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Buku ini lebih memfokuskan pada persoalan tata bahasa yang sangat mudah dicerna, sebab penulis hadir seolah-olah sedang menerangkan dalam kelas. Setiap pokok bahasan disertai latihan-latihan untuk mengukur sejauh mana penguasaan materi dari pembaca. Selamat Membaca EASY ENGLISH Easy english Clever, Clear and Communicative i ii Clever, Clear, Communicative Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta Pasal 2 1. Hak cipta merupakan hak ekslusif bagi pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta untuk mengumumkan atau memperbanyak ciptaannya yang timbul secara otomatis setelah suatu ciptaan yang dilahirkan tanpa mengurangi pembatasan menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Ketentuan Pidana 1. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja atau tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam pasal 2 ayat (1) atau pasal 49 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing-masing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan atau denda paling sedikit Rp. 1.000.000 (satu juta rupiah) atau pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun atau denda paling banyak Rp. (5 Milyar rupiah) 2. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan atau menjual kepada umum suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran hak cipta atau hak terkait sebagaimana yang dimaksud ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 tahun dan atau denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000 (lima ratus juta rupiah) EASY ENGLISH iii D r.Abdul Malik Iskandar, S.Ag., M.Si Harifuddin Halim Easy english Clever, Clear and Communicative SIBUKU PUBLISHING Yogyakarta iv Clever, Clear, Communicative Easy English Clever, Clear Communicative Penulis : Dr. Abdul Malik Iskandar, S.Ag.,M.Si Harifuddin Halim ISBN : 978-602-6814-82-4 Desain Sampul Siti Aisyah Tata Letak Sulaiman Sahabuddin Penerbit : SIBUKU Publishing Yogyakarta Alamat Kantor Jl. Samas KM. 1, Palbapang Bantul Yogyakarta Ukuran : 14 x 19 cm; Halaman : viii + 176 Cetakan Pertama, Desember 2015 Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak tanpa izin dari penerbit EASY ENGLISH v PENGANTAR Segala Puji bagi Allah SWT, atas selesainya Buku yang berjudul “EASY ENGLISH: clever, clear and communicative. Salam, shalawat dan do’a tercurah hanya kepada kepada Rasulullah Muhammad SAAW, sebagai contoh penerang dalam menuntut ilmu. Buku ini telah mengalami revisi pada bagian tertentu agar dapat lebih komunikatif, terutama di bagian awal. Penulis menghadirkan berdasarkan pengalaman sewaktu menimbah ilmu pada musim gugur di Northern Illinois University, USA. Penulis yakin bahwa untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris tidaklah dituntut pembelajar menguasai berbagai macam tata bahasa Inggris. Jadi buku ini, tampil dengan bahasa sederhana dan mudah dipahami, sehingga kebiasaan berbahasa Inggris menjadi bagian daily life. Buku ini semata- mata dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan mahasiswa memperdalam bahasa Inggris yang selama ini dipersepsikan sebagai mata kuliah yang sulit. Padahal bahasa Inggris tidak memerlukan bakat, tapi hanya mengasah keinginan. Buku ini juga secara khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Proses Belajar mengajar mahasiswa. Selama ini, penulis menyadari bahwa pencapaian hasil belajar sangat minim. Salah satu sebabnya adalah karena mahasiswa tidak memiliki hand book sebagai panduan visual dalam belajar. Buku Ajar ini lebih memfokuskan pada persoalan tata bahasa yang sangat mudah dicerna, sebab penulis hadir seolah-olah sedang menerangkan dalam kelas. Setiap pokok bahasan disertai latihan-latihan untuk mengukur sejauh mana penguasaan materi dari mahasiswa. Penulis menyadari bahwa buku ini sangat terbatas dengan banyak kesalahan, walaupun penulis telah vi Clever, Clear, Communicative mendapatkan pengalaman luar negeri serta bantuan literatur yang baik. Untuk itu, demi sempurnanya buku ini saran dan kritikan konstruktif sangat diharapkan. Makassar, Desember 2015 Penulis EASY ENGLISH vii DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR ___ii DAFTAR ISI ____iii BAB I QUESTION KEY___1 BAB 2 PERSONAL PRONOUNS___10  Reflexive___13  Tuntunan Dasar Pemakaian Personal Pronoun____14 BAB 3 TENSES____15  Simple Present Tense___16  Present Continuous Tense____21  Present Perfect Tense____23  Simple Past Tense____27  Simple Future Tense____29  Future Continuous Tense_____32 BAB 4 QUESTION TAG_____37 BAB 5 INFINITIVE_____46 BAB 6 PASSIVE VOICE______60 BAB 7 GERUND______60 BAB 8 Clever, Clear, Communicative viii CAUSATIVES_____72 BAB 9 GENITIVE CASE_____78 BAB 10 DEFINITE ARTICLE_____86 BAB 11 INDEFINITE ARTICLE______97 BAB 12 SOME and ANY_____105 BAB 13 FEW and A FEW______113 BAB 14 LITTLE and A LITTLE______117 BAB 15 MANY and MUCH_____122 BAB 16 A LOT OF and PLENTY OF_____ 128 BAB 17 ALL , EVERY, EACH______134 BAB 18 ONE and ONES_______138 BAB 19 ELSE and OTHER_______143 BAB 20 SUPPLEMENT____147  Understanding The Dialogue______147  Wise Words_______152  Common Classroom Expression_____153  Exercise_____155 DAFTAR PUSTAKA_____162 BIOGRAFI PENULIS_____163 EASY ENGLISH 1 1 QUESTION KEY TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Menyebutkan jenis-jenis Question Key. 2. Memahami fungsi Question Key. 3. Menggunakan Question Key. 4. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Ada dua cara bertanya yang paling mendasar dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu pertama, bertanya dimulai dengan Questions Words (kata tanya) seperti what, where, why, who, whom, how, etc. contoh: where do you live ?, who is talking?, how do you learn English?, etc. Pertanyaan seperti ini jawabannya perlu penjelasan. Kedua, pertanyaan dimulai dengan salah satu auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu) seperti are, do, is, can, will, did, have, has, were, etc. contoh : are you a midwife? do you learn about minwifery? can you help me ? will you be a professional midwife? Pertanyaan seperti ini adalah pertanyaan yang jawabannya hanya yes or no, (biasa juga yes no question) yang penting anda perhatikan adalah Clever, Clear, Communicative 2 kapan menggunakan kata-bantu tersebut. Jadi dalam bahasa Inggris “apa” dan “apakah” tentu benda. Perhatikan baik-baik contoh kalimat ini : - What do you learn ? Apa yang anda pelajari - Do you learn English ? Apakah anda mempelajari bahasa Inggris - Are you reading newspaper Apakah anda sedang membaca surat kabar ? - What are you reading ? Apa yang anda sedang baca ? Hemat penulis berdasarkan pengalaman pernah belajar di USA dalam program Visiting Scholar tidak harus memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang berbagai persoalan tata bahasa Inggris. Bahwa untuk bisa bercakap dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menguasai tata cara bertanya dan kemampuan penguasaan vocabulary (kosa kata). Berikut adalah cara bertanya dengan teori unsur A (Question Word) dan B (Auxiliary Verb) dari Arsyad (1994) dalam skema sebagai berikut digambarkan cara bertanya dengan menggunakan unsur A lalu kemudian mencari unsur B yang tepat sebagai pasanganya. Misalnya “what do you say ? what ketemu do karena predikatnya adalah verb I, begitu juga subjek you pas dengan do. Lihat skema berikut : EASY ENGLISH A: What What book Whose Whose book Which Which book Who Whom Where When Why How How old How often How many times How much money How many pens 3 1. 2. 3. 4. B: am … are …. is ….. was ….. were 1. Adj 2. Noun 3. Adv 4. Vb-ing 5. Vb-III Do …. Does …. Did ….. Have … Has … Had …. Will …… Shall …. Can ….. Must ….. Should …. Might …. Could ….. Verb- I Verb- III Verb -I Bahasa Inggris bukan “Bakat”, pengalaman penulis berusahalah menguasai dengan baik cara bertanya, baik pertanyaan dimulai unsure A maupun B. Dan khusus untuk Unsur B itulah yang paling mendasar dalam tata bahasa Inggris dan jika anda telah menguasainya, langkah berikutnya memperkaya kosa kata. 4 Clever, Clear, Communicative Selanjutnya, kapan B1 , B2 , B3, B4 digunakan ? tergantung siapa subjeknya dan jenis kata setelah subjeknya. Pendeknya menguasai ini, berarti telah menguasai bahasa Inggris, trust me !, perhatikan contoh ini : Are you like me ? (like as adjective) Do you like me ? (like as verb) Dalam bahasa Inggris ada Personal Pronoun (kata ganti diri) sebagai subjek (pokok kalimat) yaitu I, She, He, They, You, We, dan It. Semua subjek ini ada pasangannya masing-masing dengan Unsur B (auxiliary verb) yang tepat, misalnya : - Am cocok dengan I saja - Is cocok He, She, It - Are cocok We, They, You - Were cocok we, they you - Will, can, may, shall, etc cocok untuk semua subjek - Didi cocok juga semua subjek. Penjelasan singkat : I. Adjective, kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan keadaan subjek atau benda, seperti : cleaver, crasy, shy, lazy, angry, short. Etc. Noun, kata benda ,seperti a teacher, a nurse, an English book, hand, foot, etc. Adverb of place, keterangan tempat , examples : in the room, at home, in the kitchen, here, on the road, etc EASY ENGLISH 5 Adverb of time, keterangan waktu, examples : in 2013, on Mey, it is ten o‟clock, it was past, etc. Verb I, bentuk I dari Kata Kerja, kata kerja murni tanpa di dahului “to”, tanpa “s” dan “ing” sesudahnya, examples : speak, show, smell, understand, lay, think, etc Verb 1- Ing, kata kerja I +ing, umumnya dipakai menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung, examples : analyzing, voting, speaking, coming, learning, etc Verb-III, kata kerja III (past participle), examples : gone, had, written, called, spoken, read, put, etc. II. B1 meliputi : am, are, is, was, were. Biasa juga disebut kata bantu to be, digunakan bila bertemu dengan salah satu hal berikut: 1. Adjective, contoh She is lazy Is she lazy ? She isn‟t lazy 2. Noun, contoh She is a midwife Is she a midwife ? She isn‟t a midwife 3. Adverb of place, contoh She is in the patient room Is she in the patient room ? She isn‟t in the patient room 4. Verb-ing berarti sedang She is helping a mother Is shenhelping a mother ? 6 Clever, Clear, Communicative She is helping a mother 5. Verb III berarti di atau ter, contoh She is taught by Mr Malik Is she taught by Mr Malik ? She isn‟t taught by Mr Malik III. B2 meliputi : do, does, did hanya dipakai untuk kalimat bertanya dan negative (not) dan hanya cocok dengan KK I (verb murni tanpa to or s). contoh : 1. He does not understand (-) 2. Does he understand (?) 3. Do they come on time (?) Beberapa contoh kalimat salah : She does not understands. Do you to understand ? He does not to like an apple. IV. B3 meliputi : has, have, had berarti telah (selesai) kegiatan dikerjakan bebera saat yang lalu (barusan). Hanya cocok dengan KK III (Verb III), contoh : 1. I have read newspaper 2. He has called his mother 3. They had come when I open the door 4. Mr. Fiqron had slept when Mr Fadza called him 5. I came after he had written a letter EASY ENGLISH 7 V. B4 meliputi : will, shall, can, may, must, would, should, might, could. B4 bila bertemu dengan kata kerja (Verb), kata kerjanya harus KK I (verb I) tidak boleh memakai “to” atau “s”. Contoh : a. I can sing b. We will go to office tomorrow c. Mr. Fiqran may call him d. Mr. Fadza can speak English well e. Would you help me ? Sering anda bermaksud memperindah bahasa Inggris, tapi tidaK tepat tata bahsanya, contoh : I can to play football He must to sleep now They can is to listen music Selanjutnya, apabila B4 bertemu dengan adjective (smart), noun (an manager), adv of place (at bank), verb ing (watching), dan verb III (punished), maka “BE” harus menyertainya. Perhatikan contoh berikut : 1. My sons will be smart 2. My sons will be an manager 3. My sons will be at bank the day after tomorrow 4. My sons will be watching tv 5. My sons will be punished Catatan khusus : - Will artinya akan, will not (won‟t) artinya tidak akan - Must artinya musti/harus, must not artinya tidak boleh 8 Clever, Clear, Communicative - Dia harus dapat berbahasa arab = he/she must be able to speak Arabic language, bukan he/she must can …… VI. Jadi, dalam bahasa Inggris pertanyaan yang mengandung makna “apakah” yaitu pertanyaan yang mulai salah satu unsur B1, B2, B3 & B4 dan jawaban klasiknya adalah “yes … or no …..” Perhatikan sekali lagi the example below ! Is the girl fortunate ? apakah gadis itu bernasib baik? Yes , she is No, she isn‟t Does he smoke ? apakah dia merokok ? Yes, he does No, he doesn‟t Have you called her ? apakah anda sudah menelponnya ? Yes, I have No, I haven‟t Can you sing ? apakah anda bisa nyayi ? Yes, I can No, I cannot Jadi, pada dasarnya semua pertanyaan yang dimulai unsur B, dapat bermakna “apakah” tapi makna apakah yang berbeda-beda. VII. Pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan memakai salah satu unsur kelompok A umunya diikuti kelompok B yang cocok. EASY ENGLISH 9 Contoh : What is watching ? Where does she go ? Why is she shy ? How did he come ? VIII. Pertanyaan subjek dan objek Menanyakan subjek (pokok kalimat) berarti menanyakan siapa pelakunya. Dan menanyakan objek berarti siapa yang menjadi penderita dari pertanyaan tersebut. Perhatikan baik-baik perbedaannya pada beberapa contoh berikut : Subjek : Objek : Who calls you ? whom do you call ? Siapa yang memanggil anda? Siapa yang anda panggil ? What makes you crazy ? what do you make ? Apa yang membuatmu sinting ? apa yang anda buat ? Who loved you whom did you love Siapa yang mencintaimu ? siapa yang anda cintai ? Coba simak ilustrasi cerita ini. Ketika anda pulang , tibatiba ada undangan diatas meja anda , lalu anda berkata “who invites me ? (siapa yang mengundang saya). Apa yang anda katakan jika anda maua merayakan ulang tahun anda “whom do I invite ? (siapa yang saya undang). 10 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Definitions of Society August Comte the father of sociology saw society as a social organism possessing a harmony of structure and function.Emile Durkheim the founding father of the modern sociology treated society as a reality in its own right. According to Talcott Parsons Society is a total complex of human relationships in so far as they grow out of the action in terms of means-end relationship intrinsic or symbolic.G.H Mead conceived society as an exchange of gestures which involves the use of symbols. Morris Ginsberg defines society as a collection of individuals united by certain relations or mode of behavior which mark them off from others who do not enter into these relations or who differ from them in behavior. Cole sees Society as the complex of organized associations and institutions with a community. According to Maclver and Page society is a system of usages and procedures of authority and mutual aid of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human behavior and liberties. This ever changing complex system which is called society is a web of social relationship. EASY ENGLISH 11 PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN 1. Buatkan masing-masing 5 (lima) buah kalimat sederhana menggunakan semua “Question key” pada tema bacaan di atas. 2. Buatkan kesimpulan tentang “Definition of Society” dari bacaan di atas dalam bahasa inggris. JAWABAN-JAWABAN 1. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… ………..…………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 12 2 PERSONAL PRONOUNS TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 5. Menyebutkan jenis-jenis Personal Pronouns. 6. Menggunakan Personal Pronouns dengan tepat. 7. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Personal Pronoun biasa juga disebut kata ganti diri. Sangat mudah menguasai kata ganti diri karena jumlahnya sangat terbatas, hanya ada tujuh. Dan tujuh itulah yang dapat mewakili seluruh subjek (pokok kalimat) dalam bahasa Inggris. Contoh, seorang nenek diganti “she” kalau dua nenek-nenek ya diganti saja “they” , sebuah buku diganti “it”, 5 buku kata gantinya “they”. Ketujuh personal pronoun yang dimaksud adalah I, she, he, it, they, we, you. Tapi yang perlu anda perhatikan baikbaik adalah perubahan tiap kata ganti diri. Setiap kata ganti diri mengalami perubahan dan memiliki fungsi dan tugas yang beda-beda pula dalam kalimat. EASY ENGLISH 13 SUBJECT : OBJECT: POSSESIVE: I me You We They She He you us them her him ADJECTIVE: my…… mine your ….. our …… their …… her …….. his …… yours ours theirs hers his REFLEXIVE Kata ganti diri sebagai reflexive biasa digunakan untuk memberi penekanan pada kata ganti tertentu. Misalnya memberi penekanan pada subjek. Contoh : a. b. c. d. I my self study English He himself closed the door They themselves make mistaken The teacher himself do it Etc. Reflexive : Myself Yourself Ourselves Themselves Itself = saya sendiri = anda sendiri = kami sendiri = mereka sendiri = diasindiri (benda) Clever, Clear, Communicative 14 Herself Himself = dia (prp) sendiri = dia (lk) sendiri TUNTUNAN DASAR PEMAKAIAN PERSONAL PRONOUN I. Sebagai subject, letaknya bantu. She gives us a pen He likes an apple Mr. Fiqran bought pen son We gave a pen sbelum kata kerja I give them a pen they like apples the teacher teaches a Smith went yesterday II. Sebagai object, letaknya sesudah kata kerja atau kata depan. She likes me he goes with us They called him he loved her I dream of her I bring a letter for them Mr. Fadza invited us we invite him III. Sebagai adjective, letaknya sebelum kata depan. That is my book that is her book Those are my books these are her books This is his bag this is her bag These are your bags those are our bags EASY ENGLISH 15 IV. Sebagai possessive (kepunyaan), tidak diikuti oleh kata benda, kadang-kadang pula setelah “of” yang menyertai “noun” This girl is yours these books are ours That magazine is hers those pens are his That cat is mine those cats are mine Is that car your ? are those cars theirs ? V. Reflexive, sebagai kata ganti diri yang artinya sendiri atau diri sendiri. I do it by myself she herself comes They themselves run a cat itself eat She studies by herself I myself help mother Mother herself cook it father himself work it BACAAN Integration Integration is defined as a process of developing a society in which all the social groups share the socioeconomic and cultural life. The integration of the communities is facilitated by the factors that help assimilation. Talcott Parsons defined integration as a mode of relation of the units of the system by virtue of which on the one hand they act collectively to avoid disrupting the system and making it impossible to maintain the stability and on the other hand to cooperate to promote its functioning as a unity. He believed that the kinship group, family, profession, the state and religion are visible social structures and these perform the function of integration in various forms. 16 Clever, Clear, Communicative PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN 1. Tunjukkan contoh kalimat yang menggunakan “Personal Pronoun” pada bacaan di atas. 2. Berikan juga contoh kalimat pada bacaan di atas yang menggunakan “Reflexive Pronoun”. 3. Tuliskan ide-ide penting yang terdapat dalam bacaan di atas. JAWABAN-JAWABAN 1. …………………………………………………………………… 2. 3. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 17 3 TENSES TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Membuat kalimat mnggunakan Tenses. 2. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Perubahan bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang terdiri dari kata kerja utama (main verb) atau ditambah dengan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) tertentu, yang digunakan untuk menunjukan WAKTU dari makna yang terkandung dalam kata kerja utama (main verb) tersebut". “Tenses” artinya bentuk bentuk-bentuk waktu. Bentuk waktu inilah yang mengatur dalam berbicara. Sebab dalam kaidah bahasa Inggris (grammar) sangat berbeda dalam kaidah bahasa Indonesia, contoh: makan waktu sekarang berbeda makan kemarin dalam bahasa Inggris. Eat berbeda dengan ate, dan juga berbeda Auxiliary verb yang digunakan.  Hampir semua kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris dapat berubah bentuk sesuai dengan waktu yang dibicarakannya. Misalnya : 18   Clever, Clear, Communicative See Melihat (waktu sekarang) Saw melihat (waktu lampau) Seen melihat (melihat baru saja) Ketiga kata kerja tersebut mempunyai arti yang sama tetapi digunakan dalam waktu yang berbeda yaitu : - Waktu sekarang - Waktu lampau - Waktu yang akan datang Tenses – tenses yang perlu dan mendasar untuk dipahami yaitu tenses yang paling banyak digunakan dalam percakapan sehari –hari, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam buku ini: A. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Menerangkan peristiwa yang terjadi sekarang atau kebiasaan atau hal yang tetap. Atau juga kegiatan yang sering dikerjakan berulang-ulang (rutinitas) sehari-hari. Polanya :  I/You/We/They + Infinitive He/She/It + Infinitive +s/es Contoh : Peristiwa yang terjadi sekarang atau kebiasaan I/You/We/They eat every day He/She/it eats every day You come everyday We sleep everynight They clean the room every morning EASY ENGLISH  19 Peristiwa yang terjadi secara tetap/factual We live on the earth The sun rises in the east The earth goes round the sun  Kalimat Tanya dalam simple present Tense Do I smoke ? Do you smoke ? Do we smoke ?  Kalimat negative dalam simple present tense She does not listen I do not call you He does not invite me They do not read  Kalimat Tanya dengan kata Tanya dalam present tense What does she write ? Where do you live ? When does she go ? Contoh kalimat Tanya , Negative dan yang menggunakan kata Tanya semuanya menggunakan kata kerja bantu “do dan Does” Perhatikan penjelasan dan contoh kalimat berikut ini : Es after –s, -sh, -ch : pass – passes, finish – finishes, teach- teaches Ingat hanya jika subject adalah orang ke tiga tunggal seperti She/He/It, infinitive (kata kerja dasar) yang ditambah es/s, Contohnya: - She teaches English well Clever, Clear, Communicative 20 He passes examination It rains in Makassar everyday Jadi bandingkanlah : I teach English dan She teaches English Question form ( bentuk pertanyaan). Untuk membuat simple present tense menjadi kalimat bertanya , ada dua kata kerja bantunya yaitu Do dan Does. Subject untuk I, We, They, You kata kerja bantunya “Do”. Do you…………. ?, Do I………. ?, Do They…….. ?, Do we… ?. sedangkan does she/He/It …. ? - She teahes English (+) - Does she teach English (?) Apakah dia mengajar bahasa Inggris - They study English. - Do they study English ? Apakah mereka belajar bahasa Inggris Bentuk negative yaitu hanya menambahkan not dibelakang does atau do. Misalnya She does not teach English, They do not study English. - EASY ENGLISH 21 Exercise. Write these verbs + -s or es ! 1. (read) She ……………news paper every day 2. (play) John …………..football every week 3. (watch) He …………… tv every time 4. (Finish) Waty ………. Her homework 5. (dance) It ………… in the room 6. (Pass) he ……… …….examination 7. (study) Rudi …………. Hard every semester 8. (Invite) She ………….. me to the party 9. (visit) Hery …………… his son in the city 10. (follow) Ali …………… his instruction Exercise : Terjemahkanlah kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang benar ! 1. Saya bekerja setiap hari 2. John bermain bola setia pagi 3. Apakah john makan setiap malam 4. Dia tidak datag setiasore 5. Guruku mengajar bahasa inggris. Penjelasan : Dalam kalimat yang pelakunya HE, SHE, IT maka bentuk dasar kata kerja dapat berubah sebagai berikut :  Umumnya infinitive (verb dasar) ditambah –s , examples : Eat – eats, drink-drinks, work-works, etc. Tugas: Cari contoh yang lain  Infinitive yang berakhiran dengan huruf “o” harus ditambah –es : Do - does, go – goes, undo – undoes (menghapuskan) Clever, Clear, Communicative 22  Infinitif yang berakhir huruf e haris ditambah -s Use – uses , give – gives, realize – realizes, etc  Infinitif yang berakhiran huruf s, ch, sh, harus ditambah –es: Kiss – kisses, watch –watches, push – pushes, teach – teaches. John teaches English Monday A child watches tv every morning Tugas : Buatlah contoh yang lain !  Infinitif yang berakhiran huruf y setelah huruf mati , maka harus diganti i baru tambah es, contoh : Cry – cries, fly – flies, try – tries, study – studies, etc. John (cry) …………. She (try) ……………. He (fly) …………………. Adverb of Time (keterangan Waktu) yang selalu mengikuti tenses simple present tense : Every day every year Every week every morning Any time all the time Once a week twice a week Once a year usually Always sometimes Generally occasionally Dan seterusnya. EASY ENGLISH 23 B. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Menerangkan sesuatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang. Pola : S + am,is, are + Infinitif + ing Contoh :  Kalimat positif dalam continuous tense He is washing dia sedang mencuci She is watering the flower Dia menyiram bunga I am holding the ball Saya sedang memegang bola  Kalimat Tanya dalam continuous tense dengan meletakkan to be diawal kalimat Am I cooking now ? Are you learning now ? Is she sleeping ?  Negative dalam continuous , dengan cara menambah not dibelakang to be. I am not cooking now She is not learning We are not watching Clever, Clear, Communicative 24 ADA BEBERAPA CARA MEMBUAT INFINITIF BERAKHIRAN –ING  Umumnya , kata kerja berakhiran –ing dapat berbentuk sebagai berikut : to stand up to work to go menjadi menjadi menjadi standing up working going  Infinitif yang berakhir dengan huruf mati setelah huruf hidup , maka huruf mati terakhir itu harus digandakan dan ditambah –ing to cut to dig to swim menjadi menjadi menjadi cutting dugging swimming  Infinitif yang berakhiran L setelah dua huruf hidup dapat ditambahkan –ing to boil to seal to sail menjadi menjadi menjadi boiling sealing sailing  Infinitif yang berakhiran L setelahsatu huruf hidup menggadakan huruf L itu dan ditambah –ing to travel to control menjadi menjadi travelling controlling EASY ENGLISH to quarrel 25 menjadi quarrelling  Infinitif yang berakhiran e setelah huruf mati harus menghilangkan huruf e itu, lalu ditambah –ing to come to ride to write menjadi menjadi menjadi coming riding writing Adverb of time yang sering digunakan pada tenses present continuous tense antara lain : Now sekarang Today hari ini Still masih Right now sekarang ini This afternoon sore ini At present saat ini At this moment pada saat ini C. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Menerangkan peristiwa yang telah terjadi pada waktu sekarang tetapi tidak jelas waktunya dan masih terasa hasilnya (baru saja kejadiannya), misalnya habis makan ada cirinya seperti tusuk-tusuk gigi , tandi habis makan , masa ada tusuk gigi sejak kemarin. Jadi anda katakan “ saya sudah makan” I have eaten . Pola: I/you/ we/ they have + past participle (verb III) 26 Clever, Clear, Communicative He/ She/ It has + past participle (Verb III). Contoh: I have written a letter Saya telah menulis surat You have taken my pen. Kamu telah mengambil pulpen saya He has drunk milk Dia telah minum susu She has seen a snake Dia telah melihat ular It has gone Ia telah pergi We have swum Kami telah berenang They have eaten fried rice Mereka telah makan nasi goring  Bisa disertai dengan kata just, ever, never, already, before, recently, yet: I have just broken the glass Saya baru saja memecahkan kaca He has just closed the door Dia baru saja menutup pintu Have you ever seen a ghost? Pernahkah kamu melihat hantu? Has he ever been there? Pernahkah dia ke sana? I have never seen a ghost Saya belum pernah melihat hantu EASY ENGLISH He has never been there Dia belum pernah ke sana We have learned this before Kita sudah pernah mempelajari ini sebelumnya They have already paid the bill Mereka sudah membayar tagihan itu I have sold a horse recently Saya telah menjual seekor kuda baru-baru ini She has become clever recently Dia telah menjadi pandai akhir-akhir ini You haven‟t slept yet Kamu belum tidur She hasn‟t come yet Dia belum datang  Kalimat Tanya dalam Present Perfect Tense Have I seen a ghost? Has he seen a snake? Has she eaten rice? Have you eaten meat? Have we drunk milk? Have they taken my pen?  Kalimat negatif dalam Present Perfect Tense I haven‟t seen a ghost You haven‟t eaten rice We haven‟t drunk coffee 27 Clever, Clear, Communicative 28 They haven‟t slept He hasn‟t studied She hasn‟t arrived It hasn,t come Petunjuk waktu yang bisa dijumpai dalam kalimat Present Perfect Tense diantaranya sebagai berikut: Just Ever Never Already Once Twice Three times Several times Many times As yet Not yet So far Lately Recently This week This month This year Since 1987 For an hour For a week For three years Baru saja pernah tidak pernah sudah satu kali dua kali tiga kali beberapa kali berkali-kali sampai sekarang belum hingga sekarang akhir-akhir ini baru-baru ini minggu ini bulan ini tahun ini sejak tahun 1987 selama satu jam selama satu minggu selama tiga tahun EASY ENGLISH 29 D. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Menerangkan peristiwa atau tindakan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau yang jelas waktunya. Modal dasar anda pada tenses ini verb past (verb 2), kata kerja bantu did, keterangan waktu lampau. Pola: I/ you/ we/ they + Past Tense (verb II) He/ She/ It + Past Tense (verb II). I saw David Yesterday Saya melihat David kemarin You slept well last night Kamu tidur nyenyak tadi malam He went to Bali last week Dia pergi ke Bali minggu yang lalu She drunk tea this morning Dia minum teh tadi pagi The cat died last month Kucing itu mati bulan yang lalu We bought a house last year Kami membeli rumah tahun lalu They got married in 1998 Mereka menikah pada tahun 1998  Kalimat Tanya dalam Past Tense Did I see David? Did you sleep weel? 30 Clever, Clear, Communicative Did we buy a House? Did they get married last year? Did he go to Bali? Did the cat die this morning?  Kalimat negatif dalam Simple Past Tense I didn‟t go to Bali You didn‟t see David He didn‟t buy a house The cat didn‟t eat yesterday She didn‟t sleep last night We didn‟t get married last year They didn‟t drink this morning Petunjuk waktu yang bisa dijumpai dalam kalimat Simple Past Tense diantaranya sebagai berikut: This morning tadi pagi Last night tadi malam Last week minggu yang lalu Last month bulan yang lalu Last year tahun yang lalu Last Saturday Sabtu yang lalu An hour ago satu jam yang lalu A few minutes ago beberapa menit yang lalu A few days ago beberapa hari yang lalu Six months ago enam bulan yang lalu Twenty years ago dua puluh tahun yang lalu In 1945 pada tahun 1945 In 2005 pada tahun 2005 EASY ENGLISH Yesterday Yesterday morning Yesterday afternoon The day before yesterday When I was young When I was there When you come 31 kemarin kemarin pagi kemarin sore kemarin lusa ketika saya muda ketika saya di sana ketika kamu datang E. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Tenses ini tugas utamanya hanya menerangkan hal/peristiwa yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang (peristiwa yang belum terlaksana), tapi setidaknya anda punya perencanaan. Ini sangat mudah, anda hanya punya modal dasar will/shall dan verb I. so, gampanglah itu bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan saja pola dan contohnya. Pola : I/we shall + infinitive (verb I) He/she/it/you/they will + infinitive (verb I) I shall borrow a dictionary tomorrow Saya akan meminjam kamus besok We shall have a test next week Kami akan menjalani tes minggu depan He will check the engine after lunch. Dia akan memeriksa mesin itu setelah makan siang 32 Clever, Clear, Communicative She will accompany me tonight Dia akan menemani saya nanti malam It will return someday Ia akan kembali kelak You will have an interview on Monday Kamu akan mengadakan wawancara pada hari senin They will climb the mountain Mereka akan mendaki gunung  Kalimat Tanya dalam Simple Future Tense: Shall I borrow a dictionary? Shall we have a test? Will he check the engine? Will she accompany me? Will it return? Will you have interview? Will they climb the mountain?  Kalimat negatif dalam Simple Future Tense I shall not borrow a magazine We shall not have an interview He will not check the room She will not accompany you It will not return today You will not have a test They will not climb the hill Penunjuk waktu yang biasa dijumpai dalam kalimat Simple Future Tense diantaranya sebagai berikut: EASY ENGLISH Now Today Tonight Tomorrow The day after tomorrow This afternoon This evening This weekend Next week Next month Next year Next Monday In a few minutes In a few days In a moment If When After Before Until Soon As soon as 33 sekarang hari ini malam ini besok besok lusa sore ini malam ini akhir pekan ini minggu depan bulan depan tahun depan senin depan dalam beberapa menit dalam beberapa hari sebentar lagi jika ketika setelah sebelum hingga segera segera setelah F. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE Menerangkan hal/peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang. Pola : 34 Clever, Clear, Communicative Shall/will + be + kata kerja –ing I shall be translating the letter tonight Saya akan sedang menerjemahkan surat itu nanti malam We shall be learning the matter Kami akan sedang mempelajari soal itu You will be doing that work with Simon this afternoon Kamu akan sedang melakukan pekerjaan itu dengan Simon sore ini He will be picking the flowers at nine o‟clock tomorrow morning Dia akan sedang memetik bunga pada jam Sembilan besok pagi She will be wearing a new gown this evening Dia akan sedang mengenakan gaun baru malam ini They will be passing the post office when they go out Mereka akan sedang melewati kantor pos ketika mereka pergi ke luar It will be coming soon Ia akan segera datang  Kalimat Tanya dalam Future Continous Tense Shall I be translating the letter tonight? Shall we be leraning the matter? Will you be doing that work with Simon? Will he be picking the flowers at nine? Will she be wearing a new gown? Will he be passing the post office? Will it be coming soon? EASY ENGLISH 35  kalimat negatif dalam Future continuous tense: I shall not be translating the book We shall not be leraning the lesson You will not be doing that work with paul He will not be picking the flowers the fruit She will not be wearing a hat They will not be passing the market It will not be coming next week Penunjuk waktu yang biasa dijumpai dalam kalimat Future Continous tense diantarnya sebagai berikut: At this time tomorrow At this time next week pada saat seperti ini besok pada saat seperti ini minggu depan pada saat yang sama bulan At the same next month depan At the same next year pada saat yang sama tahun epan At seven tomorrow morning pada tujuh besok pagi At four tomorrow afternoon pada jam empat besok sore 36 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Custom Once a habit is established, it becomes a role or norm of action. Customs often involve binding reciprocal obligations. Also, custom supports law, without which it becomes meaningless. In the words of Maclver and Page, custom establishes a social order of its own so that conflict arising between custom and law is not a conflict between law and lawlessness, but between the orders of reflection (law) and the order of spontaneity (custom). In general, customs regulate the whole social life of man. Law itself cannot cover the whole gamut of social behavior. It is the customary practices that contribute to the harmonious social interactions in a society which normal times of peace and tranquility. The influence of custom, at times, extends beyond one's own community. In certain communities custom determines the relations between two communities at war. The Bedouins of the African desert will never destroy a water-well of the enemy. Some of the customs do not play any role in social control. They just exist because of their ancient nature just as all people bathing in an unhygienic tank or a lake just because of an established religious custom. Even the custom of performing Shradha in India has no meaning if people do not know how to respect what the past has given us as well as accept our moral obligation to the future generations. However, in most of the traditional societies the customary practices are all emptied of their meaning. EASY ENGLISH 37 In brief, although custom is regarded as one of the less formal types of control like public opinion, its influence on social life is very significant as it alone contributes to the textual part of social behavior. PERTANYAAN 1. Jelaskan dalam bahasa inggris pengertian “custom”. 2. Uraikan dalam bahasa inggris kesimpulan dari bacaan di atas. 3. Pada bacaan di atas, beri tanda pada kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung TENSES dan JENIS TENSES-nya. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… ……….……………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ….………………………………………………….… …………..……………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… ……….……………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 38 4 QUESTION TAG TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Menggunakan Question Tag. 2. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL “Question Tag” adalah pertanyaan ringkas (penegas) yang ditambahkan pada akhir kalimat yang dalam bahasa Indonesia terkadang diterjemahkan : bukan ? Mau kan ? Yak an ? ya to. POLA POKOK A. Pernyataan Positif (+) , Tag Negative (-) Akbar is handsome, Isn‟t he ? B. Pernyataan Negatif (-) Tag Positive (+) Akbar is not handsome, Is he ? Ada beberapa cara membuat membuat kalimat “question tag” , yaitu : 1. Jika pernyataan (statement) positif , maka question tag nya negative, contoh : She is clever, isn‟t she ?, contoh ini she is clever adalah EASY ENGLISH 2. 3. 4. 5. 39 “pernyataan” dan “isn‟t she adalah tagnya. Jika pernyataan (statement) negative , maka tagnya adalah positif , contoh : He is not a manager, is he ?. Pada contoh ini he is not a manager adalah “pernyataan negatif” dan is she ? adalah pernyataan positif. Kalimat question tag hanya menggunakan personal pronoun. Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti diri atau benda. Misalnya Ahmad kata gantinya “he”, waty kata gantinya “she”, books kata gantinya “they” dan seterusnya. Contoh : Ahmad was at home yesterday, wasn‟t he. Bukan wasn‟t Ahmad. Books are on the table, aren‟t they, bukan aren‟t books. Jika pernyataan menggunakan salah satu kata kerja bantu atau auxiliary verbs, maka hanya mengulangi kata kerja bantunya pada tagnya. Kata kerja yang dimaksud seperti can, may, must, shall, will, is, are,was, were,did, do, does ,etc. Contoh : She didn‟t come yesterday, did she ?. Did adalah kata kerja bantunya, sehingga diulangi pada tagnya. Jika pernyataan tidak menggunakan Auxiliary verb , gunakanlah do,does dan did pada tagnya. Karena kata kerja bantu ini tidak pernah digunakan pada kalimat pernyataan positif. Dua tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja bantu pada kalimat positif, yaitu simple present tense dan simple past tense, contoh : 40 Clever, Clear, Communicative - Ali plays football everyday, doesn‟t he ? - They come on time everysunday, don‟t they ? - He went to beach yesterday, didn‟t he ? Pada contoh di atas Anda harus bisa membedakan kapan menggunakan do, does, dan did. Beberapa ketentuan pokok tentang penggunaan “Questio Tag” akan diuraikan berikut ini serta lengkap dengan contoh-contohnya : CONTOH dan PENJELASAN A. Pernyataan +, Tag – - You are a student, aren‟t you ? - You like tea, don‟t you - They have left, haven‟t they - He is here, isn‟t he ? - He was at school, wasn‟t he ? - John came, didn‟t he ? Jika kalimat pernyataan positive (tidak memakai “not”) , maka tagnya negative (memakai not yang diringkas (n‟t). B. Pernyataan -, Tag + - You are not a nurse, are you? - you do not like tea, do you ? - She is not busy, is she ? - they will not leave, will you ? EASY ENGLISH 41 - He was not in office, was she ? - I do not come, do I ? Jika kalimat pernyataan negative (memakai not / n‟t) maka tagnya positive (tanpa not/n‟t). C. Perintah / Larangan - Come on time, will you ? don‟t be lazy, will you ? - Be careful please, will you don‟t come late, will you ? Kalimat perintah atau larangan memakai Tag “will you” D. Ajakan - Let‟s go, shall we ? - Let‟s get married, shall we ? Pengecualian : - Let me see , shall I, will you, won‟t you Kalimat ajakan (let‟s ………….) memakai tag shall we ?, kecuali Let me ………… memakai shall we, will you , won‟t you ?. E. Penggunaan Auxiliary - They are sick, aren‟t they? - he didn‟t come, did he ? - She couldn‟t swimm, could she ? - I am not shy, am I ? - I am lost, aren‟t I ? - she does not sing, does she ? Am, is, are, do,does, did, has, have, shall, will, can, may must, could, might, should yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja bantu yang ada pada kalimat pernyataan harus diulangi pada tagnya dengan auxiliary yang sama kecuali pada I am 42 Clever, Clear, Communicative ……. Menjadi Aren‟t I pada tagnya. F. Kata Kerja Biasa - You wrote a letter, didn‟t you ? - He sings everyday, doesn‟t he ? - Ali comes on time, doesn‟t he - He has breakfast at 9 o‟clock, doesn‟t he Kalimat pernyataan positif yang hanya mempunyai verb biasa tanpa auxiliary , tagnya memakai don‟t , doesn‟t atau didn‟t. Termasuk kata have, has dan had G. Pakai Kata ganti dalam Tag - Boy is in office, isn‟t he ? - Ida is my wife, isn‟t she - That is your pen, isn‟t it - The students are clever, aren‟t they Subjek yang ada pada “tag” harus memakai kata ganti (prnoun) yang sesuai dengan subject kalimat pernyataan. Salah : Ida isn‟t Ida H. Kata-kata there Subject there yang ada pada pernyataan tetap memakai “there” pada Tag question, contoh : There is a party , isn‟t there ? There are a lot of books, aren‟t there I. Kata ganti these –those Those , these dan kata benda mati jamak seperti pens, books, tables, dsb , kata gantinya adalah “they” dalam EASY ENGLISH 43 question tag. Contoh : Those are his books, aren‟t they ? Itu semua bukunya (lk) , bukan These are mine, aren‟t they ? Ini semua kepunyaanku , bukan J. Kata-kata Negative Ada kata-kata tertentu dalam bahasa yang selalu bermakna negative, misalnya : Never – tidak pernah Seldom – jarang None – tak seorang pun Nothing – tak sesuatupun Nobody – tak seorangpun, dsb. Kata-kata ini walaupun dia digunakan dalam kalimat positif tapi bermakna negative, sehingga Tagnya tetap positive. Perhatikan contoh berikut : You never used to wear a hat, did you ? bukan didn‟t you Nobody is ready, are they ? He is never late, is he ? My wife is seldom angry, is she ? Contoh diatas adalah kalimat yang menggunakan katakata bermakna negative, jadi “Tag” adalah positive. K. Pernyataan singular Kata ganti , seperti everybody, everyone, someone, nobody, neither adalah kata gantinya “They” pada question tag. Everybody is ready, aren‟t they ? Clever, Clear, Communicative 44 Nobody is absent, are they ? Someone comes to me, don‟t they ? L. Question Tag dalam berbagai tenses Kalimat question tag dapat digunakan kedalam seluruh bentuk-bentuk waktu (tenses) yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris. I teach everyday, don‟t I ? (simple Present Tense) She came lastweek, didn‟t she ? (simple past tense) They will not go, won‟t you ? (future tense) He has gone, hasn‟t he ? (present perfect tense) John is not coming, is he ? BACAAN Status and Role R. Linton (1936) defined status simply as a position in a social system, such as child or parent. Status refers to what a person is, whereas the closely linked notion of role refers to the behaviour expected of people in a status. Status is also used as a synonym for honor or prestige, when social status denotes the relative position of a person on a publicly recognized scale or hierarchy of social worth. It is the first meaning of the term status, status as position, which we are going to refer to in the following paragraphs. Status as honour or prestige is a part of the study of social stratification. EASY ENGLISH 45 A status is simply a rank or position that one holds in a group. One occupies the status of son or daughter, playmate, pupil, radical, militant and so on. Eventually one occupies the statuses of husband, mother bread-winner, cricket fan, and so on, one has as many statuses as there are groups of which one is a member. For analytical purposes, statuses are divided into two basic types: Ascribed and Achieved. PERTANYAAN 1. Complete the sentences by using good tag ! a. Ahmad writes a letter, …………….. ? b. He played kite yesterday, ……………? c. Books are not on the table,……….? d. Ali cannot speak English,…………….? e. Children are playing, ………………. ? f. Dewi was not sick, ……………….? g. The birds sang yesterday, ……………….? h. Roy did not meet me, …………………….? i. Come on time tomorrow, ………………. ? j. Nobody calls me at the party, ………… ? k. The buildings are not very high, ………… ? l. I am a lawyer, ……………….? m. I am not his friemd, ……………..? n. These are her pens, ……………? o. Your books are not here, ………………? 46 Clever, Clear, Communicative 2. Buatkan 5 contoh kalimat yang menggunakan Question Tag dengan mengambil kalimat yang ada dalam bacaan di atas. 3. Buatkan kesimpulan dari bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… …….………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 47 5 INFINITIVE TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Membuat kalimat menggunakan Infinitive dengan To. 2. Membuat kalimat mnggunakan Infinitive tanpa To. GRAMATIKAL Infinitive adalah bentuk dasar kata kerja yang digunakan dengan atau tanpa to. Misalnya : Let him go biarkan dia pergi Allow him to go Izinkan dia untuk pergi Infinitive dengan to dapat kita lihat seperti berikut : To go, to come, to begin, to study, etc. A. INFINITIVE DENGAN TO Infinitive dengan TO dapat digunakan apabila : 1. Didahului oleh kata kerja yang sering diikuti oleh infinitive. Misalnya : Ask minta Clever, Clear, Communicative 48 Try Fail Want Wish Like Prefer Help Mean Seem Agree Refuse Regret Etc. mencoba gagal ingin menghendaki suka lebih suka membantu bermaksud tampaknya setuju menolak menyesal Example in sentence They asked to join Mereka minta bergabung dengan kami I wish to live in village Saya menghendaki tinggal di desa They hope to win Mereka berharap menang She refuse to dance Dia menolak untuk berdansa We regret to hurt him Kami menyesal menyakitinya 2. Didahului oleh TO BE Maksudnya didahului oleh kalimat yang menggunakan TO BE, misalnya : Students are ready to win Siswa siap untuk menang EASY ENGLISH 49 I am glad to see you Saya senang bertemu dengan anda You are very kind to welcome visitors Anda sangat baik menyambut tamu 3. Didahului oleh ought to Ought artinya seharusnya, misalnya : Students ought to study well Siswa seharusnya belajar dengan baik We ought to fulfil agreement Kami seharusnya memenuhi perjanjian I ought to respect him Saya seharusnya him B. INFINITIVE TANPA TO Infinitive tanpa to adalah kata kerja dasar tanpa didahului oleh to didepannya, misalnya : Sing, speak, write, run, jump, etc  Infinitive tanpa to dapat digunakan apabila : 1. Didahului oleh kata kerja see, feel, hear, dan watch I see you play chess this morning Saya melihat kamu bermain catur pagi ini I sometimes feel the box vibrate Saya kadang-kadang merasa kotak itu bergerak He watches the birds fly Ia menonton buru yang sedang terbang 2. Didahului oleh kata kerja let, have, make He lets them play Clever, Clear, Communicative 50 Dia membiarkan mereka bermain I have baber cut my hair Saya menyuruh tukang cukur memotong rambut saya She can make us laugh Dia membuat kami tertawa 3. Didahului oleh kata kerja can, ought, might, must Kata yang didahului oleh salah satu modals auxiliary, maka kata kerjanya tanpa to, misalnya : He can swim The birds will fly She must leave Salah : She can to speak I must to sleep She could ride a car 4. Didahului oleh need, dan dare dalam kalimat Tanya dan menyangkal Need I answer it ? Perlukah saya menjawabnya ? He dare not jump into the river Dia tidak berani loncat kedalam sungai BACAAN „Bhinneka Tunggal Ika‟ EASY ENGLISH 51 The notion of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity) is the foundation and philosophy of the nation of Indonesia, which was instated in 1945, when the Indonesian state was declared, consolidating an archipelago of culturally diverse islands into one country. In continuing to strive towards this proclaimed constitutional ideal, recent additions to education law and policy explicitly direct teachers to implement local content studies related to the demographics of the regions. These initiatives focus on making learning meaningful by fostering cultural expression appropriate to students‟ needs, backgrounds and environment. The task, however, is huge and increasingly complex with growing impacts of globalisation. Proceedings from the Vientianne Seminar summarise that teacher professional development activities, as well as currently used professional resources, are inadequate for the representation of diverse cultures and teacher preferences and needs, and that, as a resulting, effective implementation of the directives is not widespread. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah kesimpulan tentang “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” pada bacaan di atas. 2. Beri tanda pada kata-kata dalam bacaan di atas yang menggunakan „INFINITIF TO‟. 3. Tuliskan dalam Bahasa Inggeris bila “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” tidak berfungsi dengan baik. 52 Clever, Clear, Communicative JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… …… 2. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… …… …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. EASY ENGLISH 53 6 PASSIVE VOICE TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 3. Mengetahui cara membuat kalimat passive. 4. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL: Pola Kalimat Pasif .Will Shall Can May Must Should Might Could Ought to am are is was were be been being have has had am are is was were prep + Verb 3 54 Clever, Clear, Communicative PENJELASANNYA 1. Kalimat pasif (passive voice) berpola TO Be (am, are, is,was, were, be, been, being) + verb 3, masalah berikutnya adalah kapan menggunakan is, was, are, dst. 2. I am + Verb 3 = saya di ………, she is + verb 3 dia di ……, They are + verb 3 mereka di ………………. (passive voice waktu sekarang). 3. S + Was/were + verb subjeck di …………………. (passive waktu lampau). Seperti : Boy was invited boy diundang pada waktu lampau, letters were written surat – surat ditulis pada waktu lampau. Perbedaan antara is dan was, are dan were dalam pasif adalah pemakaian waktu. 4. Be. Pemakaian be dalam kaliamt passif hanya bisa digunakan kalau sebelumnya ada salah satu kata-kata berikut : will (akan), shall (akan) , can (dapat), may (boleh) , must (mesti,harus), should (seharusnya), might (kemungkinan), could, would, contoh : That car will be paid = mobil itu akan dibayar That car must be paid = mobil itu harus dibayar That car should be paid = mobil itu seharusnya dibayar That car may be paid = mobil itu boleh dibayar Dst. 5. Been hanya bisa dipakai kalau sebelumnya ada salah satu unsure seperti has, have, had yang berarti telah/sudah, apakah sudah selesai …………….. ?. Contoh : EASY ENGLISH 55 I have been taught English by Mr. Malik Saya telah diajar bhs.Inggris oleh mr malik English has been used in Indonesia Bahasa Inggris sudah/telah digunakan di Indonesia 6. Being hanya bisa dipakai jika sebelumnya terdapat salah satu dari am, is, are, was, were. Is Being + Verb artinya sedang di …………….. contoh : lesson is being taught (v3) = pelajaran sedang diajarkan, students were being trained = siswa – siswa sedang dilatih, dst. Perhatikan lagi the next examples : He is being tested = dia sedang diuji It is being researched = sedang diteliti I am being punished = saya sedang dihukum 7. Lakukanlah transformasi active to passive voice dalam berbagai tenses . Simple Present Present Cont. Pre. Perfect T Simple past kept Past Cont T ACTIVE PASSIVE Keeps Menjaga is keeping Sdg menjaga has kept Telah menjaga kept is kept dijaga is being kept sedang dijaga has been kept telah dijaga was/were was keeping kept Sedang menjaga was being sedang dijaga Clever, Clear, Communicative 56 Past perfect T Simple future T had kept Telah menjaga will keep akan menjaga had been kept telah dijaga will be kept akan dijaga Yang penting diperhatikan bahwa baik active maupun passive akan mengikuti seluruh bentuk-bentuk waktu (tenses). Jadi ada simple present active dan simple present passive, simple past tense active dan past tense past dan seterusnya. Hanya yang perlu perhatikan dengan baik adalah ketika kita ingin change (merubah) dari active ke passive atau from passive to active. Sebab akan memiliki kata kerja bantu yang berbeda, misalnya Do/does/did digunakan untuk present active dan is,am,are digunakan untuk present passive. Jadi waktu sama tapi kaliamat yang berbeda. Contoh dalam kaliamt bertanya pada waktu simple Present Tense : Does she write a letters ? Are letters written by her ? Do they visit beach ? Is beach visited by them ? Does she invite her mother ? Is her mother invited ? A =active P = Passive (A) (P) (A) (P) (A) (P) Sangat jelas dalam contoh diatas bahwa bentuk EASY ENGLISH 57 waktu boleh sama tapi penggunaan kata kerja bantu yang berbeda antar kalimat aktif dan pasif. LATIHAN Rubahlah bentuk kata kerja aktif di bawah ini kedalam bentuk passive voice ! 1. Use 11. told 2. Is using 12. Has told 3. Used 13. Will tell 4. Was using 14. write 5. Has used 15. Is writing 6. Will use 16. sends 7. Can use 17. sent 8. Must use 18. Could send 9. Tell 19. Is keeping 10. Is telling 20. Had kept Pertanyaan yang mengandung makna “Apakah” dalam active dan Passive voice Active Voice to Do students use library ? Is library used by students ? Did students use library ? was library used by students ? Is she calling him ? Is he being called by her ? Will you teach English ? Passive Voice (A) (P) (A) (P) (A) (P) (A) 58 Wll English be taught ? Can the worker paint the wall ? Can the wall be painted by … Clever, Clear, Communicative (P) (A) (P) Change into passive voice ! 1. Does John call me ? 2. Did she visit her mother ? 3. Is he writing letters ? 4. Will you pay the house ? 5. Are you cleaning the rooms ? 6. Does he help people ? 7. Has she called John ? 8. Am I teaching English ? 9. Are the students using English books ? 10. Did clean the table ? CATATAN 1. Di dalam kalimat passive , adverb of manner / keterangan cara seperti well, beautifully, loudly, fastly, dsb, lebih biasa diletakkan persisi sebelum participle (Verb 3). Contoh : The book was beautifully written Buku itu ditulis dengan cantik This fish has been very well cooked Ikan ini dimasak dengan sangat enak 2. Kata – kata by people, by me, by you, by them, by someone, by a man, by a boy, dsb, yang berasal dari subject kalimat active : people, I, we, you, they, EASY ENGLISH 59 someone, a man. Tidak perlu ditulis dalam kalimat passif. Contoh: People speak English menjadi English is spoken They write many latters menjadi many latters are written 3. Bilamana “verb” di dalam “kalimat aktif” membutuhkan dua object ; seperti object verb “give” maka object yang pertama sebaiknya dijadikan subject (pokok Kalimat) di dalam kalimat passif. Contoh : someone gave me a pen (A) I was given a pen (P) Adapun kalau menekankan pentingnya “a pen”, maka boleh juga kata “a pen” menjadi subjek. Contoh : A pen was give to me 4. Kata ganti me menjadi I Him he Her she Us we Them they Bila menjadi subjek pokok kalimat, misalnya : He taught me English dalam pasif “I was taught English”. 5. “object dalam kalimat “aktif” menjadi subject dalam kalimat pasif. Ale memanggil Ali menjadi Ali dipanggil Ale Ali calls Ali menjadi Ali is called by Ale 60 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Institutions A social institution is a complex, integrated set of social norms organized around the preservation of a basic societal value. Obviously, the sociologist does not define institutions in the same way as does the person on the street. Lay persons are likely to use the term "institution" very loosely, for churches, hospitals, jails, and many other things as institutions. Sociologists often reserve the term "institution" to describe normative systems that operate in five basic areas of life, which may be designated as the primary institutions. (1) In determining Kinship; (2) in providing for the legitimate use of power; (3) in regulating the distribution of goods and services; (4) in transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next; and (5) in regulating our relation to the supernatural. In shorthand form, or as concepts, these five basic institutions are called the family, government, economy, education and religion. The five primary institutions are found among all human groups. They are not always as highly elaborated or as distinct from one another as into the United States, but, in rudimentary form at last, they exist everywhere. Their universality indicates that they are deeply rooted in human nature and that they are essential in the development and maintenance of orders. Sociologists operating in terms of the functionalist model society have provided the clearest explanation of the functions served by social institutions. EASY ENGLISH 61 Apparently there are certain minimum tasks that must be performed in all human groups. Unless these tasks are performed adequately, the group will cease to exist. An analogy may help to make the point. We might hypothesize that cost accounting department is essential to the operation of a large corporation. A company might procure a superior product and distribute it then at the price which is assigned to it, the company will soon go out of business. Perhaps the only way to avoid this is to have a careful accounting of the cost of each step in the production and distribution process. 62 Clever, Clear, Communicative PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah kesimpulan tentang “Institution” pada bacaan di atas. 2. Translate, then change into passive voice ! a. John mengunjungi ibunya setiap minggu b. Anak 2 main bola kemarin c. Apakah Ali mengemudikan taxi setiap hari ? d. Kami tidak mengunjungi object wisata minggu lalu e. Seorang murid telah menulis surat f. Apakah anda akan menggunakan bahasa Inggris tahun depan ? g. Apakah mahasiswa sedang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sekarang h. Mereka telah memberi saya nasihat i. Mereka tidak harus menjual rumah itu j. Kemana bola itu akan ditendang ? JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 63 7 GERUND TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami pengertian Gerund. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan Gerund. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Gerund adalah (kata kerja) ditambah ing (ing form) dan berfungsi sebagai (kata benda), serta tidak bermakna sedang (bukan continuous/sedang). Amati contoh kalimat ini : I am teaching English (gerund) My job is Teaching English (continuous) Perhatikan persamaan fungsi Noun dan gerund pada contoh berikut : I like orange (as noun) I like fishing (as gerund) POLA – POLA GERUND Clever, Clear, Communicative 64 Gerund dapat dipakai : 1. Sebagai SUBJECT (pokok Kalimat) Pola : Gerund (phrase) Smoking is a bad habit Fishing is good hobby Reading a news is my hobby Helping people is a noble job PENJELASAN Letak gerund sebagai persis di awal kalimat. Setelah itu diikuti oleh predikat. Kalimat contoh diatas berarti “merokok adalah kebiasaan suatu yang buruk “ dan “menolong orang adalah pekerjaan yang mulia” dst. Contoh Lain a. Teaching is my the main job Mengajar adalah pekerjaan utama saya b. Driving car is easy job Mengemudi mobil adalah pekerjaan muda c. Looking after children requires patience Menjaga anak-anak memerlukan kesabaran d. Being a professor is every lecture‟s ambition Menjadi professor adalah impian setiap dosen 2. Sebagai PELENGKAP dari subject POLA : Subject + to be + Gerund EASY ENGLISH 65 MY favourite sport is swimming PENJELASAN Letak gerund sebagai pelengkap tepatnya setelah to be (is,am,are, was,were). Contoh diatas berarti “olaraga paforit saya adalah berenang” . Selanjutnya yang bercetak tebal pada contoh-contoh berikut adalah Gerunddan yang bercetak miring adalah to be. Contoh lain 1. My mother‟s hobby is shopping Hobi ibu saya adalah berbelanja 2. My main attention is passing test Perhatian utama saya adalah lulus ujian 3. Their main jobs are guiding tourist Pekerjaan utama mereka adalah memandu turis 4. The children‟s job is playing Pekerjaan anak-anak adalah bermain 3. Setelah Kata Depan (Preposition) Pola : Kata Depan + Preposition They left without eating and drinking PENJELASAN Letak gerund persis setelah kata depan atau preposition. Kata – kata depan : about, with, on, for, to, dst, Terkadang kata depan yang dimaksud tidak berdiri sendiri, tapi berhubungan dengan kata-kata sebelumnya (berupa idiom) . Idiom yaitu kata terdiri dari dua kata tapi satu artinya, misalnya : Clever, Clear, Communicative 66 look for artinya mencari look after artinya menjaga keep on artinya melanjutkan fond of artinya gemar dsb. Contoh Lain 1. She is thinking about going home Dia sedang memikirkan tentang kembali 2. After talking with doctor he felt very much relieved Setelah berkonsultasi dengan dokter dia merasa sangat lega 3. I am fond of climbing Saya gemar memanjat 4. There is regulation against eating much 4. Sesudah Verbs (kata kerja) atau prhases tertentu Pola : Verbs/Phrases + Gerund Mr. Smith enjoys listening to the radio PENJELASAN Pada contoh diatas dapat dilihat bahwa letak gerund persis setelah kata kerja tertentu yaitu “enjoy”. Adapun kata kerja tertentu atau frase tertentu yang dimaksud sebagai berikut: Enjoy give up Avoid = suka =menyerah = menghindari EASY ENGLISH Appreciate Finish stop Consider can‟t help delay practice risk deny discuss admit avoid 67 = menghargai = menyelesaikan = berhenti = mempertimbangkan =tidak tahan = menunda = berlatih =mengambil resiko = menyangkal = berdiskusi = mengakui = menghindari Selanjutnya, yang bercetak tebal pada contoh – contoh berikut adalah gerund dan bercetak miring adalah kata kerja tertentu atau frase tertentu yang menyebabkan kata kerja yang datang setelahnya berakhiran ing atau menjadi gerund. You can‟t avoid making mistakes Anda tidak dapat menghindari membuat kesalahan It has stopped raining Telah berhenti hujan We consider buying a new house Kami mempertimbangkan membeli rumah baru I have admitted taking money Saya telah mengakui mengambil uang She has postponed getting married Dia telah menunda menikah 68 Clever, Clear, Communicative We are discussing building a new party Kami sedang diskusi mendirikan partai baru Sesudah Possesive (kepemilikan) POLA : POSSESIVE + GERUND He excused my coming late PENJELASAN Letak gerund persis setelah possessive (kepunyaan). Yang dimaksud dengan possessive adalah kata ganti diri yang berbentuk kepunyaan, seperti my, his, hers, our, their, your, begitu juga kepunyaan dengan pemakaian apostrop (koma diatas nama), seperti Ali‟s = milik ali, ahmad‟s = milik ahmad, dst. Contoh-contoh lain yang berhubungan penjelsan di atas: 1. I couldn‟t understand Ali‟s coming late Aku tidak dapat mengerti kedatangannya yang terlambat 2. Thanks for your helping me Terima kasih bantuan anda pada saya 3. I don‟t understand your getting angry with me Saya tidak mengerti kemarahanmu pada saya 4. She has excused my mistaking Dia telah memaafkan kesalahanku 5. Sebagai salah satu unsure compound (kata majemuk) POLA : Gerund + Noun EASY ENGLISH 69 A swimming + pool PENJELASAN Gerund merupakan salah satu unsur pembentukan kata majemuk dalam bahasa Inggris. Kelihatannya serupa dengan pertama present participle (sedang) , namun berbeda dalam beberapa hal . Pertama, dari segi tekanan. Dalam pola seperti diatas tekanan prima jatuh pada gerund, sedangkan dalam participle dalam pola yang sama, tekanan jatuh pada kata benda yang datang setelah present participle. Kedua, dari segi arti. Gerund dengan pola seperti diatas mengandung arti “….. yang dipakai untuk ….. “ , sedangkan present participle dengan pola yang mengandung arti “…. Yang (sedang) ……”, Nah sekarang , perhatikan perbedaan dan persamaan tsb. GERUND  Running shoes = (sepatu lari) atau sepatu yang dipakai untuk lari  Walking stick = (tongkat jalan) atau tongkat yang dipakai berjalan  Climbing role = tali panjat) atau tali yang dipakai memanjat  Dst. PRESENT PARTICIPLE  Running water = air yang sedang lari/atau sedang mengalir 70 Clever, Clear, Communicative  Walking boy = anak laki-laki yang sedang berjalan  Children playing = anak-anak sedang bermain  Dst. 6. Setelah Do + a lot of (a little) Pola : DO A LOT OF (A LITTLE) + GERUND I have do a lot of writing PENJELASAN Bentuk semacam ini gunanya adalah untuk memberikan tekanan terhadap seringnya, banyaknya, atau kurangnya sesuatu yang biasa dikerjakan. Arti yang terkandung dalam pola ini adalah “ …. Banyak” (me/ber) kalau memakai do a lot of dan berarti “sedikit” kalau memakai a little. Contoh yang berhubungan dengan penjelasan ini : 1. I have to do a lot of reading Saya harus banyak membaca 2. They did a lot of drinking last night Mereka banyak minum tadi malam 3. I still do alittle singing Saya masih sedikit menyanyi BEBERAPA CATATAN A. Untuk membuat suatu gerund negative (tidak) , katakata “not” diletakkan persis sebelum gerund tersebut. Contoh : EASY ENGLISH 71 1. Please , would you mind not smoking in this room Sudihkah anda tidak merokok di ruangan ini 2. Have you enjoyed not getting married Apakah anda sudah senang untuk tidak kawin 3. Would you prefer not having a break Apakah anda lebih suka untuk tidak beristirahat 4. Would you mind not coming late Sudihkan untuk tidak datang terlambat B. Gerund juga dipakai dalam larangan pendek No smoking ! No parking ! No coming back ! No making a noise ! Dst. C. Kata kerja “GO” dan LIKE juga diikuti oleh gerund dalam bentuk idiom. Kata – kata kerja yang berbentuk ing yang datang setelah go and like antara lain : shopping, swimming, fishing, hunting, dancing, singing, etc. Examples : 1. Do you go shopping everysunday ? 2. She does not go swimming 3. Did they like running ? 4. I like going 5. She likes coming on time Penjelasan tambahan selain yang telah disebutkan banyak diatas, seperti kata-kata want, need, juga diikuti oleh gerund. 1. Your shoes need washing Clever, Clear, Communicative 72 2. 3. 4. 5. The grass wants cutting The students need teaching The book wants writing My bag needs cleaning BACAAN Values The term 'value' has a meaning in sociology that is both similar to and yet distinct from the meaning assigned to it in everyday speech. In sociological usage, values are group conceptions of the relative desirability of things. Sometimes 'value' means 'price'. But the sociological concept of value is far broader than here neither of the objects being compared can be assigned a price. What is the value, for illustration, of the right of every human being to dignity in comparison to the need to improve the technical aspects of education? This issue is directly involved in the desegregation of the public schools and has been debated bitterly. Some attempts have been made to estimate the dollar costs of the old system of segregated schools and, more recently, estimates have been made of the costs of using both black and white children to end segregation. Most of the social costs of the two systems, however, defy statement in monetary terms and most people take their stand on the issue in terms of deeply held convictions about what is important in life. The idea of deeply held convictions is more illustrative of the sociological concept of value than is the concept of price. In addition, there are four other aspects of EASY ENGLISH 73 the sociological concept of value. They are: (1) values exist at different levels of generality or abstraction; (2) values tend to be hierarchically arranged (3) values are explicit and implicit in varying degrees; and (4) values often are in conflict with one another. PERTANYAAN 1. Buat kesimpulan mengenai “value” pada bacaan di atas. 2. Tandai kalimat yang mengandung “Gerund” pada bacaan di atas. 3. Do These Exercises ! 1. Did you enjoy ……………….. her short story ? a. Read c. you read b. Reading d. is reading 2. Do you like …………… a car a. Drive c. be driving b. To drive d. driving 3. I cannot hear his ………. Rude a. Being c. been b. Is being d. be 4. She cannot understand your …… angry with her a. To get c. getting b. Got d. is getting 5. I would appreciate ………………. From you a. Coming c. to come b. Is coming d. come 74 Clever, Clear, Communicative JAWABAN 1. ……………….……………….……………….…… 2. ………………..……………….……………….……… 3. ……………………………….……………….……… EASY ENGLISH 75 8 CAUSATIVES TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami pengertian “Causatives”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Causatives”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL I. Pola A. Have Have/has/had He had B. Have Have He has Something Sesuatu/benda His shoes Someone seseorang Us Pastparticiple K.K III cleaned Invinitive without “to” K K dasar tanpa to Repeat it 76 Clever, Clear, Communicative II. PENJELASAN 1. Have/has/had seperti pada pola A diatas dipakai untuk meminta dikerjakan sesuatu oleh orang lain. 2. Have/has/had pada pola B diatas mempunyai arti menyuruh atau meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu perintah . Dengan kata kerja dasar tanpa to didepannya. Contoh – contoh lain yang berhubungan dengan penjelasan diatas antara lain : A. 1. He had his hair cut yesterday Dia menyuruh rambutnya dipotong kemarin 2. Let‟s have our car repaired Mari kita menyuruh /meminta mobil kita diperbaiki 3. My son has his shoes washed Putra saya meminta sepatunya dicuci 4. The teacher had lesson repeated last week Guru itu meminta pelajarannya agar diulangi 5. Where did you have your card printed Dimana anda menyuruh cetak kartumu B. 1. My english teacher had us express oral reports Guru bahasa Inggris saya menyuruh kami menyampaikan laporan lisan 2. Prof. Fadza had the students write a scientific writing Prof. John meminta mahasiswa menulis tulisan ilmiah 4. Have your students repeat it ! EASY ENGLISH 77 Suruh mahasiswa anda mengulanginya 5. Miss Ely has friends come to her house Nona ely menyuruh temannya datang kerumahnya Catatan : Anda sangat diharapkan menguasai bentuk-bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris , mulai dari bentuk I,II, & III Exercise 1. She always has her room ……………. By John a. Fixing c. to fix b. Fixed d. fix 2. Your shoes are very dirty. Why don‟t you have them …………………. ? a. Polish c. polished b. To polish d. to be polishing Sekali lagi, perhatikan baik – baik penjelasan CAUSATIVE berikut : A. Ciri-ciri causative use of has,have, & had adalah adanya : 1. Unsur have,has, had. Contoh : she has the bag closed. 2. Unsur seseorang /sesuatu sebagai object. Contoh : Seseorang : He had me close the book Sesuatu : He had the book closed. 3. Unsur KK I , yaitu KK murni tanpa “to” dan “s”, serta “ing” di akhirnya. Contoh : he had me close the book Unsur KK III yaitu past “participle”. Tidak boleh ada to atau embel-embel lainnya sebelum 78 Clever, Clear, Communicative KK tersebut. Contoh : he had the book closed B. Kalau “seseorang atau kata ganti seseorang” yang jadi object , maka harus memilih “KK I”. Contoh : Have Ali/him close his book ? Kalau sesuatu / K gantinya “ yang jadi object, maka kita memilih KK. III. Contoh : have the book /it closed. Perhatikan lagi pola di awal. BACAAN Competition Just as cooperation exists as a universal form of social interaction, so is competition found in all societies. Competition grows out of the fact that human needs and desires appears to be insatiable and the goods, prestige, and perquisites that are the rewards for successful competition always are in short supply. People everywhere compete for dwelling space, for mates, for elaborate clothing and other bodily ornaments, and for wealth whether defined in terms of land, animals, money or even cockle shells. Although all societies acknowledge and support the value of competition in some areas of life, they differ in the relative emphasis that they place on competition and cooperation, cooperation and competition always exist as reciprocal aspects of the same general experience. European capitalist society, generally, has accepted the view that the collective interest further by individual and group EASY ENGLISH 79 competition spurs people on to accomplish more than can be managed under other circumstances. This stands in marked contrast to the beliefs of some other societies; to that of the Zuni Indians of the American South west. The Zunis discouraged the accumulation of wealth and they minimize status differences among themselves. They also regard overt competitiveness as a matter of taste in their children. There is some justification for this reaction to competition. Competition, however, is an ideal type. An ideal type is a form of concept that is constructed by taking one or more characteristics of a phenomenon and accentuating those characteristics to their logical maximum or reducing them to their logical minimum. The type thus constructed does not represent reality because the very process of its construction involves exaggeration. Ideal types, nevertheless, are very useful as logical standards by which reality can be measured. This often is done by making a pair of ideal types and letting them represent the ends of a continum or scale. Because the ends of the scale are defined in terms of logical extremes, no existing case falls at either end of the continuum, but all cases may be ranged somewhere along the continuum between the two end points. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatkan 5 buah kalimat yang menggunakan “Causatives”. 2. Tandai kalimat yang mengandung “Causatives” pada bacaan di atas. 80 Clever, Clear, Communicative 3. Buatkan kesimpulan tentang “Competition” dari bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 81 9 GENITIVE CASE TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami pengertian “Genitive Case”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Genitive Case”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Genitive Case (kasus genitive) atau possessive Case artinya kasus kepunyaan yang dibentuk dengan apostrop („s) pada kata benda seperti berikut : A. Pada Kata Benda Tunggal (singular) Fadza‟s house My father‟s friend Fiqih‟s bag My wife‟s love John‟s magazine rumahnya fadza teman ayahku tasnya fiqih cintanya istriku majalah john Clever, Clear, Communicative 82 B. Pada Kata Benda jamak (Plural) Men‟s jobs pekerjaanya laki-laki Women‟s clothes pakaian-pakaian wanita My children‟s kites laying-layang anak-anak saya People‟s hobby kegemaran orang-orang Selanjutnya , ada tiga macam contoh yang hanya menambahkan apostrof („) saja , dengan kata lain bahwa apostrof („s) dihilangkan saja. 1. Apabila suku kata terakhir kata benda berbentuk tunggal , diawali dan diakhiri dengan huruf –s seperti : Azis‟ teaching Ramses‟ words Onasis‟ ship 2. ajaran azis perkataan-perkataan Ramsis kapal milik onasis Apabila semua kata benda jamak berakhiran huruf –s seperti : Students‟ book The teachers‟ method Cats‟ tail Girls‟ glasses buku-buku mahasiswa metode para guru itu ekor-ekor kucing itu kacamata-kacamata para gadis  Kasus Genitif (apostrof „s) hampir tidak melibatkan kata benda yang tidak benyawa. Berikut ini adalah contoh KELIRU : The river‟s water airnya sungai EASY ENGLISH The building‟s roof atap gedung The house‟s window jendela rumah The book‟s writing tulisan buku itu The chair‟s leg kaki kursi  Kasus-kasus tersebut dapat dibetulkan menggunakan kata OF seperti : The water of the river The roof of the building The window of the house The writing of the book The leg of the chair 83 dengan Kasus genitive pernah digunakan pada segala jenis kata benda , tetapi sekarang hanya dipakai pada : 1. Kata benda yang menunjukkan orang Fiqih‟s book bukunya fiqih Fadza‟s pencil pensilnya fadza Ucil‟s kite laying-layangnya ucil 2. Kata benda yang dianggap seperti manusia National‟s hero Indonesian‟s warrior 3. Kata benda yang menunjukkan waktu, jarak, dan berat. A day‟s conference konferensi sehari A month‟s leave cuti sebulan A day‟s salary gaji sehari A week‟s love cinta seminggu A mile‟s walk berjalan kaki 1 mil 84 Clever, Clear, Communicative 4. Kata benda yang menunjukkan hewan bird‟s song nyanyian burung goat‟s belly perut kambing cow‟s tail ekornya sapi snake skin kulit ular 5. Kata benda yang bendanya dianggap agung atau luar biasa The sun‟s rays sinar matahari The ocean‟s waves gelombang samudra Kasus genitive dalam dalam keterangan tambahan (apposition) yaitu apabila kasus genetif dalam keterangan tambahan dengan kata benda lain, apostrof („s) hanya ditambahkan pada salah satu kata benda, bukan pada keduaduanya. Keterangan tambahan (apposition) yang dimaksud adalah seperti : My sister Her brother Your sister Dll Perhatikan dengan baik contoh-contoh berikut : My sister friend‟s room is new Kamarnya temanya saudara perempuan saya baru My son friend‟s name Nama teman putra saya His mother friend‟s book Buku temannya ibunya EASY ENGLISH 85 Kasus genitif dalam ungkapan (phrases) , apostrof („s) dapt dicantumkan pada kata terakhir suatu ungkapan apabila ungkapan itu dianggap sebagai kata benda gabungan dan menunjukkan orang tunggal atau jamak : My father-in-law‟s house Rumah mertua laki-laki saya Her brother –in-law‟s car Mobil milik ipar laki-lakinya Departement of Midwifery‟s plans Rancangan-rancangan jurusan kebidanan  Kita dapat menjumpai seperti ini : The house of Fiqih‟s The kite of Fadza‟s The love of my wife‟s The toys of children‟s kata OF di depan genitive rumah fiqih laying-layang fadza cinta istri saya boneka anak-anak  Apostrof („s) dapat menunjukkan suatu tempat dalam kasus genitive, misalnya : Fiqih is chatting at the barber‟s Mereka mengobrol di tukang cukur We buy meat at the butcher‟s Kami membeli daging di took daging Fadza bought the tie at metro‟s yesterday Fadza membeli dasi di took metro Bread and cake are sold at the baker‟s Roti dan kue dijual di toko roti BACAAN 86 Clever, Clear, Communicative Cooperation Cooperation involves individuals or groups working together for the achievement of their individual or collective goals. In its simplest form, cooperation may involve only two people who work together towards a common goal. Two college students working together to complete a laboratory experiment, or two inter-city youths working together to protect their 'turf' from violation by outsiders are examples. In these cases, solidarity between the collaborators is encouraged and they share jointly the reward of their cooperation. Again at the level of two-person interactions, the goals towards which the cooperation parties work may be consistent with each other, but they may not be identical or shared. From the college experience again, student and professor may cooperate towards the student's mastery of professor's discipline, but the student may be working to make a good grade while the professor is working to establish or reinforce his/her reputation as a good teacher. If some of their rewards are shared, some also are individual but attainable only through joint effort. The cooperating parties in this case may be either neutral or kindly disposed towards one another but their relationship is not likely to have lasting solidarity. Man can't associate without cooperating, without working together in the pursuit of like to common interests. It can be divided into five principal types. 