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144 LECTURE-LIST–MICHAELMAS TERM 2006 [S PECIAL N O . 1 Lectures Proposed by the Board of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography For particulars of the University Composition Fee and of the fees payable at for attendance separate courses of lectures, see p. 2. Lectures will be delivered in the Department of Geography, unless otherwise stated. A detailed timetable will be displayed in the Department. GEOGRAPHICAL TRIPOS MI C H A E LMA S 2006 L E NT 2007 E AST E R 2007 PART I A First year: for students intending to take Part IA in 2006–2007 Paper 1. People, Space and Geographies of Difference DR A. JAMES (Three lectures) DR A. JONES (Four lectures) Paper 1. People, Space and Geographies of Difference DR M. WARRINGTON (Eight lectures) Paper 1. People, Space and Geographies of Difference DR M. WARRINGTON (One lecture) Geographical Skills and Methods Section: Numerical Methods PROF. H. GRAF (Eight lectures and eight practicals) Geographical Skills and Methods Section: Spatial Data (GIS and Remote Sensing) DR W. REES (Three lectures and four practicals) Documentary and Archival Data DR A. REID (Two lectures and four practicals) Survey and Interview Methods DR M. WARRINGTON, DR E. WATSON, DR M. GRAY, DR J. DUNCAN (Five lectures and four practicals preceded by an introductory talk) Geographical Skills and Methods Section: Field, Laboratory and Desk-based Skills for Understanding the Physical Environment DR H. ALLEN, DR T. SPENCER, DR T. BAYLISSSMITH, DR S. BOREHAM, DR S. TRUDGILL (One lecture, 1 field trip, 1 laboratory practical and two computer practicals) Paper 2. Historical Geography PROF. R. SMITH (Four lectures) DR P. HOWELL (Four lectures) Paper 2. Historical Geography DR G. KEARNS (Four lectures) DR J. DUNCAN (Four lectures) Paper 3. Society, Environment and Development DR S. RADCLIFFE (Four lectures) PROF. W. ADAMS (Four lectures) Paper 3. Society, Environment and Development DR B. VIRA (Four lectures) DR W. SMITH (Four lectures) Paper 4. Environmental Processes PROF. H. GRAF (Four lectures) DR J. BRASINGTON (Four lectures) Paper 4. Environmental Processes DR T. SPENCER (Four lectures) DR H. ALLEN (Four lectures) Paper 5. Environmental Change through Time PROF. J. DOWDESWELL (Five lectures) DR C. OPPENHIEMER (Five lectures) Paper 5. Environmental Change through Time DR N. ARNOLD (Four lectures) DR I. WILLIS (Four lectures) Paper 2. Historical Geography DR P. HOWELL (One lecture) PROF. R. SMITH (Two lectures) Field trips to examine hydrological and coastal management issues in the local region S PECIAL N O . 1] LECTURE-LIST–MICHAELMAS TERM 2006 145 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography (continued) GEOGRAPHICAL TRIPOS, PART I B MI C H A E L MA S 2006 L E NT 2007 E AST E R 2007 Second year: for students intending to take Part IB in 2006–2007 Geographical Ideas: Open Book and Submitted Work: DR G. KEARNS (Five lectures) PROF. W. ADAMS (Four lectures) Geographical Ideas: Open Book and Submitted Work: DR T. SPENCER (Two lectures) DR M. BRAVO (Two lectures) PROF. P. GIBBARD (Two lectures) DR H. ALLEN (Two lectures) Geographical Ideas: Open Book and Submitted Work: DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH (Two lectures) Geographical Skills and Methods Research Design DR M. WARRINGTON, DR B. VIRA, DR E. WATSON, DR I. WILLIS, DR T. SPENCER Project 2: Survey and Interview Methods Component One: Questionnaire survey design and analysis PROF. R. BENNETT (Two lectures, three practicals Project 5: Sedimentology: Description and Environmental Interpretation of Sedimentary Deposits PROF. P. GIBBARD, DR S. BOREHAM, DR T. SPENCER (One lecture, one field trip, two laboratory practicals) Geographical Skills and Methods Project 1: Multivariate Methods in Geographical Research DR I. WILLIS (Five lectures and five computer laboratory