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• Chapter 6 GEOCHEMICAL FEATURES OF MUD VOLCANOES GEOCHEMICAL MODEL OF MUD VOLCANOES FROM REVIEWED WORLDWIDE DATA Short review Giovanni Martinelli' Andrea Dadomo2 I ARPA Environmental Protection Agency of Emilia Romagna Region, Via Amendola 2, 42100 Reggio Emilia - Jtaly, e-mail: giovanni.martinellil5@tin.it 2 Dept. of Geologica/ Sciences and Geotechnology, University of Milan, Piazza delle Scienze 4, 20126 Milan, Jtaly Abstract: Geochemical data from mud volcanic fluids obtained from various geologica) environments have been reviewed and reprocessed. The chemical and isotopie components of the liquid and gas phases have been studied. Notwithstanding the geographical distance between the mud volcanic areas and the differences between the geologica) environments, a common originating fluid derived from seawater has been recognized. Diagenetic processes due to sediment compaction can be considered to be responsible for the evolutionary pattems observed in the liquid phase and in the associated gas-emissions. Geochemical data fit the currently available physical models. Key words: mud volcanoes, geochemical modelling 1. INTRODUCTION Accretionary prisms undergoing deformative stresses due to subductive processes host sediments that are subjected to compaction and minerai dehydration phenomena. In particular, subduction zones host fluids that are often expelled from thick sedimentary layers accumulating over millions of years (Carson and Screaton, 1998). These pore waters still show the geochemical signature of seawater as the starting materiai and are often enriched with hydrocarbons. The flow-rate at which pore waters are expelled may be affected by local permeability coefficients and pressure gradients strongly linked to the tectonic setting. A significant part of the localized fluid flow is represented by mud volcanoes (Kopf, 2002). The available geochemical data obtained in the mud volcanic areas of Alaska, Azerbaijan, Barbados, ltaly, Russia, Taiwan and Trinidad were 211 G. Martinelli and B. Panahi (eds.), Mud iiJlcanoes, Geodynamics and Seismicity, 211-220 © 2005 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands. • 212 Geochemical model of mud volcanoes compared. Data inter-comparison can be of help in better understanding thy genetic features of fluids expelled by mud volcanic areas in question. The present review tracks the main cations, anions, stable isotopes of waters, Sr isotopes and the main gases sampled at the considered sites. 1.1 Water origin and classification All the analyzed fluids show some kind of relation with the meteoric waters. The geologica! setting and the chemical composition indicate that sea water and clay minerals are the main starting materials of the sampled fluids. The strong prevalence of Cl-Na water geochemical/acies allow usto consider the sampled fluids as a sort of oilfield waters (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) :; Alallka. Mctylraetel.. 1988 • Azert:aijan Atyevell:ll , 2C02 0 Berta:ns, C'Wlet ai. , 1sre 。N セNm・イエゥャSQYV@ クエ セ@ Maitnel 8J-.:l Ferrf:fi, 1991 ?:l l!ll{, D..chetal,1995 ! セ@ 9 25 •• ••••••••• •• ••••• ••••••• ·: · · · . •• •• •••••• •• • •• •••• •• セ@ J(li!llf Oxtift!I, 20Xl +1 8.V MriWlleelal セ@ a,l al{ CilpJzzlen:lPcctlt 2002 セ@ • Tat.Yar\ Geskes et al. 100'2 o TaWan Yehet lii tm. txick a,lamanpnr&LCa. La.tU!lhnet a1 I セYV@ o TmaM Clllei: et 1999 · SMwater 25 Hco 3· +co 32· ___,.. Figure I . Langelier-Ludwig diagram of considered mud volcanic waters a セ@ X セ@ O*lsAG , 19i5 latt. Martnel<n:J'. Fenai, 1001 ;.:laly, O:rllietal., 20C0 •""'"""' セaI@ ' I I / セ@ . + ,f!f HCa,· + cot? Figure 2. Oil field character ofmud volcanic waters sampled in Italy • Giovanni Martinelli, Andrea Dadomo 213 aAlask<l. Mot)'ka 11t ai., Qセ・@ e A2etbal}an. AAye-v •t at, 2002 oBarbados.Olaetal.,1995 o.Barbados. Martin •tal. 1996 xllilly. Mattindi ancl Fémltl, 1991 1 tta1y.Oucl!ietat.1995 xklly, Conti &t IL. 2000 +kaly.Mlninal••llat.2000 _. Qaly, Caj)(IUI セ@ Pleolli. 2002 • Telwiltl, GlfJskos et al., 19&2 0 TaU.an, Veh e\ al_ lhls book. X 400 1000 1200 Figure 3. Na/Mg ratio in considered mud volcanic waters a Afaska,Mol)t:aatal_19M e AzefbaljM. A11yo.,.a1.a1 .• 2002 . ッセNoャ。LQYD@ NLセmャイゥョ・ エ 。ャNLQPV@ クャゥエケNセ。ョ、fュイQY@ • llaly, OucM &t セ@ .. 