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Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Biomedical Signal Processing and Control journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/bspc A high-speed C++/MEX solution for long-duration arterial blood pressure characteristic locations detection M.R. Homaeinezhad a,b,∗ , A. Ghaffari a,b , M. Aghaee a,b , H.N. Toosi b,c , R. Rahmani d a Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran CardioVascular Research Group (CVRG), K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Department of Mechatronic Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran d Tehran University of Medical Science (TUMS), Cardiovascular Division (Catheter Laboratory) of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 13 January 2011 Received in revised form 17 May 2011 Accepted 24 May 2011 Available online 30 July 2011 Keywords: ABP events detection–delineation Discrete wavelet transform Pulse pressure Dicrotic pressure Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure False alarm probability Mean Variance Skewness Kurtosis Neyman–Pearson hypothesis test a b s t r a c t The major concentration of this study is to describe the structure of a C++/MEX solution for robust detection and delineation of arterial blood pressure (ABP) signal events. Toward this objective, the original ABP signal was pre-processed by application of à trous discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to extract several dyadic scales. Then, a sliding window with fixed length was moved on the appropriately selected scale. In each slid, mean, variance, Skewness and Kurtosis values of the excerpted segment were superimposed to generate a newly defined multiple higher order moments (MHOM) metric to be used as the detection decision statistic (DS). Then, after application of an adaptive-nonlinear transformation for making the DS baseline static, the histogram parameters of the enhanced DS were used for regulation of the ␣-level Neyman–Pearson classifier aimed for false alarm probability (FAP)-bounded delineation of the ABP events. The proposed method was applied to all 18 subjects of the MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database (359,000 beats). The end-systolic and end-diastolic locations of the ABP signal as well as the dicrotic notch pressure were extracted and values of sensitivity Se = 99.86% and positive predictivity P+ = 99.95% were obtained for the detection of all ABP events. This paper proves the proposed MHOMbased ABP events detection–delineation algorithm as an improvement because of its merits such as: high robustness against measurement noises, acceptable detection–delineation accuracy of the ABP events in the presence of severe heart valvular, arrhythmic dysfunctions within a tolerable computational burden (processing time) and having no parameters dependency on the acquisition sampling frequency. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The constitutive cells (myocytes) of the heart possess two important characteristics called nervous excitability and force feedbacked mechanical tension. If under any circumstances, the Abbreviations: MHOM, multiple higher order moment; EDES, end-diastolic endsystolic; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SF, sampling frequency; ssn, smoothing stage number; ASF, adaptive smoothing filter; DS, decision statistic; FAP, false alarm probability; pdf, probability density function; ABP, arterial blood pressure; DWT, discrete wavelet transform; FP, false positive; FN, false negative; PSDB, MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database; SMF, smoothing function; FIR, finite-duration impulse response; IIR, infinite-duration impulse response; LE, location error; CHECK#0, procedure of evaluating obtained results with the QRS annotations of the MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database; CHECK#1, procedure of evaluating obtained results consulting with a control cardiologist; CHECK#2, procedure of evaluating obtained results consulting with a control cardiologist and also at least with 3 cardiology residents. ∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. E-mail addresses: mrezahomaei@yahoo.com, mrhomaeinezhad@kntu.ac.ir (M.R. Homaeinezhad). 1746-8094/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bspc.2011.05.011 electro-mechanical function of a region of myocytes fails, the corresponding abnormal effects are reflected in the heart measurable quantities such as electrocardiogram (ECG), arterial blood pressure (ABP) and phonocardiogram (PCG) [1]. ABP depends on a variety of factors including the pumping action of the heart, blood volume, resistance to flow, and the viscosity (thickness) of the blood. If any of these factors changes, the corresponding effects will be reflected in the ABP trend behavior. Physiologically, after each electrical trigger originated from the sinoatrial node, due to sequential operations of heart main muscle and valves (tricuspid–bicuspid, pulmonary-aortic), the chambers blood is dynamically excited causing a substantial pressure gradient in the heart chambers and the arteries. By inserting catheter tip sensors into atrium, ventricle, or into arteries, the measurement of the continuous ABP waveforms becomes possible which this approach is categorized as an invasive method associated with some certain risks. Normally, the characteristic locations of the ABP signal are the systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and dicrotic pressures which by their proper detection, the hemodynamic performance of the heart and vascular system can be analyzed. In Fig. 1, M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 152 150 Systole Diastole Pressure<mmHg> 140 Systolic Pressure 130 120 110 100 Dicrotic Notch Pulse Pressure 90 Dicrotic Pressure 80 Diastolic 70 Pressure 60 596.6 596.8 597 597.2 597.4 Time<sec> Fig. 1. A parameterized ABP waveform including systole and diastole regions, systolic, diastolic, pulse pressures and dicrotic notch. a detected–delineated ABP trend including the characteristic markers for diastolic, systolic, dicrotic and pulse pressures is depicted. Although in the normal subjects, detection and delineation of the ABP events are rather simple and straightforward; however, the detection and delineation of the non-impulsive events such as P or T-waves in the ECG or dicrotic notch pressure in the ABP signal in the presence of motion artifacts, measurement noises, severe heart arrhythmia(s) and dysfunctions, turn in a difficult and challengeable task. In the area of heart blood pressure analysis, a major problem is the robust detection of the incidence (detection) and onset–offset (delineation or segmentation) locations of each genuine event existing in the cardiac cycles in the presence of heart sever valvular disorders, diseases, arrhythmia, high level measurement noises as well as circumferential disturbances. In such cases, the detection and delineation of low-power low-frequency events might be accompanied by unacceptable false-negative (FN) errors, while due to existence of noises and disturbing potentials, large false-positive (FP) errors may appear. Assessments and studies indicate that in the ABP signal, pressure increment from enddiastolic to end-systolic locations, shows an impulsive behavior while pressure drop from end-systolic to end-diastolic incidences, presents a smooth behavior and between this interval, the dicrotic notch might happen which is due to the closure of the aortic valve [2] (see Fig. 1). Up to now, several methods have been presented by authors to detect impulsive regions of the cardiac measured signals such as ECG or ABP quantities. To meet this end, several methods associated with pre-processing and analysis of the cardiac system quantities have been introduced by immense number of researchers. For instance, in the area of ECG signal, Chawla et al. [3,4], Milanesi et al. [5] and He et al. [6], proposed statisticalbased methodologies for the ECG pre-processing (including noise and motion artifact removal) and detection of this signal major events. In some other innovative methods, Chouhan et al. [7] and Mehta et al. [8–13], elaborated efficient algorithms for the aim of ECG signal impulsive (QRS complex) and non-impulsive (P and T-waves) events detection as well as