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Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 DOI 10.1007/s11252-011-0164-9 Vascular plants along an urban-rural gradient in the city of Tampere, Finland Pertti Ranta & Ville Viljanen Published online: 22 February 2011 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 Abstract The aim of this study was to analyse the spatial distribution of vascular plants along a 21-kilometre rural–urban–rural transect in the city of Tampere, Finland. The study emphasised the distribution of native and non-native species, both in absolute numbers and proportionally. The observed differences are explained by the share of forest land, the number of detached houses, distance from the city centre, and human population. Nonnatives showed the highest values in suburban areas. Still, the difference in number of nonnatives between suburban and central areas was quite small. In the city of Tampere, there are not continuous large areas devoid of vegetation. The number of native species remained high until the urban core and natives dominated in the rural-type areas of the city. However, there was not a great difference in the number of native species between rural and suburban areas. In the suburban areas, the detached houses and block-of-flats have little effect on the general vegetation. Proportionally, the share of natives decreases in line with the urban traits of the city. Urbanisation therefore affects native species in Finland. Overall, the characteristic features of a Finnish city, such as dispersed urban structure, small population, late urbanisation, abundant natural vegetation (forest) and the qualities of Finnish forests, guarantee the continuing diversity of urban vascular plants. Keywords Urban gradient . Native and non-native species . Urban biodiversity . Urban planning P. Ranta (*) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, PO Box 27, Latokartanonkaari 3, Helsinki FI-00014, Finland e-mail: pertti.ranta@saunalahti.fi V. Viljanen School of Management, University of Tampere, FI-33014 Tampere, Finland Present Address: P. Ranta Kalevankangas 12, FI-33540 Tampere, Finland 362 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 Introduction From an ecological point of view, cities are usually disturbed, highly modified environments with large areas that are devoid of vegetation. Urbanisation is often a major cause of local extinction. In some countries, urbanisation endangers more species than other human activities (Hansen et al. 2005). In addition, city expansion can lead to the loss of many native species; they are replaced by non-native species, which promotes biotic homogenisation. Urbanisation is seen as one of the most homogenising human activities and, as a result, the biota of central business districts, suburbs and residential areas are becoming increasingly similar (McKinney 2006). Unlike the non-urban matrix ecosystem, where native species dominate, cities can be seen as concentrations of alien species and ‘islands’ in the uniform cover of native species. There have been considerable losses of native species in some American and European cities. New York City, for example, has lost 578 native species (46% of all its native herbaceous species) since the mid-19th century (DeCandido et al. 2004). The history of land use seems to play an important part in the change. Staten Island has lost 443 native species (41%) since 1879, while the Finger Lakes Region of Central New York State has lost only 43 native species since the early 1800s. Most of the natural habitat in Staten Island has been lost to urbanisation and deforestation (Robinson et al. 1994). In the case of the Finger Lakes, numerous forest areas persisted along with other types of natural areas (Marks et al. 2008). The city of Plzen in the Czech Republic has lost 368 native species (31%) in the last 120 years or so (Chocholouskova and Pysek 2003). According to the general trend, species richness declines from the rural area to the urban core (McKinney 2002). This can be partly explained by the disappearance of vegetation and the increase of impervious areas. However, the relationship between plants and urbanisation may appear paradoxical and the complex nature of urban land use can have a complicated influence on local biodiversity. Cities may be rich in species (Gödde et al. 1995; Kühn, et al. 2004), in some cases even richer than the surrounding countryside (Knapp et al. 2008). Urban disturbance and management practices create new habitat types, which are missing elsewhere and are colonised by plants that arrive intentionally and non-intentionally. Urban green areas are often kept in early stages of succession, such as traffic corridors and parks. Several studies have also revealed the so-called suburban peak, with higher number of species than in the rural or urban ends of the city area. This has been observed in several taxonomic groups, including vascular plants (Kowarik 1995). These results may be in accordance with the so-called intermediate disturbance hypothesis proposed by Grime (1973) and Connell (1978), which predicts that species