classes) Project 2: Survey and Interview Methods Component Two: Face to Face Interviews and their Interpretation DR S. RADCLIFFE (One lectures and one practicals) Project 3: Geographical Interpretations of some Historical Sources DR M. BRAVO (One lecture, three computer practicals) Project 4: Water Quality: Field and Laboratory Procedures in Water Quality Analysis DR S. TRUDGILL AND DR S. BOREHAM (Three lectures and three laboratory classes) Five Field Classes - Easter Vacation (Switzerland, Berlin, Morocco, Algarve and Majorca) Paper 1. Human Geography I: Cities DR G. KEARNS (Eight lectures) Paper 1. Human Geography I: Cities DR P. HOWELL (Eight lectures) Paper 2. Human Geography II: Understanding the Economy: Contemporary Geographies of Capitalism PROF. R. MARTIN (Three lectures) DR A. JAMES (Five lectures) Paper 2. Human Geography II: Understanding the Economy: Contemporary Geographies of Capitalism PROF. R. MARTIN (Two lectures) DR M. GRAY (Two lectures) Paper 3. Human Geography III: Development ANO (Three lectures) DR B. VIRA (Four lectures) Paper 3. Human Geography III: Development DR E. WATSON (Eight lectures) Paper 4. Human Geography IV: Geography and Public Policy PROF. R. MARTIN (Three lectures) PROF. R. HAINING (Two lectures, one practical) DR M. WARRINGTON (Four lectures, one practical) Paper 4. Human Geography IV: Geography and Public Policy PROF. R. MARTIN (Three lectures) PROF. R. HAINING (Four lectures, three practicals) Paper 5. Human Geography V: Culture and Society DR A. FITZGERALD (Three lectures) DR S. RADCLIFFE (Four lectures) Paper 5. Human Geography V: Culture and Society DR J. S. DUNCAN (Four lectures) DR S. A. RADCLIFFE (Five lectures) Paper 6. Physical and Environmental Geography I: Earth Observation DR W. REES (Four lectures) DR C. OPPENHEIMER (Four lectures) Two or more practicals to be arranged Paper 6. Physical and Environmental Geography I: Earth Observation DR W. REES (Four lectures) DR C. OPPENHEIMER (Four lectures) Two or more practicals to be arranged Paper 7. Physical and Environmental Geography II: Glacial Processes, Landforms and Sediment PROF. J. DOWDESWELL (Four lectures) DR I. WILLIS (Four lectures) Paper 7. Physical and Environmental Geography II: Glacial Processes, Landforms and Sediment DR N. ARNOLD (Four lectures) PROF. P. GIBBARD (Two lectures) Paper 8. Physical and Environmental Geography III: Environmental Hazards MS S. DAMERY (Four lectures) PROF. H. GRAF (Four lectures) Paper 8. Physical and Environmental Geography III: Environmental Hazards DR C. OPPENHEIMER (Four lectures) DR I. WILLIS (Four lectures) Paper 9. Physical and Environmental Geography IV: Catchment Systems DR J. BRASINGTON (Eight lectures and two practicals) Paper 9. Physical and Environmental Geography IV: Catchment Systems ANO (Eight lectures) Paper 10. Physical and Environmental Geography V: Biogeography and Biogeomorphology DR T. SPENCER (Six lectures) DR I. MOELLER (Two lectures) Paper 10. Physical and Environmental Geography V: Biogeography and Biogeomorphology DR H. ALLEN (Four lectures, two hour visit to Sedgwick Museum) DR S. TRUDGILL (Four lectures) Paper 10. Physical and Environmental Geography V: Biogeography and Biogeomorphology Field Class: Wicken Fen Nature Reserve Conservation Management in practice continued > 146 LECTURE-LIST–MICHAELMAS TERM 2006 [S PECIAL N O . 1 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography (continued) GEOGRAPHICAL TRIPOS PART II MI C H A E LMA S 2006 L E NT 2007 E AST E R 2007 Third year: for students intending to take Part II in 2006–2007 Paper 1: Human Geography I: The Human Geography of the UK: The Restructuring of Britain PROF. R. MARTIN (Eight lectures) Paper 1: Human Geography I: The Human Geography of the UK: The Restructuring of Britain PROF. R. MARTIN (Eight lectures) Paper 2. Human Geography II: The New Europe: People, Places and Politics DR M. WARRINGTON (Eight lectures) Paper 2. Human Geography II: The New Europe: People, Places and Politics DR M. WARRINGTON (Seven lectures) Field Trip to Birmingham TBA Paper 3. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography I: Environment and Development in the Global South DR E. MAWDSLEY (Eight lectures) Paper 3. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography I: Environment and Development in the Global South DR E. MAWDSLEY (Eight lectures) Paper 4. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography II: The Social Engagement with Nature DR S. TRUDGILL (Four lectures) DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH (Four lectures) Paper 4. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography II: The Social Engagement with Nature DR S. TRUDGILL (Four lectures) DR P. VITEBSKY (Four lectures) Field Trip TBA Paper 5. The Geography of a Prescribed Area or Areas I: State, Land and Resources in SubSaharan Africa DR E. WATSON (Six lectures) PROF. W. ADAMS (Two lectures) Paper 5. The Geography of a Prescribed Area or Areas I: State, Land and Resources in SubSaharan Africa PROF. W. ADAMS (Four lectures) DR W. SMITH (Two lectures) Paper 6. The Geography of a Prescribed Area or Areas II: State and Society: Latin America and South Asia DR S. RADCLIFFE (Four lectures) DR B. VIRA (Five lectures) Paper 6. The Geography of a Prescribed Area or Areas II: State and Society: Latin America and South Asia DR S. RADCLIFFE (Five lectures) DR B. VIRA (Four lectures) Paper 7. Historical Geography I: The Historical Geography of the AIDS Pandemic DR G. KEARNS (Six lectures) Paper 7. Historical Geography I: The Historical Geography of the AIDS Pandemic DR G. KEARNS (Eight lectures) Paper 7. Historical Geography I: The Historical Geography of the AIDS Pandemic There will be a few optional extra talks related to the themes of the course Paper 8. Historical Geography II: Historical Demography PROF. R. SMITH (Eight lectures) Paper 8. Historical Geography II: Historical Demography PROF. R. SMITH (Eight lectures) Paper 8. Historical Geography II: Historical Demography Revisions classes TBA Paper 9. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography III: The Human Geography of the Arctic Regions DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH (Six lectures) Paper 9. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography III: The Human Geography of the Arctic Regions DR P. VITEBSKY (Six lectures) DR M. TYRELL (Four lectures) Paper 10. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography IV: Fluvial System ANO (Eight lectures) Paper 10. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography IV: Fluvial System DR J. BRASINGTON (Eight lectures) Plus practicals Paper 11. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Environmental Geography: Environment, Politics and Society PROF. S. OWENS (Eight lectures) Paper 11. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Environmental Geography: Environment, Politics and Society PROF. S. OWENS (Eight lectures) MR B. SMITH (TBA) Two hour workshop with Mr B. Smith (Deputy Chief Executive of Environment & Community Services, Cambs County Council) Paper 5. The Geography of a Prescribed Area or Areas I: State, Land and Resources in SubSaharan Africa DR W. SMITH (Two lectures) S PECIAL N O . 1] LECTURE-LIST–MICHAELMAS TERM 2006 147 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography (continued) GEOGRAPHICAL TRIPOS, PART II (continued) MI C H A E L MA S 2006 L E NT 2007 Paper 12. Physical Geography I: Morphodynamics of largescale coastal systems DR T. SPENCER (Two lectures) DR I. MOELLER (Six lectures) Paper 12. Physical Geography I: Morphodynamics of large-scale coastal systems DR T. SPENCER (Eight lectures) Paper 13. Physical Geography II: Volcanology DR A. WOODS (Four lectures) DR C. OPPENHEIMER (One lecture) Paper 13. Physical Geography II: Volcanology DR C. OPPENHEIMER (Eight lectures) DR P. BAXTER (Two lectures) E AST E R 2007 Two or more practical classes TBA Paper 14. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography V: Glacial Environments DR I. WILLIS (Four lectures) PROF. J. DOWDESWELL (Four lectures) Paper 14. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography V: Glacial Environments DR N. ARNOLD (Four lectures) ANO (Four lectures) Paper 15. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography VI: Quaternary Environments PROF. P. GIBBARD (Three lectures) DR R. PREECE (Two lectures) DR L. SKINNER (Two lectures) DR V. SWITSUR (Two lectures) Paper 15. A Prescribed Topic or Topics in Geography VI: Quaternary Environments DR P. L. GIBBARD (Six lectures) DR C. TURNER (Four lectures) Field Trip TBA Field Trip TBA M.PHIL. IN ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT All lectures to be delivered in the Department of Geography, at times to be arranged Core Modules Introduction: MPhil E&D DR E. WATSON (One hour) Option Modules Option 01: TBA ANO (Eight hours) Environment: Ethics and Policies DR S. OWENS, DR B. VIRA (Eighteen hours) Conservation and Society PROF. W. ADAMS (Two hours) DR W. SMITH (Two hours) DR J. HUTTON (Two hours) Culture, Society, and Development DR E. WATSON, DR C. UPTON, DR S. RADCLIFFE, DR P. VITEBSKY, ANO (Sixteen hours) Rural resources and Society DR E. WATSON (six hours) Option Modules Option 01: TBA ANO (Eight hours) Conservation and Society DR B. VIRA, PROF. W. ADAMS (Twelve hours) Rural resources and Society DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH, DR E. WATSON (Ten hours) Please see the Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course entry on (p. 244) continued > 148 LECTURE-LIST–MICHAELMAS TERM 2006 [S PECIAL N O . 1 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography (continued) M.PHIL. IN QUATERNARY SCIENCE All lectures to be delivered in the Department of Geography, at times to be arranged MI C H A E LMA S 2006 L E NT 2007 Core Lecture Course Introduction to the Quaternary PROF. P. GIBBARD (One hour) Core Lecture Course Quaternary changes in the oceans DR I. MCCAVE (Four hours) Background to Quaternary DR R. MULVANEY (Four hours) Terrestrial sedimentation DR A. MOSCARIELLO (Four hours) The terrestrial stratigraphical record PROF. P. GIBBARD (Four hours) E AST E R 2007 OPTIONAL MODULES Quaternary landscapes PROF. P. GIBBARD (Six hours) DR C. TURNER (Two hours) (two practicals, one field trip) Quaternary of the Tropics: Overview DR S. GRIFFITHS Marine and Ice-core Records of Climate Change: Stratigraphy and Proxies DR L. SKINNER (Four hours) Sea level changes and coastal evolution DR T. SPENCER (Four hours) Quaternary Palaeoecology DR C. TURNER (Four hours) DR R. PREECE (Four hours) Palaeoceanography and climate change PROF. I. MCCAVE AND DR ELDERFIELD (Sixteen hours) Dating Quaternary events DR V. R. SWITSUR (Two hours) Human evolution and diversity DR M. LAHR (Sixteen hours) The Holocene DR C. TURNER (Two hours) Soil Development as a function of climate DR C. V. JEANS (Two hours) Continental system evolution during the Quaternary DR A. MOSCARIELLO (Sixteen hours) Floral and Faunal Change DR PREECE (Four hours) Atmospheric models PROF. H. GRAF (Six hours) Glacial-interglacial and sub- Milankovitch climate variability: the marine and ice-core records DR SKINNER (Two hours) Quaternary Research Methods DR R. C. PREECE, DR S. BOREHAM, PROF. P. GIBBARD (Eight hour lectures, with practicals, one field excursion ) Quaternary Research Seminar PROF. P. GIBBARD (Sixteen hours) Please see the Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course entry on (p. 244) M.PHIL IN G.I.S. AND REMOTE SENSING All lectures to be delivered in the Department of Geography, at times to be arranged Fundamentals of IGIS DR B. DEVEREUX, DR S. KEARSEY (Twelve hours) Physics of Remote Sensing DR