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Curriculum Vitae (CV) Address: Main Street, Sourif, Palestine. Name: Sami Ali H. Heeh Place of Birth: Sourif, Hebron Tel. No.: 02-2523356 / 0598-510986 E-mail: samheeh@paluniv.edu.ps Date of Birth: 9 August 1967 samheeh@yahoo.com Marital Status: Married BIO: A full-time professor of linguistics at the Department of Applied English, Palestine Ahliya University, Bethlehem as well as a researcher of many topics related to the general field of Applied Linguistics, sociolinguistics, semantics, discourse analysis and pragmatics Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sami_Al-Heeh2 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6Sn3HHEAAAA J&hl=ar Academia: https://paluniv.academia.edu/SamiAlHeeh?from_navbar=true Education & Training: Recent Academic Activities: Qualifications:  PhD in English Language & Literature, Linguistics, - Applied Linguistics (Mechanics of Linguistic Variability and Socio-cultural Mobility in the Palestinian Wedding Invitation Cards). Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University  MA in TESOL (Strategies of Reading for Comprehension Palestinian Advanced Learners Tend to Use When Comprehending L2 Texts). Brighton University/ East Sussex: United Kingdom  Certificate of Attendance in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), University of Brighton, UK, 2006  BA in English Language & Literature. Bethlehem University / Bethlehem: Palestine  Participation in proposing, designing and editing The Journal of PAU for Research and Studies since May 2017 up to present. https://journal.paluniv.edu.ps/  Review of the undergraduate (BA) programme of Applied English at the Department of Applied English, Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) from October 2018 to May 2019 (Self-study): https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/347558358  Design of the postgraduate (MA) programme in English Applied Linguistics (MAAL) at the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies, Palestine Ahliya University November 1-15, 2020: https://paluniv.edu.ps/?page_id=139851  Heading a Cultural and Linguistic Programme between the students of applied English at PAU and the students of Eastern languages at the University of North Carolina from 1/2/2021-20/5/2021. elizabethsaylor777@gmail.com  Design of as well as teach a course in Academic Writing for Research (EGAP) at the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Palestine Ahliya University from 20/6/2021-25/8/2021: alilaw@paluniv.edu.ps  A Lecturer of Linguistics at Palestine Ahliya University (PAU)  A Program Coordinator for the Department of Applied Linguistics, PAUC in 2009-2010 Conferences & Academic workshops: Experiences: Articles & Publications:  An English instructor at Palestine Ahliya University since September 2008  An English instructor at Al-Quds Open University, Beit Jala & Dora from September 2006 to 2007  An English teacher for intermediate & advanced learners at University Graduates’ Union Schools (UGU): Ein Sarah, Hebron, Palestine (02-2227739) from 2000 - 2006  An English teacher for 12 Graders at Sourif Sec. School: Main Street, Sourif, Hebron from 1995 2000  Certificate of Publication: ARC Publications PVT LTD, Academician’s Research Center, 23 October, 2021.  Certificate of Attendance and Participation in Academic Development, PAU: 19/8/2017-27/8/2017.  Certificate of Attendance and Participation in the International Conference of Digital Learning and Teaching, Najah University: 30-31/3/2014.  Researching the linguistic phenomena from a critical, analytical, pragmastylistic, sociolinguistic perspectives  Evaluating academic programmes, intended learning outcomes (ILOs), course syllabi  Working at Palestine Ahliya University since September 2008  Teaching IT4ELT, ESP, Grammar, Sociolinguistics, Semantics and Syntax for English major students doing an undergraduate degree in applied linguistics  Teaching different English modules at Al-Quds Open University, Beit Jala & Dora from September 2006 to 2007  Teaching English to intermediate & advanced learners at University Graduates' students (UGU): Ein Sarah, Hebron, Palestine (02-2227739) from 2000 to 2006  Teaching English to 12th Graders at Sourif Sec. School: Main Street, Sourif, Hebron from 1995 to 2000 Recent Projects with Students:  Mechanics of Linguistic Mobility in COVID-19 Pandemic: Lexical innovation and richness. Submitted to Journal of PAU for Research & Studies on 20/9/2021.  