their robust delineation (segmentation) based on support vector machine used as the discrimination method and a signal information-based measure as the feature of the detection–delineation process. Also, mathematical models [14], Hilbert transform and the first derivative [15–18], multiple higher order moments [19], second order derivative [20], wavelet transform and the filter banks [21–24], combination of signal derivatives and multi-resolution digital filters with non-parametric detection algorithms [25–28], soft computing (neuro-fuzzy, genetic algorithm) [29], Hidden Markov Models (HMM) application [30] were used by authors for fulfill- ment of genuine events detection–delineation process. Analogous to aforementioned remarks, the major events of the cardiac system measured quantities such as ECG, ABP and PCG can be divided into two impulsive and non-impulsive natures. According to the following reasons, detection–delineation of the characteristic events are accompanied by complexities, ambiguities and challenges making this problem an important critical research field in the area of cardiovascular engineering; (a) Measurement noises: measurement noises (high-frequency disturbances) are usually generated by the electronic probes and medical transducers which are important sources for demolition of the delineation algorithm accuracy. (b) Holter monitoring: because of the fact that a holter system records patient’s signal during motion and dynamical movements, strong noises and motion artifacts can be seen in the holter data causing the accuracy decrement of a detection–delineation algorithm. (c) Heart disease and arrhythmia: sometimes, occurrence of severe arrhythmias, mechanical disorders and acute dysfunctions, changes drastically the morphology of events which their detection and delineation might be associated with certain false detections. In this study, first, the original ABP signal was preprocessed by application of à trous DWT and then, a fixed sample size sliding window was moved on the appropriately selected scale. In each slid, a newly defined MHOM metric was generated to be used as the detection DS. Then, after application of an appropriate transformation for making the DS baseline static, the histogram parameters of the enhanced DS were used for regulation of the ␣level Neyman–Pearson tester aimed for FAP-bounded delineation of the ABP events. The presented algorithm was applied to more than 359,000 beats of the PSDB and the end-diastolic end-systolic (EDES) locations of the ABP signal as well as the dicrotic notch pressure were extracted. The obtained values of Se = 99.86% and P+ = 99.95% were obtained for the detection of all ABP events. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sampling rate conversion of the original signal into a target sampling frequency: construction of a unified framework Almost all parameters of any proposed detection delineation algorithm are highly dependent on the sampling frequency of the electronic board system. For example, sampling frequencies 128 Hz, 250 Hz, 360 Hz, 500 Hz, 750 Hz, 1 kHz and 10 kHz can be seen among ECG and ABP databases [31]. In order to introduce a unified ABP individual events detection framework which is applicable for all sampling frequencies, the original signal in the core sampling frequency is mapped to a new trend with target sampling frequency 1 kHz. By this operation, once the parameters of the algorithm are properly regulated for the target sampling frequency, the algorithm can be implemented to the ABP data sampled at any rate. It should be noticed that this sampling frequency is the most profitable discretization rate among other rates. In this sampling frequency, the EDES regions can be detected by application of dyadic scales 21 –27 . Also, for appropriate delineation of dicrotic notches, scales 23 –25 can be implemented. As a summary, in Table 1, approximate empirical inference for adoption of appropriate scales helping successful detection–delineation of EDES-dicrotic events are presented. For resampling a hypothetical signal x(t) from core SF into a target SF, the signal is treated as a time-series and the new samples of the resampled trend are created by application of the truncated sinc function interpolation. More details left to be seen in [32]. 2.2. Discrete wavelet transform using à trous method Generally, it can be stated that the wavelet transform is a quasiconvolution of the hypothetical signal x(t) and the wavelet function M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 153 Table 1 Appropriate dyadic scales versus sampling rate for successful detection–delineation of ABP signal events. The results are based on empirical assessments. Database sampling frequency (Hz) Suitable scales for EDES detection Suitable scales for events delineation Sensitivity to window length and other parameters 128 250 360 500 ≥1000 21 –22 21 –22 –23 21 –22 –23 21 –22 –23 –24 21 –· · ·–27 21 –22 21 –22 22 –23 –24 23 –24 23 –24 –25 High-undesirable High-undesirable Medium-undesirable Medium-undesirable Robust-desirable (t) with the dilation parameter a and translation parameter b, as follows: 1 Wax (b) = √ a +∞  t − b x(t) a −∞ dt, a>0 (1) The parameter a can be used to adjust the wideness of the basis function and therefore the transform can be adjusted in temporal resolutions. Suppose that the function Yax (b) is obtained based on a quasi-convolution of signal x(t) and function (t), as follows: Yax (b) =  +∞ x(t) −∞ t − b a (2) dt If the derivative of Yax (b) is calculated relative to b, then 1 ∂Yax (b) =− a ∂b  +∞ x(t) ′ −∞ t − b a k,l (t) On the other hand, if (t) is the derivative of a smoothing function (t), i.e. (t) =  ′ (t), then  sin(˝/4) ˝/4  H(ejω ) = ejω/2 cos = 4jejω/2 and therefore, 4 h[n] = 1 8   ω 3 sin 2  ω  {ı[n + 2] + 3 ı[n + 1] + 3ı[n] + ı[n − 1]} (8) It should be noted that for the main frequency contents, up to 100 Hz, à trous DWT can be used in different sampling frequencies. Therefore, one of the most prominent advantages of the à trous algorithm is the approximate independency of its results from sampling frequency. This is because of the main frequency contents of Scale: 21 G(z2) H(z)H(z2)H(z4)H(z8)H(z16) (7) g[n] = 2{ı[n + 1] − ı[n]} Scale: 22 SMF 21 H(z)H(z2) G(z4) Scale: 23 SMF 22 2 8 4 Scale: 24 H(z)H(z ) H(z ) G(z ) SMF 23 2 16 4 8 H(z)H(z ) H(z ) H(z ) G(z ) Scale: 25 SMF 24 H(z) (6) 2 x[n] G(z) (5) the transfer functions H(z) and G(z) can be obtained from the following equation: (4) Accordingly, it can be concluded that wavelet transform at the scale a is proportional to the quasi-convolution derivative of the signal x(t) and the smoothing function (t). Therefore, if the wavelet transform of the signal crosses zero, it will be an indicative of local extremum(s) existence in the smoothed signal and the absolute maximum value of the wavelet transform in different scales represents a maximum slope in the filtered signal. Thus, useful information can be obtained using wavelet transform in different scales. If the scale factor a and the translation parameter b are con- k, l ∈ Z + To implement the à trous DWT algorithm, filters H(z) and G(z) should be used according to the block diagram represented in Fig. 2 [22,23]. According to this block diagram, each smoothing function (SMF) is obtained by sequential low-pass filtering (convolving with H(z2k ) filters), while after high-pass filtering of a SMF (convolving with G(z2k ) filters), the corresponding DWT at appropriate scale is generated. For a prototype wavelet (t) with the following quadratic spline Fourier transform, G(ejω ) √ ∂Yax (b) Wax (b) = − a ∂b = 2−k/2 (2−k t − l);  (˝) = j ˝ (3) dt sidered as a = 2k and b = 2k l, the dyadic wavelet with the following basis function will be generated [33]: G(z32) H(z)H(z2) H(z4) H(z8) H(z16) H(z32) H(z)H(z2)H(z4)H(z8)H(z16)H(z32) H(z64) Usable only for sampling frequency more than 1 kHz Scale: 26 SMF 25 G(z64) G(z128) Scale: 27 SMF 26 Scale: 28 SMF 27 Fig. 2. FIR filter-bank implementation to generate discrete wavelet transform based on à trous algorithm. M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 the ABP signal concentrate on the range less than 100 Hz [23]. After examination of various databases with different sampling frequencies (range between 128 and 1000 Hz), it has been concluded that in low sampling frequencies (less than 1 kHz), scales 2 ( = 1, 2, . . . , 5) are feasible while for sampling frequencies more than 1 kHz, scales 2 ( = 1, 2, . . . , 10) contain profitable information that can be used for the purpose of wave detection, delineation and classification. In Fig. 3, several dyadic scales obtained via application of à trous DWT to an arbitrary ABP record belonging to the MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database (PSDB) are illustrated. As it can be Normalized Signals a 2.3. Multiple higher order moments (MHOM) metric The general structure of the MHOM measure consists of firstorder (mean), second-order (variance), third-order (Skewness) and forth-order (Kurtosis) moments of the excerpted signal in the analysis window. Each of the aforementioned components has its b BP 4 seen, by increment of the dyadic dilation parameter 2 , the highfrequency fluctuations of the transform induced by measurement noises are diminished. 