass Migration Disaster Management Energy: Coal & Natural Gas Financial Monetary System Solid Waste Telecommunications Education Energy: Hydroelectric & Dams Highway Transportation Public Health Water & Wastewater Other: Chemical Education Energy: Coal & Natural Gas Food Distribution Logistics Construction Defense Industrial Base Energy: Green Healthcare Mining 35 Sector cont’d Private cont’d Pharmaceuticals Solid Waste Telecommunications Non-Profit Aging & Elderly Cultural Affinity Industry Association Political Advocacy Social Assistance Real Estate Scientific/Tech R&D Transportation Recycling Water & Wastewater Other: Community Advocacy Environmental Stewardship Mental Health & Substance Abuse Professional Association Urban Planning Community Recovery Food Bank Philanthropy Religious Other: Strategy (select all that apply) Social Resilience Access / Functional Needs Assessments Community Network Capacity Communications Models Economic Development Post-Recovery Shelter & Housing Technical & Design Resilience Building Codes & Standards Risk Standards & Thresholds Urban Design Material Resilience Composite Innovation in Materials Materials Performance Standards Thermal Dynamic Materials Infrastructure Resilience External Intelligence Systems Impact Assessments Internal Intelligence Systems System Redundancy Organizational Resilience Business Continuity Planning Data Backup & Security Internal Intelligence Systems Workforce Training Ecosystems Resilience Agriculture Water Community Impact Assessments Community Planning Cultural Preservation Long-term Housing & Community Development Public Health Engineering Techniques & Analysis Sustainable Systems Zoning & Land Use Planning Low-Technology Solutions Nano-Materials Facility Guidance & Training Innovation in Risk Management Operations & Scenario Planning Critical Systems Design External Intelligence Systems Remote Workforce Fisheries Wildlife Climate Change Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Adaptation Planning Phases Determine Options, Goals & Objectives Plan Implementation, Testing & Maintenance Planning Team and Stakholder Identification Plan Development Plan Preparation Understand Context, Risks & Impacts Primary Actor Private Sector Enterprise Other Advocacy Organizations State & Local Government 36 Capacity Building Access Control & Identity Verification Actor & Stakeholder Identification Agricultural Extension System Civil Court System Services Climate & Weather Services Critical Transportation Services Cultural Resource Preservation Displaced Persons Registry Emergency Financial/Funding Capacity Emergency Procurement System Environmental Response/Health Services Fire Management and Suppression Government Affairs Services Interdiction and Disruption Logistics and Supply Chain Management Long-term Vulnerability Reduction Mass Care Services Mental Health Counseling Natural Resource Preservation Operational Communications Operational Planning Potable Water Distribution Services Private Sector Cost-Benefit Analysis Public Health, Healthcare, & EMS Redundant Infrastructure Systems Risk Management Expertise Screening, Search, & Detection Situational Assessment Social Service Delivery Strategic Food Supplies Strategic Planning Supply Chain Management Volunteer System Mobilization Accounting & Auditing Systems Agency Benefit-Cost Analysis Chief Resilience Officer / Staff Claims Adjusting Community Advocacy Mobilization Cross-Jurisdictional Professional Capacity Cybersecurity Economic Recovery Strategies Emergency Healthcare Delivery