diversity reaches its maximum at an intermediate level of disturbance (Grime 1973; Connell 1978; Bongers et al. 2009; Niemelä and Kotze 2009). If disturbances occur only rarely, some species are excluded by competitive exclusion. Disturbance frequency in suburban areas is modest and a large number of species may coexist. With high disturbance frequency, only stress tolerant species are selected, which means that urbanisation has different effects on various taxonomic groups (McKinney 2008; Luck et al. 2009; Gray 1989). It is also essential to study the distribution of species based on their taxonomic group. The reaction to urbanisation may differ, even within the same taxonomic group. According to McKinney (2002), organisms may be classified as urban avoiders, adapters or exploiters. The usual terminology when applied to vascular plants is urbanophobic, urbanoneutral and urbanophilous species (e.g. Bomanowska and Witosławski 2008; Wittig 1993). Urban avoiders or urbanophobic species are sensitive to disturbance and prefer stability (long-lived shade tolerants). Typical urban avoiders in Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 363 Finland are native species of the coniferous forests. The other extreme, the urbanophilous species, prefer frequent disturbance, nitrogen-rich habitats and urban climatic conditions (short-lived shade-intolerants). Urbanophilous species are mostly ruderals. The rapid and global spread of urbanisation has meant that a basic challenge for conservation is to understand how it affects biodiversity (McKinney 2008) and the biotic homogenisation of species. The present study sought to identify the physical factors that have decisive importance in terms of the distribution, number and quality of urban vascular plants in the city of Tampere, Finland. In addition to the absolute number of species, the study analysed the point at which the share of non-native species takes over and the nonnatives become more frequent than the natives. Since the introduction of the gradient paradigm to study urban ecology, the gradient approach has proven to be a useful tool for describing human-induced disturbances in urban areas (e.g. McDonnell and Pickett 1990; McDonnell et al. 1997; McDonnell and Hahs 2008; Burton et al. 2005; Niemelä et al. 2009; Zipperer et al. 2000; Pickett et al. 2009). Studies have been conducted regarding the response to urban gradiants of various groups of organisms, such as birds (Garaffa et al. 2008; Blair 2004; Gering and Blair 1999), butterflies (Blair 1999; Clark et al. 2007) vascular plants (Tonteri and Haila 1990), carabid beetles (Niemelä and Kotze 2009), mammals (Mahan and O’Connell 2005) and fishes (Horwitz et al. 2001). This study analysed and tested the theories of urban ecology in connection with gradients in a Finnish environment. The research objective of this article can be divided into four sub-questions: (1) Is it possible to detect any differences in the distribution of species along the urban–rural gradient? (2) How does the distribution of native and non-native species differ? (3) What factors in the urban structure may explain the observed differences? and (4) Do the theories on spatial distribution of species (intermediate disturbance hypothesis and the decline of species richness towards the city core) apply in the city of Tampere in the zone of boreal coniferous forests. Study area and the urban–rural gradient The study area is situated in the City of Tampere (pop. 210,000) in Southern Finland (61° 30′ N, 23° 45′ E). The matrix ecosystem consists mostly of coniferous forest that is dominated by Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and Betula spp. Most tree species are native species with some extralimital natives (like Quercus robur and also Acer platanoides, which occur as natives south of the study area). The forests are usually managed as urban green areas and used for the recreation of local habitants. There are no forest plantations in the area. The herbaceous vegetation is basically seminatural or nearly naturally, with the dominant species being Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Ocalis acetosella, Convallaria majalis and Carex digitata. An esker formation with a length of more than 20 km runs through the city from east to west. Two large lakes, Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi, dominate the city landscape. According to the comprehensive habitat mapping of the city in 2000 (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008), the general land use of the city consists of residential areas (44.8%), forests (28.0%), industrial areas (14.9%), lakes (11.8%) and agricultural areas (0.7%). The study examined the spatial distribution of the vascular plant species along an urban– rural gradient. The urban–rural gradient explores the changes in plants from the rural area to the city core. Comprehensive grid mapping reveals the distribution of plants in relation to urbanisation (Wittig et al. 1985). Along an urban–rural gradient, the different groups take typical positions (Wittig et al. 1993; Guntensbergen and Levenson 1997). 