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The genus Pseudobithynia in Lebanon, with a redescription of three species and additional notes on its ecology (Mollusca: Bithyniidae) Peter Glöer, Aref Dia, Gerhard Falkner Abstract. New material of Bithyniidae from Lebanon comprised topotypes of Paludina badiella Küster, 1853, Bithynia saulcyi Bourguignat, 1853, and Bithynia hamicensis Pallary, 1939, which are redescribed, and for which, for the first time, penis morphology is depicted. We found that P. amiqensis Glöer & Bößneck, 2007 is conspecific with P. hamicensis (Pallary, 1939) (syn. n.). Key words. Pseudobithynia, Paludina badiella, Bithynia hamicensis, Bithynia saulcyi, redescriptions, Lebanon, Middle East. Introduction Pseudobithynia is a genus similar to Bithynia, but without a penial appendix. GERMAIN (1921: 5 ff.) reported as many as 13 taxa of Bithyniidae from Lebanon and Syria. Even so, this family is still not well investigated because there is no clear concept of the species that occur in this region. GERMAIN (1922: plate 21, fig. 18-24) depicted Bithynia hawadieriana Bourguignat, 1853, and B. sidoniensis Mousson, 1861, which look very distinct, while SCHÜTT (1983: 29) believed that these taxa are synonyms of B. phialensis (Conrad, 1852) and continued to adhere to his two species concept for this region, with the two species B. phialensis and B. badiella (Küster, 1853), respectively. Recently, GLÖER & BÖßNECK (2007) added three new species to the faunal list of Lebanon, Pseudobithynia kathrini, P. levantica, and P. amiqensis. SCHÜTT (1983) studied the rich material collected in the Orontes and neighbouring river systems by the Institute of Zoology of the University of Mainz between 1975 and 1980 (R. KINZELBACH), but could not provide evidence for the occurrence of Pseudobithynia. As no wet material exists in the Senckenberg collection, where the materials were deposited by SCHÜTT, more precise anatomical studies are not possible (JANSSEN, in litt.). From the neighbouring continental Africa no Bithynia species lacking a penial appendix is known (MANDAHL-BARTH 1968, BROWN 1994, VAN DAMME 1984). BÖßNECK (GLÖER & BÖßNECK 2007) as well as A. DIA could only find Pseudobithynia species in Lebanon, and no Bithynia species. So it is still unclear which species SCHÜTT (1983: 33, Fig. 3B) was actually studying when he depicted the penis morphology of “Bithynia badiella”, especially as he did not indicate the sampling site. The aim of this paper is to improve knowledge of the molluscan biodiversity of Lebanon, and to redescribe some Pseudobithynia species based on our new material. Zoology in the Middle East 57, 2012: 87-96. ISSN 0939-7140 © Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg 88 Zoology in the Middle East 57, 2012 Fig. 1. The sampling sites of Pseudobithynia spp. in Lebanon. The numbers refer to Table 1. Material and methods Altogether 20 river systems were surveyed (springs, brooks, rivers, ponds and lakes) and 200 sampling sites were studied in Lebanon between 1979 and 2009 by Aref DIA. Pseudobithynia species could be found at 39 stations in seven river systems. The material was collected from the banks of the water bodies with a Surber sampler and a kick net, and was preserved in ethanol (75%). The dissections of the genital organs and measurements and the shells were carried out using a stereo microscope (Zeiss). The photographs were made with a digital camera system (Leica R8). The