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Chiesa viva MENSILE DI FORMAZIONE E CULTURA DIRETTORE responsabile: sac. dott. Luigi Villa Direzione - Redazione - Amministrazione: Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà Via G. Galilei, 121 25123 Brescia - Tel. e fax (030) 3700003 www.chiesaviva.com Autor. Trib. Brescia n. 58/1990 - 16-11-1990 Fotocomposizione in proprio - Stampa: Com & Print (BS) contiene I. R. www.chiesaviva.com e-mail: omieditricecivilta@libero.it YEAR XL - N°430 SEPTEMBER 2010 Poste Italiane S.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. L. 27/02/2004 n°46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Brescia. «TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE» (Jo. 8, 32) Abbonamento annuo: ordinario Euro 40, sostenitore Euro 65 una copia Euro 3,5, arretrata Euro 4 (inviare francobolli). Per l’estero Euro 65 + sovrattassa postale Le richieste devono essere inviate a: Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà 25123 Brescia, Via G. Galilei, 121 - C.C.P. n. 11193257 I manoscritti, anche se non pubblicati, non vengono restituiti Ogni Autore scrive sotto la sua personale responsabilità Karol Wojtyla Beatified? ... never! The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success 1288 Summit Ave Suite 107 - Oconomowoc, WI. 53066 - phone 262-567-0920- www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com Introduction Fr. Luigi Villa Ph. T W crowds from every continent, ho is Karol Wojtyand exchanging the usual relila, or Pope John gious solitude of old with his Paul II? I believe personal participation in the one could say he was the ultieveryday life of man. mate “headliner” of the centuOf course, this is only one asry, breaking all records of poppect of his papacy. However, as ularity. written by Gianni Baget BozIt was this trait that was cerzo, «This mass spectacle does tainly the most evident during not benefit anyone or anyhis papacy. With a huge crowd thing. The constant travels, at every step, he was showered the multiplicity of speeches, with hosannas and hallelujahs. seem to cover a substantial These exaggerations seem to stagnation, and the Pope is me to be a misuse of adoraincreasingly seen as the aution, as if he were a superstar, thor of a gradual restoration supergod, Ayatollah, etc. ... with a human face.» Thus, he couldn’t do anything So you might say he was a but evoke wonder as a Pope, in John Paul II, newly elected Pope. “seducer,” but certainly not in whatever situation he was in, the same meaning as was be it as he spoke or observed, Christ! laid his hand on someone, Many only praised Wojtyla. greeted the people as a leader, However many others diswore his cassock, skied skilltanced themselves from his actions, that were veiled in fully down mountains, indeed, one could even say on slipshadows, so as to leave one perplexed, such as his inabilipery slopes; wearing his mountaineering hat while climbty to distinguish between what is a Dogma of Faith and ing mountains and singing profane songs. He was a comwhat is, instead, a historical contingency. He is a Pope plex and poetic Pope, said to have had a melodramatic whose beatification was challenged; a Pope who, accordstyle and theatrical tendencies. However, he was always ing to Hans Küng, is the most contradictory of the twentiswimming against the current with his unrelenting avereth century, a Pope whose inter-faith “Dialogue” permitsion to conform to the traditionally accepted behavior of a ted him to enter a mosque and persuaded him to open the man of the cloth. It was with this behavior that he dedoor to other religions, a Pope who brought together Jews stroyed the magnificence of Papal general audiences, with and Catholics and even went to witness the prayer of forhis singing and dancing, even in public, mingling with 2 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 giveness at the “Wailing Wall,” severe with them, or did not even etc. ... converse with them? Maybe Jesus Because of this, many saw him as a did not say «Whoever is not with “reformer,” a “restorer,” not seeMe is against Me?» ing that, instead, Wojtyla, little by There was also serious error in givlittle, was betraying the Catholic ing permission to the various Bishtradition, following the advice of ops to administer Communion in heathen collaborators tradethe hand, thus allowing a serious marked as modernists and prodesecration of the Holy Eucharist, gressives. and also stripping away the due reAnd here he excommunicated the spect given to the Holy Eucharist, Traditional Archbishop Lefebthis respect that many popes had vre, heedless of what Saint Paul tried to increase over all of the past said: «If even an Angel impose centuries of Church! another Gospel other than that After this outline of John Paul II, which He preached, it should not Pope and man, and on the princibe obeyed.» However, why ples of his pontificate, it must be weren’t the more shameless and admitted that he, on his death, has unscrupulous ecclesiastical rebels left a legacy to the Roman Catholic against Christ who wrote and apChurch: a Church certainly much proved heretical Catechisms ever John Paul II at the “Wailing Wall,” placing a sheet of changed from that with which he punished or excommunicated? paper with a prayer of forgiveness for past wrongs of had been entrusted with on OctWhy did he leave the Chairs of the Church against the Jews in a crack in the Wall. ober 16, 1978. Catholic universities and semiClearly, then, John Paul II was naries, to theologians who deopposed to the “past” Tradition nied the Divinity of Christ, of the Church, and the work who muddled Holy Scripture, done by his predecessors. who denied the virginity of In other words, he worked in reThe Blessed Virgin Mary and verse to turn the permanence of who taught many other heresies? the papal throne into a mobile Why did he sign Concordats home, travelling from one end of that no longer protect the the world to other. It becomes Church, the Catholic religion, necessary to ask oneself, thereChristian values? - Concordats fore, whether it is possible to that put all religions on an equal imagine a “different” Wojtyla, footing so as to allow countries that is one who was not conto be called “atheist” states? stantly center stage in the media, And what of his “heresy of Ashailed by crowds from America, sisi,” that “community prayer,” Africa, Asia, old Europe and represented by all false religions, from his home country, Poland thus removing the Primacy of itself. From any place on earth, the Catholic Church, the Aposall were able to see him, up tolic, Roman, Mother and close, through the powerful Teacher of all souls and endanzoom of satellite TV, the gesgering the missionaries in their tures of his hands, the hardevangelization of the people, ness in his eyes, his tense face, who today cannot, for all intents his rare and elusive smile, the and purposes, defend the tremor of Parkinson’s disease, Catholic religion because it was the patient and his convalesAt the meeting of inter-religious prayer in Assisi in 1986, put on the same level with the cence at the window of the hosJohn Paul II prevented the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to other religions that were recog- enter the Basilica so as not to “offend” other religions, and pital, the grand gestures, ecunized as having the same values allowed a statue of Buddha to be placed on the tabernacle menical, inter-religious, and containing Our Lord Jesus Christ. of faith? pacifistic in nature, the “mea And was it not perhaps also a culpa” of March 12, 2000, or the grievous concern that he visited visit to the “Wailing Wall,” etc. the “Synagogue” and the “Lutheran church?” Are not ... the Jews still determined to NOT recognize Jesus Christ His papacy was long and so contradictory that, knowing as God and Messiah? Maybe they are no longer persecutthis, we gave our attention to a diverse number of “cases” ing the Church of Christ? Perhaps Jesus was not always that exposes, in all truth, the other Wojtyla. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 3 His Holiness John Paul II – Biography Pre-Pontificate – The little Karol Wojtyla with his mother, Emilia and father, Karol. THE FAMILY His father, Karol Wojtyla, the son of Maciej, master tailor, and Anna, was born July 18, 1879 at Lipnik near the town of Bielsko Biala. A tailor by profession, he became a non-commissioned officer in the Austrian army in 1900, and then lieutenant in the Polish army until his retirement in 1927. His mother Emilia Kaczorowska, daughter of Felix who was an artisan and Mary Anne, was born March 26, 1884. His brother Edmund, born August 27, 1906 in Krakow; was a doctor in a hospital in Bielsko Powszechny. KAROL JOZEF WOJTYLA 1920 (May 18) Born in Wadowice (Krakow), Poland. (June 20) Baptized by the military chaplain, Fr Franciszek Zak. He lived with his parents in Wadowice, at Rynek 2 (now Via Koscielna 7, ext. 4). 4 1926 (September 15) Attended the elementary school, and then the prep school “Marcin Wadowita.” Throughout his studies he achieved top grades. 1929 (April 13) The death of his mother. 1930 (June) Admitted to the State Secondary School, “Marcin Wadowita.” 1932 (December 5) The death of his brother, Edmund. 1933 (June 14) Finished High school. 1934 (1934-1938) His first theatrical performances in Wadowice. During school, he was president of the Society of Mary. This same period marks his first pilgrimage to Czestochowa. 1935 (September) Participated in the military training exercises at Hermanice. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 (December 14) Was accepted into the Society of Mary. 1938 (May) Received the Sacrament of Confirmation. (May 14) Final exam. (June 22) Applied for admission to the Faculty of Philosophy (Polish course) of the Jagellonian University in Krakow. (Summer) Moved, with his father, to Kraków (Via Tyniecka 10). (Academic Year 1938-39) While studying at the University, he joined “Studio 38,” a theater group founded by Tadeusz Kudliñski. 1939 (February 6) Entered the Student Society at the Jagellonian University (Eucharistic and charitable division). (July) The social formation of the Legion at the University Ozomla at Sadowa Wiszna, for Polish and Ukrainian students. (September 1) World War II broke out. (November 2) Enrolled in the second year course for Literature and Philosophy. 1940 (February) Met Jan Tyranowski, a tailor, and a man of deep spirituality, who was educated at the Carmelite School. He introduced Wojtyla to the writings of John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila. This period marks the beginning of the underground theater directed by Tadeusz Kudliñski. (November 1) Was employed as a carpenter in the The young Karol with his friend Hania: a quasi-engagement. stone quarries in Zakrzówek, near Krakow, thus escaping deportation and forced labor in the German Third Reich. 1941 (February 18) The death of his father. (August) Welcomed home the family of Mieczyslaw Kotlarczyk, founder of the Theater of the Living Word (Rapsodyczny). (November 1) First theatrical play of Król Duch (Royal spirits), Juliusz Slowacki. 1941 (February 18) Began working as a carpenter in a quarry, thanks to the solicitude of his trusted friend and French teacher, Jadwiga Lawaj, who, in turn, was a friend of Henryk Kulakowski, President of the Polish division of the Solvay empire. 1942 (Spring) Was transferred from the quarry to the Solvay factory and was provided with, apart from salary, residential housing equipped with a doctor, library, and gym plus the guarantee to ride out the war unscathed. (October) Began to attend clandestine classes of the Faculty of Theology of the Jagellonian University as a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Krakow. Karol Wojtyla 18 years old. The first performances date from 1934-38. From 1940, Karol was a part of the underground theater of Tadeusz Kudliñski. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 1943 (March) Played the leading role for the premiere of “Samuel Zborowski” by Juliusz Slowacki. It was his last appearance on the stage (these “underground” performances took place in the homes of his group of friends). 5 Actress Ginka and Karol as young actors. In Jerusalem, John Paul II had a poignant meeting with her and with her Jewish friend, Jerzy Kluger, his former rival in friendship for Ginka Beer. The young actress, Halina, who recited with the young Karol. (Academic year 1943-44) Marked the second year of theological studies. Continued his work at Solvay. 1944 (February 29-March 12) Was hit by car, and hospitalized for his injuries. (August) Archbishop Adam Stefan Sapieha transferred him, along with other clandestine seminarians (illegal), to the Palace of the Archbishop. He remained there until the end of the war and continued with his studies. During this time he discontinued contact with Solvay. (November 9) He received the tonsure. (December 17) Took the first two minor holy orders. 1945 (January 18) The Red Army liberated Krakow from the Nazis. (Academic Year 1944-1945) Marked his third year of studies in the Theological Faculty of the Jagiellonian University. (April 9) Was elected vice-president of the student body “Bratnia Pomoc” (Fraternal Aid) of the Jagiellonian University and retained this post until May 1946. (Academic Year 1945-1946) Fourth year of theological studies. (December 12) Took the other two minor holy orders. 6 1946 (October 13) Became a subdeacon. (October 20) Became a deacon. (November 1) Was ordained a priest. As in previous occasions, he received Holy Orders from the hands of Archbishop Metropolitan Adam Sapieha in his private chapel. (November 2) Celebrated the Poor Souls in the crypt of St. Leonard in Wawel. (November 15) Continued his studies in Rome. (November 26) He enrolled at the Angelicum. (November 15-end December) Stayed at the Pallottines in Via Pettinari, Rome. (Last December) Together with Don Starowieyski, he stayed at the Pontifical Belgian College in Via Quirinale 26. 1947 (July 3) Passed the exam to earn him a Diploma in Theology. (Summer) Again with Fr. Starowieyski, he took a trip to France, Belgium and Holland. Near Charleroi he carried out pastoral work among the Polish workers. Karol Wojtyla became a priest in 1946. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 1948 (June 14) Took the admission examination for his Ph.D. Cardinal Sapieha sent him to Rome to continue his studies at the Angelicum. But there was, at that time, as Rector of the university, the great theologian and writer Father Garrigou-Lagrange, who was a giant on Thomism. Wojtyla, not being a member of that teaching, was following the philosophy that he wanted, that of existentialism, the modern type of Kant. Therefore, his dissertation, “Faith according to St. John of the Cross,” was criticized and rejected by Lagrange, because it supported the ideas of the Modernists who claimed that Faith is based on personal experience. For this, Wojtyla was not accepted for the doctorate and he had to return to the University of Krakow, where there he was accepted. 1950 He started his publications. 1951 (September 1, up to 1953) Archbishop Baziak put him on leave so that he could prepare himself for the qualifying exam to become a university professor. Up to this point he had only provided pastoral care for university students (in St. Florian) and for Health employees. Zakopane, April 1953. Father Karol (center) after skiing with friends. Their passion was skiing at night with full moon. 1953 (From October) Taught “Catholic Social Ethics” for the Theological Faculty at the Jagellonian University. (December 1) Had his interview for professorship qualification. (December 3) Conference of professorship qualification, with given approval of the thesis “Evaluation of the possibility to build Christian ethics using, as a foundation, the system created by Max Scheler.” Father Karol with a group of university students, in 1951. Father Karol at Romanko, July 1953, with his boys and girls. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 1954 After the faculty of theology at the Jagellonian University had been abolished, a theological faculty was organized at the seminary of Krakow, where he continued teaching, also teaching at the Catholic University of Lublin as a lecturer. Park Oikow. Father Karol shared his tent and his kayak trips with his students. 7 On July 4, 1958, Father Karol was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow by Archbishop Monsignor E. Baziak, his great defender. Karol teacher, vicar and writer. 1956 (From December 1) Became the official substitute professor and employee of the Catholic University of Lublin. 1957 (November 15) The Central Commission of Qualification approved his appointment as a free lecturer. 1958 (July 4) Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Archbishop of Krakow, Mons. Eugeniusz Baziak. (September 28) Ordained Bishop in the Cathedral of Wavel. 1960 (January) Karol Wojtyla’s dissertation for his teaching qualification was published by the Society of Sciences (Towarzyst Wojtyla Naukowe) at the Catholic University of Lublin: “Evaluation of the possibility to build Christian ethics using, as a foundation, the system created by Max Scheler.” (During the year) First edition of “Love and Responsibility” (ed. by TNKUL). 1962 (April 15) Was co-opted in the Episcopal Commission for Education. (July 16) After the death of Baziak he was elected Vicar of the Chapter. 8 Msgr. Baziak died, June 15, 1962, after nearly two years of clashes between Card. Wyszynski, and the President of the Polish Parliament, Zenon Kliszko, the main ideologue of the Communist Party. Card. Wyszynski did not want Wojtyla as Archbishop of Krakow. However, in January 1964, under Pope Paul VI, Wojtyla was elected Archbishop of Krakow. After vetoing seven other names, Zenon Kliszko, had made it clear that he only approved of Wojtyla as Archbishop of Krakow. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 The picnics and sporting life of Father Karol (like this) would continue even as Archbishop and Cardinal of Krakow. (October 5) Participated in the work of Vatican II, the First Session (October 11 to December 8). 1963 (October 6 to December 4) Participated in the work of the Second Session of Vatican II. (December 5-15) Made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with some bishops of different nationalities that were present at the Council. (December 30) Was appointed Archbishop of Krakow with the approval of Communist ideologist and President of the Polish Parliament, Zenon Kliszko. 1964 (January 13) Date of the papal seal that appointed him Archbishop of Krakow. (March 8) Officially established in the Wavel Cathedral. (September 10) Third Session of Vatican II (14 September-21 November). At the conclusion of this session he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, remaining there two weeks. After a hike, Archbishop Wojtyla rests in shorts and a red scarf on his head. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 While Card. Wyszynsky could not get away from his diocese, because the communist government would not grant him permission, Archbishop Wojtyla had full freedom to travel abroad without restriction. This was the common policy of encouraging Wojtyla and destroying the old Cardinal Wyszynski for his anti-communism. Archbishop Karol, in shorts and T-shirt, during a picnic with women and child. 9 The former Bishop of Krakow, Karol Wojtyla allows himself a moment of relaxation on a canoe along the Skawa River. Since then, he often ignored strict protocol, as well as when he became Pope. Card. Wojtyla in shorts and T-shirts, accompanied by a young woman with child and family, near Krakow. (September 29 to October 29) First General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Cardinal Wojtyla did not go as a sign of solidarity with the Primate, who was not granted a passport. (October 29) Solemnly received the frame of the effigy of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa in the Archdiocese of Krakow. The sacred image was not there, but was blocked by the authorities in Czêstochowa. 1965 (January 31 to April 6) He participated in the work on the thirteenth draft of “Gaudium et spes” on the Church in the contemporary world (January 31st to February 6th in Ariccia, February 8th to 13th in Rome, and again in Rome from March 29th to April 6th). (September 14 to December 8) Fourth session and conclusion of the Vatican II Council. (November 18) Letter of Reconciliation of the Polish Bishops to the German bishops, containing the famous words: “We forgive and ask forgiveness.” 1968 (February 18) Took authority of the titular Church of St. Cesareo in Palatio, Rome. (September 25) Visited “Ad Limina.” (December 15) This date concluded the “pilgrimage” of the Virgin Mary to the Archdiocese of Krakow. Cardinal Wojtyla attended the corresponding ceremonies in 120 parishes. 1966 (December 29) The establishment of the Polish Episcopal Commission for the Apostolate of the Laity, of which Archbishop Wojtyla became president. (During the year) Attended numerous celebrations of the Millennium of Poland. 1969 (January 10) He was registered as a resident in the Archbishopric at number 3, Franciszkanska Street. Until that moment he had continued to live in the old housing at number 22, Kanonicza Street. (February 28) During a visit to the parish of Corpus Christi, he met with the Jewish Community and visited the Synagogue of Kazimierz, in the district of Krakow. (March 15) Marked the approval of the Statute of the Episcopal Conference. Cardinal Wojtyla was Vice President of the Conference. 1967 (April 13 to 20) Attended the first meeting of the Council for the Laity. (May 29) Paul VI announced the Consistory. Among those elected for cardinal is the name of Karol Wojtyla. (June 21) He left for the Consistory. (June 28) Paul VI presented Card. Wojtyla in the Sistine Chapel with the Title of “St. Cesareo in Palatio.” The Archbishop of Krakow, Karol Wojtyla at a party of young people in costume. From his intense gaze, looking to his left, the photographer does not seem to attract the attention of the Archbishop. The Archbishop of Krakow, Karol Wojtyla at a Christmas party. 10 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 (During the year) Made some pastoral visits to various nations in Europe. On June 26, 1967. Paul VI makes Archbishop Wojtyla a Cardinal. Poland, for the first time, has two cardinals. Why? The two radically anti-communist cardinals of Eastern Europe, Mindszenty and Sljpij, were punished for their intransigence. However was it possible to treat Card. Wyszynski in the same way, when he was so loved by all the people? Was it not better to create another cardinal a bit more sensitive to his Ostpolitik? 1971 (January 8) Summoned the Preparatory Commission of the Synod for the Archdiocese of Krakow. (Spring) Processed and published, in the diocesan bulletin, “Notifications,” the project for the summons of a Diocesan Synod. (September 27) Left for the Second General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (September 30 to November 6). (October 5) Was elected to the Council of the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops. (October 12-18) After returning from North America, he participated in the first extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, as a member of pontifical nomination. (December) The Theological Society of Poland (PTT) of Krakow publishes “Person and Action” (Osoba y czyn). 1970 (April 5) Consecration of Auxiliary Bishops Stanislaw Smolenski and Albin Malysiak. (May 27-June 2) Pilgrimage to Rome by Polish priests formerly imprisoned at Dachau. (May 29) He celebrated the Mass in St. Peter with the Polish priests on the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Paul VI. (May 30) He participated for the Mass of Paul VI and in the audience held for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of the Pope. Card. Karol Wojtyla after a fishing expedition during a summer trip together with his friends of the Srodowisco group. (October 17) Participated in the beatification of Father Maximilian Kolbe. 