Employment Training Fatality Management Services Forensics and Attribution Intelligence and Information Sharing Legal Planning Long-term Housing Planning Marketing & Public Communications Mass Search and Rescue Operations Mutual Assurance Agreements On-scene Security, Protection, & Law EnforceOperational Coordination Physical Protective Measures Primary Healthcare Delivery Property and Engineering Inspections Public Information and Warning Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activity Short-term Shelter Providers Social Network Development, Resourcing & Maint. Strategic Building Materials Supplies Strategic Medical Supplies Supply Chain Integrity and Security Threats and Hazard Identification 37 Appendix Table 4: Gross Revenue from Balanced Portfolio from Bond Issue Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) ($ in thousands) New York 2018 $169,438 2019 $169,438 2020 $169,438 2021 $169,438 2022 $169,438 2023 $169,438 2024 $169,438 2025 $169,438 2026 $169,438 2027 $169,438 2028 $169,438 2029 $169,438 2030 $169,438 2031 $169,438 2032 $169,438 2033 $169,438 2034 $169,438 2035 $169,438 2036 $169,438 2037 $169,438 New Jersey $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 $76,893 Connecticut $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 $37,498 Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) ($ in thousands) New York 2018 $338,875 2019 $338,875 2020 $338,875 2021 $338,875 2022 $338,875 2023 $338,875 2024 $338,875 2025 $338,875 2026 $338,875 2027 $338,875 2028 $338,875 2029 $338,875 2030 $338,875 2031 $338,875 2032 $338,875 2033 $338,875 2034 $338,875 2035 $338,875 2036 $338,875 2037 $338,875 New Jersey $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 $153,785 Connecticut $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 $74,996 Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) ($ in thousands) New York 2018 $508,313 2019 $508,313 2020 $508,313 2021 $508,313 2022 $508,313 2023 $508,313 2024 $508,313 2025 $508,313 2026 $508,313 2027 $508,313 2028 $508,313 2029 $508,313 2030 $508,313 2031 $508,313 2032 $508,313 2033 $508,313 2034 $508,313 2035 $508,313 2036 $508,313 2037 $508,313 New Jersey $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 $230,678 Connecticut $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 $112,494 *Gross revenue before bond payments. Appendix Table 5: Net Revenue on Balanced Portfolio from Bond Issue Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) ($ in thousands) Net Revolving Amount* $1,033,105 2018 $97,183 2019 $93,667 2020 $89,980 2021 $86,113 2022 $82,059 2023 $77,807 2024 $73,348 2025 $68,672 2026 $63,768 2027 $58,626 2028 $53,234 2029 $47,580 2030 $41,650 2031 $35,432 2032 $28,911 2033 $22,072 2034 $14,901 2035 $7,381 2036 -$504 2037 -$8,774 New Jersey $514,475 $45,503 $43,975 $42,373 $40,694 $38,932 $37,085 $35,148 $33,116 $30,986 $28,752 $26,410 $23,953 $21,377 $18,676 $15,843 $12,872 $9,757 $6,490 $3,064 -$529 Connecticut $241,553 $21,904 $21,145 $20,349 $19,515 $18,639 $17,722 $16,759 $15,750 $14,692 $13,582 $12,418 $11,198 $9,918 $8,576 $7,169 $5,693 $4,145 $2,522 $820 -$965 New York Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) New York ($ in thousands) Net Revolving Amount* $2,066,209 2018 $194,366 2019 $187,334 2020 $179,959 2021 $172,226 2022 $164,117 2023 $155,613 2024 $146,695 2025 $137,344 2026 $127,537 2027 $117,253 2028 $106,468 2029 $95,159 2030 $83,300 2031 $70,863 2032 $57,821 2033 $44,145 2034 $29,803 2035 $14,763 2036 -$1,009 2037 -$17,548 $1,028,951 $91,005 $87,950 $84,747 $81,387 $77,864 $74,170 $70,296 $66,233 $61,972 $57,505 $52,819 $47,906 $42,754 $37,351 $31,685 $25,744 $19,513 $12,979 $6,127 -$1,058 $483,105 $43,807 $42,290 $40,698 $39,029 $37,279 $35,443 $33,519 $31,500 $29,384 $27,164 $24,837 $22,396 $19,836 $17,152 $14,338 $11,386 $8,290 $5,044 $1,641 -$1,929 New Jersey Connecticut Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) New York ($ in thousands) Net Revolving Amount* $3,099,314 2018 $291,549 2019 $281,000 2020 $269,939 2021 $258,339 2022 $246,176 2023 $233,420 2024 $220,043 2025 $206,015 2026 $191,305 2027 $175,879 2028 $159,703 2029 $142,739 2030 $124,949 2031 $106,295 2032 $86,732 2033 $66,217 2034 $44,704 2035 $22,144 2036 -$1,513 2037 -$26,322 $1,543,426 $136,508 $131,925 $127,120 $122,081 $116,796 $111,255 $105,443 $99,349 $92,959 $86,257 $79,229 $71,860 $64,131 $56,027 $47,528 $38,616 $29,270 $19,469 $9,191 -$1,587 $724,658 $65,711 $63,434 $61,047 $58,544 $55,918 $53,165 $50,278 $47,251 $44,076 $40,747 $37,255 $33,594 $29,755 $25,728 $21,506 $17,079 $12,436 $7,567 $2,461 -$2,894 New Jersey Connecticut *After Bond Payments. Appendix Table 6: Net Investments with 1x Leverage Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) ($ in thousands) Net Investment in PV 2017 Bond Revenue $1,977,440 $1,225,725 2036 -$199 2037 -$3,305 New Jersey $923,722 $556,248 $43,336 $39,887 $36,604 $33,474 $30,500 $27,670 $24,976 $22,408 $19,969 $17,647 $15,437 $13,333 $11,332 $9,429 $7,618 $5,894 $4,254 $2,695 $1,212 -$199 Connecticut $445,079 $271,264 $20,861 $19,179 $17,578 $16,053 $14,603 $13,222 $11,909 $10,658 $9,468 $8,336 $7,259 $6,233 $5,258 $4,330 $3,447 $2,607 $1,808 $1,047 $324 -$363 2018 $185,110 2019 $169,917 2020 $155,456 2021 $141,672 2022 $128,573 2023 $116,105 2024 $104,240 2025 $92,935 2026 $82,189 2027 $71,964 2028 $62,233 2029 $52,967 2030 $44,158 2031 $35,776 2032 $27,802 2033 $20,212 2034 $12,996 2035 $6,131 New York 2018 $92,555 2019 $84,959 2020 $77,728 2021 $70,836 2022 $64,286 2023 $58,053 2024 $52,120 2025 $46,467 2026 $41,095 2027 $35,982 2028 $31,117 2029 $26,483 2030 $22,079 2031 $17,888 2032 $13,901 2033 $10,106 2034 $6,498 2035 $3,066 Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) New York New Jersey Connecticut ($ in thousands) 2036 -$399 2037 -$6,609 $1,847,443 $1,112,496 $86,672 $79,773 $73,207 $66,948 $61,000 $55,339 $49,951 $44,817 $39,937 $35,293 $30,874 $26,665 $22,664 $18,857 $15,235 $11,787 $8,509 $5,390 $2,424 -$398 $890,158 $542,528 $41,721 $38,358 $35,157 $32,105 $29,205 $26,445 $23,818 $21,315 $18,936 $16,672 $14,518 $12,466 $10,515 $8,660 $6,894 $5,213 $3,615 $2,095 $649 -$727 Net Investment in PV 2017 Bond Revenue $5,932,319 $3,677,176 2018 $277,665 2019 $254,876 2020 $233,184 2021 $212,508 2022 $192,859 2023 $174,158 2024 $156,360 2025 $139,402 2026 $123,284 2027 $107,946 2028 $93,350 2029 $79,450 2030 $66,237 2031 $53,664 2032 $41,703 2033 $30,319 2034 $19,494 2035 $9,197 2036 -$598 Net Investment in PV 2017 Bond Revenue $3,954,879 $2,451,451 Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) New York ($ in thousands) 2037 -$9,914 New Jersey $2,771,165 $1,668,744 $130,007 $119,660 $109,811 $100,423 $91,501 $83,009 $74,927 $67,225 $59,906 $52,940 $46,311 $39,998 $33,997 $28,286 $22,853 $17,681 $12,763 $8,085 $3,635 -$598 Connecticut $1,335,237 $813,792 $62,582 $57,537 $52,735 $48,158 $43,808 $39,667 $35,727 $31,973 $28,404 $25,008 $21,777 $18,699 $15,773 $12,989 $10,341 $7,820 $5,423 $3,142 $973 -$1,090 *Discount Rate 5%. Appendix Table 7: Net Investments with 0x Leverage Surcharge Revenue (Low, 0.5%) ($ in thousands) Net Investment in PV 2017 Bond Revenue $1,359,332 $- 2036 $67,216 2037 $67,121 New Jersey $590,543 $- $29,895 $29,857 $29,819 $29,777 $29,739 $29,701 $29,663 $29,622 $29,584 $29,546 $29,508 $29,467 $29,429 $29,392 $29,354 $29,313 $29,276 $29,238 $29,201 $29,160 Connecticut $293,378 $- $14,852 $14,833 $14,814 $14,793 $14,774 $14,755 $14,737 $14,716 $14,697 $14,678 $14,660 $14,639 $14,620 $14,602 $14,583 $14,563 $14,544 $14,525 $14,507 $14,486 Net Investment in PV 2017 Bond Revenue $2,718,664 $- 2018 $137,628 2019 $137,453 2020 $137,277 2021 $137,084 2022 $136,909 2023 $136,735 2024 $136,560 2025 $136,368 2026 $136,194 2027 $136,021 2028 $135,847 2029 $135,656 2030 $135,483 2031 $135,310 2032 $135,138 2033 $134,947 2034 $134,775 2035 $134,603 New York 2018 $68,814 2019 $68,726 2020 $68,639 2021 $68,542 2022 $68,455 2023 $68,367 2024 $68,280 2025 $68,184 2026 $68,097 2027 $68,010 2028 $67,924 2029 $67,828 2030 $67,741 2031 $67,655 2032 $67,569 2033 $67,474 2034 $67,388 2035 $67,302 Surcharge Revenue (Medium, 1.0%) New York New Jersey Connecticut ($ in thousands) 2036 $134,432 2037 $134,242 $1,181,086 $- $59,791 $59,714 $59,638 $59,554 $59,478 $59,403 $59,327 $59,243 $59,168 $59,092 $59,017 $58,934 $58,859 $58,784 $58,709 $58,626 $58,551 $58,477 $58,402 $58,320 $586,757 $- $29,704 $29,666 $29,628 $29,586 $29,548 $29,511 $29,473 $29,432 $29,394 $29,357 $29,319 $29,278 $29,241 $29,203 $29,166 $29,125 $29,088 $29,051 $29,014 $28,973 Net Investment in PV 2017 Bond Revenue $4,077,996 $- 2018 $206,442 2019 $206,179 2020 $205,916 2021 $205,626 2022 $205,364 2023 $205,102 2024 $204,841 2025 $204,552 2026 $204,291 2027 $204,031 2028 $203,771 2029 $203,484 2030 $203,224 2031 $202,965 2032 $202,706 2033 $202,421 2034 $202,163 2035 $201,905 Surcharge Revenue (High, 1.5%) New York New Jersey Connecticut ($ in thousands) 2036 $201,648 2037 $201,364 $1,771,629 $- $89,686 $89,572 $89,457 $89,331 $89,217 $89,104 $88,990 $88,865 $88,752 $88,638 $88,525 $88,401 $88,288 $88,175 $88,063 $87,939 $87,827 $87,715 $87,603 $87,480 $880,135 $- $44,555 $44,499 $44,442 $44,379 $44,323 $44,266 $44,210 $44,148 $44,091 $44,035 $43,979 $43,917 $43,861 $43,805 $43,749 $43,688 $43,632 $43,576 $43,521 $43,459 *Discount Rate 5%. 38 Credits Harvard University Staff: Jesse M. Keenan, Graduate School of Design (Principal Investigator / Author) Anna Ponting, Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School (Researcher) Anurag Gumber, Kennedy School of Government (Researcher) Elias Logan, Graduate School of Design (Designer) Regional Plan Association Staff: Robert Freudenburg, Vice President, Energy and Environment Lucrecia Montemayor, Deputy Director, Energy and Environment Emily Korman, Research Analyst, Energy and Environment Image Credits Project 1: Symbolon; Project 2: Iconathon; Project 3: Maxim Kulikov; Project 4: Dilon Choudhury; Project 5: Luis Prado; Project 6: Gan Khoon Lay; Project 7: Adrian Coquet; Project 8: Bob Holzer, Michael Bundscherer. Acknowledgments The research supporting this paper was conducted pursuant to a sponsored research grant provided to the Harvard University Graduate School of Design by the Regional Plan Association. The RPA research team would like to thank Nick Shufro, Joyce Coffee and Dan Tunstall for their support, dedication and contributions to the research. The Harvard research team would like to thank Rosetta Elkin, Diane Davis and Mohsen Mostavi for their support of resilience research. 40 Harvard University Graduate School of Design RP A Regional Plan Association