Affiliations of Poetic Originality and Novelty and Linguistic Variability and Mobility in Al-Barghouti’s Wonder ‘In Jerusalem’  The Notion of Crime, its elements and Causes in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”  Modes of Persuasion in Marketing ESL Published Course Books: A case study of the face2face, pre-intermediate student book.  Norms of Polite Speech and Rules of Linguistic Interaction in BidenTrump’s first Debate for American Presidential Elections Published: 1. Morphological shift of hyperbolic patterns in the Quran, with reference to English translation: Ibrahim Najjar, Kais Amir Kadhim, Sami Al-Heeh. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Vol. 2 issue 19, 2021. 2. Body Language in the Quranic Discourse from a Modern Kinesic and Semiotic Perspective (in collaboration with Dr. Muhammad Diek). OSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 26, Issue 6, Series 12 (June. 2021) 17-33 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosr journals.org. 3. Exploring Modality in Classical Arabic: Some Lexemes that Convey Logical, Epistemic and Deontic Necessity and Possibility. Quest Journals Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science Volume 9 ~ Issue 2 (2021)pp: 26-39. ISSN(Online):2321-9467. 4. Kinds of Meaning in Classical Arabic from More Recent Denotational Theory. e-Journal of Linguistics. Available online at: https://ojs.unud.ac.id/ index.php/eol/index . Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2021, pages: 121-135. Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586. 5. Power of Acculturation and Affiliations of Identity Components among Palestinian Jerusalemites in Al-Barghouti’s Wonder ‘In Jerusalem’. International Academic Journal of Education & Literature ISSN Print : 2708-5112 | ISSN Online : 2708-5120 6. Mechanics of Linguistic Variability and Socio-cultural Mobility in the Palestinian Wedding Invitation Discourse: A Sociolinguistic Perspective (Extracted from a PhD thesis. Published in IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 25, Issue 11, Series 5 (November. 2020) 47-63. 7. She has many effective roles to play: Embracing Women Tenderly in the Qur'anic Discourse. In the International Journal of Gender and Women's Studies, December 2020, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 7-31. 8. Logistics of Language Change in the Qur’anic Discourse: A pragmalinguistic Perspective (2020). Ibrahim Najjar (co-author). American Journal of Humanities and Social Science (AJHSS) Volume 5 pp. 1-15). 9. Mechanics of Sociolinguistic Variation and Pragma-stylistic Inclination in the Qur'anic Discourse (2020). Ghufran Ahmad (co-author). International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 8(4): 141-151. 10. Articulating the Optimal Features of a Good Muslim Wife: Some Qur’anic Expressions that Affiliate with the Woman’s Perfect, Metaphysical and Real World. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT). Volume 3. Issue 6. 11. Strategies of Reading Used by Palestinian EFL Learners (2019). (Book, published by SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Lativia). 12. An Investigation into the English Program, Palestine Ahliya University (PAU): A critical self-study (Copy reserved at PAU). 13. Exploring Discourse Markers in the Noble Quran: Some Verbal Clues that Facilitate Logical Hedging, Linguistic Interaction and Language Politeness. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2017, PP 1-24. 14. Affiliations of Place, Race, Face and Faith in the Opening of Al-Isra' Quranic Discourse. Accepted for publication at the Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture (JISC): To be published on 31/12/2017. 15. Polar, Overlapping and Equipollent Non-complementary Antonyms in Standard Arabic. Published in the International Journal of Current Research (IJCR) vol.9.issue 08, pp.55620 -55630 August 2017. 