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Chemistry Education in Industrial Revolution 4 0

2019, Seminar Proceeding

Today's technological developments bring the industrial world to the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The education paradigm that is the reference frame of education is no longer suitable for the development of human resources quality in the Industrial Era 4.0, so that the industrial revolution4.0 impacts on the education revolution. In education 4.0 learners play more of a connector, creator, and constructivist role in producing and applying knowledge. Chemical education as an integral part of the overall educational process needs to emerge as Chemistry Education 4.0, which embodies the balance between chemistry through education (CTE) and education through chemistry (ETC), with strengthening in aspects: (1) Involvement of information and communication technology in the entire learning process, both as a source of information and a means for processing, analyzing, and presentation of laboratory work data; (2) Development of 21st Century skills, as well as introduction of industrial world in the field of chemistry or related chemistry to learners. STEM-based learning is a model for realizing chemistry education 4.0.

REALIZING CHEMICAL EDUCATION IN THE INDUSTRIAL ERA 4.0: STEM-BASED LEARNING AS AN ALTERNATIVE Keynote National Seminar on “Chemical Education in Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0”, held by Faculty of Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesian Chemical Society Jakarta, 18 January 2019 Dr. Harry Fiman Chemistry Education Department, Indonesia University of Education Jl. Setiabudi 229 Bandung 40154 harry_firman@upi.edu Abstract Today's technological developments bring the industrial world to the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The education paradigm that is the reference frame of education is no longer suitable for the development of human resources quality in the Industrial Era 4.0, so that the industrial revolution4.0 impacts on the education revolution. In education 4.0 learners play more of a connector, creator, and constructivist role in producing and applying knowledge. Chemical education as an integral part of the overall educational process needs to emerge as Chemistry Education 4.0, which embodies the balance between chemistry through education (CTE) and education through chemistry (ETC), with strengthening in aspects: (1) Involvement of information and communication technology in the entire learning process, both as a source of information and a means for processing, analyzing, and presentation of laboratory work data; (2) Development of 21st Century skills, as well as introduction of industrial world in the field of chemistry or related chemistry to learners. STEM-based learning is a model for realizing chemistry education 4.0. Keywords: Industry 4.0, education 4.0, chemistry education 4.0, 21st Century skills, STEM-based learning. 1. Introduction Industry analysts conceptualize the development of industry in the world has reached the wave of the 4th industrial revolution (4IR) or "industry 4.0", when industrial processes related to the digital revolution entered the 21st Century, as a further development of the previous waves of industrial revolution. In industry 1.0 hydropower is used in mechanization of production as a result of the invention of steam engines, in industry 2.0 electric power is used to create mass production, and in industry 3.0 electronic technology and information technology is used to automate production (Hussin, 2018). Industry 4.0 characterizes the presence of new technologies that fuse the physical, digital and biological worlds, manifested in the form of robots, mobile computer devices, artificial intelligence, 1 driver less vehicles, genetic editing, digitization of public services, etc. In the industry 4.0 equipment, machines, sensors, and humans are designed to be able to communicate with each other using internet technology known as the "Internet of Things (IoT)" (Maria, Shahbodin, Pee, 2016). The development of technology in the industrial 4.0 era presents new opportunities and challenges. First industry 4.0 enables increased productivity, quality, and efficiency, to make industrial products more globally competitive. Other opportunities in industry 4.0 are improving quality of life, ease of transportation and communication, and job security. However, various new challenges were born as well as the social and environmental impacts of industry 4.0 such as the abundance of information (information overload), unemployment as a result of inadequacy of knowledge and skills, socioeconomic inequality due to capital-intensive technology, as well as threats to environmental sustainability as a result of exploitation of natural resources. The education paradigm that is the reference frame of education is no longer suitable for the development of human resources quality in the Industrial Era 4.0. Therefore, the paradigm of the education process will undoubtedly undergo fundamental changes in accordance with the demands of the Industrial 4.0 era. Consequently, the industrial revolution will induce a revolution in education into Education 4.0. Further discussion in this paper concerns the thinking of education experts on the features of education 4.0, including Chemistry Education 4.0 and the figure of STEM-based learning approach, which has the potential to be one of the real manifestations of the implementation of chemistry education 4.0 at the secondary education level. 