1. Direct Cooperation: Those activities in which people do like things together play together, worship together, labor together in EASY ENGLISH 87 myriad ways. The essential character is that people do in company, the things which they can also do separately or in isolation. They do them together because it brings social satisfaction. 2. Indirect Cooperation: Those activities in which people do definitely unlike tasks toward a single end. Here the famous principle of the 'division of labour' is introduced, a principle that is imbedded in the nature of social revealed wherever people combine their difference for mutual satisfaction or for a common end. 3. Primary Cooperation: It is found in primary groups such as family, neighborhood, friends and so on. Here, there is an identity end. The rewards for which everyone works are shared or meant to be shared, with every other member in the group. Means and goals become one, for cooperation itself is a highly prized value. 4. Secondary Cooperation: It is the characteristic feature of the modern civilized society and is found mainly in social groups. It is highly formalized and specialized. Each performs his/her task, and thus helps others to perform their tasks, so that he/she can separately enjoy the fruits of his/her cooperation. 5. Tertiary Cooperation: It may be found between 2 or more political parties, castes, tribes, religions groups etc. It is often called accommodation. The two groups may cooperate and work together for antagonistic goals. 88 Clever, Clear, Communicative Cooperation is important in the life of an individual that it is difficult for man to survive without it. Charles Horton Cooley says that Cooperation arises only when men realize that they have a common interest. They have sufficient theme, intelligence and self control, to seek this interest through united action. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Genitive Case”. 2. Tandai kalimat yang mengandung “Genitive Case‟ pada bacaan di atas. 3. Buatkan kesimpulan tentang “Cooperation” dari bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 89 10 DEFINITE ARTICLE TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami cara penggunaan “Definite Article”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Definite Article”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Definite Article artinya kata sandang “THE” yang diletakkan didepan kata benda (Noun). Sebelum dibahas lebih luas, perhatikan kalaimat-kalimat berikut ini (dengan kata benda tunggal). I poot book, salah karena tidak ada kata sandang. I poot the book , betul, karena ada kata sandang “the”. The adalah kata lain dari This, that, these, those He will go to the hill Keterangan Hill bukit 90 Clever, Clear, Communicative The hill bukit itu  Inti pemakaian kata sandang “the” adalah : o Menunjukkan bahwa bendanya telah diketahui o Boleh diikuti oleh kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung, tunggal dan jamak o THE tidak mutlak diterjemahkan secara pasti (sering kali tidak diterjemahkan) A. THE Di gunakan di depan Nama Benda Istimewa yang Tak Ada Duanya Misalnya : the universe alam semesta the wold dunia the sky langit the earth bumi the sun matahari the moon bulan B. THE untuk Menunjukkan Bangsa atau Orang Secara Kolektif the Dutch orang belanda the French orang perancis the English orang inggris the Spanish orang spanyol the Japanese orang jepang the Balines orang Bali the Sundanese orang Sunda the American orang amerika THE sering dijumpai dengan kata benda jamak yang EASY ENGLISH 91 menunjukkan kebangsaan dalam pernyataan umum : The Indonesians like badminton Orang-orang Indonesia menyukai badminton C. THE untuk Nama Diri yang Bersifat Semu 1. Nama diri asli the old Egypt mesir kuno the old world dunia tua the new world dunia baru the modern world dunia modern 2. Nama kitab suci The qur‟an kitab al qur‟an The bible kitab injil Tetapi dalam kalimat, ada buku yang tidak perlu disebutkan judulnya atau tanpa mencantumkan kata sandang, namum cukup menyebutkan nama penulisnya yang menunjukkan bahwa buku tersebut adalah karyanya seperti berikut : I like to read Khalil Gibran Saya suka baca khalil Gibran Have you read Mr. Malik ? Sudahkah and baca bukunya mr. Malik ? 3. Nama Sekolah : The Bosowa 45 University of Makassar The STIKes Mega Rezky Makassar The SMK Kesehatan Terpadu The SDN Negeri Laikang Clever, Clear, Communicative 92 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The MTS Negeri Palopo My children study at the SDN Laikang She studied at the oxford University Nama museum The lagaligo museum The Mpu tantular museum The Retordam museum Nama Hotel The Metro Hotel The Losari Beach Hotel The clarion Hotel Nama Teater The Dewi Teater The Lion teater Nama restoran The Istana laut Reastaurant The Chinese Reastaurant The Tradirional Reastaurant Nama kapal The Titanic The Nusantara The Raja Laut Nama sungai The Tello The Walnae The Nile The Tigris EASY ENGLISH 10. Nama terusan (canal) The Suez canal The panama canal 11. Nama laut The read sea The java sea The North sea 12. Nama samudra The Indoneasian Ocean The Atlantic Ocean The Pasific Ocean 13. Nama selat The Makassar strait The Bali Strait The sunda strait 14. Nama teluk The Persian Gulf The Gulf of Panama 15. Nama pegunungan The Himalaya The Latimojong The Bawakaraeng 16. Nama kepulauan The Bahama The Hamaiian Island The East Indies Timur 17. Nama Negara The Philippines 93 laut merah laut jawa laut utara Samudra Indonesia Samudra Atlantik Samudra pasifik selat Makassar selat Bali selat sunda teluk Persia teluk Panama kepulauan Bahama kepuluan Hawai kepulauan Hindia Filipina 94 Clever, Clear, Communicative The Indonesian Republic 18. Nama partai politik The PAN Party The Golkar Party The Democratic Party The Republic Party Republik Indonesia  Kata Sandang “THE” tidak digunakan untuk : 1. Nama orang Moh. Fiqran Moh. Fadza 2. Nama diri asli (suatu tempat) Sultan Hasanauddin Airport Sukarno Hatta Airport 3. Nama jalan Jalan Antang Urip Sumoharjo Street 4. Nama kota Jakarta City Makassar City 5. Nama provinsi West Java East Java North Jakarta Sul sel 6. Nama warna Black is beautiful Green, blue, red, etc Tetapi THE boleh dipakai dalam kalimat ini : EASY ENGLISH 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The white one is my car The orange one isgirl, etc Nama santap makan She has lunch at 12 o‟clock I have breakfast at 7 o‟clock Nama danau Tempe lake Towoti lake Toba lake Nama gunung Mount Bawakaraeng Mount Latimojong Mount Bromo Nama gelar atau profesi King Faad Queen Elizabeth Doctor Fadza Prof. Fiqih Nama permainan I play tennis Football Baseball Volley ball Nama penyakit Leprocy Smallpox Measles Hepatitis Diabetes 95 lepra cacar campak radang hati kencing manis 96 Clever, Clear, Communicative 13. Nama panca indera Sight is one of the five senses Sight alat penglihatan Smell indra pencium Taste indra perasa Touch indra peraba 14. Nama hari dan bulan Sunday is holiday December has 31 days Sunday January 15. Nama tempat yang dituju untuk keperluan sesuai dengan fungsi tempat itu : We go to school Kami pergi sekolah (untuk belajar) They go to mosque Mereka pergi ke masjid (untuk shalat) 16. Kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung dalam pernyataan umum Perhatikan perbedaan makna dalam kalimat berikut : - Go to school (untuk belajar) - Go to the school (mengunjungi sekolah) - Go to mosque (untuk shalat) - Go to the mosque (mengunjungi masjid) 17. Nama organisasi dalam bentuk singkatan UNO perserikatan bangsa-bangsa WHO Organisasi kesehatan dunia EASY ENGLISH ILO 97 Organisasi Buruh Internasional 18. Nama maskapai penerbangan British Airway Garuda Indonesia Japan Airlines 19. Nama bahasa She speaks Indonesian Fadza speaks English 20. Ungkapan-ungkapan yang menggunakan preposisi (kata depan) dan kata benda Fiqih is at home My wife is at home Fadza is studying at school BACAAN Social Stratification The process by which individuals and groups are ranked in a more or less enduring hierarchy of status is known as stratification. Even the most primitive societies had some form of social stratification. As Sorokin pointed out stratified society with real equality of its members is a myth that has never been realized in the history of the mankind. Social stratification means the differentiation of a given population into hierarchically superimposed classes. It is manifested in the existence of upper and lower social layer. Its basis and very essence consists in an unequal distribution of rights and privileges, duties and responsibilities, social values and privations, social power 98 Clever, Clear, Communicative and influences among the members of a society. No society is unstratified. Stratification involves the distribution of unequal rights and privileges among the members of a society. Social stratification is the division of society into permanent groups or categories linked with each other by the relationship of superiority and subordination. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Definite Article”. 2. Tandai kalimat-kalimat pada bacaan di atas yang menggunakan “Definite Article”. 3. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Social Stratification” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 99 11 INDEFINITE ARTICLE TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “Indefinite Article”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Indefinite Article”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL Indefinite article artinya Kata Sandang Tak Tentu yang menggambarkan kata benda tunggal (yang dapat dihitung) dalam sebuah pernyataan umum secara tak tertentu dengan menggunakan kata a atau an. Pola : Kata sandang “a” Kata sandang “an” a boy a chair a house a bird a cake a pencil an egg an ant an umbrella an elephant an orange an hour 100 - Clever, Clear, Communicative A tiger is a wild animal A bear bear is a strong animal A rat is a dirty animal Tetapi umumnya kata benda yang dapat dihitung seperti tersebut di atas diterapkan dalam bentuk jamak sebagai berikut : - Tigers are wild animals. - Bears are strong animals. - Rats are dirty animals A. Bentuk Kata sandang a atau an adalah bentuk lain dari kata one artinya : satu sebagai bentuk sifat. B. Arti 1. Kata sandang a atau an sering kali tidak diterjemahkan. Fadza is reading a comic Fadza sedang membaca komik Fiqih is writing a letter Fiqih sedang menulis surat Child plays a kite every day Anak main laying-layang 2. Sebagai bilangan tunggal misalnya : seorang, sebuah, sebatang, sebutir, dsb He is a sailor It is a banana That is a lion I like an egg EASY ENGLISH 101 Is this an university ? Dari contoh-contoh diatas nampak perbedaan masingmasing arti ada sebuah, sebutir, dsb C. Posisi 1. Kata sandang a diletakkan di depan kata benda tunggal yang diawali huruf/bunyi mati : a man a Japanese a box a magazine, etc Kata sandang a digunakan didepan kata benda yang berawal huruf hidup (U,Eu) tetapi berbunyi mati , misalnya : a unit satu kesatuan a union satu perserikatan a university satu universitas 2. Kata sandang an diletakkan di depan kata benda tunggal yang berbunyi hidup : an egg sebutir telur an apple sebutir apel an orange sebuah jeruk an Indian seorang orang india an hour satu jam Kata sandang an digunakan di depan kata benda atau kata sifat yang mendahului kata benda yang huruf awalnya tidak berbunyi, misalnya : an hour satu jam an honest man seorang laki-laki jujur Clever, Clear, Communicative 102 D. Penggunaan Kata A atau AN 1. Didepan kata benda yang dapat dihitung berbentuk tunggal : A letter : sepucuk surat I received a letter Saya menerima sepucuk surat A flower : sekuntum bunga I picked a flower Saya memetik sekuntum bunga 2. Setelah TO BE sebagai pelengkap kata benda tunggal I am a dancer saya seorang penari She is a moslem dia seorang muslim He is an Indonesia dia seorang orang Indonesia It is a dictionary itu sebuah kamus 3. Di depan kata-kata hundred, Thousand, Million, dan seterusnya : A hundred people : seratus orang A hundred people will be here Seratus orang akan berada disisni A thousand miles : seribu mil They travel a thousand miles Mereka menempuh seribu mil 4. Setelah kata HALF half a day half a month half a year setengah hari setengah bulan setengah tahun EASY ENGLISH half a dozen half an hour 103 setengah lusin setengah jam E. Kata A atau AN Tidak digunakan 1. Sebelum kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung This is iron ini besi That is steel itu baja This is news ini berita That is information itu informasi She drinks water dia minum air 2. Sebelum kata – kata seperti rain, thunder, Lighting, Furniture, dsb. It looks like train Nampaknya akan turun hujan I heard a sound like thunder Saya mendengar suara seperti guntur Lighting has killed many people Petir telah menewaskan banyak orang 3. Sebelum kata – kata yang selalu berbentuk jamak, seperti shorts, trousers, scissors, dan sebagainya. They wear shorts Mereka memakai celana pendek I have scissors Saya memiliki gunting They wear trouser Mereka memakai celana panjang 4. Setelah kind of atau sort of Clever, Clear, Communicative 104 What kind of man are you What sort of is she ? Wanita seperti apa dia What kind of music do you like ? Music macam apa yang anda suka ? - That sort of man orang semacam itu - That sort of player pemain semacam itu - This sort of thing hal seperti itu BACAAN Social Structure According to Radcliff-Brown social structure is a part of the social structure of all social relations of person to person. In the study of social structure the concrete reality with which we are concerned is the set of actually existing relations at a given moment of time which link together certain human beings. A more general definition of social structure is that social structure refers to the enduring orderly and patterned relationships between the elements of a society. According to Raymond Firth it makes no distinction between the ephemeral and the most enduring elements in social activity and it makes it almost impossible to distinguish the idea of the structure of society from that of the totality of the society itself. According to S.F Nadal structure refers to a definable articulation and ordered arrangement of parts. It is related to the outer aspect or the framework of society and is totally unconcerned with the functional aspect of society. So EASY ENGLISH 105 he has emphasized that the social structure refers to the network of social relationship which is created among the human beings when they interact with each other according to their statuses in accordance with the patterns of society. He has emphasized that the social structure refers to the network of social relationship which is created among the human beings when they interact with each other according to their statuses in accordance with the patterns of society. According to Ginsberg the study of social structure is concerned with the principal form of social organization that is types of groups, associations and institutions and the complex of these which constitute societies. According to Karl Mannheim social structure refers to the web of interacting social forces from which have arisen the various modes of observing and thinking. Social structure is an abstract and intangible phenomenon Individuals are the units of association and institutions are the units of social structure. These institutions and associations are inter-related in a particular arrangement and thus create the pattern of social structure. It refers to the external aspect of society which is relatively stable as compared to the functional or internal aspect of society. Social structure is a living structure which is created, maintained for a time and changes. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Indefinite Article”. 106 Clever, Clear, Communicative 2. Tandai kalimat-kalimat pada bacaan di atas yang menggunakan “Indefinite Article”. 3. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Social Structure” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 107 12 SOME and ANY TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “Some and Any”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Some and Any”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL SOME and ANY artinya beberapa. Keduanya dapat digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan yang tak dapat dihitung. A. Penggunaan SOME 1. SOME biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat berita atau positif. a. Dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung dalam bentuk jamak I have some paintings Saya memiliki banyak tulisan She has some students Dia memiliki beberapa siswa 108 Clever, Clear, Communicative There ara some children Ada beberapa anak-anak b. Dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung bentuk tunggal Some day – suatu hari He will be rich some day Some place – suatu tempat Fadze met his brother in some place Fadza bertemu saudaranya di suatu tempat c. Dengan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung Some water – sejumlah air There is some water Ada sejumlah air Some money - Sejumlah uang There is some money Ada sejumlah uang Some advice – beberapa nasihat Ada beberapa nasihat 2. SOME dapat digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya yang mengharapkan jawaban positif Will you buy some bread ? Sudikah anda membelikan saya sejumlah roti ? Will you get me some butter ? Sudikah anda mengambilkan saya sejumlah mentega ? B. Penggunaan ANY 1. Digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya untuk mengetahui jawaban YA atau TIDAK EASY ENGLISH 109 Have you any brothers ? Apakah anda memiliki saudara ? Have you any questions ? Apakah anda punya pertanyaan ? 