1972 (May 8) Opening of the Synod of the Archdiocese of Krakow. (During the year) He published “On the basis of renewal. Study of the implementation of Vatican II,” edited by PTT. Between 1973 and 1975, Card. Wojtyla was received 11 times in private audiences by Pope Paul VI, which had never happened before to a foreign Cardinal! “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 1973 (March 2-9) Participated in the Eucharistic Congress in Australia. Also stopped in Manila (Philippines) and New Guinea. 11 October 1978. Cardinal Wojtyla and Card. Wyszynski (left) just before the conclave to elect a successor to John Paul I. 1976 (March 7-13 Preached the exercises at the Vatican, in the presence of Paul VI (these meditations are then published in the volume “Sign of Contradiction”). He was back in Krakow on March 16. (March 27) Attended a conference at the Gregorian University in Rome where he gave a lecture on the phenomenology of action. (April 1) Gave two reports to the Cultural Encounters of the Angelicum in Rome. (July 23 to September 5) Made a pastoral and academic visit to the United States and Canada. (September 8) Rome, Genoa: Report to Congress of Philosophy “Theory-Praxis: a Human and Christian Theme.” (November 22) In Rome, Cardinal Wojtyla chaired the Polish delegation at the International Congress of Catholic universities and ecclesiastical faculties for the preparation of the new apostolic constitution for ecclesiastical studies. (May) Took a trip to Belgium. (June 30) First meeting of Expert Commission of the Diocesan Synod, chaired by Cardinal Wojtyla. (September 26 to October 5) Visited “Ad Limina.” (October 5) Audience with Paul VI. (November) Traveled in France (Paris, Chamonix, Annecy). 1977 (7-15 March) Took part in (and even presided over, given the absence of Cardinal Seper) the tasks of the third meeting of the Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. (March 18) At the University of the Sacred Heart of Milan held the conference “The problem of forming of culture through the human praxis (human practice).” (June 23) Received the honorary doctorate from the 1974 (April 17-25) Participated, in Italy, in the Congress held for the VII Centenary of St. Thomas, and there, on April 23, gave a report. (June 28) Participated, in Rome, in the anniversary celebrations of the coronation of Paul VI and the consecration of Bishop Andrzej Maria Deskur. (September 27 to October 26) Third General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Cardinal Wojtyla was spokesperson for a doctrinal section. (November 1-3) Visited San Giovanni Rotondo. He had already been there for the first time during his years of study and he had met Padre Pio. 1975 (February 8-9) As a Cardinal he summoned, in Krakow, the First National Assembly of doctors and theologians. (February 27) Gave a report (“Participation or Alienation?”) at the International Seminary of Phenomenology in Fribourg. (March 3-8) First meeting of new Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. (May 8) IV General Assembly of the Synod of Kraków. (September 19) Left for a trip abroad to the German Democratic Republic. (December 1) At the invitation of Cardinal Colombo, gave a lecture at the Ambrosiana in Milan on the theme: “The rights of the human person in light of the recent Synod of Bishops.” 12 Palidoro, Rome. Card. Karol Wojtyla immortalized by the photographer a few weeks before the conclave, as he leaves the water. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. (July 1) Attended a conference at the “Centre du Dialogue” in Paris, at Osny, near Paris, where he chaired the Meeting of Catholic Poles. (September 30 to October 29) IV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. On October 24 he was elected to the Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod. 1978 (March 12 to 17) Worked with the Congregation for Catholic Education. At the same time he assisted in the ceremony of conferring the “pallium” to Archbishop Tomálek. (May 16-19) Council meeting of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. (June 21) Milan: reports “Marriage and Love” to the Congress IFSC (International Centre for Family Studies) organized to mark the 10th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. (August 11-12) Attended the funeral of Paul VI. (August 25) Marked the beginning of the conclave. (August 26) Pope John Paul I was elected. (Albino Luciani). (August 30) John Paul I received in audience the Cardinals, and also Cardinal Wojtyla in private audience. On September 3, participated in the inauguration of the pontificate of John Paul I. (September 19-25) Travelled in the Federal Republic of Germany with Primate Stefan Wyszynski and Bishops Strobe and Rubin. (October 3-4) Left for the funeral of Pope John Paul I and attended the funeral. (October 14) The conclave began. (October 16, 1978 - approximately 17.15) Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope is the 263rd successor of Peter. THE POPE WHO HAS COME FROM THE EAST “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 13 HIS INTERNATIONAL TRAVELS Paul VI, unlike previous modern day popes, opened the door to travel beyond the borders of Italy with his visit to the Holy Land during the Second Vatican Council. The last Pope, before Paul VI, that been out of Italy was Pius VII (1800-1823), taken away by Napoleon Bonaparte, in forced exile, to Fontainebleau in June 1812. John Paul II, during his pontificate, had made 247 trips, of which 104 were international and 143 were made in Italy, covering a total of about 1,164,000 km, and a total of 543 days abroad. How many billions of dollars have been spent by the Vatican for these trips, and for what purposes and with what results? Number of Countries visited or otherwise touched Start End Duration (d/ hr / min) Dist. (km) Disc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 25.01.79 02.06.79 29.09.79 28.11.79 02.05.80 01.02.79 10.06.79 08.10.79 30.11.79 12.05.80 07 09 00 08 11 30 09 01 30 02 12 00 10 09 00 23.710 3.185 18.093 3.785 18.914 36 36 76 12 72 30.05.80 30.06.80 15.11.80 02.06.80 03 06 45 12.07.80 12 04 00 02.11.80 04 13 40 6. 7. 8. 14 Dominican Republic I, Mexico I, Bahamas. Poland I. Ireland, United States I. Turkey. Zaire I, Congo, Kenya I, The, Ghana, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso) I, Côte d’Ivoire I. France I. Brazil I. Germany I. 2.509 30 27.673 51 2.880 29 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Pakistan, The Philippines I, Guam (USA II), Japan, Anchorage (U.S.A. II). 16.02.81 Nigeria, Benin, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea. 12.02.82 Portugal I. 12.05.82 Britain. 28.05.82 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil II), Argentina I. 10.06.82 Geneva (Switzerland I). 15.06.82 San Marino. 29.08.82 Spain I. 31.10.82 Lisbon (Portugal II), Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador I, Guatemala I Honduras, Belize, Haiti. 02.03.83 Poland II. 16.06.83 Lourdes (France II). 14.08.83 Austria I. 10.09.83 Fair Banks (U.S. III), The Republic of Korea, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Thailand. 02.05.84 Switzerland II. 12.06.84 Canada I. 09.09.84 Zaragoza (Spain II), Santo Domingo (Republic Dominican II), San Juan (Puerto Rico). 10.10.84 Venezuela I, Ecuador, Peru I, Trinidad and Tobago. 26.01.85 Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium I. 11.05.85 Togo, Ivory Coast II, Cameroon The Republic Central-African II Zaire, Kenya II, Morocco. 08.08.85 Kloten (Switzerland III), Lichtenstein. 08.09.85 India. 31.01.86 Colombia, Saint Lucia. 01.07.86 France III. 04.10.86 27.02.81 02.02.82 15.05.82 02.06.82 13.06.82 15.06.82 29.08.82 09.11.82 11 03 20 07 09 15 03 11 00 05 15 25 02 11 30 00 15 15 00 05 00 09 07 45 35.120 14.734 4.433 4.880 26.904 1.412 235 7.269 60 44 22 27 08 10 03 48 10.03.83 23.06.83 15.08.83 13.09.83 08 07 35 07 04 50 01 08 40 03 06 30 24.009 3.597 2.096 1.735 44 23 14 20 12.05.84 09 21 15 17.06.84 05 11 30 21.09.84 11 23 50 38.441 46 2.218 36 26.843 50 13.10.84 02 21 55 06.02.85 11 02 55 21.05.85 10 10 00 16.827 10 29.821 50 4.721 59 19.08.85 08.09.85 11.02.86 08.07.86 07.10.86 25.431 1.580 20.252 21.127 2.031 11 14 00 00 15 00 10 10 40 07 03 00 03 13 45 44 08 41 35 27 Moments of two trips of John Paul II in Poland. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 15 John Paul II’s meetings with Presidents Carter and Reagan on two of his several trips to the United States. 32. Bangladesh, Singapore, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia I, Seychelles Islands. 33. The Uruguay I, Chile, Argentina II. 34. Germany II. 35. Poland III. 36. U.S.A. IV, Fort Simpson (Canada II). 37. Uruguay II, Bolivia, Lima (Perù II), Paraguay. 38. Austria II. 39. Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique. 40. France IV. 41. Madagascar, La Reunion, Zambia and Malawi. 42. Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden. 43. Santiago de Compostela, Asturias (Spain III). 44. Seoul (Rep.Corea II), Indonesia (East Timor), Mauritius. 45. Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Burk. Faso (II), Chad. 46. Czechoslovakia I. 47. Mexico II, Curaçao. 48. Malta I. 49. (Luqa - Malta II), Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Yamoussoukro (Côte d’Ivoire III). 50. Portugal III. 51. Poland IV. 52. IV Poland, Czestochowa, Hungary. 53. Brazil III. 54. Senegal, Gambia, Guinea. 55. Angola, Sao Tome and Principe. 56. Dominican Republic III. 57. II Benin, Uganda, Khartoum (Sudan). 16 18.11.86 31.03.87 30.04.87 08.06.87 10.09.87 07.05.88 23.06.88 10.09.88 08.10.88 28.04.89 01.06.89 19.08.89 06.10.89 25.01.90 21.04.90 06.05.90 25.05.90 01.12.86 13.04.87 04.05.87 14.06.87 21.09.87 18.05.88 27.06.88 19.09.88 11.10.88 06.05.89 10.06.89 21.08.89 16.10.89 01.02.90 22.04.90 14.05.90 27.05.90 13 06 15 13 04 00 04 06 10 06 11 55 11 01 20 12 07 45 04 06 45 09 12 00 03 14 30 09 17 00 09 09 10 02 11 30 10 04 15 07 08 30 01 13 40 08 05 15 02 06 45 48.974 36.613 3.169 4.559 30.465 34.420 2.503 20.599 2.222 21.712 11.986 3.908 39.047 14.384 2.133 29.233 1.537 05 63 22 27 48 54 20 43 02 36 38 09 28 36 10 26 12 01.09.90 10.05.91 01.06.91 13.08.91 12.10.91 19.02.92 04.06.92 09.10.92 03.02.93 10.09.90 13.05.91 09.06.91 20.08.91 21.10.91 26.02.92 10.06.92 14.10.92 10.02.93 09 17 00 03 09 10 08 12 15 07 10 15 09 10 30 08 04 15 06 07 45 05 11 15 07.15 10 18.737 8.957 4.581 4.487 20.599 10.010 16.780 15.114 15.331 41 12 39 28 31 26 02 16 28 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Albania. Spain IV. Jamaica, Merida (Mexico III), Denver (U.S. V). Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Zagreb (Croatia). Manila (II), Port Moresby (Papua - New Guinea II), Sydney (Australia II), Colombo (Sri Lanka). Prague, Olomouc (Czech Rep. II) Skoczow, Bielsko Biala Zywiec (Poland V), Ostrava (Czech Rep. II). Belgium II. Slovakia II. Yaounde (Cameroon II), Johannesburg-Pretoria (Rep. South Africa), Nairobi (Kenya III). Newark, N. York, UN, Yonkers, Baltimore (U.S. VI). Guatemala II, Nicaragua II El Salvador, Venezuela II. Tunisia. Slovenia. Germany III. Hungary II. France V. Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Czech Republic III. Beirut (Lebanon). Poland VI. Paris II (France VI). Rio de Janeiro (Brazil IV). 25.04.93 12.06.93 09.08.93 04.09.93 10.09.94 25.04.93 17.06.93 16.08.93 10.09.93 11.09.94 11.01.95 21.01.95 10 03 30 33.415 30 20.05.95 03.06.95 30.06.95 22.05.95 02 15 00 04.06.95 01 07 30 03.07.95 03 12 30 2.315 11 2.362 07 2.642 11 14.09.95 04.10.95 05.02.96 14.04.96 17.05.96 21.06.96 06.09.96 02.09.96 12.04.97 25.04.97 10.05.97 31.05.97 21.08.97 02.10.97 20.09.95 09.10.95 12.02.96 14.04.96 19.05.96 23.06.96 07.09.96 05.09.96 13.04.97 27.04.97 11.05.97 10.06.97 24.08.97 06.10.97 Cuba, January 1998. Two images of John Paul II’s trip to Cuba. 00 14 15 05 05 10 07 02 35 06 11 50 01 03 45 06 07 00 04 23 15 06 23 45 00 12 50 02 04 50 02 06 30 01 13 00 03 12 55 01 03 10 02 04 30 01 14 15 10 11 45 03 09 55 04 01 05 1.402 3.438 20.722 5.359 1.314 16.782 14.488 24.061 1.282 1.714 2.573 1.891 3.712 1.062 2.093 4.489 3.878 2.449 18.394 04 17 22 30 05 13 15 22 06 08 09 07 12 11 08 05 26 11 08 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Cuba. Nigeria II. Austria III. Croatia II. Mexico (IV), St. Louis (U.S.A. VII). Romania. Poland VII. Slovenia II. New Delhi (India II), Georgia. Mount Sinai (Egypt). Holy Land. Fátima (Portugal IV). Greece, Syria, Malta. Ukraine. Kazakhstan, Armenia. Azerbaijan, Bulgaria. Toronto (Canada III), Guatemala City (Guatemala III), Mexico City (Mexico V). 98. Krakow (Poland VIII). 99. Spain V. 100° Croatia III. 101. Bosnia Erzegovina II. 102. Slovak Republic. 103. Bern (Switzerland IV). 104. Lourdes (France VII). 21.01.98 21.03.98 02.06.98 02.10.98 22.01.99 07.05.99 05.06.99 19.09.99 05.10.99 24.02.00 20.03.00 12.05.00 04.05.01 23.06.01 22.09.01 22.05.02 26.01.98 23.03.98 21.06.98 04.10.98 28.01.99 09.05.99 17.06.99 19.09.99 09.10.99 26.02.00 26.03.00 13.05.00 09.05.01 27.06.01 27.09.01 26.05.02 05 02 30 02 12 45 02 10 58 02 04 36 06 03 00 02 13 45 12 11 45 00 12 35 04 13 00 02 10 05 06 13 45 01 04 45 05.12 00 04.11.30 05 12 15 04 11 20 18.576 8.772 2.052 1.226 21.502 2.640 5.340 1.500 12.621 4.912 5.626 4.174 5.223 4.022 9.772 6.511 12 07 10 10 13 09 30 03 10 04 10 01 19 11 13 11 23.07.02 18.08.02 03.05.03 05.06.03 22.06.03 11.09.03 05.06.04 14.08.04 02.08.02 19.08.02 04.05.03 09.06.03 22.06.03 14.09.03 06.06.04 15.08.04 09 22 50 03 04 15 01 11 45 03.22.45 00 12 50 03 11 00 01 10 30 01 11 45 22.226 2.653 2.724 2.392 996 2.756 1.380 2.050 11 06 04 06 03 07 05 05 Jordan, Mount Nebo, March 20, 2000. John Paul II, a pope now for 22 years, realizes his dream of traveling to the Holy Land. In the photo, it seems that the Pope is scrutinizing the future of the Church from the top of Mount Nebo. This spot where Moses saw the Holy Land. But what future was the Pope looking at for the Catholic Church? 18 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 HIS IDEAS T ed in his teaching. (See Rocco he thinking of John Buttiglione, “The thought of Paul II in managing the Karol Wojtyla,” p. 422). Conciliar Church was Then we begin by recalling the that of a modern philosophy phrase of John Paul in which which, after Descartes, exasperhe had this to say: «They try ated the intellect on the faculty to understand me from outof senses. But this brings the side, but I can be understood objectivism of truth to it’s deonly from within.» nial, claiming that you cannot To understand the ideology of know reality in itself (Kant), Karol, therefore, one must inbecause reality in itself does not vestigate, firstly, the intellectuexist (Fichte), but exists only as al environment of Krakow in an idea. This led to idealism, to Sheffield of which he was part phenomenalism, and to the deof and of which he continued nial of metaphysics itself, to be part of as Bishop, Carwhereby every philosophical dinal and Pope. opinion must be respected, The Magazine “Tyggodnik such that the truth is none othPowszechny,” the colorful, er than the expression of the free and authoritative weekly subject. for which the young priest, The thinking of Karol Wojtyla, John Paul II. Wojtyla, worked as an essayist at the core, is this: while exaltand poet, influenced, if not ing the Husser principle of “formed,” Wojtyla. This magknowledge, he came to accept azine was known for not beand justify Ecumenical Syning a typical example of a cretism. And it was this thinkweekly magazine of the Polish clergy. In fact, the direcing that led him to replace the traditional objective. tors of the ecclesiastical seminaries forbade the stuAt this point it is good and useful to give attention to some dents to read this magazine because it was too “open” aspects of great interest, those which aided in his spiritual and too liberal. Even because of this Cardinal Wojtyla and cultural formation, because every man acts according was watched in Poland as an insignia of a very progresto how he has been formed (“Agere sequitur esse”[action sive and almost anti-traditional Catholicism. follows being]), and then he expresses it through his acHe was a handsome Prelate, athletic, free also in his mode tions, his beliefs and his culture. of attire. He publicly appeared in shorts, going on trips Now, the teaching of John Paul II has many disconcerting with teenage boys and girls with guitar in hand. He played aspects. For example, one must ask whether and to what exin the “Rhapsodic Theater” with many intellectual botent, under the concept of “work in the subjective sense” hemian type actors, who were anything but kind to the and “work in an objective sense,” used in his encyclical priesthood. One example of the company he kept is “Laborem Exercens,” one can find Wojtyla’s personal, Leopold Tyrman, with his colorful, pop culture lifestyle philosophical reflection in the themes of his work and in his of an “all-American playboy,” a promoter of jazz and practices, and in the way his personal philosophy is reflect- “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 19 This leads us also to speak of his artistic passion, with his background in opera, especially that of Prof. Mieczslaw Kotlarczyk, a man totally dedicated to the theater, and this artistic training remained as an underlying quality to aid his ability to communicate with the crowds. Wojtyla, thus, was very fond of popular amusement; he liked to dance. Twice a month, he took dancing lessons in the hall of his high school in Wadowice, along with his male and female peers. Karol was enchanted by these dances and was the most coveted dancer among the girls. His favorite dances were the polonaise, the mazurka, waltz and tango. Wojtyla’s house in the basement in Krakow, on Tynnieka Street became a school of the theater. Karol was the Jacob Frank (1726-1791). Frank, a Jew, was born and worked in Poland. He proclaimed himself “messiah” on the example of Sabbatael Levi (a previous “messiah” who worked in an Islamic environment and converted to Islam with all his false followers) . In 1759 Frank and 500 families of his followers were baptized, while maintaining, in secret, their heretical Jewish worship. Noteworthy is their theological justification for their apostasy and duplicity: the Messiah “must perform the most sinful acts and pretend to convert to the detestable Catholic religion as it is the worst [sin],” because salvation is achieved through sin! Frankists went to Mass on Sundays, but on Saturday gathered in their secret synagogues. rock concerts in Soviet Poland. Even in the darkest years, he led a type of scandalous “dolce vita” in Poland. This, and other similar facts, makes us pose the question: To what extent did the environment of “Tyggodnik” manipulate Karol Wojtyla? It should be noted that from the start, the figure of John Paul II was built carefully by the press and the media, as opposed to the Primate of Warsaw, the heroic unyielding anti-Communist Cardinal Wyszynski. Therefore, an alleged conflict was exaggerated between the two, Wyszynski as the super-conservative and Wojtyla, instead, as the open intellectual who loved the company of girls, who went about dressed in shorts, a true “liberal” and “progressive.” Indeed, Wojtyla really was a liberal prelate. He even distinguished himself at the Council as one of the most vocal and active promoters of innovation. A “liberal” and “progressive” image was continually built by the same promoter of Wojtyla. Was it for this, then, that Cardinal Sapieha sent him to France, for a time as a “worker priest?” Certainly, the secular environment targeted him to aid in the transformation of the Church, by prompting the Church to likewise accept the revolution of morals. 20 Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). Blavatski was a Mason of the 33rd degree. In 1875, she founded the Theosophical Society where, under the guise of universal and exclusive knowledge she intended to deify Humanity under the pretense of a true religion of the masses. The Luciferian motives are not marginal when you consider that Blavatsky wrote: «Satan is the active energy of the universe (...) He is the Fire, Light, Life, Struggle, Effort, Thought, Consciousness, Progress, Civilization, Liberty, Independence.» Moreover, the stated purpose of the Theosophical Society was to «wipe Christianity from the face of the earth ... and drive God out of heaven,» going so far as to deny the historical authenticity of Jesus Christ. charismatic leader of the young group and the center of attention. He was a brilliant writer and a keen director. All of the theatrical experience was imprinted on his soul. Even as a priest, bishop and cardinal, he continued to write poems and plays, always using his talent as an actor, even as a Pope, to communicate and express himself. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 This gives us the opportunity to speak again of Wojtyla and his Polish Romanticism. While attending the high school “Macief Wadowida,” Wojtyla was influenced by the poet Emil Zagadlowicz. But, above all, he was influenced by the Era of the Romantic Polish authors of the Nineteenth Century, Jacob Frank, Jewish, Polish Kabbalist of the Seventeenth Century, Juliusz Slowacki, Zygmunt Krasinski, Cyprian Norwid and Stanislaw Wyspianski, which fueled in him a strong “messianic hope” of the religious, moral and mystical kind. During his high school days, Wojtyla frequented the theater as an actor, under the direction of Mieczslaw Kotlarczyk, professor of history. The task of the actor, according to Kotlarczyk, had to be like that of a priest, as if acting were a “mission,” a “vocation,” a “priesthood of the art.” This professor of “rhapsodic theater,” or the theater Above: John Paul II with his old Jewish Polish friend, Jerzy Kluer, his former rival in friendship with Ginka Beer, in a “touching” meeting in Jerusalem. Below: Karol Wojtyla and Ginka Beer, young actors in Poland. Karol Wojtyla, when attending elementary school in Wadowice, became a close friend of Jerzy Kluger, the son of the head of the local synagogue. He visited him almost every day. They were inseparable, sharing amusements and studies. Wojtyla’s friendship with Judaism also extended into the artistic field, where his teacher was the Jewish Ginka Beer. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). A man of exceptional intellectual qualities, Steiner was head of the Theosophical Society in Germany where he founded his magazine “Lucifer,” which then changed into “Lucifer-Gnosis.” O.TO. member, one of the secret societies of the Illuminato of Bavaria, which is based on the magical powers of sex, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society as a way of “European” of American Theosophy. Steiner developed the idea to renew Christianity in the light of esoteric Buddhism, where Christ, in Anthroposophy, takes, on the one hand, the special role of balance, and tempering the ardor of Lucifer, and on the other, the cold intelligence of the demon Ahriman. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 where the actor must pronounce every vowel and every word with precision, had this idea after reflecting on the texts of the theosophical tradition and anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner. So, to better understand the mind of Wojtyla, it is necessary to consider the theosophical opinion and that of Steiner, whose doctrine is based on man and not on Christ. The “Theosophical Society” was founded by Elena Petrovna Blavasky and by the occultist Henry Steele Olcott, both associated with Freemasonry. Wojtyla always had a great aspiration: to reconcile Jews and Catholics. Another evidence is his accusation 21 against Catholicism in respect to Judaism and by his decisions as Pope, as we shall see further ahead. Let us take a look at his record with Judaism. While attending primary school in Wadowice, in his home country, he was in contact with many Jewish students, about one fourth of the total student population. Wojtyla became very friendly with one of them, Jerzy Kluger, the son of the head of the local synagogue. He went to visit this friend almost every day. They were inseparable, with studies and recreation. In summer, they went to swim in the Skawa; in winter one could find them at the bar, “Venezia,” where the tennis court became an ice skating rink. Wojtyla’s friendship with Judaism also extended to the artistic field, as his teacher, Ginka Beer was Jewish. For Wojtyla, even the Jewish religion was a part of him, and this was true even when he was Archbishop of Krakow, and as it was even when he later became Pope. It was that relationship with Judaism that poses this problem: but was Wojtyla a Jew as well? Well, Yaskov Wise, a scholar of Jewish genealogy, has testified that John Paul II was a Jew. Wise had done research on the female ancestors of Wojtyla’s family, already knowing that by rabbinical decree, only mothers, not fathers, determined Jewishness. Karol’s mother married a Catholic, but her name, Emilia Kaczorowski, was a Polish adaptation of the Jewish name, Katz, very common in the Yiddish world. His grandmother’s name was Marianna Scizh, another Hebrew name (Schulze, Schultz). Even the great-grandmother, Zusanna Rybicki, had a Hebrew name. Furthermore, these names appear frequently on the graves of Jewish cemetery in Bielsko-Biale, the area where Karol’s mother was born. With this maternal lineage for three generations, Karol Wojtyla was not only an integral Jew, but even if he had asked for Israeli citizenship, the State would have been bound to acknowledge it. Finally, the fact that Wojtyla was a Jew also explains why, in 1940, the young priest Karol was hiding from the National Socialists, while if he would have been known as Polish, and therefore “Aryan,” this would not have been necessary. Now, all this sheds a new light not only on the acts of Karol Wojtyla (his being the first of any Pope to visit a synagogue, the prayer to the “Wailing Wall,” the “mea culpa” of the Church to the Jews, etc.), but also on his “new-theology” of “election,” where he goes back to the new and unstable “Catholic doctrine” in accordance with the idea that the “Old Covenant” still persists because the “New Covenant” (Jesus) would not have ended it. A doctrine, which forces the text of the Gospel to deny the “substitution.” [that is: the New Covenant with the Old Covenant] Even the acceptance of the Holocaust as the sacramental “blood sacrifice” thus making the Jewish people the “vic22 tim” as a selective alternative to that of the Lamb, becomes more significant in light of Jewishness of Wojtyla. In 1998, when he asked forgiveness of the Jews with the document “We Remember,” John Paul II approved of the official speech in which he said: «The Jewish people were crucified for two thousand years.» So it is not “persecuted,” but “crucified,” as was Our Savior Jesus! March 20, 2000. John Paul II on Mount Nebo in front of a cross that, represents more than Jesus died on the cross, as it looks like a snake wrapped around a Tau cross, which is a Masonic phallic symbol. Furthermore, the entire Tau cross with the ring it forms an Ank symbol, the Egyptian symbol of eternal life. Is this cross perhaps an indication that the “Snake” has replaced Christ on the Cross, under the pretense of offering his “eternal life” to mankind? “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 HIS PHILOSOPHY «In self-determination, the he book, “Person and will becomes visible as a Action,” is the main characteristic of that perphilosophical work of son.» The person, therefore, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, who becomes transcended in the aclater became Pope John Paul tion, and the will develops or II. It was published in 1969, in changes with every action. Polish (“Osoba y Czyn”). While the conscience, accordThe author wanted to be a pheing to St. Thomas, is the judgnomenologist, and for this reament of the practical intellect, son he used the “phenomenofor Wojtyla, while acknowledglogical method,” using the ing that “consciousness is a same “mold” as that of Max judge,” the judgment, accordSchele. He wrote without neing to him, is much more expeglecting the classical philosorienced in its entirety. For him, phy, especially the Thomistic it is «the full effort of the perphilosphy of St. Thomas son who intends to form the Aquinas, that he would have truth in the scope of values, liked to upstage it. especially moral values. The Phenomenology emphasizes the conscience would first begin a study of conscious experience. search or exploration for It asserts that one has access to truth, before it would become things through an intimate certitude and judgment.» view of being, as we see in our Such reasoning involves seeing experience, namely the “phewhat the relationship is between nomena” that appear in our John Paul II. body and soul. Then, because consciousness. For this, the soman «inasmuch as he is himcalled “values” are absolute self (the person) he commands and constant. himself,» including his body, This, Wojtyla does not deny, he then deals with «the integration of the person by his own but he seeks knowledge of the “person and action” actions and the exploitation of the relationship between through phenomenology, namely the inner experience. body and soul.» The human person, therefore, “transcends himself” in But even though he was accepting that the soul is the his actions. Person and action form the whole. “forma corporis” (body form), Wojtyla does not mention From here, the author, speaking of “consciousness and it, because for him, «only the categories of the phenomeexperience,” talks of “the transcendence of the person nological concept are important.» This suggests that in the action” and of self-determination that he explains Wojtyla, in “Person and Action,” gives the impression with these words: T “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 23 that he is talking of a foreign body. Proceeding phenomenologically, Wojtyla points out that man is also a “social animal,” as Aristotle had already said, indicating that “social” is a property of man, because he needs other things for his personal development. For this, man’s nature is “social” and therefore the “participation” corresponds to the transcendence of the person in the action. This means that the «participation belongs to the person in his everyday actions.» Thus, the «true significance of the general good of society is the relationship that exists between the participation of the person and the good of that society.» Dealing next with the love of one’s neighbor and the commandment of love, Wojtyla does not endorse what the Gospel says to love our neighbor, as a virtue typically “Christian” (John 13:35) « By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.» But Wojtyla, as a philosopher, in his book, abstracts from what is specifically Christian, and says that overall “on the basis of being human,” even the way one refers to one another as a “neighbor” speaks about the correlation between all men. Accordingly, in his book, Wojtyla says that the Christian love of one’s neighbor becomes a human general concept and therefore secular. The love of one’s neighbor, then, becomes renewed and proposed as a universal human order. In summary, we can say that while Wojtyla did not reject the Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophy, the system that he developed in his book “Person and Action” is not a development of that philosophy. We can also say that his method is not even phenomenological, as in that of Max Scheler, although some assumptions and conclusions are of a phenomenological type, because he states that human consciousness is, above all, a universal “experience.” But this belief is a practice of the phenomenologists, who do not speak of “truth” as a concordance between thing and concept (adequatio rei et intellectus) but as a simple experience claimed to be humanly universal. However, in the book “Person and Action” we don’t find “proofs,” but only questionable teachings in the form of “theses” based on types and methods of phenomenology. The following are some of the 37 “theses,” extracted by Hermann Humpert, from the book of Wojtyla, “Person and Action:” Thesis No. 15 - God is not an historical being who works with man - and man does not cooperate with God, but only acts in cooperation with other men. Religion doesn’t take its origin from divine revelation, but is simply the result of human imagination. The Catholic religion is no different from other cults. Thesis No. 16 - Divine Revelation is impossible to prove. Thesis No. 17 - The only real significance of the New Testament is found in the philosophical explanations. Thesis No. 18 - Each divine mystery is to be considered 24 as a variation or nuance of a system of pure thought. Traditional dogmatic Christianity is one of these erroneous systems. Thesis No. 21 - A purely human community, united and universal; this is the true Christian church according to the meaning of the Gospel, understood in a new way, quite contrary to the existing totalitarian church. Thesis No. 22 - The principles of “dialogue” and “neighbor” are those which lead to the salvation of Christianity, not the Revelation of creation, Redemption, or the Universal Judgement. Thesis No. 24 - Salvation - the self-realization of humanity – doesn’t have an eternal nature. It will not bring to mortal man any resurrection of the body. The naive hope of eternal life - and also the belief in the Assumption and the return of the Lord in His body - must be conceived only symbolically. Thesis No. 25 - In the other world after death, we will not be rewarded for our good deeds, nor punished for our sins. Thesis No. 27 - Even those who have helped the world become more civilized will die, and in this way, they will find salvation. Thesis No. 28 - How can man create his soul so easily? Because he did not create it from nothing, but from existing matter: the animal soul, evolved phylogenetically, which he received from his parents, his ancestors and the apes and he can only improve. Thesis No. 32 - There is no reason to worry for the souls of aborted babies. They are safe as original sin does not exist. Thesis No. 33 - There is no need to be baptized or to use other traditional forms of initiation of non-Christians or non-believers. As well there is no need to convert followers of other religions. Thesis No. 35 - Man is the visible God. To see man is to see God. In 1970, the book of Card. Wojtyla, “Person and Action,” was discussed at the University of Krakow, and the Thomist teachers expressed their criticism for that disrespectful mixture of Thomism and phenomenology! «In Poland, the book was largely dismissed by other Catholic philosophers, until the appearance of the vibrant and vital Dr. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Due to her collaboration for the English Edition, a job lasting four years, this scholar was able to accomplish a truly formidable undertaking: to free the mind of Karol in order to convey that which he really wanted to express, which was not fully accomplished in the original work.» “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 HIS THEOLOGY tion saves everyone, always. t is normal but incorrect to From here arises the “new ecthink that the Pope’s perclesiology” and “new revelasonal faith is necessarily tion” of the Faith: Our Lord Jeidentified with that of the sus Christ is only responsible Church. Indeed, even the Pope for “fully manifesting man to could impose “de facto” a himself,” therefore man is no heretical position. longer a poor sinner who has This we have already observed need of redemption obtained with Paul VI, who favored the through faith and Baptism, but neo-modernism that is at the a man who, enjoying his condiroot of the “New Theology” tion to have an actual and guarand we see also with Pope John anteed redemption, reveals his Paul II, who was personally in status as “supernatural,” that favor of “New Theology.” is, as a self-deified man! The ecumenical organization of It is a true return to modernism Assisi, for example, was already John Paul II. that reduces both faith and present in the texts of Wojtyla divine revelation to a simple when he was a professor, bishsentiment and to a religious op, and cardinal, and as it later experience, eliminating therewould be, as well, as Pope, in fore any difference between his doctrinal encyclicals, and “natural religion” and “Supernatural Religion,” hereby how it was in his pastoral visits (?) in all continents. laying the basis for equality of all religions. The crucial mistake of the theology of John Paul II is Thus, according to modernism, Revelation is reduced to this: Christ died for all men and therefore every man is an awareness of the intimate relationship with the saved «whether he knows it or not, whether he accepts Man-God, for Christianity, - and in the case of the other it or not by means of faith» (see Karol Wojtyla, “Sign of relgions - Buddha, Mohammed, etc. Contradiction,” Milan 1977 c. 11). With regard to Tradition, it is no longer the transmission of the truths revealed by God, but a new and intimate, This thesis, confirmed neither by Scripture, nor Tradition, subjective religious experience, in all individuals of nor the doctrine of the Church, is only a result of the every time, called “living Tradition.” “New Theology,” which states that redemption and salIn a speech on May 11, 1986, in Ravenna, John Paul II vation is unconditional for all men, not only objectively, said: «I’m traveling the world to meet people of all culbut also subjectively, thus stating that universal Redemp- I “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 25 tures and religions; it is because I trust in the seeds of wisdom that the Spirit inspires in the consciences of the populations: from there stems the real resource for the future of mankind in our world.» Wojtyla, then, came to modernism through the “New Theology,” the theology which alters the fundamental Catholic notion of the supernatural and which leads, perforce, to the point where John Paul II arrived: namely the Teilhard de Chardin, the Jesuit heretic, apostate and Freemason, was condemned by the Holy Office on June 30, 1962 for his work «... those works show ambiguity and even serious errors in philosophical and theological matters, such as to offend Catholic doctrine.» Yet, during Vatican II, Teilhard de Chardin was revered, quoted and regarded as a reliable source on matters of faith so much so as to be called “The Soul of Vatican II.” Here are some of his quotes: «From the start, from childhood to get to the heart of the matter, it was inevitable that I was one day face to face with the Feminine;» «No more than I can do without light, oxygen or vitamins, no man can do without the feminine;» «... nothing has developed in me without the watch and influence of a woman;» «Is not the sensitivity and the flame of my being, the Feminine?» The heretical Jesuit Karl, Rahner, a professor of the New Theology, enemy of the dogmas of Catholicism, papal authority and context of priestly celibacy, was called “builder of the Church of the future,” “first of theologiansm,” “the mind of Vatican Council II.” During Vatican II, Karl Rahner entertained a reported love affair with the writer Luise Rinser, former wife of composer Karl Orff, to whom he wrote 1,800 love letters, up to 5 per day, which, in tones very hot and passionate he addressed her with phrases like “Coccolina,” “curly,” “my little fish,” “My dear fish,” “scares me that you love me with this passion,” “Do not eat too much, otherwise you’ll get fat and then I will not like you any more!” ... Did Karl Rahner know that his Luise was bound, body and soul, to an important Benedictine abbot of Bavaria, M.A.? «Rome and I have two different conceptions of the world. Sometimes, I have a real and true hatred towards everything that represents the historical and natural institution of Christ today;» «A religion of the earth is being formed now, as opposed to the religion of heaven!» «If, after some internal crisis, I would lose my faith in Christ, my personal faith in God, [and] my faith in the Spirit, I feel that I would still believe the world;» «As far as I’m concerned, I have no personal interest in a life hereafter;» «Do not mention the man (St. Augustine), who has spoiled everything by introducing the supernatural!» «The Christian God up there and the progressive Marxist God are united in the figure of Christ.» *** No wonder, then, that this failed priest “who developed entirely under influence of a woman” died on April 10, 1955, Easter Sunday, between the thighs of his mistress - his cousin. 26 abolition of any distinction between “nature” and “grace” and so, consequently, to the heresy of subjective universal redemption, to the identification of humanity with the Church. For this, the concepts of “Redemption” and “Faith” make the revelation of Christ a secondary and accessory fact. This makes one understand that the “New Theology” puts the axe to “not so much the branches, but at the very root, that is, to the faith and to its deepest fibers” (See St. Pius X – “Pascendi”). However, already in the encyclical “Redemptor Hominis” of John Paul II, one finds the thesis of subjective universal redemption. It is also found in “Gaudium et Spes,” n. 22, which Wojtyla helped to draft during the Council, that stated: «The Son of God, by his incarnation, is united, in a certain way, to every man.» “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Christoph Schönborn, in the “Osservatore Romano,” on January 21,1993, shows that even later, the thinking of John Paul II had not changed, «writing that the “keytext” of the New Catechism is that of “Gaudium et Spes” 22.» But even during his travels, the ecumenical speeches of John Paul II have always had their foundation and their explanation not in Catholic doctrine, but always in the “New Theology.” Everything was centered on man and on his integral development, resulting in his internal awareness of the supernatural, inherent in every person, independent of faith and Baptism, «that he may know it or not, and accept it or not through faith.» On May 12, 1981, on the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of monist and pantheist Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, the Secretary of State wrote, “on behalf of the Holy Father,” a rather laudatory letter to the Rector of the Catholic Institute of Paris, where he raved about the Ma- Urs von Balthasar, one of the fathers of Neo-Modernism created his own theology and became the “Father of the New Ecumenical Apostasy.” In his works, he proposed to christen idealism, Darwinism and existentialism. Balthasar was primarily guided in theology, by a woman, Adrienne von Speyr. Von Speyr was a doctor of medicine, with whom Balthasar lived, in “spiritual brotherhood” for 27 years! She was a Protestant who tried to commit suicide in a bathtub. Afterward, having failed, she, then, converted. However she went to Mass only twice a year. Balthasar never hesitated to praise the genius of Luther and his “reform!” On June 23, 1984, von Balthasar, received from John Paul II the “International Prize” of 10 million [lira], in a solemn ceremony, allocated by the Paul VI Institute of Brescia. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 son Teilhard de Chardin, making him, in short, a precursor of the Pontificate of Wojtyla. Moreover, it is easy to think that this theological style is at one with the theory of the “anonymous Christian” of the heretic Jesuit Karl Rahner, for whom every man would be a “Christian,” even if he were to ignore it. In every man, that is, there would be a pre-existing seed of the supernatural. On February 2, 1983, John Paul II created for Cardinal Henri de Lubac, an entirely unjustified rehabilitation, as well as a disavowal of Pope Pius XII’s “Humani Generis”. The theological orientation of Pope Pio XII was quite different from that of John Paul II. Even Hans Urs von Balthasar was glorified by John Paul II, along with his “other half” Adrienne von Speyr, with whom he lived with for twenty seven years. Indeed, in 1985, Wojtyla, held a symposium in Rome on the “mystical” Adrienne (who did not go to church, not even on Sundays!) and von Balthasar. In 1992 there was a celebration in Rome under the chairmanship of Ratzinger, for the 20th birthday of the journal “Communio”. On May 29, John Paul II received Communio’s editors from different countries in audience, giving a solemn speech, in which he evoked “with gratitude, the memory of two of their leaders, eminent theologians of Catholicism, Cardinal Henry de Lubac and father Hans Urs von Balthasar,” and stating that «as archbishop of Krakow, I had the opportunity to encourage and promote the printing of “Communio.”» Here again we see more of who Wojtyla is with his vote in favor of “Communio,” the official organ of “those who think they have won.” It also presents him as the episcopal nominator of collaborators such as: Schönborn, Scola, Corecco, Kasper, Lehmann, Martini, Lustiger, etc. (...) who want to pass themselves off as “conservatives,” but are, however, modernists, albeit more cautiously so. The same thing happened in all appointments to the various Congregations and Commissions, where the “new theologians” now swarm. Likewise the “Catholic Civilization,” that before had been considered the authorized body of the guidelines of the Holy See, and the organ of Catholic orthodoxy, but today is impregnated with the “new theology.” This is also true of the “Catholic press” and “L’Avvenire” and every diocesan bulletin, which are aligned «ad instar Principis componitur totus orbis!» Now, as mentioned above, we recall that the Lord has promised infallibility to the Popes of all time. Because what comes from the Vatican II does not have the character of infallibility, since it is a pastoral Council, and as the Ordinary Magisterium becomes infallible only if it agrees with the statements made by all the popes of the past, it follows that if the Pope today contradicts Popes of the past, creating a conflict in doctrine, Catholics must remain faithful to the Popes of all time and keep the universal faith, in time and space, as rightly teaches St. Thomas (S. Th .11-11, q. 2 to 3). 