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Everything was calculated for a Checkmate Shepherd

Supporting the Constitution and Laws the legal President Donald Trump will clean the swamp quickly.

Everything was calculated for a Checkmate Shepherd... by Professor Ed Prida Military intelligence intercepted the deep state's 16-year plan to destroy America— with the Obama— and the Clintons. Patriots with hierarchy and morals, and perhaps with the Armed Forces installed Trump in the RNC. The steps: The Constitution, the normative Laws of the Constitution, the Insurgency Law, the Military Court for the Crimes of Treason, and the will of 75 million citizens made a reality for all. The 2016 elections were manipulated by Russia for Hillary, that was the Kremlin's payment for the exaggerated gift of nuclear fuel and the handing over of all the secrets of the State Department and the Russiansto cover themselves accepted that theAmerican deserter took refuge in them, in short exploit the internal problems of the United States anyway it suited them.. The media always next to profit transfer everything to the unreal. During Donald Trump's Presidential campaign, Obama in power used FISA and the National Security Agency to spy and prepare an argument involving Trump with the Russians starting from Trump's hotel business in that country. The shot comes out of the clata because the head of the Agency in charge was in the hands of a patriot accustomed to risking his life for his Homeland, and communicates to Trump that even in the toilet there were microphones, people of his team and all the obstacles that had devised and ordered General Mike Flynn, wentdangerously against the Obama and her husband were between a rock and a hard place. They then aims the guns against Flynn, indict him and convict him using William Bar and the Supreme Court. The cyber maneuver of the election between Trump and Hillary was not powerful enough and Hillary could not be President as they had planned, Obama left the White House full of spying electronics and set up his barracks a short distance from the White House and at Christmas when inaugurating the Christmas Tree, they make a third attack on Trump at the front door and the two Marines who visited Obama's house daily offered resistance when they were detected and die inside the building, no statements could be taken and Obama survives, the equipment installed in the Oval Office were detected and dismantled. The electronic equipment used in the 2016 elections was owned by George Soros, at the end of the U.S. elections the equipment went to Venezuela and then to Spain. But apparently the DIA, and the Naval Intelligence takes participation and follows the traces of the procedures used and let them win the next elections, played the role of the crocodiles asleep in the river, watching the deer drink water ... and Obama is confident in Trump's inexperience and have Biden to control him as he himself said by "remote control." Obama's wickedness opens the door to Trump, facilitating all the procedures that prepare for the successful elections for Biden and now with the support of China, the Russians and the proximity of Cuba, and Putin claims to have dismantled the bases in Cuba, and did as always the opposite, replaced the old equipment and in March 2018 began to operate with three satellites over American territory managed from Cuba, with a high operational capacity to block energy systems, cause accidents and blockades of roads, railways, air traffic and of course They inaugurate a contest to set fires in the forests, not only in the United States, they did so in Africa and Australia to support the arguments of the leftist show the fake Global Warming. These Russian facilities in Cuba in addition to creating cyclones and directing them, control the medium-range nuclear missiles installedtwoinside the containers they have in the Bay of Mariel, additionally Obama rent themor for 39 years the ports of Cape Canaveral and Delaware, these armaments do not need operators,because they are controlled from the static satellites that are about 59 thousand kilometers from the planet and in stationary orbit. You must saber that the same thing did Bill Clinton when he was President with the support of Robert Mueller in the FBI and James Comie president of the large military production company Lockheed, also facilitated to China the port of San Francisco, the entire howard D area and thousands of technological patents to manufacture fighter jets, missiles, radars, submarines, multiple re-entry capsules, plus 400 fighter jets of the typeF-16,etc. These Patents and articles are referred to in over 600 pages and are in the report of Prosecutor Kenneth Star, the document is known as the Star's Report. Each of the aforementioned trio received a few hundred million dollars from their oblique-eyed friends, especially the Clinton Foundation. This means that the Democratic Party's betrayals with China were not born yesterday. During Trump's four years, “he has quietly had to be in his next 4years." FISA, is neutral, the Army follows him, they take Pompeo out of the CIA so that Gina has absolute freedom, but they are smelling her butt 24 hours a day and everything calm, there is always someone able to see in the dark darker and so they fish her in Frankfort, Germany leading the operation to obstruct the elections of her country with Italy, Russia, the Vatican, Iran, Cuba and China. Gina is injured and then decides to cooperate with the justice system, it was not known more about her. It is certainly an important source of evidence against his entire team of traitors. The highest levels of corruption are under control, they continued with child trafficking in Santo Domingo and Haiti as Mike Pence started it years before, Hillary his people orgasming into orgasm and sucking blood. Leaving footprints wherever he wanted and confident that everything was in his hands. The organization of the uprisings and riots were advised by Raul Castro's son, Colonel Alejandro and three others, from the month of August 2020 to October to create the riots in command of the terrorist organizations that emerge at the time and we arrive at the Capitol chapter, then they accuse Trump of creating the riots,but there is no evidence and then comes the sharpened arfil, that the defendant has the right touse his accusers and with the Insurgency Law and the Constitution roaring like a lion, the Military Courts are activated because the Law charges them with the Crimes of Treason to the Fatherland and now the ropes and automated shooting begin. The press and the relatives of the convicts are silent, as the first executed were the Senator John McCain and George W. Bush Senior, the others have imitated him so as not to demoralize him, much more than they have done so far. When I analyze this process with the little information available, it is not risky to think that the conduct followed by Trump, very bravely and intelligently was programmed. Every time we see him more immense, more secure and ignores the multiple betrayals he has had from the beginning, Donald Trump feels very deeply that divine power leads him down the best path and does not have to look at traitors. The lawyer of the Light Sidney Power, has led to effective ways the review of the elections, but these numbers and procedures as already the great man of the pillows, Lyndell has put them on the table, but in the end, the final axe is dthe Cyber Command, the Space Force and the Military Intelligence will put I think, on the table the real numbers that will coincide with the investigations of the states. The culprits reached the ropes, Congress did everything it could to impeach Trump before he even took office, without success. Everything that has happened has cleansed and aggrandized our President Trump, who is not only supported by the American citizenry and is supported by humanity as a whole. Biden and his scenes of calling Putin a murderer, are nothing more than the points of Marxist political subversion, all the points he has touched as he has been ordered. The Fathers of the American Fatherland were enlightened to create the most perfect Constitution and that every country that has used it, it has succeeded. Everything we see on the screens is as fake as the supposed men in makeup with female eyebrows, painted lips and no stockings. We are more the good guys than the bad guys, the bad guys have never done anything good. I humbly propose to read the Subversion against the United States and you will see as everything that today drowns us this written since the 30s by Josef Stalin. Thanks a lot!