2. ANY dugunakan dalam kalimat negatif dan seringkali tidak diterjemahkan. He has not any sisters Dia tidak punya saudara (satu pun) They haven‟t any money Mereka tidak punya uang (sedikit pun) She hasn‟t any questions Dia tidak punya pertanyaan (satu pun) 3. Any bisa diartikan sebagai siapa saja, apa saja, kapan saja, dsb Any one can sing. Siapa saja dapat menyanyi Any student can do it Siswa siapa saja dapat melakukannya You may speak any time Anda boleh bicara kapan saja Catatan : NOT ANY = NO I have not any money. I have no money Saya tidak punya uang He has not any children He has no children Clever, Clear, Communicative 110 Dia tidak punya anak There are not any trees on the hill There are no trees on the hill Tidak ada pohon di atas bukit BACAAN Culture As Homo sapiens, evolved, several biological characteristics particularly favorable to the development of culture appeared in the species. These included erect posture; a favorable brain structure; stereoscopic vision; the structure of the hand, a flexible shoulder; and year round sexual receptivity on the part of the female. None of these biological characteristics alone, of course, accounts for the development of culture. Even in combination, all they guarantee is that human beings would be the most gifted members of the animal kingdom. The distinctive human way of life that we call culture did not have a single definite beginning in time any more than human beings suddenly appearing on earth. Culture evolved slowly just as some anthropoids gradually took on more human form. Unmistakably, tools existed half a million years ago and might be considerably older. If, for convenience, we say that culture is 500,000 years old, it is still difficult day has appeared very recently. The concept of culture was rigorously defined by E.B. Taylor in 1860s. According to him culture is the sum total of ideas, beliefs, values, material cultural equipments and non-material aspects which man makes as a member of EASY ENGLISH 111 society. Taylor's theme that culture is a result of human collectivity has been accepted by most anthropologists. Tylarian idea can be discerned in a modern definition of culture - culture is the man-made part of environment (M.J. Herskovits). From this, it follows that culture and society are separable only at the analytical level: at the actual existential level, they can be understood as the two sides of the same coin. Culture, on one hand, is an outcome of society and, on the other hand, society is able to survive and perpetuate itself because of the existence of culture. Culture is an ally of man in the sense that it enhances man's adaptability to nature. It is because of the adaptive value of culture that Herskovits states that culture is a screen between man and nature. Culture is an instrument by which man exploits the environment and shapes it accordingly. In showing affection, the Maori rub noses; the Australians rub faces; the Chinese place nose to cheeks; the Westerners kiss; some groups practice spitting on the beloved. Or, consider this; American men are permitted to laugh in public but not to cry; Iroquois men are permitted to do neither in public; Italian men are permitted to do both. Since this is true, physiological factors have little to do with when men laugh and cry and when they do not do either. The variability of the human experience simply cannot be explained by making reference to human biology, or to the climate and geography. Instead, we must consider culture as the fabric of human society. 112 Clever, Clear, Communicative Culture can be conceived as a continuous, cumulative reservoir containing both material and nonmaterial elements that are socially transmitted from generation to generation. Culture is continuous because cultural patterns transcend years, reappearing in successive generations. Culture is cumulative because each generation contributes to the reservoir. An inherent paradox exists within the social heritage where culture tends to be both static and dynamic. Humans, once having internalized culture, attach positive value judgments to it and are more or less reluctant to change their established ways of life. Through most of recorded history men have apparently considered that change per say is undesirable and that the ideal condition is stability. The prospect of change can seem threatening, yet every human culture is subject to and does experience change. Those who speak of a generation gap portray two generations at odds with each other. According to this view, the parent generation embodied the dynamic dimension. We contend that if, in fact, a generation gap does exist in modern societies, and the differences are of degree and not of substance. Part of the social heritage of almost every modern society is the high value placed on progress. Parents encourage young people to seek progress, and progress is a form of social change. Debates between generations in modern societies are seldom about whether any change should occur. The debates are usually about how such change should occur, how fast it should occur, and which methods should be used for bringing about change. EASY ENGLISH 113 PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Some and Any”. 2. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Culture” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 114 13 FEW and A FEW TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “Few and A Few”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Few and A Few”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. FEW artinya Sedikit Digunakan di depan kata benda jamak Misalnya : Few clothes sedikit pakaian Few magazines sedikit majalah Few flowers sedikit bunga Few friends sedikit teman Few of the sedikit diantara mereka Contoh-contoh kalimat He has few clothes Dia mempunyai sedikit pakaian I have few friends Saya mempunyai teman EASY ENGLISH Few people live in village Sedikit orang tinggal di desa Few tourist visited tourism object Sedikit turis mengunjungi objek wisata Few students speak English Sedikit siswa berbahasa Inggris B. A FEW artinya beberapa Digunakan di depan kata benda jamak. Misalnya : A few days beberapa hari A few years beberapa hari A few times beberapa waktu A few house beberapa rumah Contoh-contoh kalimat : They will be in Makassar a few days Mereka akan berada di Makassar beberapa hari Mr. Fiqih has gone to Bali a few weeks Mr. Fiqih telah pergi ke Bali beberapa hari The baby speaks only a few words Bayi itu berbicara hanya beberapa kata Mr. Smith calls me a few times ago Mr.Smith memanggil saya beberapa waktu lalu I know a few of them Saya mengenal beberapa dari mereka 115 116 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Culture Culture has been defined in a number of ways; some thinkers include in culture all the major social components that bind men together in a society. In sociology we use the word to denote acquired behaviors that are shared by and transmitted among the members of the society. It is an accumulation that a new generation inherits. It is a heritage into which a child is born. Thus to the student of sociology a person lacking in culture is an impossibility because individuals of necessity share in the culture of their group. The essential point in regard to culture is that it is acquired by man as a member of society and persists through tradition. Taylor and Redfield in their definitions have emphasized these points of acquisition and tradition. The essential factor in this acquisition through tradition is the ability to learn from the group. Man learns his behavior and behavior that is learnt denotes his culture. Thus culture is a system of learned behavior shared by and transmitted among the members of a group. Man begins to learn it since his birth. By picking up the culture and by tapping the heritage of his past, man becomes distinctively human. Man is therefore called the culture-bearing animal. Culture is not innate. Traits learnt through socialization, habits and thoughts are what is called culture. Culture is learned. Anybehavior that is socially acquired is called learned behavior. Culture is inclusive of the expectations of the members of the group. It is a social product that is shared by EASY ENGLISH 117 most members of the group. Culture embodies the ideas and norms of the group. It is a sum-total of the ideal patterns and norms of behavior of a group. Culture fulfills those ethical and social needs of the groups that are ends in themselves. Culture possesses an order and system. Its various parts are integrated with each other and any new element that is introduced is also integrated. Culture evolves into more complex forms through division of labour that develops special skills and increases the interdependence of society‟s members. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Few and A Few”. 2. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Culture” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 118 14 LITTLE and A LITTLE TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “Little and A Little”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Little and A Little”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. LITTLE artinya sedikit Digunakan di depan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung. Misalnya : Little time sedikit waktu Little patience sedikit kesabaran Little energy sedikit tenaga Contoh-contoh kalimat : Hurry up ! we have‟ve got little time Cepatlah ! kita punya sedikit waktu I have very little time for reading. EASY ENGLISH 119 Saya mempunyai sangat sedikit waktu untuk membaca. The old man has got little energy Orang tua itu memiliki sedikit energy He is little known Dia sedikit diketahui B. A LITTLE artinyasedikit Digunakan didepan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung. Misalnya : a little French sedikit bahasa prancis a little afraid sedikit takut a little rice sedikit nasi a little sugar sedikit gula He knows a little French. dia tahu sedikit bahasa prancis He is a little afraid of you. dia sedikit pada anda. I ate two plates of rice. She ate a little. Saya makan dua piring nasi.Dia makan sedikit nasi. I have a lot of friends but She has a little. Saya mempunyai banyak teman tetapi dia mempunyai sedikit. 120 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Social Norms Social norms grow out of social value and both serve to differentiate human social behavior from that of other species. The significance of learning in behavior varies from species to species and is closely linked to processes of communication. Only human beings are capable of elaborate symbolic communication and of structuring their behavior in terms of abstract preferences that we have called values. Norms are the means through which values are expressed in behavior. Norms generally are the rules and regulations that groups live by. Or perhaps because the words, rules and regulations, call to mind some kind of formal listing, we might refer to norms as the standards of behavior of a group. For while some of the appropriate standards of behavior in most societies are written down, many of them are not that formal. Many are learned, informally, in interaction with other people and are passed "that way from generation to generation. The term "norms" covers an exceedingly wide range of behaviour. So that the whole range of that behaviour may be included. Sociologists have offered the following definition. Social norms are rules developed by a group of people that specify how people must, should, may, should not, and must not behave in various situations. Some norms are defined by individual and societies as crucial to the society. For example, all members of the group are required to wear clothing and to bury their dead. EASY ENGLISH 121 Such "musts" are often labeled "mores", a term coined by the American sociologist William Graham Sumner. Many social norms are concerned with "should "; that is, there is some pressure on the individual to conform but there is some leeway permitted also. The 'should behaviors' are what Sumner called "folk-ways"; that is, conventional ways of doing things that are not defined as crucial to the survival of either the individual or the society. The 'should behaviors' in our own society include the prescriptions that people's clothes should be clean, and that death should be recognized with public funerals. A complete list of the should behaviors in a complex society would be virtually without end. The word "May" in the definition of norms indicates that, in most groups, there is a wide range of behaviors in which the individual is given considerable choice. To continue the illustration, in Western countries girls may select to wear dresses or halters and jeans. Diets may be done through trainers at the gym or through the benefit of Medifast coupons, some people may even prefer diets advertised on tv. Funerals may be held with or without flowers, with the casket open or closed, with or without religious participation, and so on. We have confined our examples to just three areas, but students should be able to construct their own examples from all areas of life. The remainder of the definition, including the 'should-not' and the 'must-not' behaviours, probably does not require lengthy illustration because such examples are implicit in what has already been said. One should not belch 122 Clever, Clear, Communicative in public, dump garbage in the street, run stop signs, or tell lies. One must not kill another person or have sexual intercourse with one's sister or brother. Social norms cover almost every conceivable situation, and they vary from standards where almost complete conformity is demanded to those where there is great freedom of choice. Norms also vary in the kinds of sanctions that are attached to violation of the norms. Since norms derive from values, and since complex societies have multiple and conflicting value systems, it follows that norms frequently are in conflict also. Taking the illustration of American sex norms, two proscriptive norms prohibit premarital intercourse and extramarital intercourse. But many boys also have been taught that sex is good and that they should seek to "score" with girls whenever possible. Somewhat similarly, girls have been taught that promiscuous intercourse before marriage is bad; but they have also been taught that sex is acceptable within true love relationships. Members of both sexes, then, find themselves faced with conflicting demands for participation in sex and for abstinence from it. They also discover that there are sanctions associated with either course of action. Normative conflict is also deeply involved in social change. As statistical norms come to differ too blatantly from existing prescriptive norms, new prescriptive norms give sanction to formerly prohibited behaviour and even extend it. Recent changes in the sex norms of teenage and young adult groups provide examples. The change is more EASY ENGLISH 123 apparent in communal living groups where sometimes there is an explicit ideology of sexual freedom and the assumption that sexual activities will be shared with all members of the group. In less dramatic fashion, the change is evident among couples who simply begin to live together without the formality of a marriage ceremony. 124 Clever, Clear, Communicative PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Little and A Little”. 2. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Culture” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 125 15 MANY and MUCH TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “Many and Much”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Many and Much”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. MANY Artinya Banyak  Digunakan di depan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihiung (countable Noun). Many cars Many chairs Many children Many teachers Many people Many students like speaking English I like many cars  MANY umumnya digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya dan kalimat menyangkal : 126 Clever, Clear, Communicative Have you got many friends ? Are there many students in the class ? How many English books do you have ? She hasn‟t many pencils There are not many cars outside B. MUCH Artinya Banyak Digunakan didepan kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable Noun). Misalnya : Much water banyak air Much ink banyak tinta Much oil banyak minyak Much money banyak uang Much soap banyak sabun Much beef banyak daging sapi Much air banyak udara Much rain banyak hujan Umumnya digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya dan kalimat menyangkal : Is there much ink in the bottle? Adakah banyak tinta di botol itu? Do they have much air in the room? Apakah mereka mendapatkan banyak hawa di ruangan itu? How much money did you spend last month? Berapah banyak uang yang kamu habiskan bulan yang lalu? EASY ENGLISH 127 How much beef did you buy yesterday? Berapah banyak daging sapi yang kamu beli kemarin? I didn‟t buy much beef. Saya tidak membeli banyak daging sapi. There isn‟t munch inkin the bottle. Tidak banyak tinta di dalam botol itu. They don‟t have much air. Mereka tidak mendapatkan banyak hawa. I didn‟t spend much money. Saya tidak menghabiskan banyak uang. MANY Cars Chairs Books Apples Oranges People Children Students MUCH Water Oil Ink Rain powder Coffee Money Soap 128 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Social Systems A social system basically consists of two or more individuals interacting directly or indirectly in a bounded situation. There may be physical or territorial boundaries, but the fundamental sociological point of reference is that the individuals are oriented, in a whole sense, to a common focus or inter-related foci. Thus it is appropriate to regard such diverse sets of relationships as small groups, political parties and whole societies as social systems. Social systems are open systems, exchanging information with, frequently acting with reference to other systems. Modern conceptions of the term can be traced to the leading social analysts of the nineteenth century, notably Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim; each of whom elaborated in some form or other conceptions of the major units of social systems (mainly societies) and the relationships between such units- even though the expression social system was not a key one. Thus, in Marx's theory, the major units or components of the capitalist societies with which he was principally concerned were socio-economic classes, and the major relationships between classes involved economic and political power. The most influential conceptualization of the term has been that of Talcott Parsons. Parsons' devotion to this issue has two main aspects. First, what is called the problem of social order; i.e. the nature of the forces giving rise to relatively stable forms of social interaction and organization, and promoting orderly change. Parsons took Thomas EASY ENGLISH 129 Hobbes Leviathan, 1651, as his point of departure in this part of his analysis. Hobbes had maintained that man's fundamental motivation was the craving for power and that men were always basically in conflict with each other. Thus order could only exist in strong government. To counter this Parsons invoked the work of Max Weber and, in particular, Durkheim, who had placed considerable emphasis on the functions of normative, factors in social life, such as ideals and values. Factors of this kind came to constitute the mainspring in Parsons Delineation of a social system. Thus in his major theoretical work, The Social system, 1951, he defines a social system as consisting in a plurality of individual actors interacting with each other in a situation which has at least a physical or environmental aspect, actors, who are motivated in terms of a tendency to the optimization of gratification and whose relations to their situations, including each other, is defined and mediated in terms of a system of culturally structured and shared symbols. The major units of a social system are said to be collectivities and roles (i.e. not individuals as such); and the major patterns or relationships linking these units are values (ends or broad guides to action) and norms (rules governing role performance in the context of system values). Parsons second major interest has been to make sociology more scientific and systematic, by developing abstract conceptions of the social system; one of this points being that even though Weber placed much emphasis upon normative factors as guiding action, there was in Weber's sociology no 130 Clever, Clear, Communicative elaboration of a theoretically integrated total system of action. Hence the attempt to combine in one framework both a conception of actors in social situations and an overall, highly abstract, outside view of the major factors involved in a social system as a going concern. Various points in Parsons' formulation have been criticized. Notably, objections have been made to the emphasis upon normative regulation, and it has been alleged that Parsons neglected social conflict under the pressure of his systematic perspective; i.e. pre-occupation with system ness and analytical elegance which blinds the sociologist to disconsensus in real life and spurs him to stress integrative phenomena in his analyses. However, it is widely agreed that sociologists should operate with some clearly defined conception of what constitutes a social system. Thus, for many sociologists the term social system is not by any means restricted to those situations where there is binding normative regulation; but in order to qualify as social system it must involve a common focus, or set of foci, or orientations and a shared mode of communication among a majority of actors. Thus, on this basis there can be a system of conflict. EASY ENGLISH 131 PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “Many and Much”. 2. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Culture” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 132 16 A LOT OF and PLENTY OF TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “A Lot of and Plenty of”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “A Lot of and Plenty of”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. A LOT OF artinya Banyak Digunakan dalam kalimat di depan kata benda yang dapat dihitung atau kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung. Misalnya: A lot of clothes banyak pakaian A lot of shoes banyak sepatu A lot of animals banyak binatang A lot of snow banyak salju A lot of fun banyak kesenangan A lot of energy banyak tenaga EASY ENGLISH 133 Contoh-contoh kalimat: The actress has a lot of clothes. Aktris itu mempunyai banyak pakaian. She has a lot of shoes. Dia punya banyak sepatu. There a lot of animals in the zoo. Ada banyak hewan di kebun binatang. We had a lot of snow in Canada last month. Kami mendapatkan banyak salju di Kanada bulan lalu. We had a lot of fun lust Sunday. Kami banyak senang-senang hari minggu yang lalu. Playing tennis takes a lot of energy. Bermain tennis memakan banyak tenaga. Catatan:  PLENTY OF dan A LOT OF umumnya digunakan dalam kalimat berita untuk benda yang dapat dihitung atau yang tak dapat dihitung.  MANY lebih umum digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya, dan kalimat menyangkal Clever, Clear, Communicative 134  dengan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung. MUCH lebih umum digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya, dan kalimat dengan menyangkal dengan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung. Simaklah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini: How many cars did they sell? They didn‟t sell many cars How many animals do you have ? How much bread do they make ? They make plenty of bread We have a lot of books Ada beberapa kata lain yang menyatakan banyak, misalnya : 1. Untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung A good many followers Cukup banyak pengikut A great many insect Sangat banyak serangga A great number of fans Sangat banyak penggemar 2. Untuk kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung A good deal of good Cukup banyak makanan A great deal of rice Sangat banyak beras EASY ENGLISH 135 A large amount of money Sangat banyak uang B. PLENTY OF Artinya Cukup Banyak Digunakan dalam kalimat berita dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung atau kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung. Misalnya : You have given plenty of ideas Kamu telah memberikan banyak ide There are plenty of hotels in the town Ada cukup banyak hotel di kota ini He has plenty of water Dia mempunyai cukup banyak air BACAAN Concept of Society Arther Britten has written about various strategies to conceptualize society. In order to concretize society mainstream sociologists have tended to define it as structure that is a recognizable network of inter-relating institutions. The word recognizable iscrucial in its context because it suggests that the way in which societies differ from one another depends on the manner in which their particular institutions are inter-connected. The notion that societies are structured depends upon their reproduction over time. In this respect the term institution is crucial. To speak of institutionalized forms of social conduct is to refer to modes 136 Clever, Clear, Communicative of belief and behaviors that occur and recur are socially reproduced. While we may subscribe to the arguments that society is both structured and reproduced the Marxist account attempts to provide us with a basis for understanding how particular social formations arise and correspond with particular mode of production. Society is not a static or peace-fully evolving structure but is conceived of as the tentative solution to the conflicts arising out of antagonistic social relations of production. Frequently social scientists emphasize the cultural aspect of social relationships. In doing so they see society as being made possible by the shared understanding of its members. Because human beings exist in a linguistic and symbolic universe that they themselves have constructed the temptation is to construe society as a highly complex symbolic and communication system. This stress on culture is associated with the notion that society is underpinned by ideas and values. Society is a process in which people continuously interact with one another, the key terms are negotiation, selfother, reflexivity the implication being that society is constituted and reconstituted in social interaction. Society is not imposed upon people in the processual definition rather it has to be accepted and confirmed by participants. Each interaction episode contains within it the possibility of innovation and change. So against the view of society that sees it as structure the process view asserts that people make structure. All these strategies contain implicit or explicit assumptions about human nature and the individual. Some recent EASY ENGLISH 137 theories have completely rejected the individual as a datum for social analysis. Nevertheless the opposition between individual and society remains a theme of popular and academic consciousness. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “A Lot of and Plenty of”. 2. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Concept of Society” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 138 17 ALL, EVERY, EACH TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “All, Every, Each”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “All, Every, Each”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. ALL Artinya Semua, Seluruh, Segenap All dapat diikuti kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung dan yang tak dapat dihitung. all students semua siswa all subjects semua mata pelajaran all the doors semua pintu all of them semua diantara mereka all of milk semua susu examples : all birds have two wings semua burung mempunyai dua sayap all the doors are closed EASY ENGLISH 139 semua pintu tertutup all of us agreed to move out semua dari kami semua setuju pindah dari sini Give my regards to all at home Sampaikan salam saya untuk semua orang dirumah B. Every Artinya Setiap Diikuti bentuk tunggal kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Every day Every year Every month Contoh-contoh kalimat : I pass in front of office every day Fadza comes every week C. EACH Artinya Tiap-Tiap atau Masing-masing Dapat digunakan dengan benda yang dapat dihitung. Each student tiap siswa In each hand di tiap tangan Each of them masing-masing diantara mereka Each color tiap warna Examples : Each student wrote a letter Tiap siswa menulis sepucuk surat He helds a cup in each hand Dia memegang cangkir di tiap tangannya Each of them want to try Masing-masing diantara ingin mencoba 140 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Community The term community is one of the most elusive and vague in sociology and is by now largely without specific meaning. At the minimum it refers to a collection of people in a geographical area. Three other elements may also be present in any usage. (1) Communities may be thought of as collections of people with a particular social structure; there are, therefore, collections which are not communities. Such a notion often equates community with rural or pre-industrial society and may, in addition, treat urban or industrial society as positively destructive. (2) A sense of belonging or community spirit. (3) All the daily activities of a community, work and non work, take place within the geographical area, which is self contained. Different accounts of community will contain any or all of these additional elements. We can list out the characteristics of a community as follows: b. Territory c. Close and informal relationships d. Mutuality e. Common values and beliefs f. Organized interaction g. Strong group feeling h. Cultural similarity Talcott Parsons defined community as collectivity the members of which share a common territorial area as their base of operation for daily activities. According to EASY ENGLISH 141 Tonnies community is defined as an organic natural kind of social group whose members are bound together by the sense of belonging, created out of everyday contacts covering the whole range of human activities. He has presented ideal-typical pictures of the forms of social associations contrasting the solidarity nature of the social relations in the community with the large scale and impersonal relations thought to characterize industrializing societies. Kingsley Davis defined it as the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life. For Karl Mannheim community is any circle of people who live together and belong together in such a way that they do not share this or that particular interest only but a whole set of interests. PERTANYAAN 1. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “All, Every, Each”. 2. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Community” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 142 18 ONE and ONES TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “One dan Ones”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “One dan Ones”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. One Dapat Berarti Yang (sebagai Bentuk Tunggal) Dapat dipakai untuk menunjukkan kata benda yang mendahuluinya. Misalnya : I saw a white box and a red one Saya melihat sebuah kotak putih dan yang merah She has a old house and a new one Dia mempunyai sebuah rumah tua dan yang baru I don‟t like This pen but I like that one Saya tidak suka pulpen ini tapi saya suka yang itu EASY ENGLISH 143 B. Ones Dapat berarti Yang (Sebagai Bentuk jamak) Dapat dipakai untuk menunjukkan kata benda jamak yang mendahuluinya. Misalnya : They have the big houses and the small ones Mereka memiliki rumah-rumah besar dan yang kecil She has the red bags and the blue ones Mereka memiliki tas-tas warna merah dan yang biru I like old plowers and new ones Saya menyukai bunga –bunga yang tua dan yang baru  One dan Ones tidak digunakan setelah nama zat : He wrote the poem in blank ink and red Dia menulis puisi itu dengan tinta hitam dan merah This hotel provides hot water and cold Hotel itu menyediakan air panas dan air dingin  Tidak digunakan setelah kata bilangan I have three watches and Tom has two Saya memiliki tiga jam dan Tom tiga She has got two coins and I have one Dia memperoleh tiga koin dan saya dapat satu  Tidak digunakan setelah superlative This film is the best Film ini yang terbaik All the students he is the cleverest Diantara semua siswa dialah yang terpintar 144 Clever, Clear, Communicative BACAAN Socialization Socialization is predominately an unconscious process by which a newborn child learns the values, beliefs, rules and regulations of society or internalizes the culture in which it is born. Socialization, in fact, includes learning of three important processes: (1) cognitive; (2) affective, and (3) evaluative. In other words, socialization includes the knowledge of how things are caused and the establishment of emotional links with the rest of the members of the society. Socialization, therefore, equips an individual in such a way that he can perform his duties in his society. Who are the agents of socialization? The agents of socialization vary from society to society. However, in most of the cases, it is the family which is a major socializing agent, that is, the nearest kinsmen are the first and the most important agents of socialization. The other groups which are socializing units in a society vary according to the complexity. Thus, in modern complex society, the important socializing agents are educational institutions, while in primitive societies, clans and lineages play a more important role. Socialization is a slow process. There is no fixed time regarding the beginning and the end of this process. However, some sociologists formulated different stages of socialization. These are (1) oral stage, (2) anal stage (3) oedipal stage, and (4) adolescence. In all these stages, especially in the first three, the main socializing agent is the family. The first stage is that EASY ENGLISH 145 of a new-born child when he is not involved in the family as a whole but only with his mother. He does not recognize anyone except his mother. The time at which the second stage begins is generally after first year and ends when the infant is around three. At this stage, the child separates the role of his mother and his own. Also during this time force is used on the child, that is, he is made to learn a few basic things. The third stage extends from about fourth year to 12th to 13th year, that is, till puberty. During this time, the child becomes a member of the family as a whole and identifies himself with the social role ascribed to him. The fourth stage begins at puberty when a child wants freedom from parental control. He has to choose a job and a partner for himself. He also learns about incest taboo. PERTANYAAN 1. Uraian pengertian “Socialization” dalam bahasa inggris. 2. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang menggunakan “One and Ones”. 3. Buat kesimpulan tentang “Socialization” pada bacaan di atas. JAWABAN 1. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………… ….…………………………………………………… Clever, Clear, Communicative 146 19 ELSE and OTHER TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL KHUSUS (TIK) Setelah pokok bahasan ini disajikan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Memahami penggunaan “Else and Other”. 2. Membuat kalimat menggunakan “Else and Other”. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan dari bacaan yang disajikan. GRAMATIKAL A. ELSE Artinya yang lain Misalnya : Something else sesuatu yang lain Everything else semua yang lainnya Somebody else orang lain What else ? apa lagi yang lain ? Who else ? siapa lagi yang lain ? Where else ? dimana lagi yang lain Anything else ? ada yang lain lagi ? Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut : If you don‟t like coffee , you can have something else Jika kamu tidak suka kopi , anda bisa minum yang EASY ENGLISH 147 lainnya ? There is a comb in the drawer. There is something else in it. Ada sebuah sisir meja. Ada sesuatu yang lainnya lagi Did you see anybody else ? I saw nobody else Apakah anda melihat seseorang yang lainnya lagi ? Saya tidak melihat orang lain lagi Have you anything else to do ? Ask some body else to help you Adakah sesuatu yang lain yang anda kerjakan ? Mintalah orang lain membantumu. How else will you do it ? You can write with a pen . What else can you write with ? Anda bisa menulis dengan pena ? Dengan apa lagi yang lain yang anda dapat menulis ? B. OTHER Artinya Yang Lain Maknanya hampir semua sama dengan else, tetapi perhatikannlah contoh pemakaiannya di dalam kalimatkaliamat berikut : I can do it with other way Saya dapat melakukannya dengan cara lain Will you come with other direction Akankah anda datang dengan arah yang lain ? The station is on the other side of the street Stasiun itu berada disisi lain jalan ini Clever, Clear, Communicative 148 BACAAN                          Important Sociological Concepts Affluent worker - Goldthorpe, Lockwood Alienation- Hegal, Marx Anomie - Durkheim used it suicide and later developed by Merton Anticipatory socialization- Merton Atomistic family- Zimmerman Bureaucracy- Weber explained it as ideal type Citizenship - T.H Marshall Concentric zone theory- Burgess Conurbation- Patrick Geddes Conspicuous consumption- Thorstein Veblen Cross cousin- Taylor Cultural lag - Ogburn Cultural reproduction- Bourdieu Differential worker- Lockwood Deschooling society- Illich Dialectical materialism- Hegel and later Marx Classificatory and descriptive system- Morgan Division of Labour- used by Adam Smith later developed by Durkheim Dysfunction and function- Merton Emergent properties - Talcott Parsons Ethnomethodolgy - Schutz and Harold Garfinkel Ethnology - J.S Mill Ideal Type- Max Weber Little tradition - Robert Redfield Internal colonialism- Gramsci,Lenin EASY ENGLISH                             149 Leisure class- Veblen Labeling theory- E Lemart later discussed by Becker Marginal Man- Park Nuclear Family- Murdock Organizational man - Whyte Positivism- Auguste Comte Folkways - Sumner Grand theory- C.W Mills Frankfurt school - Adorno Oriental despotism- Karl Wittfogel Asymmetric society- James S Coleman Teknonymy- Taylor Relative deprivation- Stouffe in "American soldier" ,later developed by Merton Post Industrial society- David Bell Pattern variables- Talcott Parsons and Shills Reciprocity - Mauss Role distance- Goffman Social distance- Bogardus Sociometry- Moreno Sponsored mobility- Turner Rationality- Max Weber Styles of life - Robert Redfield Status inconsistency- Lenski Social Darwinism - Charles Darwin Sociology- Auguste Comte Utilitarianism - Bentham and Mill Verstehen -Max Weber Sib - Murdock 150 Clever, Clear, Communicative  Total institution - Erving Goffman  Social circle- Zenienki  Hermeneutics - W Dilthey, Later Mannheim Gouldner and Schultz PERTANYAAN Uraikan pengertian semua konsep sosiologi di atas dalam bahasa Inggris. JAWABAN …………………………………………………………… …...……………………………………………………… ………..…………………………………………………… ……….…………………………………………………… EASY ENGLISH 151 20 SUPPLEMENT UNDERSTANDING THE DIALOGUE Answer the questions that follow each dialogue. Write your answer in your book ! Section 1 : Questions to Dialogue 1 The era of foreign languages A. What should we do in this globalization era ? B. We should study foreign languages A. Why ? B. Information era A. Oh…. I see well Questions : 1. Why do the speakers use the word „should‟ ? 