27 JO HN PAUL II “MA SON ”? Paris, June 1, 1980. In the UNESCO headquarters, in front of 13 Nobel laureates, John Paul II surprised the French by praising the Masonic motto of the French Revolution: «“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” is a profoundly Christian concept.» J ohn Paul II demonstrated his conciliatory position with Freemasonry when, in 1983, he announced the “New Code of Canon Law”. The old Code of Canon 2335 states: «Those who give their name or associate with a Masonic sect or other associations of the same nature, who conspire against the Church or against legitimate authority, incur ipso facto excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See.» This was amended with the new Canon 1374 that states: «He who gives his name to an association that conspires against the Church, must be punished with a just penalty: the promoter or leader of such an association shall be punished by interdict.» As one can see, the “New Canon” 1374 no longer mentions Freemasonry. One is no longer prohibited to collaborate at Masonic lodges, nor is it necessary to preserve the “ipso facto” excommunication, because today, the Freemasons are seen solely as public sinners. Moreover, John Paul II gave permission to be able to give the sacraments to Masons, without them first doing the abjuration. For example: the former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France, Richard Dupuy, received the religious funeral rites. The former Grand Master of the Grand 28 Orient of France had the religious burial rites in the parish of St. Francis de Sales, in Paris. In Soweto, at the Episcopal Conference of South Africa, in 1996, John Paul II even permitted Bill Clinton to receive Communion! Unfortunately, Bill Clinton comes from the Masonic elitist society “The Order” of Oxford where the Illuminati train members to reach high political positions. These “facts” clearly show that the position of the Church of Rome, against Freemasonry, has changed, and that John Paul II has distanced himself from his predecessors (with the exception of Paul VI). But then, what is the point of condemning abortion, euthanasia, and contraception, if one “dialogues” with the same Freemasonry that is forcing these practices into society around the world? This is a “dialogue” which alludes to a false human dignity and which is based on the breakdown of principles! One is permitted, however, to ask some questions about John Paul II: How can one explain his intellectual formation and his persistent adherence to Masonic ideas? In what manner was the occultist and Masonic thinking drilled into the young Wojtyla at the Rhapsodic Theater of Krakow? Another indication of John Paul II’s membership to Masonry stems from the fact that he contributed to the imple“Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Vatican, April 18, 1983. John Paul II received, in audience, representatives of the Trilateral Commission, one of the key institutions of the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria, for the World Government and the implementation of the Antichrist. mentation of Freemasonry with his meetings, documents and writings. One of these was his defense of the secular state, so dear to Masonry. Indeed, while St. Pius X, on February 11, 1906 wrote: «To separate the State from the Church is an absolutely false thesis, a pernicious error.» John Paul II, on February 11, 2005, said: «The principle of secularism, if properly understood, belongs to the social doctrine of the Church. It highlights the necessity of a proper separation of powers.» On April 18, 1983, John Paul II gave an audience to the Trilateral Commission and was photographed surrounded by its members (knowing that this commission was openly preparing for the World Government that would become the kingdom of the Antichrist and Satan!) Vatican, March 22, 1984. John Paul II receives, in audience, the Top Representatives of the High Jewish Masonry of B’nai B’rith. “Strong with hope.” The altar of Zamosciu, during John Paul II’s visit to Poland June 22, 1999. We dare say that the architectural form of a pyramid, with the “all-seeing eye” at the summit, is Masonically inspired. The pyramid is indeed the symbol of the Bavarian Illuminati, who are at the top of all the Masonic Lodges of the world which have as their supreme aim of deviating the Catholic Religion to demolish it and make it enter in the Masonic universal religion to implement the Masonic World Government. Their plan was to have their own Pope in order to make the Revolution in the Catholic Church from the top down. The pyramid on the back of the note of $ 1, with the “all-seeing eye” of Lucifer, at the summit. Below: some symbols that represent the “all-seeing eye” of Freemasonry, or rather, the Eye of Lucifer. The pyramid and all the symbolism surrounding the $ 1 bill symbolizes the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria founded by Adam Weishaupt, showing clearly the paternity of monetary control exercised over the U.S. currency. The levels of the pyramid are 13 (symbol of Lucifer), while the bricks shown in the 13 levels are 72 (number symbolizing the 72 names of the Kabalistic god, Lucifer). The Trilateral Commission was headed by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller. At the hearing, there was criticism for any slowness with which one favored the move towards the “New World Order.” Many books, that document the institutions that govern the occult world, reported that the Trilateral Commission is a very important institution of the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria. This Order represents the top of Freemasonry worldwide. On March 22, 1984, John Paul II held an audience for a Delegation of B’nai B’rith (the Masonic sect of the Jewish Talmud) which depicts Christ as a devil and works to destroy the Catholic Church and the Christian religion! It is a known fact that John Paul II and the Masons of High Jewish Masonry of B’nai B’rith had routine and consistent contact. This is not surprising when you consider that, before him, Paul VI gained his election as Pope thanks to two members of the Masonry of B’nai B’rith, who were present in the Vatican Halls. After hearing of the election of Card. Giusepe Siri to the Papacy, they threatened the persecution of Catholics worldwide. On November 21, 1982, during John Paul II’s trip to Palermo, the “Giornale di Sicilia” reported that «John Paul II was welcomed by members of the Masonic Commission of “Piazza del Gesu”, among them was the Mason, Joseph Manfalarinella, the Sovereign Grand Master and Great Commentator. The white papal car was driven by Angelo Siin, of Cosa Nostra.» The book “The Merchants of the Vatican,” at bottom of page 70, in relation to the trip of Pope John Paul II in Sicily, states: «treated as if he were a “brother,” the Masons of Trinacria had welcomed the pontiff with the “triple embrace” of that Masonic organization.» Certainly, noting the evident principles that have profoundly marked his ministry, from the time he was bishop and archbishop in Krakow, one can say that John Paul II was a Mason. These principles are religious freedom, ec- 30 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 umenism and collegiality, which echo those of the Masonic trilogy propaganda of the French Revolution: “Freedom, Equality, and Brotherhood.” He always hoped that the Catholic Church would recognize these three principles. After his election to the Papacy, his ideals were realized, point by point, knowing well of the affinity that existed between his ideal and the Masonic motto: “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.” His thinking was always imbued with that philosophy. Evidence of this is seen in his “Discussions on Man,” delivered on the speaker’s platform of the UN and UNESCO. For example, he stated: «You, together, are a great power: the power of minds and consciences... Make up your mind to give proof to a most noble solidarity with humanity, one that is founded on the Dignity of the “human person.” Build peace starting at the base: the respect for all human rights, those related to both the material and economic nature, and, as well as those related to the inner and spiritual nature of man’s existence in this world. May this inspire wisdom.» On the occasion of the beatification of the Martyrs of Avril, [April] John Paul II, as always, supported and defended the principles of the French Revolution, stating that «this historical movement (the French Revolution) was inspired by religious sentiments (freedom, equality, brotherhood) and from a desire for necessary reforms ...» We wonder if John Paul II knew that the Masonic slogan “liberty, equality, fraternity” was the trio with which the Satanic Order of the Illuminati had planned to disrupt the world. Didn’t the Pope know the spectacle the French Revolution showed to the world: «One Hundred and thirty eight bishops and archbishops, sixty-four thousand Priests and Vicars, were sentenced to abandon their homes, their parishes, or take the oath of perjury and apostasy. All the clergy, all religious of both sexes, the private wealth of the Church evicted from their properties. The temples of the Lord were turned into large prisons for His ministers. Three hundred of His priests were massacred in one day, in one city. All other pastors, faithful to their God, were killed or driven away from their homeland, forced to wander through many dangers, some taking refuge in foreign nations?» “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 We can’t believe that John Paul II did not know that «the French Revolution claimed more than 300,000 victims, 3,000 of which were noble,» and that its «Terror was preceded by a fever of Satanism: alchemists everywhere, magnetizing, necromancers. The nobles had become corrupt initiating the rituals which evoked Satan, and villages, as well as cities were abandoned to all the practices of the occult sciences. There is no doubtthere was a relationship between cause and effect of this invasion of Satanism and the nameless horrors that were the culmination. The revolutionary character of cruelty proved that one can’t give any other explanation than the action of Satan, the murderer, as Our Lord called him.» Moreover, having seen him preaching constantly on “human rights,” some have noted his significant reticence on the inescapable “rights of God” - which should have been preached, concurrently and with greater force! At this point, it should be noted that the satanic Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria was the workshop and the driving force of the French Revolution. The three words: “Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood,” in their meaning of Freedom of Conscience, Collegiality and Ecumenism, are nothing more than the three key ideas and the three levels of the “Masonic priesthood,” established as the second set of 11 degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. But it was precisely these Masonic principles that allowed John Paul II to open the doors to the “godless” and to the declared enemies of our Lord, treating them all with the utmost respect. It is enough to recall some incidents, the inter-religious meeting in Assisi in 1986. John Paul II did not allow the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to enter the Basilica of Assisi, and he did this to avoid “offending” the guests of that first inter-religious Conference, but then he agreed to put a statue of Buddha on the altar above the Tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament was present! This was an opening, in Assisi, which he then extended to all these false founders of human religions: Jews (declared enemies of our Lord), Muslims (first anti-Trinitarian heresy), Buddhists, Bahai, Hindus, Zoroasti, Sikhs, 31 Shiva, the Animists, Indians, Voodoo, etc... It was, therefore, an opening that was in full accordance with the Masonic principles to unite all religions under the Masonic direction, subsequently putting our Holy Religion on the same level with all other false religions. For these incorrect principles, John Paul II even argued that the Holy Spirit is “somehow” present in each of those false religions, forgetting that the Holy Spirit is one of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. For this, he confused, deliberately (?), the “natural religious feeling” of man with the divine presence of the Holy Spirit in the souls of the baptized found in the Christian religion. Again, among his incorrect principles, John Paul II maintained that there are “three monotheistic religions,” although this assumption is a hoax (See Don Villa: “Christians, Muslims and Jews have the same God? No!” Editrice Civiltà , Brescia - Via G. Galilei, 121). These principles and ideals promoted by John Paul II, were acknowledged by the Freemasons. In 1986, the Masonic Grand Lodge of France, enthusiastically hailed John Paul II, at the “prayer meeting in Assisi” with this textual statement: «The Masons of the French National Grand Lodge wholeheartedly wishes to join the ecumenical prayer on October 27th in Assisi that will unite all the leaders of all religions in favor of world peace.» The Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Orient of Italy awarded the national “Masonic Prize,” the “Galileo Galilei,” to John Paul II, (who obviously rejected it, but this doesn’t alter the significant value of the event), claiming that the ideals promoted by that Pope and those of Freemasonry were the same. At the death of the Lebanese President, John Paul II said: «Jerusalem, City of God, could also become the city of men.» The term “City of Man” is almost mandatory for the Illuminati, when they speak of “world government” and “global dictatorship.” Jan van Helsing’s book: “The Secret Oganizations and Their Power in the Twentieth Century,” published in 1995, in Germany, on page 70 states: «Pope John Paul II, otherwise known as Karol Wojtyla Katz, is an “Illuminati,” a member of the Rotary Clan. He, during World War II, collaborated with Germany, with I.G. Farben, in the production of gas for the gas chambers. At the end of the war, for fear of being called to account for his cooperation in war crimes in Poland, he took refuge under the protection of the Catholic Church. He remained there, and later had an evolution comparable to that of Eisenhower. Later, he became the head of the “Opus Dei Secret Lodge”, and he was Governor of the Rochefeller Clan. John Paul II, of Jewish blood, is pseudo-ruler of the “New World Church ...” His mission was to: Assisi, October 1986. John Paul II with all the representatives of false religions, at an inter-religious prayer meeting. It was on this occasion that the Pope would not allow the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to entered the Basilica of Assisi, so as not “to offend” the guests, but instead agree to put a statue of Buddha on the altar, above the tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament was present! 32 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 – Subjugate the Catholic Church to the Jewish religion; – Recognize the “secular guilt” of Catholicism toward the Jewish people; – Recognize the participation of the Christian Religion to the Holocaust; – Weaken the Orthodox Church by proposing “the union of Christian beliefs” to the Orthodox.» the IISS of London, etc ... and, for these prestigious positions, he was one of the leading men to develop the plan of the “World Government” of the Illuminati of Bavaria. In the book by David A. Yallop, “Habemus Papam,” on the election of John Paul II, on page. 36, we read: «... October 15, 1978, a long and very bitter struggle began between the supporters of Benelli and the faction of Siri. Pierre Mariel, in his book: “The Occult Power That Dominates the World,” on page 7, writes that the Rotary Club was founded on February 23, 1905, in Chicago, by a high-ranking Mason, the Attorney Paul Harris and also three other Masons like him. It is the best known and oldest of the clubs that serve as a provision for the initiated. Omero Ranelletti, in the “Rotary and the Catholic Church,” reports that in 1981 John Paul II received the insignia of “Paul Harris Fellow” from the hands of the International President of the Rotary Club and is now among the Italian Rotarians that also include 5 cardinals, 10 archbishops, 19 bishops and many prelates. On November 4, 1986, at the ceremony to celebrate the 40th anniversary of UNESCO, there was a giant photo of Pope John Paul II, situated in a place of honor, next to the author of “Integral Humanism,” Jacques Maritain and the Socialist Mason and President of Senegal, Leopold Sedar Senghor. It is worth remembering that in the UNESCO booklet, on it’s aims and philosophy, it is written: «UNESCO will have to eliminate any beliefs exclusively or primarily based on the hereafter, and must be founded on “a global humanism” that must be scientific. To this end it is essential for UNESCO to adopt an evolutionary approach.» In Henryk Pajak’s book, “Nowotwory Watykanu,” in the chapter: “You’ve Elected Me,” the author writes that in the last days of 2002 and early 2003, Canadian TV broadcasted a documentary series on Pope John Paul II. On one tape, there were two sequences, which detailed the bewildering papal election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla. In the first sequence, the camera cuts to General Woichiech Jaruzelski who said in Polish: «Brezhnev told me: “That’s your Brzezinski!.. It was your Brzenzinski who chose Wojtyla as Pope!”» Then, in the second sequence, Zbigniew Brzezinski appears on the screen, and speaks of the Pope as a world political authority. Then, suddenly, he adds: «The Pope told me: “You’ve elected (chosen) me, then you must come to see me.”» Now if this statement is true, it does not need any further comments! Again, it should be noted that Zbigniew Brzezinski, of Polish origin, was the theoretician and architect of the Trilateral Commission, whose members went en masse into the Carter administration. Brzezinski was the “guru” and the educator of Carter and whose authority preserved the Foreign Affairs and National Security. Brzezinski was also a member of the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, the Atlantic Institute, the Aspen Institute, “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Zbigniew Brzezinski, an ideologue of the Trilateral Commission and belonged to different global Institutions. According to statements made by W. Jaruzelski and by the same Brzezinski, he would be the man who chose Karol Wojtyla’s as the new Pope. At the end of the first day, after four consultations, no agreement had been reached. The next day ... Giovanni Benelli ... had just nine votes from the majority but did not get any more. At lunch on the second day, thanks to strong pressure by Franz König and John Krol, Karol Wojtyla was presented as a compromise candidate. At the eighth vote, the Church elected the first non-Italian Pope after 450 years.» It is important to remember that Karol Wojtyla, when he visited Italy, usually stopped in Vienna at Card. Franz König’s. Card. König, Archbishop of Vienna, was a Mason and “had two civil cases in which his membership in Freemasonry was acknowledged.” The official historian of Freemasonry, Prof. Aldo Mola indicated that König belonged to Freemasonry, based on information obtained at the highest level. 33 JO HN PAUL II (ANTI) “COMMUNIST”? A Working at Solvay involved a number of advantages. In some ways, the factory was like a village unto itself, with residential buildings, with an ever-present medical doctor, a canteen, a shop and a gym. In addition to the pay and fringe benefit of good vodka, employees were always assured that they would survive the war unscathed.» «It was during these war years at Solvay, that the idea of a vocation manifested itself for the first time, in Karol Wojtyla. Eventually, the Archbishop of Krakow, Archbishop Sapieha created a secret seminary and moved Wojtyla and many other young people to safety at his The writer David A. Yallop, in Paul VI with Card. Wojtyla, in 1974. his book: “Habemus Papam”, Paul VI, in 1954, was driven from Rome by Pius XII because residence.» in his first chapter, describes in of the secretly dealings with the secret services of the USSR On November 1, 1946, Archgreat detail the omissions and unbeknownst to the Pope. Paul VI became the pope who bishop Sapieha ordained Woto the Communist world, starting with what became jtyla to the Priesthood. In 1951, silences of Karol Wojtyla opened known as the Ostpolitik of the Vatican. Archbishop Sapieha died, and against Communism. Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak Yallop writes: «In 1941, Yadtook his place and looked after wiga Lewaj, the woman who Wojtyla. for nearly two years gave «At that time, the repression of the Catholic Church by the French lessons to Karol Wojtyla, became his trusted Communists was very strict everywhere. The Communists friend. Aware of his need to find a job, she put in a good tried to introduce into many diocese vicars, who in reality word for him with Henryk Kulakowski, a member of the were members of the secret police. Any bishop who did cultural circle that she frequented. In addition to his love not obtain their consent was forcibly removed or arfor the arts, he was President of the Polish division of the rested and jailed. Solvay Empire and could give a job to Wojtyla … fter 1945, while persecution raged in Poland, Karol Wojtyla was among the Jews and Communists of high rank. Why? Perhaps because he was of Jewish descent? (His mother, in fact, was of Jewish origin). Or perhaps, because he was a priest that was considered Progressive, close to the Znak and Pax movements, crypto-communists, and disciple of the existentialists, Max Scheler and Hussert, admirer of the pantheistic Mason and apostate Teilhard de Chardin and anthropologist Rudolf Steiner? 34 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 munist government of Poland. The confidentiality of the confessional was violated regularly, with a shocking betrayal of trust. The informant who was most appreciated by the secret police was Father Wladyslaw Kulcycki ... The Polish secret police discovered that he was involved in a passionate love affair and blackmailed him - forcing him to become a spy. He was one of several priests who not only regularly drew up reports on Karol Wojtyla, but also on many other members of the clergy.» Archbishop of Krakow, Card. Adam Stefan Sapieha, consecrated priest Karol Wojtyla. Indeed, Wojtyla was a very progressive Prelate and favorable to the coexistence with communism. Why did Cardinal Sapieha send Wojtyla to France to spend time as a “worker priest?” The young Karol interrupted his holidays on the lakes, where he enjoyed fishing in a canoe with students, to receive the appointment of auxiliary bishop from Archbishop Baziak, in 1958. In November 1952, Archbishop Baziak was arrested with his Auxiliary Bishop Stanislaw. This arrest was an action that deeply shook the Catholic community of Krakow. Karol Wojtyla made no statement, either privately or in public. Two days after the arrests, he went on a skiing vacation in the mountains.» Two weeks later, Archbishop Wyszynski was made Cardinal. After denouncing the arrest of Archbishop Baziak from the pulpit, the archbishop was refused an exit visa, preventing him to go abroad. «Wojtyla never became involved at all in the struggle for survival and for fundamental freedoms of the Church. The arrests and detentions did not incite a protest in him.» «In the ‘50s, in the face of Communism, Karol Wojtyla, was again withdrawn. He remained silent even when his professor and longtime friend, Father Kurowski, was arrested. In his writings and his sermons, Karol Wojtyla never openly attacked Communism; he did not think he had to.» «At the age of 38 years (1958) Wojtyla was nominated auxiliary bishop. (But this provoked) attack within the Polish Catholic hierarchy can be seen in the reports of Sluze Bezpieczenstwa-SB - the secret police. The regime was kept well informed. There were more than 1,000 priests who served as spies and informers for the Com“Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 «Archbishop Baziak died on June 15, 1962, but his successor was not announced until January 9, 1964. This delay was due to the intransigence of two individuals: the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Wyszynski, and Number two in the Communist regime, Zenon Kliszko, President of the Polish Parliament and the main ideologue of the Communist Party. Card. Wyszynski did not want to further promote Wojtyla, since he viewed him as little more than an overly ambitious man who was very busy establishing relationships and informal contacts. In particular, the Primate was worried about the overbearing attitude that Wojtyla, as auxiliary bishop, had toward other members of the Archdiocese of Krakow. Wyszynski and his opponent Kliszko, however, agreed on one aspect of Wojtyla’s character and personality: politically, he did not exist.» Now, as the election of a Bishop in Poland must have the approval of Zenon Kliszko, the Primate was to submit to Rome a series of names for approval of the Pope, and later these names were then submitted to the Polish Communist government. Card. Wyszynski delivered the first list of names that had to be passed by Rome, then, passed by, Kliszko. After two months, the three names were rejected. A second attempt had the same result. 