16. Polysemous and Family-resemblance Expressions in Standard Arabic: Some Lexemes Oriented by the Shape, Source, Locomotion, Cavity, Knot, and Functional and Dysfunctional Families. Published at the American Journal of Linguistics 2017, 5(2): 32-44. 17. Long Structures in the Holy Script of Islam: Tweeting of Euphonies, Hashtagging of # Inchoative Senses and You-tubing of Edible Words. Published in An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (Humanities). Vol. 30(5), 2016, pp.1111-1131. 18. Logical Quantifiers: Universal, Existential and Diacritical Demonstrative Noun Phrases in Classic Arabic. Published in Dirasat, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 43, Supplement.4, 2016. 19. The Role of Memory in Second Language Vocabulary Learning. A Deep Articles Study on De-Contextualized Words and the Process of Meaning negotiation. Published at School of Languages, Brighton University, UK, 2007. 1. An Investigation into the Influence of L1 Reading Skills in the Development of the Reading Comprehension Strategies of Advanced Palestinian Learners of English. A thesis submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in TESOL (2007). Available from: Database: library@bton.ac.uk. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19731.50721 2. A Critique on 'Native Speakers of Arabic and ESL Texts: Evidence for the Paper Reviewing & Refereeing: Transfer of Written Word Identification Processes'. A critical study submitted to School of Language, Brighton University, 2007. Available from (Database) library@ bton.ac.uk. 3. Aptness of the Headway Series for Palestinian Intermediate Learners: A Deep Study in the Socio-cultural Values Depicted in the 8 th Grade Textbook. An article submitted to School of Languages, Brighton University, 2006. 4. A Perspective in English Language: Asia, the Mammoth Continent to Determine the Future of Global English. An article submitted to School of Languages, Brighton University, 2006 5. Wikis, Blogs, and Chat-boards: A Critical Study on the Fluency and Accuracy of the Palestinian Learner's Web-logging Language. An article submitted to School of Languages, Brighton University, 2006  Citation and documentation methods: International Forum. July 2021. ilhem.senani@yahoo.com. kaouane2215@gmail.com  Persuasive strategies of Saudi EFL learners. International Journal of ArabicEnglish Studies (IJAES). Feb. 2021. ijaes2011@yahoo.com  Scientific research in Algeria between the tide of challenges and the island of obstacles: Safou-nour@hotmail.com  Research awareness among students of sociology in Algeria: Master 2 students as a model: oualahghofrane@yahoo.fr. rimbouti05@yahoo.com  The Trends and Methods of Dawah Research in Al-MI’IAR Magazine: nmoussaoui1@yahoo.com  The conceptual framework of the scientific secretariat and ways to adhere to in the methodology of research: ZIKEMISSAM1989@GMAIL.COM. zine-khadidja@univ-eloued.dz  The influence of the doctoral students’ problems on their perception of the scientific research quality: Case of High School of Commerce, Algeria. s_maamir@esc-alger.dz. m_derghoum@esc-alger.dz. Obstacles to scientific research facing PhD students majoring in education sciences in Algerian universities. amine.gn01@gmail.com  Scientific research in Algeria: Barriers and remedies. aichamokhbatyacoub@gmail.com. selma.ghenname@gmail.com  A Multiple Default Domain: a Semantically Based Account. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES). Oct. 2020. ijaes2011@yahoo. com. o Certificate of Award: From: Bethlehem University In: Fall 1991 o Certificate of Award: From: Bethlehem University In: Spring 1992 o Ford Foundation Fellowship: From: Ford Foundation & IFP On: 23 August 2006 o Certificate of Attendance; English for Academic Purposes From: Brighton University On: 25 August 2006 o Norwegian-Palestinian Friendship From: Christiansand Model Schools In: September 2005 o AMIDEAST Alumni Union From: AMIDEAST In: November 2008 o Modern Technologies International Conference From: An-Najah National University In: May 2013 Dr. Ali Abu Maria, Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. Palestine Ahliya University. Mobile: 0597-919222. E-mail: alilaw@paluniv.edu.ps Dr. Adnan Shehadeh: Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Mobile: 0599-255526. E-mail: adnan@ppu.edu Dr. Khaled Sabarnah, Dean of Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences. Mobile: 0592463657. E-mail: k.sabarna@paluniv.edu.ps Dr. Sarah Varney-Burch: School of Languages, Brighton University, UK. Email: S.Varney-Burch@bton.ac.uk Professor Hamdi Shaheen, Head of English Department, Mansoura University. Mobile: +201014135577. E-mail: hamdiishaheen@gmail.com  Awards: Contacts:     