1995 x ilafy.C<indetal,2000 K エNャヲケセᄋRP@ , 11a1y, CapoUi &tld Pie'ottl, 2002 • • TaMa11.GlesbsMal., 1992 oTafwan, Yahetal.ttt!Jbook. • Sda watet o 20 10 o "' tfa•• K"(mM) Figure 4. (Ca+ Mg) I (Na + K) ratio in considered mud volcanic waters "°' ,------------------, ァ mhォ。Nセャエゥ 1 LセGO@ L |セ@ セijゥャGLaヲ\m MN。ッャ@ .. ッ 「N。、ッウLoゥャZAQエセhYD@ aF。イAキZォャウLセエNQ L ャ エYD@ ゥ[ヲエZ。ャ N セZゥョ、ヲキ[イLQYD@ N ヲャ[ケ N セNQュ@ itlll!y, O!<JtiltaL.ZOOO '"' セャ 。GyNmィAエャRP@ aャ￲エヲNセGオHQRP@ .T!Wr.ln,G/Qkd(ll.11L1H2 oT-n.Yah.alal..lhisboolt '"' .. etFigure 5. Cl/Na ratio in considered mud volcanic waters • Geochemical model of mud volcanoes 214 Most of the geochemical alterations observed in the samples is due to compaction and dehydration phenomena of the marine sediments. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios confirm the marine origin of the fluids under examination (Fig. 6). '° a Alasb, mセ@ X ltafy.Contietal.,2000 + ltaly.Mtnissaleelal.. 2000 Taiwan, Gieskes et al .. 1992 30 20 0 Taiwan. Yeh et al., th!s book. 0 Trinidad. Oia al al., 1999 • Sea water - セ@ GMWL +.,., 10 i' セ@ et al., 1988 "'o X o セ@ o o q,: •a • e.. . o o o oo ·10 ·20 o "o ({- o cOo ID o -30 -<O _, -3 _, 6 " O (va SMOW) Figure 6. 818 O I 8 D ratio in considered mud volcanic waters. Isotopie data are available only for some localities. Global Meteoric Water Line is also indicated. • Alasli:a. MofyU et al., 1988 o 4 o o o ooo X + ttaly. Mintssale et at , 2000 • Taiwan, Gio.kes et al, 1992 ++ + Barbados. Martin et al .. 1996 :.:, ltaty, Conti •l al .. 2000 o Taiwan, Yeh et at, this book. 0 Trinidad, Dia et al., 1999 o o .. o o o : o o o X o Seawater o + @セ il ! 1 + 「Nセ@ o セo b. 「Na s •• セ@ .... ""*........ -2 セ KMLセイ^ セイK o 100 200 セ 300 KMLセ <00 イMK セ 500 セMNゥ@ 600 CJ -(mM) Figure 7. Cl I 81 8 O ratio in mud volcanic waters. Giovanni Martinelli, Andrea Dadomo 215 Barbados and Trinidad confirm the common marine ongm of the considered fluids (Fig. 7). In spite of their well-constrained marine origins some chemical differences relative to modem sea water have been observed. Clay behaviour under compaction is subjected to a variety of diagenetic processes, as they can release water enriched or depleted in electrolytes as compared with seawater (Bredehoeft et al, 1963). When water and solutes are driven by hydraulic head gradients across semi-permeable membranes, the ionie solute passage through the membranes is restricted in relation to the water. The solute concentration on the input side of the membrane thus increases in regard to the output concentrations. The ion-exclusion effects are described as salt-filtering or ultrafiltration processes (Kharaka and Smalley (1976). Water that accrues from possible gas hydrate dissociation in the clay layers can be considered responsible for significant dilution phenomena (Martin et al., 1996). Further amounts of water can be released during possible conversion from smectite to illite (Bekins et al., 1994). 1.2 The evolutionary trend of water Fluids sampled in the Barbados area have been interpreted by Martin et al. (1996) as the result of the mixing of two end-member fluids, seawater and water derived from gas hydrate dissociation. Fluids sampled in Trinidad have been interpreted by Dia et al. (1995) and Dia et al. (1999) as the result of diagenetic processes affecting the originai sea water. Similar low- temperature seawater diagenetic processes have been proposed by Conti et al.(2000), Minissale et al., (2000) and Capozzi and Picotti (2002), to explain the origin of fluids sampled in the mud volcanic areas ofltaly. Fluids sampled in Taiwan have been interpreted by Gieskes et al.(1992) and byYeh et al., (this volume) as the result of diagenetic processes affecting seawater. Aliyev et al. (2002) have considered mud volcanic fluids as oilfield waters syngenetic to extruded clay sedirnents. Over the past ten years geochemists have paid particular attention to Strontium isotopes as indicators of diagenetic processes. Indeed, Dia et al.