1 DWT:2 2 0 Normalized Signals 154 -2 500 BP 4 DWT:22 2 0 -2 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 Sample Number 3 DWT:2 2 0 -2 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 BP DWT:24 2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 f 5 DWT:2 2 0 Normalized Signals Normalized Signals 3500 3000 3500 Sample Number BP 4 BP 4 DWT:26 2 0 -2 -2 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 2000 2500 3000 3500 h BP 4 DWT:27 2 0 -2 Normalized Signals g 1500 Sample Number Sample Number Normalized Signals 3000 -2 e 500 2500 4 Sample Number 500 2000 Sample Number d BP 4 Normalized Signals Normalized Signals c 1500 BP 4 DWT:28 2 0 -2 1000 1500 2000 2500 Sample Number 3000 3500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Sample Number Fig. 3. Illustration of several DWT dyadic scales 2 obtained from application of à trous filter bank to an arbitrary record of PSDB for (a)  = 1, (b)  = 2, (c)  = 3, (d)  = 4, (e)  = 5, (f)  = 6, (g)  = 7 and (h)  = 8. M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 specific characteristics so as by implementing them, the identification of ABP events characteristic parameters such as edge and incidence location becomes possible. In order to show the procedure of the MHOM measure construction, first, presenting adequate definitions for two simple concepts namely as mth order moment m and nth order central moment  n is necessary. If X is a random variable with probability density function PX (x), then the mth order moment m is obtained via application of the mathematical expectation transform as m = E {Xm }. Also, the nth order central moment  n is obtained by taking expectation from the centralized random variable X about its first order moment, i.e.,  n = E {(X − 1 )n }. The structural elements of the MHOM metric are described below. 2.3.1. Mean value This quantity is first order moment of random variable X showing the value that uttermost samples are distributed around it. (9) Cmean = 1 = E{X} The mean value shows the mean elevation of the signal from its baseline in the analysis window. The elevation is a factor by which detection of the local extremums of the original signal in the analysis window can be achieved. 2.3.2. Variance This measure is the second order central moment of random variable X demonstrating dispersion of samples in distribution. From another point of view, the variance can be interpreted as an indicator of signal X power. Cvrc = 2 = E{(X − 1 )2 } (10) The variance indicates difference between absolute maximum and minimum values of an excerpted segment. This difference might not be detected via mean value because it is possible that the mean of a segment is a small value while the difference between its maximum and minimum values is large. 2.3.3. Skewness The Skewness statistic Cskw is obtained from following equation: Cskw = 3 3/2 2  E{(X − 1 ) } (E{(X − 1 )2 }) (11) 3 This quantity shows the extent of signal distribution asymmetry and in a signal with symmetric pdf such as Normal, Laplace, and Cauchy, this quantity is equal to zero. A large value of Skewness indicates a sharp transition from low to high or from high to low value in the excerpted segment. Consequently, this measure detects the probable edges of the signal in the analysis window making the MHOM metric sensitive to the behavior of the signal in the edges. In general, the Skewness statistic Cskw shows the distance of data distribution from normality and also can be assumed as a measure indicating the Skewness (asymmetry) of data [34,35]. 2.3.4. Kurtosis The Kurtosis statistic Ckts is obtained from following ratio: Ckts = 4 22 = window, either ascending or descending. Generally, the Kurtosis statistic Ckts indicates the extent of flatness (smoothness or being impulsive) of samples in the analysis window allowing the detection of sharp ascending/descending regimes occurred in the excerpted segment [34,35]. 2.3.5. Generation of the MHOM Metric In order to exploit all discriminant characteristics of each abovementioned statistic, the MHOM metric in the kth slid of the analysis window is defined by superposition of the measures obtained from Eqs. (9)–(12) as follows: MHOM(k) = Cmean (k) + Cvrc (k) + Cskw (k) + Ckts (k) E{(X − 1 )4 } (E{(X − 1 )2 }) 2 (12) The Kurtosis quantity acts exactly opposite to the Skewness quantity. A large Kurtosis value of a signal points out a sharp ascending or descending regime. Consequently, this quantity makes the MHOM sensitive to the high-slope parts of the signal in the analysis (13) As a summary of all aforementioned subsections, the MHOM metric reacts in edges, maximum (minimum) slope locations and maximum (minimum) elevation locations making this decision statistic suitable for detection of edges and extremums of an excerpted segment in the analysis window. Empirical assessments show that in the MHOM measure, several geometric parameters such as maximum value to minimum value ratio, area, extent of smoothness or being impulsive and distribution Skewness degree (asymmetry) can be found. The capacities of the MHOM-based ABP events detection–delineation algorithm will be discussed in the next sections. For grasping more details associated with the generation of MHOM metric, the corresponding C++/MEX framework can be seen in the appendix of the present manuscript. 2.4. Nonlinear (exponential) amplification and normalization of the decision statistic (DS) to built the static baseline In order to prepare the MHOM trend for peak and edge detection, a window with length of (20–25 ms) samples is slid sample by sample on the MHOM trend. In each slid, a nonlinear amplification is implemented as follows: Px = MHOM 3 = 155  n − L n + L : 2 × exp mean 2  dPx  dt (MHOM)A [n] = mean(Px ) n = 1, 2, . . . , N (14) In Eq. (14), three operations namely as mean(·), exp(·), and abs(diff(·)) can be seen. If signal Px is stationary, therefore, its abs(diff(·)) will be zero, so that the value of mean(·) × exp(abs(diff(·))) is constant. In this case, static baseline of the signal can be detected and chosen as measurement reference of the signal peaks and edges (this property will be discussed in Section 2.6.2). On the other hand, if by sliding of the analysis window, the value of the abs(diff(·)) varies with a rate, its exp(·) will exponentially vary, so that in the edges of MHOMA signal, very sharp ascending or descending parts can be seen. The aim of nonlinear (exponential) amplification of the MHOM signal is to smoothen misleading fluctuations so that minimum slope-value locations (edges of events) can be discriminated with greater accuracy. After exponentially amplification of the MHOM signal, a local search is conducted to determine positions with minimum value-slope and correspondingly edges of ABP events are localized. As an illustrating example, suppose that MHOM signal is a function with the following definition: 3 MHOM = Ci exp j=1 −1 2j2 (x − j )2 (15) M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 156 the ASF problem into a mathematical formulation, assume that the hypothetical signal x(t) is of length N (t = 1, 2, . . . , N). Then, the kth step ASF is defined as follows: 8 Normalized Signal Amplified Signal Original 6 xk (t) = mean[xk−1 (max(1, t − c) : min(N, t + c))] k = 1, . . . , ssn, 4 t = 0, 1, . . . , N, 2 0 -2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time<sec> Fig. 4. Performance