364 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 To study a possible gradient, a 21 km long rural–urban–rural transect was established. The transect runs through the whole city, from west to east (Fig. 1.) The transect line consists of 42 connected quadrates of 500 m×500 m. These 42 quadrates were chosen because they form the longest possible transect-line through the city, that includes both urban and rural areas. On the transect, the human population density is highest at the centre of the city, which has a high number of apartment buildings, but at the rural ends of the gradient line the population drops to zero (Fig. 2). The proportion of forest curve is practically the opposite: low in the centre but high at the rural ends (Fig. 3). There are few detached houses in the centre but many in the suburbs (Fig. 4). As matter of fact, the transect could be called a rural–urban–rural transect because of its rural features at the beginning and at the end. In the study area, rural quadrates at the both ends of the transect are covered with forests. Floristic data The material collected for this study is derived from the comprehensive floristic mapping of the city of Tampere (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008). The city was divided into 596 quadrates of 500 m×500 m. Observations of 1239 species (409 of which were natives) were made in the original citywide mapping. There were 200 000 observations in total. As noted by Zipperer and Guntensbergen (2009), species richness must be separated into native and non-native categories in order to capture changes along the transect. In this study, all the species were divided into native and non-native groups. Absolute and percentage numbers of species were compared (see Table 1) as they tell different stories. Absolute numbers reveal the amplitude of species, while percentage numbers depict the relationship and interdependence between the species. Fig. 1 The urban–rural transect (500×500 m) and human population density in the city of Tampere Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 365 4000 Number of people 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Transect Fig. 2 Human population along the transect A total of 8267 plant observations (presence of species in 500×500 cell) were made along the entire transect (an average of 197 observations per quadrate). The share of natives on the transect is 44%. The native species arrived in Finland without human assistance after the last glaciation, about 10,000 years ago (Hämet-Ahti et al. 1998). The division into natives and non-native species follows The Field Flora of Finland (Hämet-Ahti et al. 1998). The group of non-natives consists of archaeophytes (24.6%), ornamentals (6.9%), garden escapes (9.7%) and neophytes (14.2%). The non-natives were introduced by humans during different periods. The oldest plants of this group are the archaeophytes, which arrived in Finland before the 17th century. In Finland and other Nordic countries this time limit is later than in many other countries, because of the remoteness of the area (Hämet-Ahti et al. 1998). Most of the ornamentals, garden escapes and neophytes arrived during the 20th century. The number of the non-natives started to increase after the construction of the railway line to Tampere in 1876. Statistical methods Three different methods were used to study the relationships between urbanisation and spatial patterns of species richness. All the analyses were conducted using SPSS version 13.0. The first involved studying variation in species along the urban–rural gradient with the help of graphic diagrams. 100 Proportion of forest 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Transect Fig. 3 Proportion of forest land along the transect 366 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 Proportion of detached houses 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Transect Fig. 4 Proportion of detached houses along the transect Secondly, in order to capture the effects of urbanisation on the native and non-native species and their numbers and percentage, a multiple regression analysis was conducted (model: Y ¼ a þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b4 X4 ). Regression analysis selects the independent variables that significantly affect the dependent variable. On the basis of the reviewed Table 1 Description of the measures of species and urbanisation used to characterise the 0.25 km2 quadrates in the study area Measure Description Minimum Maximum Number of species Total number of species in comprehensive floristic mapping on the city of Tampere in 2000 (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008) Total number of native species in comprehensive floristic mapping on the city of Tampere in 2000 (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008) 114 308 19 143 Total number of native species in comprehensive floristic mapping on the city of Tampere in 2000 (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008) Total number of native species in comprehensive floristic mapping on the city of Tampere in 2000 (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008) 