Résumé Name: Sami Ali H. Heeh Place of Birth: Sourif, Hebron Date of Birth: 9 August 1967 Marital Status: Married Address: Main Street, Sourif, Palestine. Tel. No.: 02-2523356 / 0598-510986 E-mail: samheeh@paluniv.edu.ps samheeh@yahoo.com BIO: A full-time professor of linguistics at the Department of Applied English, Palestine Ahliya University, Bethlehem as well as a researcher of many topics related to the general field of Applied Linguistics, sociolinguistics, semantics, discourse analysis and pragmatics Research Gate: Google Scholar: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sami_Al-Heeh2 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6Sn3HHEAAAA J&hl=ar Education & Training: PhD in English Language & Literature, Linguistics, - Applied Linguistics (Mechanics of Linguistic Variability and Socio-cultural Mobility in the Palestinian Wedding Invitation Cards). Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University MA in TESOL (Strategies of Reading for Comprehension Palestinian Advanced Learners Tend to Use When Comprehending L2 Texts). Brighton University/ East Sussex: United Kingdom Certificate of Attendance in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), University of Brighton, UK, 2006 BA in English Language & Literature. Bethlehem University / Bethlehem: Palestine Recent Academic Affiliations: Review of the undergraduate (BA) programme of Applied English at the Department of Applied English, Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) from October 2018 to May 2019 (Self-study): https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/347558358 Design of the postgraduate (MA) programme in English Applied Linguistics (MAAL) at the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies, Palestine Ahliya University November 1-15, 2020: https://paluniv.edu.ps/?page_id=139851 Heading a Cultural and Linguistic Programme between the students of applied English at PAU and the students of Eastern languages at the University of North Carolina from 1/2/2021-20/5/2021. elizabethsaylor777@gmail.com Design of as well as teach a course in Academic Writing for Research (EGAP) at the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Palestine Ahliya University from 20/6/2021-25/8/2021: alilaw@paluniv.edu.ps Qualifications: A Lecturer of Linguistics at Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) A Program Coordinator for the Department of Applied Linguistics, PAUC in 2009-2010 An English instructor at Palestine Ahliya University since September 2008 An English instructor at Al-Quds Open University, Beit Jala & Dora from September 2006 to 2007 An English teacher for intermediate & advanced learners at University Graduates’ Union Schools (UGU): Ein Sarah, Hebron, Palestine (02-2227739) from 2000 - 2006 An English teacher for 12 Graders at Sourif Sec. School: Main Street, Sourif, Hebron from 1995 2000 Conferences & Academic workshops: Certificate of Attendance and Participation in Academic Development, PAU: 19/8/2017-27/8/2017. Certificate of Attendance and Participation in the International Conference of Digital Learning and Teaching, Najah University: 30-31/3/2014. Experiences: Researching the linguistic phenomena from a critical, analytical, pragma-stylistic, sociolinguistic perspectives Evaluating academic programmes, intended learning outcomes (ILOs), course syllabi Working at Palestine Ahliya University since September 2008 Teaching IT4ELT, ESP, Grammar, Sociolinguistics, Semantics and Syntax for English major students doing an undergraduate degree in applied linguistics Teaching different English modules at Al-Quds Open University, Beit Jala & Dora from September 2006 to 2007 Teaching English to intermediate & advanced learners at University Graduates' students (UGU): Ein