illustration of the nonlinear amplification of a simulated. excerpted segment indicated by Eq. (15) to improve detection of the edges. where in Eq. (15), the parameters set is as C1 = 1, 1 = 0.20, 1 = 3.5 C2 = 4, 2 = 0.10, 2 = 5.0 C3 = 1, 3 = 0.25, 3 = 6.5 (16) The artificially obtained trend MHOMA is shown in Fig. 4. According to this figure, it can be seen that the ratio between peak to peak values of the MHOM are C2 /C1 = 4.0 and C2 /C3 = 4.0 while peak to peak values of the MHOMA are increased to 5.1 and 5.1, respectively. Therefore, the discrimination between peaks to choose the best of them as a true event becomes easier and more reliable. The confusion between genuine events and noise fluctuations can be occurred when SNR value is low or due to existence of heart valvular disorders, arrhythmia, and hemodynamic abnormalities. In these situations, existing events might not be strong enough relative to noisy oscillations, thus, the detection algorithm might falsely mark the other peaks as the real events incidence locations. In the next step, the obtained trend MHOMA is normalized. Normalization of the MHOMA is an algebraic linear transformation mapping. By application of this mapping to a signal, its first and second moments are transferred to zero and unity, respectively, i.e., MHOMNA = [MHOMA − mean(MHOMA )] std(MHOMA ) std[MHOMNA ] = 1.0 mean[MHOMNA ] = 0; (17) where mean(·) and std(·) are mean value and standard deviation operators, respectively. The aim of normalization is to diminish subject dependency of the signal MHOMA if so, once applied thresholds and decision criteria are tuned, their performance is preserved during application of the method to any subject [22,23]. 2.5. Adaptive smoothing filtering (ASF) 2.5.1. General structure and programming guidelines In this section, a new signal smoothing procedure based on simple mathematics is presented. The aim of the proposed smoothing method is to fade fast fluctuations of a hypothetical signal x(t) without having any a priori knowledge about the frequency band or statistical specifications associated with the fluctuations. After adaptive smoothing of a signal, application of first or second order derivative-based tests would be possible to find maximum (minimum) or zero slope locations helping fulfillment of the segmentation process. In signals including fast fluctuations, detection of locations with maximum (minimum) or zero slopes might turn in a difficult faulty task with large delineation errors. In order to cast x0 (t) = x(t) (18) where c is the smoothing step, ssn is the smoothing stage number and mean(·) is the mean value operator. For small integer smoothing step c, the rate of smoothing is moderate while for large c, for each k increment, substantial changes will appear in the xk (t) signal. The pseudo code associated with Eq. (18) can be written as follows: initialize; m = length(x); xs = x; c = 2; ssn = 10; for k = 1: ssn, for t = 1: m, LeftEdge = max(1, t-c); RightEdge = min(m, t+c); xs(t) = mean(xs(LeftEdge:RightEdge)); end; end; Comprehensive assessments indicate that implementation of the ASF can improve the edge detection accuracy in the presence of strong impulsive and measurement noises of the recorded ABP signal approximately 4–20 ms validated by the cardiologist (CHECK#1). In Fig. 5 some instances of ASF application to the DWT obtained from an arbitrary PSDB record given ssn = 2, 10, 25 and 50 are depicted. As it is seen, by application of ASF with larger ssn, the sudden and deep fluctuations of the input signal will be compensated as much as a smooth and differentiable curve is obtained. 2.5.2. ASF method evaluation versus higher-order statistical (HOS) techniques In this study, to evaluate performance quality of the proposed denoising algorithm, its performance was compared with the HOSbased filtering methods. Principal components analyzed denoising technique. In this method, after normalization of each statistical feature, using a linear orthonormal projection method called principal components analysis (PCA), the dimensionality of the original feature space was reduced to one. By reduction of the feature space dimensionality to unity using the PCA algorithm, components having least correlation with the principal and determinant components could be eliminated from further calculations. Therefore, the accuracy of the detection–delineation method was improved. In the proposed PCA-based method, the major point is that by application of the linear orthonormal projection approach, the asymmetric dispersion shape of the original data in the feature space was mapped to a symmetric distribution. Consequently, discrimination between the noise and signal using a threshold-based method can be fulfilled. Independent components analyzed denoising technique. As another method, after normalization of each element of feature space, using a blind source separation (BSS) method called independent components analysis (ICA), the original dependent feature space was mapped to a new linearly independent space. By this method, using a sequential method called projection pursuit, the extraction of the most leptokurtotic elements of the feature space became possible and the detection–delineation decision statistic was generated. Because of the fact that the noise and high-frequency components decrease the Kurtosis quality of the employed features, by choosing the most leptokurtotic elements, M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 b 4 Original Smoothed 3 Normalized Signals Normalized Signals a 2 1 0 -1 -2 500 4 Original Smoothed 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 1000 Sample Number 4 Original Smoothed 3 2 1 0 -1 d 4 3 2000 2500 3000 3500 Original Smoothed 2 1 0 -1 -2 -2 500 1500 Sample Number Normalized Signals Normalized Signals c 157 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500 3500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Sample Number Sample Number Fig. 5. Illustration of the smoothing stage number (ssn) effect on weakening the fast fluctuations of a DWT scale obtained by application of à trous algorithm for (a) ssn = 2, (b) ssn = 10, (c) ssn = 25 and (d) ssn = 50. the effect of noise and other random phenomena are eliminated during generation of the detection–delineation decision statistic and for that reason, better accuracy can be expected. For fulfillment of this stage, a sliding widow was moved on the original signal and the excerpted segments in four successive slides of the window were used as the feature vectors. The successive excerpted segments were put into a matrix in a row-wise fashion. Then, ASF, PCA and ICA algorithms were applied to this feature space. By application of the PCA technique, the number of the feature matrix rows was reduced to 1. Also, by application of the projection pursuit technique, the most leptokurtotic element of the feature space was calculated. The estimation qualities of the PCA, ICA and ASF denoising methods for an artificially contaminated noisy ABP trend were illustrated via Fig. 6. 4 Estimation of Error std 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 2.6. Detection of ABP events via ˛-level Neyman–Pearson based classifier 2.6.1. Design of false alarm probability (FAP) – bounded classifier In this study, in order to detect ABP pulses via segmentation of the corrected MHOM metric (Section 2.3), the ␣-level Neyman–Pearson classifier which is of controlled false alarm probability (FAP) is designed by implementation of the Gaussian (normal) stochastic structure. In order to cast the detection of ABP pulses into a probabilistic framework, assume that the observation set {Z = z|Z ∈ ˝, ˝ = 0 ∪ 1 } consists of two states of nature Hypo. 0 and Hypo. 1, i.e., the samples of observation (in this study observation set is MHOM metric) Z = z are distributed according to two probability density functions (pdf) p0 (z) and p1 (z). The structure of the hypotheses Hypo. 0 and Hypo. 1 is shown via Eq. (19), in which A0 and A1 are the parameters of the hypothesis test problem and N is a stationary stochastic process with the corresponding model and parameters. ASF: ssn=10, c=1 ASF: ssn=10, c=2 ASF: ssn=10, c=3 ASF: ssn=20, c=1 ASF: ssn=20, c=2 ASF: ssn=20, c=3 PCA Denoising ICA Denoising 3.5 According to this figure, although all examined methods could successfully follow the original trend, however, the ASF estimation was accompanied by lower estimation bias. The denoising results associated with the PCA, ICA and ASF methods are shown in Fig. 6. As can be seen from this figure, the estimation error of the ASF algorithm approaches to zero indicating that the ASF method is an unbiased estimator, while the PCA or ICA estimation techniques are accompanied by a constant bias by increment of the SNR value. This observation indicates that beside the higher estimation error versos ASF algorithm, the PCA- or ICA-based denoising techniques are biased reference signal estimators. 