35 Then, Zenon Kliszko had a meeting with the representative of a small Catholic party of opposition, Prof. Stanislaw Stomma, to whom he asked who, in his opinion, would be the best candidate for Bishop of Krakow. Stomma replied: “Wojtyla is the best, indeed the only choice.” And Kliszko, beaming, replied: “So far I have vetoed seven names. I’m waiting for Wojtyla and will continue to veto until I will have him.” «Why Wojtyla? Kliszko judged him a man willing to compromise. It was largely based on the series of reviews - information received from the best spy of the regime, worming into the beating heart of the Archdiocese of Cracow.» It was early 1964 and it was the pontificate of Pope Paul VI. «Kliszko’s channel of dialogue worked wonderfully: he received an additional list of candidates that included the name of Wojtyla. On March 8, 1964, Karol Wojtyla was installed in the Archdiocese of Cracow.» When Wojtyla would become Pope with the name John Paul II, what would become of the Vatican Ostpolitik policy? In one of his first speeches, John Paul II said: «I accept with gratitude the special congratulations and best wishes, full of warmth and kindness, sent to me by the highest authorities of the People’s Republic of Poland. On this occasion of selecting a son of Poland to the throne of St. Peter, I identify with all my heart with my beloved Poland, the homeland of all Poles. I sincerely hope that Poland will continue to grow spiritually and materially, in peace, justice and respect for mankind.» Ostpolitik, therefore, would continue at a good pace! In May 1967, Paul VI announced the Consistory and Karol Wojtyla was among the names chosen. The news was greeted with surprise in Poland. It was the first time that Poland had two Cardinals. Why? The two radically anti-communist Cardinals of Eastern Europe, Mindszenti and Sljpij, were punished by Paul VI for not wanting to open the door to Communism, but was it possible to treat Card. Wyszynski in the same way, when he was so loved by all Polish people? Wasn’t it better to create another Cardinal a bit more sensitive to his Ostpolitik, and gradually isolate the other irreducible antiCommunist? Two months later, Card. Casaroli delivered another very positive report on Wojtyla to Paul VI. Paul VI received Wojtyla in private audience. Later, from 1973 to 1975, Pope Paul VI received Wojtyla 11 times in private audience. This had never happened to any foreign Cardinal! «Card. Wojtyla was in the good graces of the Communists, in fact, very much so, due to the following topics: – He was advanced in the church hierarchy with no antiCommunist history; – Wojtyla was a character who so far had never engaged in any openly hostile activity against the State; – Wojtyla had a cautious attitude toward anything heroic; – Previously, he highly praised the virtues of peaceful coexistence with Communism, sympathizing with the efforts of Paul VI on Ostpolitik, that is, good relations with the Communist bloc. Then, the Communists favored Wojtyla and recommended that he receive all necessary support and was treated with extreme kindness.» Whilst Card. Wyszynski couldn’t leave his diocese, as he could not get authorization from the Polish Communist government, Card. Wojtyla was free to travel to any country without any difficulty. 36 A beaming Brzezinski, accompanied by the Canadian Senator, Stanislaw Haidasz, leaves the diplomatic reception at the Vatican with the new Pope John Paul II. David A. Yallop in his book “Habemus Papam” devotes in the appendix, a chapter to “Polish Revolution” of 1980-81 and shows how, in this tragic moment for Poland, “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 In a public speech in which he acted as an official representative of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Casaroli said that «in its relations with the Soviet Union, the Catholic Church hoped to offer a growing and effective cooperation ... for the further development of the great Soviet society.» (“Osservatore Romano,” June 6, 1988). constantly threatened by Soviet invasion, Pope John Paul II was silent and almost absent, limited merely to vague speeches. The highlight of the Polish crisis was his meeting in Moscow on December 5, 1980, with the leaders of Com- John Paul II and the communist dictator Fidel Castro. Did John Paul II know that Fidel Castro is the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, as was reported by “Corriere della sera?” “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 The Franciscan, Father Leonard Boff. On April 13, 1986, in a letter to the Brazilian Bishops, John Paul II declared that “liberation theology” was not only “desirable, but necessary,” consecrating, thus, the nature of the “New Evangelization”, which is Communism. Note that shortly before, he had pretended to sanction the Franciscan Leonard Boff, the father of “liberation theology” for six months! munist countries of Eastern Europe, where the decision of the invasion of Poland was on the table; an invasion that was canceled. Yallop writes: «It is claimed that the Pope’s intervention was crucial. As demonstrated in this chronicle of events, however, the Pope never intervened in the period before the meeting in Moscow on December 5. It is assumed that the Pontiff threatened to leave the Vatican and to lead the Polish army to deal with hordes of invading Soviets. This misinformation spread by the Vatican is completely baseless. The only action taken by John Paul II was a letter to Brezhnev, on December 16, written in Vatican diplomatic language, which was an application for the Soviet Union’s accession to the principle of nonintervention. Brezhnev ignored it.» Nevertheless, John Paul II was attacked on May 13, 1981 at St. Peter’s and it is said that the secret services of the East were involved. And, yet, on November 11, 1989, the “Berlin Wall” fell! To understand the fears of the Communist leaders of Eastern Europe, in the first period of Wojtyla’s papacy, one should read the following. 37 The Berlin Wall fell on November 11, 1989. Did the perestroika of Mikhail Gorbachev and the “shoulder” of John Paul II caused it to fall, as was heralded by the media? Or simply put, did it fall when the World Summit on Freemasonry believed that, as Zbigniew Brzezinski said, «... Communism no longer possesses any historical mission ... I predict that within a period of time, historically predictable, Communism, which our century has experienced, will cease to exist?» In his book, “Non Serviam” (Edition 999, Toronto 1987, p.. 66), Dr. Roman Gladkowski writes: «The Yalta Conference was also a success of Freemasonry. F.D. Roosevelt concluded an agreement with Stalin and American people knew nothing about it. In this agreement he was helped by Czechoslovakian President, Benesz, who was the future father-in-law of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Roosevelt and Benesz both belonged to the highest degrees of Freemasonry. Having served the Soviet Union throughout his life ... Benesz became the most valuable instructor for Roosevelt in regard to the Soviet Union. These lessons began quite early from 1939, and included the preparation of the U.S. President for the meetings in Tehran and Yalta.» So with the help of Brzezinski’s father-in-law, Benesz, Roosevelt created the Soviet Empire handing over to Stalin hundreds of millions of people with their countries, without asking anything in return! And here, now, the statements by Zbigniew Brzezinski on Communism, made in two different periods: «The time of the American, deeply rooted and attached to his country, has passed. The proletarian forces are the wave of the future.» «We must seek cooperation with Communist countries towards a political agreement first, but later on, a philosophical one.» 38 But then he wrote: «... Communism no longer possesses any historical mission ... I predict that within a period of time, historically predictable, Communism, which our century has experienced, will cease to exist.» Now, in the occult societies there is no “Christian obedience” that is bound to obedience to God. There is only blind obedience to the superior as if he was God! Thus, persons in Freemasonry, just obey! The meeting of Wojtyla-Gorbachev: The Conversion of Russia? The event is important, but “Intelligneti pauca” (Intelligent people need little to understand). The Modernists, deluded or in bad faith, exulted him: «Gorbachev, he is Man’s realist, asks the support of the Pope and implicitly recognizes him as the sole moral authority in the world capable of give him back credibility and authority in his difficult journey. Indeed, he must escape from the clutches of the conservative Leninists, who consider him a traitor and from the follies of daring innovators, who believe an illusion: they believe that Communism cannot change, it can only die. Spontaneously then they refer to the promises of Our Lady of Fatima: “Russia will be converted and in the end my Immaculate Heart “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 will triumph”. Have we entered, perhaps, the season of great hope?» (Antonio Ungenti on “Mother of God” and other magazines Marian, November 1989). Is Gorbachev a man of Providence, as an Italian “Bishop” did not fail to ask? And is John Paul II the one who fulfills the requests of Our Lady on the conversion of Russia, as is written in high places? Let others speak: The writer Zinoviev does not believe that Communism has changed: «Communism - he says - is like a snake, every so often he sheds its skin.» And if it was really dying? The news there does not wel- Vatican City, November 18, 1990. The meeting between John Paul II and Mikhail Gorbachev, accompanied by his wife Raisa. We wonder: Did John Paul II know that Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989, was a member of the Trilateral Commission, conceived and directed by his great “elector” Zbigniew Brzezinski, and that Gorbachev was a member, no less, of that Masonic and satanic “Lucis Trust” formerly called “Lucifer Trust” (The Court of Lucifer), which is the world’s most powerful satanic cult that runs the United Nations? come it, however, since in any case, such as East to West, the idolatrous motto «Everything for Man; everything in the name of Man,» remains the only truth in place of the old: «Everything for the greater glory of God.» The “(Second Vatican) Council” is quoted: «Believers and unbelievers agree on this: everything on earth should be ordained to man as its center and its top.» (Gaudium et Spes, 12,1). John Paul II echoes: «We affirm man for himself, and not for any other reason, only for himself.» (UNESCO, 06/02/1980). The Communists (and not only them), reading these documents of the Council have been converted ... to this “NEW religion,” even for the mere fact that this has always been their “religion!” Read what they say about themselves in the newspaper “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 of the Youth Daily of the Soviet Union. We quote verbatim the news agency, and we leave these words to you, certain that Russia was NOT converted. Moscow. A biographical portrait of political and markedly positive tone of John Paul II was published yesterday by the Soviet Communist youth newspaper “Komsomolskaia Pravda,” on the eve of Gorbachev’s visit in Italy and his encounter with the Pope, thus breaking a taboo respected for decades: «The current Pope is an active initiator of the changes announced in 1962 with the Second Vatican Council the newspaper continues - The Catholic Church has decided to modernize their proclaimed principles and support the ongoing dialogue with non-Catholics, including Communists.» Indicating the points of contact between the political philosophy of the new leadership of the Kremlin and the moral teachings of the Pope, the newspaper states: «at first position in the teachings of the Pope is Man and his rights: an eternal truth that our society dared to write on its banner: “Everything for the Man; everything in the name of Man.” Alas, to date we have not succeeded.» «The Vatican has stopped launching appeals for a Crusade against Communism, as we no longer define religion as “an opium”. The best thing is to come together to meet with one another. The next meeting of Gorbachev with John Paul II will be the proof.» (Ansa-La Stampa, 11/22/1989) We wonder: Did John Paul II know that Mikhail Gorbachev was a member of the Trilateral Commission in 1989, conceived and directed by his great “elector” Zbigniew Brzezinski, and that Gorbachev was a member, no less, of that Masonic and satanic “Lucis Trust” formerly called “Lucifer Trust” (The Court of Lucifer), which is the world’s most powerful satanic cult, who heads the UN? The founder of the “Lucifer Trust,” Alice Bailey, the priestess of the New Age had outlined the plan, the creation of a New Universal Religion with these words: «The “Resurrected Christ” and not the “Crucified Christ” is the distinctive mark of the New Religion;» «... And a new Church of God, drawn from all religions and all spiritual groups, will end the heresy of separateness;» «Dissolve all religions, rejecting resolutely, as fomenters of discord and war, the dogmas, namely the statements by which alleged truth are claimed to be formulated;» «... And at this point, there will be no separation among the One Universal Church, the Sacred Interior Lodge of all true Masons, and the smaller circles of the esoteric societies.» 39 HIS “FACTS” AND “STATEMENTS” T hese “facts” and John Paul II worked for the “statements” formed triumph of the ideas that Pius the texture of the papal XII had severely sanctioned ministry of John Paul II in all because Vatican II had renewed fields: dogmatic, moral, liturgithem, as a “new theology.” cal, pastoral. Here, then, is what he said: Let us give some examples: He «It’s the Council who helped denounced abuses and deseme find a synthesis of my crations of the Eucharist, yet personal faith.» (Laffont then allowed the appropriate 1982). departments to sit back and In 1965, as Bishop of Krakow, not intervene against the Karol Wojtyla discussed with aberrations, the banal “litura friend the phenomenon of ingical creativity”, that, also, culturation, saying: «Certainly, when used, is invalid; he alwe preserve the basic elelowed multiple Canons, and ments: the bread and wine, he also remained silent on but everything else will be John Paul II. grave sacrileges such as giving changed, according to local permission to distribute Holy tradition: words, gestures, Communion in the hand, thus colors, clothing, songs, archigranting permission to any sactecture, decoration ... The rilegious profanation. And why was he silent on the problem of liturgical reform is immense!» abortion “referendum” even allowing himself to be photographed with Mr. Andreotti who, as Prime Minister, had On May 8, 1972, at the Synod of Krakow, Pope John signed the law allowing abortion? And why did he leave Paul II had published in “Aux sources du renouveau” the Seminaries in the hands of the destroyers, leaving that the Church should have a “self realization” that the Cardinal Garrone in charge, with his nefarious manChurch must have “a new consideration for man,” a agement? “new ecumenical concern” and a “new apostolic cure.” And why did he remove from the “New Code” of They were then the four keys of his apostolate. He wrote “Canon Law” Article 2335 that inflicted the “excomclearly in the encyclical “Redemptor Hominis:” «Man is munication” against the Masonic sect? the way of the Church.» About John Paul II, we should say that his pontificate Here, then, the true face of the “revision” of John Paul was all his own “particular theology,” which was made II: to unequivocally reduce the Liturgy, to make a panof a “new ecclesiology,” that identified with all humanity Christian ecumenism an “irreversible path,” to make of and was a “new concept of Revelation,” a “new faith” humanity a place of God’s Word. contrary to the past and the Tradition of the Church of Now this was a “farewell to the supernatural!” all times. In 1983, John Paul II had promulgated his “New Canon 40 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 each soul,» is certainly wrong! In Sacred Scripture and, therefore, in Catholic theology, the Holy Spirit dwelling in the soul is necessarily linked to the reception of sanctifying grace.» On February 15, 1994, the “Osservatore Romano” published an unctuous approval of the “Neo-Catechumenal Way” (although it is a secret sect that denies even the Divinity of Christ, the Real Presence of Jesus in the consecrated Host and promotes many other heresies!). Vatican. John Paul II with half-naked dancers. In his encyclical “Redemptor Hominis et Vivificantem Dominum,” John Paul II states that «Our Lord has assured the salvation of “all flesh” with His Incarnation … since His conception» … Assuming, thus, the independence from the Cross, the Faith, Baptism and by good works! John Paul II incredibly stated «Eternal damnation remains a real possibility, but we don’t have the knowledge to ascertain ... if human beings are effectively in- Semi-nude dancer performs at the Vatican. Law,” in which the “dogmatic marks” of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, disappeared and became “communion, ecumenism, collegiality.” John Paul II, on page. 35 of his book “Crossing the Threshold of Hope,” wrote «man is a priest of all creation.» It is a sentence like that of Luther, which does not make a distinction between “ministerial priesthood” (which belongs only to the ordained) and “participated priesthood” (which is of all men baptized or not). But these are the ravings of Teilhard de Chardin who, with his “Mass on the world,” affirms that man no longer offers the consecrated Host, but the world, itself, would offer it as a new host, pleasing God. For this, John Paul says: «Man was created to become a Priest, Prophet and King of every creature on earth» (p. 17), as if Man, himself, was Jesus or the Pope, the only ones who have the power to sanctify, teach, govern! The statement of John Paul II «Every true prayer comes from the Holy Spirit who dwells mysteriously in “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 During the Mass, indigenous women appear topless in front of John Paul II. A new concept of morality? 41 cal “Kabbalah” which denied Christ’s divinity and the Trinitarian Mystery. This spurious tradition, then, was revived by Islam which is a condensed version of Talmudism. On the dogma of eternal damnation, John Paul II with his moderate viewpoint (page 80) said that the resurrection is victory over death, and embraces every man (p. 81), without explaining whether or not it is prior or subsequent to the will. Later, then, John Paul II, while returning to the discussion of eternal damnation, almost nullifies it. On p. 81, he writes: «Eternal damnation ... to what extent is it implemented in the life beyond the grave? This is a great mystery. We can’t, however, forget that God wants all to be saved and come to know the truth.» (I Tim. 11, 4) Sure, God wants all to be saved, but what is the number of the elect? Jesus, himself, reveals that: «Broad is the road that leads to damnation, and many who take this road, and narrow is the one that leads to salvation and “few” who take it.» So, Hell is full, not empty, as John Paul II had said and as that other fop, von Balthasar, had written! May 1984. John Paul II accepts the Offertory gifts from half-naked women. volved.» So, hell would be empty, contradicting thus the explicit statements of Scripture about it! John Paul II in his book “Crossing the Threshold of Hope,” besides some beautiful pages, he also has erroneous statements and even material “heresy.” For example: According to him, Jesus is the Son, consubstantial with the Father, yes, but you can reject it. «You can reject all this, and write in capital letters “God has no Son”.» «Jesus Christ is not the Son of God, but only one of the prophets.» (p. 9) John Paul II speaks of a physical or moral possibility of rejecting the Revelation of the Divinity of the Word. And as if to apologize he adds: «Should we be surprised about these positions when we know that Peter, himself, had difficulties in this respect?» (p. 9) Using the sin of Peter, John Paul II does not question Judaism and Islam for only believing that Jesus was just a man. Indeed, he continues: «Is it any wonder that even those who believe in one God ... find it difficult to accept the faith in a Crucified God? … So therefore at the heart of this great monotheistic tradition, this deep laceration has been opened.» (p. 9) But the “laceration” is not the fault of Christianity for having introduced the idea of the Trinity in the “monotheistic tradition,” but it is the fault of the rabbini42 Vatican. Asian dance at the beginning of a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Pope John Paul II. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 experience. Transmitted to others, such experience took the form of doctrines, rites and precepts of the various religions.» So, according to John Paul II, Buddha, Lao-Tese, Zoroaster, Mohammed and his companions, were the true prophets inspired by God to found their false religions. This argument, was already propagated by the modernists, who, Pope St. Pius X had accurately denounced: «they do not deny but actually admit, some confusedly, others in the most open manner, that all religions are true, for it was the work of those religious geniuses whom we call prophets, and of whom Christ was the greatest.» (cfr. Encyclical “Pascendi”) John Paul II wrote 14 encyclicals, but not all without “errors” such as “Splendor Veritate” which was of a individualistic, naturalist spirit, of course, never distinguishing the difference between Grace and the natural order. His “Redemptor Hominis” revolves around Man rather than around God. In fact, the text has the words “man” and “human” mentioned more than 354 times. Man ... This man, for John Paul II, is the first path on which the Church has set out to fulfill its mission; then, John Paul II distributes the Eucharist to half-naked women during an outdoor Mass. The news reports did not specify if those who had received Communion were Catholic or pagan. John Paul II argues that the Holy Spirit is “somehow” present in all of the other religions, forgetting that the Holy Spirit is one of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. He deliberately confuses the “natural religious feeling” of man with what, in Christian religion, is the divine presence of the Holy Spirit in the souls of the baptized. He also argues that there are “three monotheistic religions,” which is a sham. (See Don Villa’s: “Christians, Muslims and Jews have the same God? No!” Edizioni Civiltà, Brescia). John Paul II had made his “personal theology,” his “new ecclesiology” identified with all of mankind, a “new concept of Revelation” that wants all men in possession of it, albeit in varying degrees; his “new faith” which is simply to become aware of the “supernatural,” existing in all, since birth. John Paul II calmly affirmed: «... just as this primordial human openness toward God created the different religions. Not infrequently, their origins are the foundations that have achieved, with God’s help, a deeper religious “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 In Korazin, John Paul II, during the Holy Mass for youth, at Lake Genezareth in 2000. The Pope is placed on a satanic armchair with an upside-down cross, the “cross of Nero” on its back. 43 October 19, 2003. John Paul II with Mother Theresa of Calcutta. In her last book, Mother Theresa had boasted that she never baptized anyone in all the years of her apostolate! man is the first and fundamental path for the Church ... and that «“human rights” must become, worldwide, the basis for all efforts aimed at the good of man ... because peace depends on respect for the inviolable rights of man. Therefore, “the daily path of the Church is man and will always be so” ...» Prof. Wigand Siebel, of Saarbrücken, in “Bedakreis” No 184, October 1979, made this analysis: «This encyclical not only represents an idea no longer compatible with the Catholic faith, that is smacks of heresy, because the Church also separates the confessions one from another one, but the encyclical makes a reversal of the Church itself. It makes the Church turn its back on Christ and gears toward Man and opens Herself to the world.» This ideal of John Paul II toward man is the opposite of the program of St. Pius X: «To renew all things in Christ.» The Holy Pope had foreseen everything that would have happened today, condemning, for this reason, with the encyclical, “Pascendi Gregis,” in which he defines Modernism as the synthesis and the poison of all heresies, because «it attempts to undermine the foundations of the Faith and to destroy Christianity.» The Church of Vatican II, instead of occupying Herself, first, with the “rights of God,” occupies Herself with “human rights” ... the goal that Masonry has always wanted and pursued to arrive at, which is the “world religion,” cemented by human brotherhood. For this, John Paul II was also called a “liberal Pope” even more progressive than he appeared. And Indro Montanelli defined him as “a subversive Pope!” 44 John Paul II with Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernadez, founders of the Neo-catechumenal. The secret Catechism of Kiko contains the following important heresies: - By virtue of God’s mercy, in the end, all will be saved; - Jesus may not have satisfied the justice of God, for He is only allforgiving mercy; - Jesus offered Himself as a victim for the sins of the world; on the cross, however He did not complete a “sacrifice;” - Jesus did not redeem us; - Jesus saved the world by virtue of His resurrection; - There is no sacrifice offered on the Altar - The Church is not a hierarchical society, but charismatic; - The Church does not confer the priesthood with the Sacrament of Holy Orders; Baptism is enough to incorporate all to Christ, the sole priest; - There is no Eucharist without the assembly proclaiming it ... It is from this assembly that the Eucharist flows; - “Transubstantiation” is not a dogma of faith, but a mere attempt of theologians to explain the “how” of Christ’s presence; - The true and real presence of Christ in the Eucharist can’t be accepted, for the alleged miracle of “transubstantiation is not credible; - There is no sin, because man can’t avoid it; - Penance is omitted, as the sacrament of Baptism is sufficient; - The important thing is not absolution ... ; - Confession is a public, community event. John Paul II was the ideal of that “modernism” which was desired by Paul VI; a “modernism” that led to the demolition of the Church. Just compare the many encyclicals and other writings of John Paul II with the other Popes, like these: – As Pope Leo X had excommunicated Luther, John Paul II, instead, repeatedly rehabilitated him in various ways; – While the Holy Office condemned the heretic and Masonic Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, John Paul II praised him and made another Jesuit, de Lubac, a Cardinal. – During the Council, he focused on a book that was the “Theory of Marx!” “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 the claim of “human rights” and a “new consciousness” a common destiny that we must build together, if we want to avoid a catastrophe for everyone! But the “new humanism” of John Paul II was a humanism independent from Grace of God, from Jesus, Himself, from liturgical worship, from the sacraments, from the Holy Spirit, so that human life is not the glory of God, because the new function of the Church is only to bring peace between men and any earthly good, and this is presented as the path to the eternal destiny. In his various pastoral expressions, John Paul II emphasized that the traditional expressions such as: “under the earth, in Heaven, in Hell, in Purgatory, in Paradise” are inappropriate images and that, for the Church, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, have always been a state The text of the “Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen,” in an apologetic printing. The authoritative jurist Mason Ernest Nys says that the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” is part of the Masonic teachings which “are in opposition to any positive religion” and “deny the legitimacy of every priesthood and every hierarchy.” Before Vatican II, the path was set for Christians in Jesus Christ, the Way, Truth, Life. With John Paul II, instead, from his first encyclical, he said: «The Church’s path is man!» Replace the Son of God made Man with man, now this is real godlessness! The secular anthropocentrism of John Paul II made him abandon the Church to embrace a “new humanism” that would allow modern man to find himself, to activate This image, released by the Grand Orient of France, summarizes the New Man born from the French Revolution. The man with the mason’s trowel and apron is, of course, a “free mason” or “Mason.” He is leaning against a pillar with two tables of the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” engraved on it, replacing the two Tables of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. Resting on this “Declaration,” which is the foundation of the Atheistic State, the New Man crushes and kills the priest, throwing to the ground the Tiara and the Crown. Above, in bold print is the Triple motto of Freemasonry “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” [Liberty, Equality, Fraternity]. Moses receives the Tablets of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. The “Rights of Man,” therefore, have their roots in carrying out their “duties” toward the “Rights of God!” “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 of “conditions of the soul.” Finally, after he changed Social Doctrine, Catechism, Canon Law, Mass, Ecclesiology, Exegesis, Liturgy, he also changed the Marian doctrine. The growing popularity of John Paul II, lasted 26 years. We saw a huge decline of priestly and religious vo45 cations and the collapse of the sense of the sacred, almost to the point of disappearing, especially at his papal Masses in Rome, which were characterized by a stadium-like atmosphere: vast crowds, exaltations of applause, that he favored and promoted, with a multitude of concelebrants with “creative” liturgical vestments, Sisters with backpacks, and tennis shoes. Pope John Paul II was a super-star Pope, who was hailed by a mass of easygoing, and sentimental people that followed him, even in “pastoral outings,” but who left the churches empty. A Pope who often ran away to ski, even during the Christmas season; a travelling Pope, who was always presenting his poems, his plays and his other literary works while concealing the spiritual elements that misted his duties as Supreme Pontiff, more muddied with secularism and increasingly faded, until they disappeared under the bourgeois forms of his behavior. A religion, therefore, his, that increasingly became a performance, hand in hand with the media. Vatican City, January 6, 2001. John Paul II closes the Great Jubilee of 2000, celebrating the feast of Epiphany. It is a “fact,” however, that John Paul II had lost all his battles. Consider the failure of his appeals, the failure of his struggle against Communism, the failure of his war against war, the failure of his exhortations to faith, and religious practice, the growing secularization, the half-empty churches, and the presence of a minimum percentage of practicing Catholics in many dioceses. In his appeals to the family, there was a continued growth in divorce, and homosexual couples, an impressive reduction in the birth rate, the defeats of sexual morality, and so on. All of this suggests the deep void of his religious life. The manifestations of his consistency in his failures overshadows his person, which suggests that he had too many windows opened to let all the heresies and errors into the Church that have destroyed souls redeemed by Christ. *** Pope Pius IX. While Pius IX as well as Gregory XVI had called “Freedom of conscience,” “pure madness,” John Paul II had this to say about it: «I hope that you develop respect for “freedom of conscience and worship” for every human being.» “Freedom of conscience” is nothing but man’s freedom to decide what is good and evil. Like the “Freedom” that caught Adam and Eve eating from the tree of Good and Evil, committing Original sin! 46 Here, now, is a news flash on the “ecumenical mind” of John Paul II: at the Council, he was one of the most advanced in the discussions on “religious freedom.” When acting as Pope, he signed “Concordats” that no longer protected the Church, or religion, or Christian values, but, instead, they put everything at the same level. It was his “religious relativism” that led to the conclusion that “all religions are valid and lead to salvation!” But it is a doctrinal error that John Paul II repeated in his encyclical “Redemptor Hominis,” where he dared to say that “The various religions are all reflections of the truth,” ignor“Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 It is well to remember that this “freedom of conscience and religion” are the basic ideas of the “Masonic Priesthood.” John Paul II had traveled for a quarter of a century, arranging a worldwide religious agreement between the revealed Faith and all other human faiths - including the Satanic ones! He praised the “theologian” Martin Luther and sought compromise with the “Protestant Reformation.” He humiliated the Holy Church before the world, condemning Her actions in History, in defending the true Faith and apportioning blame on individuals. He prohibited the proselytizing, rejecting thus the Church’s missionary activity, reducing it to a social engagement, and this, so as not to offend other faiths! He admitted that Christ was no longer the Kings of the Nations, forgetful of our Christian song: “Te Nationum Praesides honore tollant publico,” appealing to the voice of conscience! The first religious conference in the history of the Church, was held in the Vatican, with the personal intervention of John Paul II, as President of an assembly of nearly a thousand representatives from 15 different faiths, including indigenous religions of Africa, Australia and Oceania. For the first time in the the Vatican, in the presence of the Pope, for two hours we listened to the verses of Koran and verses from the Jewish race and then appeals for peace by Shinto, Buddhist and Hindu, interspersed with African blues! Symbolic representation of “Masonic Ecumenism” as the meeting of all religions, under the direction of leaders of Freemasonry. The only religion that would lose its identity in this crowd, would be the Catholic Religion, the only true religion, founded by God Himself! “Masonic Ecumenism” is thus the most powerful weapon for the destruction of the Catholic Church. ing that the doctrine of the Church always taught that different religions have been founded by Satan, in order to destroy the one true religion! Consider also that black mark of his pontificate, as evidence, which was his obvious cover-up of the heretical Neo-Catechumenal Movement of Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernandez his associate, who openly denied in their catechisms, the ministerial priesthood, the sacrifice of the Cross and of the Altar, the Real Presence, the Redemption, etc. etc.. While “freedom of conscience” was defined as “pure madness,” by Gregory XVI and Pius IX, in their encyclicals, John Paul II spoke out about it in this way: «I hope that respect for “freedom of conscience and worship” will be developed for every human being.» (Conakry Guinea, 02/25/1992, in “Osservatore Romano” R 02/27/ 1992, p. 5). “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 June 1984. John Paul II at a meeting of the World Council of Churches, an organization founded in 1937 with a Conference in Oxford, England. From the documentation published on this Conference, it is clear that the purpose of the “World Council of Churches” is to reorganize the world political affairs under a World Government. Lord Lothian, the person chosen by the “World Council of Churches” to represent their ideas for the world, wrote the influential article, entitled: “The Demonic Influence of National Sovereignty!” Lord Lothian had met with Hitler in 1935 and 1937 to discuss the best way to defeat the opposition to Hitler in the Western world. Lord Lothian saw in Hitler’s war machine a formidable weapon to overthrow national sovereignty. 47 On February 7, 1982, at the Sunday Angelus, Pope John Paul II said: «... At the same time, I insert in this prayer, for our Muslim brothers, who live on this same land, and also for the many Animists, witnesses of the African traditional religion.» The gesture by John Paul II to gather in Assisi in 1986 and to preside over the major world religions for a prayer for peace, was a gesture that caused a widespread outrage and condemnation, because it was an insult to God in His First Commandment; because that gesture has denied the unity of the Church and Her mission of salvation; because that gesture has definitely opened indifferentism to the Catholic faithful; because that gesture has also misled the infidels followers of other religions. Didn’t St. Paul say that these false “gods” are fallen angels, or demons? «Now, I do not want you to go in communion with demons. You can not drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you can not participate in the Lord’s table and the table of demons.» (1 Cor. 10, 20-21). And more St. Paul writes: «Don’t let yourself be tied to the yoke of foreign infidels. What relationship can there be between justice and impiety, or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? As an association between a believer with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God and the infidels?» (II Cor. 6. 14-15) In this Congress of many religions, symbiotically joined, the Voodoo serpent worshippers (therefore Satan worshipers!) were also present. And included were those who do not believe in any precise “god,” profaning thus, the Basilica of St. Francis. In addition, so as to “not offend” these false religions, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was prevented from entering the Basilica but a statue of Buddha was allowed on the altar, just above the Tabernacle! Unfortunately, such a desecration (desired by Wojtyla!) occurred also in the Basilica of St. Peter’s in Rome and then in Brussels, Bologna and other dioceses like the Cathedral of Amiens. In the Osservatore Romano, Feb. 3, 1990, it reads: «With Vatican II, we have entered an ecumenical era ... the task is not easy. The task of rebuilding that which had been built diametrically over a long period of time, cannot be done quickly.» So it’s clear that John Paul II was opposed to the “past,” i.e. the “Tradition of the Church,” in work done by his predecessors. But we have seen, however, the consequences, such as the apostasy of the Catholic nations, the spread of sects, the gradual but continuous disappearance, of the priesthood: the “dialogue” that killed the imperative of Christ with his “Docete” [Teach!] and so on, so that we can say that John Paul II was the most secular Pope of our modern times! Assisi, October 27, 1986. John Paul II presided over the meeting of representatives of major world religions for a prayer for peace. It was a gesture that caused a widespread outrage and condemnation, because it was an insult to God in His First Commandment, because that gesture has denied the unity of the Church and its mission of salvation; because that gesture has definitely opened indifferentism to the faithful Catholics; because that gesture has also misled the infidelfollowers of other religions. Finally, why pray for a peace among human beings that God never promised us? Isn’t this one, instead, the false promise of the Antichrist? 48 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Assisi 1986. So as not to “offend” the false religions, that had gathered in Assisi for the Peace prayer, John Paul II prevented the entry of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in the Basilica, but, at the same time, allowed a statue of Buddha to be placed on the altar ... just above the Tabernacle containing Our Lord Jesus Christ! John Paul II, during a sermon in front of a crowd of 100,000 young people, reiterated the need for “dialogue” between the monotheistic religions, an obsession that, in essence, coincides with the strategy of the Order of the Assisi, October 1986. The sacrilege of the statue of Buddha placed above the Tabernacle in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Illuminati to create a satanic “one world religion,” directed by the leaders of Freemasonry, to achieve a “world government.” From this “one world religion,” however, the only one to lose its identity will be the Catholic Religion! Therefore, as Pope, Karol Wojtyla would continue to travel around the world giving social lectures, forgetting the silence of the Christian Martyrs, and leaving everything as it was, even leaving the crowds thirsty, instead, for eternal truths! All his gestures, called “ecumenical,” were actions that have puzzled: as the encounter with the Jewish sect of the High Masonry of B’nai B’rith, as the meeting with members of the Masonic Trilateral Commission, as the meetings with the Protestant monks of Taizé, as the encounter with Hassan and Islam, in Rabat Morocco, on August 18, 1985, as the encounters with Dimitrios I in December 1987 and Bartholomew I, on June 29, 1987. Disconcerting was his speech to Muslims youth in the stadium of Casablanca; in which he said: «... We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God.» « it is of God, Himself, that, above all, I wish to speak to you; of Him, because it is in Him that we believe, you Muslims and we Catholics,» « The Church shows particular attention to the believing Muslims, given their faith in the one God, their sense of prayer, and their esteem for the moral life ...» No comment! 49 Assisi, October 27, 1986. Then it was also the turn of the Indians who prayed to Manitou to obtain world peace. John Paul II ended by saying that «Never before in human history has the intrinsic link between an authentic religious attitude and the great good of peace become evident to all.» Assisi, October 27, 1986. John Paul II with the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama, the most famous man at the Assisi meeting after John Paul II, is the supreme hierarch of Tibetan Buddhism, which is an atheistic religion. He says himself: «From my point of view we can say with certainty that the socialist theory is very close to Buddhist doctrine ... Buddhism and socialism both deny the existence of a higher being who created the universe.» For Buddhism, the absolute vacuum is real and the whole being is a phantasmagorical illusion of our ego, which, in turn, is self-delusion, therefore the liberation at which the Buddhist is aiming is the in the annihilation of the “ego” in the “Nirvana,” as one who is under the illusion of salvation through good works is in the same deception of those who are unscrupulous in regards to indulging in the passions and vices. In this paradoxical teaching, which represents the Good as a more subtle deception, and therefore more dangerous and evil. Evil is connected to the Buddhist Tantrism: the “way” for higher Bud50 Assisi, October 27, 1986. At the Peace meeting the Voodoo priests were not missing. While practicing black magic, sexual orgies, sacrificing of children, they too received the same treatment as was accorded to other religions and were assigned a place to practice their worship service. dhist “salvation” called “Vayarayana” (which means “via male sex organ”), fits in the category of perverse practices that use the desires and passions under the control of Buddhist detachment reached with practices of obscene and orgiastic rites. While not all the Tantric Buddhist schools arrive, in practice, to these extreme consequences, i.e. justifying murder, lust, ritual drunkenness, sexual intercourse outside of conjugal tie, and “ritual copulation,” it, exactly, constitutes a fundamental practice of initiation to Buddhism and Lamaism in particular. Another “way” that is a very important part of Tantric Buddhism, which contains the whole impregnation of magic, demons and obscenity is the “Kalachakra.” This initiation, as a whole is considered very secret and the Dalai Lama, who is currently the custodian of it, transfers it very parsimoniously, given the characteristics and the psychic forces that are unleashed in the disciple, and the dark and devouring forces that can easily lead those who evoke it to get lost in the maze with no return from a madness populated by demonic forms. The work in verse lines that convey the message of “Kalachakra” at verses 151 and 152, points out to its practitioners the contempt of Jesus of Nazareth, as a heretical master of the Barbarians! In this inter-religious meeting, the Franciscans of Assisi, in an overabundant spirit of ecumenicaism, ecologism and pantheism, prepared to set up around the Basilica of San Francesco, an “Ara Viridis”, a “Green Altar,” a kind of altar to the Great God Pan, that had to be ready for 1992, the year of birth of “the Europe of the Bankers and Holdings”. In the ritual of the 32nd degree of Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Grand Master turns to the initiate with these words: «When the harvest time will come, when the deepest foundations on which all religions rest will be released, perhaps these foundations will be used again for asylum, as once the catacombs and crypts of our cathedrals. To those who, in one cult or another, aspire to something more pure, than what they have found in their rituals, sacrifices, in offices and in the prayers of those religious circles where fate has brought them ... you will leave behind the things you worship or teach in the Hindu pagodas, in the Buddhist monasteries, in Muslim churches and in Christian churches. However each will bring with him, into the quiet of the crypt, that which he holds in highest esteem, the most precious jewel of his legacy. This crypt, close and yet so obscure, nevertheless, has been visited by a number of those who have contrasting opinions. fleeing the tumult of the crowds, the glare of the lights. How many-Who knows? In time perhaps it will grow in size and will become brighter, until the crypt of the past will become one day the Church of the Future.» The day in Assisi on October 27, 1986 was perhaps the dawning of that day? Perhaps it was then, that, in the wake of the ecumenism and irenicism of Vatican II, the “contrast of opinons” began to fail and the crypt of the Masonic Lodge began to expand to become the universal Temple of the New World Order? “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Assisi, January 24, 2002. John Paul II convened 250 delegates from 12 major religions. John Paul II, one month from the meeting, sent a letter to the Heads of State, to make his plans for the great Jubilee of 2000 known. The “Decalogue of Assisi for Peace” that revolves around Man and a Terrestrial Heaven to be erected on the earth, the New Tower Babel, in which there is no place for the God of Love that gave His life to redeem man from sin. In June 1994, at a secret Consistory, Pope John Paul II made his plans for the great Jubilee of 2000 known. That is, the Catholic Church will join with representatives of Jewish and Muslim religions to pray to God at the foot of Mount Sinai and ask forgiveness for Her passed “crimes:” the Inquisition, the Crusades ... In addition, the Roman Martyrology will be revised, adding past heretics and schismatics. At an Easter ceremony at the Colosseum, Wojtyla, celebrated the immoral and suicidal Martin Luther by putting him at the same level as the Martyrs of the faith! Assisi, January 24, 2002. Another moment of inter-religious prayer for peace. With the heresy that “all religions lead to salvation,” John Paul II realizes the plan of Freemasonry to transform the Catholic clergy into a “political class” in the service of “Babylon,” ie the New World Government. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 On October 28, 1999, during an inter-religious meeting, John Paul II wanted to be called “guide and guardian of all religions of the world” and condemned “Catholic fundamentalism!” Fiji, November 1986. John Paul II drinking from a coconut, a toxic potion called “Kava.” 51 Assisi, January 1993. John Paul II presides over a strange prayer with all sorts of heretics holding ... an “Aladdin’s lamp!” On November 10, 1999, during an inter-religious meeting held in Rome, John Paul II declared: «No culture (religious) can claim the right to be exclusive.» This is a real denial of the affirmation of Jesus Christ: «I AM THE TRUTH, born into the world to bring it.» In New Delhi, India, John Paul II prayed in the mausoleum of Gandhi, calling him an “extraordinary man” and urging the bishops of the place to ponder the values of other religions and to express the Gospel in the culture and spirit of the peoples of India ... Then he said: «We are far from the cultural and religious imperialism of the West that is trying to impose its norms on how to think and believe.» One can say that John Paul II nullified the “Mission” and the apostolate of the Church, telling the Bishops of Indonesia that «the Church teaches that all forms of religious intolerance and proselytism, undermines the fundamental right to “Freedom of religion.”» But this is a dismantling of the “Euntes Docete omnes gentes” [teach to all people] of Jesus Christ. However, “Nostra Aetate” requires it! On March 24, 2000, at the church of the “Beatitudes” in Korazim, the place where Jesus Christ gave the “Sermon on the Mount”, John Paul II chose to sit on a throne with an “inverted cross,” carved in the back. Now, the “inverted cross” is a classic symbol of the worst enemies of the Catholic Church that mocks the redemption given by Christ; in addition, this is the symbol most commonly used by “Satanists!” May 1, 1987. Ecumenical celebration in the Catholic Basilica of St. Ulrich and St. Afra in Augsburg (Germany). 52 But then, what might one say about this behavior of John Paul II, if he indirectly supports Satanism? “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 John Paul II in the garden of St. Catherine, surrounded by Israeli flags. John Paul II has fallen too much for the world, therefore the Church of John Paul II has left a spiritual void that is being filled by all religions and the most diverse sects such as: Buddhism, New Age, Islam, Protestant sects, occultism, Satanism. But the man of today does not need the world, because he is already fed up with it! … and, in a few years, leaving the sentimental enthusiasm that accompanied his entire Rome, April 13, 1986. The historic visit of Pope John Paul II to the synagogue in Rome. In the presence of chief rabbi, Elio Toaff, the Pope said that the Jews are our “elder brothers.” Even Cain was an “elder brother” of Abel. life and his death behind, Wojtyla’s pontificate will be remembered as the pontificate that dealt the final blow to a dying Church! On September 17, 1980 in Mayence, John Paul II said: «The Old Covenant has not been revoked by God.» But this is a heresy denounced by St. Peter and St. Paul and also by St. Thomas Aquinas. On March 6, 1982, in Rome, John Paul II urged Catholics to «find themselves beside their Jewish brethren, at their common heritage.» But didn’t the Pope know that the Jews are Talmudic and, therefore, are the “Synagogue of Satan” ... those who have rejected, slandered and crucified Jesus Christ? On June 24, 1985, an official document of the Vatican called on Christians to «join the Jews together to prepare the world for the coming of the Messiah» (sic - DC 1900), namely the coming of the Messiah of the Jews, the Antichrist Lucifer! John Paul II with the former chief rabbi of Rome, Elio Toaff. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 On April 13, 1986, in the Great Synagogue of Rome, John Paul II recited a psalm together with Chief Rabbi (sworn enemy of Christ) who professes and preaches all the aberrations of the Talmud. 53 Vatican. The historic meeting between Pope John Paul II and the chief rabbi of Israel, Israel Meir Lau. The Pope has asked the Rabbi to visit Jerusalem on a pilgrimage of faith and from the Holy City to launch an alliance of peace between the religions. Israel, 2000. The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Meir Lau, welcomed Pope John Paul II during the Pope’s historic visit in 2000. March 21, 2000. John Paul II arrives in Tel Aviv and is greeted by President Ezer Weizman and Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Israel, March 23, 2000. John Paul II during his visit to Israel, said: «We must fight everywhere to always present the true face of the Jews and Judaism.» 54 Israel, March 2000. John Paul II, at the Holocaust Museum, assisted by Card. Edward Cassidy and Card. Roger Etchegaray, who deposited a wreath of flowers. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Jerusalem. John Paul II placed in a crack in the “Wailing Wall,” a letter containing a prayer of supplication to God for forgiveness for the wrongs committed to the Jews by the Catholic Church. This visit to the Synagogue was defined by John Paul II, himself: «An event that transcends the boundaries of the year and is measured in centuries and millennia.» (see the newspaper of Jan. 2, 1987 p. 2) In April 2000, John Paul II bore witness to his Judaism, by posting in the “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem, a message in which he accused the Church of the alleged crimes against the Jews and declared «Jerusalem, the mother of all Churches.» John Paul II, a champion of Vatican II, after renouncing what is remembered about Muhammad, an absolute histor- The Menorah, the seven-branched candelabrum is also a symbol of the Jewish High Freemasonry of B’nai B’rith. In a secret meeting held in Paris in 1936, members of the secret Lodge of Jewish B’nai B’rith, among other things, said: – «Not until all moral conception of social order is eliminated among Christians and not until all religion, all patriotism and all dignity is destroyed, will our reign over the world be realized.» – «We offered to Christians new theories impossible to be realized, like communism, socialism and anarchy, which are currently our projects ... The Christians have foolishly accepted with great enthusiasm, not realizing that these are our theories and that they are our most dangerous weapon against them.» – «We’ve covered the Catholic Church with the most abominable slanders, we have falsified Her history and we have soiled Her noblest activity, we attributed the wickedness of Her enemies to the Church.» – «We have already accomplished most of our work, but we can’t claim to have achieved the goal of our work. The Catholic Church is still alive ... We must destroy it, without the least delay and without mercy.» March 12, 2000. John Paul II made a solemn act of “asking for forgiveness” for the Church’s past. On the seven-branched candelabrum, each candle, lit by a different Prelate, symbolized one of the seven major sins committed by the Church. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 – «May our children become Bishops and Cardinals, so they can destroy the Catholic Church!» 55 Damascus, May 6, 2001. For the first time a Pope entered a mosque! John Paul II has at his right the Grand Mufti, Shick Ahmad Kuftaro, during his historic visit to Omayya, which is the home of the tomb of St. John the Baptist. ical truth, he waved the festive red flag with the star and crescent in order to invite the Turks to come to Europe in great numbers, with the aim of making a conquest. By the way, about the roots of Europe, he was convinced that the roots were not really Christian, but “JudeoChristian.” John Paul II always expressed esteem for Islam itself; has always referred to the Muslim books as our “holy books,” he even kissed the Koran, he visited the sacred place with them and sat as equals with them, even giving them, the impression that he apostatized. The December 11, 1984, John Paul II sent his representative to preside over the laying of the corner stone of the mosque in Rome, (almost endorsing the false religion of Islam, which denies the Divinity of Christ and has always persecuted and killed Christians!) Here’s an ecumenical secret of December 12, 1986, made by John Paul II to Syria’s Grand Mufti Ahmed Kaftaro, the most important Muslim religious authority who never came to Italy: «Every day I read a passage from the Koran!» Another photo of an ecumenical meeting with Pope John Paul II with Rabbi Toaff and a Muslim religious leader. 56 On February 23, 1992, Banjue (Africa) John Paul II said: «All of you, Christians and Muslims are called to make of your families and of society itself, places where God is truly present, where justice and peace really exist, and where people are motivated by a spirit of love and mutual respect. My message to the young people of Gambia is this: “Be the salt of the earth! Be the light of the world.”» (“Osservatore Romano” 24 and 25.2.1998, p. 8). “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Rome, May 14, 1999. John Paul II kissed the Koran, in which the Holy Trinity is called an “abomination” Christians are called infidels and unclean and incites to subdue and kill them. Rome, May 14, 1999. John Paul II kisses the Koran in the presence of a Prelate and an Iraqi Muslim dignitary. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Rome, May 14, 1999. Another photo of the Pope meeting with the two Iraqi dignitaries. 57 Khartoum, February 1993. John Paul II meets with several smiling Muslim leaders in Sudan. After this meeting, the same religious leaders have continued to incite the leaders of the Sudanese government to persecute Catholics who refused to renounce their religious beliefs and apostatize from their faith. The killings, massacres, crucifixions and barbarous cruelty, that occurred after the Pope’s visit, including the creation of a new market of Christian slaves, were their responses to the proposals for a “dialogue” between religions for John Paul II’s world peace. On May 14, 1999, he receiving two Iraqi Muslim dignitaries in Rome, John Paul II kissed the Koran (even though the Koran incites them to kill Christians!). Another meeting between John Paul II with the chief rabbi of Israel, Israel Meir Lau and a Muslim representative. But didn’t John Paul II know that Luther was a heretic, a persecutor of the Catholic Church, a debauchee, a model of vices and suicide? And didn’t he know that Luther hated the Catholic Mass, put to the sword people in On November 17, 1980, in Germany, in a Lutheran church, John Paul II declared: «I come to you toward the spiritual legacy of Martin Luther, who displayed a “profound spirituality.”» Rome. John Paul II receives the descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, the young king and spiritual leader of Morocco, Mohammed VI, son of the late King Hassan II. 58 The decapitated head of Nick Berg. Islam’s response to proposals for a “dialogue” between religions for world peace. Could it be any different than this? Reading the Koran, it seems not! “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Rome, December 11, 1983. John Paul II visited the Lutheran church. It is the first time in history that a Pope prays with a Lutheran community. Germany and Europe, destroyed and desecrated thousands of churches and murdered thousands and thousands of Catholics, priests, religious? On May 25, 1982, John Paul II participated in worship at the Anglican Canterbury Cathedral, by doing so, caused a serious infringement of Canon Law. Martin Luther. Luther declared: «I’ve been a great villain and a murderer.» From the deposition of the home of Luther, Kudtfeld: «... I found my master literally hanging from his bed, strangled.» About the temptations of the flesh Luther said: «These idiotic asses (Catholics) do not know about the temptations of the flesh ... In reality, for these temptations, the remedy is easy: there are still women and girls.» But the hatred of Luther was concentrated on the Mass. He wrote: «When the Mass has been overthrown, I am convinced that we will have it overturned with Popery ... I declare that all the brothels, murders, thefts, assassinations and adulteries are less evil than the abomination which is the Mass of the Popes.» “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 The emblem of the Rose-Cross of Martin Luther. The Rosicrucian is a cult which dates back to 1188. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the 18th degree is called “Knight RoseCroix” [In its secret meaning, this degree represents the heart of Freemasonry]. In fact, the task of the Knight of the Rosicrucian is obliterate the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross from the face of the earth. 59 Canterbury, 1982. John Paul II prays in the Anglican cathedral of Canterbury, continuing the policy of Paul VI to “dialogue” with the Protestant sects. On December 11, 1983, John Paul II preached in a Lutheran Church in Rome, expressing the desire to conduct a re-trial of Luther, in such a way as to make it more objective, even denying, the infallibility of the Church in matters of religion and insulting the memory of Leo X! On December 17, 1983, John Paul II visits the Evangelical Church. On February 24, 1986, John Paul II had the Catholic Church join the World Council of Protestant Churches (completely in the hands of Masonry!) On October 15, 1986, in France, John Paul II went among the community of Taizé and then to the charismatic Pentecostals in Paray le Monial, where he even said that the cult of the Sacred Heart was not in use any more! On November 20, 1994, in Rome, John Paul II concelebrates the Lutheran “Supper,” with Lutheran Archbishop Verman, in the Lutheran church of “Santa Caterina.” John Paul II and the Anglican Primate, George Carey, impart a common blessing. 60 December 17, 1983. John Paul II and the Lutheran pastor Crystof Meyer leaving the evangelical church, celebrated together after the worship service. In 1999, John Paul II had signed an agreement with the Lutherans, that “justification” faith alone would be enough, without works! On August 8, 1985, John Paul II assisted at pagan ceremonies, in Lome’s “holy forest” in Togo (West Africa). A few days later, he took part in satanic rituals, at Kara and Togoville. John Paul II with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Runcie. «The ordinations conferred in the Anglican rite have been and are completely null and void» (Bull “Apostolicae Curae” of Leo XIII). “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Vatican City May 7, 2000. John Paul II embraces, one by one, the Orthodox representatives gathered in Rome for the Ecumenical Commemoration of Martyrs of the Coliseum. Padua, September 12, 1982. John Paul II embraces Brother Roger Schultz, founder of the Protestant Taize Ecumenical Center. The Russian Orthodox Patriarch, Alexis II, the successor to Pimen, blesses the successor to Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin. Above: Russian President Gorbachev decorates the Orthodox Patriarch Pimen with the “Order of the Red Banner,” one of the most prestigious awards of Communist honor. Next to right: President Vladimir Putin with the Orthodox Patriarch Alexis II. At the request of the Orthodox religious representatives, the Duma (Russian Parliament) passed a resolution in early March 2001, calling for measures to limit the growth of the Catholic Church in the country. By the way, in the past, several reports were published about Alexis II written by the KGB. He was a KGB agent. In an interview with the newspaper, “Izvestia” in July 1991, Alexis II recognized his “sins:” his acts of loyalty to the Communist regime. Today, Alexis II is the supreme authority of the Russian Orthodox Church. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: The Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk, a suspected KGB agent. Top left: The newspaper, “Glasnost,” Filaret of Kiev is also a KGB agent. In the recent past, the religious authority of Kiev was subject to the Patriarch of Moscow, but a few years ago, a Kiev Patriarch Filaret declared independence and founded another schismatic Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Next: Filaret of Minsk, a suspected KGB agent. The Russian Orthodox Church asked for two conditions to cooperate in ecumenical meetings with the Catholic Church: 1. From 1962 to 1989 the condemnation against Communism had to be abolished. This agreement was signed with the Pact of Metz in August 1962; 2. After the opening of the Iron Curtain, there could be no more Catholic proselytism among the Orthodox. During the 2001 visit of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Walter Kasper said: «We want the Orthodox to remain Orthodox, to become better Orthodox. We want to help them, we absolutely do not want to convert them.» With the prohibition of visiting Russia, John Paul II sent a delegation of nine cardinals to the festivities celebrating the 1,000th anniversary of the Orthodox Church. In a public speech, the official representative, Card. Casaroli said that the Catholic Church «had hoped to offer a growing and effective cooperation ... to encourage the further development of the great Soviet society.» 62 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: Bartholomew I of Constantinople Athenagoras II’s successor. Constantinople is the only Orthodox Church that seems to follow the Vatican during its Masonic Ecumenism. Athenagoras was the main partner of John XXIII and Paul VI; John Paul II and Bartholomew I form the new couple. On June 29, 1995, the Feast Day of St. Peter and Paul, John Paul II embraced Bartholomew I on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, from where they have blessed the crowd. (See photo below). The Grand Master Giuliano di Bernardo. According to reliable sources, many religious leaders belong to Freemasonry. The Grand Master of Bernard, in his book “The Philosophy of Freemasonry,” says literally that «Many Anglican bishops, Orthodox and Lutherans are members of Freemasonry ... The Primate of the Anglican Church, Fisher, and the patriarch of Constantinople II Athenagoras were Masons. And Pope John XXIII had opened an ecumenical dialogue with them in an atmosphere of fraternal understanding.» Bottom right: Athens, May 4, 2001. During his visit to Athens, John Paul II offered an icon as a gift to Christodoulos, head of the Orthodox Church in Greece. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 63 On February 2, 1986, in Madras (India), John Paul II received “chrism” - holy cow dung! – Imprinted on the forehead by a “priestess” of all those devils who call themselves collectively “Shiva,” ie: Benevolence! He had to know that this gesture was an initiation ceremony of phallic religion of Shiva, which was a “Luciferian sacrament” of the Trinity of Brahman! And the Pope, on this occasion, was wearing the “miter,” and in the left hand, “Pastoral Cross!” Also in India, in a speech in Madras, John Paul II recognized the “truths” (?) contained in the Indian religions (The Journal, 02.06.1986). John Paul II with the Dalai Lama. November 1986, in Fiji, John Paul II drank from a coconut, “kava” - a very toxic ritual potion. In September 1988, Togo (Africa), John Paul II met and befriended the Voodoo witches, worshipers of snakes, practitioners of sexual orgies and murderers of children. On June 1, 1990, John Paul II received for the fifth time Tenzin Gytro, who said, “Dalai Lama” is a self-styled reincarnation of Buddha. John Paul II had provided an “Abbey” for this Buddhist! On February 25, 2000, in Cairo, John Paul II organized an “Ecumenical Mass,” with six other prelates of various cults! On May 10, 1984, in Thailand, John Paul II bowed before the supreme head of Buddhism, seated on his throne. He, the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth! John Paul II always showed a great friendship for the Dalai Lama, who he met several times: Above: The Vatican in 1996; Next: Rome, 1986; Below: in Assisi in 1986. Bangkok, May 10, 1984. Upon his arrival at the capital of Thailand, John Paul II visited the High Buddhist Priest, Vassana Tara. This pagan was sitting on his throne with his legs crossed. He did not rise even to receive the Pope, but only gave him a simple chair to sit on. 64 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: Cotonou, Benin, in February 1993. Another picture of the meeting of John Paul II with a variety of Voodoo sorcerers. It’s even hard to believe that John Paul II at the end of the meeting turned to these pagans and Satanists saying to them, «You are strongly attached to the traditions which have been handed to you by your ancestors. It is right to be grateful towards your ancestors who have passed a sense of the sacred, faith in one God and goodness, the appreciation for celebration, the consideration for a moral life and harmony in society.» Cotonou, Benin, in February 1993. In this African country, John Paul II met two “High Voodoo Priests” who were accompanied by other Voodoo sorcerers. Their religion worships snakes, the souls of the dead, the forces of nature and even the Devil! “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 The voodoo rituals are complex as there are many gods. Demonic possession, sexual orgies, ritual sacrifices, wild dances with deafening noise of drums, rum and tobacco consumption, resulting in “ecstasy” are experienced. But it is also the norm in the practice of Voodoo, that children are consecrated to the gods (demons), children become slaves of evil spirits, to which all must obey, otherwise the spirits will kill them. Even today, babies are also offered to demons, burning them alive, in secret. 65 Above: John Paul II visiting a tribe of Indians. Opposite: Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, in January 1980. John Paul II wearing a traditional African headdress. While taking photos in these unusual poses, John Paul II stressed that there can be no cultural barrier for the Church, precisely because, as he said himself: «Christ values all cultures, because he loves Man!» 66 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: John Paul II during a meeting with the savages in Africa, in his ecumenical intent to become the Head of all the religions of the world. Under: John Paul II in another example of Masonic Ecumenism which seeks to unite all world religions into one religion. Next: On February 2, 1986, in Madras India, John Paul II receives the “Chrism” - holy cow dung! – Impressed on his forehead by a “priestess” of all those devils who call themselves collectively “Shiva,” namely: Benevolence! That gesture was an initiation ceremony of the phallic religion of Shiva, which is a “Luciferian sacrament” of the trinity of Brahman! And the Pope on this occasion, had on his head the “miter,” and in his left hand, the “Pastoral Cross!” Also in India, in a speech in Madras, John Paul II recognized the “truth” (?) contained in the Indian religions (The Journal, 06/02/1986). Next: Pakistan February 1981. «Christ values all cultures, because he loves Man!» John Paul II with a Pakistani shawl, only a few months after an Islamic attack. 