material is deposited in the collection of the National Council for Scientific Research, Beirut, Lebanon. Hydrological data were provided by the National Office of Litani (gauges: Limnigraphe), as m3/s. Dissolved oxygen was determined with the Winkler Method and using the kit “HACH” titration (Winkler-Azide with PAO, EL/2000 DR model). Dissolved oxygen content was measured in the field. To identify the Pseudobithynia spp. from Lebanon, we used topotypes and compared these with original photos of the syntypes, which were taken by Eike NEUBERT. Mollusca 89 Table 1. Collecting stations. Localities are listed and numbered per river basin (S = station). S Sampling site/ taxa I. Basin of El Kebir (surface 1000 km2, length 60 km) S1 Aarida, at bridge El Assouad, near village El Aarida / P. sp. juv. S2 Nsara, little spring-brook in Ouadi Audine/ P. sp. juv. S3 Magl el Bal, little spring-brook in Ouadi Audine/ P. hamicensis S4 Es Safa spring, at bridge Ouadi Khaled/ P. sp. juv. II. Basin of Abou Aali, (surface 484 km2, length 42 km) S5 Abou Aali at Abou Samra, near Citadel Saint Gilles,Tripoli / P. kathrini, P. hamicensis S6 Qadicha, a stream at power plant, near village Bcherré/ P. badiella S7 Rachaaîne spring, near village Rachaaine/ P. badiella, P. kathrini S8 Rachaaîne a stream at Tahoûne El Merdâchiyé / P. kathrini S9 Rachaaîne a stream at bridge Zgharta (village) / P. kathrini III. Basin of Ibrahim (surface 330 km2, length 30 km) S10 Ibrahim at Janné, near village Janné / P. kathrini, P. hamicensi, P. cf. levantica S11 S12 Aakoura spring (Aaqoura), near village Aakoura / P. kathrini, P. cf. levantica Below Afqa spring, near village El Ghâbât / P. sp. juv. IV. Basin of El Kalb (surface 260 Km2, length 30 Km) S13 El Kalb at estuary of the river / P. hamicensis, P. sp. juv. S14 El Kalb at Hrajel, near village Hrajel / P. sp. juv. V. Basin of Aouali (Awali) S15 Aouali at Jisr el Misri, near village Barouk / P. kathrini S16 Aouali at Jisr Batloûn, near village Barouk / P. sp. juv., P. cf. levantica S17 Aouali at jisr Jdeidet el Choûf/ P. sp. (juv.) Tributary (Nahr Aaray Jezzine/Waterfall Jezzîne) S18 Nabaa Jezzîne a spring-brook near village Jezzine / P. sp. (juv.) S19 Nahr Aaray a stream, near village Jezzine / P. kathrini S20 Nahr Aaray below village Jezzine (Oûadi Jezzîne) / P. cf. levantica VI. Basin of Litani (surface 2170 km2, length 170 km) S21 Litani at Rayak bridge/ P. kathrini S22 Litani at Joub Jannine, near village Joub Jannine / P. hamicensis S23 Litani below Ain Zarka spring, near power plant Markaba / P. kathrini, P. hamicensis Alt. Coordinates 254 1440 1330 380 date 34°39’N 36°18’E 34°31’N 36°18’E 34°30’N 36°18’E 34°37’N 36°24’E 25.10.2009 25.08.2009 13.03.2008 31.08.2009 30 34°25’N 35°50’E 18.10.2000 16.06.1993 10.03.1996 19.11.1995 09.07.1995 10.03.1996 24.12.1995 27.04.2002 18.10.2001 1400 34°15’N 36°00’E 136 34°23’N 35°55’E 80 34°23’N 35°54’E 60 34°23’N 35°54’E 730 34°04’N 35°49’E 1400 34°07’N 35°54’E 23.06.2002 03.11.2002 09.03.2002 29.07.1995 1020 34°04’N 35°52’E 15.01.1995 15.04.1995 12 33°57’N 35°36’E 1190 34°00’N 35°47’E 09.05.2007 29.04.2006 1050 33°42’N 35°40’E 980 33°41’N 35°39’E 710 33°39’N 35°36’E 10.11.1979 20.10.1979 13.03.1979 08.12.1979 950 33°32’N 35°35’E 900 33°32’N 35°34’E 690 33°33’N 35°34’E 18.08.1979 23.04.1979 27.07.1979 900 33°50’N 36°00’E 800 33°38’N 35°16’E 550 33°32’N 35°41’E 04.07.1995 10.10.1991 29.4.2005 02.07.2005 11.11.2005 03.12.1988 24.12.1988 24.02.1989 29.01.1989 10.10.1995 03.05.2000 07.10.1987 24.05.2000 17.10.1991 30. 