18 232 16,7 85,0 Percentage of non-natives Total number of non-native species in comprehensive floristic mapping on the city of Tampere in 2000 (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008) 15 83,3 Percentage of forest land Comprehensive habitat mapping of the city in 2000 0 88,0 Percentage of detached houses Data provided by the municipal office in 2000 0 67,4 Distance to the city centre Linear distance (meters) from the central business district 0 10000 Human population Number of people in the 2000 census (Statistics Finland 0 3663 Absolute number of natives Absolute number of non-natives Percentage of natives Transformation method log Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 367 literature, the following four variables were selected to identify urban and rural features (see Table 1): (1) Percentage of forest land, (2) percentage of detached houses, (3) distance to the city centre (the cell that represents the city centre shows the highest number of retail and commercial services, the central business district of the city of Tampere) and (4) population (log transformation was performed on population, because of its non-normal distribution). The predictor variables didn’t correlate too highly with each other (the highest correlation between independent variables was .764; distance to the city centre and percentage of forest land). Thirdly, in order to examine the relationships between species and the urban structure in more detail, we studied the variables in relation to the proportion of forest land with a simple linear regression analysis (model: Y ¼ a þ b1 X1 ). In addition, we analysed the nonlinear relationships between the variables with a quadratic model (model: Y ¼ a þ b1 X1 þ b2 X1 2 ). Results The urban–rural gradient in Tampere The comparison of the different quadrates reveals differences in the number of species (Fig. 5), and gradients of several types can be observed along the transect. In Tampere, the quadrates at the rural ends of the gradient with coniferous forest have the lowest total number of species (114 species), while the number of species in some suburban areas was over 300. The highest number of species in one quadrate was 143 natives and 232 non-natives. At the other end of the spectrum, one quadrate had 19 natives and 18 non-natives. The natives are more numerous at the rural end of the transect but there are more non-native species in the most urbanised area (Fig. 5). The number of natives exceeds the number of non-natives in only 15 quadrates. The highest difference between the number of native species and non-natives species is 161. Number of non-natives Number of natives 260 240 Number of species 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Transect Fig. 5 Absolute number of natives and non-natives along the transect 368 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 The percentage of non-natives exceeds the percentage of natives in 26 quadrates. The highest difference between the percentage of native species and non-natives is approximately 70% (Fig. 6). Total number of species In the regression model, approximately 30% of the total variability in the number of species among the quadrates is accounted for by the variables (see Tables 2 and 3). Compared to other variables, the total number of species has the lowest coefficient of determination; this is because the total number of species includes a large variety of species. The total number of species has a statistically significant correlation with the percentage of detached houses. This high correlation suggests high species richness in semi-urban areas. Figure 7 depicts the relationship between proportion of forest land and total number of species, native and non-native species. The number of species has a significant quadratic response to the proportion of forest land (Tables 4 and 5). Species richness is highest in quadrates with proportion of forest land between 20 and 40%. These areas are typically dominated by detached houses. In the city centre, the average number of all species is lower because the building area dominates over habitats that are suitable for plants. The large impervious areas in the city centre explain the lower numbers of all plant groups. On the other hand, the number of species in northern boreal coniferous forest is low because of the uniformity and acidity of soils (Reinikainen et al. 2001). In general, boreal coniferous forests are poorer in species richness than hemiboreal forests. Occurrence of native species Approximately 76% of the variability of the absolute number of native species in the regression model is accounted for by the four variables (Table 2). The absolute number of natives has a positive and statistically highly significant correlation with the percentage of detached houses and the distance to the city centre and significant correlation with the percentage of forest land. The absolute number of natives correlates negatively with population. The total number of natives shows the highest coefficient of determination with % of natives % of non-natives Proportion of species 