2. Education 4.0 Education in the industrial 4.0 era needs to be seen as the development of 21st Century competencies, consisting of three major components, namely the competence of thinking, acting, and living in the world (Greenstein, 2012). Components of thinking include critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving. Acting components include communication, collaboration, digital literacy, and technology literacy. Components of life in the world include initiative, self-direction, global understanding, and social responsibility. Praxis education in schools that rely on the mode of transmission of knowledge from teachers to learners (instructionism) may succeed in the Era of Industry 1.0, but now it is no longer effective to prepare the younger generation to enter the industrial ecosystem 4.0 that prioritizes the development of 21st Century competencies. Education 4.0 can only be implemented by referring to the new paradigm of education that characterizes learners as connectors, creators, and constructivists in the framework of production and application of knowledge and innovation (Brown-Martin, 2017). Synthesis of views on the characteristics of Education 4.0 leads to the following learning features: (1) Learning is student centered and personalized, providing opportunities for learners to learn as well as their interests and learning speed; (2) Learning develops the ability of learners to explore their own knowledge from information sources by using the internet, as a vehicle for them to learn throughout life (life-long learning); (3) Utilization of ICT infrastructure and virtual learning tools to provide flexibility for learners to find well-li-bag learning resources, record data, analyze data, and compile reports and present; (4) Emphasizing hands-on learning through a learning method called ‘flipped classroom’, with this method learners learn theoretical aspects of knowledge at home and practice in the classroom. 2 This method develops habits and self-learning skills while providing looser learning time for learning in schools for competency development; (5) Develop soft-skills critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving, especially authentic and non-routine problem solving; (6) Collaboration and social interaction as the main approach used in competency development, to introduce work culture in the industrial world and the world of work in the 21st Century. (7) Provide flexibility for the learning process in the form of blended learning, which allows learners to interact, collaborate and learn from each other in classroom settings and remotely (distance) through the internet. 3. Chemical Education 4.0 Chemistry education is part of the education program at the high school level. In order to support the implementation of education 4.0, chemical education in the industrial era 4.0, both curriculum, learning, and supporting devices need to be designed with reference to the features of Education 4.0 that have been stated above. At the beginning chemistry subjects became stand-alone subjects at the secondary school level at the end of the 18th century intended to be a fund for the study of chemistry and related fields of science in universities. The mission of chemistry subjects is to convey knowledge (facts, concepts, principles, laws, theories, procedures) of fundamental chemistry and provide laboratory work experience to develop laboratory skills and show how the process of discovery of such chemical knowledge (Firman, 2007). Education Observers call such chemical education conditions "chemistry through education (CTE)" (Holbrook, 2005). Gradually, along with the widespread application of chemistry in various aspects of human life, chemical learning was given a new function as a vehicle to develop the science literacy of the younger generation, as well as instill attitudes and values that are considered necessary to be developed through the formal education process. Holbrook (2005) represented the condition as "education through chemistry (ETC)". Until now the pull between the interests of CTE and ETC implementation has become polemic in the development of school chemistry curriculum, so that the shifting point of balance between the two always occurs in each curriculum development cycle. In order to develop the curriculum to realize chemistry education 4.0 the balance between CTE and ETC still needs to be maintained. However, reinforcements are necessary in the design and implementation of chemical education in the Industrial 4.0era, among others: (1) The chemical content covered in the school chemistry curriculum needs to be more selective to the level of essential concepts, in order to avoid the "material-laden" curriculum that inhibits ETC implementation. (2) Referring to the scenario of industrial revolution 4.0 in Indonesia described in "Making Indonesia 4.0" (Ministry of Industry, 2019), the chemical industry became one of the main targeted sectors. Therefore, to carry out the function of developing new literacy, chemistry needs to also be taught to make the younger generation insightful about the processes of the national chemical industry and how technology contributes to the increase in state revenues. In addition, the subject matter of authentic industrial chemistry aspects in chemistry subjects will motivate learners and build the interest of learners to enter the professions of pure chemistry and chemical engineering. 3 (3) The increasing relevance of chemical education in the industrial 4.0 era can be done by including elements of industrial case studies related to selected chemical concepts taught, including industrial process flow charts, production installations, machinery, process control, separation, yield, and waste handling of chemical industries (Hofstein and Kesner, 2006). Strengthening the learning aspects of the chemical industry can be done through the concept of "factory learning", in the sense of providing learning opportunities to learners for 1 or 2 times a year to visit the chemical industry around the schools to gain insight into the factory situation and the form of real theory applications in industrial settings, as part of industrial literacy. (4) Chemical education in the industrial era 4.0 is enabled intensively to develop 4C skills, namely critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Therefore, chemistry learning needs to provide opportunities for learners to work in collaborative groups to solve real problems (authentic) that require them to do engineering design process in order to create installations, conditions, and processes to solve chemical-related problems in everyday life. (5) Chemical education in the industrial 4.0 era also needs to contribute to the development of ICT skills, in not only using ICT as a learning medium, but integrating the technology for the overall work of laboratory work and chemical research, including searching information from www, recording observation and measurement data, transforming data into visual forms, making reports, and presenting research results. 