05.1995 10.10.1991 06.05.2004 27.05.1995 06.5.2004 14.05.2003 14.05.2003 14.05.2003 14.05.2003 03.03.2005 S24 Litani above Kasmiyé (Qasmiyeh) near village Kasmiyé / P. hamicensis 5 33°20’N 35°15’E S25 1000 33°56’N 36°03’E S26 Haouch-Bay (Hawch Bay) spring, near village Chmistar / P. kathrini, P. hamicensis Yahfoufa, a stream at village Janta / P. kathrini S27 S28 S29 S30 Anjar spring, near village Anjar / P. kathrini, P. hamicensis Ghazyeil, a stream near village Estable / P. badiella, P. hamicensis Kab-Elias (koub-Eliass), a stream above village Kab- Elias / P. kathrini Ammiq springs and pond / P. hamicensis, P. kathrini 1000 870 1000 850 S31 S32 Khraizat spring, near village Saghbine/ P. kathrini Tayouné spring, near village Saghbine / P. badiella, P. hamicensis 1000 33°36’N 35°41’E 1000 33°36’N 35°41’E S33 S34 Daya’a spring, near village Machgara / P. kathrini Hjair spring (Ouadi Hujeir), near Ghandouriyé + Qantra vill./ P. kathrini 1000 33°32’N 35°39’E 230 33°15’N 35°27’E 1000 33°51’N 36°06’E 33°44’N 35°56’E 33°45’N 35°56’E 33°47’N 35°49’E 33°43’N 35°47’E 90 Zoology in the Middle East 57, 2012 VII. Basin of Orontes (surface 1870 km2, length 46 km) S35 Orontes below Chwaghir village (Chouaghir) / P. kathrini S36 Ras el-Ain Baalbeck, springs and pond / P. saulcyi, P. kathrini 1000 34°00’N 36°12’E S37 El Haour at Marjhine, springs and pond , near village El Hermel / P. levantica, P. kathrini 1730 34°22’N 36°13’E S38 El Jammâssia at Marjhine, springs and pond , near vill. El Hermel / P. levantica El Jamiaa at Marjhine, springs and pond, near village El Hermel / P. levantica 1720 34°22’N 36°13’E 25.08.1984 28.04.1985 18.01.2009 30.04.1995 20.05.20012 0.05.2010 09.10.2001 20.05.2001 1720 34°23’N 36°14’E 21.10.2004 S39 570 34°24’N 36°26’E Results Pseudobithynia spp. were found at 39 out of 200 sampling sites (Table 1, Fig. 1). These samples comprised five species: P. hamicensis (Pallary, 1939) (12 stations), P. kathrini Glöer & Bößneck, 2007 (21 stations), P. levantica Glöer & Bößneck, 2007 (3 stations), P. badiella (Küster, 1853) (4 stations), and P. saulcyi (Bourguignat, 1853) (1 station). In addition, we found that P. amiqensis Glöer & Bößneck, 2007 is conspecific with P. hamicensis Pallary, 1939 and is thus a junior synonym of the latter species. Not all specimens could be determined to species level, because juvenile Pseudobithynia spp. are not always characteristic enough for identification. It was found that three species of Pseudobithynia occur in the river basins of Abou Ali, Litani, and Orontes (Table 2). Two species are hemi-stenothermous and three species are eurythermous (Table 3). Pseudobithynia Glöer & Pešić, 2006 Type species: Pseudobithynia irana Glöer & Pešić, 2006 Diagnosis: The shells are globular to conical or elongated conical. The operculum is calcareous, and the penis has neither a penial appendix nor a flagellum. Pseudobithynia badiella (Küster, 1853) Paludina badiella KÜSTER, 1853 (p. 62, figs. 25-28); Beirut. Neotype: NEUBERT (1998: 347, Fig. 32). – Material: S6, S7, S28, S32. Description: The small yellowish-brown coloured shell is spherical and has 3.5 fast growing whorls, which are slightly rounded and flattened at the top, separated by a clear suture (Figs 2.1, 2.4). The body whorl is dominant. The surface is silky, opaque and finely striated. The umbilicus is slit-like to closed, and the operculum is yellowish (Fig. 2.2). Shell height 3.03.5 