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Gradient Fig. 6 The percentage distribution of native and non-native species along the transect Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 369 Table 2 Multiple linear regression: coefficients of determination (R2) and standardized regression coefficients Coefficient of determination R2 Standardized regression coefficient % of forest land % of detached houses Distance to the city centre (m) Number or people Total number of species 0,298a −0,006 0,578b 0,237 −0,085 Absolute number of natives 0,764c 0,320a 0,353c 0,485c −0,359b % of native species 0,880c 0,345c 0,072 0,451c −0,374c c a Absolute number of non-native species 0,476 −0,246 0,366 −0,12 0,179 % of non-native species 0,877c −0,342c −0,081 −0,454c 0,376c a Significant at the level of 0.05 b Signicant at the level of 0.01 c Signicant at the level of 0.001 distance to the city centre. Increased distance indicates more forests or other habitats that are suitable for native species, such as natural lakes and shores, brooks, bogs, rocky outcrops and meadows. The natives are basically forest species but the distance from the city centre explains the number of natives better than the share of forested land. These habitats are not abundant near the most densely populated and built-up parts of the city. The number of natives increases quite continuously with the proportion of forest land (Fig. 7). Both the linear and the quadratic model show statistically highly significant relation to the proportion of forest land (Tables 4 and 5). However, the quadratic response is stronger. The curve shows a peak at 50% of forest land. At the very rural ends of the gradient, the number of natives represents the undisturbed and monotonous nature of coniferous forests. The absolute number of natives is quite similar in the rural and suburban areas. Suburban settlement does not necessarily correspond to lower numbers of native species in Finnish conditions. In Finnish suburbia, buildings are like small isolated spots in the wide forest and they have little effect on general vegetation, but in the city centre, there Table 3 Multiple linear regression: unstandardized regression coefficients and constants Unstandardized regression coefficient Constant % of forest % of detached Distance to the Number or land houses city centre (m) people −0,013 0,424 0,004 −4,927 171,5 Absolute number of natives Total number of species 0,454 0,18 0,006 −14,011 71,8 % of native species 0,222 0,017 0,002 −6,794 41,2 Absolute number of non-native species −0,446 0,237 −0,002 9,136 99,2 −0,019 −0,002 6,787 58,6 % of non-native species −0,219 370 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 Fig. 7 Relationships between proportion of forest land and total numbers of all (a), native (b) and non-native species (c) is very little forests or any type of vegetation and consequently relatively few native species. Eighty-eight percent of the variability in the percentage of natives is accounted by the four variables in Table 2. The percentage of natives has a statistically highly significant relation to the distance from the city centre and the percentage of forest land and a negative relation to population. The percentage of the natives follows the proportion of forest land continuously, which reflects the importance of the forests to the natives (Fig. 8 and Table 4). When the proportion of forest land is lower than approximately 30%, the nonnatives take over. Landscaping of these areas has brought ornamentals and other non-native species to the area. Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 371 Table 4 Simple linear regression model (independent variable: proportion of forest land): coefficients of determination (R2), constants, unstandardized regression coefficients Coefficient of determination R2 Constant Unstandardized regression coefficient −0,427 Total number of species 0,053 218,6 Absolute number of natives 0,393*** 68,1 0,741 % of native species 0,716*** 28,3 0,547 Absolute number of non-native species % of non-native species 0,433*** 0,708*** 149,2 71,1 −1,15 −0,54 ***Signicant at the level of 0.001 Occurrence of non-native species Forty-eight percent of the variability of the absolute number of non-natives is accounted for by the four variables (Table 2). It is the second lowest of the explained variances studied. There are other factors that may explain the distribution of non-native species better than the analysed variables. The effect of unstudied measures can be noticed in Fig. 5. The variation of adjacent quadrates is much bigger with non-natives than natives. The correlation of the absolute number of the non-natives with population and the percentage of the detached houses significantly positive. The non-native species can be regarded as typical city-species and, more specifically, as suburban species. The number of non-natives decreases as the share of forest increases (Fig. 7). Both the linear and the quadratic model show statistically highly significant linear relation to the proportion of forest land (Tables 4 and 5). The share of forests and the share of other habitats is lower in the suburban