2. What is the relationship foreign languages and information era ? 3. What does the verb „see‟ mean ? Explain ! Section 2 : Question to Dialogue 2 The mastery of English A. Wise people say that it is necessary to master English , isn‟t it ? 152 Clever, Clear, Communicative B. That is right. A. But how can we master it ? B. Just practice. A. If so, I like it. B. So do I. Questions : 1. What characteristics of wise people do you know ? 2. What is the Indonesian word of „----„ isn‟t it ? What do you call this form of question ? 3. What does the expression That‟s right mean ? 4. Why is the auxiliary verb „do‟ used in „so do I‟ ? Section 3 : Questions to dialogue 3 Speaking languages A. Do you speak English ? B. Yes, I also speak Arabic. A. Wow. Can you speak Indonesian ? B. Why not ? I am Indonesian. A. It is very wonderful Questions : 1. In what communicative situation does the speaker ask „Do you speak English ? 2. What‟s the speaker‟s nationality ? 3. What‟s the purpose of the speaker‟s expression of “it is wonderful? Section 4: Questions to Dialogue 4 A student and a midwife or a nurse A. Where do you study ? B. I study at STIKES MRM . And you ? A. I am a student. EASY ENGLISH 153 B. So , what do you do ? A. I am a midwife Questions : 1. Is the first speaker a student or a midwife ? 2. Who studies at STIKES MRM ? 3. What is another way of saying „what do you do ? 4. Am I a midwife ? Section 5 : Questions to dialogue 5 Environmental Health A. What do you think of the environment in this town ? B. Do you mean the health condition ? A. Yes. B. In what aspect ? Air pollution or rubbish ? A. Both. B. Oh , I‟m sorry . I don‟t have any idea Questions : 1. How many kinds of environment do you know ? 2. How do you translate the phrase „the health condition‟? 3. Does the phrase „the health condition‟ have the same meaning with the healthy condition‟? 4. When is the expression „I‟m sorry „ used in interaction ? 154 Clever, Clear, Communicative Section 6 : Questions to Dialogue 6 My pen or my assignment ? A. Excuse me . May borrow your pen ? B. Yes, please. A. Thank you. By the way, have you done your assignment? B. Not yet. I‟m sorry A. I haven‟t either Questions : 1. When is the expression „excuse me „ used in communication ? 2. Why does the first speaker use it ? 3. What do you think of the appropriate use of „thank you „ ? 4. What does „not yet‟ mean ? 5. What is the different usage between the words „either‟ and „neither‟ ? Section 7 : Questions to Dialogue 7 Having a headache A. Did you visist Maya yesterday ? B. No, I didn‟t . What happen to her ? A. She had a serious headache. B. What a pity ! she greater problems , didn‟t she ? EASY ENGLISH 155 A. Perhaps, her husband usually goes out early, but he gets home late B. I don‟t know , but possibly you are right Questions : 1. What is the function of auxiliary „did‟ in question „Did you visit Maya yesterday ? 2. What type of question is it ? 3. What a pity ! Why is it expressed in that situation ? 4. Is the adverb „perhaps‟ synonymous with „possibly ? 156 Clever, Clear, Communicative WISE WORDS (Kata-Kata Mutiara) Reading is a key to knowledge Membaca adalah kunci menuju pengetahuan *** Knowledge is the window of the world Pengetahuan adalah jendela dunia *** A good book is a good friend Buku yang baik adalah teman yang baik *** Where there is a will there is a way dimana ada keinginan pasti ada jalan *** there is no royal road to learn tak ada jalan pintas untuk belajar *** A little learning is a dangerous thing. Sedikit belajar adalah hal berbahaya *** Better late than never. Lebih baik terlambat dari pada tidak sama sekali *** Make hay while the sun shines. Janganlah menunda kesempatan di depan anda *** Who dares wins. Siapa berani akan menang *** EASY ENGLISH Don‟t ride the high horse. Janganlah mengendarai kuda yang tinggi (jangan takabur) No pain no gain. Tanpa usaha tak akan berhasil *** Easier said than done. Bicara lebih muda daripada melakukannya *** 157 Clever, Clear, Communicative 158 COMMON CLASSROOM EXPRESSION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Stand up, please ! Sit down, please ! Come in, please ! Are you finished ? Please come forward ! Raise your hand, please ! Raise your voice ! Silahkan berdiri ! Silahkan duduk ! Silahkan masuk Selesai ? Maju ke depan ! Acungkan tangan ! Acungkan tangan ! 8. Could you slow down,please ! Bisa pelan-pelan dikit ! 9. Look at me now ! 10. What does “…. “ mean ? 11. What is the difference Between “…” & “… ? antara..? 12. Just the same 13. It depends on you 14. Go back to your seat Lihat saya ! Apa arti dari ? 15. Hand in your papers anda 16. Pass the book to… … 17. Take out a piece of paper kertas 18. Don‟t cheat each other ! ! 19. See what I mean ? ? apa perbedaan sama saja Terserah pada anda Kembali ketempat duduknya Serahkan pekerjaan Berikan buku itu pada Keluarkan secarik Jangan saling nyontek mengerti maksud saya EASY ENGLISH 20. Don‟t make a noise 159 Jangan buat keributan ! 21. Be quiet , please ! 22. That‟s all 23. Do your best mungkin! 24. Could you please speak slowly? pelan ? 25. Don‟t daydream 26. Don‟t tell a lie ! 27. I see 28. Wrong, false, incorrect 29. Right, trues, correct 30. Pay attention 31. For the being time 32. That‟s insulting 33. You gonna love it menyukainya 34. Take your time 35. Not too bad 36. That‟s too bad 37. From my point of view saya 38. I see your point anda 39. Geee ! you sound funny lucu 40. I wish you good luck Tenang ! Demikianlah dulu ! Berbuat sebaik Bisa bicara pelanJangan ngalamun Jangan bohong Oh… gitu Salah Benar Perhatikan Untuk sementara ini Itu penghinaan Kau akan Tak usah tergesa-gesa Lumayan Keterlaluan Menurut pandangan Saya ngerti maksud ee.. kau kedengaran Saya doakan semoga anda semoga berhasil 160 Clever, Clear, Communicative EXERCISES Exercise- 1 Direction : Betulkan kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan bila kata tersebut salah. Dan tulislah huruf “T” (true) bila benar. 1. My sons is polite and friendly 1. …….. 2. Is your father a doctor ? 2. …….. 3. Is the birds on the tree ? 3. …….. 4. Five books are on the table 4. ……. 5. We are in office yesterday 5. …… 6. Was a cat in the kitchen now ? 6. ……. 7. My parents is watching tv now 7. …… 8. Am I your brother ? 8. …… 9. Are their mother in the dinning room ? 9. ….... 10. His uncle was in the garden yesterday 10…… Name : ……………………. Score : ……………………. EASY ENGLISH 161 Exercise- 2 Direction : Betulkan kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan bila kata tersebut salah. Dan tulislah huruf “T” (true) bila benar. 1. Do you go to Losari Beach lastweek ? …… 2. Does she watch tv every night ? 2……. 3. My wife do not cook well 4. Do My sons speak English very well ? …… 5. They didn‟t go to hospital last week …… 6. Do she watch movie tonight ? ……. 7. His father doesn‟t like coffee ……. 8. Does two birds fly last night ? ……. 9. This pen doesn‟t belong to me ? 9…….. 10. Do monkey like you ? ….. Name : ……………………. Score : ……………………. 1. 3…… 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 162 Clever, Clear, Communicative Exercise- 3 Direction : Betulkan kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan bila kata tersebut salah. Dan tulislah huruf “T” (true) bila benar. 1. Do all staff in the meeting room ? …….. 2. Is your father work in the garden ? ……. 3. Does fisherman fish everyday ? …….. 4. John is sent to prison last year ……. 5. Fadza & Fiqron were teach by me ……. 6. Why is your boy cry everymorning ? …… 7. Are the students understand ? …….. 8. Why didn‟t he come lastweek ? …….. 9. The girls don‟t happy …….. 10. Is I reading newspaper now ? …… Name : ……………………. Score : ……………………. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. EASY ENGLISH 163 Exercise- 4 Direction : Betulkan kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan bila kata tersebut salah. Dan tulislah huruf “T” (true) bila benar. 1. Have Mr. fadza done his home work ? ……. 2. Has Mr. Fiqih studied at Gontor ? ……. 3. Has the students of Gontor worked hard ? ……. 4. What have you done ? 4…….. 5. Where has she buy an English book ? ……. 6. Have you come before I came ? ……. 7. She have sleep after her mother arrived ……. 8. The patient has died before doctor came ……. 9. What book have you read ? …….. 10. Does his boyfriend left her ? …… Name : ……………………. Score : ……………………. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 164 Clever, Clear, Communicative Exercise- 5 Direction : terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut kedalam bahasa Inggris yang benar 1. Putra-putra saya dapat bermain bola ……………………………………… 2. Apakah anda dapat berbahasa Arab ? ……………………………………… 3. Dapatkah anda berbahasa Arab ? …………………………………… 4. Apakah anda akan belajar di Gontor tahun depan ? …………………………………………………… 5. Kami harus berbahasa Inggris dan Arab …………………………………………. 6. Saya bisa berenang ketika masih muda …………………………………………. 7. Mereka harus kerja keras ………………………………………… 8. Dia tidak bisa jadi penyanyi ……………………………. 9. Dia bisa menyanyi …………………………………….. 10. Bolehkah saya pinjam kamusmu ? ……………………………………. Name : ……………………. Score : ……………………. EASY ENGLISH 165 Exercise 6 Betulkan lah atau tambahlah kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan, bila kata tersebut salah , kurang atau lebih. Dan tulislah huruf “T” bila dianggap betul. Contoh : 1. You are a student (salah) 1. Are 2. They are at home (betul) 2. T 3. He playing football no (kurang “is”) 3. Is playing 4. I am is a teacher (lebih “is”) 4. Am 1. Does he professional in his job ? 1. ……… 2. He does his work last week 2. ……… 3. Ali never come 3. ……… 4. You should staying here tonight 4. ……… 5. My child can to write perfectly 5. ……… 6. He said he could go on foot 6. ……… 7. Don‟t late , please 7. ……… 8. Why did you buy that pen 8. ……… 9. Fiqran wll at beach 9. ……… 10. Do I myself come 10. ……. Name Score : ……………………….. : ……………………….. Clever, Clear, Communicative 166 Exercise 7 Betulkanlah atau tambahlah kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan, bila kata tersebut salah , kurang atau lebih. Dan tulislah huruf “T” bila dianggap betul. Contoh : 1. You are a student (salah) 1. Are 2. They are at home (betul) 2. T 3. He playing football no (kurang “is”) 3. Is playing 4. I am is a teacher (lebih “is”) 4. Am 1. My wife call they 1. ………… 2. When he will come ? 2. ………… 3. Have you sended a letter ? 3. ………… 4. He doesn‟t short 4. ………… 5. Mr. FF go to Jakarta lastweek 5. ………… 6. Did you buy a car last year ? 6. ………… 7. Who is her name ? 7. …………. 8. Ali will speaks tomorrow 8. …………. 9. Did he busy yesterday? 9. ………… 10. Are you my car ? yes, I do 10. ……….. Name Score : ………………. : ……………….. EASY ENGLISH 167 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Arsyad, Azhar, dkk,1996. Improve Your English English Structure, PT. Al-Qushwa, Jakarta. Arsyad, Azhar, 2008. Dasar-dasar penguasaan bahasa Inggris, Your basic Vocabulary, Pustaka pelajar, Yogyakarta. Supono, Idi, 2008. Bright, Broad, and Common English Grammar, PT. Wahyu Media , Jakarta Riyanto, Slamet, 2008.Get Way English for Active Communication, Pustaka pelajar, Yogyakarta. Fariz Mukti, Hilman, 2008. Complete English Grammar, Absolut, Yogyakarta. Riyanto Slamet, 2008. A Handbook of English Grammar, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. Hariyono Rudy & MC. Carthy, Andrew, 2008. ABC Plus English Grammar, Gita Media Press, Surabaya. 168 Clever, Clear, Communicative Nursalam, 2010. English in Nursing-Midwifery Science & Technology, Salemba Medika . Jakarta Riyanto, Slamaet, dkk. 2008. A Complete Course to the TOEIC TEST, Pustaka Pelajar, Jogyakarta. Pramono, Peni R. 2006. 30 menit Essay Writing, is EASY. Andi Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta. EASY ENGLISH 169 BIOGRAFI PENULIS Dr. Abdul Malik Iskandar, S.Ag.,M.Si., lahir tanggal 14 Oktober 1969 di Desa Citta Kampiri, Soppeng. Dari pasangan kedua orangtua tercinta (Alm) Iskandar dan Sitti Zaenab. Anak ke Empat dari Sembilan bersaudara, Agama Islam, pekerjaan dosen, pendidikan terakhir S3, orang disekitar penulis yang selalu memberi inspirasi hidup, istri: Andi Ida Ivianty saleh, S.Pdi, anak-anak : Mohammad Fiqran Al Fiqih Malik dan Mohammad fadza fauzan Malik. Alamat Rumah Jalan Goa Ria Kompleks Bumi Permata Sudiang (BPS 2) Blok E7 No. 24 Sudiang Makassar, email : abdul.malikiskandar@yahoo.com Tahun 1980 mengikuti kedua orang tua merantau di daerah Luwu dan di daerah inilah menyelesaikan pendidikan dasar di SDN No. 6 Keppe (1983), Madrsah Tsanawiah Keppe (1986) dan PGN Negeri Palopo (1989), Karena kondisi ekonomi orang tua, niat untuk segera menjadi mahasiswa tidak langsung bisa terwujud setelah menamatkan 170 Clever, Clear, Communicative pendidikan mengengah. Tahun 1990-1991 Mengikuti pendidikan non-Formal seperti Kursus Bhasa Inggris dan Komputer. Nanti pada tahun 1992 lulus sebagai mahasiswa pada fakultas tarbiyah Jurusan Tadris Inggris di IAIN (UIN) Alauddin makassar dan selama menjalani sebagai mahasiswa S1 penulis memilih tinggal di Masjid Nurul Mujtahidah di jalan Tamalate I Perumnas, ditempat inilah pengalaman yang berharga penulis dapatkan setelah terlibat kegiatan keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan. Setelah sarjana (1996), penulis memulai pekerjaan baru sebagai Instruktur Bahasa Inggris di berbagai tempat kursus di Makassar, tahun 2000 Pembantu Direktur III di lembaga pendidikan Komputer Indonesia Amerika (LPKIA), tahun 2000 mendirikan BILC (Brilliant International language Centre), antara thaun 1999-2005 aktif sebagai fungsionaris Partai Politik tingkat propinsi Sul-Sel. Pada 1999 sebagai dosen tetap Yayasan Pendidikan Makassar (Yapma), pada tahun 2005 mengajukan perpindahan homebase ke STIKes Mega Rezky, sejak 2008 sampai sekarang menjabat struktural Wakil Ketua Bidang Kerjasama, tahun 2011 Menyampaikan Profile STIKes MRM di depan Presiden St. Paul University Phillipine di Phillipine, Tahun 2007 memperoleh beasiswa dikti pada Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Konsentrasi Komunikasi pendidikan PPs Unhas dan selesai tahun 2009 dengan predikat sangat memuaskan. Tahun 2010 memperoleh beasiswa Dikti Program Pascasarjana S3 PPs UNM Makassar dan memperoleh gelar Doktor Sosiologi Tahun 2015. Tahun 2012 memperoleh Beasiswa dikti pada EASY ENGLISH 171 program Visiting Scholar (sandwich –like) musim gugur di Northern Illinois University (NIU), Dekalb City, USA dalam rangka memperdalam Research Methodology dengan Prof. Dr. Kirk Miller. Selama visiting Scholar, diundang ceramah pada tahun Baru Islam 1434 H oleh Indonesian Islamic Community, dekalb City, tampil sebgai pembicara Program Public service oleh International Program-NIU dengan topic: “The Problematic of Womens participation in Indonesian Politic“. Sebagai pembicara pada seminar Penutupan Program (Sandwich-like )Visiting Scholar “Symbolic Meaning of Begging (A Study of Symbolic Interactionism for Beggar Community in Makassar City” serta megikuti berbagai seminar-seminar international, sitting class, regular meeting with mentor. Dalam karya ilmiah (buku), Judul : English Grammar (Clear, Cleaver, Communicative), sebagai Handbook (internal Used) (2010). Akhir tahun 2013 Penulis menyelesaikan buku kedua dengan Judul : “Interpersonal Communication on Applied . Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah TAHUN 2013 “Hubungan antara Komunikasi Interpersonal Tenaga Kesehatan dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien rawat Inap di Ruang Nifas PKM Batua Raya Makassar” dipublikasikan Jurnal kesehatan Mega rezky Makassar” ISSN 2086-1389. Artikel pada Jurnal Ilmu pengetahuan Umum HIPOTESIS Vol. ke 3 Nomor 3, ISSN 2085-465, judul: “Pengaruh Intensitas Komunikasi Interpersonal Penasihat Akademik terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa STIKes MRM (2011). Artikel “Improving Descriptive Writing Through Visual Aids at Students of STIKes Mega Rezky Makassar (2011) pada Jurnal Clever, Clear, Communicative 172 Ilmiah Panrita ISSN No. 1907-6886. Tulisan pada “Indonesian Journal of Sociology “Discourse” Jurusan Sosiologi Universitas 45 Makassar ISSN No. 2355-6447, Volume 1 No. 1 Juni 2014, judul: “Komunikasi Terapeutik Bidan dan Pasien”. Dalam kegiatan sosial, keagamaan dan pendidikan. Tahun 2000 Mendirikan Yayasan Pendidikan Multi Bahasa, Pada tahun 2006 mendirikan Taman Kanak-Kanak Al Qur‟an dan Taman Pendidikan Al Qur‟an (TKA/TPA) Al Fiqih Makassar. Sejak tahun 2002 aktif sebagai Muballig IMMIM, tahun 2002 penggagas berdirinya lembaga Dakwah Islam ASHSHIRAT, dll. ***** EASY ENGLISH 173 Harifuddin Halim lahir di penghujung tahun 1973 di Sengkang Kabupaten Wajo sebagai anak bungsu, ia menghabiskan waktunya di sana hingga selesai di SMA Negeri 226 Sengkang sambil membantu kedua orangtuanya di sawah dan menjual rotan dan bola takraw produksi keluarganya. Semasa SMA itulah, ia tertarik mendalami bahasa inggris dan bahasa Asing karena hampir setiap hari bertemu turis asing yang hendak pergi berwisata di danau Tempe. Ia pun dikenal sebagai “pemandu wisata” lokal yang sering digunakan jasanya. Selepas SMA tahun 1992, ia terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman IKIP Ujung Pandang hingga 1998. Ia juga mendapatkan sertifikat “English Minor” dari Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Ujung Pandang tahun 1996. Semasa mahasiswa, ia terdaftar secara resmi pada Dinas Pariwisata Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan sebagai “Pemandu Wisata Provinsi” yang berlisensi dan bersertifikat. Ia sempat aktif pada sejumlah travel berskala besar di Sulawesi Selatan. Pada tahun 1994, ia berhasil mendapatkan Sertifikat Bahasa Jerman „ZdaF‟ – zertifkat deutsch als fremdsprache – dari Goethe Institut Jakarta. Bahkan, pada akhir perkuliahannya, ia sempat mengembangkan kelas khusus “English for Students” dari level sekolah dasar hingga 174 Clever, Clear, Communicative sekolah menengah atas di berbagai kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan. Tahun 1998, diterima sebagai mahasiswa magister sosiologi di Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar dan selesai tahun 2000. Pada tahun 2001, ia terdaftar sebagai dosen yayasan di UVRI Makassar dan mengampu matakuliah Bahasa Inggris hingga tahun 2009. Tahun 2003, ia sempat mengalami proses perkuliahan Tingkat Doktoral di Universitas Hasanuddin selama 4 semester konsentrasi Sosiologi. Persoalan administrasi yang terhambat membuatnya mengundurkan diri sebagai mahasiswa. Baru pada tahun 2009, ia kembali diterima di Universitas Negeri Makassar konsentrasi sosiologi hingga 2016. Sejak 2002, ia tertarik belajar “kewirausahaan” dan “pengembangan sumber daya manusia” melalui keaktifan pada lembaga pengembangan diri, seperti: United Core System dan Lion Network International sebagai lembaga kewirausahaan, Institut Praktisi Indonesia (IPI), Subsconscious Mind Institut (SMI), Indonesian Board of Hypnosis (IBH), dan Neo Neuro Linguistik Program (NNLP) Institut sebagai lembaga pengembangan sumberdaya manusia. Untuk pengembangan keilmuan, tahun 2012 ia mulai terlibat dan aktif pada berbagai kegiatan organisasi profesi sosiologi seperti: Ikatan Sosiologi Indonesia (ISI), Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia (APSSI), Himpunan Indonesia Untuk Pengembangan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (HIPIIS). Terakhir, ia pengelola jurnal sosiologi “Indonesia Journal of EASY ENGLISH 175 Sociology “Discourse” (IJSD) Universitas Bosowa 45 Makassar; dan Reviewer pada Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (KESMAS) yang diterbitkan oleh LP2M STIKES Megarezky Makassar. ***** 176 Clever, Clear, Communicative