W. REES, DR C. OPPENHEIMER (Eight hours) High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (Optional course in Chemistry) DR J. KEELER, PROF. J. KLINOWSKI (Ten hours) Image Processing DR B. DEVEREUX, DR G. AMABLE (Eight hours and practicals) Spatial data analysis PROF. R. P. HAINING, DR J. LAW (Ten hours, four practicals) Cartography and Design DR W. REES, MR P. STICKLER (Two hours, two practicals) Environmental Impact Analysis DR B. DEVEREUX (Eight hours and practicals, field class and student presentations) Theory of Image Processing and Image Coding (Optional course in Engineering) DR N. KINGSBURY, DR J. LASENBY (Sixteen hours) Field Techniques MR A. WILSON, DR J. BRASINGTON, DR C. OPPENHEIMER, DR C. SHELL (Four hours, four practicals) Airborne remote sensing DR A. K. WILSON, DR B. J. DEVEREUX, DR G. AMABLE (Eight hours and practicals) Crysospheric Remote Sensing DR W. REES (Four hours) Volcanological Remote Sensing DR C. OPPENHEIMER (Two hours, two practicals) Cartography and Design DR W. REES, MR P. STICKLER (Two hours, two practicals) Passive Microwave Radiometry DR K. SALEH-CONTELL (Two hours and practicals) S PECIAL N O . 1] LECTURE-LIST–MICHAELMAS TERM 2006 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Geography (continued) M.PHIL IN G.I.S. AND REMOTE SENSING (continued) M IC H A E L M A S 2006 L E NT 2007 E AST E R 2007 Atmospheric Models (also for MPhil QS) PROF. H. GRAF (Three hours) Modelling Socio-Economic Data PROF. R. HAINING, DR J. LAW (Six hours, two practicals) Modelling Environmental Change DR F. GERARD, DR G. SMITH (Four hours, two practicals) Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecology DR F. GERARD, DR R. HILL AND DR B. DEVEREUX (Four hours, two practicals) Coastal Environments DR G. SMITH, DR T. SPENCER, DR R. HILL (Four hours and practicals) Cultural Landscapes and Historic Environment DR C. SHELL (Four hours, one field class) Please see the Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course entry on (p. 244) M.PHIL IN GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH All lectures to be delivered in the Department of Geography, at times to be arranged Option 1: GIS and Remote Sensing DR G. AMABLE DR B. J. DEVEREUX PROF. R. P. HAINING DR S. KEARSEY DR J. LAW DR W. REES Option 1: GIS and Remote Sensing DR G. AMABLE DR B. J. DEVEREUX PROF. H. GRAF PROF. R. P. HAINING DR S. KEARSEY DR J. LAW DR C. OPPENHEIMER DR C. SHELL DR W. REES Option 2: Environment and Development PROF. W. ADAMS DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH DR E. MAWDSLEY PROF. S. OWENS DR S. RADCLIFFE DR P. VITEBSKY DR B. VIRA DR E. WATSON Option 2: Environment and Development PROF. W. ADAMS DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH DR J. HUTTON DR W. SMITH DR E. WATSON Option 3: Regional Political Economy PROF. R. J. BENNETT DR A. JAMES PROF. R. MARTIN DR M. WARRINGTON Option 3: Regional Political Economy DR A. JAMES PROF. R. MARTIN DR M. WARRINGTON Option 4: Culture, history, space and place DR P. HOWELL PROF. R. M. SMITH Option 4: Culture, history, space and place DR M. BRAVO DR P. HOWELL PROF. R. M. SMITH Research Methods The course provided by the Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course Research Methods The course provided by the Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course Research Training DR T. BAYLISS-SMITH PROF. R. J. BENNETT DR M. BITHEL DR P. GIBBARD DR A. JAMES PROF. K. S. RICHARDS MR R. CARTER DR M. WARRINGTON Research Training PROF. W. ADAMS DR B. DEVEREUX DR J. DOWDESWELL DR J. DUNCAN DR M. GRAY DR P. HOWELL DR G. KEARNS PROF. K. RICHARDS DR T. SPENCER DR E. WATSON DR M. WARRINGTON Dissertation Supervised by individual staff members Dissertation Supervised by individual staff members Please see the Joint Schools Social Science Research Methods Course entry on (p. 244) Dissertation Supervised by individual staff members 149