Sarah, Hebron, Palestine (02-2227739) from 2000 to 2006 Teaching English to 12th Graders at Sourif Sec. School: Main Street, Sourif, Hebron from 1995 to 2000 Articles & Publications: Recent Projects with Students: Mechanics of Linguistic Mobility in COVID-19 Pandemic: Lexical innovation and richness Affiliations of Poetic Originality and Novelty and Linguistic Variability and Mobility in Al-Barghouti’s Wonder ‘In Jerusalem’ The Notion of Crime, its elements and Causes in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” MODES OF PERSUASION IN MARKETING ESL PUBLISHED COURSE BOOKS: A CASE STUDY OF THE FACE2FACE PRE-INTERMEDIATE STUDENT BOOK Norms of Polite Speech and Rules of Linguistic Interaction in Biden- Trump’s first Debate for American Presidential Elections Published: Body Language in the Quranic Discourse from a Modern Kinesic and Semiotic Perspective (in collaboration with Dr. Muhammad Diek). OSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 26, Issue 6, Series 12 (June. 2021) 17-33 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosr journals.org. Exploring Modality in Classical Arabic: Some Lexemes that Convey Logical, Epistemic and Deontic Necessity and Possibility. Quest Journals Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science Volume 9 ~ Issue 2 (2021)pp: 26-39. ISSN(Online):2321-9467. Kinds of Meaning in Classical Arabic from More Recent Denotational Theory. e-Journal of Linguistics. Available online at: https://ojs.unud.ac.id/ index.php/eol/index . Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2021, pages: 121-135. Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586. Power of Acculturation and Affiliations of Identity Components among Palestinian Jerusalemites in Al-Barghouti’s Wonder ‘In Jerusalem’. International Academic Journal of Education & Literature ISSN Print : 2708-5112 | ISSN Online : 2708-5120 Mechanics of Linguistic Variability and Socio-cultural Mobility in the Palestinian Wedding Invitation Discourse: A Sociolinguistic Perspective (Extracted from a PhD thesis. Published in IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 25, Issue 11, Series 5 (November. 2020) 47-63. She has many effective roles to play: Embracing Women Tenderly in the Qur'anic Discourse. In the International Journal of Gender and Women's Studies, December 2020, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 7-31. Logistics of Language Change in the Qur’anic Discourse: A pragma-linguistic Perspective (2020). Ibrahim Najjar (co-author). American Journal of Humanities and Social Science (AJHSS) Volume 5 pp. 1-15). Mechanics of Sociolinguistic Variation and Pragma-stylistic Inclination in the Qur'anic Discourse (2020). Ghufran Ahmad (co-author). International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 8(4): 141-151. Articulating the Optimal Features of a Good Muslim Wife: Some Qur’anic Expressions that Affiliate with the Woman’s Perfect, Metaphysical and Real World. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT). Volume 3. Issue 6. Strategies of Reading Used by Palestinian EFL Learners (2019). (Book, published by SIA OmniScriptum Publishing, Lativia). An Investigation into the English Program, Palestine Ahliya University (PAU): A critical self-study (Copy reserved at PAU). Exploring Discourse Markers in the Noble Quran: Some Verbal Clues that Facilitate Logical Hedging, Linguistic Interaction and Language Politeness. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2017, PP 1-24. Affiliations of Place, Race, Face and Faith in the Opening of Al-Isra' Quranic Discourse. Accepted for publication at the Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture (JISC): To be published on 31/12/2017. Polar, Overlapping and Equipollent Non-complementary Antonyms in Standard Arabic. Published in the International Journal of Current Research (IJCR) vol.9.issue 08, pp.55620 -55630 August 2017. Polysemous and Family-resemblance Expressions in Standard Arabic: Some Lexemes Oriented by the Shape, Source, Locomotion, Cavity, Knot, and Functional and Dysfunctional Families. Published at the American Journal of Linguistics 2017, 5(2): 32-44. Long Structures in the Holy Script of Islam: Tweeting of Euphonies, Hash-tagging