(1995), Martin et al. (1996), Dia et al. (1999), Conti et al. (2000) have analyzed Sr86/Sr87 ratio in fluids expelled by mud volcanoes located in Barbados, Trinidad and Italy. Analyses were carried out on the basis of findings described by Burke et al. (1982 and references therein) and Dia et al. ( 1992 and references therein) as to the sensitivity of the Sr86/87 ratio to global clirnatic changes during the geologica! eras. A close correlation between Sr 86/87 and 016/18 was found in the geological samples by Dia et al. (1992) through the past 300 kyr. Figure 8 shows the available strontium and oxygen isotopie analytical data accruing from the mud volcano fluids. • Geochemical model of mud volcanoes 216 0,00 セM ML@ <> 7,00 o . . セ@ <> Tnnidad. Dia et al., 1999 • Sea water X " S.00 i X ltaly, Conti et al . 2000 o 6.00 セ@ A Barbados. Martin et al, 1996 o o 4,00 o o " o o 3.00 o o セ@ 2.00 o 1.00 0 ,00 ·1 ,00 o I I I I I I I I I I I o セ@ ì • KML⦅N[セイ@ 0 ,705 ............NLセKMイQ@ 0,706 0.707 0,706 0 ,709 0 ,710 0,71 1 0. 712 0.71 3 0.71• 0,71 5 nsr/MSr Figure 8. Relation 818 O vs.87 Sr I 86 Sr. A slight seatter affeets Strontium isotopie data, while a relatively wide interval affeets Oxygen isotopie ratio. The available data show that seawater is a sort of common building material for all the sampled mud volcanic fluids. A slight scattering in 87Sr/ 86Sr confirrns the conservative character of the Strontium isotopes. The wider scattering observed in 18 0/16 O confirms that diagenetic processes may be responsible for the evolutionary geochemical water trends observed, but seawater is confirmed as the fundamental primary matter. Paroxystic eruptive periods have at times caused slight fluctuations in water chemical composition and have been detected in Italy (Martinelli et al., 1995 and references therein; Capozzi and Picotti, 2002) and Azerbaijan (Aliyev et al., 2002 and references therein). The absence of significant thermal anomalies in the waters sampled in Italy during the paroxystic period indicate that the ejected liquid phase carne from depths at which thermal re-equilibration processes had occurred (<50 m.). Slight chemical fluctuations observed during the paroxystic periods are probably due to the feeding of the main conduit by the different sub-reservoirs characterized by a different clay-water suspension ratio and a different water-rock interaction time. The low magnitude ofthe observed geochemical fluctuations is consistent with the existence of a main reservoir and the possible existence of some secondary reservoirs within the mud volcano structure. Significant thermal anomalies over time were recorded in Italy during the l 9th and 20th centuries in the course of exceptionally strong eruptive events. Recorded thermal anomalies fit with the waters coming from layers located at depths of 500600m (Fig. 9). • 217 Giovanni Martinelli, Andrea Dadomo REGNANO MUD VOLCANO SKETCH (NORTHERN ITALY) Maln vent 500 m Mセ@ sea level - - - - - - - - ; 3000m - - - c o hi gh permeability layers 6000 m - - - - - - - - ) \ CH 4 Figure 9. Sketch of the Regnano mud volcano (North Italy). After Caneva (I 958), Martinelli and Ferrari ( 1991 ), Capozzi and Picotti (2002) modified. 1.3 Gas phases Methane is the most common gas released in virtually all of the mud volcanic areas listed by Kopf (2002). The data available from the geochemically surveyed areas come from Barbados, Trinidad, Italy, Azerbaijan and Taiwan. The isotopie methane composition can be used to distinguish between biogenic or thermogenic sources (Schoell, 1980) enabling the identification of the approximate depth at which the methane had formed. Methane sampled in the Barbados mud volcanoes ranges between -60 and -65 delta 13 C and can be considered a mix of biogenie and thermogenic gases. Little is known about the isotopie data, although Dia et al. (1999) report that the methane sampled in Trinidad should be considered as a deep originating gas. Fluids sampled in Taiwan show that a thermogenic methane source is mixed with a biogenic one · (Gieskes et al., 1992; Yeh et al., this book, and references therein). Methane analyzed in the Italian mud volcanoes show carbon isotopie data typical of mixed origin (-40 >delta 13C>-50). Slight fluctuations in carbon isotopes were observed in a Northem Italian mud volcano during the eruptive phases, showing the existence of at least two different gas sources (Capozzi and Picotti, 2002). Similar phenomena were observed in Azerbaijan by Aliyev et al.