30 SNR Value <dB> Fig. 6. Comparison between several denoising techniques based on ASF, PCA and ICA algorithms. In this assessment, ASF with various ssn and window lengths (c) was applied to artificially contaminated ABP Signal.  Hypo.0 : Z = N + A0 , Hypo.1 : Z = N + A1 A1 > A0 (19) In this study, it is supposed that N is a Gaussian zero mean stationary process with standard deviation . Therefore, the pdf of the M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 158 observation under states of nature Hypo. 0 and Hypo. 1 (p0 (z) and p1 (z), respectively) can be calculated from Eq. (19) as follows: ⎧ ⎨ p0 (z) = √ 1  −1 (z − A0 )2 2 2 2  ⎩ p1 (z) = √ 1 exp −1 (z − A1 )2 2 2 2 exp (20) In order to construct a FAP-controlled Neyman–Pearson classifier, the likelihood ratio (LR) which is the ratio between Hypo. 1 and Hypo. 0 pdfs, should be determined as follows: √1 2 √1 2 p1 (z) (z) = = p0 (z) exp exp = exp  −1   −1 (z − A1 )2 2 2 −1 (z 2 2 2 2 − A0 )2 (z − A1 )2 +   +1 (z − A0 )2 2 2 (21) By taking log(·) (natural logarithm) from the obtained LR (the resulted ratio is consequently called log-LR), and by solving the inequality log(L(z)) >  for finding the equivalent inequality for z, the following result is obtained: +1 [(z − A0 )2 − (z − A1 )2 ] 2 2 log(L(z)) = log(L(z)) +1 [(z − A0 )2 − (z − A1 )2 ] >  ⇒ z >  ′ 2 2 > ⇒ (22) According to Eq. (22), if z >  ′ , where  ′ is a threshold determined according to FAP value and the other test parameters, then z will belong to the alternative class Hypo. 1. The FAP of this test is the integration of pdf p0 (z) over the 1 (z >  ′ ) region as follows: FAP = P0 ( 1) = +∞  ′ dz = 1 − ˚ p0 (z)dz =  ′ − A  0   +∞ ′ √ 1 2 exp  −1 2 2 (z − A0 )2 (23) where ˚(x) is the unit variance and zero mean Gaussian cumulative probability distribution function with the following integral definition: 1 ˚(x) = √ 2  x 2 e(−1)/(2)t dt (24) −∞ By equaling the latest term of Eq. (23) to the given FAP value ˛ and by solving it to find the threshold  ′ as a function of A0 ,  and ˛, the following result is obtained: 1−˚  ′ − A  0  =˛  = A0 + ˚−1 (1 − ˛) ′ (25) A0 , according to Fig. 7, first, histogram (discrete probability density function) of the MHOM metric is estimated using an existing simple method (Parzen approximation or kernel method) [34] and then the maximum value of the obtained histogram is determined and assigned as A0 . In other words, A0 is the maximum distribution (or equivalently A0 is the value of the MHOM metric baseline). In order to identify the first corner of the decision statistic histogram, at the first step, easily the absolute value of the histogram is determined. Due to the fact that the obtained decision statistic is strictly non-negative quantity (because all constitutive elements of the MHOM measure are strictly non-negative), thus if the counting window (Parzen window) lies in the histogram negative region, the number of samples in this window will be exactly zero. Correspondingly, the value of histogram will be zero (see Fig. 7a). According to this conclusion, a backward local search starting from the absolute maximum location of the histogram to find the first zero value to be assigned as the histogram first corner, is sufficient. As shown in Fig. 7b,  is the distance between A0 value and the first corner of histogram taking place just before A0 . As a matter of fact, histogram estimation can be fulfilled recursively (on-line) or cumulatively (off-line). The accuracy of the second method is higher than the on-line methods but in the expense of heavier computational burden as well as missing real-time implementation of the method. More details relating to this section are omitted and left to be seen in [36]. 2.7. The MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database (PSDB) [39] The MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database is a collection of recordings of multiple physiologic signals during sleep. Subjects were monitored in Boston’s BIH Sleep Laboratory for evaluation of chronic obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and to test the effects of constant positive airway pressure (CPAP), a standard therapeutic intervention that usually prevents or substantially reduces airway obstruction in these subjects. The database contains over 80 h worth of four-, six-, and seven-channel polysomnographic recordings, each with an ECG signal annotated beat-by-beat, and EEG and respiration signals annotated with respect to sleep stages and apnea. In Fig. 8, the overall block-diagram of the MHOM-based ABP events detection–segmentation algorithm is presented. According to Section 2, the algorithm consists of pre-processing, unifying, decision statistic preparing, classifier regulating, pulses detecting and finally segmenting sub-routines. 3. Computer implementation of the proposed ABP events detection–delineation algorithm and performance assessment (26) where ˛ represents the level (false-alarm probability) of the binary Neyman–Pearson test and is chosen as 0.005 ≤ ˛ ≤ 0.05 [36]. The structure of Eq. (26) is similar to the conventional threshold  =  +  used frequently as the empirical separation level. It should be noted that although Eqs. (20)–(26) were derived based on simplifying assumptions (independent samples, identical distribution, etc.); however, similar to derivation of Kalman filtering equations, classifier operation depends only on the first and second-order moments of the signal. Consequently, it can be easily implemented in actual cases and a higher performance would be resulted from the algorithm in practical applications [34–36]. 2.6.2. Parametric identification of the Neyman–Pearson classifier parameters via histogram analysis The parameters A0 and  are the test parameters and should be determined properly to achieve acceptable results. In order to find 3.1. Detection and delineation of the ABP events 3.1.1. Detection of the end-diastolic end-systolic (EDES) regions According to Eq. (26) of Section 2.6, after determination of the test parameters A0 and  using histogram estimation and given FAP ˛, the threshold  ′ is determined and is used for segmentation of the MHOM metric into EDES (Hypo. 1) and Baseline (Hypo. 0) regions. The decision function ı(n) is then obtained with the following structure: ı(n) = ′  EDES MHOM(n) ≥  ′ Baseline MHOM(n) <  ′ (27) = A0 + ˚−1 (1 − ˛) To this end, first all samples of the MHOM signal is analyzed via decision rule presented by Eq. (27) and the edges of each obtained rectangular pulse is determined using appropriate cal- M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 159 4 4 3.5 3.5 3 3 Normalized MHOM MHOM Metric Value a 2.5 2 1.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 1 0.5 A0 Line 0 0.4 Baseline Standard Deviation (σ ) 0.5 0 0.2 0 68.5 69 69.5 Discrete PDF 70 70.5 71 71.5 Time <sec> b 0.3 Discrete PDF 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 σ 0.05 A0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MHOM Metric Value Fig. 7. Determination of ␣-level Neyman–Pearson classifier parameters via estimation of the MHOM metric histogram (discrete probability density function). The depicted histogram is obtained from an arbitrary PSDB record. (a) Simultaneous illustration of normalized MHOM metric and associated discrete PDF, (b) parameterization of the discrete PDF for finding  and A0 values. culations and are assigned as the primary edges of the detected events, these points are then transferred to the scale 25 and the index for extremum values are specified between edges. If the minimum is occurred before the maximum, a dominant local minimum value would exist in the original signal and vice versa. In this way, the morphology of the detected event can be realized. In Fig. 9, three EDES regions segmented from the ABP signal by means f the MHOM-based detection algorithm are shown. As it can be seen, the obtained metric has a static baseline by which the EDES region can be segmented. 