68 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 THE “MARIAN DOCTRINE” of John Paul II A fter changing the social doctrine of the Holy Mass, the Catechism, Canon Law, Ecclesiology, Exegesis, Liturgy, Pope John Paul II also changed the doctrine of the Virgin Mary. The “Marian Pope” (!) In his last years, he departed from Catholic Tradition on “Marian doctrine.” In the General audience of January 25, 1996, Pope John Paul II said: (26/07/1954), in Pont. § 652, wrote: «The Immaculate crushes with Her foot the infernal serpent.» (See “Osservatore Romano” on July 26, 1954) In the General audience of May 30, 1996, Pope John Paul II said: « The 12th chapter of Revelation, which speaks of the “woman clothed with the sun” (12:1), is often cited too as biblical testimony on behalf of the Immaculate Conception. Current exegesis agrees in seeing in this woman the Community of God’s People, giving birth in pain to the risen Messiah.» «The commentators are now John Paul II. unanimous in recognizing that the text of Genesis, according to the original Hebrew, attributed the action toward the snake, not directly to the “Woman”, but to Her descendants.» It is another twist of the doctrine that the Church had Again, John Paul II was always against the doctrine of always taught. Pius XII, in fact, (1/1/1950) in Pon. par. the Church, Pius IX, in fact, (4/23/1845), wrote: «... The 597, expressed it in this way, differently: «The scholastic Most Holy Virgin, with Her Immaculate foot, crushes Doctors have seen the Mother of God in this woman his head.» And St. Pius X (9/8/1903) wrote: «Mary, who clothed with the sun.» (See “Osservatore Romano” on crushes the serpent’s head.» Also, Pius XII January 1, 1950). “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 69 «A definition of “Marian titles” of “Advocate,” “Co-redemptrix,” “Mediatrix” is not in line with the guidance of the great Marian texts of Vatican II.» (See “Osservatore Romano” 05/04/1997) Again, John Paul II was against the doctrine taught by the Church before Vatican II. For example, 2/19/1805, Pius VII wrote: «... she approaches Her Divine Son’s throne, as Advocate she begs, as Handmaid she prays, but as Mother she commands.» Even Pius XI (08/05/1928) in his speech that he gave to the pilgrims of Vicenza, said: «... The Redeemer, inevitably, involved His Mother in His own work. That’s why we call upon Her with the title of Co-redemptrix. She gave us the Savior, She led Him to His work of Redemption on the Cross.» And Pius XII wrote: «... He wanted to make his Mother advocate for sinners and the dispenser and mediatrix of grace.» In the General audience of April 24, 1997, John Paul II said: «Jesus on the cross, has not formally proclaimed the Universal Motherhood of Mary, but established a maternal relationship, anointed between Her and the favorite disciple» (See “Osservatore Romano” on 4/24/ 1997) Also, this erroneous bizarre blow of John Paul II is against the Marian doctrine from time immemorial. Leo XIII, for example, “Octobre Canteen” (9/22/1891) wrote: «... Jesus proclaimed Her from the cross when He entrusted to Her care and love the whole of the race of man in the person of His disciple.» Even on “Marian titles,” John Paul II, on June 4, 1977, the Pontifical International Marian Academy, had this to say: 70 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 THE PRIMACY OF PETER I n 1967, Paul VI had said that the Papacy is the major obstacle to Ecumenism. In 1993, Card. Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a meeting at the “Evangelical Center,” on the theme of unity in diversity, which provides for a reform of the Primacy of Peter, spoke of “reconciled diversity,” namely «in getting together ... It consists in the willingness to learn from each other and to accept each other’s corrections, in joy and thanksgiving for each one’s spiritual treasures, in a permanent essentialization of one’s own faith, doctrine and practice.» In 1997, John Paul II declared that it was necessary to reform the Primacy of Peter (of divine institution) and this was confirmed on February 25 2000, in Egypt, demanding that the Orthodox and Protestant authorities “redefine” his role as Pope (Incredible!). John Paul II openly declared to “Protestants” and “orthodox” his full willingness to change the way of exercising the primacy of jurisdiction, declining to put it into practice (see Enc. “Ut unum sint”) John Paul II, in fact, betrayed the mandate given to Peter and his successors when he claimed to take note that: «The question of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome has now become the immediate object of study» and adheres, therefore, to the recommendation of World Coun- “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 cil of Churches (Protestant body) that the Commission on Faith and Order “give impetus to a new study on the question of a “minister” (the text is in lowercase) of universal Christian unity,” which may not necessarily be the Pope of the Catholic Church. In 1993, John Paul II released his “Canon Law,” which took away the “Dogmatic Marks” of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, to make them: “Communion, Ecumenism, Collegiality.” In this vein, he downgraded then, the “the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church,” to “Church of Rome, the Church of Peter and Paul.” (See “Ut unum sint” - 05/05/1995) John Paul II, also signed “Concordats” that no longer protects the Catholic Church, religion, or Christian values, which were all made equal. But Pope Pius XI, however, in his “Mortalium animos,” said that this ecumenism provides for the reform of the Primacy of Peter, and that this ecumenical theory «paves the way to naturalism and atheism» and prepares «a pretense of Christian religion which is a thousand miles away from the one Church of Christ» and that « it is an quick and easy step toward the neglect of religion or indifferentism and to modernism» and that «it is nonsense and stupidity!» 71 Above, below and on the following pages: several examples of “papal dignity.” Above: John Paul II with an Indian headress. Top left: Vatican, May 12, 1980. John Paul II smiling in an Alpine hat. Left: John Paul II puts a straw hat on his head. Below: Puebla, January 27, 1979. John Paul II wears a straw sombrero, as protection from the sun. 74 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Top: Mexico, May 1979. John Paul II, returning from a trip to Mexico, wearing a sombrero that was given to him in Monterrey. Next: Equatorial Guinea, in February 1982. During his visit, John Paul II is protected from the sun with a straw hat. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 75 76 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: John Paul II dressed as an American Indian posing as if he is getting out of a tepee. Next: Philippines, 1981. Yet another curious pose of John Paul II in his ninth apostolic journey. Page 76, Top left: On his trip to Pakistan in February 1981, John Paul II dressed in a Pakistani robe. Page 76, Top right: Nairobi, May 7, 1980. With the traditional colorful feathered headdress of the Masai warrior waving a traditional staff of a tribal chief. John Paul II greets millions of Kenyans hurrying to Uhuru Park to attend the Pontifical Mass then, to be recited in Latin, English and in Swahili, one of the most widely spoken languages of East Africa. Page 76, Bottom left: Alice Springs - Australia, 1986. John Paul II, during a pastoral visit to Australia, having pictures taken with a koala in his arms, a typical teddy bear in that continent. Page 76, Bottom right: In his trip to Cape Verde, John Paul II wearing a traditional African headdress. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 77 Mount “Adamello,” Brescia. John Paul II’s love for the mountains is evident from this other picture, taken on the “Adamello glacier,” where, by his expressed will, the altar was placed at the highest point in Europe, more than three thousand meters of altitude. Page 78, Top: the Maiella Mountain - Abruzzo. In the quiet of the forest on a tree trunk, his head supported by a limb, John Paul II, tired after a walk, sleeps a peaceful slumber. It was not the first time that the Pope secretly left his residence in the Vatican, without papal robes, to devote himself to his favorite sports. Page 78, Bottom left: Lobbia Alta, Adamello - Pinzolo, Trento, 1984. John Paul II (first on the left) making the sign of the cross with his companions, before beginning a descent on the glacier, Lobbia Alta. The Pope kept his passion for the mountains and even kept in his closet, his skis, boots and even his sneakers. Because he said once: “Sports can greatly influence the behavior of people.” Page 78, Below right: John Paul II, dressed for skiing, is ready to embark on the snow. Sometimes the Pope left the Vatican in secret to go skiing, like the time he went with his secretary, Stanislaw. Then everything came to light because his secretary broke his leg and had to be hospitalized. Val d’Aosta, 1986. John Paul II has just gotten out of the helicopter that brought him to the glacier peaks of Val d’Aosta,for a few vacation days of summer. The Pope has never cared that his sporting attitude perplexed some prelates of the Curia, so that one day, he jokingly confided to his friend Sandro Pertini “I’m scandalous.” “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 79 Top left: As a young man, Wojtyla loved sports, a passion maintained by Pope This is a great photo that shows him in tennis shoes, in the Vatican. Top right: Wadowice, Poland. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla walking in a field. It was the habit of the pope to take walks and hiking tours. Next: Castel Gandolfo. John Paul II climbing down the ladder to the pool that he had wanted, which cost over two billion and where he entertained himself for an hour a day. 80 HIS THEOLOGY OF THE BODY Y pope allowed naked Polynesian ou can see the true men to dance. “Wojtyla” in the aposHis key points of thought on tasy of Catholic Nathe “theology of the body” were tions, you see him in the flourfrom a very broad understandishing of sects, the gradual disaping of “sex,” which he confused pearance of the priesthood, the with love for all men, disregardutopia of “dialogue” as opposed ing or not acknowledging their to the truth. John Paul II, in conversion to the one eternal short, has been the most seculartruth of the Gospel, and forgetized Pope of all time, and certing that Jesus said «Heaven and tainly he is far from being a earth will pass away but My Saint, or ascetic, or mystic, bewords shall not pass away.» cause he liked human love. He (Mark XIII, 31) loved the body, reaching up to In 1983, on speaking of the “theembrace and kiss children, ology of the body”, John Paul girls and young ladies. He was II said: «“virginity” as such, is always eager and happy to see not superior to marriage, bethem dance before him, often cause spirituality is given from creating embarrassing and dethe exercise of charity.» plorable scenes, and coming up to dance with them, himself, as John Paul II. On May 8, 1984, in “New he did during his trip to Australia Guinea”, John Paul II allowed a where he even praised “Rock “topless” woman student to ‘Roll.” read the epistle at Mass. He desired these scandals in St. John Paul II began his apostoPeter’s as well, even changing late, not of faith and virtue, but the style of the Synods of the of sexual relations. This was the topic that he always had Continents, with dancing, singing, African chanting at heart, both in his speaking and writing. and beating of the tom-tom’s, always including halfOn January 13, 1982, at a Wednesday public audience, naked dancers, such as what happened at the opening of John Paul II revealed that the mutual and personal disthe African Synod of Bishops; but this also occurred in all covery, i.e. the masculinity and femininity of the naked Synods. There were always scenes of dancers and semibody, are for him the greatest revelations of the human nude dancers ... And these types of events even occurred being for themselves and for others. during the “Jubilee” year in Rome, such as when the “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 81 Galatians and Romans of the anathema and curse on those errors and their proponents, for «in Heaven there will be neither male nor female, but all will be one in Christ.» (Gal. 3) John Paul II, however, abandoned himself to his erotic obsession, until he made it his doctrine by constant preaching. It is impossible to accept this foolishness of John Paul II; that is, that eroticism in Paradise will be the foundation of the communion of Saints, when Jesus Himself said in His Gospel: «At the resurrection .... shall neither marKarol Wojtyla, at 34 years of age, with his students in Krakow during a hike in the mountains. ry nor be married, but will be like angels in heaven.» (Mark 12,25) And in St. Matthew and St. Luke: «... Speaking of the resurrection of the body, he said that huthey are like Angels, being children of the resurrection, man beings would rise still retaining its attributes of masthey are children of God.» (Luke 20,36) culinity and femininity, each with their own sex. So, for John Paul II, the new state of eternal life will be in the same line of life that men had in Paradise Lost. While Jesus said that marriage and procreation will cease with the resurrection, John Paul II, however, said that the duality of marriage is the image and likeness of the Blessed Trinity. But then, sex would be the image and likeness of the “proceeding” of the Divine Persons within the meaning of life of the Trinity, and as God is three in One, man and woman are only one flesh. Honestly, this rant of John Paul II is the rambling of a lunatic. In fact how could it be possible to experience marital love outside marriage, outside of procreation? And how can it be the same union of “two” in only one flesh? And how can it be the Beatific Vision of God with erotic joy? But John Paul II said: «Our heritage will be an eternal eroticism, eroticism is our current task, celestial eroticism is our goal.» But what will it be, then, love in Heaven? … This nonsense of John Paul II ignores that St. Paul spoke to the 82 “John Paul II loved her all his life.” Vatican City. One of the many meetings between Wojtyla and his close friend and “colleague,” actress, Halina Kròlikiewicz. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Philippines, 1981. Young dancers celebrate the presence of John Paul II. Pacific Islands, November 1986. Another photograph shows, once again, John Paul II’s passion for women. The Pope attends a dance in his honor. The dance is performed by young Samoan woman with skirts made of leaves. Even in this situation, John Paul II does not seem to feel any embarrassment. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Brazil, 1980. John Paul II with children ... in dance! 83 Above: In one stadium, 1200, dancers dancing, showing their best to John Paul II, because of his taste for beauty. Vatican. Young acrobats perform in front of Pope John Paul II. 84 Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 19, 1989. With rapid steps and choreography and exuberant rhythms of rock, dozens of young dancers are performing for Pope John Paul II. With a new style of preaching, the Pope made short speeches in the intervals between the different dances. The theme was the theatrical performance: The Way, the Truth and the Light. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 «We would have preferred not to be placed in a situation to publicly disagree with the photo above, but the photo was published by the Magazine “Gente” on August 22, 1980, and especially since we have no other way to send our voice to the Pope, in this as in other cases. For centuries we have grown accustomed to the very different types of holiday of the Pope – which were more appropriate, namely,with the dignity of the Vicar of Christ. Nothing bad, but not very fitting and St. Thomas teaches that comliness is one of the essential characteristics of Goodness. Is it possible that, , there is no one around the Holy Father who will put aside all boot-licking servility, and feel compelled to point out what we are finding? If the Pope does not appoint a trusted person to review in advance the details of the people and events that he intends to put on display, sooner or later, he will be in situations far more embarrassing and deplorable. Honestly, we just can’t imagine Jesus Christ attending a dance such as the Andalusian dance - with or without music.» Izamal. John Paul II attends a traditional Mayan dance show, during his visit to Izamal. Above: the Vatican. John Paul II in St. Peter’s with half-naked dancers. Left: John Paul II caresses a woman. Bottom left: John Paul II kisses the forehead of a woman. Below right: John Paul II embraces a girl. 86 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: Papua, New Guinea, May 8, 1984. John Paul II greets a topless woman. Next: Bologna. John Paul II attends a performance by singer, Bob Dylan. Below: the Vatican. Asuncion. John Paul II kisses a child. Vatican. John Paul II, in a pose, attempting to kiss a girl. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 87 Above: Sydney, October 26, 1988. John Paul II dances with young people. Next: Vatican. John Paul II admires a circus exhibition with lots of monkeys and dogs. Below: the Vatican. John Paul II attends the exhibition of an acrobat who, with a cigarette in her mouth, slowly arches her back, brings her legs forward, and grabs the cigarette with her toes. 88 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 John Paul II attends a performance by young dancers. John Paul II caresses a young woman. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 89 Above: Rome, August 19, 2000. On the fields of “Tor Vergata,” 2 million young people gathered for the “Jubilee of Young People.” Next: More than a million young people of both sexes, had been camping for five days in the fields of the University of “Tor Vergata” on the outskirts of Rome. The Vatican was the promoter of this event. At the end of the event, the media reported that, in the work of cleaning the areas where young people had camped, enormous quantities of used condoms were collected Below, left and right: The same moral principles that prevailed in the vicinity of Krakow, in the ‘70s, thanks to John Paul II, became a general rule for the Catholic youth of the 90s, throughout the world. 90 Above: New Guinea, May 8, 1984. A “topless” student with a skirt made of leaves, reads the Epistle during the mass in front of the Pope. Left: Rome, April 12, 1984. At the opening of the Jubilee of Sports, John Paul II admires an exhibition of young women in tights, on the stadium field.” Sports are “festive occasions,” the Pope said in his speech. Below: the Vatican January 24, 1985. Italian acrobat of the American Circus leaves, after kissing the ring of John Paul II. “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Above: Brussels, 1985. Girls in leotard waiting to perform at an outdoor Mass celebrated by John Paul II, at the Basilica of Koekelberg, Brussels. Left: Montreal, 1984. Representing peace, young dancers in billowing white skirts, are performing for John Paul II on the playing field of the Olympic Stadium. Based on the testimony of spectators, the clothes became transparent under the stadium lights. Below: Vatican, October 1989. “An unusual papal audience,” reads the caption of “Chicago Sun Times” to describe young women who appeared in dances by John Paul II, in Nervi Hall. The girls were received in audience by the Pope, that he had reserved for athletes of the “Youth Games,” in Rome. 92 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 Rome, April 12 , 1984. 1200 women in leotards performing a synchronized dance for John Paul II in Rome. (“Gennet Dispatch Newspaper”, April 14, 1984). CONCLUSION T hese “facts” and “statestrophic error, yes, but by default; ments” of John Paul II as that which Pope John Paul II are good reasons to judge will leave behind, is not only the the proposal for “beatification,” ruins of the Roman Curia but of as being superficial, and simplisthe Church, at least of that one tic, lacking serious investigation which we have been accustomed and thorough analysis into his perto for two thousand years and resonality, both recent and past, degard as such and that which we, spite the fact that it was declared the laity, ourselves, have in our “desirable” by the current Pope blood.» (Indro Montanelli – “CorBenedict VXI. riere della Sera”, March 9, 2000). I think it is sufficient to now conclude these historical “facts” and “statements.” Many others could JOHN PAUL II IN FLAMES be added to this highly questionable Polish Pope. A Pope who so Now, after reading this Special Isabused Christianity, by dragging it sue on John Paul II, I believe that to serve Man and not God. Let us no one will cry out with that naive remember the prophecy of Pius and superficial “SAINT NOW!” XII: «There will come a day but, will reflect, instead, on the when the civilized world will re“picture” taken in Beskid Zynounce God.» wiecki, a Polish village near the I close with the words the famous birthplace of John Paul II, at Italian writer, Indro Montanelli, 21.37 on the same day, and at the who, after a conversation he had exact hour when the then Pope John Paul II. with John Paul II and after callJohn Paul II died. ing him “a subversive Pope”, It is a “sign,” moreover, for the asked himself: «… but what place and for the time it was Church does he have in mind? taken, when the image of John … Toward what kind of Church, Paul II was seen in the flames of will Pope John Paul II set off the Catholic one?» fire, which is a manifestation of the souls of demons in Here are the words of Indro Montanelli: hell! «In a conversation with John Paul II in his private If this vision were true, that Wojtyla does not enjoy the apartment ... I knew, or thought I understood, that this beatific vision, would it be wrong to say that the Pope, in Pope would leave behind a pile of rubble: that of the aulife, lost all his battles and that all his travels accompanied thoritarian and hierarchical structure of the Roman Curia. by vast crowds, only covered the deep voids of his misNow I understand that this perception was a vaguely catasion as Vicar of Christ! 94 “Chiesa viva” *** September 2010 March 22, 2000. Indro Montanelli [one of the most brilliant journalists of Italy] talking with the director of the Magazine “Oggi.” Montanelli asks: «Is John Paul II the greatest restorer or greatest gravedigger of the Catholic Church?» And then affirms: «With the prostrated Church of John Paul II we are faced with situations of epochal dimensions, or better Biblical. This is life or death situation of the oldest institution in the world, loaded with two thousand years of history, in front of which we, laymen, (and no one, I can assure you, is more than I) are trembling with our hats in hands.» «In a conversation with John Paul II in his private apartment ... I knew, or thought I understood, that this Pope would leave behind a pile of rubble: that of the authoritarian and hierarchical structure of the Roman Curia. Now I understand that this perception was a vaguely catastrophic error, yes, but by default; as that which Pope John Paul II will leave behind, is not only the ruins of the Roman Curia but of the Church, at least of that one which we have been accustomed to for two thousand years and regard as such and that which we, the laity, ourselves, have in our blood.» (Indro Montanelli - Corriere della Sera, March 9, 2000). This photograph was taken in Beskid Zywiecki, Polish village near the birthplace of Karol Wojtyla, at the time 21.37 of the same day and at the exact hour in which the current Pope John Paul II died.