of # Inchoative Senses and You-tubing of Edible Words. Published in An-Najah Univ. J. Res. (Humanities). Vol. 30(5), 2016, pp.1111-1131. Logical Quantifiers: Universal, Existential and Diacritical Demonstrative Noun Phrases in Classic Arabic. Published in Dirasat, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 43, Supplement.4, 2016. The Role of Memory in Second Language Vocabulary Learning. A Deep Study on De-Contextualized Words and the Process of Meaning negotiation. Published at School of Languages, Brighton University, UK, 2007. An Investigation into the Influence of L1 Reading Skills in the Development of the Reading Comprehension Strategies of Advanced Palestinian Learners of English. A thesis submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in TESOL (2007). Available from: Database: library@bton.ac.uk . A Critique on 'Native Speakers of Arabic and ESL Texts: Evidence for the Transfer of Written Word Identification Processes'. A critical study submitted to School of Language, Brighton University, 2007. Available from (Database) library@ bton.ac.uk. Aptness of the Headway Series for Palestinian Intermediate Learners: A Deep Study in the Socio-cultural Values Depicted in the 8th Grade Textbook. An article submitted to School of Languages, Brighton University, 2006. A Perspective in English Language: Asia, the Mammoth Continent to Determine the Future of Global English. An article submitted to School of Languages, Brighton University, 2006 Wikis, Blogs, and Chat-boards: A Critical Study on the Fluency and Accuracy of the Palestinian Learner's Web-logging Language. An article submitted to School of Languages, Brighton University, 2006 Paper Reviewing & Refereeing: Citation and documentation methods: International Forum. July 2021. ilhem.senani@yahoo.com. kaouane2215@gmail.com Persuasive strategies of Saudi EFL learners. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES). Feb. 2021. ijaes2011@yahoo.com Scientific research in Algeria between the tide of challenges and the island of obstacles: Safou-nour@hotmail.com Research awareness among students of sociology in Algeria: Master 2 students as a model: oualahghofrane@yahoo.fr. rimbouti05@yahoo.com The Trends and Methods of Dawah Research in Al-MI’IAR Magazine: nmoussaoui1@yahoo.com The conceptual framework of the scientific secretariat and ways to adhere to in the methodology of research: ZIKEMISSAM1989@GMAIL.COM. zine-khadidja@univ-eloued.dz The influence of the doctoral students’ problems on their perception of the scientific research quality: Case of High School of Commerce, Algeria. s_maamir@esc-alger.dz. m_derghoum@esc-alger.dz. Obstacles to scientific research facing PhD students majoring in education sciences in Algerian universities. amine.gn01@gmail.com Scientific research in Algeria: Barriers and remedies. aichamokhbatyacoub@gmail.com. selma.ghenname@gmail.com A Multiple Default Domain: a Semantically Based Account. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES). Oct. 2020. ijaes2011@yahoo. com. Awards: Certificate of Award: From: Bethlehem University In: Fall 1991 Certificate of Award: From: Bethlehem University In: Spring 1992 Ford Foundation Fellowship: From: Ford Foundation & IFP On: 23 August 2006 Certificate of Attendance; English for Academic Purposes From: Brighton University On: 25 August 2006 Norwegian-Palestinian Friendship From: Christiansand Model Schools In: September 2005 AMIDEAST Alumni Union From: AMIDEAST In: November 2008 Modern Technologies International Conference From: An-Najah National University In: May 2013 Contacts: Dr. Ali Abu Maria, Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. Palestine Ahliya University. Mobile: 0597-919222. E-mail: alilaw@paluniv.edu.ps Dr. Adnan Shehadeh: Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Mobile: 0599-255526. E-mail: adnan@ppu.edu Dr. Khaled Sabarnah, Dean of Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences. Mobile: 0592463657. E-mail: k.sabarna@paluniv.edu.ps Dr. Sarah Varney-Burch: School of Languages, Brighton University, UK. E-mail: S.Varney-Burch@bton.ac.uk Professor Hamdi Shaheen, Head of English Department, Mansoura University. Mobile: +201014135577. E-mail: hamdiishaheen@gmail.com