3.1.2. Detected EDES edges location enhancement To meet edges detection accuracy enhancement goal, first, the absolute maximum value of the DS between each detected onset–offset pair is determined and its location is set as two forward and backward local searches origin. Also, in each onset–offset interval, the maximum value of DS absolute slope is determined. Next, by conducting two backward and forward local searches from the appointed origin, new locations with following satisfied conditions are identified: • Point slope equal to or lower than (1/15–1/10) of the determined maximum slope. • Do not be far from the initial detected locations more than 1.15 × (offset-peak) interval for offset location and 1.15 × (peakonset) interval for onset location. • The elevation of new edge position equal to or lower than the first edge height on DS metric. M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 160 Original ABP Signal Digital Band-pass FIR Filter (0.4 ~ 45) Hz Discrete Wavelet Transform Matlab Scale 2λ λ=1,…,8 Superposition of Obtained DWT Scales 2λ (λ=5,6) Detection-Segmentation Parameters Unification for BP Acquisition Systems with any Sampling Frequency Resampling the Cumulative DWT into Frequency 1 kHz Application of Sliding Window (WL samples) C++/MEX Calculation of Mean, Variance, Skewness and Kurtosis Features MHOM(k) = Cmean(k)+Cvrc(k)+Cskw(k)+Ckts(k) Application of Sliding Window (WL/2 samples) Nonlinear (exponential) Amplification Histogram MHOM Metric Adaptive Smoothing Classifier Parameters Application of Sliding Window (WL/2 Samples) FAP α- Level Binary Neyman-Pearson Classifier EDES Region Detection Local Search to Find Two Absolute Extrema Matlab SBP, DBP Segment Excerption Between Two End-Systolic End-Diastolic Locations Median Morphology of the 5 Previous Dicrotic Pulses ASF ssn=5, c=1 Local Search to Find All Absolute Extrema Dicrotic Notch Pressure Fig. 8. General block diagram of the proposed C++/MEX ABP events (SBP, DBP and dicrotic pressures) detection–delineation algorithm via FAP-bounded Neyman–Pearson segmentation of the MHOM metric. M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 BP MHOM 100 50 Threshold=3.238 0 2000 2500 3000 b Normalized Signals Normalized Signals a BP MHOM 100 50 0 3500 Threshold=3.571 6500 7000 Sample Number 7500 8000 8500 Sample Number c BP MHOM 60 Normalized Signals 161 40 20 0 Threshold=3.2487 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Sample Number Fig. 9. EDES region detection by identification of each MHOM pulse edges and by transferring them to the original ABP to detect the SBP and the DBP incidence locations. These figures are selected arbitrarily from the PSDB records. 3.5 EDES Region ABP MHOM (WL=20) Normalized Signals 3 MHOM (WL=30) 2.5 MHOM (WL=40) 2 MHOM (WL=50) 1.5 1 0.5 0 400 Threshold=0.3118 500 600 700 800 900 Sample Number Fig. 10. The effect of sliding window length on the detection of EDES regions. As it can be seen, the window with larger sample size, causes wider estimation for the EDES regions, (the unit of WL is ms). 3.1.3. The effect of several window length values on the delineation performance According to Fig. 10, the larger window length causes greater delineation error. On the other hand, if the window length is chosen small, an oscillatory decision statistic will be obtained. Therefore, for choosing the window length, a trade-off between delineation error and high-frequency content of the metric exists. determined. For specifying proper location of the dicrotic notch presence, each successive minimum–maximum pair pressure difference, their heights relative to the former SBP and the latter DBP (surrounding SBP–DBP locations) are compared with the median of at least five previous beats corresponding parameters Eventually, the best minimum–maximum pair is chosen as the dicrotic notch. If the algorithm cannot find any local minimum–maximum pair, it looks for the smoothly varying samples locations and if was successful in finding this location, the dicrotic edges are determined based on the median of at least five beats occurring before the present beat. Otherwise, the absence of the dicrotic notch is announced by the algorithm. In Fig. 11, some examples illustrating performance of the algorithm in the detection and delineation of dicrotic notch pressure for some cases such as very weak dicrotic notches, some random “M” systolic patterns, superfluous notches resembling actual dicrotic notches, absent dicrotic notches and severe DBP variations, are shown. In Fig. 12, the long-duration detected SBP, DBP, calculated MAP and dicrotic pressure versus beat number for three arbitrary cases of the PSDB are depicted. In this figure, some examples of blood pressure trends obtained from PSDB records are shown. As an important application of the presented algorithm, its probable implementations in ICU monitoring and in the prediction of cardiogenic shock [16,18] can be mentioned. 3.3. Validation of the proposed ABP pulses detection–delineation algorithm 3.2. Detection and delineation of the dicrotic pressure After segmentation of the EDES regions and detection of the SBP and DBP incidence locations, the segment between each pair SBP–DBP pair is excerpted from the filtered ABP waveform. Afterwards the ASF with ssn = 5–10 is implemented to the obtained segment and all local maximum and minimum locations are In this section, for performance validation of the proposed algorithm, it was applied to ABP signals of all 18 subjects of the MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database (PSDB) sampled with 250 Hz rate [39] (all physionet [31] records can be converted to MAT-files using the WFDB Software package [38]) and the corresponding end-systolic and end-diastolic locations of the ABP waveform were extracted. M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 162 a c Normalized Trends <Arbitrary Unit> e g i ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP b d ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP DBP SBP SBP DP DP DN DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN f h j ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN Fig. 11. Several abnormal ABP cases parameterized and identified by the proposed MHOM-based algorithm rendering the robustness of the algorithm versus several possible conditions (ABP: arterial blood pressure, DBP: diastolic blood pressure, SBP: systolic blood pressure, DN: dicrotic notch, DP: dicrotic peak). M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 k m o q s ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN l n p r 163 ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN ABP DBP SBP DP DN t Fig. 11. (continued) ABP DBP SBP DP DN M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 164 a DBP SBP DP MAP 150 100 DBP SBP DP MAP 200 ABP <mmHg> ABP <mmHg> 200 b 150 100 50 50 0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 0.5 1 Beat Number c 2 104 DBP SBP DP MAP 250 200 ABP <mmHg> 1.5 Beat Number 150 100 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 104 Beat Number Fig. 12. Detected SBP, DBP, MAP and dicrotic pressure sequences via application of the MHOM-based method. All signals were chosen from the PSDB. Although the performance of the QRS detection algorithms can easily be verified using the standard databases such as the MITBIH arrhythmia database [37]; however, in the area of the blood pressure events detection–delineation, validation of a proposed algorithm for the segmentation of the ABP pulses, has turned to a difficult problem due to the lack of an appropriate gold standard as an accepted universal reference. To overcome the abovementioned problem, one way is to employ the multi-parameter databases including annotated ECG trends parallel to the recorded ABP waveform. Because, each triggered QRS complex is accompanied by a EDES region (see Fig. 13), the QRS annotations can be used to validate indirectly the ABP EDES detector (CHECK#0). But the problem for validation of the dicrotic notch presence still remains as a hindrance. In this case the only way is to resort to the votes of a Table 2 Application of the MHOM-based algorithm