(2002). Methane sampled·in Azerbaijan mud volcanoes is characterized by -40>delta 13C> -50 and a multi-layered gas source has been hypothesized by Guliev and Feizullaev (1996). The small magnitude of fluctuations over • 218 Geochemical model of mud volcanoes time in the methane carbon isotopes recorded in Azerbaijan and Italy lead us to confirm that the main reservoir is significantly larger than the secondary ones. Carbon isotope values obtained in methane and upper hydrocarbons in the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan and Italy confirm that the gases originated at about 6-8 Km in depth (Guliyev et al., 2001., Capozzi and Picotti, 2002). Helium isotopes analyzed in the gases sampled in the mud volcanic areas of North Italy, Sicily and Azerbaijan show data in the range of the crustal values. Some relatively anomalous data found in the Helium isotopes show that mantle- contaminated deep fluids can reach shallow rock layers through enhanced crustal permeability rock volumes (Aliyev et al., 2002; Etiope et al., 2003; Martinelli and Judd., 2004 and references therein). Despite the link with the deep-mantle connected fluids, no chemical or physical differences were observed in mantle-contaminated mud volcanoes as compared with the pure crustal mud volcanic structures. 1.4 Transient fluid geochemical phenomena Transient geochemical phenomena were detected in Italy and Azerbaijan. Indeed, radon anomalies were detected in the Northem Apennine mud volcanoes in the liquid phase in the period 1986-1987 by Martinelli et al., (1995 and references therein). Further geochemical fluctuations were detected in the major stable water isotopes, and in the major cations and anions analyzed in a Northern Italian mud volcano. Other geochemical fluctuations affected the gas phase of a mud volcano in Northem Italy in 1988-1992 and in the period 1998-1999. These were revealed by means of radon monitoring (Albarello et al., 2003 and references therein) and by carbon isotope methane monitoring (Capozzi and Picotti, 2002). The observed geochemical fluctuations revealed the sensitivity of mud volcanoes to possible crustal deformative processes and to local climatological conditions. In actual fact, geochemical anomalies detected in the liquid phase in the 1986-1987 period tumed out to be principally related to geodynamic factors, whilst anomalies detected in the period 1998-1999 followed an extraordinarily warm climatic phase that dried the ejected mud and sealed the main vents. The overpressure due to vent-sealing generated a paroxystic eruption and followed the fluid flow anomalies recognizable within the chemical parameter fluctuations. Similar anomalies have been observed in Azerbaijan and Romania (Baciu and Etiope, this book) without reaching definitive conclusions, although many paroxystic eruptive phenomena in Azerbaijan have been found to be triggered by local earthquakes. The observed behaviour have confirmed that confined fluids in the crust-like mud volcanoes can act as natural strain-meters. • Giovanni Martinelli, Andrea Dadomo 219 CONCLUSIONS Mud volcanic fluids are mostly syngenetic to extruded sediments. Ocean water is the common raw materiai utilized by the "subduction factory" to build up mud volcanoes. Clay compaction and organic matter diagenesis originates the liquid and gas phases observed in the vents. Diagenetic processes and possible mixing phenomena with seawater can account for the observed datascattering. The gases collected in the mud volcanic areas are consistent with a rnixed syngenetic origin with hosting sediments contaminated by deeper originating gases. This phenomenon is probably due to fact that gases can migrate more easily than water in geological environments. Geochemical data confirm that mud volcanoes are not linked to meteorological environment or to very deep geological strata. Fluid circulation tracked by geochemical parameters is characterized by a "mainstream fluid current'', fed by a main reservoir. Slight data scattering accounts for near-surface fractionation processes affecting fluid fluxes and chernical parameters. Mud extrusion is confinned to occur chiefly as a result of the compaction phenomena generated by the lithostatic load. The peculiar confined fluid nature of mud volcanism can be considered responsible for virtually all the observed tectonicallyrelated phenomena. REFERENCES 1. Albarello, D., Lapenna, V , Martinelli, G. and Telesca, L., 2003. 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