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Times Higher Education
9 pages
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The article critiques the culture of rewards in business schools, arguing that it perpetuates moral bankruptcy by emphasizing technical innovation over social responsibility. It highlights how research and teaching on corporate social responsibility (CSR) remain marginal in business education, particularly in the UK, and points to the detrimental impact of the UK's Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) on academic priorities. The piece calls for a shift in focus towards ethical considerations in business curricula to better prepare future business leaders.
Systems Journal, IEEE, 2011
This chapter introduces a swarm intelligence-inspired approach for target allocation in large teams of autonomous robots. For this purpose, the Distributed Bees Algorithm (DBA) was proposed and developed by the authors. The algorithm allows decentralized decision-making by the robots based on the locally available information, which is an inherent feature of animal swarms in nature. The algorithm's performance was validated on physical robots. Moreover, a swarm simulator was developed to test the scalability of larger swarms in terms of number of robots and number of targets in the robot arena. Finally, improved target allocation in terms of deployment cost efficiency, measured as the average distance traveled by the robots, was achieved through optimization of the DBA's control parameters by means of a genetic algorithm. rescue, communication networks, monitoring, surveillance, cleaning, maintenance, and so forth. In order to efficiently perform their tasks, robots require high level of autonomy and cooperation. They use their sensing abilities to explore an unknown environment and deploy on the sites of interest, i.e. targets. However, the coordination of a robot swarm is not an easy problem, especially when the resources for the deployment task are limited. Such a large group of robots, if organized in a centralized manner, could experience information overflow that can lead to the overall system failure . For this reason, the communication between the robots can be realized through local interactions, either directly with one another or indirectly via environment .
Ce texte est en cours de publication sous le titre « Le gouvernement des entreprises » dans J. Allouche (Coord.), Encyclopédie des ressources humaines, Economica.
Agriculture is an important sector in economic growth of North Carolina that contributes 19 percent of the state's income and employs over 20 percent of the work force. Of the total population, 30 percent are living in rural North Carolina where income earnings, education level, and employment opportunities are low while poverty and unemployment rates are considerably high. Of 100 counties 85 are rural and agriculture is one of the significant employment sectors.
As far as we can concern the suicide as a universal phenomenon, a consequence of occured the social and economic alterations in the society, as well as the regional diversities, this work has as 1 Este artigo é fruto de dissertação de Mestrado def endida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional e Agronegócio da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do
Las concepciones alternativas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de la materia , 2009
n.º 50/2-15 de agosto de 2009 EDITA: Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) Las concepciones alternativas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de la materia ZULLY CUÉLLAR LÓPEZ Institución Ed. Técnico Comercial Villa del Sur, Colombia Introducción Esta ponencia pretende demostrar que el conocimiento y análisis de las concepciones alternativas que maneja el estudiante sobre la naturaleza de la materia permite al maestro identificar qué tanto pueden facilitar o limitar el aprendizaje de la misma, y de esta manera tener elementos para una mejor organización de la enseñanza al respecto. Este planteamiento se hace teniendo en cuenta que es necesario, para mejorar la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales, abordar los problemas que se generan en las diferentes disciplinas que las conforman (Física, Biología y Química)-en este caso en la enseñanza de la Química-, planteados por algunos investigadores (Pozo, Gómez, Sanz, 1991) que consideran que la mayor parte de las dificultades en el aprendizaje de la química tiene que ver con la insuficiente asimilación de uno de sus núcleos conceptuales estructurantes, 1 como es la naturaleza corpuscular de la materia. Diríamos que las dificultades se pueden presentar también en el aprendizaje de las disciplinas biología y física, en cuanto que la naturaleza de la materia, por su carácter generalizante y abstracto, atraviesa todos los contenidos de éstas y permite comprender el mundo vivo y el inanimado, sus características, transformaciones y sus movimientos. Estas dificultades tienen que ver con la manera como el estudiante organiza sus conocimientos a partir de sus concepciones alternativas sobre la naturaleza de la materia (Pozo, Gómez, 2001). La dificultad se hace mayor por que el maestro desconoce y poco usa las concepciones alternativas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de la materia en la organización de la enseñanza al respecto. El propósito de la ponencia se sustenta con la investigación educativa de carácter cualitativo realizada (2006) en tres colegios de la ciudad de Cali (Valle del Cauca) cuya pregunta de investigación fue formulada en los siguientes términos: ¿Cuáles son las concepciones alternativas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de la materia que aporta elementos para la organización de la enseñanza? 1 Dentro de la estructura conceptual de un currículo en la educación media de una disciplina como la Química se consideran tres núcleos conceptuales estructurantes, además del planteado anteriormente están: la conservación de propiedades de la materia y las relaciones cuantitativas. Para mayor información remitirse a Pozo y Gómez, (1991 y 2001).
This article deals with the relationship between job insecurity and organizational commitment. Our analysis includes both 'subjective' and 'objective' measures of job insecurity and it also distinguishes between a cognitive and affective component of the subjective dimension. As to organizational commitment, we make a distinction between value commitment and readiness to remain with the employing organization. The empirical basis for the analysis is survey data collected in Sweden in 2010-2011. Some of the outcomes are just as expected: perceived risk of losing one's job is associated with lower value commitment and less willingness to stay with the organization, while the opposite pattern appears for satisfaction with job security. Other results are more noteworthy: increases in unemployment, temporary employment contracts and worry about losing one's job are linked to higher value commitment. Being anxious about job loss is also positively related to willingness to stay. These results indicate that insecurity can make people more appreciative of their current work and workplace.
Little is known about the psychological processes that constitute roles in groups and organizations. Over the last years, however, organizational psychology has demonstrated that unconsciously some people are likely to be pushed into certain social and organizational roles. This article claims that roles found in ordinary folk tales also arise in organizations. From the Bionic concept of organizational basic assumptions, deep roles emerge. Someone in the group becomes 'king', another 'devil', a third 'clown', a fourth 'witch', etc. Fourteen such deep roles, divided into good and bad, are proposed and their correspondences to each of Bion's three basic assumption groups (dependency, fight-flight, and pairing) are introduced as an expansion of Bion's original theory. This expanded theory is compared to Argyris' and Schön's model for organizational functioning, and it is envisioned that psychoanalytic role theory will be of increased relevance for the understanding of work and organizational life.
Evaluation excavations in advance of the Carhampton by-pass uncovered the site of a Dark Age religious establishment dedicated to the Welsh-Irish Saint Carantoc. Features recorded demonstrated a complex site including at least two medieval cemeteries surrounding stone foundations, an iron-smelting site, multiple boundary features describing a possible oval enclosure, Aegean and Gaulish imported pottery and numerous buildings. Written sources for Carhampton begin with the early Viking raids reported in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, and include King Alfred's will.
Agricultural Water Management, 2004
Fresh water resources in the world are limited and, often, disputes occur on how to share them.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2013
Foundation Design Principles And Practices 3rd Edition by Donald P.-Coduto William A.-Kitch Man
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine, 2015
Revista salud pública en acción, 2024
Infection and Immunity, 2005
MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health – Global Partnership for Digital Innovation
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 2009