to the MIT-BIH Polysomnographic Database and obtained results. MIT-BIH record slp01a slp01b slp02a slp02b slp03 slp04 slp14 slp16 slp32 slp37 slp41 slp45 slp48 slp59 slp60 slp61 slp66 slp67x Total # of beats 7806 11,467 16,145 11,317 24,917 27,029 22,920 27,604 21,718 30,611 25,884 27,686 15,904 16,901 25,017 25,482 15,775 5374 Total # of records Total # of cardiac cycles FP FN 1 6 3 10 19 0 23 3 2 7 15 5 1 0 8 53 30 0 3 5 15 21 6 24 41 21 17 121 80 15 22 7 9 26 56 8 18 359,557 FP + FN 4 11 18 31 25 24 64 24 19 128 95 20 23 7 17 79 86 8 Error (%) 0.051 0.096 0.111 0.274 0.100 0.089 0.279 0.087 0.087 0.418 0.367 0.072 0.145 0.041 0.068 0.310 0.545 0.149 Cumulative Se% Cumulative P+ % Se (%) P+ (%) 99.96 99.96 99.91 99.81 99.98 99.91 99.82 99.92 99.92 99.60 99.69 99.95 99.86 99.96 99.96 99.90 99.65 99.85 99.99 99.95 99.98 99.91 99.92 100 99.90 99.99 99.99 99.98 99.94 99.98 99.99 100 99.97 99.79 99.81 100 99.86 99.95 M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 a 6 ECG ABP QRS 4 Normalized Signals Normalized Signals b ECG ABP QRS 7 165 5 4 3 2 1 2 0 -2 -4 0 -6 -1 5.87 5.872 5.874 5.876 5.878 5.88 5 x 10 Sample Number 2.4518 2.452 c 2.4524 2.4526 6 x 10 ECG ABP QRS 10 Normalized Signals 2.4522 Sample Number 5 0 -5 -10 1.37 1.375 1.38 1.385 1.39 1.395 Sample Number 1.4 5 x 10 Fig. 13. Utilization of the QRS annotations as a reference to validate the EDES locations detection accuracy; (a), (b) two subjects with no failure in the blood pressure acquisition system, (c) a record in which some temporary failures in the blood pressure measurement occur. These intervals are excluded from the algorithm error rate and accuracy calculations. cardiologist (CHECK#1) and available medical residents (CHECK#2) [16,18,19,22,23]. The results of the algorithm applied to blood pressure waveforms are shown in Table 2. In challenging cases, results were delivered to the cardiologist and accordingly the detection algorithm was re-validated (CHECK#1). In cases of ABP with very abnormal morphologies, the results were also checked by some residents (CHECK#2). In order to detect EDES regions, the presented algorithm was applied to all PSDB signals and the results of SBP and DBP detection were compared with annotation files by a computer program (CHECK#0). Due to the fact that a universally accepted gold standard exists in the area of QRS detection, EDES validation procedure was significantly simplified to the step CHECK#0. Using the CHECK#1 and CHECK#2 approaches, it was realized that the presented algorithm has acceptable performance in the determination of incidence and edges of dicrotic notches. As the final step, in each case, the trends of SBP, DBP and dicrotic pressure are obtained and plotted. If the instantaneous pressure is remarkably less than the mean value, probable false positive (FP) error may exist. Table 3 Detection–delineation performance evaluation of the MHOM-based ABP characterization algorithm versus artificially contaminated ABP signal. Test # SNR (dB) No. of beats TP FP FN Error (%) Se (%) P+ (%) Delineation error SBP (ms) Delineation error DP (ms) Delineation error DN (ms) Delineation error DBP (ms) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 −35 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −6 −2 2 6 10 20 30 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 876 1473 1728 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 528 403 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 854 257 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79.88 38.15 0.17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50.64 85.14 99.88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 62.39 78.52 99.94 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Failed Failed 10.05 7.53 5.47 3.17 2.24 1.74 1.25 0.94 0.82 0.40 0.31 Failed Failed 7.96 5.09 3.38 2.37 1.41 1.10 0.87 0.68 0.48 0.25 0.09 Failed Failed 11.24 8.47 6.07 4.09 2.95 2.02 1.49 1.11 0.78 0.49 0.28 Failed Failed 9.28 6.40 4.63 2.86 2.05 1.45 1.09 0.83 0.67 0.33 0.19 M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 166 Table 4 Performance characteristics of some proposed ABP detection–delineation algorithms to be compared with each other (NA: not applicable). Development environment Conventional Hilbert transform [18] Modified hilbert transform [18] Conventional discrete wavelet transform [23] DWT-based area curve length method [23] This study Matlab Matlab Matlab Speed samples (s) Detection/delineation Noise robustness level (dB) Dependency of parameters to sampling frequency Maximum delineation error (ms) (RMS) Se/P+ (%) 52,710 Yes/no (only SBP) 0 Yes NA 96.10/91.36 43,830 47,934 Yes/no (only SBP) Yes/yes (SBP–DBP) 0 −10 Yes Yes NA 18.13 99.80/99.86 99.80/99.82 C++/MEX (Matlab) 101,701 Yes/yes (all) −15 Yes 6.17 99.81/99.81 C++/MEX (Matlab) 189,943 Yes/yes (all) −30 No 4.36 99.86/99.95 a DBP SBP DP DN 10 8 6 4 2 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Normalized Signal with SNR -15 dB Delineation Error <msec> Detection algorithm 1 0 -1 -2 -3 SNR <dB> 3.4. Robustness assessment of the presented ABP detection–delineation algorithm versus measurement noise For robustness assessment of the proposed algorithm, examinations were categorized into two sections as follow. Performance assessment in the presence of abnormal ABP waveforms In this case, for rendering performance of the proposed algorithm versus several different cases, the behavior of the method was scrupulously checked in abnormal situations. For instance, about 20 ABP waveforms and corresponding effects of the algorithm on them including some explanations and interpretations associated with each case can be seen in Fig. 11. Performance assessment of the method versus high-frequency noise In this stage, the algorithm delineation performance versus noise level was evaluated. Toward this aim, first the clean signal was parameterized and identified by the algorithm. Then, the results were validated by cardiologist to remove probable occurred errors either in detection or in delineation. Final results were saved in a m-file script for further robustness assessments. After generation of the reference annotation file for the selected signal, the clean trend was embedded in the appropriate artificial noise levels for obtaining several SNR values. For each SNR value, the algorithm was applied to the corresponding noisy signal and its performance was evaluated by comparing its outputs with the reference 1.678 1.68 1.682 1.684 1.686 1.688 5 x 10 Sample Number b Normalized Signal with SNR -25 dB On the other hand, if any instantaneous pressure is significantly greater than the mean value, the false negative error may probably exist. 1.676 3 ABP DBP SBP DP DN 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 1.676 1.678 1.68 1.682 1.684 1.686 1.688 1.69 5 x 10 Sample Number c Normalized Signal with SNR -30 dB Fig. 14. Delineation performance assessment of the proposed algorithm versus SNR value. The evaluation includes. separate measurement of DBP, SBP, DN and DP localization errors in several SNR values. ABP DBP SBP DP DN 2 ABP DBP SBP DP DN 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 1.676 1.678 1.68 1.682 1.684 1.686 Sample Number 1.688 1.69 5 x 10 Fig. 15. Graphical illustration of ABP signal with several SNR values, (a) SNR = −15 (dB), (b) −25 (dB) and (c) −30 (dB). M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 annotation file. In Table 3, the quantitative performance evaluation of the algorithm versus several SNR values is depicted. Also, in Fig. 14 variation of the delineation error (in terms of root mean square value) versus SNR level is shown. In Fig. 15, a segment excerpted from original signal and signal with minimum marginal SNR value is depicted. This figure shows graphically the worst case that can be parameterized and identified by the proposed MHOM-based algorithm. After conducting numerous simulations, it was concluded that for negative SNR values, the performance of the algorithm gradually decreases and finally for SNR = −30 dB or lower, the performance of the algorithm is suddenly decreased and algorithm would rapidly miss its accuracy until complete failure. Comparison between MHOM-based method and the previous ones [16,18,23] demonstrates that the method endures in lower SNR values due to the implementation of appropriate pre-processings including the proposed static-baseline MHOM metric. In Table 4, some specifications of the ABP events detection–delineation are shown. According to this table, the presented detection–delineation algorithm possesses the best performance characteristics namely as speed of processing, accuracy and robustness against noise, motion artifacts and circumferential disturbances. 