4. STEM-Based Learning as an Alternative STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The word STEM was launched by the U.S. National Science Foundation in the early 1990s as a theme of the education reform movement in the U.S. to grow the workforce of STEM fields, as well as develop STEM-literate citizens, as well as improve U.S. global competitiveness in science and technology innovation. STEM education does not mean simply strengthening education praxis in STEM fields separately, but rather developing educational approaches that integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, by focusing the educational process on solving real problems in daily life as well as professional life (Thai National STEM Education Center, 2014). The main characteristic of STEM education is integrating science (including chemistry), technology, engineering, and mathematics in performing real problem solving. STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning, in which learners use science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a real context that connects schools, the world of work, and the global world, thus developing STEM literacy that enables learners to compete in a new, knowledge-based economic era. There are a variety of ways in practice to integrate STEM disciplines, and their patterns and degrees of integration depend on several factors. One of the possible integration patterns without restructuring the curriculum of higher education in Indonesia is to integrate engineering, technology, and mathematics content in science learning (including chemistry) based on STEM education, as illustrated in Figure 1. 4 CHEMISTRY T E M Figure 1. STEM-based chemistry education STEM-based chemistry education demands shifting learning modes from teacher-centered conventional modes that rely on knowledge transfer toward student centered learning modes that rely on active learning, hands-on, and student collaboration to solve problems. Therefore, STEM-based chemistry teaching needs to be implemented in project-based learning units, in which learners are challenged critically, creatively, and innovatively to solve real problems, involving collaborative group activities to perform engineering processes. STEM-based chemistry learning in the classroom is designed to provide opportunities for learners to apply academic knowledge in the real world (Firman, 2015). In the Indonesian context, a model of STEM-based chemical learning units has been developed by PPPTK IPA in collaboration with FPMIPA UPI and a number of MGMP in Indonesia, for topics of producing fruit-based electrical energy, constructing metal coating systems, creating sub-zero temperature installations to freeze water based on compulsive properties. The experience of learning chemistry based on STEM education is expected at the same time to develop learners' understanding of chemical content, innovation and problem-solving skills, soft-skills (including communication, cooperation, leadership). A further impact of STEM-based chemistry learning is the increasing interest and motivation of learners to continue their studies and careers in the science and technology profession, as required by the state today and in the future in the Industrial 4.0 era. The description of STEM-based learning above demonstrates the alignment of this learning approach with the features of Education 4.0, in particular developing 4C skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication), innovation, and the ability to design engineering processes to solve real problems. Therefore STEM-based learning can be an alternative to realize the concept of education in the Era of Industry 4.0. 5. Challenge for Research and Development The need for quality human resources in the industrial 4.0 era presents new challenges to reform the praxis of education in order to be able to provide the younger generation with appropriate capacity. This reform is not easy because it will face various obstacles and resistance, especially today the form of industrial-era education 1.0 is still widely practiced. Meanwhile, if the inequality between the needs and the provision of quality human resources is not resolved, it will be very difficult for our nation to take advantage of all the opportunities of the industrial era 4.0 to realize progress and compete with other nations. In this regard, strong efforts are needed through research and development to: 5 (1) Formulate the new vision and mission of education 4.0 in Indonesia as a reference framework for the design and implementation of education to support industry 4.0. (2) Reconstructing the existing curriculum, including for chemistry subjects, which is an operational reference for the implementation of education 4.0 at all levels of education. (3) Create alternative approaches other than effective STEM-based learning for the successful implementation of Chemistry Education 4.0. Even if this paper offers STEM-based learning as an alternative to the implementation of chemistry education 4.0, it does not mean that this approach is the only way that can be done. (4) Develop model units for the learning design of all chemistry topics in the curriculum as a reference for practitioners in the field to implement them effectively. The awareness of the model will help education practitioners in the field in realizing learning according to the curriculum. (5) Creating a system of assessment of student performance achievement that is aligned with the principles of education implementation 4.0. 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