and central parts of the city than in the rural areas, which correlates with the high numbers of non-native species. The non-native species are not forest species, so where the forests dominate, the non-native species will be low. The variables account for as much as 88% of the variability of the percentage of the nonnatives (Table 2). The percentage of non-natives has a highly significant negatively relation to the distance from the city centre and the percentage of forest land. The percentage of non-natives has a highly significant positively relation to the population. The non-native species dominate in the most urban quadrates (low in forests) but with more forests the share of non-native species drops (Fig. 8 and Table 4). The decrease in the share of forest land results in a linear increase in the share of non-native species. The Table 5 Simple quadratic regression model (independent variable: proportion of forest land): coefficients of determination (R2), constants, unstandardized regression coefficients Coefficient of determination R2 Constant Unstandardized regression coefficients Total number of species 0,266* 193,2 2,11 −0,033 Absolute number of natives 0,597*** 52,3 2,33 −0,021 % of native species 0,719*** Absolute number of non-native species 0,469*** 27,2 139,3 0,656 −0,167 −0,001 −0,013 % of non-native species 72,1 −0,631 0,001 *Significant at the level of 0.05 ***Signicant at the level of 0.001 0,710*** 372 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 Fig. 8 Relationships between proportion of forest land and proportion of native and nonnative species proportion of natives and non-natives are inversely related to the proportion of forest. In the very city centre, the absolute number of non-natives drops but the percentage of non-natives does not (Figs. 7 and 8). In the most urban areas, only a few habitats are available for any plants but the non-natives are not replaced with the natives either. Discussion This study aimed to examine the relationship between urbanisation and plant species and the loss of native species in a Finnish city, thereby contributing to the understanding of urban ecology. Quite few urban–rural gradient studies have analyzed the boreal zone. Several studies have suggested that the relationship between vascular plants and urbanisation is somewhat paradoxical. The complex nature of land use can have intricate influences on local biodiversity. According to the general trend, species richness declines linearly from rural areas to urban ones. In our study, species richness is highest in suburban areas (so called suburban peak) (Fig. 9). The result supports the general intermediate disturbance hypothesis. In addition to the total number of species, we studied the distribution of native and nonnatives. Both the number of native species and the number of non-natives varied across the gradient, with non-natives showing the highest values in suburban areas. Still, the difference in number of non-natives between suburban and central areas is quite small. In the city of Tampere, there are not continuous large areas devoid of vegetation. Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 All species Number of species Fig. 9 Urban–rural gradient in Tampere according to the study. The figure gives a generalized depiction of the positions of species groups along the gradient 373 Non-natives Natives Urban Suburban Rural In Tampere, natives dominate at the rural end of the transect, yet there are no major differences in the number of natives between the rural and suburbia. There are several reasons for this. When the share of forest increases, also the absolute number of native species increases, but only to a certain limit. When the share of forest reaches about 50%, the natives reach their maximum number, which will not rise any higher in spite on the rising share of forest. The reason is the exhaustion of the species pool of native forest species. The Finnish forests are typically boreal coniferous forests, which are relatively poor in species. Nestedness is also an explaining factor: the larger forests include all the species of the smaller forest fragments. In a study with forested islands outside the city of Helsinki, the number of species could be estimated accurately by the area of an island (Ranta et al. 1999). In addition, the forests dominate also in the discontinuous residential areas. Even in the central business districts there are fragments of natural vegetation and some native species. The occurrence of the native species reflects the resilience of Finland’s forests. In Finnish cities, the suburbia consists mostly of forests and have a much smaller effect on species composition than American-style cities (for example DeCandido et al. 2004). Along with the loss of biodiversity, the homogenisation of flora is a significant global urban challenge (Olden et al. 2004). “Urban ecosystems are quite similar worldwide in terms of structure, functions, and constraints” (Savard et al. 2000). Basically, urbanisation causes the loss of native species, which can lead to biotic homogenisation. This is true also for Finnish urban