167 4. Conclusion In this study, the ABP signal events detection–delineation algorithm was described. To meet this end, first, the original ABP signal was pre-processed by application of à trous DWT and then, a fixed sample size sliding window was moved on the appropriately selected scale and in each slid, a newly defined MHOM metric was generated to be used as the detection DS. After application of an adaptive-nonlinear transformation for making the DS baseline static, the histogram parameters of the enhanced DS were used to regulate the ␣-level Neyman–Pearson tester for FAP-bounded delineation of the ABP events. The presented algorithm was applied to more than 359,000 beats of the PSDB and the EDES locations of the ABP signal as well as the dicrotic notch pressure were extracted and values of Se = 99.86% and P+ = 99.95% were obtained for the detection of all ABP events. High robustness against measurement noises, acceptable detection–delineation accuracy of the ABP events in the presence of severe heart valvular and arrhythmic dysfunctions within a tolerable computational burden (processing time) and having no parameters dependency to the acquisition sampling frequency can be mentioned as the merits of the proposed algorithm. M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 168 Appendix A. The C++/MEX framework for generating the detection–delineation statistic // // // // // // // // // High-Speed C++/MEX Framework for Calculation of the Detection-Delineation Decision Metric. The Approximate Speed is 666,000 Samples/sec. Author: Mohammad Reza Homaeinezhad. Co-Authors: Mohammad Aghaee, Hamid Najjaran Toosi. CardioVascular Research Group- CVRG, Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology. This Code is an Open-Source Program Released Freely under the Terms of GNU Public Licence, (http://www.physionet.org/). Release Date: March, 2010. #include #include #include #include #include #include "mex.h" <stdio.h> <cmath> <vector> <windows.h> <process.h> using namespace std; #define DIFF_LEN 5 void PreProcess(void *Data); struct Params { double *py; int mm; double *MHOM; }; double Fs, WL; void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (nrhs != 10 && nlhs != 1); // Sampling Frequency <Input # 7> Fs = mxGetScalar(prhs[6]); // Sliding Window Length <Input # 8> WL = mxGetScalar(prhs[7]); // Channel # 1 DWT <Input # 4> // Calculation Thread # 1 int mm = mxGetM(prhs[3]); HANDLE threads[3]; Params param1; param1.py = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); param1.mm = mm; param1.MHOM = new double[mm]; threads[0] =(HANDLE )_beginthread(PreProcess, 0, &param1); // Channel # 2 DWT <Input # 5> // Calculation Thread # 2 Params param2; param2.py = mxGetPr(prhs[4]); param2.mm = mm; param2.MHOM = new double[mm]; threads[1] =(HANDLE )_beginthread(PreProcess, 0, &param2); // Channel # 3 DWT <Input # 6> // Calculation Thread # 3 Params param3; param3.py = mxGetPr(prhs[5]); param3.mm = mm; param3.MHOM = new double[mm]; threads[2] =(HANDLE )_beginthread(PreProcess, 0, &param3); // Channel # 1 Original Signal <Input # 1> double *x001 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 // Channel # 2 Original Signal <Input # 2> double *x002 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); // Channel # 3 Original Signal <Input # 3> double *x003 = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); for(int i = 0; i < mm; i++) x001[i] += x002[i] + x003[i]; WaitForMultipleObjects(3, threads, true, INFINITE); for (int i = 0; i < mm; i++) param1.MHOM[i] = sqrt(param1.MHOM[i] * param1.MHOM[i] + param2.MHOM[i] * param2.MHOM[i] + param3.MHOM[i] * param3.MHOM[i]); mm = mxGetM(prhs[0]); plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mm,1,mxREAL); double *out = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for (int i = 0; i < mm; i++) out[i] = param1.MHOM[i]; delete [] param1.MHOM; delete [] param2.MHOM; delete [] param3.MHOM; } //========================================================= inline double MeanValue (const double *V, int L) { int j; double Sum = 0; for(j = 0 ; j < L ; j++) Sum += V[j]; return Sum/L; } //========================================================= inline double StdValue (const double *V, int L , double MV) { int j; double Sum = 0; for(j = 0 ; j < L ; j++) Sum = Sum + (V[j] - MV) * (V[j] - MV); return sqrt( Sum / L ); } //========================================================= inline double SkewValue (const double *V, int L , double MV) { int j; double Sum = 0; for(j = 0 ; j < L ; j++) Sum = Sum + (V[j] - MV) * (V[j] - MV) * (V[j] - MV); return Sum / L; } //========================================================= inline double KurtoValue (const double *V, int L , double MV) { int j; double Sum = 0; for(j = 0 ; j < L ; j++) Sum = Sum + (V[j] - MV) * (V[j] - MV) * (V[j] - MV) * (V[j] - MV); return Sum / L; } //========================================================= void Normalizer (const double *V, int L , double *rv) { double MeanVal = MeanValue(V , L); double StdVal = StdValue(V , L , MeanVal); for(int j = 0 ; j < L ; j++) rv[j] = V[j] / StdVal; } 169 M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 170 //========================================================= void Differentiator(const double *v, int l, double *rv) { for (int i = 0; i < l - 1; i++) rv[i] = v[i+1] - v[i]; } //========================================================= void AbsoluteArray(const double *v, int l, double *rv) { for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) rv[i] = abs(v[i]); } //========================================================= double SumMer(const double *v, int l) { double rv = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) rv += v[i]; return rv; } //========================================================= void PreProcess(void *Data) { Params params= *(Params *)Data; int mm = params.mm; int LeftEdge, RightEdge; double double double double double *Measure1 = *Measure2 = *Measure3 = *Measure4 = *Sigy = new new double[mm]; new double[mm]; new double[mm]; new double[mm]; double[WL * 2 + 1]; for (int ii = 0 ; ii < mm ; ii++) { LeftEdge = ii - WL; RightEdge = ii + WL; if (LeftEdge < 0 ) LeftEdge = 0; if (RightEdge >= mm ) RightEdge = mm - 1; int counter = 0; for (int jj = LeftEdge ; jj <= RightEdge ; jj++) { Sigy[jj - LeftEdge] = abs(params.py[jj]); ++counter; } counter--; double MeanVal Measure1[ii] = Measure2[ii] = Measure3[ii] = Measure4[ii] = } Normalizer Normalizer Normalizer Normalizer = MeanValue (Sigy, counter); MeanVal; StdValue (Sigy, counter, MeanVal); abs(SkewValue (Sigy, counter, MeanVal)); KurtoValue (Sigy, counter, MeanVal); (Measure1, (Measure2, (Measure3, (Measure4, mm mm mm mm , , , , Measure1); Measure2); Measure3); Measure4); double *MeasureT = Measure1; double *MHOMSeg = Sigy; for (int jj = 0 ; jj < mm ; jj++) MeasureT[jj] += Measure2[jj] + Measure3[jj] + Measure4[jj]; Normalizer(MeasureT, mm , MeasureT); for (int ii = 0 ; ii < mm ; ii++) { M.R. Homaeinezhad et al. / Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7 (2012) 151–172 171 LeftEdge = ii - WL / 2; RightEdge = ii + WL /2; if (LeftEdge < 0 ) LeftEdge = 0; if (RightEdge >= mm ) RightEdge = mm - 1; int counter = 0; for (int jj = LeftEdge ; jj <= RightEdge ; jj++ ) { MHOMSeg[jj - LeftEdge] = MeasureT[jj]; ++counter; } counter--; double MedVar = MeanValue(MHOMSeg, counter); Differentiator(MHOMSeg, counter, MHOMSeg); AbsoluteArray(MHOMSeg, counter - 1, MHOMSeg); double mhom = (MedVar * exp( MeanValue(MHOMSeg, counter - 1) )); if (mhom > 1) params.MHOM[ii] = 10; else params.MHOM[ii] = mhom; } Normalizer(params.MHOM, mm , params.MHOM); delete delete delete delete delete []Measure1; []Measure2; []Measure3; []Measure4; []Sigy; } // End of Program References [1] P. Libby, R.O. Bonow, D.L. Mann, D.P. Zipes, Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine , 8th ed., Saunders, 2007. [2] T.H. Schindler, E.U. Nitzsche, H.R. Schelbert, M. Olschewski, J. Sayre, M. Mix, I. 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