mm, width 3.0-3.5 mm. The penis is broad at the base and pointed at the tip, and the penial appendix is absent (Fig. 2.3). – Diagnosis: The shells of P. badiella are globular and the body whorl is flattened at the suture. Distribution: The species was found only in the coastal rivers of the western slope of Mont Liban and the headwater of the Orontes and Litani rivers (eastern slope of Mont Liban), at two sampling sites each. It could be found in the crenal and rhithral of rivers (Fig. 3) at water temperatures of 6-22°C and at altitudes of 130-1400 m. Mollusca 91 Fig. 2. Pseudobithynia badiella (S7). 1: Shell (male), 2: operculum, 3: head with penis, 4: with operculum (female). Fig. 3. Habitat of Pseudobithynia badiella. 1- 4: S7 (Rachaaîine spring, near village Rachaaîne). Pseudobithynia hamicensis (Pallary, 1939) Bithynia hamicensis PALLARY, 1939 (p. 75, pl. IV, figs. 37-40). Ammiq. Pseudobithynia amiqensis Glöer & Bößneck, 2007, n. syn. Material: S3, S5, S10, S13, S22, S23, S24, S25, S27, S28, S30 (topotypes), S32. 92 Zoology in the Middle East 57, 2012 Fig. 4. Pseudobithynia hamicensis. 1: Shell (male, S5), 2: operculum, 3-7: penis in situ, 8: shell (female, S24), 9: operculum, 10: shell with eggs, 11: shell (female, S22) – p = penis, s = snout, t = tentacle. Description: The conical silky shell is horn-coloured and consists of 5-5.5 whorls, which are slightly rounded and separated by a clear suture (Fig. 4.1). The umbilicus is slit-like to closed. The oval aperture is angled at the top, and its outer edge is thickened with a white lip. The edge of the aperture, as seen from the side, is sinuate. The nucleus of the operculum is central (Figs 4.2, 4.9). Females are broader (Figs 4.8, 4.11). Shell: ♂ 10.3 mm high, 6.7 mm wide; ♀ 9.3 mm high and 6.9 mm wide, resulting in a mean ratio of H:B=1.5 (♂), 1.3 (♀) respectively; the ratio of aperture height to shell height is 0.41 (♂) and 0.48 (♀). The juveniles are globular. The mantle is dark-coloured with fine white unsharp spots. The penis is simple, with folds in the middle part, broad at its base and attenuated at the distal end (Figs 4.3-4.7). – Diagnosis: The outer margin of the aperture of P. hamicensis is thickened, the Mollusca 93 Fig. 5. Sampling sites of Pseudobithynia hamicensis.1: S5 (Abou Aali at Abou Samra, near Citadel Saint Gilles,Tripoli), 2: S24 (Litani above Kasmiyé (Qasmiyeh) near village Kasmiyé), 3: S22 (Litani at Joub Jannine, near village Joub Jannine), 4: S27 (Anjar spring, near village Anjar). Fig. 6. Pseudobithynia saulcyi. 1: Shell (male, S36), 2: operculum, 3: penis in situ. – e = eye, p = penis, s = snout, t = tentacle. 94 Zoology in the Middle East 57, 2012 Fig. 7. Bithyniidae of Lebanon. 1: Pseudobithynia badiella, 2: P. saulcyi, 3: P. kathrini, 4: Pseudobithynia hamicensis, 5: P. levantica. umbilicus is closed, while the umbilicus is slit-like in P. kathrini, and the outer margin of the aperture is sharp in that species. The penis of P. hamicensis has a swelling in its middle part, whilst there is no swelling in P. kathrini. Distribution: The species occurs in both coastal and inland area (El Kebir, Abou Ali, Ibrahim, El Kalb, Litani), and is, in addition to P. kathrini, the most widespread Pseudobithynia species in Lebanon. It occurs at elevations from 5 to 1330 m a.s.l. It is eurythermous (1126°C) and eurytopic (main river, tributaries, springs and pond) (Fig. 5). The eggs are laid on the shells of other specimens (Fig. 4.10). Remarks: Because of the high variability of the shells of this species, GLÖER & BÖßNECK (2007) did not recognise that P. hamicensis (Pallary) and P. amiqensis Glöer & Bößneck, 2007 are conspecific. We compared our samples with a photo of a syntype, which allowed us to identify P. hamicensis beyond doubt. Pseudobithynia saulcyi (Bourguignat, 1853) Bithynia saulcyi BOURGUIGNAT, 1853 (p. 63). Baalbek. Material: S36 (topotype). Description: The silky shell is conical, brownish horn-coloured, with 4.5 slightly rounded whorls (Fig. 6.1). The suture is deep. The body whorl is prominent, and the umbilicus is closed. The aperture is oval and angled at the top, with a sharp margin. The operculum is concave at the central nucleus (Fig. 6.2). The mantle is black. Shell 5.8 mm high, 4.1 mm wide, ratio of H:B=1.4. The penis is simple, broad at the base and blunt at the distal end Mollusca 95 Table 2. Number of Pseudobithynia spp. recorded per river system in The Lebanon. El Kebir P. badiella P. hamicensis P. kathrini P. levantica P. saulcyi No. of species + 1 Abou Aali Ibrahim El Kalb + + + + + + 3 2 1 Aouali (Awali) Litani + + + + 1 3 Orontes + + + 3 (Fig. 6.3). – Diagnosis: Shell conical, umbilicus closed, margin of the aperture thin and sharp, penis simple. Distribution: It was found only in the headwater of the Orontes (eastern slope of Mont Liban) at one sampling site (Ras el-Ain Baalbeck). The spring of Ras el-Ain Baalbeck (S27) is part of a karstic area in a chain of the Anti-Lebanon mountains in the east (inland province, or Bekaa with a submediterranean to arid climate). Currently, its flow is reduced by pumping and is only rarely 1 m3/s. This main resurgence is marked by dense macrophytes: Ranunculus sphaerospermus and Myriophyllum spicatum. On the banks we find grasses (Graminaceae) and sedges (Cyperaceae), and on the water surface filamentous algae in particular. At our sampling site, the water temperature was 9-16°C, dissolved O2 levels at or near saturation (80-90%), and the substrate consisting of silt and sand rich in decaying plant debris; the depth varied between 10 and 40 cm. Remarks: According to BOURGUIGNAT (1853: 63), B. saulcyi is subconical ventricose with a black-greenish epidermis. The surface bears black ribs. The measurements of the original description are: shell height 6 mm, width 3.5 mm. We could not find this black-greenish epidermis and the black ribs, nor were they evident on the holotype. Identification key to the Bithyniidae of Lebanon 1 Shell small, height 3-3.5 mm, globular, margin of the aperture thick, penis simple without swelling ............................................................ P. badiella – Shell larger, conical .................................................................................... 2 2 Shell >8 mm high, outer margin of the aperture thickened, penis with a swelling .......................................................................... P. hamicensis – Shell <8 mm high, penis with a swelling or simple .............................................. 3 3 Shell height 7-8 mm, slim conical, margin of the aperture sharp, umbilicus slit-like, penis simple ......................................................... P. kathrini – Shell smaller, umbilicus closed ...................................................................... 4 4 Shell height 6 mm, conical, umbilicus closed, margin of the aperture thin and sharp, penis simple ................................................... P. saulcyi – Shell height 5-6 mm, conical, penis with a swelling................................ P. levantica 96 Zoology in the Middle East 57, 2012 Table 3. Zonation (as range of temperature, and range of elevation) of Pseudobithynia spp. in Lebanese rivers (coastal = coastal rivers of the western slope of Mont Lebanon; inland = headwater of Orontes and Litani rivers (eastern slope of Mont Lebanon)). P. kathrini Water temperature (°C, min.-max) 9-18 hemistenothermous 8-28 eurythermous P. hamicensis 11-26 eurythermous P. saulcyi 9-16 P. badiella 6-22 hemistenothermous eurythermous P. levantica Zonation crenal and rhithral eurytope but prefers crenal-rhithral eurytope but prefers crenal-rhithral crenal crenal and rhithral Altitude 600-1730 Distribution 30-1730 inland (Orontes river basin) coastal + inland 5-1330 coastal + inland 1000-1100 inland (Orontes river basin) coastal + inland 130-1400 Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Eike NEUBERT for the photos of the syntypes of the Pseudobithynia species re-described above, and David WALKER, who checked the English language. In addition we express our thanks to two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. The second author received financial support from the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research. References BOURGUIGNAT, J. R. (1853): Catalogue raisonné des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles recueillis par M. F. de Saulcy pendant son voyage en Orient. pp. [3], I-XXVI [= 1-26], 1-96, Pl. 1-4. BROWN, D. (1994): Freshwater snails of Africa and their medical importance. 2nd edition. – London 609 pp. DAMME, D. VAN (1984): The freshwater mollusca of Northern Africa. Distribution, biogeography and palaeoecology. – Dordrecht, 164 pp. GERMAIN, L. (1921-1922): Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Syrie. Tome 1. – Voyage zoologique d’Henri Gadeau de Kerville en Syrie (Avril-Juin 1908) 2 (1921): 523 pp., 3 (1922) : 241 pp., 23 pl. Paris GLÖER, P. & U. BÖßNECK (2007): Pseudobithynia kathrini n. sp., P. levantica n. sp. und P. amiqensis n. sp. – drei neue Arten aus dem Libanon (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Bithyniidae). — Mollusca 25: 113-120. KÜSTER, H. C. (1852-1853): Die Gattungen Paludina, Hydrocaena und Valvata in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. In: MARTINI & CHEMNITZ, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, (Ed. 2) I.21: 96 pp., 14 plates. MANDAHL-BARTH, G. (1968): Revision of the African Bithyniidae (Gastropoda Prosobranchia). – Revue de Zoologie et Botanique africaines 78: 129-160, Taf. 2-4. NEUBERT, E. (1998): Annotated checklist of the terrestrial and freshwater molluscs of the Arabian Peninsula with descriptions of new species. – Fauna of Arabia 17: 333-461. PALLARY, P. (1939): Deuxième Addition à la Faune Malacologique de la Syrie. – Mémoires présentés à l’Institut d’Égypte 39: 143 pp, 7 plates. SCHÜTT, H. (1983): Die Molluskenfauna der Süßwässer im Einzugsgebiet des Orontes unter Berücksichtigung benachbarter Flußsysteme. – Archiv für Molluskenkunde 113: 17-91, 225-228 (Register). Authors’ addresses: Peter Glöer, Biodiversity Research Laboratory, Schulstr. 3, 25491 Hetlingen, Germany. – Aref Dia, National Council for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 11-8281, Riad el Solh, Beirut 1107226, Lebanon. – Gerhard Falkner, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany. – Email contact: gloeer@malaco.de.