ecosystems, but with some qualifications. Proportionally, urbanisation has a negative effect on native species also in Finland; the share of natives diminishes as soon as the share of forest land begins to decrease. However, the absolute number of natives begins to decrease not until the share of forests goes under 30%, approximately. Finnish urban structure has some features that preserve the natives. Firstly, the boreal coniferous forests are well buffered against the invasion of alien species because of the acid, podsolic soils with low calcium content and the solid cover of field layer vegetation (Reinikainen et al. 2001). Secondly, Finnish cities have certain general features, such as small population (all cities in Finland have less than 500,000 inhabitants), late urbanisation, abundance of natural vegetation (forest) and a scattered sparse urban structure. These features have saved the Finnish cities from the losses of native species that have occurred elsewhere (Hahs et al. 2009). In Finland, urbanisation is not considered an especially significant cause of loss of species (Rassi et al. 2010). In the city of Helsinki, for example, only 37 species (30 natives) have been lost out of over 1100 species over a period of 100 years (Kurtto and Helynranta 1998). Helsinki has an average of 40% of native species, which is typical in Finland, compared with 33% in Tampere (pop. 210,000) (Ranta and Rahkonen 2008) and 47% in Oulu (pop. 140,000) (Väre et al. 2005). In spite of the homogenisation of urban areas throughout the world, different kind of models are needed in different climatic and vegetation zones. 374 Urban Ecosyst (2011) 14:361–376 The current urban structure of Finnish cities actually preserves the biodiversity quite well. However, this favourable situation may be lost in the future because the recent trend in urban planning is defragmentation—the avoidance of urban sprawl. Finnish per capita urban land use is much larger than that of most other European countries (Kasanko et al. 2006). Meanwhile a more compact urban structure could benefit the environment in several ways, such as by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but it could also mean the loss of the current favourable situation. Urban diversity depends on the remaining fragments of semi-natural vegetation inside the urban structure. Together with the diversity values, these fragments represent considerable amenity values for local residents. Even the small remaining fragments could help maintain the diversity of vascular plants; our data suggest that only in the very urban core of Tampere, where the share of forest falls low, also the number of non-natives begins to decrease. On the other hand, defragmentation could potentially have positive effects on some species, if large areas, at least in theory, are left untouched. In this study, we explained the number of species by the share of forests, distance from the city centre, detached houses and population. These variables explain 76% of the variability of native species but less then 50% of non-natives. In general, native species are more ‘predictable’ than non-natives because of their dependence on natural vegetation. Human disturbance, landscaping and city planning tend to affect non-natives more; the number of detached houses explains well the number of non-natives. It is possible to detect two different dimensions in the data: the urban–rural and the suburban. The number of natives is associated with the degree of urbanisation, but the nonnatives with suburbanisation. The distance from the city centre and the share of forests are strongly positively correlated. Population correlated negatively with distance from the city centre and share of forests. Population, distance and the share of forests represent the urban–rural dimension in the data. In a way, these variables tell the same story. However, distance is kind of a surrogate variable which covers the real effective factors. Besides, from the point of view of city planning it is not possible to control the distance as a variable we can have an affect on. Neither population is an unambiguous indicator, because it has not a direct influence on plants. In the study area, the density of population is relatively low with little effect on the general vegetation. In Finnish conditions, the share of forest may be the most relevant indicator of urbanisation. Nonetheless, we suppose that soil sealing may turn out to the best factor to describe human disturbance in cities. At the time of the study, the variable of soil sealing was not yet available. Acknowledgements Mr. Jouko Sipari helped with the field work, Dr. Tarmo Virtanen gave advice on the statistical analysis and prof. Jari Niemelä provided comments on the manuscript. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged. References Blair R (1999) Birds and butterflies along an Urban Gradient: surrogate Taxa for assessing Biodiversity? Ecol Appl 9(1):164–170 Blair RB (2004) The effects of urban sprawl on birds at multiple levels of biological organization. Ecology and Society 9(5). 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